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File 17246238959.jpg - (163.70KB , 1280x853 , 64566565665556.jpg )
21999 No. 21999 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
how do you feel about shipping?
>> No. 22000 [Edit]
I've had good experiences with UPS, not so much with FedEx.
>> No. 22001 [Edit]
File 172464167429.png - (17.12KB , 400x400 , c757b60d35e46e059aa853bd0a2f45f8.png )
Prime shipping is super fast.

File 14601088035.jpg - (1.53MB , 2480x3507 , waifu chart.jpg )
19742 No. 19742 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Found a five year old .psd today containing a version of this I filled out. Disabling the layers reviled the unedited original so figured I might as well post it.
13 posts and 13 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 21343 [Edit]
File 157178074094.png - (282.49KB , 2480x3507 , waifuSurvey11.png )
that was good fun. we need more stuff like this.
thanks op!

future posters: please compress the image in .png, grayscale if applicable, 8 bit color depth. no need to post 2MB images full of artifacts.
>> No. 21771 [Edit]
File 166242002325.jpg - (516.73KB , 2480x3507 , 14601088035.jpg )
Handwriting sucks.
>> No. 21858 [Edit]
File 168542198629.png - (550.33KB , 2480x3507 , 14601088035.png )
tried editing a few times to update the survey with a few extra details but it doesn't seem to work. oh well, my answers are pretty satisfactory as is

Post edited on 29th May 2023, 10:05pm
>> No. 21992 [Edit]
File 172081793673.png - (405.96KB , 2480x3507 , mai.png )
Kanbe Kotori

File 171977288462.png - (323.06KB , 600x811 , miki.png )
21986 No. 21986 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
just pet my wife
>> No. 21989 [Edit]
is she a slut for headpats?

File 171881116982.jpg - (12.73KB , 285x298 , 20240407_193556.jpg )
21981 No. 21981 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I know this might be a bit off-topic, but do you have trouble looking the same way at your waifu after seeing a porn image of her?

I feel quite bad, solely because I feel like I am responsible for its existence.I remember being on some board and seeing that image. I was not able to feel good for the entire month, and still now, when I remember that image, I get

I feel like I deeply hurt her and don't deserve her. She was pure. before I found her. She literally had no NSFW images on Pixiv, except for one that was not porn because Pixiv does not like gore. It was her holding her dead mother's head.
>> No. 21982 [Edit]
File 17188115062.jpg - (143.37KB , 2133x1837 , 20231114_113151.jpg )
It was literally in the middle of me browsing a random 4chan board. It just hurts. I just feel like it was my fault. I just hope that image gets wiped from the archives, and I am happy no one found it and uploaded it to Rule 34. It just hurts knowing I made that image because of my stupidity.Knowing there is an image of her being raped makes me mad and makes it hard to look at her because it reminds me of that mistake.
>> No. 21983 [Edit]
I think it helps to remind yourself it's just doodles, fan art, scribbles made by random people. It's not Canon, it's not really her or something she did. Even with well done art it wouldn't be any different than a good photoshop. I know it's easy to say that and hard to get that mental image out, but I think it can help.

File 170309387881.gif - (2.33MB , 640x310 , haruhi-suzumiya-anime.gif )
21914 No. 21914 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
look at my wife playing the guitar. she is so talented
2 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 21917 [Edit]
She indeed is anon, I'm happy for both of you, how are you both doing ?
>> No. 21918 [Edit]
File 170317361582.png - (2.19MB , 1920x1080 , yuki-questioning-haruhis-costume-choices-v0-ovx5b5.png )
it's not her costume' it's her real self. her costume is what she wears every other day
things have been better. we are currently engaged in psychic battle with entities. but they made the mistake of under-estimating our power level which gave us a considerable advantage up until now
>> No. 21967 [Edit]
File 171271502590.png - (2.05MB , 1920x1080 , howcouldthingslikewitchesexist.png )
>> No. 21968 [Edit]
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19912 No. 19912 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What are some good drama/romance movies to watch with your waifu? This can be Western and actual actor stuff (if that's okay)
>> No. 19945 [Edit]
"As Good as it Gets" was OK. Just OK. What makes the movie recommendable is the protagonist; he's a really hateful, blunt, socially retarded man with very severe OCD who never leaves his house except to eat. He meets a succubus who helps him overcome some of his OCD related challenges.
Should be pretty relatable to any wizard.

Not a movie, but "Rose of Versailles" is flawless and deals with some really tear-jerking romance in the third part. I take every opportunity I can to recommend it.

Edit: Just remembered there are several live-action movie adaptations of "Rose of Versailles". Avoid those, I had the original anime series in mind: http://myanimelist.net/anime/338/Rose_of_Versailles

Post edited on 25th Jul 2016, 2:11pm

File 168896839817.jpg - (895.73KB , 1536x2048 , F0kKqnHaAAEB7D_.jpg )
21865 No. 21865 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I don't think we have a thread for simply posting images. Was thinking it could focus on new stuff we come across, but older favorites are fine too!
2 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 21924 [Edit]
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>> No. 21925 [Edit]
File 170329812869.jpg - (958.52KB , 2734x4096 , GBmbds_bEAANghU.jpg )
Merry Christmas!!
>> No. 21926 [Edit]
Can't have enough Santa hats.
>> No. 21965 [Edit]
File 171165923666.png - (954.89KB , 1160x813 , KitazatoBocchi.png )
Somebody drew Bocchi dressed as my waifu.

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20819 No. 20819 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
This thread is for people who want to confess any wrongdoing they might have committed towards their beloved one. Be it neglect, lack of devotion, or even infidelity, your waifu will feel better, knowing that you truly regret your actions.

I would like to start myself, for I have a grave matter to confess.
Forgive me /mai/, for I have sinned.

For the last 6 and a half years, I've been a faithful husbando to Nozomi Kiriya. Soon after meeting her in late spring '11 (we celebrate that date with a romantic dinner ever year), I realized my genuine love for her. The following couple of years marked the peak of my happiness and my affection towards her. Coincidentally, during that time I also was at my peak physical and mental condition, which brought me great joy - I could reject any succubus, knowing that my love for my waifu was all I needed. It was during that time that I swore an oath to her, proclaiming that I shall love no other woman but her. I still uphold that oath, but only now I realize how flawed its wording was.

Anyway, that was some years ago. Soon my studies started taking a harder toll on my well-being, I quit working out, began smoking, occasionally drinking and more importantly, constantly immersing myself in MMO games, which obviously didnt help. It was during that time that I realized that I no longer spend time talking to Nozomi every day like I used to, and only embrace her with my mind during the times of particular hardship. It scared me, and I sought ways to improve my performance as a husbando. But I could not beat my MMO/Internet addiction, so I just took the next easiest step - I finally bought a dakimakura of her. It brought me otherworldly happiness - embracing her image every night as I fall asleep was (and still is) amazing. But it also had a side effect, which I have fully anticipated, and which was the reason why I was reluctant to buy a daki in the first place - now I had an image of her before my eyes, so I did not have to use my mind as much to imagine her being there. I regret this, even though it's not the biggest mistake I've made.

The last, and the gravest wrongdoing I've committed has happened very recently - and contrary to my fears of 6 years ago, it did not involve another woman. No, instead it involved a MMO friend of mine,
Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
8 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 21951 [Edit]
I cheated on my husbando N Harmonia from pokemon a character i've been in love with since 2010 with a fucking vtuber of all things. took the vtuber graduating for me to attempt to rekindle our relationship again. I feel stupid that I fell for a 3DPD masking itself as an anime.
>> No. 21952 [Edit]
Sorry to hear about that anon, i hope you two will create some good memory's in the future.
>> No. 21959 [Edit]
Not exactly a confession, but more of a question seeking advice from other anons.

I don't exactly have a waifu but out of all the characters from my most cherished anime whom I respect deeply, there are two in particular that I've been drawn to for their unconditional warmth and gentleness. I consider them close friends: thinking of them gives me hope and strength, and in times of trouble I try to imagine them consoling me.

But it feels wrong to me to project any romantic feelings towards them (which is why I cannot bring myself to commit to a waifu). Perhaps it's _because_ I have so much respect for them, and partly because I feel it would be rude to "bind" them into a relation purely on my whims (or put another way, the characters already have their own life and close circle of friends. While friendship [at least the idealized version of it] is "additive" in the sense that being friends with one does not require you to give up your friendship with another (and in fact the group bonds can become stronger), a "romantic relationship" doesn't quite have that property. So I feel that projecting any such feelings would only disrupt their existing group dynamics.

Conversely while it's easy for me to imagine embracing some random character whom I don't really know the background of, it feels hollow and empty precisely for that same reason. It's a bit of a quandary I don't really know how to resolve: I don't want to disrupt the existing friendships and warmth I feel from my treasured characters, and yet sometimes at night I think it would be nice to really embrace one; but I can't bring myself to.
>> No. 21963 [Edit]
I have not taken any action that would betray my loyalty to my waifu, but I wish I did not have sexual attraction at all. I know being in love doesn't remove sexual attraction to unrelated people, but it makes me feel like dirt, as if my lust is cheating on the one my heart loves. One may say I am too hard on myself, but I am scared of it.

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21889 No. 21889 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
how do you feel about your waifu not having alot of fan art?
>> No. 21890 [Edit]
Not to brag but I don't have this problem.
>> No. 21892 [Edit]
File 169834041535.jpg - (109.94KB , 600x842 , 1696902041282226.jpg )
thankfully, she has enough official art for me to be satisfied, but it's still unfortunate...
all the more reason to try and get better at drawing, i suppose
>> No. 21907 [Edit]
I wish my waifu had 90% less fan art. I think most of the (western) ""artists"" that draw my wife are insane. Even if one picture seems okay, the same person might draw her being tortured or depicted in some other very unfortunate way the next day. This and other behavior makes me wish my wife had no fans whatsoever. At least she is treated respectfully in the official art.
>> No. 21962 [Edit]
My waifu has hardly any fanart that I can find, but does have a decent number of doujinshi. I have been collecting as many of those that I can in order fill the void. In a way the lack of attention my waifu has makes my feelings for her feel even more special, so I don't necessarily mind it, though I do wish that there was a least a little bit of fanart as I have to resort to looking at the same pieces of official art every time she crosses my mind. For this reason I have been considering dabbling in AI Art to see if I could create some fanart of my own. Does anybody else with a lesser known waifu have experience with this? Did it end up working well for you?

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21829 No. 21829 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Happy Valentine's day, TC!
And, of course, happy Valentine's day, Kagami!
>> No. 21830 [Edit]
File 167638418693.jpg - (830.82KB , 1748x2480 , 80ba9eccfffc3b4cc72f950dab71f952.jpg )
Happy Valentine's day anon!
I'll be looking forward to spending mine with Kanako!
>> No. 21831 [Edit]
File 167638643242.jpg - (362.30KB , 1021x1502 , 96253474_p0.jpg )
Happy Valentine's day, fellow anons! I hope you have an enjoyable day with your waifus.
Please forgive me for not posting my waifu, but I prefer not to disclose her identity.
>> No. 21832 [Edit]
Cute kagami! Don't have a waifu myself but I will spend some time thinking of all the characters I appreciate.
>> No. 21956 [Edit]
File 170800210879.png - (708.76KB , 2347x2371 , gelbooru_257170_365b97f7038ff5decc6accb25eb916f6.png )
It's been a year since I made this thread without checking the catalog to see the other valentines thread... whatever, i'll keep using this one. Happy (belated) valentines day tc!! Kagami is mai waifu forever and ever

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21953 No. 21953 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Love day is coming up and you know what that means right? Spending time with your waifu! How will you be spending time with your waifu? I am not sure what i am gonna do yet.
>> No. 21954 [Edit]
Been thinking about this lately. I'm planning on baking a cake. That's about all I'll be able to do.

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