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File 142111332130.jpg - (509.53KB , 595x842 , pjs for post.jpg )
17413 No. 17413 [Edit]
It's pretty simple you find an image with your waifu/husbando wearing something you normally wear when going to sleep. I'm pretty sure we all got AT LEAST 1 image of your waifu/husbando wearing pajamas. Why? For the shits and giggles?
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>> No. 17414 [Edit]
I don't think I have a picture like that.
>> No. 17415 [Edit]
File 142111860526.png - (55.41KB , 1142x628 , twinsies.png )
Since Sho is relatively new, he doesn't have much fan art. So, I took the liberty of creating a pic in which he wears similar clothing as to what I wear for sleep (i don't actually wear a cat hoodie, though, but i usually wear a hoodie of some sort). I apologize if he looks feminine, the base was made for two girls, not a guy and a girl.
>> No. 17416 [Edit]
File 142111946462.jpg - (602.28KB , 1396x2000 , v6kRuf3.jpg )
I have a few actually (and mostly of great quality). Here's the most recent one I found.
>> No. 17419 [Edit]
File 142112080434.jpg - (95.77KB , 600x720 , 45764620_p2.jpg )
I actually have one. Despite the nature of her series, there's a relatively surprising amount of cute pictures of her, which I'm really thankful for.
>> No. 17420 [Edit]
File 142112538750.png - (887.40KB , 796x571 , pajamas.png )
Well here's some sleepwear.
But I sleep nude
>> No. 17423 [Edit]
File 14211658781.png - (202.96KB , 865x823 , 1419788524906.png )
No pajama picture, but I do have a sleepy one if that counts.
>> No. 17428 [Edit]
File 142121024490.jpg - (105.84KB , 499x750 , 49.jpg )
I remember seeing a picture where he's wearing a robe, but I guess I didn't save it.

Pajamas are always cute.
>> No. 17842 [Edit]
File 142785713361.jpg - (609.47KB , 2453x1203 , 093.jpg )
>> No. 17878 [Edit]
File 142837281884.jpg - (127.66KB , 512x720 , Nozomi_pure_r500.jpg )
One of her R cards features her in her pajamas.
>> No. 19746 [Edit]
File 146012596987.jpg - (423.02KB , 600x879 , a6c116101cb6337e43a95b5a3fa552dd.jpg )
>> No. 19747 [Edit]
File 146014614454.jpg - (350.82KB , 1390x983 , Untitled.jpg )
Didn't even have to leave the thread.
>> No. 19751 [Edit]
File 146022649062.jpg - (48.34KB , 500x574 , url.jpg )
Not everyday she wear this though.
>> No. 19758 [Edit]
File 146024285711.jpg - (635.90KB , 1000x1412 , a6de08b352e5e15eaac32e93666a85fa.jpg )
>> No. 19786 [Edit]
File 146060842083.jpg - (88.71KB , 390x650 , minagi 10.jpg )
One of the closest things I've found.
>> No. 19788 [Edit]
File 146061723055.jpg - (759.65KB , 718x1000 , 107fc948a307a4f5df24d006368ad398.jpg )
Her everyday clothing is generally considered to be a type of pajamas, but I tried to find one a little more "sleepwear"-like.
>> No. 19789 [Edit]
File 146063539574.jpg - (49.97KB , 338x365 , Kanako (66).jpg )
Apparently she sleeps in a corset and panties.
>> No. 19790 [Edit]
File 146068729925.jpg - (233.29KB , 800x1131 , ff30f893ca20b910487b654cfd50db81.jpg )
bunnies on pjs are best
>> No. 19801 [Edit]
File 146081769363.png - (790.63KB , 1416x2006 , Gozen - オイゲン (55380743) .png )
Probably sleeps in something like this.
So cute.
>> No. 19814 [Edit]
File 146092664411.jpg - (115.33KB , 563x800 , 2180fc9cb6366598afdf29a112b2bc8f.jpg )
Comfy and green!
>> No. 19816 [Edit]
File 14609999492.jpg - (498.81KB , 1278x1446 , q - 1292406.jpg )
Mine just sleeps in her underwear and a large white shirt. Simple, comfy, and cute.
>> No. 19824 [Edit]
File 146127257481.jpg - (87.22KB , 668x408 , superhnng.jpg )
>> No. 20603 [Edit]
File 150227534031.png - (1.45MB , 2314x1494 , 1462929359943.png )
I actually don't have as many as I thought I did. This was the best I could find while looking through my folders.
>> No. 20604 [Edit]
File 150227675010.jpg - (245.77KB , 600x800 , 51112175_p0.jpg )
This one
>> No. 20784 [Edit]
File 151357515538.jpg - (1.36MB , 2092x1566 , 1323909243944.jpg )
Oh man, it's been a long time.

This was pretty easy, it's literally in the game itself.
>> No. 20785 [Edit]
File 151364299632.gif - (150.75KB , 289x289 , ion_gifanim_就寝.gif )
She's the cutest.
>> No. 20795 [Edit]
File 151513420422.jpg - (163.18KB , 1280x960 , みたおんしゃさん2.jpg )
My Setsumi was born ready for this challenge
>> No. 20798 [Edit]
File 151516439817.jpg - (336.45KB , 1500x1065 , 1468790421043.jpg )
>> No. 20967 [Edit]
File 152812360233.jpg - (45.48KB , 830x600 , Natsuki 13.jpg )
When I see her sleeping face, I remember what an angel she is.
>> No. 21033 [Edit]
File 154092907967.jpg - (148.24KB , 800x600 , ZMcaW1c.jpg )
I found this one today.
He's just too adorable..
>> No. 21182 [Edit]
File 155546730229.jpg - (3.64MB , 2000x3333 , 58849065_p0.jpg )
>> No. 21194 [Edit]
File 155691398587.jpg - (263.12KB , 1200x630 , Prinz-chan and Graf-chan (fujibeji).jpg )
I think those are pajamas Prinz is in here. I really want to believe they are, because I've yet to see a picture of her in pajamas.
>> No. 21225 [Edit]
File 156161074464.jpg - (82.42KB , 481x480 , rest_time.jpg )
Only one I could find has younger Simon, although most adult Simon art has him in one of his canon outfits
>> No. 21397 [Edit]
File 158003639256.jpg - (847.83KB , 1409x1000 , die Deutscherinnen in ihren Schlafanzuegen (kurase.jpg )
I finally found a picture that unambiguously shows Prinz looking cute in PJs! This actually feels like a major find, since I was actually a little down over the fact that she didn't seem to have any.
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