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21970 No. 21970 [Edit]
Is waifuing a girl that comes from a franchise that edgy as shit and full of things like mass murder and genocide and being a purityfag and having fear of people drawing porn of her hypocritical?
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>> No. 21971 [Edit]
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I feel like the purest girls come from the darkest franchises that deal with topics like sexual abuse and rape, maybe, but I am just glad that her franchise filters a lot of people so most won't make porn of her.
>> No. 21972 [Edit]
out of curiosity, why wouldn't you like porn of her?
if it's a series that naturally has these themes, then it can't be a moral thing of thinking porn is deviant in some way, i assume it's just a thing of "i'm just not into it" or "i don't (want to) see the character in this light"?
not to put words in your mouth, i'm just curious
>> No. 21973 [Edit]
I don't think so. I've met people who are in love with hentai characters who don't enjoy the source material anymore because they grew too emotionally attached to their favorites.
>> No. 21974 [Edit]
*Cries in Katawa Shoujo*
>> No. 21976 [Edit]
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hard to say but it autism
>> No. 21984 [Edit]
I think sometimes it's a natural reaction to want to take a character who is subjected to horrible things and shield them from it. If your waifu suffers in canon then of course you'll want to provide her something happier, and seeing other people subject her to more perceived suffering would upset that sensibility.

Personally I used to be very sensitive to people making light of my waifu's trauma and using themes of abuse around her. When people lewded her they would always make her a victim, and I believe that's not just hurtful to her but wilfully ignoring who she is and her capacity to fend for herself and protect her dignity. It's not wrong to take issue with it if you think it goes against her interests. It is however unhealthy to live in fear of it and let it rile you up. As much as you don't want your wife to be unhappy, she would not want her partner to exhaust themselves with negative emotions, especially when something is almost inevitable. Be kind to yourself and her by limiting your exposure to it.

Also, it should be said that people who make porn of more obscure characters are sometimes just there to score points as the only/first one to do it. Porn is often made without affection for the character and can be just weird fetish material that doesn't care about personality. Generic happy slut is not most people's waifu, but is usually how porn goes because it's hard to fully characterise behaviours in one climax image. It's reductive and can easily miss the mark. Things that get your waifu wrong will always be frustrating in one way or another.
>> No. 21995 [Edit]
yeah this make sense
>> No. 22064 [Edit]
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Junko Enoshima is hot and I like her personality, tho I dont care for pornography that much since I cant control it.
>> No. 22074 [Edit]
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My waifu has canon nudity and sex scenes and even a oft-quoted line where she mentions her libido, and I still find any fanart of her having sex (especially if it's someone other than her canon love interest) simply weird and unappealing.

Like she's stooping lower than where she is meant to be.

Is this irrational? Perhaps, but that doesn't make it illegitimate.

If you don't feel comfortable with something, it's stupid to pretend the opposite
>> No. 22076 [Edit]
How do you deal with the fact that it's not you who is that love interest? Self insert?
>> No. 22077 [Edit]
Yes, MCs in romantic stories tend to be written in a way that will make them feel as relatable as possible to the reader
>> No. 22078 [Edit]
>as relatable as possible to the reader
how is this possible
>> No. 22079 [Edit]
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This is why I asked >>22077, because I don't get it. Even if those characters are relatable, they are still not you. Maybe I am bad at self inserting? Often I think things like "I wouldn't have said that." or "This is something I would never wear." It gets especially bad when I actually see the character. Best chances are when the person I control has no face or is never seen or I can name them. Even then it gets hard. Luckily I can still enjoy the overall story and certain scenes. As for KS the version on steam has no H, which I like a lot.
>> No. 22081 [Edit]
i dont blame you i feel same
>> No. 22083 [Edit]
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>how is this possible
Because all works of fiction inevitably appeal to a certain type of person over another?

>Often I think things like "I wouldn't have said that." or "This is something I would never wear."

Surely you have made mistakes in the past while interacting with others or developing your fashion style?

Okay, it's not you.
But it's someone who is as inherently human and flawed as you are.
Someone who hopes, dreams, experiences disappointment, explores unfamiliar territory and gets hurt every now and then.

Unless they are some flavour of Gary Stu/Mary Sue, of course
>> No. 22085 [Edit]
>Mary Sue
i dare you. she's not even a fraction as good as me!
>> No. 22087 [Edit]
>Because all works of fiction inevitably appeal to a certain type of person over another?
from this pov you probably mean that archetypes form target auditory and not vise versa, so if they consistently make romance mcs to be of a certain archetype then sooner or later most of the people consuming it would like it, and those who don't like it get gatekept.

self insert is a peculiar topic, i did it a lot back in the day. now much rarer but still sometimes... i usually feel the need to self insert when some obviously stupid shit is happening, so i get overwhelmed by second hand embarrassment and urge to fix it is almost irresistible.

it also depends on how tired i am. when i am very tired i can watch a 20 min episode for 1.5 hours and spend the 1.5h - 20min hours fantasizing about directly or indirectly related topics (daydreaming), because it can't take whatever is happening at the pace it is happening.

romance (romcom especially) is usually full of such scenes that require you to endure large portions of second hand embarrassment and it's just too much for me so i rarely watch such shows. dramas are better if done right, otherwise much worse.

also if i really relate to the mc and sort of like/admire them i can't self insert at all.

dunno why i wrote this
>> No. 22096 [Edit]
wait does Katawa Shoujo count as erodge/H-Game like monster girl quest for example?
>> No. 22103 [Edit]
Canon sex scenes ---> eroge

Although the fact that they can be disabled (don't say it) should be taken into account
>> No. 22105 [Edit]
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Of course they are disabled, that's the entire point of it.
>> No. 22106 [Edit]
I didn't realize the pun until the second anon pointed it out.
>> No. 22107 [Edit]
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Which part of "don't say it" was hard to grasp?
>> No. 22108 [Edit]
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I don't understand. Why is now that girl, that makes me hungry when I look at her, angry at me?
>> No. 22109 [Edit]
your waifu doesn't have a "canon sex scene" since there are no canon ends in katawa shoujo
>> No. 22110 [Edit]
That's a bit like saying that if she doesn't end up with MC, she remains single for life.

Possible, but unlikely
>> No. 22112 [Edit]
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>but unlikely
>> No. 22113 [Edit]
How is this picture about aphantasia related, though?
>> No. 22114 [Edit]
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Anon, just because everything is *possible* in fiction doesn't mean everything is *plausible*
>> No. 22115 [Edit]
She obviously goes for Hanako, if not MC. After all there is already a Hanalily route.
>> No. 22118 [Edit]
File 173608599169.jpg - (55.21KB , 800x600 , MV5BYWZhNGVlZDktNzdkMC00ZDc2LThiNmEtNDM1Mjl.jpg )
Wwwwwell, there *is* a scene in the pre-alpha version of the VN where Hisao imagines Hanako and Lilly having lesbian sex with each other.

It's surprisingly NSFW for being in the earlier parts of the game, and I guess it was merely supposed to make fun of horny HS guy brains
>> No. 22130 [Edit]
And there is the option to tell Lily about it, which she doesn't mind at all juding from her reaction.
>> No. 22131 [Edit]
Perfect girls like this aren't plausible in the first place. Or most things that we love in fiction, even. So why are some "unplausible" things OK to you and others (a heroine staying single for life) not? Pray tell, is it because you like the idea of a heroine being with other men?
>> No. 22132 [Edit]
>Pray tell, is it because you like the idea of a heroine being with other men?
TC does name flamebait with more class than usenet!
>> No. 22138 [Edit]
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You seem to be assuming that what I think is plausible and what I like are one and the same.
That's called wishful thinking and is seen as as a fallacy/delusion.

>Perfect girls like this aren't plausible in the first place.
The whole point of her route is that she's NOT Ms. Perfect. She has flaws and they come out in her story.
She likes drinking, she is fascinated by the idea of having sex for purely recreational purposes, she seems to be using the MC as a boy-toy with no actual intention of marrying him at a later point, etc.

Can someone who is evidently horny at 18 decide to stay single for life?
Yes, it can happen, but you would have to find a convincing explanation for that.

Is she making herself a nun?
Does she have huge trust issues when it comes to guys?
Maybe her boyfriend died when they were both teens, and she vowed to remain faithful to him until they would meet together in the afterlife?

See what I mean? Plausibility needs actual argumentation

>is it because you like the idea of a heroine being with other men?
Trust me when I say I fucking hate seeing others claim her as their waifu and wish I could punch them across the internet.

Maybe one day it will be possible, technology is constantly involving, we could have waifu duels
>> No. 22142 [Edit]
>The whole point of her route is that she's NOT Ms. Perfect. She has flaws and they come out in her story.
>She likes drinking, she is fascinated by the idea of having sex for purely recreational purposes, she seems to be using the MC as a boy-toy with no actual intention of marrying him at a later point, etc.
Ah, sorry for talking about something I didn't know much about. I never read Katawa Shoujo, but why did I assume that it lacked the usual Western narratives...?

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