No. 22138
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You seem to be assuming that what I think is plausible and what I like are one and the same.
That's called wishful thinking and is seen as as a fallacy/delusion.
>Perfect girls like this aren't plausible in the first place.
The whole point of her route is that she's NOT Ms. Perfect. She has flaws and they come out in her story.
She likes drinking, she is fascinated by the idea of having sex for purely recreational purposes, she seems to be using the MC as a boy-toy with no actual intention of marrying him at a later point, etc.
Can someone who is evidently horny at 18 decide to stay single for life?
Yes, it can happen, but you would have to find a convincing explanation for that.
Is she making herself a nun?
Does she have huge trust issues when it comes to guys?
Maybe her boyfriend died when they were both teens, and she vowed to remain faithful to him until they would meet together in the afterlife?
See what I mean? Plausibility needs actual argumentation
>is it because you like the idea of a heroine being with other men?
Trust me when I say I fucking hate seeing others claim her as their waifu and wish I could punch them across the internet.
Maybe one day it will be possible, technology is constantly involving, we could have waifu duels