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File 171336710941.jpg - (281.25KB , 2073x2000 , 123223232.jpg )
21970 No. 21970 [Edit]
Is waifuing a girl that comes from a franchise that edgy as shit and full of things like mass murder and genocide and being a purityfag and having fear of people drawing porn of her hypocritical?
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>> No. 21971 [Edit]
File 171336717361.jpg - (134.74KB , 1024x1024 , 20240407_193334.jpg )
I feel like the purest girls come from the darkest franchises that deal with topics like sexual abuse and rape, maybe, but I am just glad that her franchise filters a lot of people so most won't make porn of her.
>> No. 21972 [Edit]
out of curiosity, why wouldn't you like porn of her?
if it's a series that naturally has these themes, then it can't be a moral thing of thinking porn is deviant in some way, i assume it's just a thing of "i'm just not into it" or "i don't (want to) see the character in this light"?
not to put words in your mouth, i'm just curious
>> No. 21973 [Edit]
I don't think so. I've met people who are in love with hentai characters who don't enjoy the source material anymore because they grew too emotionally attached to their favorites.
>> No. 21974 [Edit]
*Cries in Katawa Shoujo*
>> No. 21976 [Edit]
File 171431740777.png - (501.64KB , 639x1136 , image221498536d.png )
hard to say but it autism
>> No. 21984 [Edit]
I think sometimes it's a natural reaction to want to take a character who is subjected to horrible things and shield them from it. If your waifu suffers in canon then of course you'll want to provide her something happier, and seeing other people subject her to more perceived suffering would upset that sensibility.

Personally I used to be very sensitive to people making light of my waifu's trauma and using themes of abuse around her. When people lewded her they would always make her a victim, and I believe that's not just hurtful to her but wilfully ignoring who she is and her capacity to fend for herself and protect her dignity. It's not wrong to take issue with it if you think it goes against her interests. It is however unhealthy to live in fear of it and let it rile you up. As much as you don't want your wife to be unhappy, she would not want her partner to exhaust themselves with negative emotions, especially when something is almost inevitable. Be kind to yourself and her by limiting your exposure to it.

Also, it should be said that people who make porn of more obscure characters are sometimes just there to score points as the only/first one to do it. Porn is often made without affection for the character and can be just weird fetish material that doesn't care about personality. Generic happy slut is not most people's waifu, but is usually how porn goes because it's hard to fully characterise behaviours in one climax image. It's reductive and can easily miss the mark. Things that get your waifu wrong will always be frustrating in one way or another.
>> No. 21995 [Edit]
yeah this make sense
>> No. 22064 [Edit]
File 17332851686.jpg - (150.96KB , 500x880 , V9_8eNi9dBQ.jpg )
Junko Enoshima is hot and I like her personality, tho I dont care for pornography that much since I cant control it.

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