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File 137260611012.jpg - (33.68KB , 500x443 , 4353645654.jpg )
12891 No. 12891 [Edit]
What are some downsides about your waifu? And what are some things other would consider as a downside but you like about her? And to make things even: What are things your waifu would dislike about you?

My waifu is pretty obsessed with her work. Im pretty sure she often would forget about everything (including me) for her work. But i think thats one of the things I really like about her. So this would answer my second question. The only thing i dont really like about her, is the fact that shes very self centered sometimes, so i think some squabblings here and there will happen. In my case it would be my crazy laziness. If it comes to this we are very different and i bet she will dislike this trait about me.

But other than that i think it may be a good thing that we are so different if it comes to work. She would kick me in the ass to do something and i would try to bring her to take things easy here and there and take a break.
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>> No. 12896 [Edit]
File 137263689327.png - (161.89KB , 550x500 , 16288bef88da81bb396289a6d806f26a.png )
> What are some downsides about your waifu?
Glasses doesn't suit her well. At all. It's the only thing that I really dislike about her.
> And what are some things other would consider as a downside but you like about her?
I guess she's not very intelligent, or clever. But I really don't care, she has a great sense of empathy with her entourage. That's all that matters. Besides less knowledge is less acute suffering.

>What are things your waifu would dislike about you?
Meh not enough outgoing and elitst as fuck, I guess.
>> No. 12898 [Edit]
>What are some downsides about your waifu?
I don't know, I can't honestly think of any.

>And what are some things other would consider as a downside but you like about her?
Her... erm... her lack of chest.

>What are things your waifu would dislike about you?
The way that I look, absolutely definitely. It might prevent us from getting to know each other at all.
>> No. 12899 [Edit]
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>What are some downsides about your waifu?
Can't think of any.

>what are some things other would consider as a downside but you like about her?
Her tsun side, I guess (pride, cruelty, unforgiveness...)

>What are things your waifu would dislike about you?
Probably the same I dislike myself (lots).
>> No. 12900 [Edit]
File 137263984085.jpg - (493.57KB , 1920x1200 , wideexamination.jpg )
>What are some downsides about your waifu?

She's perfect. I can't stand it when the artists do QUALITY animation of her, there was a lot of that in seasons 1 and 2, but that has nothing to do with her in my opinion.

>And what are some things other would consider as a downside but you like about her?

Misread this one at first, others consider her weird, this is just one of the things I love about her, her uniqueness.

>What are things your waifu would dislike about you?

Depends on if you mean the way I am now or the way I would be in her world/if she was real. This sounds awfully cliche but I partially blame this shitty world for me turning out this way. If I lived in a better world, and had someone like Miyako in my life I would be a much different person. I guess that would be my 2D self compared to my 3D self. She would be saddened possibly disgusted by 3D me but I think any 2D character from a world like that being exposed to 3D would be disgusted, heh. I think she would maybe appreciate my hopes and dreams though.

Post edited on 30th Jun 2013, 6:23pm
>> No. 12901 [Edit]
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>What are some downsides about your waifu?
In my eyes, there are none.

>And what are some things other would consider as a downside but you like about her?
She's taciturn, unsociable, withdrawn, rarely goes outside, and generally very introverted; all traits that are highly frowned upon by most people. I personally adore these qualities, though.

>What are things your waifu would dislike about you?
We're fairly similar in terms of personality. I might be a bit too depressing at times for her though, and she also tends to dislike company period, so there could be some problems there.
>> No. 12902 [Edit]
>What are some downsides about your waifu?

She suffers from depression pretty badly. And she's VERY self-conscious about her body.

>And what are some things other would consider as a downside but you like about her?

Well, she's a fictional anime character. Apparently some weirdos are turned off by that.

>And to make things even: What are things your waifu would dislike about you?

Lack of confidence. Also, I have no sense of adventure; I've always been resistant to breaking my routine and trying new things. In a word, I'm boring.
>> No. 12903 [Edit]
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>What are some downsides about your waifu?

She's pretty much that kind of jerk who will put her finger on something that is supposed to be not her problem but will become only because she wants it to. Of course, I can't help it but to worry about this attitude of hers. That, and the way she treat some people.

>And what are some things other would consider as a downside but you like about her?

The fact that, unlike maybe the rest of the Humans in the Village, she pretty much breaks out of their mold by being outgoing, expressive and direct.

>And to make things even: What are things your waifu would dislike about you?

I could say that she hates my attitude of not giving a fuck about getting a job despite knowing that I should prepare if crap hits the fan for me. As well as me being a grumpy and mentally-isolated moron.
>> No. 12906 [Edit]
>What are some downsides about your waifu?
Can't think of any because she's perfect. There's really nothing I can hate about her. Even though initially I sort of disliked her for some reason.

>And what are some things other would consider as a downside but you like about her?
Her femininity and positiveness that what makes people think that she's annoying. But a lot of people dislike her for some reason that I can't seem to put my finger on.

>And to make things even: What are things your waifu would dislike about you?
I'm introverted, lazy, have a lack of confidence, she just hates my attitude in general because she is completely different than I am in most of our ways. She probably thinks that I'm boring.
>> No. 12921 [Edit]
File 137275556881.png - (215.07KB , 435x500 , 1364337605903.png )
>What are some downsides about your waifu?
I love everything about her.

>And what are some things other would consider as a downside but you like about her?
She can be abrasive with her language.

>What are things your waifu would dislike about you?
Maybe that I'm too introverted but I have a feeling that would be different if she were around.
>> No. 15182 [Edit]
File 139880084164.jpg - (479.31KB , 900x1400 , 5da68fc1fec72a710cc3576ef686b9e8.jpg )
> What are some downsides about your waifu?
She hates herself, hides her weaknesses too much, and can't trust anybody. It was necessary in her situation but she might've forced herself to be cold at times.

> And what are some things other would consider as a downside but you like about her?
The DFC, her obsessiveness about her loved one.

>What are things your waifu would dislike about you?
I have a worse work ethic and can be a bit random about my interests and less focused, but I think she needs to loosen up a bit.
>> No. 15185 [Edit]
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>What are some downsides about your waifu?
She's not the sharpest tool in the shed, shall we say.

>And what are some things other would consider as a downside but you like about her?
She can get pretty competitive, but she does it in good nature, when she does it with her friends. Also she can be fairly sensitive about certain things, but I find it endearing.

>And to make things even: What are things your waifu would dislike about you?
I'm not as focused on achieving my goals as she is with hers. It's something I've been trying to work on, but I find it difficult. It's not something I can just do, unlike her and her swimming.
>> No. 15186 [Edit]
File 139882448872.jpg - (103.57KB , 543x743 , 50bd6c0c8241349297db812771469bf3.jpg )
>What are some downsides about your waifu?
She is astoundingly lazy, as am I, so we feed off each other in this regard and the lethargy just spirals out of control. This can be problematic sometimes.

>And what are some things other would consider as a downside but you like about her?
Her dreadful cooking is endearing and I'm fine with being the "cook" for us both. Her flirty and lewd tendencies overwhelm me with love and lust. The sleeping and laziness is fun as well.

>What are things your waifu would dislike about you?
My anger. I've never been angry at Erica, only around her. Nevertheless, I feel like it distances us and I cannot blame her at all for that. This is why I've learnt how to shut the fuck up and just breathe - it works wonders.
>> No. 15190 [Edit]
>This is why I've learnt how to shut the fuck up and just breathe - it works wonders.
I should try that
>> No. 15195 [Edit]
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I can't think of anything. I think she is very lovable and neutral from every viewpoint.
>> No. 15198 [Edit]
The only thing I can really complain about with her is the infamous KEY art style, specific the way the artist would place mouths were a nose would typically go. Trade off though is how unique that makes the characters, and kind of charming in a way. like something home made compared to generic mass produced items. There is one other thing but it's not actually a fault of the character and that would be the merchandising/promotional items. They had a very bad habit of recycling the same few CGs from the game onto miscellaneous items, and that includes the H-scenes. Which needless to say come off as both inappropriate and awkward. The anime adaptation while featuring an improvement in art style and being both popular and successful in japan, didn't receive much of any merchandise, least not my waifu anyway...
As I understand it most merchandise out there for the series comes from the VN. That's something I find both strange and disappointing. But I can't complain since it's more than what some characters get.

Others would probably consider her not very interesting, bland and boring. Characters like her don't seem to typically be very popular with western audiences. Not as flashy, eccentric, and energetic as people would expect of anime characters suppose. Don't bother me none, just means no competition. I think I recall someone on /jp/ referring to her as mentally challenged and claiming her root was dumb and boring but that's just /jp/ being /jp/, all water off a duck's back.

Problems she would have with me... Well I'm honestly not sure how she'd feel about a foreigner for one. The matter was brought up in the VN briefly when she asked the player if he was a foreigner, but the matter was immediately dropped. I couldn't tell you one way or the other if she was worried or interested by the prospect. Being a NEET/otaku/whatever might not boast too well but who knows. If anything I'd say probably say how horrible I am with the Japanese language. Would make communication a challenge but she does seem to know some English. If it's enough to hold a conversation I don't know. A lot of people find me to be annoying, a dick, an asshole, and claim I say a lot of retarded shit. so there's always that I suppose. Considering what I'm up against with the MC the bar don't seem too high. She's just someone who isn't bothered by to much. Though she does get disappointed easily, but I figure she's not serious about it most of the time considering the kind of silly and random nature of the maters. Almost like a catchphrase type deal for her really.
>> No. 15203 [Edit]
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Downside: she's not real.

Others might think she's annoying or whatever, but I don't think much of anyone cares about her to begin with.

She's hard to read so I don't know what she wouldn't like about me. I tick a lot of boxes when it comes to similarities with the protagonist, except I'm not that clumsy I mean come the fuck on. That particular love interest failed before it started because the boy got the girl so too bad for her... But I'm available so baby come get it!

>A lot of people find me to be annoying, a dick, an asshole, and claim I say a lot of retarded shit.
If that's by the internet directed at your internet persona then I don't really agree with them. If it's real life then oopsie doopsie here's a tootsie.
>> No. 15204 [Edit]
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As she is an alternate design of original Saber, she has the same traits and likely will not stop fighting when engaged in combat evenif she is severely injured. Sure she would protect the person important to her which I likem but to the point that she will die just to do perform her task, I cannot let that happen. It's like you let a girl die for you while you do nothing but sit around and watch her get hurt.

She will not like the idea of me preventing her from over-doing her task but it I will still do it.
>> No. 15422 [Edit]
File 140047314760.jpg - (70.85KB , 590x1020 , Ankhahhhh.jpg )
>What are some downsides about your waifu?
Her source material is shit.
>And what are some things others would consider as a downside but you like about her?
Her dialogue is non-unique and shared with dozens of other villagers. I would even go as far as to say that canonically speaking, I know nothing about her.
I came up with her personality and her life story inside my own head. I really enjoyed it.
>What are things your waifu would dislike about you?
I ship her with a character from a different game in place of myself.
I am unworthy. I have no redeeming qualities. Listing specifics would take far too long.
>> No. 17014 [Edit]
Hanako has the same personality faults as I do, but not the same personality altogether. She has a tendency for escapism and general dislike of people in the same way I do, but I think she's more honest than I am so we learn from eachother. I think having her as my waifu allows us to improve together through understanding rather than trying to impress somebody who is vastly superior to me. In addition, she is not prudish like many characters/people so we can enjoy the occasional night of drinking and fun without feeling bad.
Basically, her disadvantages are advantages to me.
She would probably most disapprove of my working way too long/not sleeping for multiple days/borderline mania.

Post edited on 23rd Nov 2014, 1:19am
>> No. 17016 [Edit]
File 141670315776.jpg - (113.48KB , 684x700 , 19059963_p4.jpg )
>What are some downsides about your waifu?

She can be really unreasonably grumpy sometimes.

>And what are some things other would consider as a downside but you like about her?

She can be bossy. I see it as having a take-charge attitude.

>What are things your waifu would dislike about you?

I'm lazy (I call it efficient but whatever), generally asocial, can be a bit elitist from time to time (#linuxmasterrace), and may also be MtF transgender (she's straight to my knowledge).
>> No. 17018 [Edit]
File 141671109062.png - (432.68KB , 960x720 , WHAT_DID_I_JUST_SAY_ABOUT_MEAT.png )
>What are some downside about your waifu?
Overzealous vegetarianism and pacifism

>What are some things others would consider as a downside but you like about her?
Her headstrong defense of said downsides

>What are things your waifu would dislike about you?
Not a vegetarian, my laziness, and she might find my competency in technology suspicious
>> No. 17380 [Edit]
> What are some downsides about your (husbando )?
He gets into a lot of fights and can be rather selfish.

>what are some things others would considered a downside but you like about (him)?
His puns. I absolutely love them. Not to mention he's pretty bold and outgoing; compared to me, who can be introverted in social situations.

>what are things your (husbando )would dislike about you?
My forgetfulness and introvertedness, probably. He'd also find my depression and anxiety issues annoying too.
>> No. 17397 [Edit]
>What are some downsides about your waifu?
There is nothing about her that I personally consider a downside.
>What are some things that others would consider downsides?
She's antisocial.
>What would your waifu dislike about you?
My excessive denial of possible problems in my life until they screw me over.
>> No. 17952 [Edit]
File 142879720785.jpg - (120.32KB , 600x800 , 2015_014_365_by_m_everham-d8dyfl6.jpg )
>What are some downsides about your waifu?
None that I see or care about.

>And what are some things other would consider as a downside but you like about her?

People say he's skeezy because he flirts with so many women/ gets married and divorced so often, but I just see it as him being charismatic and having an affinity for romance. It's also been said that he's arrogant and egotistical, but I really love his confidence and how sure he is in himself.

>What are things your waifu would dislike about you?

Low self-confidence. And I'm a little too focused on the details of things rather than the big picture.
>> No. 17970 [Edit]
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> What are some downsides about your waifu?
She's too sensitive and idealistic sometimes.

> And what are some things other would consider as a downside but you like about her?
She can be absent-minded, quiet and hard to pin down, she lacks loyalty to specific institutions, societies, and nations, and is not a "proper" or "responsible" mage.

>What are things your waifu would dislike about you?
I'm too insensitive I guess. She jokes about how I like to smash ideals against reality and says that my mind loves to burn out pleasures so quickly that other people don't even notice I experience them. (I guess I personally consider this a good thing though)
>> No. 17979 [Edit]
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>What are some downsides about your waifu?
I'm hard pressed to think of any, at least from such a biased point of view. So other than the obvious, that we can't be together in a physical manner, there are none. But even then, we are of one heart and soul.

> And what are some things other would consider as a downside but you like about her?
I've seen some people consider her a bit plain and boring - but they're obviously wrong, and only looking at the surface. Even then, the fact that my Yunocchi is more on the reserved, polite side only made me fall for her harder.

>What are things your waifu would dislike about you?
If anything, I can easily fall into slumps where all I want to do is a whole bunch nothing. Kind of like a half-depressive state, boring and useless. While her being wiht me has definitely helped me with that, I'm still afraid it puts a bit on an unnecessary burden on my wife.

She doesn't mind at all though, so it might just be my needless worries. She didn't find me without reason, after all! Besides, we both accepted one another the way we are.
>> No. 18560 [Edit]
>What are some downsides about your waifu?
He cracks under pressure and avoids necessary risks, while at the same time being overconfident in his methods and reasoning.
He's too focused on long-term results, and can't adjust very well when unexpected issues pop up and he needs an immediate turnaround.
He's pretty irritable, and stubborn when he thinks he's right.
He underestimates his opponents and doesn't really try to understand their point of view.

>And what are some things other would consider as a downside but you like about her?
I don't really dislike any of the downsides I listed, they make him who he is. I like his mixture of confidence and vulnerability, and some of his flaws are pretty relatable for me.
Some people find his fashion sense too flamboyant, but if he likes it, then I like it.

>And to make things even: What are things your waifu would dislike about you?
I'm fairly fucked in the head and not very good at much of anything. I'd rather not go into specifics.
>> No. 18561 [Edit]
>What are some downsides about your waifu?
Other than him not being real I can't think of any.

>What are some things other would consider as a downside but you like about her?
He's rather dense but so am I and I don't mind it at all.
Also his masochism. I find it attractive but others probably find it a bit too much or think of him as a push over.

>What are things your waifu would dislike about you?
He'd probably be okay with most of my issues mentally and socially since he loves to help people over come things.
>> No. 18589 [Edit]
>What are some downsides about your waifu?
Puts on a facade of bravery for herself and other people yet she isn't very strong mentally and breaks down bad when she's told how bleak her situation is.

>what are some things other would consider as a downside but you like about her
I don't really like any of her downsides but I can relate to the feeling of just wanting a life of peace or just wanting to die due to how desolate everything is to you.

>What are things your waifu would dislike about you?

She'd probably get upset over how I spend most of my time inside or my motivation to do things comes in bursts. I'm also not very optimistic about things while she wants to believe things will turn out good.
>> No. 18590 [Edit]
>what are some downsides about your husbando?
The only thing I can think of is how he isolates himself.

>what are some things other would consider as a downside but you like about him?
Maybe his darker side? I could potentially see people disliking him for a strong, malicious voice in his head (Maybe even an entity) that tries to poses him. I honestly don't think of it as a downside. I'd love to help him overcome his darker side.

> What are things your husbando would dislike about you?
Probably my clingyness. I can get "yandere " level clingy (without the pointless violence ) and I'd think hed be a bit surprised at first but eventually my clingyness would die down and wouldn't become very much of a problem.
>> No. 18595 [Edit]
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> What are some downsides about your waifu?
A bit too reserved.
> And what are some things other would consider as a downside but you like about her?
The more outgoing side of her personality could be considered annoying to some.
>What are things your waifu would dislike about you?
My overly sardonic/cynical look on life. I drink too much coke ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
>> No. 20240 [Edit]
File 148698217866.png - (232.76KB , 500x500 , 59347649_p0.png )
> What are some downsides about your waifu?
She is dead in her own source material. That complicates things sometimes. I try not to think about it though.
Aside from that, I like basically everything about her. Most everyone else says she is evil and horrible. I don't really know if maybe they saw something I didn't, or I saw something they didn't. I don't really care though. I think she is good and pure.

> And what are some things other would consider as a downside but you like about her?
Her beautiful red eyes. Other people say her eyes are weird, or that they are a sign she is some sort of hell demon. I think her eyes are beautiful. To me, they are the eyes of an angel. I could stare into them for hours and hours.

>What are things your waifu would dislike about you?
I am not sure if she would necessarily like or dislike anything about me. I know that she would not trust me though. She would have no reason to. It is a nice, fantastical ideal to think that maybe I could get her to trust people again, that maybe I am the only person that could help her, but realistically I don't think that there is anything I could do that would change her mind.
>> No. 20241 [Edit]
File 148701969884.jpg - (1.20MB , 1414x1000 , Konachan_com - 98617 blue_eyes megurine_luka pink_.jpg )
>What are some downsides about your waifu?

Her breasts are a to big.

>And what are some things other would consider as a downside but you like about her?

Can't think of any.

>What are things your waifu would dislike about you?

That I'm a lazy faggot who never achieved anything in life.
>> No. 20246 [Edit]
looks like fucking vault boy
>> No. 20248 [Edit]
no, not him
>> No. 20249 [Edit]
Oh, phew, my bad, I'm defensive.
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