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File 156704414096.png - (824.36KB , 1095x1657 , IMG_1425.png )
21261 No. 21261 [Edit]
There's something I was thinking about the other day, my 3 main passions are gaming, martial arts and science. My waifu is essentially a sexualized representation of 1 of those passions, do you think there's also a sexy gamer and sexy scientist too somewhere in anime?
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>> No. 21262 [Edit]
File 156704479899.png - (306.91KB , 640x480 , 5528F71B-A815-4DCA-835F-1BEE51E1A5F6-15970-000011B.png )
King of Fighters is a video game though, so isn't that two interests? There's lots of scientists to pick from. Promestein is my favorite. Kurisu is a more common pick.
>> No. 21263 [Edit]
"so isn't that two interests?"

No because she's not a gamer girl, she's a ninja girl.
>> No. 21267 [Edit]
i really try to avoid porn or sexualized images of mine, is that normal? or would it be normaler to jack it to only her?
>> No. 21268 [Edit]
File 156723036667.jpg - (117.46KB , 1920x1080 , sip3.jpg )
>there's also a sexy scientist somewhere
>> No. 21269 [Edit]
File 156727374899.png - (1.91MB , 2224x1668 , Spoiler Picture.png )
The way I do things is I separate my fantasies into 2 different categories,

category 1 is for any fantasies that involve some form of harm or humiliation to the character in question, in which case said scenarios would not involve my waifu but some other character.

Category 2 is for any fantasies that involve anything cutesy and minor such as the character in question having bought a new thong and asking you if it makes her look fat, in which case this would involve my waifu instead of some other character.

So for "category 1" I use a generic gamer girl and generic scientist girl that I made up as placeholders until I find suitable anime characters to replace them.
>> No. 21270 [Edit]
>bought a new thong and asking you if it makes her look fat
That's not how clothing works, anon.
>> No. 21271 [Edit]
File 15673130659.jpg - (649.58KB , 3246x3566 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
Ah yes, that's definitely not how clothing works!
>> No. 21272 [Edit]
She's already fat. The thong doesn't add or subtract from that. Clothing like pants and dresses(not underwear) can affect how others perceive your body proportions based on their pattern and cut. It has to do with geometry and how eyes warp things depending on angle and distance.
>> No. 21273 [Edit]
File 156735814445.jpg - (887.28KB , 1200x1050 , IMG_1639.jpg )
Alright you win, let me reword this then

Category 2 is for any fantasies that involve anything cutesy and minor such as the character in question having bought a new thong and asking you if her butt looks good in it, in which case this would involve my waifu instead of some other character.
>> No. 21445 [Edit]
>> No. 21456 [Edit]
>> No. 21459 [Edit]
>> No. 21469 [Edit]
>> No. 21470 [Edit]
That's a spice.

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