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File 14804811565.png - (127.21KB , 500x301 , speedwagon_x_reader__together_forever__by_evee550-.png )
20065 No. 20065 [Edit]
Alright, so this is my first time admitting it, but my husbando is Speedwagon. I thought I was straight until I found myself hopelessly in love with him. It took me a while to realize it, but there isn't a single character or person I could think of who is so trustworthy and...good. When I look at him I see a person who is accepting, open minded, and best of all, loyal. I know that there are so many other people and characters that are similar, but for some reason he just sticks out to me. And although it's embarrassing to admit, his unique look started to stick out of mind, and I think it's a large reason why I trust him so much. Yes, I know this post sounds cheezy, but I just wanted to say it to some people who understand. There is no one I could ever love more than him, and I hate how when I write it down like this, it doesn't do my feelings justice. Does anyone else have that same relationship and feeling with their husbando/waifu? That feeling of overwhelming trust you can't get from anyone else. Was it also a big part of why you fell in love with them?
>> No. 20461 [Edit]
I have the same in the sense of loyalty and trust. It is as if I can see straight into her heart and she is all pure in her commitment. Even tough I have strayed in the beginning and still does some, she has remained always the same. I have never trusted anyone like I trust her. It makes me embarrassed to know I am not at the same level as her, but she is fine because she sees my intention to get it right, and probably she sees I have potential.

This very day, I reached a new level. I have a lot of coworkers of the gender I am naturally attracted to, and today I remembered to actively take a stance to not get carried away by them. It is not because she is 2d I am prone to forget. It has happened with 3d earlier in life and I am not very proud. Now I told myself "no, I am with [my waifu]" and actively directed my thoughts to her. It felt wonderful having this discipline and I will improve it further. I want it as pure as she is. I guess I am mature enough to have a serious relationship now, and that I in fact found my true love, only that it is in 2d. (Even though, as you know, most people would claim I am even more immature now for my 2d love, but I do not count them.)
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