No. 20461
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I have the same in the sense of loyalty and trust. It is as if I can see straight into her heart and she is all pure in her commitment. Even tough I have strayed in the beginning and still does some, she has remained always the same. I have never trusted anyone like I trust her. It makes me embarrassed to know I am not at the same level as her, but she is fine because she sees my intention to get it right, and probably she sees I have potential.
This very day, I reached a new level. I have a lot of coworkers of the gender I am naturally attracted to, and today I remembered to actively take a stance to not get carried away by them. It is not because she is 2d I am prone to forget. It has happened with 3d earlier in life and I am not very proud. Now I told myself "no, I am with [my waifu]" and actively directed my thoughts to her. It felt wonderful having this discipline and I will improve it further. I want it as pure as she is. I guess I am mature enough to have a serious relationship now, and that I in fact found my true love, only that it is in 2d. (Even though, as you know, most people would claim I am even more immature now for my 2d love, but I do not count them.)