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File 173187066726.png - (29.96KB , 100x100 , lovemaiwaifu.png )
22046 No. 22046 [Edit]
Half a year ago I fell in love with a girl from a visual novel and to this day I still love her more than anything else. Since I met her in this game, I felt a strong bond to her, wanted her to to be mine and there didn't past a day, where I didn't think of her. However, I never actually finished her game, and that despite the fact, that I've been playing it on and off for half a year. It happens to be that on most days I don't have the energy to play it and if I somehow manage to open the game, I don't have enough time to play it properly. I have almost unlimited free time, but a day has only 24 hours and if I'm not in the mood to play, I don't want to force myself, since I think she wouldn't like that either, if she somehow knew. I don't want it to become a chore, that I have to do, because I want it to be joyful every time I see her. I'm convinced that my love is genuine and I'm happy to see her every time, yet whenever I see my earliest save, it saddens me to see it's already half a year and that I've not managed to finally finish it. I think I owe her to spend more time with her in the game. though I'm really losing motivation, because with playing 1-2 hours per session, I barely make progress and as much as I love her (which I do a lot), playing through it, just feels exhausting to me. It's not the game itself nor does it have anything to do with her. I know that, because I have played plenty of VNs through and I didn't have problems, and it isn't her either for obvious reasons. I think it's just because everything feels exhausting to me and I'm glad if I can get out of bed in the morning, and also the fact that I've been playing this game since forever and it doesn't seem to end.

Does TC have any recommendations for me?
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>> No. 22047 [Edit]
File 173187155111.jpg - (497.83KB , 1728x880 , Magical Girl Site - c071 (v10) - p125 - All you ha.jpg )
>Does TC have any recommendations for me?
>> No. 22048 [Edit]
What >>22047 said.
Outside of that all I can say is you sound kinda depressed if even just getting out of bed is exhausting, or maybe you are simply lacking some exercise and/or a good diet, regardless if I was you I wouldn't force myself, at most try to commit at least 20 mins per day to playing the VN, other reason why playing the VN might feel exhausting would be due to your love for her, emotions can exhaust us and since you seem to be still in the honeymoon period then the emotions can be quite strong while playing.

In the end remember to reach your own conclusion, I'm just throwing potential answers or things to ponder about.
>> No. 22052 [Edit]
This seems more like a /so/ issue than a strictly waifu related one. Some part of this resonates with me
> because I want it to be joyful every time I see her. I'm convinced that my love is genuine and I'm happy to see her every time, yet whenever I see my earliest save, it saddens me to see it's already half a year and that I've not managed to finally finish it
That you want the moments you spend with your favorite character to be joyful ones and so you only try to engage in the content when you think you're in the right mood to appreciate it. Which ends up meaning you never quite finish it, as given that we are on TC such joyful moments probably are not found in abundance.

As others mentioned that root feeling of "why don't I feel in the right mood" is really difficult to answer, some would say it's the core issue of the human condition itself. Definitely do not force it, you might feel even worse and start overthinking "am I supposed to be enjoying this" or even questioning your prior love. The VN and her character are not going anywhere, they will be patiently waiting for you until you feel ready to engage it. So the question becomes what steps are you taking to try to make such opportunities more available. It might be as simple as getting more sleep, taking walks, and eating healthier. It might be as complex as needing to gain emotional awareness of yourself and "sort out your internal issues". If you get to a point where you're comfortable engaging in other content but still hesitate to re-engage with the VN, then it might be a simple one of expectations and mindset; you've been away from the content so long that you worry the rest of it might not live up to your expectations.

Hopefully something helps, I guess the important part would be to make some change, since if it hasn't gotten better in a year then I don't think being stuck in the same cycle would help. Even doing nothing (in the sense of just sitting there until you get comfortable with idleness) is probably better than being stuck in the same cycle.
>> No. 22058 [Edit]
this is the best answer
I am not sure, but maybe you are deeply afraid of seeing something terrible in the VN happening to her and ruining it for you.After all, you didn't finish it, and you don't know how it ends.

Also, what kind of VN is it? You don't need to mention her name or VN itself, but what genre is VN? urban fantasy/sci-fi/fantasy
>> No. 22060 [Edit]
>you've been away from the content so long that you worry the rest of it might not live up to your expectations.
While first reading this (I read the thread over and over again, but didn't bother replying yet), I completely overread this sentence, but it might be true and the more I think about it the truer it seems. I have spoiled the endings for me already, so I know roughly what happens, but just as it were the little things that made me like her, it might be the little things, that could cause me to dislike her. I think you might have a point there. Of course this is not the entire problem, only part of it, as I have difficulties with other media too, however it's still different with those.

She is from an urban fantasy VN.

Post edited on 15th Dec 2024, 2:38am

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