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File 149922021398.jpg - (158.58KB , 1150x800 , be2cf6808e419028b93bd03fc2061eda.jpg )
3285 No. 3285 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What weeb junk have you guys acquired recently besides than figures?
30 posts and 16 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 4061 [Edit]
File 171539606378.jpg - (1.63MB , 1500x2000 , DSC_2374.jpg )
My keychain collection is growing...
>> No. 4062 [Edit]
I love those pinched keychains
>> No. 4090 [Edit]
File 173434270871.png - (287.69KB , 472x697 , kotori keychain.png )
I got this Kotori keychain in the mail today. It's neat.
>> No. 4091 [Edit]
File 173643756972.png - (1.98MB , 1920x1080 , planetarian-surprise.png )
I bought this Planetarian Bluray just for the Bluray's sake and thought it would be just the Bluray, but when I opened it, there was besides that, 5 pretty, high-quality pictures of the robot girl and a fairly thick book with sketches and character designs. That was a good surprise today.

File 172999291641.jpg - (191.79KB , 800x600 , BPvRzynphMU6GTYw.jpg )
4079 No. 4079 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]

Notice Regarding Change in Packaging Design

Nendoroid and Nendoroid [Basic] products will soon feature redesigned packaging that significantly minimizes the use of plastic materials, reducing plastic consumption by up to 84% as compared to the original design.

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>> No. 4084 [Edit]
While in good nature, I worry about the effectiveness of the new packaging compared to the original in the measure of the actual purpose of packaging, which is protection during transport.
The plastic gives me a feeling of heavy-duty safety, which I do not quite get from the paper one.
>> No. 4086 [Edit]
File 173017399593.jpg - (3.06MB , 2576x1932 , DSC01709.jpg )
I had a bit of a knee jerk reaction to this and absolutely hated it. I mean, as a collect I feel like the packaging is a pretty big deal and a significant amount of collectors will be keeping their items in those things. Not to mention when you run out of space, like I have, you might start stacking these things up and displaying the item in package.
The more I thought about it though I realized, for one I store and display all mine with the sides or tops showing, not the plastic windows, which I think looks better. Another thing is, a lot of figures I've bought over the years were like this. It's a bit odd certainly but I wouldn't say I hated their decision.
The other thing is, I think the example photo they use probably won't be what the final product looks like. I'm sure it'll have actual images on the box. ...I sure as hell hope they're not really shipping blank boxes like that.
Another thing is I've noticed that in a lot of cases with second hand figures, the plastic windows tend to fall into the boxes as the glue holding them to the cardboard gives out, and the lack of material in the front can make these boxes a lot less sturdy. The plastic packs are certainly better for protecting the figure, but the boxes themselves just aren't as durable with those huge cut outs and can easily fall apart. The ones with multiple windows like on the sides too can be especially flimsy.
>> No. 4087 [Edit]
File 173017790625.jpg - (580.76KB , 800x882 , GbBt0_kbQAEs9b1.jpg )
They're not generic white boxes.
>> No. 4089 [Edit]

The pushback was so bad they caved and reversed the decision.

File 130223779047.jpg - (51.37KB , 533x800 , motoko.jpg )
934 No. 934 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
OK, so, we'll dedicate this thread to all the stuff coming out. Figures and goods that are being announced, things we plan to buy, or things we just plan to drool over.

Preorders just went up for an extremely sexy Motoko Kusanagi by Kaitendo. Scheduled for a late-July release and sculpted by Tsuyoshi Takahashi, this is an extremely Masamune-faithful rendition... and I will not be able to afford her, sirs.
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>> No. 4054 [Edit]
File 170252988031.jpg - (202.10KB , 1200x800 , horse plush.jpg )
Who the heck has space for stuff like this? Where do you even keep them??
>> No. 4055 [Edit]
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In your bed of course silly.
>> No. 4085 [Edit]
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....waiting for this.
>> No. 4088 [Edit]
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Fuck your shit I'm a plushy now.

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1 No. 1 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
ITT, post the last fig you bought.
340 posts and 213 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 4058 [Edit]
That's a good reason. I mostly buy limited figures and merch that don't look like they will get reissued.
>> No. 4059 [Edit]
File 170773533148.jpg - (196.04KB , 600x600 , FIGURE-162413.jpg )
Pre-ordered this recently. I don't really do scales too often, especially as they've gotten really expensive over the years, but this was a nice price on top of the exchange rate making it even better.
>> No. 4075 [Edit]
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I bought some Azumanga Daioh figures. So far I like them.
>> No. 4078 [Edit]
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4070 No. 4070 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Anyone here play or collect these?
It's basically a trading card game that features sets based on various games and anime.
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>> No. 4073 [Edit]
When I asked about it last year in the yugioh thread >>4056 nobody replied so I assume the answer is no.
>> No. 4074 [Edit]
I only picked this up recently, very recently.
>> No. 4076 [Edit]
File 172514382084.jpg - (971.05KB , 4032x3024 , DSC_3086.jpg )
>It's pretty much impossible to get cards from an anime you don't like unless you're buying someone's secondhand collection.
It's also possible if you're buying cards from a collection set. But you should already know before getting one of those that they're going to be from random sources.
Pic related, it's from a booster box I opened from the Kadokawa 30th anniversary set.
>> No. 4077 [Edit]
File 172670760820.jpg - (1.54MB , 2016x1512 , DSC_3146.jpg )
I got some custom made card sleeves in the mail today. Now I can (never) play this game in style!

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1642 No. 1642 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
How about a dakimakura thread? Post what you have, experiences, and complaints (about how your waifu lacks even a design for one).

Why does no one love Miko? Soga has a dakimakura design already! And Mamizou! Even Wriggle has one, but Shizuha doesn't. But I guess it doesn't really matter right now, since I lack the funds to purchase one.

I would love to have this Yuno one if I could find it. Don't really like the swimsuit side, though. Seems out of place for me, who just wants a design that fits a girl going to bed.

And is there really a difference between a normal pillow and a dakimakura? I've been using a normal pillow and it works out alright. Certainly would help if it were longer.
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>> No. 4066 [Edit]
File 172067297756.png - (322.31KB , 447x516 , kanbe kotori daki.png )
I bought this Kanbe Kotori Daki off of Ebay yesterday. It should arrive sometime this month. I think I'll be quite happy for a while after receiving this cover, because I'll finally have Kotori in my arms, not just on my screen. I'll update you once it's here.
>> No. 4067 [Edit]
File 172106215697.png - (679.40KB , 492x1246 , kotori.png )
It arrived. I made a quick picture before throwing it into the washing machine. Soo, basically

What could be better:
I don't like how she is holding her hands next to her mouth, which could be annoying while kissing
Also, it has no backside, the backside is just empty, but that's okay, I didn't except there to be one anyway.

What I like about it:
The fabric is very soft.
It fits the pillow I already had perfectly

All, in all, it's great and hopefully she will stay with me many, many nights to come (once she is out of the washing machine, that is).
>> No. 4068 [Edit]
can you post more? cute
>> No. 4069 [Edit]
File 172127097440.png - (1.68MB , 1636x1072 , kotori daki.png )
I compiled a bunch of pictures of my daki into a little collage, so here you got more.

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2235 No. 2235 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
ITT: General collectibles / Random objects you keep as dear.
168 posts and 133 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3663 [Edit]
This looks pretty cool. I wonder how long the gloss finish would hold out before scratches start being noticeable.
>> No. 3674 [Edit]
Indeed: many of these are meant for collecting purposes, not to be solved again and again. I just solved it once (pretty easy) and that's about it.
>> No. 4039 [Edit]
Any new puzzles to share, puzzle-kun?
>> No. 4065 [Edit]
File 172010905624.jpg - (3.82MB , 1008x3780 , getting jiggy with it.jpg )
This caught my eye at the store. A blank and transparent jigsaw puzzle. Idea is you not only don't know the orientation, but also which face is the correct side.
Box labeled it as impossible, so I took that as a challenge.

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3273 No. 3273 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Post pictures you took of your soft cuties.
44 posts and 39 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 4032 [Edit]
File 166148838880.jpg - (64.77KB , 498x665 , IMG_1874.jpg )

Select fumo will be available from 8/24 to 9/21.

I ordered a NEET princess.
>> No. 4035 [Edit]
File 166961266151.jpg - (1.79MB , 2000x1500 , 20221127_211437.jpg )
Got a pair of fumo. Was an insta buy the moment I saw they were available.
>> No. 4063 [Edit]
File 171565908169.jpg - (1.67MB , 2000x1500 , DSC_2390.jpg )
I got a fumo cirno in the mail today along with a Chocopuni Ayane.
>> No. 4064 [Edit]
cute collection, they look very clean and neat

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66 No. 66 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Have any of you ever played Yu-gi-oh before? I did for a brief period in my teens. Played in local tourneys, yet I never won any of them, sadly. Was a pretty decent player, my specialty deck was centered around Harpies. Those girls served me well.
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>> No. 1535 [Edit]
oh god
>> No. 1541 [Edit]
used to play competitively, but that stopped being fun after a while (there were pretty much 3 types of deck that would always win, and they were all filled with super expensive cards). People are right when they say the game is kind of imbalanced... It's fun to play casually every once in awhile though.
>> No. 1545 [Edit]
I still play sometimes (started around 2000). I'm on and off various yugioh IRC channels (also the #tohno-chan channel). Ask me for a game (via!

I hate the new stuff (Synchro, XYZ) and like fun decks.
>> No. 4056 [Edit]
File 170257891625.jpg - (269.03KB , 1000x1333 , 20231006_124759.jpg )
But even more importantly, have any of you ever played Weiß Schwarz?

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1898 No. 1898 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
How many of you guys are into building Garage Kits?

Got any tips for beginners on extremely tight budgets?
like what materials/tools to get and so on?
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>> No. 3565 [Edit]
File 152565863375.jpg - (81.43KB , 581x768 , Organic_Model_Kit.jpg )
I want to start (slowly but steady) collecting model and garage kits. Any recommendations regarding resources, where to start, buy and price guides, etc.?
>> No. 3566 [Edit]
>> No. 4045 [Edit]
File 16942766282.jpg - (2.82MB , 4000x3000 , Guntank.jpg )
Put matte clear coat on my friend Guntank and now he looks quite nice.
I could have done a better job with panel lining, could use another layer or two of clear coat, and the spots where nubs were cut off are a bit ugly. Despite this, I'm pretty happy with it.
>> No. 4049 [Edit]
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I've been continuing on with gunpla. After trying out some other grades (MG and RG), I'm finding HG kits the most fun for now. The construction is less time consuming so I can focus on the smaller details, developing better skills, and also it doesn't feel as bad to make mistakes.
I've realized that there is a bit of work to do in terms of organization. Both with my supplies/tools and the kit leftovers themselves. For supplies and tools, it'd be nice to keep everything ready depending on what I need. I will solve this with some drawers and then smaller boxes. Then for the kits, I just don't have space for the all boxes, but I don't want a bunch of loose extras or to toss the manuals. I'm planning on getting sandwich bags for the extras and a binder with sheet protectors to hold the manuals and boxtops.

Image is a WIP HG RX-78-2. It's mostly finished, I just need some yellow paint, do a little clean up here and there, then clear coat. After that, it will be ready to stand alongside Guntank.

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3482 No. 3482 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Do you like Lego blocks? Do you own any sets or figurines? Are you fond of particular themes? Are there any sets or products based on manga, anime, video games, etc. that you ever wanted to see made? Post funny, useful or curious creations you have found. Remember to follow the no 3DPD rule.

Lego Digital Designer:
Resources, Tools & Tutorials:
Gallery of Parts:
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>> No. 4040 [Edit]
File 168551905866.jpg - (1.05MB , 1500x1125 , DSC_0625.jpg )
A while back I got the idea to try making a custom mosaic, but I had no idea what from or even what of. Just that I wanted to try it. Then it hit me, duh people do that with lego all the time, they even have official sets for it. Which I'll admit this is not, as that would be pricy and when done you wouldn't be able to tell anyway.
Even after gathering materials, I still had no idea what image to use, so the board sat collecting dust for a couple months.
I've been playing a lot of retro games lately, and decided to recreate a frame from one of the Klonoa GBA games.
>> No. 4041 [Edit]
File 168560435581.png - (658B , 48x48 , k2.png )
Found a sprite of the image I'm basing it on, which helps but I'm finding myself not having enough of the right colors. Might end up trying another image instead.
>> No. 4046 [Edit]
File 169441570317.jpg - (78.67KB , 947x612 , 456y.jpg )
This really ticks me off. You see these seats? They're black! the part in front of them? Dark gray.

A while back I bought a very large used bin of random lego, mostly disassembled with a few chunks of partly assembled things here and there and no instructions for anything. over the past month or so I've been sorting out the parts and figuring out what sets are actually in this bin. Something most people might not know is that all lego parts have part numbers printed on them, usually it's tiny and out of sight. Bricklink and brickowl both have databases that catalog every known part and what sets they can be found in. So if you have an unusual part, it can be pretty easy to find out what set it went to. The lego company meanwhile, has PDFs online for all if not nearly all of their sets. Here's the thing though... their instruction PDFs are weirdly bad. The resolution is bad and the colors are way off.
In the case of this boat, I gave it dark gray seats and when I needed dark gray seats for other sets I couldn't find any and assumed they were missing parts. Likewise, there were some parts for this boat I thought were dark gray that I couldn't find, so I assumed they were missing since I could only find them in black... "wait a second..." I thought, and checked the part list for the set and sure enough the colors were just off on the PDF. Colors like white are fine, but the different shades of brown and tans look the same, and standard green looks like a lime green.

I tried to look into why they're like this, and the going theory people seem to have is that the lego company simply doesn't want people building sets from scratch, they want you to buy the set with the manual included.
There's a few issues with that. For one, recent news as unveiled that they're planning on discontinuing manuals in future sets for cost saving reasons. Manuals can be pretty big thick heavy books on larger sets after all. The other thing is, if they didn't want people who didn't buy the sets building the sets, why have the PDF available at all then?
Honesty, I think it's just a case of them either A: hiring people who did a crap job or B: they intentionally used lower quality PDFs to reduce server space and load.
While putting together these sets I have fou
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>> No. 4047 [Edit]
not a nice boat

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