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File 164994419587.jpg - (103.00KB , 850x478 , sample_22416236c858e1aa01b6883c9e737810.jpg )
3252 No. 3252 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Can someone helm me creating my own imageboard on my phone only ( I don't have any pc) please people I beg you
18 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3618 [Edit]
Privex's cheapest option is $2 per month. You only get a ipv6 address, but that can be worked around with this:
>> No. 3662 [Edit]

Lowendbox has loads of links on this very topic. I use racknerd and it still has ipv4.
>> No. 3663 [Edit]
780mb of ram isn't a lot though, you probably wouldn't host anything significant on that, only for personal use. but then, 10GB of disk space is very little. i think 780mb of ram + terabytes of disk space would be fine for many personal purposes, though. on the other hand, if i had friends, you could use such vps to host a vpn to play games or whatever.

Post edited on 9th Feb 2025, 4:05am
>> No. 3664 [Edit]
File 173988348873.png - (85.17KB , 923x642 , untitled.png )
Sorry I meant the $2/mo racknerd. The specs are about the same as the right side pic. I have similar to the left side one too but with a different company.

They do these sales with Lowendbox. Yet on their websites, they have such odd plans.
The first tier is half the specs, for more than the sale cost. Then the next tier up is $216/yr, when the same specs cost $60/yr everywhere else.

It's like they want no one to buy anything outside of their sale? I don't understand the business model at all.

But they're pretty decent for the sale price, if you don't mind random downtimes a couple times a year.

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3657 No. 3657 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]

Adding support for tags embedded in common image types, has been an interest of mine for a while.

I've buckled down, and I'm gonna get it done. What I have so far, is a COM property handler, that wraps around the original intended for an image type. The class factory and reading data through the original property handler are implemented. Next, I will implement reading tag data.

I've gone with Rust because before this, I knew neither C++ nor Rust, and I'm more interested in the latter. On top of that, I think I can benefit from the safety net Rust provides. When looking at C++ COM code, there's a lot of raw pointer dereferencing and manually releasing memory. "Modern" C++ mitigates the dangers associated with the language, but I don't know if those features are compatible with COM. Even if they are, I would have to know the language well enough to map reference code to "modern" C++, and that seems like way too much of a learning curve compared to there only being one, good way of doing things.

For reading tags, the xmp_toolkit crate seems like the right tool for the job. Moving data from a COM interface to that crate's XmpMeta struct, isn't straightforward though. The two ideas I have are either somehow getting the full file path from the IStream interface, and passing that along, or writing the data to a temporary location, and passing the path to that along. I suspect the former is more performant. It would be nice if I could somehow pass the in-memory data IStream has access to, to xmp_toolkit, but I don't think that's possible. Any suggestions on this would be greatly appreciated.
>> No. 3658 [Edit]
File 173391356499.png - (504.49KB , 1512x575 , Capture.png )
Update: It's pretty much finished. PNG and GIF files can now have their embedded tags indexed. What I'll do next is develop my tag scraper more. I also want that to work with MP4 files, which have their own tagging system that windows supports that natively.
>> No. 3659 [Edit]
File 173416080069.jpg - (813.14KB , 1073x1500 , b294750c8661406fdaabc3be8d5cfc05.jpg )
Alright, what I have so far works with images perfectly well(minus the bugs I've been finding here and there)


I ended up writing this part in Rust. I wanted to remove the dependency on Exiftool and just have a self-contained executable. Wasn't possible with Go. I learned a lot though and the result has more polish.

Next I'll try adding MP4 support.

Post edited on 14th Dec 2024, 12:08am
>> No. 3660 [Edit]
File 17342192638.png - (19.12KB , 721x451 , 7e770a8e87f4bb221ab244d8d3ac692e98985f94403e7913ba.png )
This could've been good in theory, but sadly we have to pass on this because it's written in NSAlang.
>> No. 3661 [Edit]
File 173422586320.jpg - (4.76MB , 2480x3508 , 124106269_p0.jpg )
Yeah, I'm done with what I have now. The latest release on Gitlab will probably be the last unless I notice a bug. Error-handling has been cleaned up.

Unfortunately, I'm giving up on adding MP4 support. Microsoft decided to use a proprietary, undocumented standard for MPEG-4 tags. The only way to programmatically edit these, is through some .Net Windows Shell SDK that they don't even host a download for anymore.

What makes this even more frustrating is that iTunes already made a standard for MPEG-4 audio metadata, and there's very good library support for editing that. There's 0 reason it can't be used with video files too. Trying to use XMP data instead didn't really work when I tested it before, so I don't even want to get into that.

I'm beginning to see the advantages of Hydrus Network's approach. Shell integration with something like that would be great. Maybe through a "protocol handler"

I'm not sure it's worth investing even more into the Window's platform though. Maybe thinking about Linux would be a more fruitful venture, since everything is well-documented there.

C and C++ are the NSA's favorite languages. They have it to thank for countless exploits and 0-days. At the end of the day, the ecosystem is the most important thing about a language and Rust was the only language that fits this purpose besides C++, which I think would be a huge pain in the ass in comparison.

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109 No. 109 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
A thread to post your drawings.

I don't see one.
223 posts and 146 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3086 [Edit]
File 159288333555.jpg - (2.44MB , 3024x4032 , 20200622_225942.jpg )
I think this one came out better. The torso is still too long proportionally and I don't really know how to shade the back.
>> No. 3567 [Edit]
>> No. 3655 [Edit]
File 173185734776.jpg - (2.92MB , 4032x3024 , IMG_0137.jpg )
trying to replicate a drawing i saw in the interweb
>> No. 3656 [Edit]
y0mu, you?

File 165518288236.png - (3.87MB , 3808x940 , comp6.png )
3322 No. 3322 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
I don't want to keep flooding the /navi/ thread, so I'll post updates here from now on. Crushed some bugs, and added some features, including rate limiting(ended up only needing the stdlib for that).

I added a feature I'm slightly unsure about since it's pretty unconventional. CSS allows you to define the maximum height and width an image can occupy based on the viewport. I decided to use this to limit how large a thumbnail can expand. I think this improves the user experience, since you'll never scroll to look at an image piece by piece, or open it in a new tab.

I'm a little worried it'll mislead people into thinking images are lower res than they really are . The file info does include the real image dimensions though. Pic is a comparison of my behavior compared to tc's.


Post edited on 13th Jun 2022, 10:10pm
152 posts and 47 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3651 [Edit]
To be fair mongolicdb is terrible even for nosql standards.
>flat files
I remember some guy that used to run an imageboard that used a gigantic CSV file as database. It didn't matter because the board was slow enough to not crash the whole thing.
>> No. 3652 [Edit]
>but SQL stays.
Postgres supports jsonb if you really want to store a loose bag of data inside a column.
>> No. 3653 [Edit]
File 173180300043.png - (128.78KB , 400x400 , c708401f57702272009dc4356aac4d1e.png )
Schemebbs uses plain files too
>There's no database, messages are stored as Scheme objects in plain files.

Early on, I considered using Redis for certain things, but decided there was nothing I needed which couldn't be handled by an in-memory map, and would justify the additional dependency.
>> No. 3654 [Edit]
A database is just a fancy hash table if you squint your eyes enough.

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3553 No. 3553 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
I came across this video about art that gave me a lot of food for thought, as someone who's made a few failed attempts over the years to "get into" art.

To summarize:

• Commonly repeated learning techniques in the west, e.g. thinking about everything in terms of geometric shapes or scaffolds, are actually debilitating(in general, but especially for otaku art). These are maliciously propagated as a form of ladder kicking; art instructors will draw half-appealing examples, ostensibly because of these techniques, as a way of fooling people into thinking they're useful. "Western art is essentially: how good can we be, while insidiously fucking things up"?

• Saito Naoki is a good source of information.

• Most westerns who attempt to learn "anime-style" drawing, will fail because of all this misdirection and discouragement, which are institutionalized. At best their style will be a "hybrid" of the two. Elements of otaku art may be present, but not the technique. Many of them compensate for this failure by convincing themselves their style is actually superior, or that they weren't "meant" to make the kind of art that inspired them to draw in the first place. This is exacerbated by all the people who validate these delusions.

• The two most important methods for learning how to actually draw otaku art, are meticulously and mindfully copying animation settei, and gesture studies

• When copying settei, do it on a line-by-line basis with the goal of accuracy. As you do it, think about why the lines "work" together, and why the mistakes you make don't. Don't do any rough sketching, because the purpose is to understand and observe the drawing, not imitating the process used to create it in the first place. The spacing between eyes is especially important. "You're trying to memorize all of the key shapes and... You're trying to figure out exactly how and why they work". "Seeking accuracy will inevitably lead to understanding how and why these shapes work".

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68 posts and 25 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3630 [Edit]
Thank you. Now, about the method... are you really supposed to do the same thing from the very beginning, which is looking at a target picture and trying to imitate it as closely as possible by eye? Or would it be better to start with direct tracing and after some time move onto imitation by eye? Or maybe some sort of hybrid where you try to imitate sections by eye, and directly compare them with the target picture and fix major fuckups before moving to the next section?
>> No. 3631 [Edit]
Don't just trace. There's no point where you'll be "good enough" to start copying by eye. Howard has suggested tracing AFTER you copy by eye, if you're really off the mark. I think doing it all in one go is better than sectioning things arbitrarily. The drawing exists as a whole, not in neat divisions. As you draw something, keep the other parts in mind. That's how you keep things proportional and with the correct gesture.
>> No. 3632 [Edit]
I realized that for my purposes I need to learn some SD, and if anything that would have more priority than general art. Has Howard ever talked about SD in his Patreon videos or whatever? Is it easier than general art? Can it be learned before general art or is that unadvised?
>> No. 3633 [Edit]
If by SD, you mean chibi, I can't recall him mentioning it specifically. What I think though, is that any otaku art style is going to share the same principles. If drawing chibi characters is what motivates you, just go for it.

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3613 No. 3613 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
"Writing is not even remotely possible without Congress being informed," Senator Adeline Pierce declared, her voice echoing through the marble halls of the Capitol. Her statement was met with murmurs of agreement and a few puzzled glances. The Senator's chief of staff, David, shifted uncomfortably behind her, clutching a sheaf of documents. He knew the weight of what was about to be revealed.

In the shadowy corners of Washington D.C., whispers of a clandestine operation had begun to surface. It was said that a certain lobbyist, known only as Blackthorn, had a secret weapon—a clone. This clone, indistinguishable from a real human, had been inserted into the office of a prominent senator, replacing a trusted staffer. Blackthorn's machinations were more insidious than anyone could have imagined.

The clone, genetically engineered and trained to perfection, was no ordinary imposter. It had a unique capability: quantum entanglement. This mysterious phenomenon connected the clone to a reclusive writer in Portland, an anarchist named Elias Winter. Through this connection, Winter could influence and manipulate the clone's actions from across the country. With this power, he had been crafting bills, amending laws, and even orchestrating murders to advance Blackthorn's agenda.

David recalled the day he first suspected something was amiss. The new staffer, a young woman named Claire, had seemed almost too perfect. Her work was impeccable, her demeanor unflappable. But there were moments—fleeting glimpses of something in her eyes, an unnatural rigidity in her movements—that hinted at a hidden truth. David's suspicions were confirmed when he stumbled upon Claire speaking in hushed tones, reciting lines of dialogue that didn't belong in a political office but in the pages of a dystopian novel.

Desperate to uncover the truth, David had enlisted the help of a cybersecurity expert, Elena, who specialized in quantum computing. Together, they traced the anomalies in Claire's behavior to Elias Winter. The revelation was chilling: Winter, with his anti-establishment beliefs and a mind twisted by solitude, had found a way to project his consciousness into the clone, effectively becoming a puppet master in the heart of the government.

Their investigation led them deep
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412 No. 412 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
This will be a thread for beginners to post their pictures and have people who are more experienced give them advice on how to improve.
I will be posting some of my work shortly.
485 posts and 199 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3548 [Edit]
look nice, at least to my untrained eyes your stuff is already at the level of popular pixiv artists.
>> No. 3549 [Edit]
>That's really nice. Are you just starting to learn drawing?
Thanks a lot. No, I used to draw as a kid, but kept going on and off, sometimes with year-long breaks in-between. But I am starting to try colouring. Nice Flandre, by the way.
>> No. 3550 [Edit]
That's a cute flan drawing
>> No. 3551 [Edit]
I'm glad it helped! "Just draw" works more if you're a beginner like me and don't know where to start. I think it depends if what you want to draw is something that forces you to practice or if you get into the habit of drawing what you're used to but it's fun nonetheless. I'm going to try drawing something other than portraits regularly again after I finish cleaning and rearranging my room. Cute Flan, by the way.

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2775 No. 2775 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
For those of you who upload the things you make, where do you like to upload them?

Aside from here, of course.
19 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3520 [Edit]
>> No. 3528 [Edit]
What is your website anon? I won't comment about it.
>> No. 3532 [Edit]
Literature goes onto my personal website on Neocities. Art right now is mostly on Weasyl but I plan to move it to my website at a later date. Games go on Itch, can't put them on Neocities sadly.

I can... almost vouch for Weasyl. Most of the stuff uploaded there is DeviantART-tier but it makes up for it with its user interface that I think is the best I've seen on an art site. Don't expect any engagement though.
>> No. 3543 [Edit]
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I think that what site you choose to upload your stuff to should be based upon the functionality of the site as opposed to reception; what's the extent of it's tagging/searching capabilities, how much of it is gated by account-usage, does the site compress your work or have limits (if so how much), privacy aspects etc. Nonetheless, if you are using the site not merely as a means for hosting to link elsewhere but for sake of visibility (whose purpose is indeed lacking) then proceed with your criteria. However, regardless I think you should also choose another site to mirror your work with quality as the priority. I don't know personally which sites are browsable that offer lossless galleries, if any, but optimally it would be both, if none can be found then at the very least upload all your works losslessly to a filehosting service perhaps periodically in an archive, or maybe MEGA, or consider hosting your own simple html site on a free hosting service such as neocities (only really a feasible option if the quantiy is low).

Was pleased to see you can upload .swf there, though I didn't find any interesting ones. Odd that there's no svg (according to the faq) though considering.

File Following_the_witch.pdf - (172.51KB , Following the witch.pdf )
3533 No. 3533 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Following the witch: another hymn to Aphrodite. A poem inspired in part by Yume Nikki.

Any thoughts/criticisms?
>> No. 3534 [Edit]
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>Any thoughts/criticisms?
>> No. 3535 [Edit]
I'm not really into poetry. It requires effort on my part to not skim through. The mention of urine laced tap water, and sports-drinks felt odd. I think I get what you're going for, a dreamy, nonsensical atmosphere, but it still feels inharmonious to include stuff like that and name drop Greek tragedies in the same text.

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2827 No. 2827 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
does anyone else here ever like to draw realistic noses on anime girls?
4 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2953 [Edit]
I just thought up a nightmare scifi scenario I'd like to ask if you think its spooky enough before fleshing out the idea. The hypothesis I'm basing my idea on is that after humans go into space and live in low/zero gravity situations the physical penalties for obesity are reduced and the fatties are able to grow to enormous sizes without being crushed to death under the weight of their own hideous mass. After a few generations the fatties have evolved bodies more in line with their excess nutritional intake and as everything else about them grows, so does their brains. The fattest of fatties grow super smart and conquer humanity completely, possibly eating a lot of us in the process and eventually enormous space whales the size of planets rule the universe an thats how it all plays out in the end. Fatties win bigtime.
What do you think?
>> No. 3524 [Edit]
delete this right now you baka
>> No. 3527 [Edit]
File 170372372054.jpg - (70.15KB , 225x606 , 1520502994731n.jpg )
Old thread, huh. I never did realistic noses, I would just add little triangle noses to images to make people laugh.
>> No. 3611 [Edit]
unlike op's picture, those triangle noses actually look cute

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3523 No. 3523 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Where should I start? Is it like super hard or something?

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