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No. 21170 [Edit]
What's it like to have a waifu? People say that it will come naturally but I'm worried that I'll be alone because of my jaded outlook and personality.
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>> No. 21171 [Edit]
File 155390049928.png - (354.78KB , 848x480 , mai waifu.png )
>What's it like to have a waifu?
With everybody you ask, you're going to get somewhat different answers from what I've seen. The shared aspect is love, but that's about it. One thing that varies per person is the amount of 'imagination' one has. For example I've met people who imagine their waifu with them most days and have a good grasp on how they'd react and act during daily events like that on a more than basic level. I'd imagine most people think about those sort of things, but for me my imagination/creativity is particularly limiting. Second thing that varies per person is how they view their relationship, some people viewing it as more platonic, some romantic, some admiration of an ideal/god(ess), or some mix of those.
>People say that it will come naturally but I'm worried that I'll be alone because of my jaded outlook and personality.
I think anyone falling in love would say that it comes naturally, don't think that is limited to 2D love. However, though it does come naturally, at least for me it did come with a choice to be made. I only bring this up because you doubt yourself (and many people might have varying experiences so don't treat what I am saying as absolute), but it might be something to consider. If there is a character you question whether you love, you sorta have to decide then whether your feelings are genuine enough to actually call a character your waifu and to treat that as a real relationship. Since the relationship is in a way all you, you make all the calls, so you have to judge whether having a waifu will actually be a beneficial experience to you. This depends on you completely, what your values and ideals are etc. Nearly 6 years ago now I thought about this a lot, I figured if I were to be true to that I would have to forego any other relationships and weigh the pro/con of doing that and not just short but long term. For me after being with her this long, it's not just about the feeling of love, but also about the appreciation of something more ideal, something to look up to and dedicate yourself towards.

Post edited on 29th Mar 2019, 4:03pm
>> No. 21172 [Edit]
>file Removed
What kind of fuck did you posted?
>> No. 21173 [Edit]
It was a gif of reviewbrah being sad.
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