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35476 No. 35476 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
A thread for anime you have something to say about but don't want to make a thread for. Thought that this might be a good alternative to the seasonal anime thread and encourage people to post more.

Post edited on 23rd Feb 2021, 11:02pm
522 posts and 256 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 38705 [Edit]
File 173871157367.jpg - (508.39KB , 1920x1080 , Ubel_Blatt_S01E01_Durch_Bruch_Break_Through_1080p_.jpg )
First episode already abundant with fights and they might as well never existed. Maybe they're saving up budget, I can't tell, but if the whole point of the series is to do some epic battles, then it looks a bit bleak.
>> No. 38706 [Edit]
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Juvenile joy has never been about great detail in battles, though my memory does a great job of deceiving me into thinking the contrary.

Something I haven't thought of before, four episodes have aired already and
>Episodes: Unknown
Might have I accidentally started a long series? Gosh. That hasn't been the plan.
>> No. 38708 [Edit]
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Enough to stop an army, to my reckoning.
>> No. 38709 [Edit]
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The sprites are great and textures look detailed. Also, it has a very interesting premise, I can't remember right on the spot anything similar.

I think the manga might actually be good, let that anon who read it correct me.

But the anime itself..? I might as well be reading manga for all the action I see. There is a fight after fight, non stop. I can accept that, since fights are the whole point, might as well skip unnecessary formalities. But they are just static images. There is no motion happening at all. It feels like eating sand or whatever. Looks nice and tasty until you put it in your mouth.

I might watch more depending on my mood because it seems by a small margin fun enough, but I think I'll drop it the very moment it stalls.

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4558 No. 4558 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Let's have a thread for screencaps! Please try to avoid spoilers, and when you post something spoilersome at least mark it as a spoiler pic properly.

Haado modo: Post only 'caps you've taken yourself.
1254 posts and 1039 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 38682 [Edit]
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I mean, when did censorship be a hindrance, ever?
>> No. 38683 [Edit]
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Yuri is always a winning move, if done with soul!
>> No. 38699 [Edit]
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Genius survival strategy!
>> No. 38701 [Edit]
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30778 No. 30778 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
154 posts and 112 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 38685 [Edit]
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>> No. 38694 [Edit]
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It has begun.
>> No. 38695 [Edit]
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This manga does sure look appealing. Shame that it's fictional.
>> No. 38696 [Edit]
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2446 No. 2446 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Let's have a thread for "old" stuff (i.e. not from the newest season) that you're catching up on.

Pic related: I'm watching Hidamari Sketch x 365 (AKA the second season). I've been thinking for awhile lately that I wanted to watch something with a "weird" character like Osaka/Rin, and Miyako kinda fits the bill, so this was just what I'm looking for.

What are you watching?
997 posts and 353 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 38679 [Edit]
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I desperately need to post it or I will burst
>> No. 38691 [Edit]
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Got around to watching Weathering with You. Compared to Your Name., it's by far the lesser movie of the two as the male and female leads are worse and the climax and ending arc pale in comparison. I hate to say this as it sounds rather shallow, but Weathering with You's script really did feel like it was just "going through the motions," teasing us with cool stuff but never committing, and as such, my heart wasn't swayed. That said, the visuals and OST still made it worthwhile; the rain really was beautiful to see animated.

And yes, flooding Tokyo to save your girl is the correct choice and a highlight of the film.

Post edited on 28th Jan 2025, 7:09pm
>> No. 38692 [Edit]
That ending is what I remembered the most. Genuinely a pretty bold choice.
>> No. 38693 [Edit]
Bold and cool. And so was having the kid pull a gun on the cops.

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38632 No. 38632 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Around 11 months ago I decided to look through all the anime seasons from the past century. I did this because I was not really happy with the seasons in the past years. Maybe since 5 years or 6 this is the case? Right now I can’t tell, but one day I will find out.

What I did is using Myanimelist, going back to the very first anime season and looking through all of them until Fall 1999. The reason for doing this was to hopefully fill my plan to watch list. While browsing through them I looked at every single entry to decide if I am interested or not.

Usually I download anime, but for this endeavour I decided not to, as I didn’t want to delete most of it again due to not being interested in it. Which means I searched for them online to watch them somewhere. The searching was done with Startpage, as this is what I have been using since 7 or 8 years. When I found something I skipped through the first episode of it, for example watching the first 3 minutes, skip ahead 3 minutes, watch 2 minutes, skip ahead 2 minutes, you get it. While I was doing this I suddenly thought that maybe somebody on TC may regard my findings as interesting, then while doing this I learned a few trivia here and there about anime. Therefore I go through decade for decade and write some of the information I discovered. Obviously I do not claim for this to be complete, so feel free to add something I may have missed. The same goes for correcting me when I made a mistake, because I only decided a few months ago to share what I found, which means I haven’t been making notes since the very start. On top of that I took several breaks from this, as 2024 was a horrible year for me and I now and then had zero energy and motivation left.


The first season listed is Winter 1917. A whole 2 entries are there and both of them are considered lost. I only started and wondered how people knew something existed, but couldn’t preserve it.. Unfortunately this decade continues like this, not much is around and almost everything is lost. More to that in the 1920s. Besides this nothing was produced in 1919. Or nobody knows there was something.


Now this decade was one of the more interesting to me. For one thing there were only 2 things created from 1920 – 1923, one of them was an advertisement for cosmetics and
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7 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 38686 [Edit]
A new version will be posted today. The input from >>38639 and >>38641 has been considered, once again thank you for contributing. For example sports was moved from the 70s to the 60s and the choice of words regarding occurrences has been changed. Of course there is more, else I wouldn't be posting a new one. Changes and additions include:

- Taiwan and anime
- North Korea and anime
- Elaborating why Tezuka and Miyazaki were important
- Moved Oten Shimokawa, Junichi Kouichi, Seitarou Kitayama from the 30s to the 10s, as I think it's better to have them when they started doing stuff instead of when they stopped
- New info added to the 30s, 80s and 90s
- Corrected spelling mistakes, punctuation and phrased here and there something a little bit different
- Changed the introduction a little

Once again I am not claiming for this to include everything there is to know regarding cel animation. It's just some trivia I picked up while poking through the 1910s - 1990s in order to fill my plan to watch list. You are invited to share your knowledge in case you know something I don't or if you spot a mistake. A password will be set this time, so I can change the post.
>> No. 38687 [Edit]
Around 11 months ago I decided to look through all the anime seasons from the past century. I did this because I am not really happy with the seasons from the 2020s. Right now I can’t pinpoint when my dissatisfaction started, but one day I will find out, as I am determined to eventually do with the 2000s and 2010s what I did now with the 1910s – 1990s.

What I did is using Myanimelist, on there I went back to the very first anime season and looked through all of them until Fall 1999. The reason for doing this was to hopefully fill my plan to watch list. While browsing through them I looked at every single entry to decide if I am interested or not.

Usually I download anime, but for this endeavour I decided not to, as I didn’t want to delete most of it again due to not being interested in it and for searching far and wide for torrents with seeders, as this can be hard with older stuff. Which means I searched for them online to watch them somewhere. The searching was done with Startpage, as this is what I have been using since 7 or 8 years. When I found something I skipped through the first episode of it, for example watching the first 3 minutes, skip ahead 3 minutes, watch 2 minutes, skip ahead 2 minutes and so on. While I was doing this I suddenly thought that maybe somebody on TC may regard my findings as interesting, then while doing this I learned a little bit of trivia about anime. Therefore I go through decade for decade and write down the information I discovered. I do not claim for this to be complete, so feel free to add something I may have missed. The same goes for correcting me when I made a mistake, because I only decided a few months ago to share what I found, which means I haven’t been making notes since the very start. On top of that I took several breaks from this, as 2024 was a horrible year for me and I now and then had zero energy and motivation left for doing anything.


The first season listed is Winter 1917. A whole 2 entries are there and both of them are considered lost. I am right at the beginning and already ask myself how people knew something existed, but couldn’t preserve it. Unfortunately this decade continues like this, not much is around and almost everything is lost. More to that in the 1920s. Besides this nothing was produced in 1919. Or nobody knows anymore tha
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>> No. 38688 [Edit]

Japan was hit again by a major catastrophe, but this time man made. During WW2 a lot of works were destroyed. In total there are more creations from before 1945 lost than preserved. While so far nothing made it to my PTW list it still pained me to see that as I would love to have all the music, video games, books, anime and so on to be archived and available. Anyway, when the war raged not much was produced, only a few propaganda works. Afterwards not much has been created either. Worth being mentioned is that the first full length film has been produced and the first studio with works being attributed to it was established. All the prior stuff had as information regarding the studio unknown written down, as they rarely founded studios so far, because the people who made anime were mostly hired by other companies who requested something specific from them. Regarding the source it was either original, book, or other with folktales and fables being very popular to adopt. Genres until now include adventure, fantasy, action, drama and comedy, while themes are often historical, mythological and militaristic. Unfortunately the before mentioned studio was only a short-lived propaganda studio, but familiar studios start to appear soon. At least cel animation now made it and replaced the paper cut outs from the last three decades. Besides this China entered the stage with its first work, which surprised me, because I didn’t expect to see them this early. What makes me doubt a little was the fact that other sources say that China has done animation even before that, namely since the 1920s. A few commercials, then some short films and later propaganda during the war with Japan are mentioned before the first entry on MAL. The title of pioneers of Chinese animation have the Wan Brothers. Overall this made me question if MAL is any good regarding donghua, which is the name for Chinese anime. Given the fact I do this for Japanese anime I hope nobody is upset that I didn’t dig deeper there. Honestly, I don’t really like donghua anyway.


Not much is being done, but Toei and Eiken are around now, two studios that are still active today. Somebody may now think that Toei was already founded in the 1940s, but I decided to put them in here, when they released their first anime. Another mention is the first time anime was see
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>> No. 38689 [Edit]

Empty seasons aren’t a thing anymore, in every season something was produced. Hayao Miyazaki is now producing anime as well. He already worked on anime in the 1960s, but I included him here as he never was the director in the 60s. What I consider interesting is that Miyazaki blames Tezuka for the widespread low wages in the anime industry, because he produced anime too cheap. Some sources say that the studios back then have to blame themselves, as Tezuka kept the rights for licensing and merchandizing, which is why he could produce cheaper, while the others such as Toei and Eiken did not, but produced cheap too, and because of that they had to pay awful wages in order to keep their business afloat, what established the horrible pay in the industry that still exists today. Nonetheless Miyazaki is important as his movies he later produced with Ghibli in the 80s and 90s gained a lot of international attention that benefited anime. Anyway, a lot of familiar faces and names appear, at least for me. On one hand are anime I have heard a lot of stuff about online but never watched, such as Ashita no Joe, Lupin the third, Cutie Honey, Uchuu Senkan Yamato, Uchuu Kaizoku Captain Harlock, Ginga Tetsudo 999 and Gundam. On the other hand there are anime I have watched on TV as a child, such as Attack No. 1, Muumin, Pinocchio, Doraemon, Alps no Shoujo Heidi, Mitsubachi and Maya no Bouken, Calimero and Chiisana Viking Vickie. New studios arrived too, Sunrise, Madhouse, TMS Entertainment and Nippon Animation for example. Overall I finally started to put some anime on my PTW list, but I had to move some into on hold instead of PTW as there are no subs, or only partially, or a case of lost media is given.


Looking through this decade I can definitely see why it is called the golden age. Thanks to VHS anime can now be sold to people directly and enjoyed at home whenever they want, not having to sit in front of the TV at a certain time or having to go to a cinema. With that a new market with a lot of revenue was opened, which could be used to produce even more. The rest of the world also developed a taste for anime, this lead to another form of income thanks to licensing and yet more money that could be invested. On top of that many popular franchises were established and sequels produced. What surprised me is who licensed and
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33339 No. 33339 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Let's post reviews of anime when we finish watching them!

It doesn't have to be from this season; any anime is fine!

I'll post the first review ITT
603 posts and 286 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 38668 [Edit]
>Gakkou Gurashi
>mentally mark it as a slice-of-life for emergency mental illness treatment
It's not exactly horror though. I'd say it's more bittersweet. Definitely more tonal than other kirara shows, but it's almost certainly not going to harm your mental health. Without spoiling things, the best analogy I can have is to the ED of Kemono Friends. The whole show is like that, bittersweet and mono-no-aware. You will almost certainly feel sad, but in a "positive" way that reminds you of the warmth and pleasure of friendship. Any mild shock only comes from the shock of expectations, a sense of "I can't believe my cute wholesome kirara is actually so tragic." And really such mild shock is only in the first or second episode.

You should be prepared for loss of life, but it's again framed in more of a sad rather than horrifying way. It's like the graduation scenes of SoL dialed up to 11. I really didn't mean to sneak anything by you, and I can in fact deeply empathize with how things can harm you psychologically in a way that leaves a lasting impact and makes you nervous. Maybe even "priming" you in a way that innocent things are tinted with a negative association.

Gakkou Gurashi is one of my favorite shows just because of how strongly it captures that mono-no-aware feeling and shows how closely friendship can bond people together even in the worst of times. Feel free to ask any more questions if you're still nervous, and I can help you make a decision as to the state of mind you'd be OK watching it in. I wil say that watching it will put you into a melancholic/saudade state of mind, pining for something greater. So if you're already feeling lonely or isolated, it will resonate hard. Whether that is a good or bad thing is up to you: whether you're the kind of person who listens to sad songs in such times (in order to transcend those feelings and cherish the girl's bonds as your own), or whether you prefer watching sweet stuff like K-On to drown out those sorrows.

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>> No. 38669 [Edit]
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>Feel free to ask any more questions if you're still nervous, and I can help you make a decision
It's not a matter of decision, it's on the list so I'll watch it, the question is when. I don't watch anime very often, so there is no telling when I get back specifically to your recommendations. It's not just about opening my video player, I need to catch the right mood or I won't be able to enjoy a thing. Anyway, your post is sufficiently detailed, thank you.
>I can dig up other shows I've liked with such feeling.
Thank you. Hopefully you're a tohno regular too, so I'll get back to you sooner or later if I need it. My reviews aren't hard to recognize in my opinion, so hopefully you won't miss it either!

As for my tastes, I don't really know. I'm not so well established/settled in my opinions about anime that I can confidently articulate my preferences. I can't know whether I like it or not until I see it. Sometimes title/description are enough to know I don't want to watch it, but all of your recommendation passed that filter! Thank you again.
>> No. 38680 [Edit]
File 173697523983.jpg - (399.09KB , 1920x816 , [DB]Grisaia no Rakuen_-_10_(10bit_BD1080p_x265)-00.jpg )
After Grisaia no Kajitsu teeth clenched I decided today is the day to go for it. I expected it to do further strides in violating the remnants of my psyche, but turned out to be quite otherwise.

Finally there are no more of these deviously wicked psychological horror stories to kick you out of the saddle, but still I really struggle to make this post sequential.

Since all the girls have been well developed, naturally this installment went for developing Yuuji and his backstory. To his past they dedicated the first half, and to be honest I thought it very good. Most of the things had been foreshadowed, but still it did a great job of "getting me in". At this point the story goes as realistically as it gets in anime with cute girls. As a side note I can see what they did there, the storytelling technique was anything but unique, yet they made a clear point in this anime specific way, so I enjoyed it.

After they tell about his past they commence a massive pure maiden epic action adventure. Realism? My butt. They blast the realism to ashes. The action goes so rampant here it bores through the sky and beyond. And all the while they manage to maintain the peculiar atmosphere of the first season, constantly keep up subtle meta (meaning specific to Grisaia) humor, and characters actually preserve their true selves to the very end, unlike in many other anime where by the end most of the cast becomes furniture for the main character to shine in front of. It takes its own absurdity in a manner that actually makes it feel plausible and enjoyable.

It is vastly different from the first season in nearly everything, yet it manages to preserve the general feel of Grisaia no Kajitsu so well, I'm compelled to say it's an example of a good continuation, at least for me. The plot is at times so straightforward, yet so in a manner I'd like to see it, that I actually enjoyed the thing.

Conclusion: cute girls do magic.

Post edited on 15th Jan 2025, 1:12pm
>> No. 38684 [Edit]
>That's a weird thing to say. Each individual can watch anything however they want
Anyone can watch anything as they want, but it's not weird to say that certain contents are produced with specific intentions and for particular types of public. A person watching a historical documentary shouldn't be disappointed by excess of realism, as an extreme example. Each production has a way to be properly appreciated.

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9259 No. 9259 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
In this thread, we discuss and point out regular cliches and common occurrences found in anime.
a example would be the well known protag seat, but there are many out there, some more obvious than others.

Just to start things off, this is one I've been seeing a lot of.
Characters who fail to notice obvious things directly in front of them, often times needing someone to point it out for them.
307 posts and 133 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 38586 [Edit]
There is breast envy as a common trope, in particular in more Slice-of-Life-ish shows. I think it's fair to say that this counts as an anime cliche. I don't know if it's as common these days as it used to be, but for a bit this was very common.
>> No. 38587 [Edit]
I like that it's never too mean spirited, it's sort of in good faith.
>> No. 38649 [Edit]
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Even in the peak of summer, beaches are always devoid of people.
>> No. 38660 [Edit]
I think that's Okinawa specifically? Which can only be reached by aeroplane from Japan proper, so maybe it would make sense for its density not to be too high even in the summer?

Never been there, just guessing

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38537 No. 38537 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I just finished this show.

It was a roller coaster ride.

How could a show make you cry like a bitch but also horny at the same time?

Also, Kuro Kagami is cute but bitchy loli.
3 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 38563 [Edit]
Too pedo for me. You can't even pretened she's a 1000yo demon in the body of a loli.
>> No. 38566 [Edit]
>How could a show make you cry like a bitch but also horny at the same time?
Wait until you read the manga. The ending is glorious.
>> No. 38584 [Edit]

It is a shame it was banned in the US.
>> No. 38585 [Edit]

You are gay.

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29188 No. 29188 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What are some of the worst anime you've ever seen, and why?
It could be objectively bad or just something you hated for personal reasons.
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>> No. 38598 [Edit]
>why do some people believe abusive relationships are comedy gold?
I feel this way about the disappearing akarin gag in yuru yuri. I could not watch s1 and s2 because of it, ignoring a friend is not very yuru.
>> No. 38599 [Edit]
So it was CR adapting Korean shit into anime? Fuck, I hate them even more now.
>> No. 38625 [Edit]
Psycho-Pass 2nd season. The story was so nonsensical and disrespectful towards the lore of the first season that it actually made me stop watching anime for a while. Only good aspect was the OP song.
I also didn't like Girlish Number, and at this point I can't really remember why. Something about the humor being unfunny or the characters being cunty or meandering plot. Probably all 3. Designs were at least cute.
>> No. 38626 [Edit]
It is funny. I think it's a bit ridiculous to take cartoon antics like that too seriously.

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37581 No. 37581 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
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>> No. 38441 [Edit]
Season 2 announced
>> No. 38443 [Edit]
Still haven't watched the first season, but neat. Though I suppose this was inevitable.
>> No. 38444 [Edit]
I bet they'll ruin it, if they haven't already. Didn't watch it, though. It's too over hyped, and whatever [italic]they[italic] love, I oppose.
>> No. 38580 [Edit]
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I'm surprised you don't see social media managers just playing with figurines or fumos more often

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38501 No. 38501 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Urobuchi's puppetkino.
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>> No. 38510 [Edit]
>> No. 38511 [Edit]
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>> No. 38559 [Edit]
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As part of rewatching most of the earlier seasons, I rewatched the part where Shou meets the makaismith and seeing this part after recently watching the last episode, led to me wondering if there is a connection being made between the two auroras which I believe are the only ones shown in the series and that perhaps the shinkai makai are an inside job. Consider that the episode where Shou meets the "smith" naturally is when Azibelpher shows himself posessing the means to travel through time and allegedly preview results. This adjacency could be a hint. The makaismith also claims to have awoke in a different world and says that "in this place the links between time and space become unstable" and wonders whether "the hand of god is involved". And I don't think it's unreasonable to assume that Azibelpher isn't the only one who could control time magic, assuming he himself wasn't involved, and altering events through time seems perfect for political manipulation. Moreover there's already implications at multi-dimensional layers being accessesed elsewhere in the demon realm world this season, such as the demon gods themselves who, conveniently, emerged at the same time. They were summoned but supposedly can't be returned and so must be worshiped. The demonking seems superficially obsessed with maintaining peace, which itself has been the fondation of s4's subplots, and so with that image it would align that the shinkai makai were a way of forcing the demons back so he could subjugate them in the way that he did. Perhaps the presently living characters are completely detached but there's a relation between the auroras all the same.
On a meta-level the first thing you see in the OP is the makaismith transporting his sword somewhere, and Urobuchi loves the conspiratory "it was x all along" twist, and there's even been a crossover video with kyubey from madoka and thunderbolt fantasy (

There's two main questions that immediately appear about this suspicion though; was Shou ending up where he did Azibelphers intent or is where they ended up
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>> No. 38565 [Edit]
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>If the demonking is not actually a demon at all, it kind of makes sense but beckons the question why he didn't try staging a counterattack against the demons...
So much speculation. Just wait until the demon lord turns out to be a little girl.

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