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File 153530984939.jpg - (147.79KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Gegege no Kitarou (2018) - 22 [720p.jpg )
20995 No. 20995 [Edit]
Anyone else feel kinda petty about their waifu/husbando sometimes?

There's this relationship drama in my beloved's show, where she caused a relatively popular ship not to sail, and she gets gets a lot of spite from its supporters for reasons that shouldn't be related to her. I feel the urge to talk shit about the whole thing and the characters in response pretty often, which would be stupid since it's the exact behavior that riles me up, but it's hard to just look. I'm also somewhat jealous of other (to me, much less interesting) girls being more popular than her and my finger hovers over the shitpost button again.

I've also read some say they take it very personally when someone else loves their waifu as well, get competitive or attempt to test the other guy's feelings. I don't really have that but it does fall under jealousy or negative emotions in general. Feel free to bring up anything you think is relevant.

I don't think there's a fix to this other than exercising integrity, but I wanted to get this off my chest.

(Nekomusume unrelated, picked a random image because discussing the series isn't really relevant)
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>> No. 20997 [Edit]
I never really understood why (other) people with a waifu seem to yearn for others to accept, recognize, etc. their choice. It feels like an unnecessary need of validation, and makes me thing less of the person. It's like needing your parents approval to date someone IRL (yuck!). For me, the less people know, care or comment about it, the better, because it mean there's more for me to have in an absolute degree. i.e. The more popular your waifu is, the less percentage of her you possess.

Simultaneously, I think your relationship with your waifu is your own, and nobody else should be involved, which means the focus of your affection should be one-directional towards her ignore pointless chatter with other people about her. So, no, I don't feel petty about my waifu beyond the sense that I have superior taste to others with absolute garbage-tier choices, specially those who further reject 2D reality (e.g. a 2D who's in a happy and committed relationship within their own canon, like Takanashi Rikka from Chuunibyou, or any canonically married couples).

Don't get me wrong, I fully understand your feeling. I just think you should stop caring about people's opinions regarding them, and focus in maintaining and strengthening your relationship instead.

Moreover, people who ship characters are literally scum of the earth. Who the hell cares who these subhumans think?
>> No. 21020 [Edit]
I just sometimes want to smack her across the face. Not because of malice, but because I think she's cute when she's hurt. I know it's wrong, but I can't help but feel that way.
>> No. 21055 [Edit]
File 15454710201.png - (55.84KB , 128x356 , 3.png )
It makes me sad that if she was real she probably wouldn't like me.
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