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File 162485377528.png - (3.01MB , 1920x1080 , Virtual Lake Motosu.png )
21667 No. 21667 [Edit]
Do you connect with your waifu in any vidya? Like mods or a game based on their source? Yuru Camp has a VR game and I love it. It's like she's really there talking to me.
>> No. 21668 [Edit]
My wife is from a visual novel, but I don't like her source material very much, so I do not replay it very often. I am also not a big fan of 3DCG, so I don't use anything involving that either.
I have thought about creating a simple program like a visual novel to simulate interaction with her. I would like it to be fairly robust, though, so I haven't decided the best way to try to implement this idea yet.

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