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No. 18546 [Edit]
What's your most favorite part of your waifu/husbando's body?

Mine is Garrus' rump/hips. They're so kayoot.
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>> No. 18547 [Edit]
File 143683424918.png - (387.72KB , 580x574 , 2015-07-08_03-36-46.png )
I really love his skin. Most fan art doesn't color him correctly though.
>> No. 18552 [Edit]
File 143685161243.jpg - (322.00KB , 740x700 , 48110488_p6_master1200.jpg )
His cute/cool face of course
>> No. 18553 [Edit]
File 143687326116.png - (239.01KB , 700x653 , wr13.png )
His eyes are very sharp, and my favorite shade of blue. He usually hides his eyes behind his glasses or obviously, his mask, so I love seeing them and that at some parts the player can peak behind the characters masks. For a chibi style game, he had a very handsome face while still looking cute! Now that I think about it, maybe I'll just go with his entire face. I love the shape of his nose and mouth as well and all his facial expressions.
>> No. 18558 [Edit]
File 143690255689.jpg - (424.20KB , 1500x844 , 31901188_big_p4.jpg )
Her hair.
>> No. 18559 [Edit]
File 143692458632.jpg - (232.05KB , 1280x1280 , tumblr_nrhwxvJEim1tz0rtwo1_1280.jpg )
His eyes. They remind me of amber (which is appropriate considering his source material, I guess). And his hair, I love running my hands through his curls.
>> No. 18618 [Edit]
File 143787011268.png - (597.10KB , 667x747 , 1432804056418.png )
The sweet smile on her beautiful face and her perfect breasts.
>> No. 18635 [Edit]
File 143843231333.jpg - (17.13KB , 243x145 , Kanako (116).jpg )
Those little bits of her hair that fan inwards makes my heart go pew pew pew!
>> No. 18637 [Edit]
File 143853561835.jpg - (500.74KB , 800x1120 , wkvH6BZ.jpg )
Her thighs make me crazy.
>> No. 18668 [Edit]
File 143909428934.jpg - (775.93KB , 723x1023 , f5511835af4747858649532e6758e258.jpg )
>actually choosing a part
>> No. 18875 [Edit]
File 144213962884.jpg - (494.95KB , 500x1082 , Tohno scan 004.jpg )
I'm tempted to say it's those pretty eyes, but she's got some really nice hair too that just makes me wanna stroke it. She's also got some great legs. I can't decide!
>> No. 18890 [Edit]
>> No. 18937 [Edit]
File 144278177239.png - (72.16KB , 729x511 , Object_Manager_GUI.png )
The Object Manager subsystem <3 It's such a clever and neat design. I think it's beautiful how all the system resources are put together in a centralized place in an object-oriented design. I can really appreciate everything that's happening in NT because of it.
>> No. 18939 [Edit]
File 144297239754.jpg - (45.81KB , 640x480 , 0129309823129.jpg )
Her eyes. I can gaze into them endlessly and feel like I'm drifting through a calm sky.
>> No. 18942 [Edit]
File 144297358563.jpg - (42.68KB , 288x307 , Asuka B-ES [pencil] PROFILE.jpg )
Her eyes and hair.
>> No. 18960 [Edit]
File 144349604917.jpg - (161.19KB , 600x1025 , Saber Lily 94.jpg )
Her face, specially when she smiles.
>> No. 18970 [Edit]
File 144396681618.jpg - (87.34KB , 533x400 , 1153989722330.jpg )
I seem to focus on different areas of her body at different times. At the moment I'm really liking her neck and collarbone area.
>> No. 18979 [Edit]
File 144413919058.jpg - (122.15KB , 600x925 , Yin (3).jpg )
Can't decide between silver hair and purple eyes
>> No. 18981 [Edit]
File 14442450373.png - (2.17MB , 1500x1061 , 025_remilia.png )
It's difficult for me to choose, but I've realized that I love either her chest or her legs and feet the most. I never had any sort of foot or leg fetish before her.
>> No. 18983 [Edit]
File 144425750420.png - (1.39MB , 1920x1080 , Screenshot2012-11-21-18h41m24s170.png )
Her hair, definitely. Everything about her is perfection incarnate, but her hair is by far the most beautiful. Its so wonderful, so smooth and whenever I hug her, I also embrace its lovely softness, feel its sweet fragrance..

I heard that in her ""canon"" ranobe it gets cut or whatever, that doesnt matter to me at all. That stuff might as well not exist at all, it means nothing, my Nozomi is here with me, not in some cheap japanese light novel.

Post edited on 7th Oct 2015, 3:40pm
>> No. 19014 [Edit]
File 144443422810.jpg - (26.24KB , 640x480 , Nadia_The_Secret_of_Blue_Water_heroine.jpg )
Her eyes.
>> No. 19745 [Edit]
File 14601253646.jpg - (20.10KB , 307x649 , 75a5361217b813e52f82d0211b0e338e.jpg )
Her long black hair
>> No. 19760 [Edit]
File 146031343087.png - (230.00KB , 300x450 , 690513-ryuko_matoi__anime_portrait__large.png )
I like her hair its really cute. I also think her face in general is cute especially her gear eyes.
>> No. 19764 [Edit]
File 146032690675.jpg - (56.87KB , 488x622 , ba17a8a520feaa03f126473b917dab10.jpg )
Her eyes and her hair. I've found myself naturally drawn to violet and purple hues over the last few years as a result of being with her, and it always bothers me when I see her eyes drawn the wrong color.
>> No. 19770 [Edit]
File 146047871160.jpg - (218.60KB , 1600x1200 , 080717b.jpg )
The way she smiles. There is a simple earnestness there that I find endearing.
>> No. 19823 [Edit]
File 146125738050.jpg - (482.13KB , 722x1000 , 2fc7bca9930ec82432b5d01fdee1ac37ca4b7a07.jpg )
Her twin tails and her perfect petite figure in general.
>> No. 19838 [Edit]
File 146197700622.jpg - (621.60KB , 1008x1224 , tmp_18528-marrying_ran_807280823.jpg )
Ran's tails are sexy but I just can't beat those ears!
>> No. 20143 [Edit]
File 148270295113.png - (2.95MB , 1242x1743 , 1468878393325.png )
Her beautiful red eyes.
>> No. 20892 [Edit]
File 152156189286.jpg - (42.62KB , 245x254 , 152156115018363415.jpg )
His face.
Round and cute.
>> No. 20912 [Edit]
File 152287184988.jpg - (550.16KB , 800x938 , lucky girl Prinz Eugen (wainosu).jpg )
Definitely her eyes. They're such a beautiful green, like emeralds. I'm always a little disappointed when artists don't give her green eyes.

Her hair's a close second, though. I would love to kiss it and play with her twintails.

Post edited on 4th Apr 2018, 12:59pm
>> No. 20919 [Edit]
File 152317662271.jpg - (156.07KB , 1600x1203 , __ibuki_suika_immaterial_and_missing_power_and_tou.jpg )
Horns, hips and hair!
>> No. 20921 [Edit]
File 15231927643.jpg - (238.40KB , 1200x900 , 1da17ba3be552e580830a4e97d0208e2.jpg )
I don't really have a favourite part but there are some parts that make her special in some way.
I really like her hair. Heir long pink hair is just beautiful.
>> No. 20923 [Edit]
File 152324324456.jpg - (470.16KB , 595x759 , 綾波レイ by minoko.jpg )
Her legs- thighs, calves, shins, & ankles. I want to embrace them and kiss them so much.
>> No. 20927 [Edit]
File 152329487983.png - (864.50KB , 1200x857 , 27e7d81dadd8785444fb76466dc779ed.png )
I love her fluffy hair and flabby yet short-stacked body type.
>> No. 20929 [Edit]
I have never seen the word flabby used as a compliment before. Its kind of nice in its own way.
>> No. 20940 [Edit]

Her little mutant horse wiffer (muzzle).
>> No. 20968 [Edit]
File 152812848372.png - (729.12KB , 512x794 , Natsuki 25.png )
Her short, thin body. She's only 4'11. I like the thought of picking her up and carrying her. She makes me feel big and strong.
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