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File 158418607116.png - (176.31KB , 398x388 , 22.png )
21446 No. 21446 [Edit]
what is youre waifu's favourite things
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>> No. 21447 [Edit]
Sadly, cigarettes and beer, probably.
>> No. 21451 [Edit]
File 158423246621.jpg - (443.50KB , 3238x2859 , __yamaguchi_kisaragi_ga_geijutsuka_art_design_clas.jpg )
Drawing! Specially drawing cats!
>> No. 21454 [Edit]
File 15846938134.jpg - (4.97MB , 2508x3541 , a yukata date with Eugen-chan (william).jpg )
Beer, Bismarck-nee-san, and Japanese culture top her list of favorites, I'd say. The first two things are a given with Prinz, and she always seems excited and curious about Japanese holidays and their associated traditions. She also enjoys cooking for others.
>> No. 21478 [Edit]
File 158913892810.jpg - (317.56KB , 2048x1420 , 20785681_1483247988410083_8198084289144681965_o.jpg )
Hello fellow Boatfucker!
I'm happy Eugen got a husbando too. German shipgirls are the best in the world <3 in August 2020 Bismarck and me will be together for 4 years already.
>> No. 21494 [Edit]
File 159046643042.png - (712.70KB , 900x900 , Prinz und Bismarck (azuhira).png )
Sorry for the late reply (to put it mildly); I don't come on here very often. I'm really happy to finally find someone who loves Prinz's liebe Schwester! And you've been with her so long! I hope you'll tell us how your 4th anniversary goes. It'd be great to hear more from you, comrade.
>> No. 21511 [Edit]
where is that panel from?
>> No. 21514 [Edit]
love hina

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