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File 152720657657.png - (78.00KB , 232x355 , Screenshot 2018-05-14 at 7_10_56 PM.png )
20956 No. 20956 [Edit]
Bismarck is best girl.

I get a lot of shit for having a waifu. A lot. But I love her.

I don't lewd her. I have no problem with other people masturbating to her, because they don't have feelings for her. But I don't lewd her because I don't want to objectify my waifu and make myself think she's a slut.

I have time and time again brought up the idea of making anime girls real with genetic engineering. Every time, it gets shit on.

I don't care what people say. Bismarck is my waifu. And I love her.
>> No. 20998 [Edit]
Good luck not lewding anime girls once they're real because you don't want to think they're sluts.

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