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File 148240673720.jpg - (333.83KB , 781x767 , 12 22 16.jpg )
20117 No. 20117 [Edit]
Today is my waifu's birthday. It's a special day that always gets to me a bit. I really can't stress how much she means to me, but I'm not very good at expressing myself. I might not have any friends, I might be a waste of a human life, the world may like to regularly take it's dumps on me, but in the end she'll always be there for me and it really helps. It's not much but I drew this for the day. Happy birthday Minagi.
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>> No. 20118 [Edit]
Happy birthday!
>> No. 20119 [Edit]
Hope you do something special to celebrate!
>> No. 20121 [Edit]
File 14824395055.gif - (73.39KB , 625x471 , 15d3781e14ac746e7014b0c8f23e9ea25efa2824.gif )
Happy Birthday Minagi-san~
>> No. 20122 [Edit]
Happy birthday.
>> No. 20124 [Edit]
File 148247264223.jpg - (475.38KB , 800x1131 , 54186531_p0.jpg )
Happy birthday.
>> No. 20125 [Edit]
I'm a bit late, but Happy Birthday!

It's nice to see your love going strong, Tohno.
>> No. 20126 [Edit]
File 148247647327.jpg - (847.93KB , 900x1200 , DSC02015.jpg )
It's nothing special but I also tried baking a cake earlier today.
>> No. 20127 [Edit]
That's a heartwarming image.
>> No. 20128 [Edit]
Belated happy birthday. That cake looks delicious.
>> No. 20129 [Edit]
>> No. 20130 [Edit]
File 148258427430.jpg - (152.50KB , 697x800 , El5uX7H.jpg )
Happy late birthday, Minagi! May your years with Tohno be lively and plentiful!
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