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File 166296698695.jpg - (231.67KB , 681x437 , tv.jpg )
21772 No. 21772 [Edit]
How about a thread for waifu related photos you've taken?

Here's an old photo of mine on an old TV.
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>> No. 21773 [Edit]
File 166301161983.jpg - (5.73MB , 5184x3456 , IMG_0001.jpg )
First picture I ever took with the camera I have now.
>> No. 21774 [Edit]
File 166364615198.jpg - (497.85KB , 2048x1538 , FdDYrjkWAAMFasi.jpg )
Not one I took myself here, but the person that runs the 'waifus on vintage TVs' twitter account was nice enough to take my request.

>> No. 21775 [Edit]
That is a great account, thanks for sharing it.
>> No. 21810 [Edit]
File 167083833735.png - (848.67KB , 900x675 , pKYO8qk.png )
Dinner with the waifu.

Post edited on 12th Dec 2022, 1:46am
>> No. 21819 [Edit]
there will never be comfier console menu than xmb from PSP (I only wish it had some background music)

Post edited on 6th Feb 2023, 9:24am

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