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File 174052327436.jpg - (650.27KB , 1529x2048 , Gj_lKMpaMAAIo9q.jpg )
1779 No. 1779 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
in short i uploaded a bunch strange chinese animations from douyin on my youtube channel this made me go from having zero subs to having almost 3000 subs

i been thinking i could use this opportunity to become a succesful youtuber making video essays about my favourite games and things....
>> No. 1780 [Edit]
Go ahead
>> No. 1781 [Edit]
you have point but with fame comes with danger
i really hope my subs dont find my other accounts or how i was connected to a certain site solely because i dont want to ruin this chill place
>> No. 1791 [Edit]
Be careful & don't link us there or them here. God bless.
>> No. 1792 [Edit]
yes i know

File 174060066372.jpg - (284.67KB , 2048x1152 , GkJ4lo3bcAAMPhf.jpg )
1782 No. 1782 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
In short i have noticed a phenomena in japanese web places such as pixiv and the japanese side of X and some other japanese sites...

you see my waifu pic unrelated it not her just random image comes from obscrue manga that very edgy and dark as well NSFW yet manages to have lots of fan-art on pixiv as well the japanese side of X you know site that elon musk owns!

yet.... she is somehow obscrue and safe from those degenerates.... this made me have some intersting thought about how could i be like this blessed?
4 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1787 [Edit]
pixiv turn on 18 stuff is not used for porn mostly as some japanese artists tag gore and non-porn stuff as NSFW 18

it should also mention that pixiv hides some drawings and art if you are logged in
>> No. 1788 [Edit]
it possible that someone but very unlikely to draw porn of it
it also possible that they will delete after that
>> No. 1789 [Edit]
not sure to what to say else
>> No. 1790 [Edit]
File 174060132027.jpg - (616.70KB , 2048x1410 , GkNQsLtXkAAvU_w.jpg )
overall thank you for coming to my ted talk

File 173784858826.jpg - (6.87KB , 259x194 , HNI_0085_JPG.jpg )
1768 No. 1768 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Too much negativity in this world.Hope all is well!:3
>> No. 1769 [Edit]
>Too much negativity in this world
This world must burn in the despair it has created. Millennia upon millennia of struggle for a better world and evil is still winning the same way it always did.
>catholic bullshit mascot
Fuck you
>> No. 1772 [Edit]
I hope you rebuild your relationship with God, anon.
>> No. 1773 [Edit]
My god is a cute anime girl.

File 173472067293.png - (747.93KB , 1920x1080 , nagisa waves.png )
1761 No. 1761 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What frequency do I have to tune my radio to, to receive Nagisa waves?
>> No. 1762 [Edit]
Touch her hair and (if you're willing to suffer RF burn) you can hear her thoughts.
>> No. 1775 [Edit]
File 173998600395.png - (645.44KB , 1280x960 , cgsh23.png )
all they ever play is dango dango

File 17395560393.png - (4.36MB , 1280x720 , [Coalgirls]_Aikatsu_029_(1280x720_Blu-ray_FLAC)_[F.png )
1770 No. 1770 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
My passionate idle activities is about to start!
>> No. 1771 [Edit]
Aikatsu is a gacha level time sink
>> No. 1774 [Edit]
Rinku on the right

File 171431786236.gif - (2.47MB , 306x175 , astrotoilet.gif )
1709 No. 1709 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What is your honest opinion on the Skibidi toilet?
5 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1726 [Edit]
I don't care really, but much worse than the skibidi toilet itself, are the people that are completely outraged about it. Lucky me, only heard about it sporadically and didn't watch anything about it, but from what I witnessed, gen z and millennials are pretending as if this is some worrisome new thing among children, that's very bad and scary, meanwhile literally all generations before that had similar braindead humor. See annoying orange.
>> No. 1732 [Edit]
What little I know of this is from what I saw someone watch in some video, had no idea what the fuck a skibidi was before. Gman toilet heads and robots fighting, maybe I'm missing something, but what was shown just looked very boring so I don't get what kids see in it, neither how it would be any more bad or worrisome than early Youtube shit like as said Annoying Orange and FRED, or the Youtube Kids nursery garbage and Spider-Man Elsa smut. Or whatever depressing shit boomers watched as kids.

Plus it's not even new "humour". I once knew a guy, late millenial, who thought stretched-out Gman faces and putting Half-Life and TF2 characters heads on whatever models was the funniest shit ever back in 2008.
>> No. 1737 [Edit]
best thing on youtube since it triggered every youtuber
>> No. 1767 [Edit]
Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really don't have enough toilet paper yourselves. According to the Japanese Toilet Federation, the average nipponese woman uses 12.5 meters of toiler paper per day. For a fleet of 30 students going on a 2 week nautical training, that's almost 3 miles of toilet paper, or 230 roles. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold by the end of the trip, because everyone needs it.

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1765 No. 1765 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
A long time ago, I saw this rant about anime that was deleted at some point. I did my best to recreate it in blog form.
>> No. 1766 [Edit]
File 173639779378.jpg - (39.47KB , 640x480 , [Exiled-Destiny]_Berserk_Ep22_(6274C57F)_mkv_snaps.jpg )
omg i remember that video

File 170362988721.jpg - (26.79KB , 686x386 , dondokodoko.jpg )
1640 No. 1640 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
dondokodoko dondokodoko dondokodoko
1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1642 [Edit]
File 170367229034.gif - (193.67KB , 640x360 , fHXye.gif )
Joshiraku episode four.
>As the girls resume looking at the moon, Kigurumi becomes upset that she cannot see the image of the moon rabbit. Marii agrees with her and shows Kigurumi a disturbing painting of a rabbit, beliving that is what they look like. After Kigurumi is left shaken at what she saw, Marii notes that moon viewing parties are simply an excuse to eat Tsukimi dango while looking at the moon, so Tetora suggest that they eat soba instead. Marii becomes bored rather quickly with eating noodles, so Gankyou suggests that they play tug-of-war, like people in southern Kyushu and Okinawa do for the autumn moon festival. They then try praising the moon while mimicking a drum, which annoys Marii even more, causing her to suggest that they go back to just watching the moon in silence.
>> No. 1722 [Edit]
File 171955974374.gif - (4.67MB , 400x225 , 7db.gif )
shikanoko nokonoko koshitantan
>> No. 1758 [Edit]
hebu hebu hebu hebu
>> No. 1764 [Edit]
dondokodoko dondokodoko dondokodoko dondokodoko dondokodoko dondokodoko

File 16849389484.jpg - (149.20KB , 800x600 , 5o74awf.jpg )
1586 No. 1586 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
You (are) lost.
>> No. 1587 [Edit]
the game
>> No. 1600 [Edit]
Does that (make) you found?
>> No. 1741 [Edit]
>> No. 1763 [Edit]
I want a Shana figure but I'm fucking broke

File 15001416949.png - (36.17KB , 192x151 , 1499155902191.png )
870 No. 870 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
15th of July.
We're halfway through the three shittiest months of the year.
17 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1754 [Edit]
>> No. 1755 [Edit]
That's why we should start including a genuine tohno-chan post guarantee disclaimer.

© 2024 Anonymous, do not repost; cross posters will be prosecuted.
>> No. 1756 [Edit]
File 172851360541.jpg - (388.26KB , 850x1164 , ✝.jpg )

>> No. 1760 [Edit]
2024-12-20. The year is almost over, but only almost.

File 17227744546.jpg - (171.15KB , 1280x1280 , 20240618_211750.jpg )
1734 No. 1734 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
It feels like in alot of ways The Gen Alpha Okegom
>> No. 1757 [Edit]
Post-scarcity economics is as comprehensible to modern people as post-metal currency is to goldbugs
>> No. 1759 [Edit]
File 17336934327.png - (1.50MB , 800x1131 , 4f9b5269abb601bf9de8051af39044db.png )
Not even close. I find the art style very unappealing compared to Okegom and FPE barely has the same level of edginess Okegom's work had. Not to mention its origins as a fucking Baldi's Basics animation meme of all things.

It still breaks my heart that Okegom destroyed her own community by being so mentally ill because i remember being a fan of her in middle school and there was a small but loyal cult following that made lots of amazing fan content.

https://youtu.be/oaRtcfTazFE (vidrel)

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