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File 149914238819.jpg - (81.47KB , 630x630 , e5a2e04da9398c838f1620cf0046346ec42ba417.jpg )
20573 No. 20573 [Edit]
What kind of food does your waifu like the most?
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>> No. 20574 [Edit]
File 149914768488.jpg - (389.46KB , 660x820 , 1f403d5c1d20aaab34a68fefb3151796 (1).jpg )
>> No. 20575 [Edit]
File 149915049174.gif - (23.47KB , 300x514 , IxMGJ5o.gif )
Rice. Salisbury steak being a close runner up.
>> No. 20576 [Edit]
File 149916241595.jpg - (37.48KB , 252x262 , Kanako (62).jpg )
canonically she doesnt like sweets, but apparently keitaro's marshmello peeps are okay
>> No. 20578 [Edit]
I thought she liked apple's most...
>> No. 20579 [Edit]
File 149919698527.jpg - (289.98KB , 720x900 , 425.jpg )
I think her favorite food is mostly everything, and a lot of it. However she is partly a wolf, and wolves are carnivorous.

Post edited on 4th Jul 2017, 12:47pm
>> No. 20586 [Edit]
File 149930855890.jpg - (673.44KB , 900x926 , d7c9465c816fce13b6bac69622ce68f4.jpg )
Anpan, though she mostly adds sentimental value to it because of the person that saved her life.
>> No. 20587 [Edit]

Is this Maira Snow?
>> No. 20588 [Edit]
yukine chris, senki zesshou symphogear
>> No. 20590 [Edit]
Ah, my mistake.
>> No. 20591 [Edit]
File 149938338528.jpg - (93.73KB , 830x1500 , c49357197c4b12c517c6aba9aaaad0f4.jpg )
Chocolate and other sweets, mostly.
>> No. 20596 [Edit]
File 149970509033.jpg - (86.01KB , 600x800 , pixiv56741306.jpg )
Her favorite foods are omurice and seafood noodles, but her favorite recipe to make for others is pancakes!! She loves having them with honey~

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