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File 129246481436.png - (161.40KB , 600x540 , Kurokona and cocacola.png )
564 No. 564 [Edit]
Post ITT when you find a new image of your waifu.

For those with a waifu that's popular or gets tons of fanart daily/weekly, post your favorite of the new stuff.

I love this one i found today, she's even holding a can of cocacola which is my favorite soda.
Expand all images
>> No. 565 [Edit]
File 129246592997.jpg - (93.02KB , 530x750 , kuroneko cute.jpg )
>> No. 566 [Edit]
File 129246610941.jpg - (151.07KB , 900x1439 , rune_factory_3___sofia_by_gta_nanashi-d34eeyq.jpg )
I swore that I'd never go to check out shit that tarlets make, but this is barely decent.

1/2 images
>> No. 567 [Edit]
File 129246618620.jpg - (57.15KB , 800x640 , ___by_moyashi_itame.jpg )
Here's the second one. Probably a bit worse than the second one. Maybe that's why I'm satisfied with decent line drawings as opposed to shitty colored art.

2/2 images
>> No. 568 [Edit]
File 12924662109.jpg - (139.53KB , 504x756 , 1276498220030.jpg )
There hasn't been anything new worth saving in a long time. This is from a few months ago.
>> No. 569 [Edit]
File 129246759495.jpg - (221.21KB , 800x1035 , 3d08c37ad7e685c9e14a096929d4ca073c6d2a22.jpg )
This one is like two years old, but it's the most recent one I've found.
>> No. 572 [Edit]
File 129247750646.png - (283.15KB , 600x842 , Tenshi policewoman.png )
I check Danbooru every day for new pictures; there's always at least one. Here's my newest favorite.
>> No. 573 [Edit]
Fuck it the only pictures that exist of her are screenshots and doujins where she gets horribly raped.
>> No. 574 [Edit]
>Fuck it the only pictures that exist of her are screenshots and doujins where she gets horribly raped.

Can't you check elsewhere? I mean, gelbooru and danbooru are full of nsfw shit. (Pixiv is as well, but not as loaded with fucking hentai)

Here are the places that I'd check:
pixiv (make sure to have an account)
(konachan for walls, oreno.imouto.org for /hr/)
(gelbooru or danbooru for shit I couldn't find otherwise, and most of the stuff there is on pixiv already)
deviantart (as a last resort; well I got my two pics from there today, despite the fact that I hate the majority of its userbase, only because mai waifu does not get much new images compared to her contemporaries, especially on pixiv of all places ;_;)
>> No. 578 [Edit]
File 129250144027.jpg - (507.35KB , 907x1000 , 2070383.jpg )
This is one of the pictures I found when I gave pixiv a browse.
>> No. 579 [Edit]
File 129251552734.jpg - (1.18MB , 2818x4062 , moe%20158106%20aegis%20bodysuit%20headphones%20meg.jpg )
I usually check pixiv every day.
>> No. 588 [Edit]
File 129268961483.jpg - (319.48KB , 1200x1600 , ef6c9fe796e62833e573a358f6549d2e.jpg )
Last one I saved.

I like the fact that it's close to the original artwork. I like the dynamic pose and I think it's really aesthetic. But he got the dress kinda wrong. There are supposed to be many layers around her feet. Anyway, great picture in my opinion.
>> No. 589 [Edit]
File 129269122043.jpg - (976.03KB , 1000x762 , 13190565.jpg )
I go through it every so often, but with a show as unpopular as this...

Last one I saved, and it's not even just her.
>> No. 590 [Edit]
You could try Minitokyo, as well, for good quality scans.
>> No. 593 [Edit]
File 129272074841.jpg - (205.19KB , 1272x866 , 7af663cab1a42a9dd79cc4159b43cf1c.jpg )
>> No. 595 [Edit]
File 129276264412.jpg - (208.51KB , 557x800 , 1b779c68cde724116b5121b83164a89a.jpg )
>> No. 599 [Edit]
File 129282120472.png - (165.56KB , 398x706 , i7gyft433uif.png )
My favourite recent one.
>> No. 617 [Edit]
File 129289537239.jpg - (415.91KB , 440x620 , 15319099.jpg )
Speak of the devil, my prayers have been answered!

This picture made my day.
>> No. 621 [Edit]
File 129294768192.jpg - (680.69KB , 700x933 , d50a06e9ebeaec3bc930247151e577d4.jpg )
I love that picture! Beautiful!

I wish there were pictures of my waifu in a similar costume. All I have is Yui and Azusa, which look fantastic as well.
>> No. 623 [Edit]
File 129298851987.jpg - (55.83KB , 500x650 , 27d6a8c060b6e05647b5d0a75e4a81bccde.jpg )
>> No. 624 [Edit]
File 129299944836.jpg - (629.60KB , 900x1665 , 15343801.jpg )
>> No. 708 [Edit]
File 129346374671.jpg - (99.54KB , 700x990 , 15474831.jpg )
>> No. 713 [Edit]
File 129347889458.jpg - (615.42KB , 900x1200 , Tenshi balloons.jpg )
Oh my God
>> No. 809 [Edit]
Not an image, but still
>> No. 822 [Edit]
File 129383396277.jpg - (70.10KB , 611x566 , 5bc20e7fbec0a91d95d5ae359147cbba.jpg )
>> No. 823 [Edit]
File 129383417959.jpg - (214.43KB , 753x1040 , 15587936.jpg )
I had a colorless version of it, but this is the new colored version that was just on pixiv today.

See how she's all the way in the back? ;_;
>> No. 847 [Edit]
File 12939169805.jpg - (385.60KB , 900x900 , aba6489bade450dc0f3e78aab4d03f99.jpg )
>> No. 848 [Edit]
File 129391761283.jpg - (101.98KB , 519x800 , seo tatsuya Tenshi kimono.jpg )
A New Year's picture of my angel by one of my favorite artists. This is a good way to start off 2011.
>> No. 849 [Edit]
>> No. 850 [Edit]
>> No. 851 [Edit]
File 129394261024.jpg - (320.23KB , 649x600 , top_xmas.jpg )
When my waifu gets more naked in a holiday picture than she does in the entire game it really rustles my jimmies.
>> No. 857 [Edit]
File 129401043117.png - (386.29KB , 600x814 , 1945.png )
>> No. 876 [Edit]
Kurokona bancho~
>> No. 877 [Edit]
Kurokona bancho~
>> No. 878 [Edit]
>> No. 879 [Edit]
That was in response to the original pic. I accidentally posted it twice and can't delete it.
>> No. 939 [Edit]
File 129431250945.jpg - (232.66KB , 726x727 , 15738748.jpg )
>> No. 954 [Edit]
File 129442320980.png - (925.20KB , 800x800 , 15723199.png )
It's been a while.
>> No. 955 [Edit]
File 129442482513.png - (256.29KB , 400x600 , 15771398.png )
It made me laugh.
>> No. 961 [Edit]
File 129445154285.png - (527.61KB , 770x1090 , 15765418.png )
>> No. 964 [Edit]
File 12944575739.jpg - (156.42KB , 500x628 , 1667662.jpg )
I just found this on Pixiv. Her profile is so incredibly beautiful.
>> No. 967 [Edit]
File 12944900752.jpg - (64.50KB , 596x693 , 1294484501159.jpg )
I made a request on the oekaki board of 4chan for a picture of 'Kanako Urashima doing yandere things with Keitaro's pillow' (http://boards.4chan.org/i/res/360478#360872). This picture is the result.
>> No. 971 [Edit]
File 129452776352.jpg - (118.73KB , 600x700 , 15782889.jpg )
>> No. 986 [Edit]
File 129455574658.jpg - (94.65KB , 1399x1049 , 1293339757778.jpg )
Energetic Osaka is energetic!
>> No. 988 [Edit]
File 129457510164.jpg - (753.08KB , 827x1000 , 15811246.jpg )
Best Risa-chan description image around.
>> No. 989 [Edit]
File 12945773043.png - (102.24KB , 240x480 , 1294574418720.png )
A new picture of mai waifu Kanako Urashima. I subtly spammed pictures of her here and there on the secretareaofvipquality oekaki board and someone made this joke about 'the mai waifu shrine needing fresh blood'. I knew doing something like this would pay off..
>> No. 1012 [Edit]
File 129469521632.jpg - (572.51KB , 749x1000 , 15802830.jpg )
Waifu and her sis.
>> No. 1013 [Edit]
File 129473105867.jpg - (964.11KB , 1754x1240 , 15827404.jpg )
I'm confused, but it appears to be a robot with a tsun and a dere setting
>> No. 1014 [Edit]
Whats with Kurokona's wooden sword? Is she a delinquent?
>> No. 1016 [Edit]
I honestly don't know why half the fanart has that wooden sword in it.

She's not a delinquent though at least.
>> No. 1018 [Edit]
File 129479856275.jpg - (34.79KB , 419x550 , kanako2.jpg )
This picture looks canonical. I have no clue how I missed it until now. At any rate, I want a higher-resolution version.
>> No. 1019 [Edit]
File 129483395426.jpg - (672.00KB , 992x1403 , tokomichi Short-haired Tenshi.jpg )
>> No. 1054 [Edit]
File 129518321335.png - (810.91KB , 860x963 , e651badc450ef02c8b08a8742c181acd.png )
Wonderful, fantastic, amazing and brilliant. I am so grateful for this picture!
>> No. 1086 [Edit]
File 129540400996.jpg - (323.54KB , 500x583 , 1294196561949.jpg )
So moe~
>> No. 1089 [Edit]
File 129545476980.jpg - (871.38KB , 910x900 , 16025966.jpg )
My Risa-chan folder is getting bigger.
>> No. 1094 [Edit]
File 129554982010.png - (1.26MB , 988x1000 , Osaka_Wedding_Dress.png )
She is beautiful!
>> No. 1095 [Edit]
File 129558942979.jpg - (166.00KB , 705x698 , 4447_516811.jpg )
...That's Osaka? I'm not seeing it at all; she looks way more like Yukiho Hagiwara.
>> No. 1099 [Edit]
um... i don't know where you got that image from, but i just iqdb'd it, and the tags on every site it shows up on confirms what giascle said.
>> No. 1100 [Edit]

Tags on Pixiv:

アイドルマスター  アイマス  ウェディングドレス  萩原雪歩  雪歩

It's Yukiho Hagiwara no matter which way you look at it.

>> No. 1104 [Edit]
File 129592170541.jpg - (180.02KB , 533x745 , 1244942697887.jpg )

Oh no! I mistook my Osaka from someone else! They look rather similar, or at least the bangs do. I was thinking that was an older Osaka, like 25 years or something.

Forgive me, Osaka. You are beautiful too! You'd be beautiful in that dress as well.
>> No. 1105 [Edit]
At least you don't find stuff like this on gelbooru.


It's marked as kurokona, but it's wakase izumi.
kind of a dick move of them, and i can't get the tag taken off either
>> No. 1107 [Edit]
well you realized your mistake, i'm sure she would forgive you.

tags fixed.
>> No. 1116 [Edit]
File 129602297783.png - (683.83KB , 1200x800 , 16180364.png )
Don't cry. ;_;
>> No. 1130 [Edit]
File 129610473294.jpg - (193.55KB , 726x1024 , 16138275.jpg )
I love it.
>> No. 1143 [Edit]
File 129631832943.jpg - (645.43KB , 1000x707 , dd19b2f90b94e83339b9909e60084dbc.jpg )
I was reluctant to post this because it's ecchi, but what the hell. Every time I look at her I fall in love again.
>> No. 1159 [Edit]
File 129643332685.jpg - (256.47KB , 800x1183 , 16271213.jpg )
If there's anything i like about my waifu, it's that because of her relative obscurity, every piece of art for her i find is always nice looking and gives me immense happiness.
>> No. 1165 [Edit]
File 129643460640.jpg - (691.98KB , 1000x1000 , ocean.jpg )
>> No. 1176 [Edit]
File 129650724664.jpg - (114.71KB , 571x808 , 16257090.jpg )
Not bad.
>> No. 1178 [Edit]
File 129650839589.jpg - (673.87KB , 1200x883 , 16237731.jpg )
>> No. 1179 [Edit]
File 129651332013.jpg - (258.82KB , 600x600 , 14248129_m.jpg )
>> No. 1180 [Edit]
File 129651362768.jpg - (352.81KB , 777x1087 , 16020708.jpg )
>> No. 1202 [Edit]
File 129660978276.jpg - (63.53KB , 953x964 , Cute.jpg )

How did I not find this earlier?
>> No. 1204 [Edit]
File 129666066981.jpg - (139.45KB , 976x730 , 16310232.jpg )
So cute.
>> No. 1205 [Edit]
File 129671146489.jpg - (1.83MB , 1753x2480 , chro Tenshi hat.jpg )
I HNNNNNG'd so fucking hard
>> No. 1206 [Edit]
File 129671214827.jpg - (555.40KB , 850x1239 , beach2.jpg )
Kirino seems happy to see me. Kuros...not so much
>> No. 1207 [Edit]
File 129678346741.jpg - (98.38KB , 561x812 , 1231896889130.jpg )
>> No. 1208 [Edit]
File 129678434442.png - (794.71KB , 1032x893 , 16216540.png )
There will never be a new pic of Tomoyo again. ;_;
>> No. 1209 [Edit]
What do you mean? That picture is already 3rd down on the list on pixiv.

坂上 智代
>> No. 1210 [Edit]
I'm picky on the quality of my waifu's pictures. There is simply no place for amateurs in my waifu folder.
>> No. 1211 [Edit]
Ah that makes sense.
She's decently popular after all, so you can afford to be picky.
>> No. 1218 [Edit]
This so much. The only exceptions is if someone drew the picture for me as a gift, which has only really happened once now.

Then again, there's really not that much fanart of Hanako to begin with. ;_;
>> No. 1229 [Edit]
I agree and disagree to an extent. If it's really ugly and disrespectful, then I ignore it. However, even if something isn't very well-drawn, I love it if there feels like a charm to it. Perhaps the artist's simple passion.
>> No. 1234 [Edit]
File 129692348734.png - (222.92KB , 792x487 , 16405417.png )
>> No. 1235 [Edit]
This, so much. If it seems like they didn't even try, then they can go fuck themselves, but if it feels like they did, then I'll at least comment on it or rate it(On Pixiv, since I can't speak moon). Just trying doesn't really make it better, but it still shows...that you tried?

Also, fuck. There has been quite a slowdown in work for her show. Add this to it not really being too popular in the first place.
>> No. 1239 [Edit]
There's no new images of her recently, especially on pixiv. Not that I'm complaining, but I've seen some horribly atrocious ones at deviantart and I've decided not to save them. Why? It looks like Picasso or some other 'modern/postmodern' artist (or some 5-year old) drew her face. I just feel offended. If you're going to draw someone, at least put some effort into it rather than half-assing it and pretend that you've done a good job. Normally, I'm not that picky when it comes to pictures (especially of mai waifu), but for fuck's sake, this shit just looks horrible. But then again, it's deviantart. I'm not going to post the image link because it feels like I need eye bleach to wash out that rotten image. Even by reading the comments, people there think it looks GOOD? They must have some horrible quality control over there.
>> No. 1246 [Edit]
What's worse is with mine, i see that something new is there and it ends up being some 10 page thing about Konata with the last page being edited to look like Kurokona.


at least the image with her isn't using one of the more perverted pages.
>> No. 1479 [Edit]
File 129790541631.jpg - (66.50KB , 500x376 , 620402870_9a5903864b.jpg )
Only decent one Ive seen in a while which isn't a screencap (I think)
>> No. 1480 [Edit]
File 129790774277.jpg - (189.79KB , 600x750 , Sabrina 209.jpg )
Last picture I got of Sabrina.
>> No. 1543 [Edit]
File 129828376035.jpg - (741.01KB , 600x7192 , dos Reisen:Tenshi:Byakuren New Year.jpg )
She's such a bitch, but I love her. <3
>> No. 1545 [Edit]
File 129849775180.jpg - (225.91KB , 700x467 , 16891856.jpg )
>> No. 1551 [Edit]
File 12985229485.jpg - (369.31KB , 1920x1200 , 1a279861a398f71b8f8c2de9da55cd04.jpg )
>> No. 1626 [Edit]
File 129886920323.png - (1.34MB , 590x786 , Sekirei_c111_013_1.png )
Sniped this one from the latest manga chapter.

I'm actually really happy about the manga adaption. Barring some unforeseen plot development, the next 3-5 chapters are going to be devoted entirely to her.
>> No. 1652 [Edit]
File 129895822733.jpg - (30.83KB , 401x537 , 17033293.jpg )
Kinda low quality, but it's new.
>> No. 1681 [Edit]
File 129920365061.jpg - (85.70KB , 379x600 , 17092972_m.jpg )
>> No. 1690 [Edit]
File 129925897277.jpg - (214.57KB , 500x500 , manekinukotei Iku:Tenshi sleep.jpg )
I wish to be the little Iku.
>> No. 1711 [Edit]
File 129963350421.jpg - (439.96KB , 714x1000 , 16200295.jpg )
Sometimes I really hate Pixiv. Other times, it has some really awesome art on it.
>> No. 1712 [Edit]
File 129964972135.png - (1.05MB , 1036x1449 , yamu Tenshi sword.png )
Fantastic. The expression is perfect.
>> No. 1724 [Edit]
File 129990612847.png - (105.59KB , 400x400 , 1981.png )
There aren't that many new Hanako pictures. I've only gotten 10 since the start of 2011. I'd think with the announcement of Hanako's path being finished that the fanart would pick up a little...
>> No. 1725 [Edit]
No Tenshi earthquake art. Japan, I am disappoint.
>> No. 1726 [Edit]
Well they still have to pick up their shit and set it up elsewhere before they can start drawing again. Also drawings like that take time.
>> No. 1727 [Edit]
File 129996591492.jpg - (371.69KB , 800x771 , 18774a26783df1b46dc93a005fc7eb9b.jpg )
Have you tried pixiv yet?

Not really, pictures like this one started popping up only a few hours after the initial earthquake/tsunami.
>> No. 1728 [Edit]
What do the signs say?
>> No. 1729 [Edit]
File 129996684346.jpg - (1.94MB , 1715x2417 , 17171121.jpg )
There has been a few new pics since last time. Always nice to get more stuff.
>> No. 1730 [Edit]
File 129997157261.jpg - (268.66KB , 1155x990 , 如論 Tenshi catfish owned.jpg )
Right yeah

I apologize for mai waifu destroying Japan
>> No. 1731 [Edit]
Go on 2ch, they might still have a tenshi thread up. I know there's 1 image that's always posted whenever there's an earthquake, I don't have it saved, however.
>> No. 1732 [Edit]
And by 2ch I meant 2chan.

>> No. 1734 [Edit]
Thanks, but no Tenshi threads.
>> No. 1748 [Edit]
File 130021380377.jpg - (109.44KB , 850x1203 , bunny long.jpg )
For some reason when I see this picture in thumbnail out of the corner of my eye it looks like a spider and scares me
>> No. 1757 [Edit]
File 130029329761.png - (336.98KB , 565x800 , b995fa8d28499acef9e8db73b96beb8f.png )
Got alot of new ones today. I'm overcome with warmth, my body feels lighter and i'm grinning like an idiot.
>> No. 1764 [Edit]
I just found the most adorable picture of Tenshi, but I'm not going to post it because it's NSFW.
>> No. 1765 [Edit]
Spoiler it
>> No. 1766 [Edit]
I mean it feels weird to post it. But just letting everyone know, I guess.
>> No. 1843 [Edit]
File 130077334623.jpg - (1.53MB , 1500x1500 , kazami chiu Tenshi apology.jpg )
less than three
>> No. 1921 [Edit]
File 130110614047.jpg - (108.74KB , 500x706 , 17174476.jpg )
>> No. 1922 [Edit]
File 130110686534.png - (38.07KB , 400x500 , 15753806.png )
I decided to tag izumi with her name on pixiv and thi
>> No. 1970 [Edit]
File 13012439494.jpg - (37.08KB , 350x480 , 17689423.jpg )
Simply beautiful
>> No. 1971 [Edit]
Casual clothing is always cuter.
>> No. 1972 [Edit]
File 13012559395.jpg - (190.70KB , 600x849 , meiling pants.jpg )
>> No. 1991 [Edit]
File 13013488323.jpg - (237.58KB , 1280x800 , Konachan_com - 44175 erica_hartmann school_swimsui.jpg )
Picture of pure happiness.
>> No. 1992 [Edit]
File 130134926559.jpg - (369.49KB , 1015x1250 , 455204.jpg )
My heart wasn't sure whether to stop or explode. Felt like it tried both.
>> No. 2205 [Edit]
File 13021519731.jpg - (1.05MB , 1200x1200 , mine (wizard) Tenshi look back.jpg )
The anatomy is kind of strange, but I love the motion and use of color in this piece. Pictures like these that make me fall in love all over again.
>> No. 2207 [Edit]
File 130215534413.jpg - (452.20KB , 450x560 , 17980076.jpg )
I've been waiting on an actual picture of her for months, but this has made my day! It's not a great picture, but she made me feel much better through all this shit I've been facing.

(I'll delete picture soon enough, because /mai/ still doesn't allow picture reposts.)
>> No. 2209 [Edit]
There's a simple and easy trick I used to use back when I still posted on 4chan for bypassing this little thing.

Step 1: open pic in ms paint, or any paint program.
Step 2: save image, file type/name don't matter.
Step 3: upload image, it's that easy.
>> No. 2215 [Edit]
File 130222411069.jpg - (222.80KB , 560x1159 , 17797911.jpg )
>> No. 2217 [Edit]
File 130222982439.jpg - (259.65KB , 800x1123 , 17898190.jpg )
>> No. 2256 [Edit]
File 130241688435.jpg - (794.40KB , 1600x1200 , 1302272701044.jpg )
Love how the artist did the eye.
>> No. 2309 [Edit]
File 130276807760.jpg - (89.09KB , 612x762 , 18099493.jpg )
>> No. 2316 [Edit]
File 130281883397.jpg - (508.47KB , 832x1200 , IMG_135.jpg )
FINALLY got hold of the Narcissu manga. The art style isn't the best, but beggars can't be choosers. I'm just happy I can find any new art of Setsumi.
>> No. 2321 [Edit]
File 130284484926.jpg - (510.32KB , 796x1029 , Liz-chan.jpg )
I found this fanart in Pixiv
>> No. 2363 [Edit]
File 130306770730.jpg - (662.88KB , 1131x1599 , 18072573.jpg )
Found this on pixiv. She looks so different without her twin tails.
>> No. 2371 [Edit]
File 130308525574.jpg - (203.62KB , 880x770 , 1303002173095.jpg )
Someone shopped this for me, which was kinda nice.
Lacks glasses, but still.
>> No. 2382 [Edit]
File 130310362771.jpg - (185.81KB , 600x600 , ba9cc130ac457055e53b020431b4bd43.jpg )
>> No. 2391 [Edit]
File 130311036211.jpg - (266.96KB , 1035x783 , Tenshi shock.jpg )
There's been a disturbing lack of Tenshi pictures recently. Luckily I found a good new reaction image.
>> No. 2400 [Edit]
File 130315928166.png - (323.88KB , 360x600 , 18211258_m.png )
>> No. 2405 [Edit]
File 130319350635.jpg - (483.93KB , 750x1000 , ptkan Iku:Tenshi adult seasoning.jpg )
Ok, this completely makes up for the seemingly endless period without new pictures of my angel. I had a heart attack by the third panel.

Translated here:
>> No. 2459 [Edit]
File 13034528782.jpg - (258.86KB , 1000x750 , d03edc4da97ab47805a0a863345480b9.jpg )
>> No. 2519 [Edit]
File 130385721868.png - (127.08KB , 400x643 , 2098.png )
It's been way too long since I got a new picture of Hanako.
>> No. 2520 [Edit]
File 13038574552.jpg - (352.22KB , 960x1280 , Kurokona by Dusty.jpg )
It's always nice when someone draws something for you.
>> No. 2548 [Edit]
File 130415464329.jpg - (1.72MB , 1000x1433 , sibanoue Tenshi abstract.jpg )
I love this guy's style. He's done a few Tenshi pictures before, but I think this is his best so far.
>> No. 2560 [Edit]
File 13043302033.jpg - (924.50KB , 1740x2468 , 17055650.jpg )
There was never really much for Hyakko, but holy shit did it slow down.
>> No. 2561 [Edit]
File 130435955414.jpg - (256.74KB , 752x800 , 8a4bae667be53f7af87ddd6836519c4c.jpg )
I have not gone looking for a while now, so there's probably a lot of new images out by now. It's not like I'll be short on images, so I do extensive quality control when I do go saving images.

I wish I could draw better, there are not nearly enough facial expression that have been done, that I would love to see.
>> No. 2568 [Edit]
Ah, Hiroya Juuren. He's one of my favorite artists.
>> No. 2584 [Edit]
File 130446849018.jpg - (1.03MB , 2975x3704 , 18450021.jpg )
There's been a recent surge in pics since I last checked out pixiv.
This one is just to lovely.
>> No. 2637 [Edit]
File 130479741635.jpg - (42.85KB , 500x400 , 1304796235631.jpg )
Save a bunch of images from an Arc thread.
>> No. 2663 [Edit]
File 130508933342.jpg - (54.19KB , 579x720 , 150048_1648091797703_1099172313_1787359_8089548_n.jpg )
Just found this one. I really love it.
>> No. 2664 [Edit]
File 130510634449.jpg - (22.35KB , 111x330 , (ysy)s Tenshi face.jpg )
oh god this face
>> No. 2736 [Edit]
File 130551854895.jpg - (67.70KB , 450x600 , 18924372.jpg )
Been a while since something new turned up on pixiv, kinda hoping a few more turn up the 28th.
not having high hopes though, but konata will likely get a boom of images.

I don't think the artist is fully done with this though.
>> No. 2750 [Edit]
This one really describes her i think.
>> No. 2751 [Edit]
File 130558022892.jpg - (140.85KB , 1680x1050 , Konachan_com - 85476 angel_beats! clouds feathers .jpg )
>> No. 2754 [Edit]
File 130560203195.png - (123.31KB , 483x650 , 18573257.png )
There's not alot new pictures of her, but I like this one.
>> No. 2759 [Edit]
This comic is fantastic. I'm not a fan of the guy's art style, but I love how he portrays the characters, especially Tenshi.

>> No. 2764 [Edit]
File 130574548737.jpg - (254.07KB , 2000x2800 , 18979094.jpg )
>> No. 2806 [Edit]
File 130603449375.jpg - (1.95MB , 2591x3624 , moe 72739 goto-p narcissu setsumi.jpg )

>> No. 2857 [Edit]
File 130621440737.jpg - (355.65KB , 900x640 , vica Tenshi fall.jpg )
>> No. 2868 [Edit]
File 130633712334.jpg - (74.36KB , 850x600 , Misato 76.jpg )
This is one of the last ones I found.
>> No. 2869 [Edit]
File 130633759545.jpg - (71.33KB , 670x753 , 1305409041038.jpg )
She is so beautiful! I'm glad I made her happy!
>> No. 2871 [Edit]
File 130633791756.png - (290.28KB , 1500x1000 , Osaka_Squating.png )
I just want to hug her from behind and kiss her neck.
>> No. 2872 [Edit]
File 130633795854.png - (687.77KB , 1080x1080 , 1300423176227.png )
Love her butt and feet in this great pic.
>> No. 2873 [Edit]
File 130633801240.gif - (2.83KB , 50x50 , pierrethepaladin.gif )
Dancin' Osaka!
>> No. 2907 [Edit]
File 130643005677.png - (1.20MB , 1400x1050 , 19036831.png )
This ones pretty cool.
>> No. 2908 [Edit]
File 130643013562.jpg - (164.55KB , 850x854 , Misato 83.jpg )
just saved this one yesterday.
>> No. 2926 [Edit]
File 130644333247.jpg - (93.25KB , 434x600 , Konata_Trigger.jpg )
Konata cosplaying from my favorite game of all time. I am happy.
>> No. 2967 [Edit]
File 130656693321.jpg - (111.10KB , 569x800 , 19074587.jpg )
>> No. 2971 [Edit]
File 130661366624.jpg - (231.15KB , 600x600 , yuderupii Tenshi baseball.jpg )
I like this.
>> No. 2977 [Edit]
File 130682270819.png - (1.28MB , 1194x893 , ba9bc316b105aebf29588e2de55348f3.png )
I'd love to be able to spend time with her on a secluded beach somewhere. Just her and me, and not a care in the world.
>> No. 2978 [Edit]
This is really pretty.

How is anyone going to get in the hammock, though?
>> No. 2999 [Edit]
File 130689877534.png - (340.61KB , 750x1110 , 19075506_p0.png )
>> No. 3031 [Edit]
For giascle: http://tanasinn.info/wiki/How_to_go_on_a_Date_with_Tenshi
>> No. 3052 [Edit]
File 130706348571.jpg - (424.01KB , 900x900 , benauxi Tenshi cat 4.jpg )
I died.

Wait, the picture says Illinois, but the article says go to Arizona. What do
>> No. 3126 [Edit]
File 130723111427.jpg - (353.89KB , 1000x900 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
Special delivery for gisacle.

Then again you probably saw it already and the surprise will be ruined.
>> No. 3165 [Edit]
Haha, thanks. Though I do check Danbooru for new pictures of her every day.
>> No. 3168 [Edit]

I thought as much but since it was posted two days ago (meaning just a day ago yesterday) I thought maybe you haven't checked it yet and I might as well give it a try.
>> No. 3175 [Edit]
File 13073382806.jpg - (824.36KB , 1751x1272 , 19134963.jpg )
Semi-lewd but I'll allow it.
>> No. 3183 [Edit]
File 13074904606.jpg - (466.75KB , 634x1000 , 19474439.jpg )
>> No. 3213 [Edit]
File 13075873717.jpg - (474.85KB , 700x840 , Konata_fell_asleep_in_kotatsu.jpg )
Konata sleeping is just too adorable.
>> No. 3222 [Edit]
File 130764416850.png - (782.75KB , 955x890 , f+l.png )
Seeing this thread so often reminds it's been over a month since I last checked pixiv so it should be more or less a gold mine for when I do.

I found this recently when I realised I had no fanart at all of Material-L and gave gelbooru a quick check, and it's absolutely beautiful. Seeing Fate smile like that warms me.
>> No. 3223 [Edit]
File 130764456474.png - (168.88KB , 327x500 , G+Fate.png )

I guess I'll also post this. It was drawn for me and although she's yet to colour it, I still love it. She drew 'me' earlier as a Casper-style (I guess?) ghost, given the name I'm known by, and seeing Fate hold 'me' like that is just wonderful. I don't know how many times I've thanked her and I know it's still not enough. When she colours it I'll be over the moon. It's very simple art, but I can feel the love in it. Simple, cute and packed with feeling.
>> No. 3249 [Edit]
File 130789456750.jpg - (1.26MB , 2480x3456 , 6f172f9ba5d9ce9421d18713422775db.jpg )
>> No. 3252 [Edit]
File 130792134399.png - (578.74KB , 892x787 , 19593311.png )
>> No. 3254 [Edit]
File 130792953052.jpg - (687.14KB , 900x1200 , 19579435.jpg )
>> No. 3255 [Edit]
File 130793413441.jpg - (119.72KB , 700x498 , kagami912890.jpg )
I don't post about my waifu often, but when I do shes so cute it hurts
>> No. 3262 [Edit]
File 130803047021.jpg - (1.34MB , 1141x1600 , fbfc18437288c210b8eb89fffd51fe4e.jpg )
I've had this image for a while, but I really like it, so I want to post it.
>> No. 3269 [Edit]
File 130804663128.jpg - (97.83KB , 854x480 , org127117_9_908064.jpg )
Sorry for the small pic dump, but I'm so happy I found these I could die.
>> No. 3270 [Edit]
File 130804666762.jpg - (140.74KB , 1000x750 , org47319_4_312437 copy.jpg )
>> No. 3271 [Edit]
File 130804668791.jpg - (968.10KB , 1200x1600 , org72671_6_505443.jpg )
>> No. 3272 [Edit]
File 130804679538.jpg - (88.99KB , 456x1439 , org73908_2_504453.jpg )
Someone gave me a link to this website, and told me to get an account. I did, and searched for "Tenshi". There were literally four pages of original figurines and figma mods of her. Everyone should get an account here and try it.

>> No. 3275 [Edit]
I've found a few not on that site on nico nico, just search your waifu or husbando's name on there with figure, stuff like that. Oh, and there's similar things on pixiv, too.

Post edited on 14th Jun 2011, 9:41am
>> No. 3300 [Edit]
File 130811323541.jpg - (131.19KB , 1000x1528 , 130809931410.jpg )
>> No. 3301 [Edit]
File 130811447040.jpg - (51.23KB , 497x600 , lrg58475_0_392757.jpg )
I'm rather surprised anything of Minagi showed up.
>> No. 3302 [Edit]
File 130812149737.png - (82.75KB , 400x500 , OP_241.png )
I should check the KS oekaki more often. It's the only place I've seen new Hanako pictures for a while now.

But Hanako isn't popular enough in japan, nor even has any figs at all of her.
>> No. 3303 [Edit]
File 130815818294.jpg - (25.79KB , 334x600 , lrg30061_1_190652.jpg )
It's not a good figurine, but this website has still surprised me many times.
>> No. 3306 [Edit]
File 130819704469.jpg - (224.67KB , 900x1200 , kimono_girl_kanako_urashima_by_beanystergates-d3br.jpg )
>> No. 3309 [Edit]

My heart stopped beating for a brief moment, that is exactly the kind of kimono i´ve always imagined her to wear.
Thank you a lot for sharing this, and be assured that you have my neverending thanks.
>> No. 3310 [Edit]
Haha jeez, okay.
>> No. 3312 [Edit]
File 130823514274.jpg - (450.30KB , 1521x1662 , 2127.jpg )
New pictures of Lilly don't come very often so whenever I see a new one, it feels like a special moment to me.

I'm sure DESU will like this one too
>> No. 3315 [Edit]
Yeah, that is very nice pic, thanks! That would make it the third good one this week. I haven't had that many good Hanako pics that close together since about a year and a half ago!
>> No. 3317 [Edit]
File 130825766694.png - (568.11KB , 461x661 , 19482548.png )
Probably because KS is progressing a lot lately and is almost done.

Found this a week ago but forgot to post it. It's not too bad, green is a bit weird though.
>> No. 3318 [Edit]
File 130825877498.jpg - (400.49KB , 850x850 , 19182034_p0.jpg )
>> No. 3319 [Edit]
File 13082623033.png - (145.52KB , 384x1200 , tani takeshi Tenshi drunk 2.png )
Mai waifu is so perfect she throws up sparkles.
>> No. 3320 [Edit]
Yeah, that would more than likely explain it.
>> No. 3342 [Edit]
File 130845220738.jpg - (44.62KB , 400x555 , setsumi46.jpg )
I must have one of these.
>> No. 3345 [Edit]
File 130850412897.jpg - (4.83KB , 150x150 , setsumi.jpg )
not sure about the colors; otherwise: good; good luck finding it (I'd like one too) .
>> No. 3352 [Edit]
File 130861212160.jpg - (100.28KB , 500x1041 , Konata_apron_&_ponytail.jpg )
Konata makes for such a surprisingly good housewife.
>> No. 3357 [Edit]
That is a very cute picture.
>> No. 3368 [Edit]
File 130868877583.jpg - (64.47KB , 470x1029 , Liz-chan.jpg )
Whatever clothing Lizlet wears, she still looks lovely.

So far this is the only recent picture of my waifu that I found.

Post edited on 22nd Jun 2011, 1:42am
>> No. 3387 [Edit]
File 130882034648.jpg - (315.91KB , 700x958 , 3215270.jpg )
>> No. 3389 [Edit]
File 130884348883.jpg - (27.76KB , 240x428 , 19781819.jpg )
The recent one I have of her.
>> No. 3392 [Edit]
File 130886392534.png - (604.06KB , 984x787 , c_n_c_ Tenshi traditional style.png )
Here's an interesting one.
Who drew this? The art style looks familiar.
>> No. 3394 [Edit]
The person's name is called ゴーマン and his name translated is Man co ゙. And yes, it's on Pixiv I got this pic from (though I have no idea if you'd be able to find it or tell if it's familiar or not).

And I just love this edit feature we have on here. I was expecting it not to wipe my entire post clean... so here I am again having to edit it (and not have to do it again).

I hope I answered your question correctly.

Post edited on 23rd Jun 2011, 2:54pm
>> No. 3395 [Edit]

It's a very simple, yet wonderful picture. It actually reminds me of >>3223 somewhat, and as such it's really nice.

My main question is... how does ゴーマン translate to "Man co" since it reads "go-man" (gooman? I hate when the japanese use dashes because it can be either a dash or an extension of the sound)?

I'm rather confused, although it's nice to have a new addition to this board, especially a serious one and I'd like to welcome you.
>> No. 3396 [Edit]
Don't ask me, that's what google translated it to when I was saving the picture to my waifu collection. Why google can't get a decent translation done is a mystery to me though. Perhaps in the future, I'll just give the Japanese name out instead. I think it would save a lot of time anyway.

And thank you for the welcome. I'd also like to say that the picture you were trying to make it similar to looks very nicely done. It at times makes me wish I knew how to draw properly.
>> No. 3397 [Edit]
File 130888237737.png - (186.64KB , 800x800 , 1308534431485.png )
Her eyes are interesting. Beautiful, but interesting.
>> No. 3404 [Edit]
Your love must be pretty intense to not get put off by how (arguably) unnaturally huge they are; I might blind, as well as bemused. No offense, it is an interesting image.

Hm, a new image of mai waifu? Nope. The last time that happened was 2 years ago.

No crying motes here - 3rd party images are not a part of this relationship anyway.
>> No. 3407 [Edit]
File 130893819144.jpg - (450.81KB , 725x997 , 19848229.jpg )
>> No. 3450 [Edit]
File 130898093663.jpg - (86.23KB , 800x600 , 19595369_big_p0.jpg )
>> No. 3463 [Edit]
File 130903407917.jpg - (242.37KB , 750x1036 , 19889571.jpg )
Name of the artist is 桐ヶ谷ユウジ
>> No. 3470 [Edit]
File 130906537744.jpg - (329.06KB , 1024x1200 , 19625582.jpg )
>> No. 3472 [Edit]
This is really cool.
>> No. 3477 [Edit]
File 13091144526.jpg - (384.23KB , 744x974 , 3a27dab9f19cb47c22898b6c34b10d66.jpg )
>> No. 3479 [Edit]
File 130912204521.jpg - (609.04KB , 1024x1372 , 415005.jpg )
so elegant is Nino.
>> No. 3509 [Edit]
File 130923121051.jpg - (37.41KB , 500x581 , 19944071.jpg )
Name of the artist is: なりなり

Before you say, yes, it's actually my waifu and not her sister. It's just her cos-playing as her sister that's all.

P.S I honestly shouldn't be saying who draws my waifu shouldn't I? I just thought it'd be sensible or something (if it's annoying I'll stop).
>> No. 3514 [Edit]
File 130923503632.jpg - (2.74MB , 2529x3500 , 889912c717139312ea9f73b32674ffa9.jpg )

I doubt it's actually bothering anyone. And besides, maybe someone will actually find it useful. Do whatever you please, really.

Anyway, here's the newest picture in my folder. Azunyan is great and all but Mio can be cute with cats too!
>> No. 3527 [Edit]
Nothing wrong with that. Would actually be nice to know who the good artists are.
>> No. 3529 [Edit]
All right then. I'll just keep doing it whenever I find a solo picture of my waifu.
>> No. 3536 [Edit]
File 130930833072.jpg - (241.04KB , 455x600 , 19957840_m.jpg )
she looks so cute in this one

my heart feels so warm
>> No. 3538 [Edit]
File 13093682882.png - (122.16KB , 640x480 , 19972516.png )
Name of the artist is: nuko@マイピク募集中♪
>> No. 3541 [Edit]
File 130939667935.jpg - (139.99KB , 420x600 , 19975345_m.jpg )
lots of fanart this month

i love it
>> No. 3542 [Edit]
File 130939710751.png - (286.00KB , 800x800 , 19973071_p1.png )
Something new after 2 weeks of surprisingly nothing.
>> No. 3543 [Edit]
File 130939915461.png - (183.96KB , 640x480 , 19980556.png )
Basically by the same artist but it's coloured.
>> No. 3544 [Edit]
File 130940016610.jpg - (58.65KB , 800x474 , nice Tenshi real colors.jpg )
I've been thinking of making something like this for a while. It's interesting to wonder how Tenshi would look in real life; she'd obviously have black hair instead of blue, and brown eyes instead of red, and she'd wear a school uniform instead of an apron and peaches. I think she looks gorgeous either way.
>> No. 3546 [Edit]
File 130940924480.jpg - (274.97KB , 500x1000 , 17843095.jpg )
I like this one.
>> No. 3553 [Edit]
File 130945657157.jpg - (328.05KB , 945x945 , 19997521.jpg )
Artist name is: いのうえひなた
>> No. 3567 [Edit]
File 130963770474.jpg - (837.00KB , 707x1000 , sibanoue Tenshi dark.jpg )
I really like this guy's weird, dark pictures of her.
>> No. 3605 [Edit]
File 130992603924.jpg - (405.22KB , 800x640 , shierutei Tenshi lying down.jpg )
>> No. 3606 [Edit]
File 130992874385.jpg - (132.27KB , 850x1200 , 1308667335239.jpg )
One of those nice ones that is either official art or something very close to it. Official art style is my favorite so I was very happy to find this.
>> No. 3656 [Edit]
File 131009458771.jpg - (23.77KB , 264x344 , 20148756_m.jpg )
This is a nice drawing.
>> No. 3663 [Edit]
File 131032407738.png - (3.35MB , 2314x2500 , ringetsumon Tenshi heaven ground.png )
>> No. 3666 [Edit]
File 131035385917.jpg - (27.06KB , 512x384 , introducing_____by_gothicjinx101-d3lbp32.jpg )
Ironically, I've found a couple on DA of all places.
>> No. 3667 [Edit]
File 131035395219.jpg - (62.01KB , 668x745 , 80shanako.jpg )
>> No. 3673 [Edit]

I love alternate-universe fanart like this.
>> No. 3674 [Edit]
File 131044855683.jpg - (395.30KB , 600x800 , oktbatch Tenshi umbrella.jpg )
>> No. 3701 [Edit]
File 131067581520.jpg - (363.56KB , 1063x1358 , 20319733.jpg )
Name of the artist is: いのうえひなた

I love the style of this picture btw. She just looks so cute and adorable in it <3
>> No. 3704 [Edit]
File 131074576098.png - (1.13MB , 1200x1200 , 20328244.png )
I am entirely unsure what to think about this.
>> No. 3706 [Edit]
File 131076099491.jpg - (202.62KB , 886x1476 , 20340738.jpg )
Artist name is the same as >>3701

I actually quite like this artist. I don't think in my time on pixiv, I've seen a person give so much love to my "loved one"
>> No. 3709 [Edit]
File 131079718688.png - (83.56KB , 230x315 , Konata_winter_clothes.png )
I love this outfit, and the shading is very nice.
>> No. 3716 [Edit]
File 13108370507.jpg - (2.76MB , 1756x2050 , 20350658.jpg )
>> No. 3719 [Edit]
File 131087164453.png - (76.76KB , 452x102 , narcissuB_ib4f.png )
My heart fluttered when I saw this. Fluttered.
>> No. 3723 [Edit]
File 131088299189.jpg - (95.05KB , 600x849 , 20253760.jpg )
so.. tranquil.
>> No. 3724 [Edit]
Glad to hear that.
>> No. 3731 [Edit]
File 13109463411.png - (162.00KB , 940x1180 , ghostlyyateafate.png )

I've returned with another of my friend's creations. She saw me in a bad mood and decided to cheer me up by drawing me this. I almost cried upon seeing it. So simple, but so beautiful. Drawings with such pure intentions and such love really strike me. The fact this was drawn for me, it's personal to me, never mind how heart-meltingly cute this is... wow.
>> No. 3842 [Edit]
File 131124932963.jpg - (32.80KB , 359x640 , 20483473.jpg )
Name of the artist is: けいさん
>> No. 3860 [Edit]
File 131130011134.jpg - (772.51KB , 1366x768 , 1310261661619.jpg )
>> No. 3862 [Edit]
File 131130880813.jpg - (32.68KB , 400x538 , 1311209878001.jpg )
found this one on /a/ when a horrible troll thread turned into an image dump. Haven't categorized it yet.
>> No. 3899 [Edit]
File 131140581110.jpg - (182.52KB , 600x504 , 20514217_m.jpg )
>> No. 3914 [Edit]
File 131140735168.png - (460.87KB , 800x1000 , 1308684783319.png )
>> No. 3920 [Edit]
File 131140833761.jpg - (535.53KB , 750x1000 , ptkan Tesnhi_Iku_Unzan snuggle.jpg )
It's like this guy has a bomb rigged directly to my nutbladder.
>> No. 3921 [Edit]
I like her smile!
>> No. 3922 [Edit]
File 13114087009.png - (273.39KB , 570x566 , YN___toriningen_by_Piketh.png )
toriningen <3
>> No. 3945 [Edit]

I'd tap that.
>> No. 3950 [Edit]
File 131147483216.png - (1.08MB , 1720x1467 , 1235957835644.png )

My waifu would like to have a word with you.
>> No. 3953 [Edit]
File 131148046578.jpg - (119.95KB , 500x780 , 1305609516120.jpg )
Amazing, as always, especially her darling little feets.
>> No. 4021 [Edit]
File 131160416566.jpg - (324.92KB , 744x900 , 20559394.jpg )
>> No. 4023 [Edit]
File 131160773714.png - (600.54KB , 600x600 , 20530890.png )
She's been a bit popular lately again.
The feet are a bit weird, but it's really pretty.
>> No. 4025 [Edit]
File 131161227165.jpg - (118.20KB , 886x886 , 20572729.jpg )
Artist name is: いのうえひなた

Yes, I've merely just changed my trip. I know it's not important, but I just thought I'd let it be known.

I like the style of how this is drawn btw. It makes me just want to give Ui a cuddle to make her feel all better.

P.S I apologise deeply for deleting my post and doing it again, but I had to do so after one unexplained situation that could have been seen and my pass for other stuff being under risk.
>> No. 4028 [Edit]
File 131161614080.png - (644.13KB , 1080x1244 , garigarigari Tenshi popsicle.png )
>> No. 4116 [Edit]
File 131182719757.jpg - (245.50KB , 1240x1754 , 20489982.jpg )
>> No. 4133 [Edit]
File 131184585669.png - (1.24MB , 1150x1500 , konnyaku963 Tenshi bed.png )
This picture would be great if the guy knew how to color skin.
>> No. 4159 [Edit]
File 131187916712.jpg - (151.65KB , 1200x832 , 20635426.jpg )
>> No. 4160 [Edit]
He's just being faithful to zun's art!
>> No. 4174 [Edit]
File 131189076213.jpg - (383.66KB , 1150x1500 , 131184585669skin.jpg )
>> No. 4362 [Edit]
File 131206883389.jpg - (358.15KB , 569x800 , 391db435485a5d0788f1bb1562ab4236.jpg )
I really like this picture. It's nice and refreshing to see Konata and Kagami in a picture together depicted as just good friends.
>> No. 4372 [Edit]
Did you do that? Thanks!
>> No. 4415 [Edit]
File 131225228588.jpg - (662.43KB , 1200x1598 , f70c7b6144042cd1aeac1ed11e77a1d8.jpg )
>> No. 4426 [Edit]
File 131228608589.jpg - (156.20KB , 665x886 , 20759548.jpg )
Name of the artist is: いのうえひなた
>> No. 4596 [Edit]
File 131266094538.jpg - (673.51KB , 1000x1399 , takitarou Tenshi_Iku_Keine_Mokou classroom.jpg )
Tenshi's at the top hellz yeah
>> No. 4605 [Edit]
File 131268767889.jpg - (655.84KB , 800x1066 , a6628994521ddf432bebed349df97d48.jpg )
I'm not much of a collector, today was the first day in months I went searching for new additions to my stock.
This one is among my favourites of what I found today.
>> No. 4619 [Edit]
File 131272520428.jpg - (252.95KB , 691x833 , 20820066.jpg )
I was planning to post it earlier, but I think double posting is against the rules so I never got the chance to post it.

Artist name is: まあべ
>> No. 4622 [Edit]
File 131274142884.jpg - (57.28KB , 538x470 , 1311102687591.jpg )
That's such a cute picture of her Brohno. Thanks for that.
>> No. 4623 [Edit]
File 131274347559.jpg - (443.56KB , 715x1000 , 2011-08-06-428120.jpg )
I really like this one.
>> No. 4624 [Edit]
File 131274732479.jpg - (99.69KB , 490x600 , 20893012_m.jpg )
i love it
>> No. 4626 [Edit]
File 13127493059.jpg - (236.92KB , 500x840 , 20903528.jpg )
Glad you like it. There's just something about that picture that wants me to cuddle her and stroke her hair. I know my loved one is cute and all... but she get's even cuter with the hairpins in her hair and the hairstyle that is similar to her sisters.

Name of the artist is: しあん

Possibly the best artist ever to draw Ui.
>> No. 4638 [Edit]
File 131278998046.jpg - (352.96KB , 800x800 , ibaramimi Tenshi hearts.jpg )
I wish to cuddle with her
>> No. 4685 [Edit]
File 131288228625.jpg - (141.34KB , 375x1200 , 90169342385e26ccc97e019e5f976b33 copy.jpg )
New Tenshi dakimakura. There are a bunch of them, and while this one is the best I've seen, it's still not right. Why does she have to look angry?
>> No. 4690 [Edit]
I believe a lot of people like the Tsundere character type
>> No. 4699 [Edit]
What don't you try to photoshop it (with warp or something)? It'd be your own personalized and unique version.
>> No. 4703 [Edit]
Because I suck at Photoshop, and that wouldn't change the design of the actual pillowcase anyway.
>> No. 4734 [Edit]
File 131301799076.jpg - (131.97KB , 1000x1000 , ed holloween.jpg )
>> No. 4783 [Edit]
File 131311902654.jpg - (869.68KB , 800x658 , shinta (hmmuk) Tenshi fire.jpg )
>> No. 4792 [Edit]
File 131317707559.jpg - (194.35KB , 500x500 , 15d0ca3e7a29c522a06f88b4c5f4567b.jpg )
>> No. 4794 [Edit]
File 131318165847.jpg - (378.89KB , 540x690 , ifuji sakura Tenshi chinese clothes.jpg )
Cheongsam are amazing.
>> No. 4795 [Edit]
File 131325377961.jpg - (78.37KB , 850x861 , konoe_subaru.jpg )
Did someone say Chinese clothes? Because I think I heard someone say Chinese clothes.
>> No. 4812 [Edit]
File 131334802471.gif - (51.50KB , 510x661 , ed ein.gif )
>> No. 4823 [Edit]
File 131351777793.jpg - (49.18KB , 704x480 , 1313516781945.jpg )
Shhh...she's sleeping.
>> No. 4824 [Edit]
File 131352023769.jpg - (373.98KB , 1000x1000 , 21039890.jpg )
...Why is this under the "黒こな" tag?
>> No. 4840 [Edit]
File 131362560874.png - (1.00MB , 738x1045 , pandora-ex Tenshi buddhist.png )
This is an interesting one.
>> No. 4848 [Edit]
File 131370739643.jpg - (1.04MB , 2058x1397 , syanayuuji Tenshi orange.jpg )
>> No. 4860 [Edit]
File 131374355381.jpg - (192.00KB , 539x800 , 728636.jpg )
>> No. 4861 [Edit]
File 131374492275.png - (444.46KB , 269x800 , tenshi.png )
Hey Giascle brohno. Have you seen this dakimakura cover? What you think about it?

$79 on ebay
>> No. 4862 [Edit]
No, I haven't, thanks! I can't buy it, but it's great to know there's a possibility out there I'd seriously consider.
>> No. 4870 [Edit]
The second dakimakura cover I've seen that I would buy if I liked them. Come back if you obtain a Wriggle or Mystia one, bro.
>> No. 4889 [Edit]
File 131388950716.jpg - (55.47KB , 500x481 , tsumidango Tenshi seifuku.jpg )
>> No. 4900 [Edit]
Seller has lots Touhou covers but too bad not either one of those. I quess they are so minor characters.
>> No. 4904 [Edit]
File 131396456671.jpg - (119.70KB , 600x837 , puuakachan Iku:Tenshi swimsuits.jpg )
Don't worry, darling, you're perfect just the way you are.
>> No. 4920 [Edit]
File 131407348824.jpg - (119.85KB , 600x696 , 21254009.jpg )
Name of the artist is: ぴろしき

I like how it's drawn here. So beautifully done and she looks so cute here.
>> No. 4924 [Edit]
File 131415307082.png - (154.05KB , 500x1057 , Ku-chan by Anon.png )
A few neat pieces of art I got drawn for me today.

>> No. 4925 [Edit]
File 131415309474.jpg - (53.59KB , 1000x1000 , Kurokona by Anon.jpg )
>> No. 4926 [Edit]
File 131415313130.png - (47.31KB , 300x402 , Kurokona by Lag.png )
They're all so adorable.
>> No. 4930 [Edit]
File 131422834779.jpg - (3.38MB , 3528x2504 , sayori Tenshi:Hatate high-res.jpg )
I love this guy's art style.

Post edited on 24th Aug 2011, 7:48pm
>> No. 4931 [Edit]
These posts made me think of something. Would it be alright to have a thread where I draw doodles of other peoples' waifus, or would that go on another board?
I don't know, it might be fun and I know some people here don't have a whole lot of fanart, so maybe a sketch or something would cheer them up.
>> No. 4932 [Edit]
Sounds good to me.
>> No. 4933 [Edit]
That could either go on here or on /cr/. I'd say /cr/
>> No. 4934 [Edit]
If it's only waifu, I don't see why here isn't okay.
If you plan to draw other things though, either have one here and one on /cr/ or just have one on /cr/ for all of it.
>> No. 4937 [Edit]
Yeah, I was only planning on only drawing waifus, so I was confused as to whether it'd go in /cr/ or here.
I'll make the thread when I have spare time, not sure when that'll be.
>> No. 4940 [Edit]
I don't know.. I don't mean any offense in any way but I feel like having a thread where a guy just draws waifu doesn't really sound right. I feel that it's much more appropriate for /cr/.
>> No. 4941 [Edit]
He could just make a general requests thread on /cr/, where people ask him to draw anything, including pictures of their waifu.
>> No. 4942 [Edit]
Seems like a nice idea for another thread on /mai/, since it's /mai/ related, no need for it to necessarily be /cr/, but either works.
but I don't think it would fit in this thread, since this is for posting images as people find em.
>> No. 4947 [Edit]
File 13143926397.jpg - (160.13KB , 850x1400 , Lizlet L Chelsie 65.jpg )
a new image of my waifu I found.
>> No. 5015 [Edit]
File 131467692085.jpg - (259.27KB , 826x472 , 21279355.jpg )
( ゚ ヮ゚)
>> No. 5049 [Edit]
File 131479261656.jpg - (217.45KB , 450x600 , 21442591_m.jpg )
>> No. 5051 [Edit]
File 131480582148.png - (258.53KB , 800x600 , ghostlyyateafatev2.png )
And my friend, who is starting to become very dear to me, drew me yet another picture.

Melted the instant I saw it.
>> No. 5053 [Edit]
File 131481071674.jpg - (71.01KB , 600x800 , liz.jpg )
serving you tea.
>> No. 5054 [Edit]
File 131481107524.jpg - (30.91KB , 426x600 , liz 4.jpg )
>> No. 5065 [Edit]
File 131484642714.jpg - (853.84KB , 849x1200 , 3b4acf4322a2a6fa656ece1fed304f8e.jpg )
So cute
>> No. 5075 [Edit]
File 131497620938.png - (276.96KB , 451x600 , 21492266_m.png )
it has been a while since she got a fanart, and this is really lovely.
>> No. 5084 [Edit]
File 131506782920.jpg - (399.48KB , 627x700 , 21506462.jpg )
Name of the artist is: ぴろしき
>> No. 5087 [Edit]
File 131509253946.jpg - (355.03KB , 850x600 , Misato 61.jpg )
I love the water color in this one. It's the most recently saved but I organized all of my pictures a few days back so it's not the highest number of all my pictures of her.
>> No. 5088 [Edit]
Looks kind of good (the palette is nice), but certainly not like watercolour (not even a photoshop emulation of it).
>> No. 5089 [Edit]
File 131510393980.jpg - (314.25KB , 900x1102 , Myself and Lizlet.jpg )
it is a request I asked for in Deviantart.

Basically it is myself and my waifu, Lizlet L. Chelsie just got married ...
>> No. 5104 [Edit]
File 131516160463.jpg - (139.15KB , 850x637 , sample-917b7c4cf36eed1a5fddee08602f1ef8.jpg )
>> No. 5109 [Edit]
File 131516439382.jpg - (94.74KB , 750x606 , s - 978931 - bat_wings flower hands_together head_.jpg )
It's overdone, overchildish and the artist didn't draw the pair of wings which may actually serve a pratical purpose.
But still, everytime I look at it I think I'm gonna explode from the cuteness she irradiates.
>> No. 5115 [Edit]
File 131516963779.jpg - (593.12KB , 1200x789 , 21542904.jpg )
I find these weapon attachments for Aegis in the upcoming fighting game a little silly, but awesome nonetheless
>> No. 5133 [Edit]
Yeah why the hell would they give her a gatling gun and missile pack? She should have something suitable for a robot her size, such as an infantry machine gun.
>> No. 5258 [Edit]
File 131535634036.jpg - (412.83KB , 1448x1024 , porurin (do-desho) Tenshi_Aya tongues.jpg )
Mai waifu and my second-favorite Touhou. I love this image.
>> No. 5261 [Edit]
File 131537270571.jpg - (67.66KB , 353x600 , 215169.jpg )
A half-decent accurate depiction of Kanako which isn't a manga frame or anime screenshot? Hell yeah!
>> No. 5262 [Edit]

Its a shame that there is not much more like this isn´t it?
>> No. 5421 [Edit]
File 131597566593.png - (1.89MB , 1250x2000 , ominaeshi Tenshi expressions.png )
Too bad this guy sucks at expressions. Now I want to do my own.
>> No. 5446 [Edit]
File 131602885250.png - (86.43KB , 637x290 , Tohno-chan.png )

I didn´t know that...

This is why i love this place!
(Her eyes seem to have the wrong colour, not that i mind though.)
>> No. 5482 [Edit]
File 13160897721.jpg - (397.11KB , 768x1024 , 21756667.jpg )
Artist name is: にっくねーむ

I haven't been posting on here as much I must admit. Not because it was because I had other stuff to do, but it was due to not finding a decent solo picture of her. But I don't think that's important at all.

I love the expression on her face in this picture. She looks so peaceful when she's sleeping.
>> No. 5493 [Edit]
File 131613065753.png - (295.28KB , 900x1050 , orange-pengin Tenshi lexaeus.png )
She looks sexy in black.
>> No. 5550 [Edit]
File 131628068584.jpg - (573.22KB , 1050x1050 , s - 993905 - bat_wings hair_over_one_eye head_wing.jpg )
Though it disturbs me that her would-be right arm looks larger than my chest, I really loved how not-usual this pic is.
>> No. 5601 [Edit]
File 131639837478.jpg - (303.97KB , 900x900 , 21828876.jpg )
>> No. 5607 [Edit]
File 131641732283.jpg - (106.04KB , 600x560 , 1c00ce47447f9ba486ee59d68de1f902.jpg )
>> No. 5658 [Edit]
File 131650746932.jpg - (69.88KB , 850x637 , sample-97761b7c5b265654143bcf1c1da78fba.jpg )
>> No. 5771 [Edit]
File 131692256281.png - (322.93KB , 500x500 , momoko (momopoco) Tenshi cyborg?.png )
>> No. 5821 [Edit]
File 131706791187.jpg - (340.81KB , 850x1202 , sample-e52f7a4f6946f4302ae77c88a08a846a.jpg )
I really like this one.
>> No. 5882 [Edit]
File 131717298678.png - (3.62MB , 1829x1803 , oukawa yuu Tenshi mountain.png )
>> No. 5932 [Edit]
File 131724778343.jpg - (553.10KB , 1260x787 , binsen Tenshi checkerboard.jpg )
>> No. 5970 [Edit]
File 131736819084.jpg - (1.73MB , 2400x1200 , Tenshi by Ann606.jpg )
This picture is astounding.
>> No. 5974 [Edit]
File 131737922174.jpg - (656.64KB , 967x1093 , 22036853.jpg )
>> No. 5987 [Edit]
File 131741342899.jpg - (337.32KB , 552x1069 , 1e6619ab68a48b3a74fc4a2a65ac351b.jpg )
>> No. 5988 [Edit]
File 131741365229.jpg - (806.93KB , 900x1414 , 6ca968fcd737baa426491dc6e18c394d.jpg )
>> No. 6018 [Edit]
File 13174945794.png - (789.46KB , 936x792 , Tenshi Minecraft 3.png )
Waifus: now with 50% more autism.
>> No. 6040 [Edit]
File 131758099341.jpg - (192.59KB , 500x750 , 22141696.jpg )
Artist is the same one that done >>4626

I have always loved this artist. I have no idea why... but he/she always does my loved one perfectly. Her apperance, expression, body, it's simply beautiful.
>> No. 6043 [Edit]
File 131759460693.jpg - (1.15MB , 1214x1416 , 9ac8a7ac1c2a42b9757e133a5656f5c9.jpg )
>> No. 6048 [Edit]
File 131760133560.jpg - (329.64KB , 600x800 , 5fc09bd64d0167a2ddf55862d4902d4b.jpg )
>> No. 6052 [Edit]
File 131762395087.jpg - (151.82KB , 724x1357 , Urashima_Kanako_by_Almir777.jpg )
>> No. 6054 [Edit]
File 131762425426.jpg - (171.98KB , 800x514 , Kanako_Strikes_Naru_got_OWNED_by_caocaothedeciever.jpg )
Hahah this cracks me up.
>> No. 6056 [Edit]

Haha, haven´t seen this one before.
Thank you!

Never mess with Kanako.
>> No. 6066 [Edit]
File 131769358197.jpg - (648.63KB , 1200x937 , m ganzy Tenshi gundam.jpg )
>> No. 6093 [Edit]
File 131775260475.jpg - (236.37KB , 687x880 , kimuchi Tenshi flat.jpg )
I really like this art style. I hope the guy draws more.

Don't worry, Tenshi, you're perfect just the way you are.
>> No. 6094 [Edit]
Her right little finger, it looks out of place.
>> No. 6095 [Edit]
Yes, but that's a minor error.
>> No. 6096 [Edit]
Sure it is. Still makes me quite uncomfortable in thinking about the pain involved in doing that with one's own little finger though.
>> No. 6097 [Edit]
Elbow too pointy.jpg
>> No. 6098 [Edit]
To be fair, his whole depiction of her arms is quite full of small flaws. But none is more painful to see than that little finger and her wrists.
>> No. 6100 [Edit]
Actually, the elbows too pointy thing is a running joke from a Bodybuilding forum I post on. Some of the users make threads posting pictures of 3DPD women, and even if they may be commonly considered attractive (at least as attractive as 3DPD's can be), most the users post "elbows too pointy" as a way to find a flaw and basically troll everyone. I don't want to sound hipster or anything, but you've probably never heard of this site...

sage for off topic.
>> No. 6101 [Edit]
Stop making fun of my angel's arms. ;_;
>> No. 6102 [Edit]
File 13177710932.jpg - (216.55KB , 397x600 , 12833343_m.jpg )
I liked the picture.

picked this one up off of pixiv, not sure why i didn't label it yet.
>> No. 6106 [Edit]
File 131778755657.jpg - (111.58KB , 661x472 , bb66439f954681515bee917d7fbb69bb.jpg )
>> No. 6107 [Edit]
File 131778766973.jpg - (261.84KB , 900x1015 , e1b57dbc05b7580b6b862ce60b17b797.jpg )
>> No. 6108 [Edit]
File 13177919686.jpg - (391.85KB , 800x1000 , bfd5845a8457ab403cfffcd676693e92.jpg )
This one! ~♥
>> No. 6111 [Edit]
File 131783021846.png - (272.50KB , 724x785 , taishi (moriverine) Tenshi jump.png )
She's so cute.
>> No. 6136 [Edit]
File 131798935236.png - (725.49KB , 850x751 , wedding_dress.png )
You look beautiful in wedding dress honey... But I think it is still way too early!
>> No. 6149 [Edit]
File 13180156336.png - (3.21MB , 1500x2000 , ringetsumon Tenshi textured.png )
Forgot to post this one; another really cool art style.
>> No. 6180 [Edit]
File 131812669216.jpg - (142.08KB , 641x740 , 76075d555e1955a90634187191e7ba04.jpg )
>> No. 6181 [Edit]
File 13181267441.jpg - (216.88KB , 850x1036 , sample-d36be3f6147d5d59377fb52306c0de1d.jpg )
>> No. 6197 [Edit]
File 131818655693.jpg - (1.15MB , 1250x1300 , suzushiro yukari Tenshi_Yukari matching outfits.jpg )
>> No. 6205 [Edit]
File 131828208024.jpg - (63.80KB , 480x600 , 22315935_m.jpg )
im not a fan of glasses but she looks cute with them.
>> No. 6209 [Edit]
File 131830699093.jpg - (418.78KB , 600x800 , kitsu alice.jpg )
I went out to the store this weekend and, upon seeing the cover to that recent Alice game, was surprised at how much it reminded me of her. This one's not new, but it warrants posting, I think.
>> No. 6233 [Edit]
File 131866941176.jpg - (803.23KB , 1224x1274 , sasa you aoi Tenshi headphones.jpg )
This one could probably also work in the diabetes thread.
>> No. 6234 [Edit]
File 131869103050.jpg - (272.46KB , 600x799 , s - 1015676 - bat_wings face hair_ornament hairpin.jpg )
Last weeks have been quite weak. This is the best one I've come across.
>> No. 6238 [Edit]
I went to New York Comic-Con today, and bkub was there (he's a famous 4koma artist, if you don't know). I paid him to draw me a picture of Tenshi, which is not only special for it being a picture of mai waifu, but I believe it's the first time he's drawn Tenshi, period.

Post edited on 15th Oct 2011, 3:33pm
>> No. 6239 [Edit]
Was he surrounded by fat sweaty neckbears screaming "CHEEEEEEEN" "CHEEEEEEEEN"
>> No. 6240 [Edit]

That was the guy who told me bkub was at the convention.
>> No. 6249 [Edit]
File 13188873839.jpg - (426.16KB , 1040x680 , 1318565896588.jpg )
Lovely hands and shoulders in this pic.
>> No. 6251 [Edit]
File 131888752925.jpg - (890.10KB , 2500x1866 , 1318565935661.jpg )
What a big hammer! Oh, and she has cute/nice feet. I like it.
>> No. 6297 [Edit]
File 131897569118.jpg - (1.93MB , 1000x1399 , shiratsuyu Tenshi:Patchouli watercolor.jpg )
I love images of her with musical notes. I'm sure she'd turn out be a singer if ZUN went into her character more.

Post edited on 18th Oct 2011, 3:08pm
>> No. 6298 [Edit]
File 131897765941.jpg - (652.43KB , 1376x1106 , 22458028.jpg )
Sitting on the ground is moe
>> No. 6309 [Edit]
File 131899631243.jpg - (377.27KB , 600x738 , ea9ff4a0aa8cb06b67e4272a4dd4c54d.jpg )
Major points for giving her grey eyes. And what beautiful eyes they are.
>> No. 6312 [Edit]
File 131900474236.jpg - (183.32KB , 850x1357 , cl.jpg )
>> No. 6321 [Edit]
File 131904361487.jpg - (412.15KB , 1000x824 , itsutsuki Tenshi rainbow.jpg )
>> No. 6325 [Edit]
I've been without internet for like a month, did they change search on pixiv some or did some images of my waifu get deleted?
>> No. 6326 [Edit]
Speaking of pixiv, I've noticed sometimes I will see pictures on older pages that I'm pretty sure weren't there before. I have the first page of results bookmarked so I never miss a new post, but now I'm paranoid new ones are being added into older pages for some reason and I am missing out
>> No. 6340 [Edit]
File 131915218167.jpg - (552.15KB , 1172x1224 , doraemon Tenshi orange.jpg )
>> No. 6369 [Edit]
File 131927447224.jpg - (115.86KB , 300x300 , 17881670_big_p7.jpg )
It always makes me happy seeing her smile like this.
>> No. 6383 [Edit]
File 13193241699.png - (232.17KB , 512x512 , pandora-ex Tenshi smile.png )
I love how he drew the hair.
>> No. 6384 [Edit]
File 131932540367.jpg - (503.98KB , 1500x2200 , s - 1016985 - _3 bat_wings dress_shirt head_wings .jpg )
>> No. 6505 [Edit]
File 131957615813.png - (308.28KB , 960x540 , 22623152.png )
>> No. 6507 [Edit]
File 131958269438.jpg - (199.54KB , 700x700 , hazuki ruu Tenshi cat 7.jpg )
You broke the smiling Touhou combo!
>> No. 6509 [Edit]
File 131958948632.jpg - (1.10MB , 1283x1519 , 22567214.jpg )
>> No. 6514 [Edit]
File 131961505246.jpg - (457.89KB , 707x1000 , f143e0cc57c6e84da679422ad86793df.jpg )
>> No. 6520 [Edit]
File 131964603627.jpg - (284.83KB , 1280x720 , Tenshi Yuno.jpg )
I laughed out loud when I saw this.
>> No. 6522 [Edit]
File 131965280757.png - (85.91KB , 640x360 , Erica in DOOM.png )

Ahh shit... delete all pics on your HDD that have anyone else but her - quickly!
>> No. 6523 [Edit]
File 13196606138.jpg - (769.81KB , 1440x1000 , 22536110.jpg )
>> No. 6524 [Edit]
File 131966092489.jpg - (232.38KB , 850x1062 , sample-850016133d5a94fd67712424d33e2778.jpg )
I'm not too sure what's going on here, but it's a nice picture so whatever.
>> No. 6525 [Edit]
There hasn't been anything new of her in months now...
In fact, I think some of her stuff was actually removed from Pixiv.
>> No. 6526 [Edit]
I don't actually like these pictures. I think it's the flabby hands.
>> No. 6559 [Edit]
File 131981868885.png - (4.75MB , 1800x2500 , ringetsumon Tenshi sword.png )
Yay, more by this guy. This picture isn't nearly as successful, though.
>> No. 6600 [Edit]
File 131988412436.jpg - (78.75KB , 600x369 , 615858.jpg )
>> No. 6608 [Edit]
File 131991213674.jpg - (783.26KB , 1000x800 , ichiyan Tenshi blush.jpg )
This is my favorite picture of her in a while. The expression, the way her shirt is just pulled down around her shoulders...

There's also an H version, but that's just for me.
>> No. 6619 [Edit]
File 131993271910.jpg - (187.33KB , 800x566 , 548275.jpg )
I adore his expression in this. So confident and smug.
>> No. 6620 [Edit]
File 131993462373.jpg - (166.86KB , 850x850 , sample-fb5ad4264f41e4f7ccddcd5994efd840.jpg )
>> No. 6642 [Edit]
File 131999462185.png - (579.00KB , 350x1120 , daki.png )
I love this artwork. I just need to think, can I really afford to replace my old one with such price (12,000 yen).
>> No. 6650 [Edit]
File 132001156558.jpg - (191.79KB , 850x850 , sample-90a9d2e1a6167f40904868604079012c.jpg )
>> No. 6651 [Edit]
File 132001561565.jpg - (0.96MB , 740x1100 , koohee Tenshi dark 3.jpg )
Ah, more by this guy, too. This is my favorite so far.
>> No. 6698 [Edit]
File 132016766096.jpg - (284.48KB , 1000x1199 , capura lin Tenshi poofy.jpg )
>> No. 6728 [Edit]
File 132018604881.jpg - (222.85KB , 600x600 , 22775997_m.jpg )
i, i like it
>> No. 6752 [Edit]
File 13201981328.jpg - (721.36KB , 576x768 , 22768449.jpg )
Halloween over but oh well.
>> No. 6816 [Edit]
File 132029016896.jpg - (477.40KB , 1929x1377 , yes warabi Tenshi close.jpg )
I am quite tempted to make this my wallpaper.
>> No. 6825 [Edit]
File 132035292121.jpg - (196.95KB , 512x1280 , Miko dakimakura.jpg )
>> No. 6830 [Edit]
File 132037950874.png - (448.68KB , 499x700 , 22602001.png )
>> No. 6833 [Edit]
File 132038550777.jpg - (488.60KB , 1000x708 , tai0201 Tenshi messy.jpg )
I love the looseness in this one.
>> No. 6839 [Edit]
File 132043661574.jpg - (297.11KB , 625x1000 , Miko dakimakura 2.jpg )
This picture just made my day.
>> No. 6840 [Edit]
File 132043801517.jpg - (173.10KB , 750x1000 , 22838519.jpg )
>> No. 6841 [Edit]
Hell, that's really cute.
>> No. 6843 [Edit]
File 132044833272.jpg - (777.98KB , 1000x1412 , inu3 Tenshi halo.jpg )
>> No. 6881 [Edit]
File 132060316224.jpg - (399.03KB , 733x1000 , 22897385.jpg )
>> No. 6883 [Edit]
File 132060407571.jpg - (1.41MB , 2062x870 , s - 1026404 - 6+girls alternate_costume animal_ear.jpg )
The artist did so horrible a work on her face that I have to open that image constantly and stare at it for minutes to convince myself it's real.
I fear that habit is leading me to grow some sort of tsundere-like appreciation for it.
>> No. 6890 [Edit]
File 132060666765.jpg - (2.96MB , 2000x1500 , mifuru Iku_Tenshi ruins.jpg )
>> No. 6918 [Edit]
File 132072094843.png - (704.28KB , 792x1050 , kakueki-teisha Tenshi leaves.png )
>> No. 6922 [Edit]
File 132073519036.jpg - (872.87KB , 1500x1854 , 22890424.jpg )
Gotta admit, I'm not surprised that this eventually turned up.
>> No. 6923 [Edit]
File 132075841422.png - (1.51MB , 1253x1770 , yokohachi Tenshi alternate outfit.png )
Interesting uniform.
>> No. 6929 [Edit]
File 132087216097.jpg - (158.71KB , 850x527 , sample-bf2def24a8e08f7f3d1ace5d9725b7c5.jpg )
This one made me smile. Is the guy who had Futo for his waifu still around?
>> No. 6930 [Edit]
File 132087639662.jpg - (195.77KB , 576x624 , 22958669_big_p0.jpg )
>> No. 6935 [Edit]
File 132088942576.png - (352.86KB , 550x680 , kankuro_by_kango67-d4fnd1v.png )
Asked some guy from Deviantart to draw her. This is an alright pic.. She looks voluptuous and her tits are lopsided and her face derpy but the colouring is nice
>> No. 6936 [Edit]
File 13208896483.png - (94.69KB , 900x953 , 131820352556.png )
From http://tohno-chan.com/cr/res/1526.html
>> No. 6940 [Edit]
File 132094696241.jpg - (27.61KB , 368x568 , Kanako Sword.jpg )

Well..Kuro looks really cute!
Thanks for sharing this picture, there are so few self drawn pictures of her that i am happy about every new one.
I stumbled over this one recently, but i have no idea why she has a sword.
>> No. 6949 [Edit]
Nice, how'd you find it?
>> No. 6951 [Edit]
File 132098200669.jpg - (842.55KB , 762x1000 , bondson Tenshi future.jpg )
>> No. 6961 [Edit]
File 132102509268.jpg - (19.59KB , 250x500 , Blanket.jpg )

I´ve searched for 浦島 可奈子 on google and pixiv, this on i´ve found on pixiv-

I also discovered this blanket and some figurines of her.
From this day on it´ll be my holy quest to get one of those blankets to maybe use it as a Dakimakura cover....i also need these figurines.
I shall find no rest until i got all these sacred items!
>> No. 6971 [Edit]
File 132110761674.png - (626.63KB , 886x783 , deanoia Tenshi chandelier.png )
>> No. 7007 [Edit]
File 132115275293.png - (77.09KB , 500x600 , 22863458.png )
>> No. 7051 [Edit]
File 132126455027.jpg - (23.08KB , 313x542 , othsg-14.jpg )
Have you seen this fig? Not that I'm into figs myself.
>> No. 7054 [Edit]

This one looks unfamiliar, thanks for showing me this.
I am not into figurines very much, but when it happens to be one of her i just can´t help it.
>> No. 7064 [Edit]
File 132132624257.jpg - (142.51KB , 790x1012 , urashima__the_graceful_cat_lover__by_entheofuschia.jpg )
I requested this off someone, would've been cool if it wasn't a copy but I'm still happy
>> No. 7067 [Edit]
File 132134452119.jpg - (794.92KB , 1200x1120 , tama home Buront:Tenshi final fantasy xi.jpg )
She looks good in anything.
>> No. 7070 [Edit]
File 132137988076.jpg - (47.26KB , 600x600 , Kanako 304.jpg )

It looks fine, you request drawings quite a lot do you? I never did, hmn..maybe i should give it a try.

This picture of her looks kinda odd, if it wasn´t for the clothes i´d never guessed that it is Kanako, she looks like a character from another series...can´t remind the name though.
Well, her antenna is missing, but besides that i liked this one.
>> No. 7071 [Edit]
File 132140081719.jpg - (49.67KB , 520x450 , 1319393439461.jpg )
I found this one a few weeks ago.
It's really charming to me, for whatever reason. I love the look in her eyes and her smile.
>> No. 7078 [Edit]
File 132140826435.png - (243.83KB , 342x550 , miko_comic_by_littleshrimp-d48lry6.png )
I love littleshrimp's comics.
>> No. 7099 [Edit]
File 132148385728.jpg - (1.13MB , 1000x1400 , ayakashi (monkeypanch) Tenshi everyone.jpg )
>> No. 7100 [Edit]
File 132148859997.jpg - (425.05KB , 1697x1200 , 1239565834789.jpg )
>> No. 7104 [Edit]
File 132157334575.jpg - (869.35KB , 1141x1616 , 1321571783163.jpg )
I really like this picture I just found.
>> No. 7108 [Edit]
File 132158108974.jpg - (193.05KB , 500x500 , 23121672.jpg )
>> No. 7117 [Edit]
File 132160861732.png - (93.91KB , 640x480 , Kurokona from Anon.png )
Another request.
It's simply adorable.

One of these days I need to commission something.
Someday, someday...
>> No. 7123 [Edit]
File 132164060928.jpg - (211.62KB , 1100x800 , 6adf5a9e8bcc0e1145909d058f95fcf2.jpg )
"I sense a disturbance in the Force..."
>> No. 7143 [Edit]
File 132179577379.jpg - (1.44MB , 1752x2099 , s - 1039871 - 1girl bat_wings demon_tail head_wing.jpg )
>> No. 7144 [Edit]
File 132179669987.jpg - (289.76KB , 1000x1166 , 23156348_p1.jpg )
>> No. 7147 [Edit]
File 132179866086.jpg - (824.75KB , 1080x1200 , cc5c4b4cd345beefb14c1f1e0741e074.jpg )
>> No. 7148 [Edit]
File 132179890753.png - (721.32KB , 733x1000 , konnyaku963 Tenshi hair flip.png )
I can't believe I forgot to post this one.
>> No. 7163 [Edit]
File 132184947217.png - (94.09KB , 640x480 , Kurokona tries on her new snuggie.png )
Good color makes a cute drawing simply adorable.
>> No. 7165 [Edit]
File 13218518006.jpg - (152.27KB , 1181x1748 , 23063569.jpg )
That's one of the cutest things I saw in my life~

The 'sample' kind of sucks, but she rarely gets new art. I wish there was a way to thank the artists on Pixiv and such who do drawings of her. It always makes me really happy to see someone wanted to draw her.
>> No. 7166 [Edit]
You could always PM the artiest.
>> No. 7172 [Edit]
Nahh...I can't write/read/speak a word of Nihongo, and it'd just bother them, getting a message from some USA punk that they can't understand or something...

I might try, though, thanks for the suggestion.
>> No. 7182 [Edit]
File 132185870997.png - (130.83KB , 480x640 , Kurokona art by anon.png )
It's like my birthday or something!
Only thing missing is to open pixiv and have something new there too.
>> No. 7189 [Edit]
File 13218654653.jpg - (158.00KB , 450x640 , imsosadsoveryverysad.jpg )
Today has been wonderful, another piece I've had forever colored.
File name is because that's what the one who colored it saved it as, so I'm keeping it there.

I'll probably try to get this one colored soon too.
>> No. 7195 [Edit]
File 132190273756.png - (18.18KB , 500x500 , Kurokona by Fraggot.png )
And yet another!
Though not entirely what I had expected, I still got a good laugh.
>> No. 7197 [Edit]
File 132190613893.jpg - (466.69KB , 600x839 , kurisu winter clothes.jpg )
First picture I've seen her wearing winter clothes. Good - because it is getting cold here.
>> No. 7198 [Edit]
File 132191103661.jpg - (174.78KB , 850x757 , sample-5c87f07ec0e4735ddb17d0fae253f1c7.jpg )
>Despair! I'm in despair!
By the time I saw that thread there were 100+ replies... I never seem to be browsing when a request thread first materializes. Lucky.
>> No. 7199 [Edit]
File 132191212472.jpg - (61.19KB , 400x600 , 23191716_m.jpg )
>> No. 7204 [Edit]
File 132192861751.gif - (8.34KB , 160x256 , tome (wolf) Tenshi pixel.gif )
This... is EXACTLY what I would want in a dakimakura. Cute, accurate, well-drawn... if only it weren't pixel art. ;_;
>> No. 7206 [Edit]
Vectorize it and amplify it. We know you can.
>> No. 7208 [Edit]
No, it will just become a mess, especially the feet. You can only work with so small a picture.
>> No. 7209 [Edit]
File 132199735624.jpg - (2.18MB , 1080x1440 , 6429ec47be532a806f50861f95cad8c4.jpg )
>> No. 7220 [Edit]
File 132212267599.jpg - (103.33KB , 450x600 , sad.jpg )
Another old image colored finally.
>> No. 7223 [Edit]
File 132217658956.jpg - (220.85KB , 724x1024 , 23271437.jpg )
>> No. 7224 [Edit]
File 13221795082.jpg - (131.11KB , 600x600 , 1322095356810.jpg )
>> No. 7231 [Edit]
File 132227706648.png - (820.22KB , 642x941 , hyou haku Tenshi contemporary.png )
The thigh-highs really don't work, but I like the rest.
>> No. 7261 [Edit]
File 132240142688.jpg - (562.43KB , 1400x1400 , s - 1040763 - 1girl abe_kanari bat_wings dress_shi.jpg )
>> No. 7265 [Edit]
File 132242666243.png - (2.75MB , 2000x1400 , wakagashira Tenshi:Cirno wind.png )
>> No. 7286 [Edit]
File 132253718631.jpg - (357.48KB , 612x850 , kureha (ironika) Tenshi rainbow.jpg )
>> No. 7299 [Edit]
File 132256451747.jpg - (819.72KB , 1032x1501 , 25adc784e1d0f68b7e53f05d5ac9f5e4.jpg )
>> No. 7315 [Edit]

That is a cool image.
>> No. 7322 [Edit]
I...think it might be her? Someone mind translating the title and stuff?

>> No. 7325 [Edit]
File 132268475481.jpg - (319.78KB , 1023x1164 , lineart.jpg )
Still curious about this, but someone did some line art of something I requested to be colored so I'm hopeful it'll be colored soon.
I miss Jam...
>> No. 7326 [Edit]
File 132268563769.jpg - (3.42MB , 2480x3507 , 23324171.jpg )
>> No. 7328 [Edit]
File 132269661990.jpg - (381.03KB , 1074x924 , kureha (ironika) Tenshi angry.jpg )
I want to kiss her knees.
>> No. 7329 [Edit]
You'd get splitted in two soon afterwards though~
>> No. 7344 [Edit]
File 132279222798.jpg - (186.49KB , 759x999 , kureha (ironika) Tenshi spikes.jpg )
>> No. 7351 [Edit]
File 13228462357.jpg - (54.71KB , 541x679 , 1322807939271.jpg )
Apparently someone requested something for me the other day without my knowing.
Not complaining though, it looks adorable.
>> No. 7361 [Edit]
File 132290437272.jpg - (215.39KB , 543x980 , 1322904037088.jpg )
This guy's coloring makes me happy.
>> No. 7362 [Edit]
File 132294449854.jpg - (835.89KB , 1282x928 , motida Tenshi space.jpg )
>> No. 7363 [Edit]
File 132294682778.jpg - (235.32KB , 844x600 , Kurisu school uniform.jpg )
Very nice!
>> No. 7365 [Edit]
>> No. 7366 [Edit]
>> No. 7367 [Edit]
File 132295538767.jpg - (442.48KB , 1023x1164 , 1322935754928.jpg )
Turns out he decided to finish it anyways since he had a mistake to finish on the earlier one.
>> No. 7370 [Edit]
File 132301388167.jpg - (169.57KB , 856x958 , s - 1048415 - 1girl alice4127 bat_wings blush_stic.jpg )
Love the simplicity.
>> No. 7378 [Edit]
File 132302498312.jpg - (385.63KB , 1613x1146 , alice4127 Tenshi chibi.jpg )
I got one, too!
>> No. 7414 [Edit]
File 13230912862.jpg - (213.45KB , 925x968 , MarisaKeybie.jpg )

So do I.
>> No. 7416 [Edit]
File 132311467828.jpg - (197.01KB , 1200x1693 , 23423800.jpg )
>> No. 7417 [Edit]
File 13231193135.jpg - (208.58KB , 850x865 , sample-f7545d27e84e88d9a507fc7c249394e9.jpg )
This picture melts my heart.
>> No. 7418 [Edit]
File 13231418872.jpg - (2.19MB , 2894x4409 , koshi-kun Tenshi shiny.jpg )
>> No. 7423 [Edit]
File 132319250949.jpg - (194.95KB , 561x559 , 16ae192f826104189356a8644c15c924.jpg )
>> No. 7445 [Edit]
File 132325008564.jpg - (105.23KB , 480x640 , 23474393.jpg )
Interesting style...
>> No. 7452 [Edit]
File 132330039134.jpg - (573.50KB , 1080x833 , lastdark Yukari:Tenshi dark.jpg )
>> No. 7454 [Edit]
File 13233260296.jpg - (387.81KB , 644x900 , 8c1635aa3febee8ed6cb7bd13300e848.jpg )
>> No. 7455 [Edit]
What a beautiful dress.
>> No. 7473 [Edit]
Not big on touhou other than the games but this is a gorgeous picture
>> No. 7474 [Edit]
File 132340360086.png - (694.67KB , 745x1053 , whitesesame Tenshi wind.png )
Oh, the thread is on auto-sage.
>> No. 7477 [Edit]
updated the board's autosage count, it's now 1500
>> No. 7500 [Edit]
File 132360512412.png - (2.02MB , 860x1290 , s - 1050971 - 6+girls back bat_wings beret blonde_.png )
A shame she's faaar on the background.
>> No. 7502 [Edit]
File 132363413468.png - (145.70KB , 640x480 , Ku-chan and Rika hugging.png )
Hoping to get this colored soon.

Seems kind of large, especially for threads with a lot of images/videos.
Though I suppose the 'last X posts' button works.
>> No. 7505 [Edit]
File 132365666737.png - (5.15MB , 2000x2829 , siirakannu Tenshi gwyn lord of cinder.png )
>> No. 7520 [Edit]
File 132372750857.jpg - (244.39KB , 850x1150 , sample-b8a2d6e5185d3742102ec74ba59a2d3c.jpg )
Delicious indeed.
>> No. 7535 [Edit]
File 132376192819.jpg - (96.37KB , 640x480 , xmashug.jpg )
Colored, fairly quickly too.
>> No. 7536 [Edit]
File 132378798048.jpg - (47.08KB , 500x687 , Misato 77.jpg )
one of the only pictures out there of her consuming something that isn't a beer.
>> No. 7539 [Edit]
File 13237963075.jpg - (187.92KB , 900x1097 , rally-vincent-l-une-des-2-heroines-de-gunsmith-cat.jpg )
Sadly so little good art of Irene... Found this nicely colored one on google images amongst the poor fanart and completely unrelated images.
>> No. 7563 [Edit]
File 132389124628.jpg - (364.88KB , 640x800 , Kurisu winter.jpg )
This is very pretty.
>> No. 7564 [Edit]
This is one of the prettier pictures of Kurisu I've seen. Very well done, in my opinion.
>> No. 7584 [Edit]
File 132397053310.jpg - (97.78KB , 541x679 , Bunny Ku-chan.jpg )
Seeing it colored made my heart skip a beat.
>> No. 7585 [Edit]
File 132397852654.jpg - (260.74KB , 632x980 , 22931ecc1d8be7f12da7dbe30419966c.jpg )
>bomber grape
Oh gosh. I'm not sure whether to be overjoyed at the comedy that is sure to follow or fearful of what he will do with Miko.
>> No. 7592 [Edit]
File 132408294590.jpg - (768.29KB , 850x1230 , 458899f6b583be06e0a189d9964b41da.jpg )
I really like how this one brings out her personality. That does so much more for me than the usual sexy/pretty/imposing poses.
>> No. 7617 [Edit]
File 132422622541.png - (481.43KB , 1147x1047 , 23738061.png )
>> No. 7634 [Edit]
File 132426782881.png - (25.34KB , 340x550 , 1324267305335.png )
I was expecting to see her with a mouth full of penis since I asked for it to be non-lewd. Miko as a strong black woman is a fine alternative. It can't be helped.
>> No. 7728 [Edit]
File 132465003026.png - (208.22KB , 580x1050 , 23836573.png )
>> No. 7752 [Edit]
File 132471148631.png - (119.34KB , 480x640 , Kurokona by tsun-anon.png )
Forgot to post this a few days ago.
>> No. 7785 [Edit]
File 132480131969.jpg - (57.02KB , 900x900 , 1324796150881.jpg )
A drawfriend in the Christmas spirit took my request. He's a good soul.
>> No. 7813 [Edit]
File 132489074273.jpg - (141.59KB , 868x1435 , Such is life.jpg )
Such is life when your waifu is only known as a reaction image
>> No. 7840 [Edit]
File 132504218355.jpg - (41.65KB , 453x658 , 0eb83c071bd74027131ebaeca19f2027.jpg )
>> No. 7851 [Edit]
File 132514234596.jpg - (716.32KB , 1268x2000 , 1324902899747.jpg )
Something about this is just so calm and soothing...
>> No. 7906 [Edit]
File 132549177643.jpg - (602.68KB , 800x1131 , 1323436704269.jpg )
Someone sent this to me last night.

It's now one of my very favorites (for obvious reasons)...
>> No. 7932 [Edit]
This is lovely... artist?
>> No. 7937 [Edit]
File 132605086313.jpg - (238.46KB , 589x850 , s - 1067466 - 1girl bat bat_wings boots buttons cl.jpg )
That colouring is awesome.
>> No. 7957 [Edit]
File 132616668567.jpg - (51.86KB , 447x306 , 242036311238_big_p0.jpg )
i love KillMeBaby and her being yasuna is what always came to my mind
>> No. 7961 [Edit]
File 132617318814.jpg - (68.24KB , 400x1098 , Misato 79.jpg )
>> No. 7973 [Edit]
File 132629839441.jpg - (170.23KB , 812x1200 , Misato and Ritsuko 04.jpg )
>> No. 7993 [Edit]
File 132651638844.jpg - (58.02KB , 600x611 , Osaka_Azumanga_Daioh_by_badakbcula1.jpg )
*pokes tongue*
>> No. 8117 [Edit]
File 132717641686.jpg - (507.69KB , 960x1200 , 24478461_p2.jpg )
Cute but.. What the hell is this costume?
>> No. 8123 [Edit]
File 132720245738.jpg - (83.22KB , 1024x1024 , 18970708.jpg )
Monster Hunter Portable 3rd, armor made from a giant tundra rabbit: http://monsterhunter.wikia.com/wiki/Urcusis_Equipment
>> No. 8130 [Edit]
File 132725873127.png - (1.43MB , 1500x1500 , 435e99379444a170f283d112de9fd418.png )
"I told you, girl. I always told you that you simply can't beat Reimu up just like that without being a bit more stronger."
>> No. 8133 [Edit]
File 132726425313.jpg - (21.80KB , 265x385 , Lizlet L Chelsie 73.jpg )
found this when I search the Internet using her name in Japanese
>> No. 8139 [Edit]
>> No. 8159 [Edit]
File 132762508581.jpg - (210.67KB , 850x1171 , sample-200709152e42dfb9dc864fb7a4146409.jpg )
My new computer wallpaper.
>> No. 8160 [Edit]
How did you crop it?
>> No. 8161 [Edit]
Didn't do anything to it. Used the option "Fit to Screen".
>> No. 8162 [Edit]
File 132762912084.jpg - (119.17KB , 850x679 , 2ab5ed60e673ecdaabca86d7e00ae2fa.jpg )
I found this one today, she's so adorable in this picture.

Post edited on 26th Jan 2012, 5:53pm
>> No. 8163 [Edit]
File 132763176180.jpg - (1.53MB , 1200x1654 , moe 205649 nanase_nao tail touhou toyosatomimi_no_.jpg )
Here's a higher res version if your interested.
>> No. 8167 [Edit]
Oh, thank you for this! I switched the two.
>> No. 8194 [Edit]
File 132774828470.jpg - (114.62KB , 705x1000 , 10ee9881024ada1a39538e5a5581bc24.jpg )
>spending all night working in the library to finish rewriting that paper you screwed up
>have your mood ruined even further by coming accross too many assholes and dickwads
>come home to find an amazing new picture of your waifu
>> No. 8218 [Edit]
File 132801019365.jpg - (593.83KB , 1000x1265 , Kurisu Angel.jpg )
My Angel
>> No. 8220 [Edit]
File 132803814850.jpg - (94.97KB , 550x730 , a57df9c2a41b4245ecfa7121e1d37f65.jpg )
Artistic nude.
>> No. 8221 [Edit]
File 132804110437.jpg - (251.77KB , 800x609 , 24636610_big_p0.jpg )
>> No. 8222 [Edit]
Wow, it's been 1 month since the last post of Surtic..
>> No. 8247 [Edit]