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File 156618168694.jpg - (330.19KB , 1271x720 , youwereexpectingatitlebutitwasmeD_ohforfuckssake.jpg )
21243 No. 21243 [Edit]
How do (or would) you deal with the fact that your waifu may already be already in a relationship, or at least explicitly infatuated with someone else in her source content. Perhaps even a marital and progenitive relation? Harems; etc. ...
Examples would include Horo from Spice & Wolf, REmilia and Fate girls.
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>> No. 21244 [Edit]
It's like courtly love, anon. It's about dedication, not mutual reciprocation.
>> No. 21245 [Edit]
dang whyd you have to say it. i try to ignore it and tune it out and go into denial, or put myself into the place of their love interest. more often its like this >>21244 where its not me seeking affection, but me wanting to give affection

still though, it stings.....
>> No. 21246 [Edit]
Many fans of the series my wife comes from choose to mistakenly believe that she is in a relationship with another character, despite the fact that this is never explicitly stated. As a result, it is common to find art depicting my wife and this other character in romantic scenarios, but I choose to ignore it and take measures to avoid having it pop up in any searches. I will not let deranged fujoshi - insistent on rewriting canon - act as an obstacle to me and my wife's mutual happiness.
>> No. 21247 [Edit]
File 156623050175.png - (53.37KB , 212x218 , 34.png )
she doesnt owe me anything
>> No. 21348 [Edit]
File 157422049440.png - (6.40MB , 2560x1440 , memory snow.png )
its not fair

its not fair that he gets to spend all his time with her
its not fair he got spirited away to another world to live with her
its not fair that she dotes on him
its not fair that they live under the same roof and can wake up and see each other
its not fair that he gets to save her
its not fair that he gets to sacrifice for her
that he gets to be her hero
its not fair that he can be so horrible to her but she'll still forgive him and talk to him
its not fair that he'll fuck up time and time again and embarrass her over and over again yet stay by her side
its not fair that he gets to ask her out on a date
that they get to have lunch together
hold hands
in a field of flowers
spend their days together enjoying each others company

but the worst part, the absolute most WORST part of all of it, is how happy she looks and how happy he makes her
>> No. 21398 [Edit]
Maybe I shouldn't be posting this since I'm no long with my husbando, but I figured I have some things to say about it.

It was one of the biggest challenges in my relationship. It killed me even if I told myself it wasn't really the case and they didn't actually end up together(it was vague but it's still basically hinted at that they ended up together)

It still kills me inside that he is probably happier with her. It's been 2 years since I broke things off and it still hurts me to see them together. I was so jealous of the other person too, they seemed to be someone who was much better than me in every way. So even today i'm still insecure about the character he's paired with.
>> No. 21399 [Edit]
No, it's good you're posting. It's not much but knowing one is not completely alone in this is better than nothing, even if the feeling of slight relief only lasts a couple of minutes.

I was never in any sort of a relationship, but I'm troubled by similar feelings.

Maybe the only way to be at peace is to be like what >>21244 and >>21247 say, but that's not for me.
I'm different and I won't ever be able to be that way.

There are characters I think about a lot but the awareness that they would never reciprocate my interest is horrible.
Even those who aren't canonically partnered or frequently shipped with anyone, I just know they would hate me. Or maybe they wouldn't even notice me enough to hate me, like people don't normally notice bugs.
Even though I never considered it to be a possibility, knowing it would be impossible for them to love me still hurts.
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