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19882 No. 19882 [Edit]
What interests and hobbies do you have in common with your waifu? If you don't have any in common would you try to get into her interests while also letting her explore your own?

Did you fall for her because of shared interests and hobbies?
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>> No. 19898 [Edit]
She's too self absorbed in herself, so she hardly give a fuck about my state or my hobbies.

I once intervene in her interest though, cause she's quite smart and I consider myself smart too (smarter than her in fact) and because of that the result is she became very rich in her business because my idea.

I fall for her because of looks mainly.
Secondly because of her persistent and ambitious personality which I once had but got lost in the way and philosophy we shared about God/the world. And thirdly because her voice.
>> No. 19948 [Edit]
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Some interests we have in common are hunting, the paleo diet, competitive sports and martial arts.

I'm not at all interested in baseball, while he seems to be highly emotionally invested. I will try watching some baseball anime since that seems more welcoming than jumping right into watching real games or reading books on it or something. I'm sure it'll be more exaggerated and exciting there anyway. Hopefully it'll get me hooked.

The first thing of my interests I'd introduce him to is Hokuto no Ken. It'd probably make him so excited that he'd kill me by accident imitating the moves... (image related)

He takes paintball pretty seriously in one episode, and that got me pretty excited. I'd like to do some military sim stuff with him. I've never tried IRL because the guys at the airsoft arenas seem like a bunch of retarded normies jacked up on steroids. They'd ruin my immersion.

I suppose all of the things he likes are pretty manly, and his boyish nature is what made me so attracted to him, so yes, I guess I would say that I did fall for him because of his interests.
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