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22123 No. 22123 [Edit]
I know applying religious concepts to waifuism is dumb and misses the point solely because having a waifu is no different than being in love with a person in the 3D world.

But if we are, for example, applying some religious concepts to waifuism, I would probably imagine it would be probably monotheistic paganism, monotheistic in a sense that you have to be loyal to 1 person, as people with more are larpers.
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>> No. 22124 [Edit]
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>having a waifu is no different than being in love with a person in the 3D world.
I respectfully disagree, for somewhat obvious reasons

>monotheistic in a sense that you have to be loyal to 1 person
If we really want to apply religious concepts here, the correct term would be henotheism: this word indicates the worship of one specific deity, without the idea that the object of worship is the sole and exclusive god out there
>> No. 22125 [Edit]
>I respectfully disagree, for somewhat obvious reasons
Nta, but I don't think being in love with a character from an anime or a video game is some different kind of love, it's simply one-sided, but I think the emotions and thought patterns, that one has when he is in love, are more or less the same. You also wouldn't say that it doesn't make a difference, in the case of 3DPD relationships, whether the other persons loves you or it remains unrequited, but it's still love. The same way I think it doesn't make much of difference, whether your loved one is a drawing or a real human being, because the process in the brain is essentially the same.
>> No. 22126 [Edit]
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Having a 2D crush equates to having a permanent crush that will never evolve into something else, at the very least not in this world.

You can look at the object of your affection as much as you want (in the form of drawings, canon art, merchandise, etc.), but you will never touch her or feel her scent, except maybe in your (literal) dreams.

"Love with a real person" implies a temporary crush that then evolves into a relationship.

Am I saying that waifu love is illegitimate?
No, but you can't claim it's just the same as loving a 3D person.
They only look somewhat similar in the initial phase, that's it
>> No. 22129 [Edit]
>religious concepts to waifuism is dumb
I'd argue it's not, it is the right and only lens to view it. In fact (self-aware) waifuists are starting with a better understanding of religion and the human psyche than most religious people. But you have to go back to the roots of religion, not the "god in the sky idol worship" forms of religion that have become established.

>is some different kind of love
It is love, in the exact same sense a religious person says he "loves Jesus". At least it is to me (inferring from what I imagine the religious zeal people feel). People work with different definitions of love: some more romantic, some more platonic, some more filled with base lust, some more filled with higher universal values, etc. It's hard to communicate precisely.

> to having a permanent crush
That's a very self-limiting way to look at it.

>then evolves into a relationship
A relationship _with what(who)_ exactly? Your reality (as you perceive it) is but a mental construct, anchored to your senses. You don't fall in love with a person, you fall in love with your conception of them. The two hopefully align (if not, that's when relationship drama ensues). But in the end, it is all a process on the mental plane, just like your other thoughts and emotions. You can play the same mental game with whatever you want (that's how you get religions, or in more sinister ways cults).

Really the only difference is that there's no feedback from your physical senses. That can be both a blessing and a curse.
>> No. 22133 [Edit]
>You don't fall in love with a person, you fall in love with your conception of them.
In a relationship with a real person, they also have a conception of you. That's something mutual which goes beyond the senses and is missing when you have a waifu. Religious people strongly believe Jesus knows who they are and loves them back.

Post edited on 5th Jan 2025, 8:30pm
>> No. 22134 [Edit]
>That's something mutual which goes beyond the senses
That's the "feedback from the senses" which I mentioned. The only way in which their conception of you interacts with your conception of them is their actions as perceived by you. With waifuism, your physical brain plays out the parts of both personalities: yourself, and your waifu. For most people separating the two cleanly is difficult because this "play of thoughts" happens at the conscious level so is still influenced by the shared subconscious. It's possible with practice to more effectively separate the two, something akin to tulpamancy. Of course it's healthier to go the other way instead and work on perceiving the subconscious better, so that you can begin to consciously influence that as well.

>Religious people strongly believe Jesus knows who they are and loves them back.
And yet in the end it's just a belief. Whether they realize it or not, they too are simply playing a mental game.

Put it this way, ultimately your feelings are just a construct of your mind. If you adopt the self-limiting perspective that you can never feel anything with "fictional" characters, then your mind won't ever be able to elicit those emotions. But there's nothing inherent that prevents one from being able to elicit the exact same emotions that 3D people talk about. For proof, just ask some 3D person to "imagine" their partner and feel out the feelings for them. They'll probably feel a surge of "love" or whatever. It may not be as "intense" as the feelings induced by physical proximity, but it is the exact same feeling, induced simply via imagination. Once you drop the self-limiting mindset that feeling can be cultivated in the exact same way as "real" love.

Assuming you are the anon in >>22126, then thinking of it as a "crush" is precisely the barrier that prevents you from feeling those deeper feelings. You yourself are subconsciously putting up a wall and only choosing to feel the facade. (Interestingly, children have no problem playing this mental game with ease. It's only after the process of social acclimatization that you're told "imaginary friends" are childish and weird that you force your own perspective upon every passing thought.)

Post edited on 5th Jan 2025, 9:04pm
>> No. 22135 [Edit]
>That's the "feedback from the senses" which I mentioned.
No, it's reality, unless you're a solipsist.
>And yet in the end it's just a belief.
Either you believe there's another mind or you don't. If you don't believe there is one, the subjective experience of being in a relationship is different than if you did.
>> No. 22136 [Edit]
>you're a solipsist.
No this position is not solipsism, I think it aligns with some eastern philosophies of consciousness and perception but I don't want to name anything particular since I haven't studied them in depth. But I see we're talking past each other so there's no point going further so I'll end here.

>If you don't believe there is one, the subjective experience of being in a relationship is different than if you did.
And here's the crux of the issue: it's a subjective experience as all emotions are. Unless you believe that your thoughts, emotions, and even perceptions can't be consciously influenced (which is clearly untrue) or is inextricably tied to the physical world by your senses (which is also clearly false), then there is no inherent reason that feelings can not be elicited in the exact same way.

>There you believe there's another mind or you don't. If you don't believe there is one, the subjective experience of being in a relationship is different than if you did.
But your response makes no sense. You already accept the only difference is your belief as to whether someone else is loving you back. Adopting one belief over another changes your subjective response. So why is it inconceivable that you can let go of that belief entirely, and feel such love even knowing the entity is fictional.

That's not "denying reality" in any way: no one is saying that your waifu is a physical person that can be perceived by others. But if you're talking about emotions, then saying that you cannot feel "love" towards a fictional entity is ludicrous, especially since religions provide an age-old counterexample (and so do tulpas). The conflation of "crushes", fanfiction, and such has done a great disservice to the waifuist community. Even the tulpa community is off the rails for the same reason, they keep subconsciously holding onto the belief that unless something is perceived via your senses then no bond can be formed, and so they end up self-inducing all sorts of disorders. You can "define" love to be between two real-world people by fiat, but if you restrict yourself to such a definition that's on you, nothing about the subjective emotional experience requires it.

Post edited on 5th Jan 2025, 9:26pm
>> No. 22137 [Edit]
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>no inherent reason that feelings can not be elicited in the exact same way
Relationships are more than simple emotions. They're also thoughts, beliefs and "qualia". I don't think any amount of self-conditioning can make a person's experience of having a waifu the exact same as the experience of being in relationship with a real person.
>saying that you cannot feel "love" towards a fictional entity is ludicrous
My position is that having a waifu is different from being in love with a person in the 3d world. That's all.

Post edited on 5th Jan 2025, 9:37pm
>> No. 22139 [Edit]
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>That's a very self-limiting way to look at it.
Please tell me how your waifu crush is going to become anything other than a crush, save for "I am going to die one day and go to anime land"


I agree.
It seems the other poster is too dismissive of physical reality and actual, living 3D people (despite being one of them themselves)
>> No. 22143 [Edit]
They also believe that God loves all people, regardless of them loving Him back or even believing that He exists. That's because this love is agape, people here seem to be reducing all forms of love to eros. You are denying the existence of courtly love and muses. Still Beatrice managed to inspire Dante, regardless of her distance and inaccessibility.
>> No. 22144 [Edit]
>people here seem to be reducing all forms of love to eros
They're called "waifus" and the the love between man and wife is usually of the eros variety. As far as I know, the term was popularized by Azumanga Daioh, in which it referred to a character's actual wife.

Post edited on 6th Jan 2025, 7:52am
>> No. 22145 [Edit]
Still that's not how the term evolved. Courtly love was also sexual on its initial instances, but that's not how it's used and understood nowadays.
>> No. 22146 [Edit]
You are WRONG!
For example let say that I eat like pig today would that make me feel good physically yes but mentally? What would she think of me I am sure she would not like the way she acts and her personality to affect me already I want to make her around!
>> No. 22147 [Edit]
*proud I am sure if she was here physically she would be happy I did not eat like pig
>> No. 22149 [Edit]
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>let say that I eat like pig today would that make me feel good physically yes
No, it wouldn't. For two or three minutes tops, then your stomach would start hurting for much longer than that

>but mentally?
Same thing, arguably.
Physical pleasures are experienced through your brain, and so is pain

>What would she think of me I am sure she would not like the way she acts and her personality to affect me already I want to make her around!

A friendly, sincere suggestion.
Spend more time studying the English language, then we can resume the philosophical discussion
>> No. 22150 [Edit]
I might get banned for this and I'm sorry if it ends up looking like an schizo ramble, but I believe dearly this needs to be said.

This anon >>22149 is not a real waifuist, if anything hes a polyfaggot how's been shitting waifu IB's for the last couple months, he started on 8chan and he's now shitting up Tohno (and he already got banned once a couple of days ago, this post >>22120).

His MO is as follows: Always posting characters from fate or Oregairu (and sometimes just sometimes random characters to obscure his presence), he's unable to form proper arguments and always answers with short nothing burguers (like here, where instead of properly engaging in good faith, he merely goes "fix your english" like the faggot he is), unable to agree with basic waifuist morals or rules as he's not a real waifuist (he's cutting this down a bit as it's got him in hot water before) and overall being a nuisance who starts debates/discussions for no reason.

You can go to 8chan and see his posts, here are his current posts here in tohno just in case: >>22124 / >>22126 / >>22139 / >>22149 / >>22120 / >>22083 / >>22069 / >>29905
And there are probably more and he might be the Lillyfag from a couple weeks ago, as he was ages ago a Lillyfag but now is supposedly with Aoko from Mahoutsukai no Yoru, or he would probably claim his waifu is someone else as hes a lying poly bastard.

Now this last part is for you anon, not so much for the staff of tohno or my brohnos, I know who you are bastard because you lied your way into the 8chan /mai/ discord server and I have said nothing to no one because despite everything you left, eventually stopped shitting the board and 8chan doesnt matter anymore anyways, but if you come and shit tohno thats where you cross the fucking line, you don't belong on waifuist communities nor do you belong in tohno so you better at least stop smearing this beautiful board with your deceptive lies, I have more information on you and I'm just not saying more because you can still go back.

For tohno and staff, I understand this post might or might not break rules and I understand it if you ban me, but please don't delete this post, I've had enough of this bastard fucking up with places I care about and people need to know how this bastard acts, what he is and therefore why he doesn't belong.

With this I make my exit, with love Anon.
>> No. 22154 [Edit]
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You know, this makes me wonder about instances where your waifu is also a goddess. I know about people leaving prayer plaques and treats and other offerings for their beloveds at certain real life places related to their media, so I don't think there are that many differences.

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