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File 150322548592.jpg - (37.00KB , 420x506 , Ffjfdaklfs.jpg )
20609 No. 20609 [Edit]
Do you think waifus are healthy? Do you think they can make a lifestyle unhealthy or stabilize it and make it a healthy one? Do you think having a waifu can get in the way of anything?
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>> No. 20610 [Edit]
File 150326575773.jpg - (814.97KB , 1280x912 , Chara_1986531_full.jpg )
>Do you think waifus are healthy?
Not inherently, but they can be. I know that my relationship with my waifu has inspired me to put more effort into becoming a healthier, more fit, more generate person.

>Do you think they can make a lifestyle unhealthy or stabilize it and make it a healthy one?
Again, I wouldn't say having a waifu inherently makes one's life healthier or unhealthier. It probably depends on the person, the waifu, and the way in which their relationship manifests itself. Perhaps other factors as well.

>Do you think having a waifu can get in the way of anything?
Of course. It's a commitment. Just as with any other commitments, whatever time and energy one puts into waifu-related activities is time and energy they could've spent elsewhere, but I think for most if not all of us on this board, our waifus are important enough to us that we can feel justified in spending that time with them.
>> No. 20611 [Edit]
Yes and no.
On the one hand, it can warp your perception of reality while giving you unrealistic expectations of real people.
Because the interaction is all one sided, you never have any true conflict or challenge which is needed to grow and become a well rounded person. In other words, you're spoiling yourself rotten. If and when you decide to start interacting with real people you will have found that you are lacking the skills necessary to do so. You will never be able to find anyone who lives up to your waifu or comes even close. On the other hand, that is only an issue if you decide to pursue 3dpd someday. Unfortunately, as sad as it is to say most people don't last long with waifus and eventually the desire for companionship with a real person eats away at even the most serious of waifu devotees. So if and when you decide to get out there and start looking for someone, you will find yourself inexperienced, socially inept, with nearly impossible expectations. To make things worse, you will have likely spent most of your younger years with your waifu, leaving you as an old man entering the dating game for the first time. (Dating sims will not teach you anything about the dating game) If you let that happen you will find many younger women who ignore you due to your age. Women who are single past their mid 20s will usually be single for a very good reason. Hell, they're usualy single for good reason at any age. The half way decent ones meanwhile get snatched up fast, broken and tossed into the trash heap with the rest of what you'll find available. They'll come with issues such as being fat and ugly, an std ridden whore, unreasonable controlling bitches, mentally unstable cunts, damaged goods with kids from previous relationships who need someone to play daddy, and so on.
On the other hand, Who cares? Fuck women. They have hair in weird places and dark nipples. Who needs them? Let yourself go insane while your waifu destroys your mind! As long as you're happy that's all that matters. I much rather have a perfect waifu I can love and adore to my heart's content, than settle for some fat stupid whore just because it's the thing to do. If you ever get that urge for a real 3dpd, just think back to all those guys who dedicated their lives to a ungrateful cunts who left them without a care. Think about the arguing, the cheating, the divorce, the child support. The modern woman is a cancer on this earth and you're better off without them. It's worth the brain damage to keep away from them.
>> No. 20612 [Edit]
>The modern woman is a cancer on this earth and you're better off without them.
The modern western woman. The culture in western countries, especially with regards to women, has been more and more cuckolded, corrupted, and degenerated by Jewish influence from the top in recent decades. That's not anywhere near the case with countries outside of the core western world, though. Countries like Poland, Serbia, Latvia, Russia, Iran, Azerbaijan, Uganda, North Korea. Countries that aren't as cucked, aren't as degenerate, aren't as Jewish as yours and mine.
The rest of your post is mostly on-point.
>> No. 20613 [Edit]
It's the complete lack of social assertiveness associated with marrying a 2d that's unhealthy. But that's more like the cause than the effect, and a waifu is a good step forward, I think. Having something constant and reliable can ease the anxiety and make you more able to do things. If you can (or even try to) become someone she'd fall in love with, having a waifu is better than most things out there.
>> No. 20614 [Edit]
Is that Naru from Love Hina in the OP pic?
>> No. 20615 [Edit]
It's Mashima Kagome from Ground Defense Force Mao-chan but she was made to look like Naru.
>> No. 20616 [Edit]
You really think they're better anywhere else? People are nasty donkey ball sucking pop tarts wherever you go, whatever the time may be. Nothing new with that.

If you're on this website why would you be interested in dating in the first place?

On a side note, second life is a fantastic showcase of people (most entertainingly 3DPD) that once they get old, also get desperate.
>> No. 20617 [Edit]
>If you're on this website why would you be interested in dating in the first place?

>most people don't last long with waifus and eventually the desire for companionship with a real person eats away at even the most serious of waifu devotees.

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