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No. 19930 [Edit]
I dont want to reveal who I am but I want to say something, I am sorry for trolling and basically
lying to people here.

while was not as bad in this board compared to what I did to other one... things got worse here way faster.

But still wanted to get it out of my chest.

I just wanted to post an odd character as a "waifu" to get reactions from people, and took the lie to far and some people believed me.

I am sorry for that.
>> No. 19932 [Edit]
what is this?
>> No. 19955 [Edit]
Replies: >>19958 >>19959
If you can't conform to the norms of online 2D society maybe you should just move on
>> No. 19958 [Edit]

Uh? I guess there is still plenty of sites for western shit, just that you dont know them does not mean they dont exist.
>> No. 19959 [Edit]
Replies: >>19960
Isn't conforming to the norms of a society the sort of thing people here try to get away from?
>> No. 19960 [Edit]
Tohno-chan is very clear about what sort of posters and content it wishes to cater to and unconditional contrarianism does not seem to be part of the ideal.
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