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File 173504706198.jpg - (27.29KB , 224x480 , Нагиса 25.jpg )
22097 No. 22097 [Edit]
She turned 40 today.

Happy birthday, Nagisa!
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>> No. 22098 [Edit]
What a coincidence, I finished watching Clannad yesterday. I gotta read it some time soon too. Either way, happy birthday Nagisa and merry Christmas too.
>> No. 22099 [Edit]
File 173505095461.jpg - (73.59KB , 526x583 , 5d7d20a1c6d980af9a62c3d0a31f0f219c86fecacd8669e852.jpg )
>Nagisa Furukawa celebrates her birthday today
>Happy birthday, Nagisa!
Nice, but...
>She turned 40 today.
See >>22026
>> No. 22100 [Edit]
She can still have a birthday, that you can celebrate, regardless of that. The waifu is, without any itent to sound derogatory, a concept and such it doesn't age, but the character herself still can have a birthday, that you can celebrate. And why wouldn't you celebrate the 40th birthday if you already have an exact birthday date? It doesn't mean the concept of the waifu has aged. I assume what this Brohno means is not that the concept of his Nagisa is literally older now than she was back then, but rather wants to celebrate her birthday and the age is just a neat thing to have, so you can say it's the this-and-that-th birthday.
>> No. 22101 [Edit]
>age is a neat thing to have
Tell me this when you turn 40!
>> No. 22102 [Edit]
I agree with >>22100 here.

If a character has a canon birth year, she's getting older.
Just not in this timeline (i.e. IRL), since she doesn't live here
>> No. 22104 [Edit]
She doesn't get older in the source material either, as she is locked into a specific setting.

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