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File 129592276815.jpg - (141.99KB , 716x742 , millenium_tan.jpg )
165 No. 165 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Need help with computers? Post your questions here.

ME-tan will do her best to help (with the help of other users, ofc).
544 posts and 82 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3571 [Edit]
>A gatekeeper
And a damn good one
I'm sorry but no
>> No. 3572 [Edit]
You can use whatever service manager you want. I prefer and mostly use shepherd anyway, but this server is still running debian. I don't feel like I need kerberos, I can mount the filesystem anywhere on my LAN and I already have a VPN that I use to access all the other services I host. I didn't find any of this particularly hard. If you're struggling a lot with setting things like this up I'd consider switching to a declarative configuration system like Nix or Guix. It's much easier to copy configurations, and it's much easier to help people with their configuration because it doesn't rely on them remember whatever they tried to copypaste from stackoverflow over the last three days.
>> No. 3573 [Edit]
Not him but somehow I don't think switching to guix is going to make anything easier...
>> No. 3574 [Edit]
Besides SSHFS, how about one of these?

rclone with nextcloud sounds interesting.

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3044 No. 3044 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Hello gentlemen, and welcome to the Advent of Code: TOHNO-CHAN Edition.

Post your solutions!
Ask questions!
Have fun!

Leaderboard: 1795791-8781b07c
97 posts and 69 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3562 [Edit]
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>> No. 3563 [Edit]
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And here's my last one for this year. It's starting to get tedious.
>> No. 3564 [Edit]
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I might not continue this year either, because it looks like there isn't anyone else here who's still participating.
>> No. 3565 [Edit]
This solution is incorrect in the general case. It happens to work for my input but it doesn't work for all valid inputs. For example, it fails on this input:
Button A: X+2, Y+2 Button B: X+1, Y+1 Prize: X=2, Y=2
The correct answer for this should be 2. Press Button B 2 times, spending 2 tokens in total. Pressing Button A 1 time is suboptimal because it costs 1*3 tokens.

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3111 No. 3111 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
A thread to talk about media formats. New and exciting, or old, but interesting.

This file is an animated png, which to my understanding has entirely been superseded by webp. If the former has some advantage though, tell me about it.

Post edited on 19th Jan 2023, 4:58pm
24 posts and 12 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3342 [Edit]
>h264 releases will likely keep getting made forever since its the lowest common denominator
GPUs could stop supporting it like with VP8. Sure h264 is way more entrenched, but streaming is only getting more common and faster. If you're encoding everything in AV1(or something else) to begin with because of that, there's no reason to encode things in h264 for the blu-ray release. I'd say this shift will happen within 25 years.

Post edited on 2nd Feb 2024, 11:47am
>> No. 3343 [Edit]
>GPUs could stop supporting it like with VP8
I don't think vp8 hwdec ever had wide adoption in the first place? Unlikely that gpus would stop supporting h264, there is so much legacy media that it's worth it for that alone.

> If you're encoding everything in AV1(or something else) to begin with because of that, there's no reason to encode things in h264 for the blu-ray release
No one is encoding av1 but hobbyists and big streaming companies right now because encode cost is too expensive, and almost no devices support av1 hwdec. It's been about 20 years since h264 was released, now most devices can hwdec h265 and yet h264 is still popular. I doubt it will go away that easily.
>> No. 3442 [Edit]
File 172064767934.jpg - (1.36MB , 1617x2369 , C4ig61CVUAAM9cU.jpg )
I think discs are going to make a come-back, at least in the enterprise space.

>For the first time, researchers have demonstrated that optical data storage capacity can reach the petabit (Pb) level by extending the planar recording architecture to three dimensions with hundreds of layers, thereby breaking the optical diffraction limit barrier of the recorded spots.
>The storage capacity within the area of a DVD-sized disk can reach up to Pb level, equivalent to at least 10,000 Blu-ray disks or 100 high-capacity hard drives.

>The dataset behind GPT, which includes 5.8 billion indexed web pages and occupies about 56Pb of text, would typically require a playground area of hard drives for storage.
>However, the three-dimensional nanoscale optical disk memory can shrink this space to the size of a desktop computer, significantly reducing costs. Moreover, the energy consumption of nanoscale optical disk memory is several orders of magnitude lower than traditional methods, and its lifespan can reach up to 50–100 years.

Post edited on 10th Jul 2024, 3:00pm
>> No. 3519 [Edit]
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Nothing has replaced discs as the physical medium for software distribution, which is why even the latest Touhou game is sold on a CD. Flash drives are far more expensive per unit, so despite being even more widely compatible, they haven't filled that role.

Looking into potential successors, either they don't really do the same thing, or they aren't even close to being available. You could sell people a download code, but the only benefit of that is the developer not having to buy discs. It's mostly worse for the consumer, although if the code comes with some nice art or something, maybe uv printed, that could compensate for that.

Although pretty cheap, RFID cards don't have nearly enough storage capacity, and their longevity leaves something to be desired. The only other things I could find are material science experiments. Definitely not cheap or widely compatible.

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1547 No. 1547 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
It doesn't matter if you're a beginner or Dennis Ritchie, come here to talk about what you are doing, your favorite language and all that stuff.
I've been learning python because c++ was too hard for me (I'm sorry nenecchi I failed to you), reached OOP and it feels weird compared to the latter one, anyway I never got it completely.
383 posts and 97 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3451 [Edit]
What timezone do tohno-chan timestamps use? Pacific time?
>> No. 3452 [Edit]
I just made a post and looked up where in the world that time currently is and according to some random site, it's Pacific Daylight Time.

Post edited on 4th Aug 2024, 11:08pm
>> No. 3458 [Edit]
Appearance-wise I would choose Ruby, because she doesn't look as depressed as the other girls and kind of cute, but otherwise if your questions were only about the language, then Shell. People underestimate how much you can do with simple POSIX shell scripts. Dylanaraps is a good example for this. Unlike what most people know him for, which is neofetch, he also wrote a file manager, an IRC client, core utilities, a transmission client, a package manager and more in pure Bash. What he has done of course only scratches the surface of what can be done in Bash/POSIX shell and I think many Perl/Python scripts could easily be replaced with Shell scripts if done right.
>> No. 3518 [Edit]
I have been wasting my time recently writing a compiler for a programming language that I designed. Nothing special about the language other than it will have generics, slices, errors as values and so on. Wanted to try something more difficult.
I'm using C as the IR, so it depends on a C compiler to generate a final executable. No way I was going to use LLVM, with how often they break the API, plus it just too big, I can't compile it myself.

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3378 No. 3378 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
You can archive entire websites with the command
wget -r –page-requisites –html-extension –convert-links WEBSITEYOUWANTTOARCHIVE
I just archived the entirety of tohno-chan. It took 10 hours and it ended up being only 27 GB.
8 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3477 [Edit]
Which version of man pages are you looking at, mine seems to say "mirror is a superset of recursive - "--mirror" option turns on recursion and time-stamping, sets infinite recursion depth and keeps FTP directory listings. It is currently equivalent to ‘-r -N -l inf --no-remove-listing."

Which seems fairly clear. (Other gnu projects do have unfortunately terse pan pages, for some reason Gnu hates man pages and prefer using "info" doc tool, which is pretty stupid.)
>> No. 3478 [Edit]
>Which version of man pages are you looking at
GNU Wget 1.21.3 2022-05-14 WGET(1) on Debian 12.
I copied the relevant section and it reads as follows:

Turn on options suitable for mirroring. This option turns on
recursion and time-stamping, sets infinite recursion depth and
keeps FTP directory listings. It is currently equivalent to -r -N
-l inf --no-remove-listing.

>> No. 3500 [Edit]
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I archive Youtube channels like this
yt-dlp --embed-chapters --sleep-request 5 --download-archive archive (link to video tab of channel)

>> No. 3517 [Edit]
thanks to Javascript-centric web design and Mossadflare, traditional tools like wget and httrack are becoming less useful.
There are tools like Selenium and Puppeteer that let you automate browsers, but they're harder to use.

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2137 No. 2137 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
Thread for general discussion of p2p networks and protocols.

Here's some uncharted territory: there's apparently some Japanese p2p projects. 新月 (掲示板) is a BBS, Perfect Dark and Share are file sharing services. Perfect dark also has a message board system. Does anybody use these? Are there others?
48 posts and 14 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3510 [Edit]
>Ideally, my perfect messenger is a mesh network
Aside from the extra latency, intercontinental communication is nearly impossible with mesh networks. On tc's irc, like a third of the active posters are outside North America.
>> No. 3511 [Edit]
Can't I p2p connect from Europe to New Zealand? As for extra latency it is naught compared to drastically improved privacy.
>> No. 3512 [Edit]
P2P protocols still use existing internet infrastructure, including undersea cables and data centers. A mesh network uses its own infrastructure, which is inevitably more limited in scope.
>> No. 3513 [Edit]
I meant sorta zerotier but smarter. Actually think about making world wide network on top of currently existing layer 3 where nodes are addressable by their fingerprints. You could integrate any software in it. It could still make use of trusted nodes, though. I guess there were many attempts already, all failed. Alas. If it had at least 100M users across the world it'd never go offline. It would be sorta like ipfs but general purpose.

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418 No. 418 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
Let's turn this thread into a browser war!
94 posts and 12 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3443 [Edit]
chromium's meh but their dev console is so good i can't switch to anything else. using ungoogled chromium atm
>> No. 3444 [Edit]
How is it better than firefox's?
>> No. 3507 [Edit]
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I sometimes use Links2 in graphical mode, but most websites look pretty ugly in it, if they work at all that is. Not even TC is fully functional in it. It has a fake_firefox option, but it doesn't do much besides changing the user agent, it's not really efficient against browser fingerprinting.

Post edited on 22nd Oct 2024, 10:38am
>> No. 3508 [Edit]
I tried posting with links in the terminal the other day and my experience could be described as dismal at best.

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2493 No. 2493 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Might as well make a general thread for this.
Article on search engines with their own index:

I'm interested in making and hosting a curated search engine(hand picked domains to index) with the following feature set:

Site specific searching
Date range specific searching
Exact string mandating
Image Search
Maybe document type specific searching too
Maybe a synonym system

After hours of research, I still have no idea where to start, like whether it'd be better to make everything from scratch, or cobble together things that already exist, and what if anything I'd need to make myself with the latter option. This post pointed me in a general direction >>/ot/36920 but both Solr and Elastic Search seem meant for searching internal text based documents. I found virtually no information about using them in this kind of context.

Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
12 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3496 [Edit]
I use 4get in my daily life, which unlike searx, supports yandex.
>> No. 3497 [Edit]
I used it for a while but the captchas started getting annoying.
>> No. 3498 [Edit]
Not every instance has captchas.
>> No. 3499 [Edit]
You can make a hundred meta search engines, but the AI will sill craft SEO so it bypasses filters. I used 4get on ddg and amount of shit was pretty much the same.

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3487 No. 3487 Locked hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Tohno you dumb fuck, when are you going to implement HTTPS? There was CP spam here and it got sent to me through unencrypted traffic. I don't want to get vanned!
2 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3490 [Edit]
I'm no legal expert, but I don't think law enforcement actively tracks people, who more than obviously and self-evidently had contact with that stuff by accident. I think they can differentiate between an actual criminal and you, for example. Also, this site has clear rules against CP, so it's blatant that you didn't type in into your URL-bar with the intention to watch CP and (as far as my understanding goes), that is what actually matters to the police.
>> No. 3491 [Edit]
Yeah that's my understanding as well. The one thing I do worry is whether there are any "automated" systems flagging you and putting you on a watchlist or whatnot, but I think it's more likely to be done by having some fixed list of "hot domains" rather than actually scanning every byte on the wire (since realistically TC is one of the last places _without_ TLS, so doing so would be basically futile).
>> No. 3492 [Edit]

Sorry about that but we believe it or not it is something we're trying to figure out. Like others have said, it doesn't play well with Kusaba. I can assure you we haven't been ignoring the issue or the many many times it gets brought up.
>> No. 3494 [Edit]
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Please pose such questions and concerns over at /fb/. This particular subject has more than one thread addressing it there.

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1280 No. 1280 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
A bit late with this one, but whatever. To start off:
136 posts and 22 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3482 [Edit]
If/when IA falls, what do you reckon are the chances/amount of data lost, aside from what they intentionally remove from the archives. Forgive me for my ignorance, but what's there to stop splinter groups from forming with the partial amounts of the data they have access to?
IA could go down or become unaccessible and that would suck, but what I am scared is if that meant any amount of data that is not backed up being lost/deleted, inaccessible to the public or not.
I recall them having some backups internationally, but from what I can tell they all are only partial backups, outdated and stagnant.
If only some benevolent oil barons spent money creating backups of the archive in various countries...

Post edited on 10th Oct 2024, 10:21am
>> No. 3483 [Edit]
IA has always felt like it was run on tin cans. I'm not surprised this happened, they really don't seem to have much technical competence (for the longest time the wayback machine scraper failed at its basic job and never saved resources like images, this was only fixed in 2017). And of course others already commented that for some reason they seem oddly fixated on trying to poke the law with their ebook lending program rather than shutting up and staying out of the limelight (Anna's archive has already mostly solved the ebook archival problem).
>> No. 3484 [Edit]
Oh and don't forget that if they aren't brought down by this, an earthquake eventually will: Whose bright idea was it to put their datacenters in a city that's known to be at risk for severe earthquakes? I cannot find any evidence that they've taken measures to seismically retrofit the buildings, so I assume they haven't.

Post edited on 10th Oct 2024, 1:17pm
>> No. 3493 [Edit]
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The .io TLD might get deprecated.

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3445 No. 3445 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Post your pc part picker list.
3 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3461 [Edit]
It's a damn pain if it isn't however...
>> No. 3462 [Edit]
I also have a 6tb HGST enterprise drive and a pcie->m.2 adapter, but couldn't find either on pcpartpicker. The 450w power supply is basically a ticking time bomb, have had it for almost 10 years and been edging it for the past 5...
Want to upgrade to AM5 but it's so god damn expensive.
>> No. 3463 [Edit]
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Some caveats:
the PSU is actually an FSP Si series FSP700-50ARN, but I couldn't find it in the list. That other one looked close enough.
Couldn't bother to check if that is the exact model of the optical drive, but it's that line of drives.
I also have some mystery tan-coloured SM SD/MMC MS/MSPRO CF/MD card reader/writer 3,5 inch drive.
All of the peripherals are too ancient or obscure to be listed.
>> No. 3464 [Edit]
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An internal multi-card reader isn't something I've heard of before, but it makes sense for photographers and the like. Amazing how that functionality can be found in a USB device now.

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