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39318 No. 39318 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Ponderings general 3. Post things you've thought about.
356 posts and 64 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 42999 [Edit]
Tomato seasoning salt is a very good grocery, actually, in particular for NEETs. It's cheap, tastes good and it can give you the illusion of a more nutritious meal, than you actually have. It works especially good with cream cheese and white bread. While white bread with cream cheese is boring and doesn't taste too interesting, the same thing with a pinch of tomato seasoning salt, tastes much better. Of course, this taste is merely an illusion, but it's a major improvement still.
>> No. 43003 [Edit]
Hot sauces are also good for a similar purpose. They help mask the blandness of a food, maybe because the pain distracts you from it. I can't imagine eating a plate of just rice, but with hot sauce it's manageable.
>> No. 43004 [Edit]
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Ketchup is my go-to for stuff like chicken. With rice, if it's the nice squishy kind, soy sauce, otherwise salsa.
>> No. 43019 [Edit]
Another food tidbit, that came to my mind:
You can use the mozzarella water inside the mozzarella bags to cook. In particular with scrambled eggs or meat, you can just pour it inside the pan and mix it with the other fluids, like oil or eggs, and wait until the vast majority of it condensed or absorbed by the other stuff in the pan. Just don't overdo it otherwise it won't be too good (i.e. don't pour everything in pan, just a bit). The aroma certainly is an acquired taste, but it doesn't taste as bad as you would expect.

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39794 No. 39794 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
What are some things that really bug you?
Things that genuinely piss you off?

I thought it would be nice to have a thread to vent about any little annoyance, no mater how big or small.
Any and all complains about the world around you are welcome here!
700 posts and 152 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 43015 [Edit]
I have been taking anti-psychotics for years now, but recently the side effects really seem go hard on me. All of my cognitive abilities seem to be worsening. Thinking generally, remembering stuff, doing things I like or just doing anything that is not being idle is very hard for me and it doesn't seem to get better. I feel brain-dead. The worst thing however is, that I have no choice, should I not want to get psychotic again. It's really a curse and I hate all of it, although taking the medication is by far the lesser evil.
>> No. 43016 [Edit]
no schizo no antipsychotics but i feel brain dead anyway. at least it's not as bad as being psychotic.
>> No. 43017 [Edit]
>doing things I like or just doing anything that is not being idle is very hard for me
I can at least sympathize a bit, since sometimes I feel this way (but likely not as bad as what you are experiencing). Unfortunately unlike like antidepressants, the symptoms of not being on antipsychotics seem worse than the alternative.

You could talk to your doctor and maybe ask them to try switching dosage or the drug?
>> No. 43018 [Edit]
>You could talk to your doctor and maybe ask them to try switching dosage or the drug?
I have changed medication so often already that I'm glad that something finally works properly and without any major shenanigans. Unfortunately almost all anti-psychotics have, what I described, as a side effect.

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33536 No. 33536 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
How was your day? Did you do anything nice? Post about it here.
It looks like the old one is on autosage so here's a new one.
1159 posts and 332 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 42996 [Edit]
We love you Tohno.
>> No. 42997 [Edit]
I think most people on TC probably would not get along with each other in real-life, even though I think of all you anons fondly on this imageboard. That's part of the magic of the internet I guess, it allows you to selectively expose your best self without needing to also show the uglier parts.
>> No. 42998 [Edit]
>I think most people on TC probably would not get along with each other
Correct. I viciously hate seeing living faces in the first 30-60 minutes after waking up. This doesn't apply to close relatives, probably because like a dog I got used to them enough they don't make me want to growl. But living in dorms with other people has been all but agonizing misery because people just wouldn't leave me the fuck alone in the fucking morning.
>> No. 43014 [Edit]
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So I got the Kadenz. It's very nicely packaged and feels like it has great build quality. The drivers are matte steal, so no more paint-chipping.

Haven't listened to it enough to have "brain burn-in", but here are my initial impressions: compared to the Aria, it's more detailed. There's little things I notice which I wouldn't have on those. The vocals are more separated from the instruments. Bass is subdued and doesn't have much of a "thump". However, it also comes with a dsp adapter with a usb-c end. Not sure about the details, but it allows you to adjust the tuning(add more bass or whatever else). If you listen to music on your phone, that might pique your interest.

Switching from the "spring tips" to the regular ones, improved the bass and seal, so I'd recommend using those.

Post edited on 19th Oct 2024, 1:02pm

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42975 No. 42975 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
big sisters are for coddling little brothers!
3 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 43010 [Edit]
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Anon, this is a little sister board.
>> No. 43011 [Edit]
>> No. 43012 [Edit]
>toilet should be more than enough
That's kind of mean... big sisters are supposed to be caring and wholesome!
>> No. 43013 [Edit]
I can't post any from my collection because it's all pornographic.

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31635 No. 31635 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
A lot of people talk about visiting Japan, but if you had the option to full on move there, would you do it?
10 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 31688 [Edit]
It's both. I do not like my current living situation, and I want to escape. When that time comes, it'll be when I have enough to move where I want. Since I can move anywhere, I might as well pick the country that I feel the most comfortable.
>> No. 42978 [Edit]
I would if I could. In many aspects living there would definitely be way worse than where I live now, but being able to go to events like Comiket, buy manga/ln directly from stores, and being able to make curry rice for a reasonable price (arguably the most important reason) would make up for it. I think.
>> No. 42980 [Edit]
If I were Japanese, probably. But I am not, and I don't want to contribute to the ongoing gaijin-ization of Japan.
>> No. 43002 [Edit]
If I thought I could NEET, I would move to any first world country. I already have enough money to NEET in the third world, but I don't know if the first world would require more or even deport me for not having a job.

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36646 No. 36646 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Thread for otaku related news.
166 posts and 47 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 42991 [Edit]
Hentai's been shit lately, so I hardly even care
>> No. 42992 [Edit]
Can't tell whether you're talking about adult anime, doujinshi, or drawings. In the case of the former, it's always been shit. If you mean the latter two, you clearly haven't looked around enough.
>> No. 42993 [Edit]
Yep, meant the former. The latter two never got into simply don't find the effort worth the reward, no hard feelings.
>> No. 42994 [Edit]
Yeah that's fair

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31525 No. 31525 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Since the old request thread has been gone for quite some time now, would it alright to make a new one? I've been trying to re-find the picture in which a guy tells a story beginning with a high school orchestra performance. He talks about how he imagined his waifu, Kagami Hiiragi, being in the audience and how they talk and spend time with each other after returning home. It has a picture of Kagami gently smiling in it, but I otherwise remember it only consisting of small black text on a white background.
6 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 41409 [Edit]
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I request pictures of Kuroki Tomoko sleepy-faced, yawning or waking up with her left side closer to the viewer like pic related. I need this for reference.
>> No. 42982 [Edit]
Can that anon who had the offline-mirror of TC (or one of the admins who have access to the raw data) grep all the posts for "referent" or "antecedent"? I'm trying to dig up a post I posted on here maybe about 6months back about grammar or something, but none of the search engines (google, bing, yandex) find anything. But I don't trust any of their indexes, they're incomplete (especially googles).

(Or if you could just upload the text-only mirror of it somewhere as an archive, that'd be sweet. Compressed it shouldn't really be more than 100MB).

Post edited on 7th Oct 2024, 1:11am
>> No. 42985 [Edit]
% grep -rl "referent" .
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>> No. 42986 [Edit]
Brilliant, you're amazing. I found the post I was looking for, it's >>/an/37137. As I suspected, my memory was right and I was searching for the right keywords (I knew I had mentioned something about accusative or noun phrase), just that all search engines fail at their basic job and simply don't have it in their index.

>Still under 1GB compressed.
Yeah there was some junk in /mp3/ and /ddl/. Removing that, the uncompressed size is 873M. I highly suspect that excluding those and using better compression like 7z you could get a resulting size of < 150M or so. You could also remove the +50 or +100 version of the thread html since they are redundant.

> I used a very rudimentary method
Out of curiosity, what was this method? I'd think that it would suffice to just rsync over anything ending with the html extension, right? Also are you the same anon who made the >>/navi/3378 thread?

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35526 No. 35526 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Which other imageboards do you go to?
181 posts and 47 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 42969 [Edit]
I honestly see no point in looking for other places. They are either corrupted by normalfaggotry or try to cling onto a time that will never come back, yet I still come here. You are here forever huh. How I wish steve jobs would have never invented the iphone.

There might come a time when language models are good enough that I can consult them about any inquiry or try to engage in discussion, but being proprietary garbage I don't have a lot of expectations for them

Post edited on 1st Oct 2024, 11:22pm
>> No. 42972 [Edit]
>How I wish steve jobs would have never invented the iphone.
Is there really anything to even suggest that during that era smartphones wouldn’t have eventually been invented whether it was Apple or not and become as widespread as they are today? You’re also referring to a time period when competition was still thriving in California and Washington due to a far less aggressive regulatory environment...
>> No. 42973 [Edit]
I think he's using the iPhone as a stand-in for the smartphone revolution in general.
>> No. 42974 [Edit]
Apple made sure web developers prioritized phone experience over desktops. I never used blackberry but I guess it wasn't that normalfag friendly because only black suits used them

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42695 No. 42695 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Today I want to discuss online trends pertaining to Western otaku (or 'weeb') culture that I find disconcerting and bizarre.

Are any people here familiar with the rising trend of people born in the middle 2000s posting anime media and romanticising it in a strange and ‘nostalgic’ way even though they were not part of that era?
I see so many people nowadays posting Subarashiki Hibi and other Japanese media with this artstyle and calling it “animecore” or they’ll post a picture of a random 2000s era generic anime character and call it “webcore” or whatever. Very strange stuff.

I learned recently that Saya no Uta and other 'denpa' visual novels and anime are very popular on TikTok and that there are many younger people (particularly girls) on the website who idolise this type of media and seek to become more like the characters from it. Instead of Narutards from the 2000s glomping each other and over-using emoticons, we have a generation of anime fans who purely appreciate aesthetics and type like, "low key cutting mself 2nite feeling denpa fr".
What annoys me about a lot of this is the way that subcultures are routinely subsumed by the presiding linguistic trends of this era. In the 2000s, you could quickly identify who was a weeaboo and who wasn't based on the way that they type. Nowadays, weebs type like any other young people, their language choices are essentially indiscernible. The lack of sincerity amongst subcultures makes me sad. These people are content to lift a weird aesthetic of an era but make no attempt to bring any of the good things with it, such as the cute and overly sincere way that so many people typed during that era (think things like, “Nyaaa I’m feeling pretty happy this morning ”) so it just comes across as half-arsed and a bit pathetic.

I find it sad that even in the 2000s the general stereotype of an anime fan was a silly, overly excited con-goer or deviantart user. Nowadays the stereotype is of a passive, depressed egirl who watched Death Note and Mirai Nikki once and started calling themselves an ‘oldschool anime’ fan.
Is this just the typical ‘born in le wrong generation’ thing that teenagers go through and I’m simply jaded because now the era that I grew up in is seen as ‘nostalgic’ by people who didn
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45 posts and 14 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 42966 [Edit]
>imploded in popularity
that's a neat twist on the phrase, will have to remember that
>> No. 42967 [Edit]
I slept only 4 hours pls be patient
>> No. 42968 [Edit]
It wasn't sarcastic (in case you interpreted it that way), I thought it was genuinely clever, and I can't remember seeing that specific phrase before so it's novel to me. And looking at google seems to back me up on the novelty of the phrase; only 10 results, and most of those uses are probably mistakes, since they really meant to say "exploded in popularity" without any sardonic undertone of it being a negative thing.
>> No. 42970 [Edit]
I got around that by simply using Japanese sites and avoiding the English language internet for the most part.

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33794 No. 33794 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
I started learning Japanese, well I already did, but took a couple of months off and am now getting back into it. Same story you've heard a million times, whatever. I made the "mistake" of learning all N5 words outside of context because I thought that would be more efficient and I didn't feel like doing worksheets. On one hand, I'm still familiar with all that vocab, on the other hand, learning it in tandem with grammar would have been better. Anyway, I'm not interested in speaking. My goal is fluent literacy. I wanna read something like Saya no Uta smoothly and with crystal clear understanding, really enjoy myself. How difficult would that be? I'm willing to shoot myself in the foot in another area of the language to expedite this specific goal.

I've learned a bit more about the "Japanese Learning Community" and came across AJATT. I find it to be weird and kind of culty. Look at this

It's so bizarre to me. These guys are completely obsessed with perfectly replicating a "native speaker". Use all the right pitch accents and all the right expressions without ever deviating so no one can tell the difference. I started comparing this approach with how English is spoken. Different people say words differently. Some people talk in a sing-song sort of way, others like they're always asking a question. Maybe it sounds dumb or annoying, but I'd never say they're speaking English incorrectly. Every person probably has their own quirks and I like making up my own expressions and getting a little creative. Is Japanese really so uniform between every person(with the same dialect)? What about people with accents? Not only are accents acceptable in English, they're desirable in some cases. My parents have an accent, yet i'd still say their english is perfect.

Imagine if I made a video responding to a German guy trying to speak English in the "perfect way" with no accent or anything "nonnative", and I paused every few seconds to point out some slight inaccuracy in how a word is spoken. How weird would that be? You'd think that German guy is misguided and w
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157 posts and 31 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 42953 [Edit]
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(Picture contains a 3D person but it's relevant)
I began over two years ago. I was following the meme guides (The 〇〇 Way, Tatsu〇〇, et al) -- did the JLPT Anki decks, then started "mining" from anime, etc. But Anki is quite mind-numbing and after a day or two of not doing it all the reviews piled up and that was very discouraging and made me go on a hiatus. Then I would return a few months later and go on a hiatus again. That went on for almost two years, until I gave the middle finger to Anki and just enjoyed anime/manga/games/VNs while looking up words, without worrying about "mining" them or doing Ankis. Also I quit translations and converted my time spent on translated Japanese media to untranslated. Right now I'm at a point where I have at least like 95% understanding of common Japanese both written and spoken, and if I had to write/speak I could probably at least get my point across. Funnily enough the only thing dragging me back is that despite spending all my day in my room, my Internet/imageboard addiction replaces hours and hours that I could've spent on media (was a problem even before I started learning Japanese), otherwise I probably would manage to reach fluency by 2025 (笑).
Maybe I'm still not in the position to give advice, but if I had to give some:
- JAPANESE IS A NORMAL FUCKING LANGUAGE SPOKEN AND WRITTEN BY OVER 100 MILLION PEOPLE, DON'T TREAT IT AS SOME ALIEN LANGUAGE THAT NEEDS SPECIALIZED LEARNING METHODS COMPARED TO OTHER LANGUAGES -- the only thing that makes it difficult compared to other languages is that it's just completely different, not that it's inherently hard (case in point, Japanese people also have a hard time learning English, does that make it a hard language?) (also as a side note, CIA literally calls Japanese the hardest language in the world in the same breath that it claims that terrorists did 9/11; do you really trust glowniggers with all your heart?)
- "Immersion" is the only true way of learning languages in general, the benefit of "formal study" exponentially decreases the better you get, and if you do still want to memorize things et al, don't ma
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>> No. 42954 [Edit]
PS: Sorry if my post read a bit insufferable, I was a bit drunk.
>> No. 42956 [Edit]
>memorizing dictionaries
I wish I had the skill...
>> No. 42960 [Edit]
That's how I learnt to understand English. And also reading dictionairies (not studying or trying to memorise them).
Formal study on set times drawn out over several years is a horrible way to learn. My understanding of my native language and English was always so far ahead I never bothered to care in school, the teachers and their classes were piss poor anyway. Much of it was just memorising a bunch of words every week, not much grammar or anything. Or watching shitty movies when the teachers didn't want to work. (笑)
I've looked into several languages but the only ones I've tried to actually study have been French and Japanese. French as a forced third language in school, which was mind-numbingly boring. The only thing I learnt was that je ne parle pas français.
Japanese on my own several times in the past, but I always just stopped, in the beginning mostly because of limited resources, later because I get bored. What little I know of Japanese I've picked up through immersion, not studying. I've wanted to learn this language for 20+ years, I need to get going and do more than just listen to it.

>CIA literally calls Japanese the hardest language in the world in the same breath that it claims that terrorists did 9/11; do you really trust glowniggers with all your heart?
lol. The only hard thing is kanji readings. It's a language I know I can get a basic understanding of if I only tried.

An example of your point is how my understanding of English was a rarity among people who had travel dictionary level of understanding at best, and just a generation later it's the prefered language of kids and zoomers who are all fluent with perfect pronounciation (well, "fluent" in "perfect" Internet American). They didn't learn through studying, they learnt by aping what they immerse themselves in all day, what they hear on Youtube/tiktok/netflix, and read on twitter/discord.

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30166 No. 30166 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Once a week, fill out the OP questions and let us know what you're up to!
Think of it as a FRIDAY NIGHT thread like on other sites, only you can post any day of the week at any hour of your choosing since NEETs don't have a schedule or any reason to look forward to the weekend.
Or, just a wordier and more demanding alternative to the daily report thread as a more relevant example.

What games are you playing today?

What anime, movies, YouTube channels etcetera are you watching today?

Have you been listening to any podcasts or music today?

Are you reading any manga or literature?

What're you going to have to eat and drink today?
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37 posts and 15 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 42942 [Edit]
What games are you playing today?
Black Myth: Wukong. It's a linear plot but fun to play.

What anime, movies, YouTube channels etcetera are you watching today?
The Concierge at Hokkyoku Department Store. It's cute and heartwarming/

Have you been listening to any podcasts or music today?
Classical radion. Bach, Beethoven, Tschaikovsky, Shostakovich & Mozart.

Are you reading any manga or literature?
Chasing The Flame by Sam Power

What're you going to have to eat and drink today?
Meatloaf. It's fine.

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>> No. 42955 [Edit]
>What games are you playing today?
None, currently but I downloaded a cyberpunk-themed Source-engine-based FPS game called Dystopia. It's on my hard drive already, but I didn't play it yet. Maybe I can report back in a week, when it's actually done.

>What anime, movies, YouTube channels etcetera are you watching today?
After reading the Nichijou manga, I wanted to watch the Nichijou anime. I'm at episode 4 and will continue watching later. It has a very resembles the feeling of the manga closely and I think that's good. The animations are really lovely and generally high-quality, but also besides from a technical standpoint, Nichijou just has a (in my opinion) distinctive humour, which makes it very fun to watch to me. Of course I know already all the jokes, but that doesn't make it less funny.

>Have you been listening to any podcasts or music today?
I've started listening to Dark Ambient and Dungeon Synth again. Ziggurath, Old Sorcery, Cedamus, Elffor, Jim Kirkwood, Mortiis; this kind of stuff.

>Are you reading any manga or literature?
Nothing this week.

>What're you going to have to eat and drink today?
Nothing worth sharing.

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>> No. 42957 [Edit]
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>>42777 here! it's been ages! i think the laptop i was using at the time suddenly stopped working immediately after i posted that...

>What games are you playing today?
i've still been chipping away at mugen souls! i'm almost done with it, but the grinding required in order to get the secret ending is honestly kind of a drag, i've been grinding on and off for the past several days, and two of the main character's personalities are just stuck at a certain level. it kind of sucks. i was really enjoying this game, otherwise.
in other news, reynatis came out today, and my copy should be coming in the mail october 1st!

>What anime, movies, YouTube channels etcetera are you watching today?
at the moment, nothing. i was without a laptop for pretty much the entirety of the summer season, so in addition to catching up on all of that, i also need to see what's airing in the fall, and also rewatch a ton of older stuff so i can get all my screenshots back...

>Have you been listening to any podcasts or music today?
it's been cold, rainy, and cloudy all day today, so i've been listening to songs that fit the mood. here're a couple of them:

>Are you reading any manga or literature?
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>> No. 42958 [Edit]
You should always keep backups, friend, that's the rule number 1 of using computers. And from what you're describing your important files are mostly just images and text-based/miscellaneous files, no big videos etc, so you could probably even fit them on a 10$ USB stick.
I didn't mean to put salt in the wound if I happened to come across that way...

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