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33536 No. 33536 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
How was your day? Did you do anything nice? Post about it here.
It looks like the old one is on autosage so here's a new one.
1170 posts and 337 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 43107 [Edit]
Not studying anything. Most likely going to be expelled this time. Gonna spend some years wageslaving then kill myself, but actually I won't even have to do that, life's got me covered everywhere.
>> No. 43108 [Edit]
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I have known about AoC for a while know, but I missed out on it every time, but I might do it this year™, in particular when Brohnos are doing it too.
>> No. 43111 [Edit]
Work got really stressful in the last month after I got merged with some other team and was made to basically juggle the work of two while being micro managed more, then the guy I was working with jumped ship leaving me to carry the work of what should have really been three. Sometimes I'd struggle just to figure out what they even want me to do each day. I started making a lot of mistakes and it caught up to me. I had been so stressed I though I'd have a brain hemorrhage or heart attack right then and there, and even made a resignation letter last week I kept debating on sending. Today I got a surprise visit from my bosses boss who took me to a meeting room to go over some concerns with my performance, and during the meeting I told I'm quitting.

Recently I'd told some people I was thinking of quitting and this is what I said about it:
I hate the hours, and can't get used to waking up so early. I get home so late I have little free time for anything, which is why I stay up latter than I should to try and get more out of the day, but then I pay for it the next day...
I drive more than an hour there and an hour back, which is putting a lot of wear and tear on my car, costs a bit in gas, and also has the issue with how terrible people drive in Texas. The route I take is pretty bad and there's accidents almost every single day that make it take longer.
Every morning I'm tired and use energy drinks to stay awake, and I can feel the impact it's having on my health. Ever since starting this job like six months ago I've started slowly gaining weight because of this unhealthy life style. part of that is being forced to take lunch at 12, when I used to always take it at 3 so I'd just have one meal a day, but by doing it at 12 I find myself wanting to eat again when I get off work.
The workload is crazy and hard to keep up with, so much so even with cutting tons of corners I can barely keep up. I constantly feel like I'm going be found out and fired or something, (which is kinda what's waiting for me on Monday in fact.)
I don't feel like I belong there, I'm not qualified for the work, I'm too stu
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>> No. 43112 [Edit]
Did you have to move to Texas for work, or could you have stayed in Washington?

Post edited on 7th Nov 2024, 9:44pm

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39794 No. 39794 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
What are some things that really bug you?
Things that genuinely piss you off?

I thought it would be nice to have a thread to vent about any little annoyance, no mater how big or small.
Any and all complains about the world around you are welcome here!
727 posts and 156 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 43093 [Edit]
I skimmed through a couple paragraphs of that article and almost got cancer.
>> No. 43094 [Edit]
I wouldn't buy it myself. I'm generally not a fan of applying one thing's aesthetic onto another. Also, partially covering up the fan blades can't benefit performance.

Post edited on 5th Nov 2024, 3:04pm
>> No. 43095 [Edit]
I don't know man, I've naturally "learned" touch typing without specifically studying it. Maybe I'm pressing the keys the "wrong" way, I don't know, but it works for me. I only have trouble with numbers.
>> No. 43110 [Edit]
you're right that the shape of keyboards is horrible, and it is bad for your hands.
There are more ergonomic keyboards, but they're expensive:

I learned touch typing in one week with a linux app called KTouch about 20 years ago.

I recommend getting the vimium browser extension, which adds a lot of easy to reach shortcuts to the browser.

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39318 No. 39318 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Ponderings general 3. Post things you've thought about.
367 posts and 65 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 43084 [Edit]
They say youth is wasted on the young. I say wealth is wasted on the old.

The old might complain that the young don't do enough with their time, but what can you without funds?
Likewise, I've met so many old folks over the years who sit on hoards of cash and do nothing with it, or worse burn it in idiotic ways such as gambling because they don't know or care about anything else.
I once had a conversation with an old man at a casino that spent money like there was no tomorrow and never went anywhere else or did anything else with his money. I tried asking why he doesn't go on trips to see the world or other things one might do if money wasn't an issue. They had a very seen it all done it all mentality and just didn't much see the point.

Personally, I hate this idea of being wealthy only once I'm too old to enjoy said wealth. It might be the natural progression of building wealth, it takes time after all, but what good does it do? It makes saving for the future feel depressing and pointless. Even now I feel like if I was handed a million dollars I wouldn't be able to enjoy it half as much as me from ten years ago. Yes someone who's young might squander money, but what good is it if you can't use it? Since when did it become some god to be worshiped? Instead of using money it's like our money uses us.
You work your ass off, sacrifice so much, and for what? A prize you can't enjoy once you get it.
The only thing it seems good for at that point is medical expenses and maybe paying someone to change your diaper while hoping they don't beat you and steal your stuff.
>> No. 43085 [Edit]
That's right, if you get money young, you waste them, if you get money old, you don't need them. That actually supports the statement that money should never be treated as anything but means of survival. On the other hand, plenty of people enjoy their wealth, so I don't know. Look how hard they work their asses off to earn more and more and more. Must be worth it, eh?
>> No. 43096 [Edit]
I've had a sudden though, can I actually break my neck myself? It feels so fragile, if I snap hard enough it might actually break, but I'm afraid to fuck up and stay alive as a cripple.
>> No. 43109 [Edit]
I accidentally finally condensed to three sentences what I could not quite phrase in many rants until now.

Outcasts can't form a good or healthy community simply because it is contrary to their nature. It is much like trying to be a good blacksmith without knowledge, strength and even any skill. Well you will be able to mangle some metal, but that's all.

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30166 No. 30166 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Once a week, fill out the OP questions and let us know what you're up to!
Think of it as a FRIDAY NIGHT thread like on other sites, only you can post any day of the week at any hour of your choosing since NEETs don't have a schedule or any reason to look forward to the weekend.
Or, just a wordier and more demanding alternative to the daily report thread as a more relevant example.

What games are you playing today?

What anime, movies, YouTube channels etcetera are you watching today?

Have you been listening to any podcasts or music today?

Are you reading any manga or literature?

What're you going to have to eat and drink today?
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43 posts and 18 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 43080 [Edit]
>Happy sunday morning
I wish
>> No. 43081 [Edit]
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good day to everyone!
i'd been meaning to post in this thread for a while, but it kept slipping my mind...

>What games are you playing today?
i finished Mugen Souls a little while ago (aside from a few...honestly huge gripes with the battle system, i liked the characters a lot), so i went back to try and finish Mary Skelter Finale for october...and then i failed because that game is really long. but i've still been having fun with it, i love dungeon crawlers.

>What anime, movies, YouTube channels etcetera are you watching today?
still haven't been in the mood to try and keep up with seasonals as of late (i swear i'll get around to it eventually), but a youtuber i like plans on uploading a video in a few hours, so i'm looking forward to that.

>Have you been listening to any podcasts or music today?
it's coincidentally cloudy and rainy again, so i'm listening to more music that fits the mood.
this time, a song from fatal frame...i think this one's 4?
and a couple of Thought Industry songs
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>> No. 43082 [Edit]
it slipped my mind as i was making my post, but the doll sounds fun. do you plan on sharing any pictures here?
>> No. 43083 [Edit]
Yeah sure. I think TC would be the best option for sharing such photos. At least, it'd be the least out of place. It's an Aotume doll so it shouldn't be an issue.

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33182 No. 33182 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Sort of a hybrid between the book club and "post something new you learned." Post any interesting essays, articles or prose you've stumbled across on the internet.

I'll start:
111 posts and 27 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 42598 [Edit]
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Sorry for the ramble but I remember watching the first part of that (and gaki no tsukai in general) like 4 years ago and I stopped because some retard brought too much attention to it on jewtube and I ended up drifting away from japanese comedy for a bit.
Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't. I've had times where I wanted to search for a YTP I used to watch many years ago, and I've had like a 2/10 chance in finding a working backup on Wayback machine is still good to use if you're searching for "lost" media like I was.
>> No. 42599 [Edit]
I don't like japanese game shows, but Tantei Knight Scoop has really interesting stories and with the Tantei-san being a comedian, it has humorous story telling.
>> No. 43041 [Edit]
A post from 2005 on how the term goshujin-sama won out over danna-sama in the maid subculture.

Post edited on 27th Oct 2024, 1:57pm
>> No. 43078 [Edit]
John Carmack on Steve Jobs:

Steve Jobs
My [edit: at-that-time] wife once asked me “Why do you drop what you are doing when Steve Jobs asks you to do something? You don’t do that for anyone else.”

It is worth thinking about.

As a teenage Apple computer fan, Jobs and Wozniak were revered figures for me, and wanting an Apple 2 was a defining characteristic of several years of my childhood. Later on, seeing NeXT at a computer show just as I was selling my first commercial software felt like a vision into the future. (But $10k+, yikes!)
As Id Software grew successful through Commander Keen and Wolfenstein 3D, the first major personal purchase I made wasn’t a car, but rather a NeXT computer. It turned out to be genuinely valuable for our software development, and we moved the entire company onto NeXT hardware.

We loved our NeXTs, and we wanted to launch Doom with an explicit “Developed on NeXT computers” logo during the startup process, but when we asked, the request was denied.

Some time after launch, when Doom had begun to make its cultural mark, we heard that Steve had changed his mind and would be happy to have NeXT branding on it, but that ship had sailed. I did think it was cool to trade a few emails with Steve Jobs.
Several things over the years made me conclude that, at his core, Steve didn’t think very highly of games, and always wished they weren’t as important to his platforms as they turned out to be. I never took it personally.

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36646 No. 36646 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Thread for otaku related news.
176 posts and 51 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 43065 [Edit]
I don't think it's an entire block? From

【PC / Niconico Video App】
・Watching and displaying some user videos and channel videos will no longer be available.
・Some features will become inaccessible or unavailable for display.
・Certain genres will no longer be available for selection on the Video TOP page and ranking page.
・Thumbnails will no longer be displayed in My List search results or on the series list and the My List of user pages.*Updated on October 23, 2024
*You will still be able to upload videos, but some genres will no longer be selectable in the genre settings.
*Even if the “Display Sensitive Content on Some Devices” setting (Japanese Only) is turned on, these usage restrictions will apply when access is determined to be from outside Japan.
*Thumbnails set using the “Series Thumbnail Setting Feature” (Japanese Only) will be displayed even when access is determined to be from outside Japan. (Updated on October 23, 2024)

So it seems to be similar to pixiv in that they're limiting contentious content.
>> No. 43066 [Edit]
There's some joke about Christianity and idols to be made here.
>> No. 43068 [Edit]
Management within smegmaroll redistributes packages directed at dub VAs as employee freebies.

So let's see they've:
Sold user data to facebook, google, etc. without consent
Doubled their price after being bought out by Sony
Deleted people's funimation "digital copies"
Used subscriber's money to make a shitty cartoon with instead of "supporting the industry"
Stolen fan mail

Why haven't these cocksuckers been hacked or DDoSd yet?

Post edited on 29th Oct 2024, 8:04pm
>> No. 43069 [Edit]
Don't forget the hypocrisy of taking down countless "pirate" sites, when that's how they got their own start.

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35526 No. 35526 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Which other imageboards do you go to?
194 posts and 49 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 43034 [Edit]
I'm genuinely surprised anyone on TC tolerates, let alone is supportive of their (lolcow) activities. But then again, from your posting style alone I infer you haven't been a TC user for very long.

My vehement dislike is not from some abstract social-justicey notion that it's "mean" or whatever. Discussion on boards like /pol/, for instance, can get "mean" in some sense but it is nonetheless dispassionate rather than targeted. I'm sure some people there absolutely mean every word they say, but as a whole it does not target any single individual.

With kiwi/lolcow on the other hand, even in the best possible light that all discussion about "lolcows" are strictly confined to forums and no one tries to poke at people outside of it, you are inherently laughing at others for your own amusement. You are right in the sense that it's similar to gossip about celebrities or whatever, but the fact that that is de facto normalfag behavior kind of proves my point.

And actually I see "lolcow" stuff as worse, purely because the targets tend to be more vulnerable in the first place and consider the internet as their home. So it's really not much better than someone bullying a poor kid in a class, and then telling the kid he can always stop coming to school if he doesn't like it.
>> No. 43035 [Edit]
Don't speak with them and they'll go away.
>> No. 43056 [Edit]
Gawking at, obessesing over and documenting everything retards and mentally ill people on the internet do is pretty lolcow-worthy itself.
>> No. 43061 [Edit]
That lack of self-awareness boggles my mind as well.

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42975 No. 42975 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
big sisters are for coddling little brothers!
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>> No. 43011 [Edit]
>> No. 43012 [Edit]
>toilet should be more than enough
That's kind of mean... big sisters are supposed to be caring and wholesome!
>> No. 43013 [Edit]
I can't post any from my collection because it's all pornographic.
>> No. 43055 [Edit]
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post it anyway!

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33410 No. 33410 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
I browse wiki to read interesting stuff:

News, mainly tech news:

I try to minimise reddit/youtube as I can get addicted to it.
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>> No. 40992 [Edit]
Interesting, a Japanese news/blog site that covers a random mishmash of tech and non-tech news. And it has an equivalent english version as well (although most articles seem to be machine translated to English).

Seems like it's some variant of matome roundup type sites (like Sankaku). I'm honestly not sure I understand that whole part of the Japanese internet though. It seems like the difference between Matome sites and link aggregators like reddit/slashdot is that the former don't actually "link" anywhere and just directly paraphrase the original sources. Some people have negative attitude towards the matome sites, probably because during the paraphrasing they add their own editorial slant, which combined with the allure of advertising revenue seems to have led to some scandals.
>> No. 41013 [Edit]
I used to use, but in the last year or so it seems to have been colonized by alt-right teens
>> No. 41378 [Edit]
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I cook, so this site helps me out with cooking techniques
>> No. 41848 [Edit]
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42695 No. 42695 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
Today I want to discuss online trends pertaining to Western otaku (or 'weeb') culture that I find disconcerting and bizarre.

Are any people here familiar with the rising trend of people born in the middle 2000s posting anime media and romanticising it in a strange and ‘nostalgic’ way even though they were not part of that era?
I see so many people nowadays posting Subarashiki Hibi and other Japanese media with this artstyle and calling it “animecore” or they’ll post a picture of a random 2000s era generic anime character and call it “webcore” or whatever. Very strange stuff.

I learned recently that Saya no Uta and other 'denpa' visual novels and anime are very popular on TikTok and that there are many younger people (particularly girls) on the website who idolise this type of media and seek to become more like the characters from it. Instead of Narutards from the 2000s glomping each other and over-using emoticons, we have a generation of anime fans who purely appreciate aesthetics and type like, "low key cutting mself 2nite feeling denpa fr".
What annoys me about a lot of this is the way that subcultures are routinely subsumed by the presiding linguistic trends of this era. In the 2000s, you could quickly identify who was a weeaboo and who wasn't based on the way that they type. Nowadays, weebs type like any other young people, their language choices are essentially indiscernible. The lack of sincerity amongst subcultures makes me sad. These people are content to lift a weird aesthetic of an era but make no attempt to bring any of the good things with it, such as the cute and overly sincere way that so many people typed during that era (think things like, “Nyaaa I’m feeling pretty happy this morning ”) so it just comes across as half-arsed and a bit pathetic.

I find it sad that even in the 2000s the general stereotype of an anime fan was a silly, overly excited con-goer or deviantart user. Nowadays the stereotype is of a passive, depressed egirl who watched Death Note and Mirai Nikki once and started calling themselves an ‘oldschool anime’ fan.
Is this just the typical ‘born in le wrong generation’ thing that teenagers go through and I’m simply jaded because now the era that I grew up in is seen as ‘nostalgic’ by people who didn
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>> No. 42968 [Edit]
It wasn't sarcastic (in case you interpreted it that way), I thought it was genuinely clever, and I can't remember seeing that specific phrase before so it's novel to me. And looking at google seems to back me up on the novelty of the phrase; only 10 results, and most of those uses are probably mistakes, since they really meant to say "exploded in popularity" without any sardonic undertone of it being a negative thing.
>> No. 42970 [Edit]
I got around that by simply using Japanese sites and avoiding the English language internet for the most part.
>> No. 43020 [Edit]
It's not stay mad anon, Ecchi definitely js, but full blown pornography or lewd isn't.
>> No. 43021 [Edit]
You're a moron if you think that's true. The big pillars of otaku culture are the lolicon boom (which centered around stuff like Lemon People and Cream Lemon) and eroge (self-explanatory).

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31635 No. 31635 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
A lot of people talk about visiting Japan, but if you had the option to full on move there, would you do it?
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>> No. 31688 [Edit]
It's both. I do not like my current living situation, and I want to escape. When that time comes, it'll be when I have enough to move where I want. Since I can move anywhere, I might as well pick the country that I feel the most comfortable.
>> No. 42978 [Edit]
I would if I could. In many aspects living there would definitely be way worse than where I live now, but being able to go to events like Comiket, buy manga/ln directly from stores, and being able to make curry rice for a reasonable price (arguably the most important reason) would make up for it. I think.
>> No. 42980 [Edit]
If I were Japanese, probably. But I am not, and I don't want to contribute to the ongoing gaijin-ization of Japan.
>> No. 43002 [Edit]
If I thought I could NEET, I would move to any first world country. I already have enough money to NEET in the third world, but I don't know if the first world would require more or even deport me for not having a job.

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