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File 152470014599.png - (277.97KB , 706x412 , 1521357699561.png )
31544 No. 31544 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
How many of you have been into anime 20+ years? Also what year did you start watching anime? Then what year did you find what anime actually was?

I've been into anime since 1995 but I didn't know what anime was until 1997.
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>> No. 31551 [Edit]
I’m also 30, and I’ve noticed in public life that a lot more people watch it than let on. For instance, walking by a pharmacist talking to a patient the other day I heard one telling the other how they like older anime like Ranma. Both of them were, I would say, in thier mid 30s to late 30s.

I think it’s mostly that once you become older and are finished with school and college, your life takes a very narrow path that you, yourself, stear. You’re also no longer branded into social groups as much beause everyone else is just focused on their own path. When you’re in your early twenties and teens you are still focused on groups, like who is an “anime fan” or “jock” or whatever.

Beyond that age range we are all just people winging it, and what we like doesn’t define us as much as how much money we make or what we do for a living.
>> No. 31552 [Edit]
Yeah, I've also noticed not a lot of people who I used to hang out with still watch anime. My roommate is 25 and still watches it. There's also this woman who's 31 that I know who still watches anime and is trying to raise her kids to like it as well although that doesn't seem to be working out. But yeah I am noticing that there's a huge decline once people start hitting a certain age.

>Beyond that age range we are all just people winging it, and what we like doesn’t define us as much as how much money we make or what we do for a living.
Unfortunately this. People only care about you based on what you do and how much money you make. If you're not working people don't want to be seen with you thus you become isolated to no ends. That's what happens to most NEETs. I'm trying to figure out a way out of long-term NEETdom myself and anytime I run into people I went to school with they always try to ask me what I do and intrusive questions like that. I finally wised up and started lying to them. But even then that doesn't seem to matter much. Most of them just sit around drinking themselves to death while they're in their second or third marriage right now with three to four kids. I'm literally the only one left out of my entire class that hasn't had any kids or been married. Also even my younger brother tries to pretend that he doesn't remember watching anime with me growing up because it's seen as "uncool" to his peers. He's in the military and completely changed his persona and looks like he wants to kill himself on a daily basis. Then again that's most people I see anymore. They work and have a family but deep down you really pay attention these people are extremely miserable. I've had an extreme depression over the years about being a NEET and not having but a very small handful of friends. But I've started to look at it like this, I don't have any drama, I choose to actually be my true
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>> No. 31562 [Edit]
I think I found out Anime was a distinct separate medium around 1998 or 1999. Before that I remembered it as just called "eastern cartoons" locally. Same thing with Tokusatsu (Jiban, Masked Rider and co.) which was usually referred to as "Japanese shows".
>> No. 31564 [Edit]
"Japanimation" was the de rigueur term before anime

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31502 No. 31502 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] is down
but it still replies to pings
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>> No. 31518 [Edit]
I thought that they scrape .si regularly so they have the same content?
>> No. 31520 [Edit]
Looks like nobody took up the mantle. I have no idea if the missing fansubbed content is due to that, or intentionally left out. For anyone interested, go ask them in chat. They've got an API you can use.
>> No. 31526 [Edit]
From what I've read it seems that pantsu used to do that until .si blocked them because drama. I don't think they've been scrapping .si in the last few months.
>> No. 31590 [Edit]
Fuck nyaa si they need to get taken down! all the way!!

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31487 No. 31487 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
how do i get a really cute 2d pretending-to-be-a-boy-and-not-pulling-it-off tuxedo gf in irl?
>> No. 31488 [Edit]
2d in real life? what?
>> No. 31489 [Edit]
>how do i get a really cute
Money, and lots of it.

Run her over with a steam roller I guess?
Alternatively, get a cardboard cut out?

Isn't this pretty much all women these days?

Buy one and ask her to wear it. Most 3DPD will be willing to accommodate whatever you're into to a degree and that wouldn't be too weird.

>gf in irl?
Drop all standards and 'maybe' you can get one.
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31486 No. 31486 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Weeaboo thread for people who like Jap stuff outside of 2nd media.
Here is my testimony: About a year ago I rewatched Aah harimanada. I don't rematch much but a few special favorites and this one I hadn't seen in a decade so it was kinda still fresh the 2nd time around. Anyway I marathoner the fuck out of it because it was that good and I then segway'd into watching 3D IRL sumo and getting way into the sport. Now I'm an obsessed sumo fan and can't wait for the next basho and wonder if Hakuho is going to be back and if he'll be healthy enough to take back Y1E from Kakuryu and how long its going to be before Abi starts winning tournaments, etc.
Its something to pass the time anyway.

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31033 No. 31033 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Are there any Japanese YouTube channels you like? Or maybe any YouTube channels you like at all? I like しう, メッタ ME!ME!ME!TTATON!!, and AHATO. MokoDojo is another one that I like though it may not be Japanese but has had some Japanese content on the channel.
Hakase Reimu is very charming to me with the fun videos covered over certain games and the interaction with Hakase Reimu and her fans as well and feels almost like Bill Nye in a certain way. I like the Pokémon remixes on メッタ ME!ME!ME!TTATON!!'s channel and I very much enjoy the game play videos of AHATO, especially their Mario Kart 8 and Splatoon 2 videos. I also happen to find the many unboxing videos of MokoDojo very relaxing, they help me to focus on things and calm me down. I will include links to each of their channels.

Maybe we can recommend YouTube channels we like to other users in this thread as well. In consideration of users with older computers I ask that you don't post any videos and instead post links, perhaps with an image as well to give users an idea of what they might see on the channel posted without their computer slowing down.
Please keep the rule in mind restricting 3D imagery but don't let it restrict you from recommending quality channels! If an image for the channel is not possible due to containing 3D, then please provide a written description of the type of content on the channel you are recommending. We can have more than just Japanese channels as well for the sake of variety and introducing people here to new things.
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>> No. 31053 [Edit]
>>31052 Great channel, I didn't think I'd see anybody else who appreciates their content.
>> No. 31075 [Edit]
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Virtual youtuber Kizuna Ai!
She's pretty cute!
>> No. 31327 [Edit]
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Reimu and Cirno:
Without a doubt, this is one of my absolute favorite youtube channels. I adore the stories he tells and the way he tells them, most of them are very wholesome and relaxing so I like to watch them while I eat food. I also like his depictions of the characters far far more than the canon characters. His uploads are very slow but they are all very enjoyable.
>> No. 31441 [Edit]
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same! her videos are sometimes the highlight of my day

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31405 No. 31405 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Is there anyone here left from the start? I remember when Tohno created this imageboard, birthed from the irc. To remember those days, the responsibility of the present, and ambiguity of the future fills me with sorrow.
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>> No. 31424 [Edit]
>> No. 31425 [Edit]
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>> No. 31426 [Edit]
You're not living in the woods again are you?
>> No. 31439 [Edit]
Since mid 2016, other than work, most of my free time has been taken up with watching Youtube, and visiting family about once a month. All the sites and communities I've come to love and enjoy over the last few years since late 2014 will always hold a special place in my heart. Never forgotten, never will.

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31388 No. 31388 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
TC what are your valentine's day plans?
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>> No. 31397 [Edit]
Rubbing my penis as I look upon drawings of half naked Asian school girls on my computer screen.
>> No. 31398 [Edit]
I don't have any.
I never have any plans.
>> No. 31399 [Edit]
I forgot that this was a thing. I'm just going to act like it's another day, just like with any other "special" day.
>> No. 31432 [Edit]
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30392 No. 30392 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Do you ever feel strange things from inanimate objects?

I don't like to look at my Rosalina amiibos or have them next to my computer much because I can actually feel hatred coming from them.
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>> No. 31363 [Edit]
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I've been dealing with both for some time now. Crap, this is kind of scary.
>> No. 31369 [Edit]
Never got anything from regular objects. Only those based on figures/creatures.
I've got a fair amount of figs and always kept the toy story concept in the back of my mind.
It can be kinda fun to imagine what they might get up to when I'm not home. I like to think they're content in how I take care of them and supply them with plenty of friends. Never got any vibes from them however, good or bad.
>> No. 31402 [Edit]
>> No. 31435 [Edit]
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That's about finding beauty in the suffering of life.
So I don't think it's literal 'mono' as in stuff.

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31372 No. 31372 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
lets say /tc/ had some sort of battle royale where everyone here fought each other to the death in an argument over anime.
who do you think would win? i know i would kill at least few motherfuckers if it came to that, but then once it was safe and i was in the clear i'd lay down, play dead & wait to finish off the last guy standing once he thought he'd won and let his guard down.
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>> No. 31386 [Edit]
if you're just gonna stand there and not even put up a fight then i would knock you out and use your limbs for weapons, thanks for making it easy for me.

Post edited on 3rd Feb 2018, 6:01pm
>> No. 31393 [Edit]
Careful. Just because I'm volunteering to register the event doesn't mean I can't teleport behind everyone's back and nothingpersonel'd them all at the same time. You're on my list now. I'm still a magnanimous champion so I will execute you swiftly and painlessly.
>> No. 31394 [Edit]
What a convenient way to die. Come at me fellas!
>> No. 31401 [Edit]
I'd simply bring my katana to the battle royale. Glorious Nippon steel folded over 1000 times.

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30724 No. 30724 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Have you ever met otakus from other cultures?
What were they like?
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>> No. 30732 [Edit]
>You could say a guy that is obsessed with western video games but hates everything Japanese... is still an otaku
Do you mean a westerner (America, Europe, Russia, etc.) or Japanese? If the former, why would anyone call him and otaku? If the latter, then it's more likely they'd call them a gamer why "otaku" would be reserved as more of an insult.
>> No. 30733 [Edit]
I was going by the Japanese definition of the word, like how they use lolicon for pedophile. Probably should have clarified.
>> No. 31337 [Edit]
I know a Chinese one. When it comes to their taste in weeb stuff it seems about the same as most other people from around the world. Their location grants them easier travel to japan and their cultures are similar in a lot of ways.
I've known some hispanic ones too. They almost always tend to have a deep love for saint seiya for some reason.
>> No. 31341 [Edit]
Not in person. I barely know any otaku people in person and don't really partake with them.

As for in anonymous boards, I'm a beaner myself and I don't think it ever specially stood out to anyone here over all these years, other than in my sometimes convulted wording. Also, I was often mistaken for a nord in other chans, so I don't think there's any solid criteria to pinpoint cultural backgrounds within the usual otaku board talk.

Saint Seiya was huge on TV here when I was a kid (early 90's). I guess it's mostly nostalgia, but I could be wrong. I do treasure it too, however.

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31292 No. 31292 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I made a tram transit map for my area.

I really should stop fetishising infrastructure I'm in the wrong place in the world to do such a thing.
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>> No. 31302 [Edit]
File 151555053234.png - (1.42MB , 2292x2012 , Transit question.png )
The purpose of a transit map is to convey basic information on an easily replicatable, easily read format, not to give an accurate geographical representation of the area served. It holds all the pertinent information a person would need to use a transit system. It has a simple and easily read format for someone attempting to find their way around a subway system, going by their closest station and finding the closest station to their destination.

By default all maps serve a specific purpose, and every map can, does, and will omit information to that end. Imagine a history textbook about the Vietnam War that went into detail about the botanical information of the jungle, each species of plant by their genus and species name and their reproductive methods.

Any transit system worth their salt will put a detailed map of the street layout of the area within 100-500 meters of the station, but it's useless to put a station map with every street corner and building on it, as the pertinent information is lost to begin with in the rest of the noise. Someone on public transit won't need to know where Interstate 93 is, but they all will need to know the order of stops on a train.

Part of infrastructure is cost, another part is implementation. So imagine the process of production to make geographically correct maps of a transit system to be published in all sorts of forms (pamphlet, website, posters, cards, wall maps, etc). Now imagine the vast amount of wasted space that would be taken up by a map where a line has several stops per mile in high density areas but miles between spots in low density areas (as is the case with my map between two cities with two lower density towns between them). You need to print such a map large enough to not crowd the high density areas, so in short, you would have a map that only works as a large poster of abnormal proportions, or is completely unreadable in any way if you try to print it in a portable format, completely destroying the point of a transit map.
>> No. 31307 [Edit]
in almost every case its a far less functional use of space than it could be, people copy the old london tube style because it was on popular tshirts and shit. its far easier to copy the positively acceptable that to come up with your own style. most of the text on the graphic you produced is illegible so i can't really use is as a basis for comparison, but there is little doubt in my mind that graphic could be easily produced to represent a subway system with geographical accuracy if you were willing to sacrifice that cool combo of art deco stylized curves and bright colors.
furthermore i thought bostonians were really proud of having kicked the english out way back when, but now they're giving free publicity to the london tube tshirt salesmen? seems like an easily corrected minor mistake on their part.
>> No. 31309 [Edit]
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So we can use it if we're part of the British Crown?
>> No. 31334 [Edit]
What program do you use to make such charts?

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