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File 160506324537.jpg - (130.81KB , 1023x600 , Blaking news.jpg )
36646 No. 36646 [Edit]
Thread for otaku related news.
139 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 42374 [Edit]
File 170925419494.jpg - (2.90MB , 1500x2153 , GHVIcNtbkAAnjyb.jpg )
Hidamari sketch is celebrating 20 years since its first publication in Kirara
>> No. 42411 [Edit]
File 170989173626.jpg - (2.02MB , 2894x4093 , __bulma_sage_priest_lunch_norimaki_arale_and_2_mor.jpg )
Toriyama Akira has passed away.
>> No. 42438 [Edit]
Japanese Illustrator and Animator Mutsumi Inomata has passed away
>> No. 42467 [Edit]
File 171129882460.jpg - (142.01KB , 1500x1125 , 9e05b122bdac5f3260d5dd5524c94650.jpg )
Report about the drawings attempted by a mostly blind man who had his vision fixed in his 50s
>> No. 42506 [Edit]
File 171216677924.png - (417.48KB , 552x658 , Engage Kiss - S01E12_mkv-[00_10_15_532].png )
Visa and Mastercard are now "temporarily" unavailable as payment methods on DLsite. There are still workarounds, like using JCB with Discover or American Express, or buying points off-site with PayPal. Nonetheless, it certainly kills the convenience for not only foreigners but Japanese citizens as well.

P.S. If you would like to discuss any political angles, please do so on /tat/.
>> No. 42507 [Edit]
>like using JCB with Discover or American Express
I must have had a stroke when typing this, I meant to put, "like using JCB, Discover, American Express".
>> No. 42508 [Edit]
Good enough reason to get an amex card.
>> No. 42511 [Edit]
I'm scared of credit cards, so I don't buy anything online.
>> No. 42512 [Edit]
You can pay in cash and get a prepaid visa gift card which is functionally equivalent to a debit card. It's possible this is no longer accepted at most ecommerce sites now though precisely because of it makes tracing impossible and governments don't like that.
>> No. 42513 [Edit]
>prepaid visa gift card
It should be noted that many if not most of these sorts of cards cannot be used to conduct foreign transactions.
>> No. 42514 [Edit]
File 171221593611.png - (36.03KB , 1046x97 , img.png )
Interesting. Was gifted prepaid visa once. Went to register it, and it came up with this page asking for all of this info. A prompt like this showed up. This was not one of those greendot cards, either. Don't know if you can just put in other info in there. But it looks like there might be a risk of losing access to the funds if they do ask to verify it. It was pretty standard. Also what >>42513 says.
>> No. 42516 [Edit]
File 171225857580.jpg - (174.41KB , 1500x1500 , 52aa5b7c3f739.jpg )
The Know Your Customer (KYC) laws are certainly a scourge from the privacy-focused consumer side. Ofc the payment processors have amassed too much power already what with bullying/censoring shops that don't meet their agenda, but I suspect even they can't deflect all formal investigations on laundering and funding sanctioned regimes/VNSAs.
>> No. 42526 [Edit]
File 171304850290.jpg - (226.63KB , 1181x1500 , GLDLFpqWMAAaACt.jpg )
Miku expo 2024 was a bit of a mess this year. The innerweb is buzzing with complaints and mockery at the use of a TV screen instead of a hologram projector.
>> No. 42527 [Edit]
File 171305146928.jpg - (103.80KB , 581x600 , 2b5aadc4f9d70594e5a08fba0ca09a59.jpg )
Wonder if that's why Coachella's live steam had comments disabled.
>> No. 42528 [Edit]
looks like the quality was absolute garbage.
>> No. 42605 [Edit]
File 171557285578.jpg - (28.05KB , 320x512 , Capture.jpg )
>> No. 42640 [Edit]
As if I couldn't dislike the Dodgers more!
>> No. 42642 [Edit]
This is kinda amazing. It's funny to see this kind of stuff has gotten so popular and wide spread in western culture. 10+ years ago you wouldn't see anything like this.
>> No. 42644 [Edit]
I know baseball lost its place as America's most popular sport, but this is some serious desperation.
>> No. 42649 [Edit]
What's crazy is that the MLB still makes absolute bank. But in any case, I find these attempts dubious since, even though I like 2D stuff, if I were to watch baseball, I don't want to see it in this context. Rather I'd be interested in appealing to the magic of going to the ballpark with your dad. But that's more difficult to achieve given a few factors at play.
At the very least, however, they can stop stripping the distinctive features of the American & National leagues.
>> No. 42716 [Edit]
File 171951218979.png - (385.62KB , 488x1658 , image0.png )

Sounds like kadokawa is getting blackmailed hard.
>> No. 42865 [Edit]
Apparently something's going on with the Japanese stock index? I don't really understand any of it or its implications. Pretty much nothing materially seems to have changed between yesterday and today, why is everyone dumping stock all of a sudden?
>> No. 42866 [Edit]
The Bank of Japan recently declared its intent to raise the country's interest rate. It ain't much of an increase, and I think rates will still effectively be negative, but the BoJ hasn't done this in a long time if I recall correctly. Stock markets everywhere have been conditioned to love easy money, and now it's going to be a bit less easy.
The joys of mandated fractional-reserve banking.
>> No. 42887 [Edit]
>> No. 42933 [Edit]
File 172549022018.jpg - (491.33KB , 1436x1353 , 340f76871bca3c3b46751795b3f16686.jpg )
Nhentai is no more.

I used it sometimes because its viewer is better than exhentai's and the sort by popularity option was pretty convenient. That said, it was a leech.
>> No. 42934 [Edit]
>> No. 42990 [Edit]
Still up though? What's going on there
>> No. 42991 [Edit]
Hentai's been shit lately, so I hardly even care
>> No. 42992 [Edit]
Can't tell whether you're talking about adult anime, doujinshi, or drawings. In the case of the former, it's always been shit. If you mean the latter two, you clearly haven't looked around enough.
>> No. 42993 [Edit]
Yep, meant the former. The latter two never got into simply don't find the effort worth the reward, no hard feelings.
>> No. 42994 [Edit]
Yeah that's fair
>> No. 43057 [Edit]
File 173016715198.jpg - (320.12KB , 1080x1349 , the-vatican-has-launched-a-carto (1).jpg )
The Vatican has launched a cartoon mascot named Luce for the 2025 Jubilee, designed by lifestyle brand tokidoki
(yes, really.)
>> No. 43058 [Edit]
File 173016717569.jpg - (230.00KB , 1080x1349 , the-vatican-has-launched-a-carto.jpg )
>> No. 43059 [Edit]
Coming to a booru near you!
What's next, vtubing?
>> No. 43060 [Edit]
According to the wikipedia page, Tokidoki was created by an Italian, for what that's worth.
>> No. 43062 [Edit]
File 173021318057.jpg - (106.29KB , 736x736 , 1718541845083972.jpg )
>From October 30, 2024 (Wednesday), we will partially revise the Nico Nico Terms of Use and the Nico Nico Activity Guidelines.
>In addition, from the same day, October 30 (Wednesday), we will restrict the use of some services if it can be judged that access is from overseas.
This is a machine translation, so go correct any errors, but it seems you are going to need a proxy to use NicoNico from now on.

Post edited on 29th Oct 2024, 7:50am
>> No. 43064 [Edit]
File 173022816065.jpg - (444.20KB , 1920x1080 , 20241029_135429.jpg )
Careful what you wish for.
>> No. 43065 [Edit]
I don't think it's an entire block? From

【PC / Niconico Video App】
・Watching and displaying some user videos and channel videos will no longer be available.
・Some features will become inaccessible or unavailable for display.
・Certain genres will no longer be available for selection on the Video TOP page and ranking page.
・Thumbnails will no longer be displayed in My List search results or on the series list and the My List of user pages.*Updated on October 23, 2024
*You will still be able to upload videos, but some genres will no longer be selectable in the genre settings.
*Even if the “Display Sensitive Content on Some Devices” setting (Japanese Only) is turned on, these usage restrictions will apply when access is determined to be from outside Japan.
*Thumbnails set using the “Series Thumbnail Setting Feature” (Japanese Only) will be displayed even when access is determined to be from outside Japan. (Updated on October 23, 2024)

So it seems to be similar to pixiv in that they're limiting contentious content.
>> No. 43066 [Edit]
There's some joke about Christianity and idols to be made here.
>> No. 43068 [Edit]
Management within smegmaroll redistributes packages directed at dub VAs as employee freebies.

So let's see they've:
Sold user data to facebook, google, etc. without consent
Doubled their price after being bought out by Sony
Deleted people's funimation "digital copies"
Used subscriber's money to make a shitty cartoon with instead of "supporting the industry"
Stolen fan mail

Why haven't these cocksuckers been hacked or DDoSd yet?

Post edited on 29th Oct 2024, 8:04pm
>> No. 43069 [Edit]
Don't forget the hypocrisy of taking down countless "pirate" sites, when that's how they got their own start.
>> No. 43116 [Edit]

Visa/Mastercard dropped Melonbooks.
>> No. 43117 [Edit]
Too bad Japan has terrible cryptocurrency regulation. Most of the websites in the West that get banned by corporate payment services for political reasons just use Bitcoin/Monero instead.
>> No. 43119 [Edit]
as an unrelated question, is the melonbooks site blocked outside japan? I always get a fake 404
>> No. 43120 [Edit]
why are their regulations so bad? And shouldn't people like the Love Hina guy realize the problem with that?
>> No. 43121 [Edit]
Probably East Asia and near surroundings, I get access if I set the VPN to Japan, South Korea, Indonesia and Taiwan (but China 404s though).
>> No. 43123 [Edit]
I live in Switzerland and it works. I didn't know the site until now though. Looks like manga and doujin in Japanese directly from Japan.
>> No. 43124 [Edit]
Sweden VPN works as well.
>> No. 43287 [Edit]
File 17339804538.jpg - (156.50KB , 1284x1567 , GehPHxaWUAADSWo.jpg )
Sony is planning on buying Kadokawa. Retards only seem to care about dark souls in this, but I'm sure I don't need to explain to people here how much control Kadokawa has over anime&manga, or why it would be concerning for Sony to own both Kadokawa and Crunchyroll.
>> No. 43288 [Edit]
Please no! I hate American corpos. I wish they were bombarded to dust
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