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File 152434146967.jpg - (732.76KB , 1529x1080 , Cup Hatsune (L·βō).jpg )
31525 No. 31525 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Since the old request thread has been gone for quite some time now, would it alright to make a new one? I've been trying to re-find the picture in which a guy tells a story beginning with a high school orchestra performance. He talks about how he imagined his waifu, Kagami Hiiragi, being in the audience and how they talk and spend time with each other after returning home. It has a picture of Kagami gently smiling in it, but I otherwise remember it only consisting of small black text on a white background.
6 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 41409 [Edit]
File 168382791598.jpg - (89.72KB , 512x640 , desk.jpg )
I request pictures of Kuroki Tomoko sleepy-faced, yawning or waking up with her left side closer to the viewer like pic related. I need this for reference.
>> No. 42982 [Edit]
Can that anon who had the offline-mirror of TC (or one of the admins who have access to the raw data) grep all the posts for "referent" or "antecedent"? I'm trying to dig up a post I posted on here maybe about 6months back about grammar or something, but none of the search engines (google, bing, yandex) find anything. But I don't trust any of their indexes, they're incomplete (especially googles).

(Or if you could just upload the text-only mirror of it somewhere as an archive, that'd be sweet. Compressed it shouldn't really be more than 100MB).

Post edited on 7th Oct 2024, 1:11am
>> No. 42985 [Edit]
% grep -rl "referent" .
Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
>> No. 42986 [Edit]
Brilliant, you're amazing. I found the post I was looking for, it's >>/an/37137. As I suspected, my memory was right and I was searching for the right keywords (I knew I had mentioned something about accusative or noun phrase), just that all search engines fail at their basic job and simply don't have it in their index.

>Still under 1GB compressed.
Yeah there was some junk in /mp3/ and /ddl/. Removing that, the uncompressed size is 873M. I highly suspect that excluding those and using better compression like 7z you could get a resulting size of < 150M or so. You could also remove the +50 or +100 version of the thread html since they are redundant.

> I used a very rudimentary method
Out of curiosity, what was this method? I'd think that it would suffice to just rsync over anything ending with the html extension, right? Also are you the same anon who made the >>/navi/3378 thread?

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36079 No. 36079 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Love them or hate them, what are your thoughts on hololive and vtubers?
142 posts and 29 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 42945 [Edit]
Do new vtuber "generations" keep coming out as quickly as depicted in VTuber Nandaga? At this point I'd think there'd be an overproliferation of vtubers that are basically indistinguishable in content except for whatever schtick they choose to adopt.

Also an increasingly large fraction of "female" vtubers are just VA'd by men (with voice changers of course). There's nothing wrong with liking cute things of course, but there's something retching about people fawning over the projected "female" facade of a man (any more on that is probably best suited for /tat/ though).
>> No. 42951 [Edit]
I do not look forward to silicon valley startups trying to capitalize on otaku culture
>> No. 42952 [Edit]
I think the visual novel to virtual idol to AI chatbot Pokemon evolution is somewhat misled. Mostly because you play a VN to read a story and meet new characters, but you don't plan on falling in love every time you play a VN. Of course you can fall in love with a VN character, but that's rather a side effect, than the goal, much unlike AI chatbots. Dunno about virtual idols either, but it doesn't seem to fit the bills either, as it's not really interactive in any sense.
>> No. 42965 [Edit]
you can't make this shit up

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11220 No. 11220 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
They say you learn something new every day. Let's see if that statement is true!

ITT post something new you learned today. Trivia knowledge is more than welcome.
714 posts and 112 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 42609 [Edit]
Today, I learned about a preschool in Sweden called Egalia that seeks to eliminate gender roles. Children are encouraged to play with whatever they want. They are not forced to dress in certain ways. They are free to express themselves in whatever way they want. Staff is trained to remove preconceived biases regarding a child's behavior and instead view them as their own individual.

>We don’t want to deny the biological sex. It is the gender we are working with. And the most important part is how adults relate to the children. Research shows that gender determines how children are approached - already as a crying baby. – We think we are free, but whenever we make suggestions it is almost always something within the gender category. . .
>For example, when a girl is observed to be shy, this situation is attributed to sex, and it does not raise any concerns. However, when a boy is observed to be shy, it is considered that something is wrong.
>Similarly, it has been observed that while teachers tried to comfort a crying girl they tried to avoid a crying boy. Rajalin stated that “[a]fter we had been filming and observing each other, we understood that it's not the children we have to change, it's ourselves” (Scott, 2017). After watching the recording, gender pedagogues interviewed teachers and directed questions such as “Why do we treat children differently?”, “What can we change?”, “Why is it important that we change this?” (Lind-Valdan, 2014, p. 226).

I also learned that a dyad is another word for a group of two people.

This is so neat. Thanks for sharing.

Post edited on 14th May 2024, 11:50am
>> No. 42610 [Edit]
Should also be coupled with [1]. But approach "equality" in this sense seems like a fine thing, it's just that most of the west has decided to serve the ends instead of the means and force uniform distributions even if such distributions are not actually natural. Probably if boys could like cute things without being made fun of (c.f. bronies) then the "transgenderism" stuff would not have been widespread.

>> No. 42611 [Edit]
>We think we are free, but whenever we make suggestions it is almost always something within the gender category
>So to be free we make genders equal
That's what happens when you have no wars to fight, so you decide to free yourself from reason at all. Reason and thinking hurts, you know?
>> No. 42941 [Edit]
Cute. I want it too!

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33275 No. 33275 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
This is the ONLY official Tohno-chan holiday pie baking thread. In this thread: Bake pies, share recipes, show pictures, and tell stories all relating to your hand-crafted, baked holiday pies.
14 posts and 7 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 42428 [Edit]
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French baked goods lose to Italian baked lasagne.
>> No. 42453 [Edit]
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Banana and cinnamon cake, taste pretty good.
>> No. 42489 [Edit]
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And both fall before greek pastitsio.
>> No. 42900 [Edit]
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Warm apple pie beats whatever the Greeks can make..

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29194 No. 29194 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Do you have music on while using your pc and browsing the tohno?
I'd like some nice, calm music to have as background
I really have no idea how to find new stuff though
28 posts and 9 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 42503 [Edit]
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Korpiklaani - Ievan polkka
>> No. 42625 [Edit]
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SANDY MARTON - Camel By Camel
>> No. 42627 [Edit]
What's your favorite genre, OP?
>> No. 42898 [Edit]
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33525 No. 33525 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Let's talk about every terrible thing Netflix has done. Purely as a service, it's a mediocre, roundabout way of getting access to shows. There's some committee of people deciding what gets hosted and what doesn't, which is almost entirely decided by market demand rather than quality. Good movies get booted to make room for cape shit. You also have to wait a year longer to watch new seasons of shows that already aired, even if the season is being hosted in another country. The monthly rate for streaming has gone up over the years. Streaming as a paid service is also ridiculous because if you're paying money for data, you should have unlimited access to that data.

With that out-of-the-way, the more important issue is with Netflix's goal of controlling the anime industry, at least in the west(for the time being). Buying up streaming rights is one thing, but from a cultural standpoint, they want control too. They make live action adaptations and new dubs with changed translations to control the image of these shows. They get exclusive streaming rights to new shows while they're in production, which means they will definitely get some level of creative control, which inevitably means censorship and ideological injection. This kind of things actually is a slippery slope. People who cheer and get excited when they announce the next show they'll butcher are so naive I can't believe it. I'm dreading their Ghost in Shell reboot.

Post edited on 23rd Oct 2019, 5:19am
12 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 42752 [Edit]
Netflix being the only one is better than a dozen different streaming services..
>> No. 42785 [Edit]
To be fair, it's almost just seems to be something which pertains to the fact that people in more egalitarian societies would rather compromise on the quality of the show rather than make an actual good show.

For example, the adaptation for Cowboy Bepop where basically they tried to diversify the casts, already straying from the originsl races of the original anime and of course, a literal video posted by the female actor for Faye Valentine basically just saying that the fans were at fault for expecting a good and faithful adaptation to the anime because the original's clothing was too revealing, which literally anybody would have totallly understood, I just genuinely do not understand why she had to play the victim.

People like this shouldn't even be trying to make adaptations. Much less even have creative control over it.
>> No. 42786 [Edit]
>a literal video posted by the female actor for Faye Valentine basically just saying that the fans were at fault for expecting a good and faithful adaptation to the anime because the original's clothing was too revealing
Infuriating. The fans didn't expect anything. They had no expectations of anything new being done with the IP. NETFLIX went out of its way to fuck with it. Nobody asked them to. And the original's design was not "too revealing". It was perfect then and it's perfect now. I'd take Man Faye over this bitch.
>> No. 42787 [Edit]
>too revealing
I think this only proved she didn't understand the character or the material. Unlike the actress, the character isn't ashamed of her body and isn't afraid to use it. She's a resourceful character and that's one of the tools at her disposal.
this is the problem with western women, it's like they're ashamed of what they are and they're all obsessed with trying to be what they're not.

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40621 No. 40621 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I'm so tired of health issues.
It feels as though if it's not one thing, it's the next. There's always something impacting me healthwise to lower my enjoyment of life.

How do you manage your health? Do you have a diet? Do you stay active?

I'm an insomniac but I also deal with horrible teeth related issues like abscesses and gum disease, I get sick very easily, suffer from heartburn daily, and recently I have a horrible pain in my lower right abdomen.
It's all tiresome.
25 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 40795 [Edit]
File 166749330066.png - (96.23KB , 1162x1706 , program.png )
Follow up:
I like to use hand grippers. I have a light one and set of 100lb, 150lb, and 200lb. I'm now able to close the 100lb one about 4 times. Will start doing this program so I can progress.
>> No. 41302 [Edit]
Lately my right hand hasn't been able to open and close smoothly. My middle and ring finger sort of "pop" somewhere in between. Wonder if it is an issue with the joint or the muscle.
>> No. 42733 [Edit]
I walk around. I'm lucky that a walkable area is just a short bus ride away.

The White Death
Been going down the rabbithole into this as my gramma died of TB years ago but didn't understand it at the time...
>> No. 42749 [Edit]
File 171992024432.jpg - (113.10KB , 1300x825 , XF.jpg )
Wakeup exercise; do the cliche morning jog immeadiately after sleep ends.

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38707 No. 38707 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What's with the deal with eating food alone in the bathroom? Wouldn't the smell ruin the meal?
22 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 40845 [Edit]
i would just eat in the classroom if i was gonna eat in the first place. i only started bringing food to school in high school anyways, because i had one day of classes that was long enough for me to get tired. in college i just go out, buy some snacks, and eat on the bench in the corridor
>> No. 41007 [Edit]
In my final year of highschool, the Year 12 (final year) students had access to a microwave in the canteen that the other students weren't allowed to use.

It was unfortunately in an area where all of the popular kids hung out, many of which I went to primary school with. I remember approaching them and asking if I could use the microwave even though they were my equals.
I hadn't spoken to any of them in 3-5 years even though we had all grown up together. Shows how hikki I was at that point, I guess - I was barely going to school once a week.

Post edited on 2nd Jan 2023, 5:39am
>> No. 42743 [Edit]
File 171976999672.png - (1.65MB , 1782x822 , Screenshot_20240128-025000.png )
Some things never change...

I started a new job a few months ago. My team mates invited me to eat with them when I joined, but old habits die hard. not even a few days in I started looking for places to eat alone, but had very little luck. By my second week I started having lunch in my car. Sometimes I even park close to the food court if I plan on getting lunch there. The food there sucks so I do this only 1-2 times a week. Most of the time I just I drive to some place nearby and have whatever I get in my car. I don't want people to see me eating food alone in my car anyway so leaving for lunch kills two birds with one stone. I also use apps to order food ahead of time. between the driving and acquisition, this leaves me with enough time to watch a half hour show on my phone with my lunch.

Aside from that I do hide in the bathroom a bit to kill time and mess around on my phone, viewing things I wouldn't want coworkers to see me looking at and would give them an excuse to talk to me. or again just to be alone. I can't say I've had much of an issue with smells, but my legs do fall asleep if I've been there too long. They also play modern pop music very loudly which I can't stand sometimes. It's not ideal, but until I find a better alternative it'll have to do.
>> No. 42744 [Edit]
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well my school was shoebox sized, also if you went to the cafeteria, they never let anyone out unless you had a pass for this and that. They even banned eating in classrooms...yes it was that kind of orwellian thing. Since it was very small and loud, I of course only had the bathroom. As for the smell, I actually don't even remember eating in there. I'm very sure I skipped eating and played my handheld instead. Eventually I asked to be a library assistant, and started eating there which was also very small, I love HS trauma *sobs*
I view it less of a hikki thing and more of a growing out of academic system BS which is always a good thing. Not to say I'm not hikki now. Doing fine outside of the occasional unwanted flashbacks from those times.

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42729 No. 42729 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Thread for offering bounties.

I'm offering 0.00082BTC (currently $50).
My address is bc1qluc5j0hppkpvhrf9g0zgs249f6xc5dfgaj7twk

There's an anime I want found which I previously watched, but can't remember the name of. It's a comedy about a women narrowly escaping life or death situations.

Specific examples being: dislocating her legs in a sauna or something like that, getting stuck in a phone booth while it's hot outside, almost falling off a cliff, holding up a sign for a boxing match(or something like that), but really needing to go to the bathroom.

I think it's from the 90s, cause I'm 99% sure it's cell animation. I'm thinking it may have been an ova, since there weren't that many episodes.

Respond with the name of the anime and your address.
1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 42731 [Edit]
Nope, that's not it. I wouldn't put a bounty up unless I had tried myself, which included asking LLMs.
>> No. 42732 [Edit]
Ah ok. It might be worth including a list of shows you've already excluded from your candidates.
>> No. 42734 [Edit]
Ippatsu Kiki Musume (Japanese: イッパツ危機娘, lit. "Sudden Danger Girl"), also known as Miss Critical Moment.
The kind of hilarity & silliness a low-budget anime can give. Heh.
>> No. 42735 [Edit]
File 171971264171.png - (28.67KB , 400x400 , e86222f91c43767fde925280f0990228.png )
Thank you thank you. Was it hard to find? Are you sure you don't want the reward?

File 134575630513.jpg - (64.06KB , 336x447 , ponderings.jpg )
16448 No. 16448 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Ponderings general 2. Post things you've thought about.

Previous thread >>15685
896 posts and 176 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 42665 [Edit]
File 171759347761.png - (699.70KB , 9600x1080 , graph.png )
Or even
set grid mxtics xtics mytics ytics
>> No. 42667 [Edit]
Done some post formatting.
$ cat <<EOF > script.awk BEGIN { i = 0 } { split ($0, a, /\/|\(|\)|:/) str = sprintf ("20%d %d %d %d %d 0", a[3], a[1], a[2], a[5], a[6]); ts[i] = mktime (str) i++ } END { d = mktime ("2024 1 2 1 1 1") - mktime ("2024 1 1 1 1 1") diff[1] = 0 asort (ts) for (j = 2; j <= length (ts); j++) { diff[j] = (ts[j] - ts[j - 1]) / d } for (j = 1; j <= length(ts); j++) { print strftime("%F-%H:%M", ts[j]) "," sprintf("%.10f", diff[j]) } } EOF $ cat <<EOF > data.gnuplot set terminal svg font "Liberation Serif,18" size 9600,1080 \ background "white" set output "graph.svg" set datafile separator comma set xdata time set format x "%Y" set xlabel "Year" set mxtics 12 set ylabel "Days since last post" set logscale y set grid set grid mxtics xtics mytics ytics set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M" plot 'data' using 1:2 title "" with points pointtype 7 pointsize 1 \ linecolor rgb "#c8000000" EOF $ regex='[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{2}\([a-zA-Z]{3}\)[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}' $ curl -sf "" | grep -E "$regex" | awk -f script.awk - > data $ gnuplot data.gnuplot $ inkscape -d 150 -o graph.png graph.svg

>> No. 42668 [Edit]
File 171764528278.gif - (2.87MB , 6336x5824 , scatter.gif )
Here's a comparison of /ot/ and /mai/'s activity over the years using two long-standing threads in each。Side note, the process of posting this took waaaaaay too much effort.
import matplotlib。pyplot as plt import numpy as np from datetime import timedelta from time_extract import get_timestamps def plot_data(filename, color, marker): plt。grid(True) plt。yscale('symlog') plt。xlabel('Time') plt。ylabel('Time Δ(days)') data = get_timestamps(filename) delta = np。diff(data) / timedelta(days=1) plt。scatter(data[1:], delta, alpha=0。1, c=color, marker=marker) for i, time_stamp in enumerate(data[1:]): if delta[i] > 200: plt。annotate(time_stamp。date(), (data[i+1],delta[i]),fontsize=8) plt。subplot(2, 1, 1) plt。title('/ot/') #Ponderings general plot_data('ot_16448。txt', 'steelblue', 'o') #Dream thread plot_data('ot_521。txt', 'cadetblue', 'D') plt。subplot(2, 1, 2) plt。title('/mai/') #Who your waifu is plot_data('mai_5。txt', 'orchid', 'o') #Share your daily waifu experience plot_data('mai_8705。txt', 'palevioletred', 'D') plt。gcf()。set_size_inches(15, 14) plt。savefig('scatter', dpi=500)

import re import numpy as np from datetime import datetime ts_reg = r'<span class="postername"。*<\/span>\s*(。*)' dt_string = '%m/%d/%y(%a)%H:%M' def get_timestamps(filename): with open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: txt = file。read() matches = re。findall(ts_reg, txt) data = [] for match in matches: dp = datetime。strptime(match, dt_string) data。append(dp) return np。array(data)

>> No. 42694 [Edit]
It seems despite all my efforts I am fake. Not superficially, but with my whole being. My consciousness is fake. In retrospect I can't relate to things as if I have done them. I know I was there when they were done but it's as if the actions themselves are not mine. Just thought it's very strange.

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521 No. 521 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
I'd like to start another dream thread, if that's all right. I'll go first.
You know how when you're a fan of something like anime or scifi or similar things in your teenage years parents will try to buy stuff for you? My dad and stepmom bought anime\manga related shit at yard sales a lot. Sometimes it was good, sometimes it was off the mark.
Well, in my dream I'm still in high school. I'm sitting there playing Xbox when my dad & stepmom walk in and yell that they got me something at a yard sale. I'm think to myself, "well, probably shit, but I might as well see," and go to check it out.
I walk into the kitchen and on the table is a box full of stuff from Neon Genesis Evangelion.
I get more excited and go to see what it is. There's every episode in raws and fansubs on
VHS, some uniforms, figurines, and even Shinjis' fucking tape recorder with the tape he listens to inside it! All the merchandise seems to be older and seems like it was directly imported from Japan. I ask where they found it.
It cuts to a yard sale with a slightly sad fiftyish woman in her front yard. She talked about how her son loved this show and whatnot, and seemed very sad. She sold it all for about 10-20 dollars.
I take all the stuff out and find a suicide note. Her son had gotten into anime in the
eighties while in high school and was completely inept and friendless. He grew obsessed with
Evangelion and felt a strong kinship with Shinji because he was such a fuck up. He grew older
and couldn't find anyone to share his interests with, became more and more of a recluse, and
killed himself in the late nineties, which I recall being a shame since the internet as of
96, when he killed himself, could have given him a place to talk to others and feel less alone. I realized he was "an otaku of another generation." I hung up his note and saluted it. I then went to watch his tapes and realized that he had dubbed it himself in case he ever met anyone who wanted to share his joy. I inherited his legacy. His mother had cleaned house and ended up giving me a record of a hikkikomori life.
588 posts and 82 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 42632 [Edit]
I had a dream that Tohno stopped being the site admin and someone else came up and started changing the website theme and making all the posts be centered on the screen instead of left-aligned.
What a nightmare.
>> No. 42633 [Edit]
Sounds like a typical April fools around here.
>> No. 42634 [Edit]
And a funny one at that.
>> No. 43409 [Edit]
I had an outstanding dream about having sex with a cute anime girl. Simply makes me want to open my veins now that I'm awake. There was an introduction where other anime girls would first teach her how to kiss, since she looked like loli. Then there also was a prolonged scene with doing her massage.

I know it's an embarrassing post but I'd rather leave it here than anywhere else

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