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29756 No. 29756 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I don't get it guys. Shouldn't it be a well established fact by now that a large portion of anime fans love DFC? So why is everyone always putting down characters with flat chest in anime, manga, and games? Sure cow tits might be considered ideal in the real world, but when has that ever stopped anime from pandering to what it's fans want, not what's realistic?
9 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 42222 [Edit]
>I do wonder if they themselves are young or haven't matured
Some probably fall under this bracket, but I'm pretty much the opposite of you and started liking DFC more as I got older. Some people like the youthfulness DFC is generally associated with while others don't -- best not to read too much into it.
>> No. 42223 [Edit]
Me too. My first interests were mostly "titcows" but as I grew up I realized the truth of DFC.
>> No. 42231 [Edit]
The best thing in the whole world is when a girl is proud of her DFC, and she lords it over those who are afflicted with the dreaded chest tumors. Also nice when traps do it, recognizing their inherit superiority.
>> No. 42235 [Edit]
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37198 No. 37198 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Whatcha doin' for the new year assuming y'all ain't locked-down?
43 posts and 15 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 42159 [Edit]
I like you guys, I wish you all a happy new year!

I was at work, emergency services.

I hope you'll have a wonderful year that will make you not want to kill yourself anymore
>> No. 42160 [Edit]
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I love you too
>> No. 42161 [Edit]
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2024, everyone...
>> No. 42232 [Edit]
JO , my condolences on this sudden and sad occasion. Take care of yourself and your mother. I will see you when you get back. -Lore

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29816 No. 29816 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
How often do you bathe, /ot/? What about shaving? Do you fit into the stereotype that suggests NEETs and hikikomori have poor personal hygiene?
38 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 42219 [Edit]
This is tangentially related. How do you guys manage and keep your room?

Me, I can barely keep it clean for more than a few days. Then the dishes start piling up, the clothes that I take from the laundry and intend to put away in my cupboard end up on my bed. Random crap from around my room ends up in even more random but annoying places. I've struggled my whole life with this.

I'm guessing it's a matter of being lazy.
>> No. 42221 [Edit]
I started to apply "minimalism" to my life and everything and threw out all things that were more or less unnecessary. Including many of my clothes and furniture and kitchen tools. Kinda like how traditional japanese homes used to be. Then its lot easier to clean up. Before that the mess just kept accumulating and i did not have the energy to clean up so it was always mess.
>> No. 42224 [Edit]
I almost never eat in my room and keep clothing I intend to wear tomorrow on my office chair.
>> No. 42228 [Edit]
This is probably sound, but most of my clothes are various t-shirts such as band shirts and merchandise shirts, so it would be a big waste of money to get rid of them.

I feel like most of the things in my room aren't too much of a problem unless they're disposable. For example, the things cluttering my desk at this very moment are: A compressed air can.
Three cups (one for tea, one for chocolate drink, one for water)
Coffee pot
Bottle of melatonin pills
A few pieces of rubbish
Nintendo Switch

Honestly the list goes on...
I think I should just do a better job of putting away permanent objects like cups and put things like pills and computer stuff in a different section of my room. This is hard stuff to manage.

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30345 No. 30345 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What do you want to be when you grow up /tc/?
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>> No. 42142 [Edit]
Both of those require a significant amount of capital to start with.
>> No. 42208 [Edit]
Life begins at 30!
>> No. 42209 [Edit]
I'm 31. When does the magic begin?
>> No. 42362 [Edit]
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I want to be a mathematician and an artist.
I fell in love with math and art on my first contact with them when I was in preschool. But I had a very weird life and didn't follow my dreams. I've already grown old and now seems too late. I wanted/want to get really good at these things and make a lot of things and not care about anything else. It's difficult to put it into words, like not having been yourself and being locked out of your own life. It was just hell. I wish I had a chance.

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42171 No. 42171 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Has anyone else noticed otaku culture outside of japan has turned into something of a magnet for people with "alternative life styles"? People who a lot of the time do not have much interest in anything actually otaku related?
It's as if at some point, being into anime & manga stopped being about being into anime & manga and turned into being part of a large community of misfit weirdos. Those with a legitimate interest in the material have been phased out and replaced.
I used to hide my power level so people wouldn't think I was some embarrassing narutard. Now I hide my power level so people won't think I'm an crazy depraved alternative life style activist furfag.
These people... they choose to alienate themselves from society, and now that they can't fit in anywhere they look too fringe nerd and otaku culture and communities. They don't care what it's about, and they don't see fans who like a certain type of media, they only see a bunch of misfit weirdos who surely would welcome any and all other misfit weirdos. At best they might indulge in a bit of whatever is the most popular thing at the time, but that's not what they're there for.
They're like squatters. They're uninvited people making themselves at home in a place that doesn't belong to them, and they're getting away with it because no one wants to deal with them or the backlash of trying to kick them out. Now they act like it belongs to them, and start changing things to suit their interests.
15 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 42192 [Edit]
I think the dividing line is more plainly whether one watches anime or engages with the medium as an art form on its own right, or watches anime more for the "social" aspect. To take a blatant example, how many people knew about Manga time Kirara before watching Bocchi the Rock and watched it for that sake, compared to watching the show because they saw some funny reactions used somewhere (or because their friends watched it)? This then leads to the phenomenon OP mentioned: if you only engage with otaku culture mainly for the reason of having "some social group" to be a part of, then one likely won't engage with it very deeply.

>alternative life style activist furfag
I find it interesting that perhaps the only group to avoid becoming "diluted" in this sense is the "brony" (i.e. fans of my little pony) community. You'd think that all the anime and furry stuff would naturally bleed over into it, but from what I can see the brony & furry communities remain fairly distinct. Maybe it's a byproduct of the radioactive reputation the former had, so they were forced to create their own more silo'd spaces early on, or something. (Tangentially I've always felt that the brony community partly exists because the west doesn't have anything like CGDCT anime. It's understandable that people who never discovered anime probably went to the only cute/soft/gentle thing that exists in the west. And I never quite understood their radioactive reputation, at least around 2007s or so they didn't seem to invade other communities, at most there were only forum signatures and avatars. In fact I'd say that the "modern" anime community is more invasive in the sense of spamming shounen memes everywhere and generally acting obnoxious).
>> No. 42193 [Edit]
>at least around 2007s or so they didn't seem to invade other communities
Bronies existed before "g4" (the start of friendship is magic in 2010), but that's when it really took off and Moot decided to give them their own containment board.
>> No. 42194 [Edit]
>Bronies existed before "g4" (the start of friendship is magic in 2010)
No. My Little Pony fans existed before G4, but they were mostly adult women collecting figurines out of a sense of nostalgia. "Bronies" are a phenomenon that is specific to when /co/ decided to ironically start group-watching Friendship is Magic - later kicked out to /b/, later kicked out away from 4chan, later given a containment board back on 4chan which was initially highly distrusted.
>> No. 42195 [Edit]
I also thought the OP was referring to those sort of people, they're just posers at the end of the day

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41005 No. 41005 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Is anyone here attending? What kind of stuff have you acquired or plan to acquire?
8 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 41509 [Edit]

Weird how iM@S has fallen out of favour in the West, but is still going so strong in Japan.
>> No. 41511 [Edit]
Was it ever in favor in the west?
>> No. 41512 [Edit]
There was a decent sized English fandom for Deresute last I remember, but this was like 2017. I'm not sure if they just went back to Love Live since it caters to the global fanbase more or if they went onto other mobile games.
>> No. 41576 [Edit]
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just go, man.
do it and don't regret anything.

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24746 No. 24746 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Because the last thread,, is now on auto sage.
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>> No. 42086 [Edit]
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>> No. 42122 [Edit]
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Me at normies and their pathetic power levels bakas
>> No. 42132 [Edit]
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Chu ~
>> No. 42145 [Edit]
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Damn 3D women and their cunning and wiles!

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29712 No. 29712 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
For me it's this.
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>> No. 29724 [Edit]
Dark blue
The top part is short and the skirt is calf-length
white trim and bow and ankle socks or black stockings with loafers
>> No. 35390 [Edit]
Oarai Girls High's Se-la-fuku
>> No. 35391 [Edit]
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White & Green.
>> No. 42118 [Edit]
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I like this one.

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29767 No. 29767 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Joyeux Noël
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>> No. 29784 [Edit]
You may wanna visit the world trade center while you still have the chance. Also, get a good PC and mine the shit out of bitcoin once it becomes available. Oh and if you can try to invest in apple products, their cordless phones are gonna become really really popular (don't ask me why, hell if I know). You'll thank me latter.
>> No. 36925 [Edit]
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Is her birthday on Xmas day or something?
>> No. 37130 [Edit]
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Merry Xmas 2020
>> No. 42113 [Edit]
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Boxing Day 2023 was lit except for the sudden percipitation.

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29736 No. 29736 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What is this website about?
Where did it start? Is this a chan specifically for NEETs?... isn't 4chan the same thing? Please explain
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>> No. 42082 [Edit]
Thanks. It's interesting to know we still have a tiny presence out there. I didn't mean to imply no one was donating anything, I do appreciate it.
>> No. 42083 [Edit]
Don't listen to this suspicious guy. tohno-chan has fallen. Billions must uguu.
>> No. 42087 [Edit]
I didn't feel that there was any implication about donations. I hesitated before adding anything about that because I didn't want it to come off as lame and fishing for compliments, so I just tried to make a little Christmas instead.
>> No. 42089 [Edit]
I think it's a fun idea in theory. I spent a little bit of time on /tea/, I would check it once a week or whatever and just post random stuff. But yes, it is very clearly a clique that knows each other, and that turned me off of it.

It feels inevitable because the userbase is small. If you could find something with 40-50 users instead of the (what feels like) 10 who use /tea/ regularly, it might be more tolerable.

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42045 No. 42045 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
So I was wondering if a book could inspire feelings of moe and comfort just like manga and anime do. I'm talking about slice of life stories made purely for the sake of it. Books like Anne of Green Gables or Heidi aren't exactly moe, but they have this slice of life/comfort element I would like to achieve on prose. Think of it as a written version of K-On! or Non Non Biyori, something both moe and comfortable. Not only a slice of life but also something cute, something moe. I tried writing a really short story using what I consider to be a moe style. This text was originally written in Spanish and I translated it to English for the sake of sharing it here. Please forgive whatever typo or grammar error there might be and let me know if you like it and if you would consider it as moe.

«Cicadas sing in the distance as we get closer to the cottage. It's just my mother and me in the family car. The landscape presents itself elegantly bathed in sunlight. I've put on a white sunhat . I think I look cute wearing it. It's going to be a hot day, I can feel it. Mom smiles at me, and I smile back. It doesn't take long for us to arrive. Our plot among the mountains invite us to enjoy ourselves and all the nature around us. I think my grandma planted tomatoes in the garden. I think next year we'll plant watermelons.

It doesn't take long for Alice to pay me a visit. She shows up unannounced, as usual, and asked if I wanted to hang out with her at the lookout point. Of course I say yes. We hop on our bikes and head up to the old dirt pathways offered to us by the hills.

"Watch out for the stones on the path!" I tried to warn my dear friend, but it was too late; she had already fallen.

I offer her help to get up. She looks at me like a scared puppy, with teary eyes, and apologizes for the trouble. I place a hand on her shoulder and try to cheer her up. Once her sorrows dried up, we continue on our way.

It wasn't hard for us to reach the summit. From there, you can see everything. My grandma's cottage, the village with its red rooftops and belfry, the birch forest... I wanted to take a photo, but I left my camera at home. I think my friend noticed and burst into laughter. I smile at her and start laughing too.»
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>> No. 42056 [Edit]
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>Cute visuals tell you what it's all about
Yeah I agree visuals are better at capturing the moe esence.
>Alice's personality also feels inconsistent. Is she the sensitive type, or the boisterous type?
Honestly didn't think much about it, just made her up according to what was needed. Maybe if I choose a set of character archetypes like they do in manga/anime it could be more coherent.
Are there CGDCT light novels? As in, only slice of life of cute little girls with little to no plot.
>Moe in a way can be considered the evolution of that, just that instead of farmers we have CGDCT
Yeah I absolutely agree.
>I would add more focus on details to give more life to the feeling you want to transmit, like the moe visuals that we all know and love
Thanks for the tip, I tried to add as little detail as possible to not over-saturate the text, but it's true that with little to no details it feels a bit shallow. So I will add more details and more focus on the cuteness next time.
>> No. 42057 [Edit]
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>Are there CGDCT light novels? As in, only slice of life of cute little girls with little to no plot.[]=52

All either manga side stories, or alternative versions of a manga.

Post edited on 18th Dec 2023, 12:15am
>> No. 42064 [Edit]
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it's neither moe nor slice-of-life but there's a novel version of shinsekai yori i'd like to read but apparently there's only a fan translation and not physical media
>> No. 42070 [Edit]
You're probably aware of these errors, but you use very inconsistent tense in you writing.
Allow me to show you.

>She shows up unannounced, as usual, and asked if I wanted to hang out with her at the lookout point.
You begin the sentence with present tense but the second part of the sentence uses past tense. This really throws off the mood of the story.

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