No. 42708
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I see it as additional salt rubbed into the already existing wound that is being a part of that generation of otaku outcasts, wherein there are barely any places for us to congregate and discuss (God bless tc). [ see: >>/so/28572 ]
Unlike finding like-minded peers of the same era by looking for places that discuss shōwa era or contemporary era anime, I can't even begin to imagine how nigh impossible that is for that in-between time, now that it's crammed full of the products of this trend, further alienating what seemingly few there are left.
While these trends are generally ephemeral and only apply to the most well-known works of that era, which can be ignored for the most part, it still instills a looming dread of it affecting more and more, atleast for me.
There is a latent fear that, for example, if I decide to browse a booru to search for artwork of an anime I like, that in the midst of looking at some nice pieces of art, suddenly a gaggle of teenagers kick down the door of my room, grab a hold of my head and FORCE me to look at a drawing, drawn with an aliased pencil tool, of {character_from_a_well-known_anime_from_the_year_200X} sitting down playing cs1.6 on a CRT monitor, smoking a marijuana heroin cigarette, drinking a Monster brand energy drink, while the background is filled with an assorti of {main_characters_from_anime_featured_on_ironic_circlejerk_3x3_charts_of_that_period} sitting around doing nothing, except they're now bipolar and/or bisexual, therefore, instead of letting me indulge in my 2D escapism, I get a grave reminder of what sort of 3DPD reality I exist in; much like the metaphor of cancer/crayfish, pulling me down, back to the slimy dregs of the corporeal, from my (ultimately vain, as it's impossible, but nonetheless earnest) attempt of seeking heavenly perfection (whilst confined in an imperfect world) and climbing out of the bucket.
Whenever this or a similar topic comes up, a piece of advice I keep seeing is that one should simply ignore the masses and don't let external behaviour affect one's enjoyment of a piece of media, yet it comes off as an empty platitude to me, as I am unable to forget and unsee what I have seen, as though it were a parcel of eldritch knowledge; oh how I wish for it to be so easy.
And it's not like I am not proactively isolating and distancing myself from potential exposure to such hazardous knowledge. I've isolated and buried myself from much of the external world, only letting in a miniscule amount of data in (no social media, no news, no nothing, tc being the biggest and fastest thing I browse), anything less and I might aswell just pull the plug completely. Yet I find these trends so ubiquitous, as even with all of that, I still happen to catch traces of them.
Funnily enough, I guess you could say that, in a small scope, they do succeed in being 'denpa' (as a source of it), not in some of their attention/identity(?) seeking actions, as presented by that seemingly mock quote (I hope) of "low key cutting mself 2nite feeling denpa fr", but rather by what they unintentionally represent, which unveiled to me makes me go 「あ……あああ! くっ……はぁっ! あうあああ! ああぁぁぁ! あああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ!」
I'd like to analyse the nature of these phenomena, their origin.
One angle I see being is that tis be but a mere subset of the larger phenomenon of retroism of the periods from about 20-30 years ago, as seen before with the fads of fawning over the 80's, 90's and now 2000's (which I, and assuredly many others, predicted that it will hit the 2000s in no time at all), as the 2000's means the internet, and the internet means a bunch of anime, along with a myriad of other 2000's things for the mainstream to attach itself to, which I assume you lot have also seen happening.
Is it just that? Or is there another vector of influence that is driving this phenomenon?
Will these trends go on and in a decade or two will we see the same but for the otaku media of 2024 and before?
Or will this stop (or continue being a presence) as culture has homogenised/stagnated where it is all just reflections of yesteryear and therefore there's nothing more to mirror other than various aspects of 1980-2010 cultures, ergo in 2040 (if we are still breathing) we will still see lucky star and whatever else being posted?
Do they seek anime of yesteryear because they are not satisfied by current anime?
Or is this all just simply the 'born in le wrong generation' phenomenon, but with the anime medium instead of the typical medium of music, now that it is the mainiest of mainstreams?
Will the pain ever stop, discounting the certain eventuality of mortality?
Post edited on 24th Jun 2024, 5:44am