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File 159584697096.gif - (228.33KB , 1000x1000 , 20200816.gif )
35526 No. 35526 [Edit]
Which other imageboards do you go to?
Expand all images
>> No. 35527 [Edit]
None really.
>> No. 35528 [Edit]
File 159585809996.png - (1.33MB , 800x1147 , 1532665610391.png )
I check occasionally. Used to use uboachan, but it's become pretty shit.
>> No. 35532 [Edit]
>>35528 just needs a push; same with wizchan
>> No. 35533 [Edit]
Last time I saw wizchan it was both fast and garbage, seems like it already got a push but for the worse.
>> No. 35534 [Edit]
A few boards on what is known as the "webring" these days. A bunch of 8ch spinoffs that are forever stuck in the swamp of infighting.
>> No. 35536 [Edit]
You can't fix a shitty owner.
>> No. 35541 [Edit]
Is 420chan worth trying?
>> No. 35542 [Edit]
Sure, if you like hanging out with braindead lefty drogados.
>> No. 35547 [Edit]
As far as I know wizchan bans people like me and only welcomes those engaging in fantasy monk role playing contest for the title of 'true wizard'.
>> No. 35548 [Edit]
That's true, I got banned like that. Most funny thing is I suspect the "true wizards" were 20 yo or younger laughing their asses off of a few 30 yo virgins.
>> No. 35549 [Edit]
420chan is insufferable. Their average IQ is probably like 10 points lower than on other imageboards. Maybe it's because of the sustained drug abuse over the course of decades.
>> No. 35550 [Edit]
The fact that wizchan has a /b/ board (which is probably the most active board on the site and has the quality you'd expect from a /b/ tells you everything you need to know about their main userbase).
>> No. 35551 [Edit]
I only use wizchan for the anime board because I like to share my thoughts on whatever I'm watching, sometimes I also use the hobby one to share my figures. Anything else is not worth browsing because they immediatly get angry if you don't pretend that you're a virgin purely by choice.
>> No. 35552 [Edit]
Tohno-chan has an anime board. Why use two?
>Anything else is not worth browsing because they immediatly get angry if you don't pretend that you're a virgin purely by choice.
How does that ever come up in conversation?
>> No. 35563 [Edit]
>How does that ever come up in conversation?

It's the only thing you can talk about since literally everything else in existence is "normalfag shit".
>> No. 35593 [Edit]
Uboachan has been dead for close to a decade. I don't lurk wizchan, but wasn't there a huge controversy with data-mining and ownership transferal there?

I'm not the person you're responding to, but the rate of posting on /an/ (and Tohno-chan as a whole) is not sustainable enough to be my only source of information. The posts here are more insightful and well-spoken than other imageboards, but that comes at the cost of being able to essentially 'finish' the board once all 24 pages are read because new threads are a rare occurrence. Either way it's better than the alternative, since larger imageboards have zero quality control and their /a/-equivalent boards are almost always filled with children and secondary otaku.
>> No. 35618 [Edit]
File 15968676365.webm - (4.17MB , GP.webm )
Except this one, right?
>> No. 35621 [Edit]
>> No. 35632 [Edit]
Nevermind. There's only 2 stated rules, but the mods use unwritten rules too. They don't even have the courtesy to tell you why were banned. Avoid.
>> No. 35633 [Edit]
>They don't even have the courtesy to tell you why were banned.
I've noticed this is common practice even among established companies. The explanation/justification for it is to avoid making it easier for ban evaders to ban evade.
Which I think is fucking stupid. The whole point of having rules is so people follow them, and if someone who was previously banned decide to follow the rules then what's the problem?
>> No. 35634 [Edit]
File 159708045070.jpg - (72.58KB , 909x900 , 7ee401f7938739cdf1421a05e0368dd5.jpg )
>what's the problem?
Elitism. I see "gatekeeping" as a good thing generally, but it's one thing when there's detailed rules and people get told which they broke, it's another when there appears to be no rules, but certain things are implicitly off-limits and you get banned if you don't "feel the vibe" correctly and act accordingly. An imageboard's demographic and stance on certain things should be transparent.
>if someone who was previously banned decide to follow the rules
I don't even know if it's permanent or not.

Post edited on 10th Aug 2020, 10:30am
>> No. 35664 [Edit]
Anime about GateKeepers
>> No. 35689 [Edit]
File 159769423038.jpg - (63.46KB , 629x1000 , __iwakura_lain_serial_experiments_lain_drawn_by_na.jpg )
Since I'm an Spanish speaker I use Wired-7. It has some Lainchan vibes and I find it pretty high quality compared to other Spanish imageboards.
>> No. 35690 [Edit]
Are you posting in /tower/ too?
>> No. 35691 [Edit]
File 15977020303.jpg - (64.50KB , 604x604 , 1595200811447.jpg )
Haven't posted there in months. Why do you ask?
>> No. 35692 [Edit]
Sorry, don't mind me.
>> No. 35701 [Edit]
Bad-girl Biribiri is hawt. Should be a vodka bottle edit though. Haha.
>> No. 35744 [Edit]
File 159816228215.jpg - (91.08KB , 850x478 , 20200823.jpg )
I just want a anonymous forum where people are mostly polite....
>> No. 35769 [Edit]
Posting slowly is preferred here...
>> No. 35770 [Edit]
Samachan but it's gone now.
>> No. 35775 [Edit]
I really miss Samachan, wish it didn't go under but damn.
>> No. 35776 [Edit]
File 159854644610.jpg - (418.82KB , 850x485 , sample_f769884f6d2607cb8134bcb4a2caad64.jpg )
I looked at it a few times. The range of potential discussion topics was too limited for my taste.
>> No. 35777 [Edit]
File 159854916625.jpg - (90.69KB , 800x900 , __kemomimi_chan_and_inochi_no_kagayaki_original_an.jpg )
Me too, there have been no other sites like it.

That's a plus for me, less is more. Nice picture btw.
>> No. 35978 [Edit]
File 160069335665.jpg - (70.44KB , 1920x1080 , ZL.jpg )
35978 is new...
>> No. 35979 [Edit]
Looks like 8chan spin-off #3434234
>> No. 36026 [Edit]
File 160094674818.jpg - (34.73KB , 433x183 , 20200913.jpg )
8-chan is gone, man.
>> No. 36053 [Edit]
>> No. 36159 [Edit]
that's like that one kid trying to say his yugioh counterfait cards were the real deal
>> No. 36160 [Edit]
File 160150428922.png - (182.96KB , 506x642 , 70d7f580dbe93aa4479cbc9893b6adcc50fa740e.png )
Splitting up a userbase that had fewer than 500 users must be tough.
>> No. 36217 [Edit]
Is this any good?
>> No. 36218 [Edit]
Most of its userbase migrated to sushi. At the same time I'm glad they shut it down if they didn't enjoy it anymore.
Everything outside of /dqn/ is extremely slow. /dqn/ depends on person to person.
>> No. 36220 [Edit]
/iaa/ and /net/ (internet addicts and internet culture) respectively are of decent quality. But yes they're quite slow.
>> No. 36221 [Edit]
That's a terrible site and I'm not sure "most" of the userbase migrated there.
>> No. 36222 [Edit]
I don't understand why both /net/ and /iaa/ exist except that they both have mid 2000s posts on them that are weirdly prophetic.
Never used it, but thats what I heard.
>> No. 36231 [Edit]
What makes it terrible?
>> No. 36234 [Edit]
It's nothing like Samachan. It goes against the few things Samachan tries to enforce.
>> No. 36244 [Edit]
It's run by the same cali, druggie normalfag as uboachan.
>> No. 36351 [Edit]
File 16029150153.jpg - (67.51KB , 1080x681 , FX.jpg )
That comment made me chuckle.
>> No. 37230 [Edit]
File 160947886629.jpg - (236.67KB , 1070x884 , a1.jpg )
>> No. 37431 [Edit]
7chan. It's pretty fucking terrible, but at least it has an actual board, not just a bunch of immobile esoteric topic-logs.
>> No. 37493 [Edit]
File 16120808161.webm - (526.04KB , frezzy.webm )
That I am...
>> No. 37556 [Edit]
An interesting collection of boards there. I like zzzchan's /r9k/ as well. Looking at, I remember that it's a site I visited once and bounced off immediately. I detest that posting style of /r9k/ polluting an /a/ board where you have this pervasive sentiment of "Wah, I don't like anime anymore and it's anime's fault", people applying anti 3DPD logic to all of 2D, and just in general people who hate anime talking about anime. I visited wizchan's /a/ some time ago and immediately bounced off too, should have seen that coming. One of the reasons zzzchan's /r9k/ is a decent place is that they don't talk much about anime.
>> No. 37559 [Edit]
File 161257281696.jpg - (775.45KB , 2065x2850 )
>pervasive sentiment of "Wah, I don't like anime anymore and it's anime's fault"
I think that started somewhat recently. (Or recently for me, at least. My perception of time is messed up.) I don't appreciate it either but I can tell him and the other angry guy is probably just the start of the board's decline while the mod or admin will probably stand by and do nothing as usual or drag their feet for anything.
>people applying anti 3DPD logic to all of 2D
I might have been one of those people. I know for sure I made the post about main characters getting bullied by the girls for not being perfect. Not sure what else you might mean though and I'm not sure why anti-3dpd would be bad on imageboards when they probably need it now more than ever.
>One of the reasons zzzchan's /r9k/ is a decent place is that they don't talk much about anime.
I've thought about posting about it there myself but I don't trust I won't get shouted at over something minor. Their /r9k/ has had a habit of getting into arguments often and I just don't want to deal with someone laser focusing on a single minor point.
>> No. 37560 [Edit]
>>37556 seems like it could have had potential if it was managed properly, but every other post on their is about 3D. Wizchan's /a/ equivalent is at least on-topic but the shows that get threads there don't overlap with my taste and I generally detest the wizchan userbase anyway.
>> No. 37561 [Edit]
File 161257360542.jpg - (325.41KB , 849x1200 , c5c5acd2904753add766ff10a2c39a68.jpg )
I checked it out. Most anons there seem like perpetually pms riddled, self-deprecating assholes with some pol shit mixed in. It's ironic that people who call themselves robots complain so much. What's the appeal?
>> No. 37563 [Edit]
Not him but I didn't find that r9k much appealing either (in fact at this point I'm wary of any r9k board since the topics discussed either devolve into discussion of 3D (all the while they loudly proclaim not to be a harbor for such discussions), or discussion of normalfags (while occasional discussion is fine, threads solely focused on how "superior" they are to normalfags are inane). And the fact that it's yet another lynxchan instance was already a bad sign (the "feature" that allows for attaching multiple images to a post is a great way to absolutely kill discussion and turn threads into imagedumps) ).

Post edited on 5th Feb 2021, 5:23pm
>> No. 37565 [Edit]
/r9k/ is a board about nothing really. It was like that from its inception. No other board has as much of an identity crisis.
>> No. 37566 [Edit]
r9k was originally spawned out of one of the xkcd guy's suggestions, right [1]? It's hilarious in retrospect how wrong that hypothesis was. The space of "garbage discourse" is so vast that just preventing duplicate lines isn't enough. Also if none of the r9k spinoffs implement the filtering then there's not much point calling it r9k in the first place.

>> No. 37567 [Edit]
File 161257605331.jpg - (131.88KB , 1600x1500 , staring cat.jpg )
>what's the appeal
A place for robots to post at all without being 4/r9k/.
>> No. 37578 [Edit]
File 161267946116.png - (658.68KB , 990x1015 , ATUI3899.png )
NEET very rarely posts about 3D, and are mostly joking because they are usually very playful there and know how to self-moderate. The bigger issue with it is that it gets only handfuls of posts a year, which is fitting for the userbase.
/dqn/ is an acquired taste. 4-ch is pretty notable for it's relative immortality compared to its contemporaries.
Oh, man, those first few general interest threads when 8chan went down were real fun. Don't know if it's still fun like that. Seeing how anemic the userbase of that webring is depressing.

Robots are a whole other discussion, they can be chill but a whole lot of things come with them, good and bad and it's interesting how polemic wizardchan is among western imageboard fans.
>> No. 37582 [Edit]
I'll lurk their /r9k/ just because I would like to find a decent /r9k/ again. I actually thought the original discussions of how an extreme "outcast" group had been created in a certain generation was pretty interesting. I feep pike there's a pretty small window of time between maybe 2000 and 2010 where people hitting puberty had a chance to just become complete social dropouts in a way that you don't see anymore. It's weird how kids don't even have a chance of not being accepted by some group to some degree now. I wonder how much the internet taking over every aspect of life had to do with it. I see all these discords where even the biggest autist teenager can find people, and it amazes me. When I was a teenager I just didn't have anyone and that was that. I don't resent it, it just amazes me. I'm aware that in the 80s and 90s it existed but there was no great awareness of it outside of close hobby circles.
>> No. 37584 [Edit]
>there's a pretty small window of time between maybe 2000 and 2010 where people hitting puberty had a chance to just become complete social dropouts in a way that you don't see anymore
No, some people like myself still choose not to join any group because they feel too alienated, don't want the obligation, and don't enjoy that type of interaction in the first place.
>> No. 37586 [Edit]
>It's weird how kids don't even have a chance of not being accepted by some group to some degree now.
Man, no. You take one look at social media and every single person ever created is at each other's throats for no reason. Groups are more focused on who they kick out rather than who they let in. Everyone going "Wow we as a group are so accepting of people we like" is a front and they're bullshitting.
>> No. 37589 [Edit]
The originality bot concept works better for chats than for imageboards, since chat messages tend to be smaller in size, their chance of being unoriginal is infinitely higher.
With imageboard posts being anywhere between 10 to 10000 symbols long, the chance of being unoriginal, unless you're doing it on purpose either to spam or to repeat some stale meme is nigh-on 0, meaning it has no real effect.
Maybe if you made the bot a lot more complicated, so instead of just banning posts that are 100% the same, it runs each post through a ML-algorithm that measures content similarity to older posts would work better, but the sheer amount of resources that'd consume make it impractical for now.
It's not even efficient spam prevention because programming spambots to add some random word in the middle somewhere is trivial.
>> No. 37591 [Edit]
>sheer amount of resources that'd consume make it impractical for now.
Actually I think classical NLP techniques as well as "older" (relatively speaking) ML techniques can compute semantic similarity (it also goes under the name "paraphrase identification") fairly cheaply. You can see an overview of all the known techniques here [1], but clasically you could do something like tfidf, and traditional ML would be just using word2vec or similar word embedding and then using any vector similarity metric (probably the most bang-for-buck in terms of accuracy vs compute requirements).

Newer, fancier techniques would be using BERT to do the embedding.

>> No. 37613 [Edit]
Text-only board
>> No. 37630 [Edit]
File 161303730053.png - (212.62KB , 300x378 , FXJY3047.png )
It feels like 4-ch shot up in relevancy with the imageboard crowd last year or so.
Maybe because they're dropping like flies, and 4-ch is immortal, or maybe it's just interest in textboard sites and 4-ch is the fastest English one.
>> No. 37725 [Edit]
Cos text is cheap in terms of band-width
>> No. 37726 [Edit]
Ah fuck, I hope 4-ch doesn't get overrun.
>> No. 37727 [Edit]
Dont worry about it, most never stay because of the slowness, and /img/ is always eh to bad.
>> No. 37799 [Edit]
Asides from a board on, i just sort of bounce from place to place. Most places are shit and the ones that are good have little to no activity to sustain them. I regrettably still post on 4chan because I can't bring myself to sign up for a forum just for a relatively obscure hobby.

Honestly if 4chan had died before 2010 I think imageboards would've been in a much better place right now. Everywhere seems to be dead or dying unless you're userbase is made up of the type of people who use 4chan/8chan.
>> No. 37806 [Edit]
File 161442594412.jpg - (10.91KB , 342x194 , 20210314.jpg )
bugmenot or use a throw-away email.
>> No. 37836 [Edit]
File 161466422877.png - (19.60KB , 963x140 , the jump into meatspace.png )
>Everywhere seems to be dead or dying unless you're userbase is made up of the type of people who use 4chan/8chan.
Aside from sites aimed at society withdrawals like this one, I think pic related is why.
Do you all agree?
>> No. 37838 [Edit]
It's bullshit. People find time to pay attention to the news and "social issues". They find time for their social gatherings. They find time for their kids. They find time for their social media. None of these things are even half as engaging as posting on imageboards. For a person to keep up with a board and post once daily takes no more than half an hour. It's not an issue of time, it's an issue of culture.
>> No. 37839 [Edit]
I would agree with >>37838 it's about culture. Recently a board I used to browse(merorin) that had been online for probably almost 10 years shut down out of nowhere as the owner decided to use the server for a game with his friends and was embarrassed by the site. One could see the change leading up to that moment however, first it was kind of like a cross between an /int/ and /jp/ but as time went on people started posting frogs, talking about American politics, talking about their work life and other normal topics until by the end it was just a few people blogging about work and posting the latest 4chan memes. The admin must have decided he can blog and post frogs somewhere else and that the /jp/ origin of the board was an embarrassment to him. /what/ died recently as well due to culture also, spamming had changed the board to the point that it was no longer usable.
>> No. 37841 [Edit]
It's partly true but only because people who are both "smart and older than 21" (where I assume "smart" here means "wants good discussion and not just jokes/image macros") are few and far between. Maybe this is a biased perspective, but it's rare to find any good discussion places online; for some reason people have just accepted the shift to short-form, walled off mediums (with maybe few stragglers perhaps still clinging to usenet & bbs). So it's only natural that among that small subset even fewer care about engaging in imageboards.

I remember my disappointment when what I thought was a Yuyushiki-centered chan turned out to be yet another /jp/ spinoff. Although I do hope that any merorin successor is called dondurma.

Post edited on 1st Mar 2021, 11:25pm
>> No. 37842 [Edit]
It makes sense. Average imageboard has always been between 15-25 years old, older people leave at some point. But what happens if I can't or don't want to have a "real life"?
Lately I've been thinking about quitting imageboards completely. I never thought about it before but I can't help to notice I'm completely out of place and I don't get anything particularly positive from them. Mostly the opposite. But I spend lots of time in them, and it's not that easy to just do something else. Most of the time I'm extremely tired and imageboards are the kind of low effort activity I can do anytime. Even simply watching anime is too tiring for me. Also it's the only form of communication I have with other humans and the only time I can express my thoughts, and I'm a little worried about what could happen if I just cut it.
>> No. 37843 [Edit]
>But what happens if I can't or don't want to have a "real life"?
My thoughts exactly.
>> No. 37844 [Edit]
I don't want to leave, I really really don't, because I feel like I'll be leaving people behind. And for the most part, this is the only place I have, and it's the only place I've ever belonged. I simply don't have anywhere else to go.
>> No. 37845 [Edit]
Sometimes you can only have one place and nowhere else to go, but at the same time you don't really belong to that place.
Do we need imageboards?
I'm not sure. Cutting all communication is scary, I think we unconsciously relate that to death. But at the same time it's a frustrating, unfulfilling and depressing activity.
>> No. 37846 [Edit]
>it's not that easy to just do something else
Using ibs as your main online activity which probably also means your main activity in life is not the best idea. The fact you don't have energy even to consume entertainment puts you in a terrible spot. I don't think imageboards are the problem, not having anything else besides that is. But you probably already know that.

You're literally too tired to watch anime or you too bored?
>> No. 37847 [Edit]
Tired. I can't move from bed most of my free time. I fall sleep often too, and suffer lack of focus and headaches. I have lots of tbings to do, I used to build model kits, play videogames, draw, read, but I don't have the energy to do any of those often.
What other online activities I'm supposed to spend my time with besides imageboards?
>> No. 37848 [Edit]
File 161472105983.png - (778.50KB , 704x900 , 040f4be4f5f108abef01858789f769ac.png )
>And for the most part, this is the only place I have, and it's the only place I've ever belonged. I simply don't have anywhere else to go.
I don't even have that. It's just easier to pretend that I do belong here than anywhere else.
>> No. 37849 [Edit]
Sorry to state the obvious here anon but you might have some health issues that finding other online activities won't solve it. You already mentioned you can't even watch anime anymore. I mean if you were healthier, finding something online to enjoy would be easy. You said yourself you engaged in a lot of other hobbies before.
That said, any online activity would do. Anything that interests you. For example I read manga, watch anime and LPs of Japanese rpg maker games. It's not much but it keeps me going.
>> No. 37850 [Edit]
I have the same problem as him and physically I'm not so unhealthy that it should be physical. I think it's a form of chronic seasonal depression in my case, whenever it gets cold my brain just shuts down and I want to sleep all day.
>> No. 37920 [Edit]
>> No. 38007 [Edit]

Stop advertising this site you fucking faggot zoomers are cancer.
>> No. 38008 [Edit]
it is older than tohno chan
>> No. 38009 [Edit]

>> No. 38010 [Edit]
So is twitter and facebook.
>> No. 38016 [Edit]
Considering the thread topic is "what other imageboards" you visit, I don't think that he was advertising it.
>> No. 38027 [Edit]

No its 2channel in English.
>> No. 38028 [Edit]

We don't need refuges fuck off.
>> No. 38032 [Edit]
File 161782526482.jpg - (255.46KB , 1000x1000 , 0031e825b4ec7b41ee6785e2916d24bd.jpg )
Some good stuff, and even a bit of decent oc. Would recommend.
>> No. 38082 [Edit]
File 161872160219.jpg - (282.20KB , 1600x1067 , 2mtg.jpg )
This feels like a trap....
>> No. 38084 [Edit]
File 161872243513.png - (557.79KB , 2822x892 , screenshotl.png )
Is this enough proof it's real?
>> No. 38088 [Edit]
At what point in time was /what/ anything other than spam? To be fair, I stopped checking it a few months after it was initally created, but back then it was nothing but some schizo faggot spamming about how he wanted to have sex with /what/min. I'm surprised it even lasted this long.
>> No. 38207 [Edit]
>> No. 38558 [Edit]
I'm fascinated by 22chan and how it emulates the old internet. Really a blast from the past. Also they ban normalfags which is great.
>> No. 38559 [Edit]
It's hosted in Germany, so it's shit. And the superficial, "bringing back the old net" schtick is tired.
>> No. 38560 [Edit]
Reading through that list of rules, I don't understand your objections. I haven't used 22chan, so I'm interested to hear some of the meat behind your expression of distaste.

1) Why is it bad that it is hosted in Germany?
Sure, we all hate Jews... but if you need your dose of that stuff you can get it elsewhere, not everywhere needs to serve up the same material. (That 22chan had a /pol/ board until recently is certainly a strike against it, however.)

2) And the superficial, "bringing back the old net" schtick is tired.
Is this their shtick? >>38558 brings it up, but glancing through the site itself that doesn't seem to be anything they themselves are pushing for, except insofar as "old net" means avoiding the more cancerous parts of the "new net" (e.g. Rule 1). But that isn't a shtick, it's just something necessary for a site to be worth visiting.
>> No. 38561 [Edit]
File 162742947359.png - (1.11MB , 1013x1433 , 1627190032489.png )
Germany and the EU has many more restrictions on expression than that. Their policy towards loli especially is unacceptable. I have an immense contempt for the EU and their laws in general, so even hosting a website there is a level of enabling I look down on. Having a /pol/ board to begin with is also a sign of being shit, so don't be such a presumptuous faggot about other people's priorities.

Not allowing posting from a vpn is moderator over-reach in my opinion. Not only do they not allow any porn or discussion of it, they go out of their way to state it's "not comfortable" like that's a fact. People can have whatever rules they feel like on their shitty sites, but I will judge them if they can't even express those rules with professionalism and a non-judgmental tone.
>> No. 38562 [Edit]
>I'm fascinated by 22chan and how it emulates the old internet.
It's indeed fascinating to watch them try to recreate the feel of the old internets, but they seem to focus a lot on the appearance, rather than truly recreating the atmosphere and spirit.
I can't shake the feeling like it's all just a huge LARP, and i don't even mean that in an accusatory sense.
Just with all those threads along the line of "Hey, there used to be X threads on old /b/ so let's do an X thread here!" it appears like they are frantically trying to imitate the past based on the surface level appearance, however the visible features of imageboard culture were the manifestation of a certain spirit that existed back then, and strong sense of identity, which i think is still kind of lacking on 22chan.
That being said, i don't think they are being disingenuous in their effort, just kind of lost and they seem to realize it too.
That actually makes me feel quite some sympathy towards them, since going back to the old net is something that i think of a lot, and have spent a lot of time thinking about the reasons why it all changed and how to bring it back, but still haven't really found a satisfactory answer.
However them staying clear of the cancer that is modern net culture is definitely a very good thing, and maybe, given time they will develop an actual identity that is based on the old spirit. I sure hope they will.

>Not only do they not allow any porn or discussion of it, they go out of their way to state it's "not comfortable" like that's a fact
The wording is somewhat retarded, yes, but i can see where they are coming from with this rule. Given the regrettable state of 4chan's /b/, the desire to prevent the site devolving into a porn dump is understandable.
While i think bans should only ever be a last resort, 22chan actually trying the approach of banning porn will at least serve as a good experiment to see whether that is a viable approach to raise the quality of interaction on a random board.

I do agree however that the EU is a terrible place to host a site, and the admin choosing to bow to demands from the hoster (which was the initial reason for the ban on porn) is somewhat concerning.
>> No. 38563 [Edit]
Seems like they're trying really hard to emulate the worst parts of back then, judging by the fact that they have a thread worshipping the Ghost Stories dub.
>> No. 38564 [Edit]
Thanks for elaborating. I am inclined to agree with >>38562 that banning porn is an interesting experiment. More imageboards experimenting with different things is good, even if not all experiments produce positive results. And I enjoy loli artwork, but banning it isn't uncommon, and as a practical matter once porn is banned you're not missing out on that much more. Basically, I would say that not every imageboard needs to have everything, and more variety across different boards is a good thing; thus "bad" policies can be good... as long as they aren't adopted by everyone at the same time.

All of this is speaking at a purely theoretical level, since as I said I haven't spent time there. But it sounds like that makes two of us. If >>38562's description of it as just people failing to bring back old 4chan is accurate, then I probably won't spend much time there, but these descriptions are interesting enough that I may lurk for a while to see what's up.

>Having a /pol/ board to begin with is also a sign of being shit, so don't be such a presumptuous faggot about other people's priorities.
Reading comprehension.
>> No. 38565 [Edit]
I think you guys are being a bit too hard on 22chan.
Really at this point all I want from an imageboard is to talk about anime and other otaku stuff with genuine fans of that sort of thing, with a minimum of post-2007 bullshit. If it tries but fails to be exactly like the early 00s internet, fine, whatever, it'll do.
>> No. 38566 [Edit]
File 162747140818.png - (240.77KB , 384x503 , VANT7260.png )
>It's indeed fascinating to watch them try to recreate the feel of the old internets, but they seem to focus a lot on the appearance, rather than truly recreating the atmosphere and spirit.
I can't shake the feeling like it's all just a huge LARP, and i don't even mean that in an accusatory sense.
Just with all those threads along the line of "Hey, there used to be X threads on old /b/ so let's do an X thread here!" it appears like they are frantically trying to imitate the past based on the surface level appearance, however the visible features of imageboard culture were the manifestation of a certain spirit that existed back then, and strong sense of identity, which i think is still kind of lacking on 22chan.
That being said, i don't think they are being disingenuous in their effort, just kind of lost and they seem to realize it too.

I get this vibe from /qa/, except they come up with new stuff well enough, but still, a lot of people have accused them of newfags pretending to be /jp/.

>That actually makes me feel quite some sympathy towards them, since going back to the old net is something that i think of a lot, and have spent a lot of time thinking about the reasons why it all changed and how to bring it back, but still haven't really found a satisfactory answer.

My hypothesis is age, how modern culture legitimized the internet as an important thing, and the fact it's the same small handful of jaded folks using these boards.

/general/ feels so different from the rest of 4-ch that it's actually kind of odd to me.
4taba feels like another "imposter" board, after the owner left it felt like the original spirit was gone and was left with an imitation of it.
I hope you're doing better now, anon.
>because I feel like I'll be leaving people behind
This is the main reason I check up on sites from time to time, I hope you're all OK. But on the other hand, many, many IB users left us behind.
Both of these feel so abandoned these days.

Futaba is fun to look at with a translator, though a lot of the slang makes it somewhat difficult. I also like reading 2ch's big boards is fun when I want to read ネトウヨ insanity, and the smaller, slower boards have good reads sometimes, although there are many lamenting the waning userbase of the format. It's kind of funny to see, if it wasn't so sad.
I also sometimes post on a forum about a niche sport, but even there reddit seems to have taken most of the userbase, I find it bizarre how a lot of people just accept the homogenization of the internet, but it is what it is. I can never bring myself to use reddit, it's annoying to read with the way the site is set up, you can't reply to multiple people at once, and that's not even getting into the problems with upvote/downvoting and the userbases it has.
>> No. 38567 [Edit]
File 162748653532.png - (1.29MB , 1130x1553 , 1627407437563.png )
I think imageboards have some intrinsic, unique appeal, so it surprises me that among the constant waves of new, young people om the internet, more aren't drawn to them. Perhaps 4chan had something else that helped it take off outside of being in the right place at the right time, and more recent imageboards lack these qualities.

Most people on imageboards that aren't 4chan dislike it, and you could argue moot screwed things up by chasing popularity above preserving the site's original subject-matter and target demographic.
>> No. 38568 [Edit]
>My hypothesis is age, how modern culture legitimized the internet as an important thing, and the fact it's the same small handful of jaded folks using these boards.
I agree, that's part of the reason, especially the second point,
but specifically the idea that the internet is an important part of the real world.
That just draws in the wrong kind of people.
However the internet was pretty important to a lot of people even back then, with communities at each others throats and constant drama and whatnot.
Yet it was still different.
I suppose it boils down to the fact that back then the internet was more fractured and diverse, thus those conflicts were just localised things, and would register as merely a curiosity outside of their respective area. Each on their own would merely be good for a laugh, but there were so many unrelated things happening all the time, that the internet itself felt fresh and alive.
Today probably 90% of the population of the internet is involved in the same topics, on the same few sites, all of which bleed over into each other, making the internet this huge monolithic blob, even if technically you have different sites.
This in turn leads to the dead and sterile feel that so many people notice.

Another thing i notice, is that people seem to have much more defined expectations of what they want out of their online interactions, and demand exactly that, over and over again. For example, my recollection of my first couple years on /b/, is that there was much more variety in threads, and while most things were not exactly to my taste, every couple minutes a new threads would pop up that caught my attention, and it would usually get responses, making the act of F5ing for hours actually worthwhile.
The last time i've been there however, it was just mostly the same stuff on the first page, and everything that did not match one of the popular topics, would just sink like a stone and be gone in minutes.

>I also sometimes post on a forum about a niche sport, but even there reddit seems to have taken most of the userbase, I find it bizarre how a lot of people just accept the homogenization of the internet
People really seem to crave a neverending loop of the same thing, and i just can't understand that.

>I think imageboards have some intrinsic, unique appeal, so it surprises me that among the constant waves of new, young people om the internet, more aren't drawn to them. Perhaps 4chan had something else that helped it take off outside of being in the right place at the right time, and more recent imageboards lack these qualities.
4chan is massive though, and as for other imageboards, i guess it's just that 4chan is already there and it's good enough for most, so it absorbs most users, especially when most of those are hyper focused on just consuming a limited number of types of content and nothing else.
I think this trend in people is the main reason why everything gravitates to the same places, and why 4chan itself has become so homogenized.
>> No. 38569 [Edit]
>4chan is massive though, and as for other imageboards, i guess it's just that 4chan is already there and it's good enough for most, so it absorbs most users

Do you think that if 4chan ended up kicking the bucket, it would lead to people that actually cared about imageboards seeking altchans and thus populating them? Would that lead to a positive effect?
>> No. 38570 [Edit]
That depends on what to consider caring about imageboards. To most, i think, that just means caring about the ability to label oneself as an imageboard user.
Those are the same people that are content sitting in the same generals and posting the same old oneliners over and over, and thats what i meant by 4chan being good enough for them.
If 4chan croaked, i'm not really sure where those would go. I suppose they would eventually concentrate at another place that allows them to continue doing just that, or create a new one.
While things are still in flux however, many 4chan users would end up at least temporarily seeking out altchans, yes, and i fear the effects would be disastrous. Small altchans simply would not be able to assimilate huge amounts of new users, as the native population would find itself becoming the minority pretty quickly.
Of course, there is the possibility that the fracturing of the 4chan userbase would break the status quo and change the face of imageboard culture again, but i wouldn't really count on that, as the greater context of the internet remains the same, and the users individual environments would largely remain unchanged. There just don't seem to be many people left to whom imageboards are their primary environment, essentially.
Lots of new altchans would certainly form however, and the people who are dissatisfied with the current state of 4chan but are still stuck there for whatever reason would be forced to migrate and form new communities or join existing ones.
I guess those would be the kind of people you meant.

To answer the question, i can't really say whether the net outcome would be positive. Like with all huge stirrups there is potential for change, but also a lot of damage will be done in the process and the outcome is largely unpredictable.
Right now as i see it 4chan acts as somewhat of a shield to smaller imageboards, like Jupiter to Earth, and there does exist a trickle of people who pass the filter and move on to other chans, which is probably healthier than massive, sudden changes.
>> No. 38571 [Edit]
>that just means caring about the ability to label oneself as an imageboard user.
That is an insane top priority. I think those people sit in generals because they like it and its sense of continuity.
>> No. 38572 [Edit]
It's not exactly the generals i have a problem with, but rather the practice of regurgitating the same unchanging shit, with no development.
Generals can produce nice discussion and atmosphere, but they seem to be especially prone to devolving to such a state. Of course that isn't limited to generals.
A lot of my bitterness towards generals in particular just comes from seeing some that i liked turn to mindless circlejerks, but my gripe is with any kind of thread that is just the same posts over and over, with only minor variations in the best case.
>> No. 38579 [Edit]
Last I checked (about a year or so back) 22chan seems like it had potential to be good (not being yet another lynxchan-based 8chan spinoff is a good start), but none of the existing threads on boards I'm interested in (/a/, science/tech, and /so/-equivalent) there felt conducive to discussion); and that too the supposed /so/-equivalent /yu/ felt a bit too much like /r9k/ for my taste.
>> No. 38583 [Edit]
File 162786014625.png - (865.95KB , 594x747 , t844849.png )
Guess. Go on, try, guess. As if that actually would be hard!
>> No. 38584 [Edit]
Is there an image board themed around mai melody?
>> No. 38622 [Edit]
Alrighty then.

That seems very specific...
>> No. 38624 [Edit]
File 162890287366.png - (150.65KB , 1465x854 , screen.png )
The new address
>> No. 40443 [Edit]
Wizchan is a weird place. The /hob/ threads have a semblance of coherent discussion and hint that intelligent people do inhabit it (e.g. the math and programming threads have decent beyond-high-school-level discussion), but all other boards seem to be a dumping ground with a terrible signal-noise ratio. It feels like there's potential for it to be decent, but there's zero moderation so it ends up being a free-for-all.
>> No. 40444 [Edit]
I spent some years on some of the well-known places when I was younger until I started to feel that it was doing me a lot more bad than good, eventually found small imageboards and liked the atmosphere, been on and off the internet for a long time but to sum things up I'm mostly a lurker and occasional poster only in small places (mostly TC, sometimes lain and sushi).

What happened feels like a cycle, back in the day imageboards had a relatively small user base keeping things alive, there was a sense of community and a developing culture around it, time passed and things moved to the era where the internet gained both mainstream accessibility and popularity, traffic peaked and the quality of content declined, ruining many board's culture and inspiring the creation of smaller sites.
Now regarding the present it seems like a lot of people that used imageboards because of a fad are moving onto social media sites for good, and the younger generations are getting hooked to those places too, leaving imageboards behind.

Personally I feel that the most important thing on any board is to preserve it's culture and never forget it's roots.
>> No. 40468 [Edit]
there were a couple that i used to lurk but i never have time any more

>how do you not have time to check an imageboard a couple times a day?
I got a job and started getting very invested and very busy. to the point where i could no longer participate in any threads or games or events anybody in the community planned. checking the site because self inflicted sadness because all i would ever see are threads i missed, inside jokes i was no longer privy to, and even if i spent time trying to catch up id just get pulled away by work again and the cycle would restart. now after years it feels like the community has moved on and ive been completely forgotten, and all the friends i thought i made have forgotten about me

maybe one day ill be able to go back.....
>> No. 40601 [Edit]
File 166460784563.jpg - (840.26KB , 2377x2880 , 4chan_19_birthday.jpg )
Even though it's pretty bad now, most of us made good memories there. I like this year's ceremonial artwork, though not because of what it's referencing, but due to it being a rather simple affair depicting simple fun.
Next year, 4chan will be turning twenty, which will feel weird. But goodness, TC is getting up there too, and I can only hope it will also see two decades of existence.
>> No. 40637 [Edit]
File 166493931984.jpg - (262.46KB , 644x901 , rip_moot_2015.jpg )
I have a neat domain ( name I snagged last year that I was thinking of using to create my own board, but it turns out the fuckers want me to pay almost triple what I initially paid to renew the domain this year.

So I'm letting it go, though the idea of creating a board my own way is still in the back of mind. A bunch of other ghost town imageboards already exist of course, but I still haven't found the right one with the right culture, with the right people, seems most admins are shitheads (probably because they originate from the cancerous tumour known as 8chan). Tohno-Chan is the closest approximation but it bothers me that the software is old, there's no https, it's hard to browse etc.

I wish we could work something out and get this community up and running again (I don't use IRC anymore so I don't know what the general feeling of people here is, sorry). Just my opinion.

Did this go down? It's not working for me.

I still visit there daily because nowhere can you find instant discussion on any topic like that. I've been fleeing the more popular boards because they started getting infected. Even /a/ is kinda shit now.

Also I recently came upon but it's more of the same /jp/-style lolsorandumb no substance posting.
>> No. 40638 [Edit]
I snagged a domain that could probably resell for a lot, but have been paying $20 a year to renew it all the same. Maybe it's just the domain service you're using? Have you considered transferring and parking it with someone else?
>> No. 40639 [Edit]
>it's hard to browse
What do you mean?

>Did this go down?
The new url is:
>> No. 40640 [Edit]
Forgot to mention, I like the polling board on kissu, I think it's a fun idea.

I'm using Maybe it's because of the .cool TLD? Which one are you using?
>> No. 40641 [Edit]
In my case it was the .moe version of a very well known website that I got when those first became a thing. Not sure if they'd support .cool but try 101domain com.
>> No. 40642 [Edit]
> the software is old, there's no https, it's hard to browse
None of these are material issues.
>> No. 40643 [Edit]
File 166494084243.jpg - (2.12MB , 1920x2100 , 4chins versus Tohno.jpg )
Looked it up on that website it's only about 5-6 dollars going by other .cool domains. I could pay the money, it's not about that, it's just throwing money away which I don't like and they upped the price.

>What do you mean?
I guess I just got too used to using 4chanX. On TC you have to browse the old way with the index, catalog browsing doesn't matter because the boards are slow anyway. I mean it's not necessarily bad, I know people like that, but having 4chanX is just too good to pass up and it works on other board software based on Tinyboard.
>> No. 40644 [Edit]
*5-6 dollars cheaper I mean.
>> No. 40645 [Edit]
I assume you're referring to inline threaded reply with 4chanx? That's only really useful for high-velocity boards. For slow boards replies are mostly linear anyway so there's little benefit. TC has preview on hover which is sufficient.

And 4chanx is implemented client-side anyway, I'm not sure why board software matters here.
>> No. 40646 [Edit]
>inline threaded reply with 4chanx
I'm not sure what you mean. Maybe I missed it all these years but there's no image preview on hover only post preview, right?

Anyway, I know TC users are reluctant to change which is why I wanted to make my own thing, I'm not trying to change people here. TC is fine as it is if people want it that way. Part of the reason I still use 4chan even if the userbase there now is a bunch of ford drivers and low IQ fecesbook rejects who vomit /pol/shit everywhere. I have nowhere else to go.
>> No. 40647 [Edit]
>I still visit there daily because nowhere can you find instant discussion on any topic like that.
Ditto. Thing is, 4chan is often one of the better places for certain topics. Because your other choices are going to be reddit or discord channels, which are somehow always worse.
You just can't win.
>> No. 40648 [Edit]
/pol/ is one of the few places where you can go to read and discuss the non-mainstream view of things. It's terrible snr, but still occasionally has quality posts so still remains the best place I've seen for this kind of stuff.

/a/ is a mixed bag, depends very much on the specific show and time of day. Generally for actual discussion of shows I have seen better posts on reddit, but there's something fun about the stream of consciousness type posts on /a/ as you go through airing shows.
>> No. 41032 [Edit]
>the non-mainstream view of things
There's more than one "non-mainstream view of things". /pol/ only offers puerile contrarianism, jew conspiracy theories, and astroturfing.
>> No. 41301 [Edit]
File 168033865274.jpg - (121.60KB , 1276x768 , 20230301.jpg )
I sometimes post on textboards...

It's raining now...
>> No. 41304 [Edit]
File 168037187594.png - (1.00MB , 2810x2810 , 1679399459697202.png )
same anon
>> No. 41367 [Edit]
their views on politics (/pol/) are very mainstream
>> No. 41522 [Edit]
File 168706893136.jpg - (90.33KB , 735x1050 , Clipboard01.jpg )
Voidchan is offline? doesn't connect...
>> No. 41523 [Edit]
File 168707614697.png - (141.48KB , 502x263 , STOP.png )
voidchan has been voided
>> No. 41533 [Edit]
I sometimes go to's /soy/, but I can never stay very long there
>> No. 41536 [Edit]
Ew, what an atrocious site that is.
>> No. 41537 [Edit]
It's all the posts you've filtered from 4chan, all concentrated in one place! I have no idea why you'd want to browse it or what they even discuss though.
>> No. 41539 [Edit]
Guess it's a good reference point to determine the degree to which your imageboard is shit.
>> No. 42379 [Edit]
File 170936829227.jpg - (126.69KB , 850x1202 , 20240304.jpg )
I go on textboard these days. Images distract me too much these days.

>>41304 appears to be dead?
>> No. 42381 [Edit]
File 17094064775.jpg - (70.97KB , 828x712 , born to 3.jpg )
aside from here and 4chan, i only really hang around hikari3. it's slow, but nice.
i used to use kissu a lot, but i don't know i'm just incompatible with them or if they're just weirdly hostile towards anything outside of their "clique", for lack of a better term, it feels like every post i made there was a wrong option in a VN. people would call me defensive over posts i thought were innocuous.
i'm relatively new to imageboards, i get really anxious about posting sometimes, but i'd like to find more places to talk about things, it feels like nobody online quite shares the exact same interests as i do.
>> No. 42383 [Edit]
File 170941112151.jpg - (3.84MB , 1414x2000 , 81429799_p0.jpg )
>i used to use kissu a lot, but i don't know i'm just incompatible with them or if they're just weirdly hostile towards anything outside of their "clique"
They're Canadian. Pretending to be nice is their MO. Surprised nobody has mentioned kakashinenpo yet.
>> No. 42384 [Edit]
I tried out kissu a few years back back when the migration away from 4chan's /qa] was happening. I don't really like any of the /jp/-focused forums, they're fun in small doses but it's not really "substantive" enough to attract good discussion. Also I will always be disappointed that merorin was used for yet another /jp/spinoff (and one of the more terrible ones at that) instead of the /ot/-esque, data-processing-club-inspired "in depth discussion of non-serious things" that it ought to have been.
>> No. 42385 [Edit]
>Also I will always be disappointed that merorin was used for yet another /jp/spinoff (and one of the more terrible ones at that) instead of the /ot/-esque, data-processing-club-inspired "in depth discussion of non-serious things" that it ought to have been.
I peaked at that and it's complete garbage. Why did you ever have any expectations of it? The mods are so dumb, they'll ban someone for doxxing, but not delete the post.
>> No. 42387 [Edit]
>Why did you ever have any expectations of it?
Because of the name. Surely a Yuyushiki-inspired imageboard would have quality posts!
>> No. 42399 [Edit]
File 170968664012.jpg - (760.38KB , 1213x750 , yande_re 301688 aikatsu! gun kiriya_aoi lm7 unifor.jpg )
I don't really use any other imageboards these days since none of them mesh well with me other than T-C. I've become far more asocial as I've gotten older, so it's probably just a personal thing.

>they're just weirdly hostile towards anything outside of their "clique"
You are correct. Many posters there seem to get strangely passive-aggressive at the slightest hint of a disagreement which I find strange. Isn't one of the central goals of discussing stuff to share different viewpoints? You can tell somebody they're wrong/explain your own opinion without devolving into childish bickering; not being confrontational all the time doesn't suddenly turn a place into a hugbox.
>> No. 42402 [Edit]
Not related to that imageboard specifically, but I've been on more niche imageboards for a considerable amount of time, and I'm always worried that there's some odd underlying discord clique that makes up the poulation of the board. Especially some of the ones that are considered more "loser" ones. Do they just choose to use these imageboards so they can make themselves "special" and "unique"? Why do people like this choose imageboards when they could be going on some website like Facebook or Instagram? They have a choice; I don't. Is there no way to escape normalfaggotry?
>> No. 42403 [Edit]
I also tried it out after migrating from 4chan's /qa/. 4/qa/ was only good relative to the rest of 4chan, it wasn't that great from what I remember. The fun part was getting an inside look at how the moderation of the site worked with a laid back /jp/ and off-topic theme. Kissu doesn't have anything to do with its origins other than meta and the mods are self aware of their passive agressive culture and inconsistent moderation. They brush off criticisms of it as if it's not their fault for not enforcing rules. It's only tolerable in small doses like you said.
Unless you have seen discord links or namedrops, there is nothing to worry about. It's obvious when that is happening in my experience.
>> No. 42412 [Edit]
File 17098929061.jpg - (171.17KB , 850x698 , 20240310.jpg )
Are there no active textboards anymore?
>> No. 42413 [Edit]
Does 5ch not count?
>> No. 42415 [Edit]
I meant an english-language textboard....
>> No. 42416 [Edit]
There are a few but none are good, and most are extremely small.
>> No. 42483 [Edit]
File 171153743628.jpg - (44.89KB , 835x400 , 20240331.jpg )
Which one?
>> No. 42484 [Edit]
So you can spam your shit there as well? Fuck off. You are cancer to every place you go to.
>> No. 42485 [Edit]
Whats the worst he can do on a text only board? Post ascii street fighter text art?
>> No. 42486 [Edit]
Which surely contributes as much to those places as his street fighter images on imageboards.
>> No. 42487 [Edit]
File 171157289447.png - (31.90KB , 1440x786 , cammy shiftjs.png )
>ascii street fighter text art
I'm disappointed there's not more of that.
>> No. 42488 [Edit]
Here's some:
>> No. 42737 [Edit]
It feels like 22chan had a bit of a culture change (for the better) ever since it was revived in 2022. The old admin who killed it fucked off as well.
>> No. 42738 [Edit]
Hm yeah you're right, quality now seems better than what I remember. I guess I'll poke it occasionally and see if anything catches my eye.
>> No. 42739 [Edit]
Huh? I haven't used that site in like 2 years. Is it really that much better than what it used to be?
>> No. 42740 [Edit]
Based on this thread
22chan is way too focused on "board culture", instead of simply providing a good place for people to talk and enjoy posting. For instance, they're afraid of making a board that's not "active enough". It's very collectivist and performative.

Post edited on 30th Jun 2024, 8:21am
>> No. 42741 [Edit]
File 171976102565.jpg - (13.43KB , 338x338 , menhera eats pocky.jpg )
i browsed 22chan for a bit, and it seems comfy, but is it weird that i get anxious browsing boards that seem populated by people who only really like the "old"?
i can't quite articulate it, but i'm always afraid i'll get irritated by people who seem to only ever dislike anything new, so i was kind of afraid to really read through any of threads...
>> No. 42742 [Edit]
the old admin was a fuckin weirdo so its no surprise that the userbase also comes off as unhinged
>> No. 42748 [Edit]
yeah kissu is also terrible
>> No. 42767 [Edit]
Regarding this I actually found this on the new instance:
>> No. 42768 [Edit]
Aren't admins always weirdos?
>> No. 42769 [Edit]
Not ours!
>> No. 42770 [Edit]
Especially ours!
>> No. 42845 [Edit]
I've been lurking that board for a while now and it's very puzzling to me why it gets so much OC made for it on what seems to be a monthly basis.
>> No. 42846 [Edit]
Heyuri is pretty active and it has both a text and imageboard.
>> No. 42847 [Edit]
File 22chan_Caffeine_Race.mp4 - (9.75MB , Spoiler Picture.mp4 )

This was in the snacks thread also there is a /pol/ board but it is locked
>> No. 42947 [Edit]
File 172649500041.jpg - (2.97MB , 2591x3624 , 120033052_p0.jpg )
It appears that the spamfilter has struck another one here. My deepest apologies for that. (.)top domain is filtered and stays filtered for a good reason, so I suggest circumventing in a way or another.
>> No. 42948 [Edit]
The boards that I regularly go to are:
Heyuri is pretty comfy, albeit it's just short-lived shitposting for the most part.
Lainchan has some interesting technological discussions on /sec/, /tech/ the lambda board. There is other boards, but I don't visit them, as it doesn't interest me as much.
Tohno-chan (duh!)
Ernstchan is a small German imageboard, with regular Anime discussions on /b/.

Boards, that I visit once in a while, but I'm not active on are:
Wizchan seems to be overrun by r9k refugees on most boards. There are boards for Anime and games, but they're often derailed with senseless politics, metadrama and 3dpd nonsense.
LamdbaplusJS is the spiritual successor of Nanochan, which to a lesser degree is again the de-facto successor of 8/tech/. It's written entirely in Lua, requires no Javascript and is only available over Tor/I2P/Yggdrasil. Sadly, there isn't much discussions going on these days.
textboard/SchemeBBS is another board with an interesting technical setup. It's written entirely in Scheme and is available over I2P (I haven't tried connecting in a while, maybe it does not work anymore). The tech board is the only remotely active, everything else is dead.
>> No. 42949 [Edit]
> Ernstchan is a small German imageboard, with regular Anime discussions on /b/
Since when? I left because everything that is being talked about doesn't interest me. The threads that I like got 1 post a month, or even less.
>> No. 42950 [Edit]
Maybe I phrased it wrong. There is always a thread up for general Anime discussion on EC's /b/, the "Anime-Faden", but otherwise you're right regarding there not being much Anime discussions. I was referring solely to the "Anime-Faden" being quite active.
>> No. 42969 [Edit]
I honestly see no point in looking for other places. They are either corrupted by normalfaggotry or try to cling onto a time that will never come back, yet I still come here. You are here forever huh. How I wish steve jobs would have never invented the iphone.

There might come a time when language models are good enough that I can consult them about any inquiry or try to engage in discussion, but being proprietary garbage I don't have a lot of expectations for them

Post edited on 1st Oct 2024, 11:22pm
>> No. 42972 [Edit]
>How I wish steve jobs would have never invented the iphone.
Is there really anything to even suggest that during that era smartphones wouldn’t have eventually been invented whether it was Apple or not and become as widespread as they are today? You’re also referring to a time period when competition was still thriving in California and Washington due to a far less aggressive regulatory environment...
>> No. 42973 [Edit]
I think he's using the iPhone as a stand-in for the smartphone revolution in general.
>> No. 42974 [Edit]
Apple made sure web developers prioritized phone experience over desktops. I never used blackberry but I guess it wasn't that normalfag friendly because only black suits used them
>> No. 43022 [Edit]
File 17296740298.gif - (211.74KB , 300x100 , 1680216292181.gif )
>> No. 43024 [Edit]
A woman punching a man is a perfect banner for that site.
>> No. 43025 [Edit]
What is the difference between kiwi farms and lolcow farm?
>> No. 43026 [Edit]
The one is a forum and the other is an imageboard. Also, lolcow colloquially has a lot of bitter females, meanwhile kiwifarms is more dominated by male users.
>> No. 43027 [Edit]
Those are abominations. I hope you don't use them.
>> No. 43028 [Edit]
File 172976073590.gif - (2.53MB , 498x280 , lolcow farm in a nutshell.gif )
Why? You're on an imageboard. It's like the pot calling the kettle black.
>> No. 43029 [Edit]
Because spending your life abusing others for your own entertainment is abominable. People who do it deserve to suffer, and suffer they will.
>> No. 43032 [Edit]
IB user getting angry at lolcowfarm and kiwifarms, lmao what you're even on about anon ? As if these places are particularly different, and you bring up "abuse", most are literally just documenting people and laughing at their stupid antics, not that different from people who follow celebrities tbh.
>> No. 43033 [Edit]
Image boards aren't inherently offshoots of Something Awful, with its nasty strain of normalfaggotry.

This is where kiwifarms is coming from. Just look at null and his hate boner for anything otaku. So it shouldn't be any surprise that it's hated here.
>The Well-Cultured Anonymous (abbreviated WCA) is a book containing informative sections describing how to be a well-mannered and social Anon. Written in true Encyclopedia Dramatica style, the Well-Cultured Anonymous promises hours of meme filled enjoyment that may actually get you ahead(cross out the a) in life.
>This book will teach 15-year-old WoW players who live in their mothers' basements how to make themselves seem normal to the outside world. And how to get head.
>The Well-Cultured Anonymous includes not one, not two, but FIVE chapters on Dating, Relationships and Sex! These are of utmost importance to the basement dwelling troll who would some day hope to attract and keep a wimmins in the kitchen. And it's all contained in a scant 110 highly enjoyable, easily digested pages is everything you need to know. And lots of things you didn't.

Post edited on 24th Oct 2024, 11:39am
>> No. 43034 [Edit]
I'm genuinely surprised anyone on TC tolerates, let alone is supportive of their (lolcow) activities. But then again, from your posting style alone I infer you haven't been a TC user for very long.

My vehement dislike is not from some abstract social-justicey notion that it's "mean" or whatever. Discussion on boards like /pol/, for instance, can get "mean" in some sense but it is nonetheless dispassionate rather than targeted. I'm sure some people there absolutely mean every word they say, but as a whole it does not target any single individual.

With kiwi/lolcow on the other hand, even in the best possible light that all discussion about "lolcows" are strictly confined to forums and no one tries to poke at people outside of it, you are inherently laughing at others for your own amusement. You are right in the sense that it's similar to gossip about celebrities or whatever, but the fact that that is de facto normalfag behavior kind of proves my point.

And actually I see "lolcow" stuff as worse, purely because the targets tend to be more vulnerable in the first place and consider the internet as their home. So it's really not much better than someone bullying a poor kid in a class, and then telling the kid he can always stop coming to school if he doesn't like it.
>> No. 43035 [Edit]
Don't speak with them and they'll go away.
>> No. 43056 [Edit]
Gawking at, obessesing over and documenting everything retards and mentally ill people on the internet do is pretty lolcow-worthy itself.
>> No. 43061 [Edit]
That lack of self-awareness boggles my mind as well.
>> No. 43113 [Edit]
File 173115555157.jpg - (53.49KB , 400x587 , 1713398677102.jpg )
>gossip is abuse
And I'm sure you never badmouth politicians, especially now? Please. With that holier-than-thou attitude you don't fit in on any imageboard - perhaps try major social media sites, like Twitter, Facebook or Reddit. Just stop invading our spaces with your nagging.

>> No. 43114 [Edit]
File 17311557904.png - (335.28KB , 553x553 , 1438161640796.png )
Yeah, I agree all journalists are mentally ill lol.
Perhaps you are own of their 'cows' too and this is what makes you mad?
>> No. 43115 [Edit]
>And I'm sure you never badmouth politicians, especially now?
No, my sweet yankee, I don't.
>> No. 43122 [Edit]
Praise Lord Tohno
>> No. 43144 [Edit]
Does this mean we are getting a thread on kiwifarms now キタ─────────────(゚∀゚)─────────────!!!
>> No. 43145 [Edit]
kf is more concerned about heyuri
>> No. 43146 [Edit]
They discuss /mai/ often if I can trust search results I've obtained a few seconds ago on their forum, so it's no wonder they wander in here as well.
>> No. 43147 [Edit]
/mai/ is basically dead though, and I'm sure even some waifuism subreddit would be more active.
>> No. 43148 [Edit]
tohno-chan is probably too obscure. even when it was relevant over a decade ago it still didn't attract much attention
>> No. 43149 [Edit]
It is still relevant. Miserable people are still there. Those who need imageboards are still there. Imageboards will die soon, but only because newer generations like me are way too retarded to keep on the effort.
>> No. 43285 [Edit]
How did tohno come to be? I think I've read somewhere it was some sort of diaspora. Does that coincide with the highest peak in popularity you are referencing?
>> No. 43286 [Edit]
Tohno has always been the kind to reach out instead of leeching off, it was just a matter of time before he created the world this chan
>> No. 43299 [Edit]
Kissu kind of has the bitterness it does because early in its life (and I think to this day) it was subject to sustained raiding by and the ownership of the soyjak site had a vendetta against it, this embittered the staff of it towards the imageboard space as a whole and this melancholy kind of fell into the userbase in general. There is an attempt made to kind of keep the spirit of 4/qa/ alive, specifically on /secret/, but yeah. It's pretty sad.

It still is better than most /jp/ spinoffs these days, I'd say
>> No. 43300 [Edit]
Oh great lord these are truly reason enough to hate imageboards.
>> No. 43301 [Edit]
On the opposite side of things, this: is the very definition of what I would serve the shadow to never see again. Having to constantly exist among posters like that is what killed every bit of my attraction towards imageboard. Every poster around every corner can just turn out to be an idiot posting about 53xx0. Forgive me, but I need to yell it alound. IF I NEVER IT AGAIN IT WILL BE TOO SOON
>> No. 43302 [Edit]
The ban on lolicon and "extreme political content" turned me away. What a travesty.
>> No. 43304 [Edit]
Lolicon is allowed on hidden boards. A developer finds it immoral (despite supporting the CPC, which has a very low age of consent)
>> No. 43305 [Edit]
What do you expect from Canadians? Also, the UI is an awful, cluttered mess. There's retro, and there's being different for its own sake, even if the result sucks.
>> No. 43314 [Edit]
What value do people see in /jp/ spinoffs? I wasn't really around for the supposed /jp/ golden years, but at least looking at their derivatives it just seems like truly inane posting.

I guess my ideal would be something like /lol/: if TC is mostly medium-effort medium/high quality discussion of serious topics, /lol/ could be considered a place for low-effort but still medium-quality lighthearted discussion of trivial topics with some humor. Basically again (>>42384) what I thought Merorin would be, after all the data-processing club is basically just Yui/Yuzuko/Yukari shitposting about various topics, but doing so with elegance and grace.
>> No. 43315 [Edit]
I guess there's plenty of people who like anime, but are too stupid to have a real conversation. They still want company. If they were born a bit later, they'd be on discord instead.

Post edited on 21st Dec 2024, 2:00pm
>> No. 43316 [Edit]
>If they were born a bit later, they'd be on discord instead.
Technically, this is not true. This is highly probably, but not universally true.
>> No. 43321 [Edit]
>I guess there's plenty of people who like anime, but are too stupid to have a real conversation.
that's basically what kissu ends up being, I finally arrived at that conclusion after seeing so many unnecessarily passive aggressive anons every time I visited.
anyone who uses that site is already on discord, age has nothing to do with it.
>> No. 43323 [Edit]
I only remember Tohno used to trip on /a/ a lot
>> No. 43356 [Edit]
I was batting an eye again on /robowaifu/ on Alogs Space. At first the board seemed not very interesting due to being one of those webring imageboards and having a lolcow board, both of which kind of sucks, but on the other hand, they have /robowaifu/, in which some people, so it seems at least, making a real effort to make female humanoid robots. As of now, I don't know what to think of it, but I like lurking that place and read their discussions. Maybe if I lurk enough, I will become some kind of self-learned robot engineer and can make a robot of my own waifu...probably not though.
>> No. 43357 [Edit]
I remember that board. I don't think anyone there has the skills to bring it to fruition. Also hardware is sort of the "easy" part, software is going to be the hardest (even just the closed-loop control for actions like walking). You'd have better return reading recent papers in ML and experimenting with local models.
>> No. 43358 [Edit]
>Also hardware is sort of the "easy" part
Not quite easy. I don't know prices but something tells the total cost is going to more than all the people on that board have together. You need to keep balance and for that you need a great deal of very precise sensors and motors. They are atrociously overpriced afaik.

Besides that, who is going to develop the control algorithms? Besides requiring insane knowledge of math to even understand, there are no publications on the subject, all of the technology is kept proprietary at the factories. In published form you will only find generic theory that has to be heavily adapted to your particular application and it just happens to be so hard that independent institutions simply find themselves to be painfully unable to reproduce the achievements of industry. People even nearly qualified for the job have their asses too busy building bulletproof empire for the great lords to care about a bunch of lonely shizoids on a god forsaken imageboard.

Post edited on 2nd Jan 2025, 2:39pm
>> No. 43360 [Edit]
>Not quite
I meant easy in the academia sense, as in "solvable". There's no research to be done, the parts already exist and if you have enough money you can buy it.

>no publications on the subject
Right, which is why I mentioned that's the harder problem. And to make matters worse, unlike LLMs where we sort of get free leftovers of bigcorp research (deepseek and lama), robotics has direct military implications and they're simply not going to let any university or company make that publicly available (which is probably why I suspect there's little public research on the cutting-edge control theory needed for humanoid robots, it's all gobbled by DARPA.)
>> No. 43361 [Edit]
File 173585922976.jpg - (367.06KB , 1433x2024 , b1b9740490c38a687ef0b9ba7bef2cdb.jpg )
The problem is there's no clear goal. Does a toaster with googly eyes and silicon breasts qualify as a "robowaifu"? It's just a place to throw ideas out there.

>You need to keep balance and for that you need a great deal of very precise sensors and motors. They are atrociously overpriced afaik.
That's odd considering there's quintillions of insects capable of balancing and precise movement across land, water and air. I think a more biology-inspired approach makes more sense than sticking to traditional mechanical engineering. Not an engineer though...
>> No. 43362 [Edit]
>That's odd
That's not odd at all. I am not going to rant about capitalism though.
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