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31242 No. 31242 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
It's depressing how Japanese girls who are considered tomboys are still ten times more feminine than the best western whore.
3 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 31264 [Edit]
No, I meant that the illusion of non-fictional Japanese women being the epitome of femininity is nothing but marketing, even if unintentional, and that such notion would disappear quickly if someone were to actually engage with enough them to have an appropriate sample size, instead of extrapolating that idea from fictional animated series.
>> No. 31265 [Edit]
And you know this because you have not been to Japan and talked to women?

You're full of shit, even if unintentional.
>> No. 31313 [Edit]
You ever been, eh?
>> No. 31336 [Edit]
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It never fails to bug me.

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31220 No. 31220 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
It's new years TC!
How are you spending it? Got any plans or special traditions you like to partake in?
9 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 31235 [Edit]
Ever since I was a kid I've had this tradition of beating a game on new year's night. First time I can remember doing it was with Spyro 2 on the ps1. Completed the game just after midnight (or maybe it was just before, who knows). It was a nice memory gaming there on the big fat living room ctr while my mom and friends were celebrating in another room. Now I try to time/arrange games to end on new years, or speed through a short game if I have to. Feels like a nice way to end a year and start another.
>> No. 31241 [Edit]
luckily it's not too cold outside at the moment, so I got back on track with my training on new year's eve, after I've been slacking off since october. Went outside and did my usual routine of pull-ups, dips, lunges and leg raises.
>> No. 31250 [Edit]
I do that but with film, much easier to finish on demand.
>> No. 31251 [Edit]
I beat MGS3 with no enemy alerts one new year's eve. it's a fairly short game though.

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30980 No. 30980 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Are we having one this holiday? It's not too late, is it? I have stuff I'm more than willing to send as gifts.
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>> No. 31104 [Edit]

>> No. 31132 [Edit]
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>> No. 31133 [Edit]
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Wow! So much candy! And books too! Thank you Secret Santa!
And a mystery gift from a mystery santa! Thank you so much, mystery santa. I don't know who you are but I appreciate it very much. Long have I lurked and wanted to participate in a secret santa with everyone but I was too shy to ask. I lurked since early in the life of Tohno-chan. I am very happy that I asked this year, I hope that there will be one next year too! Thank you, I had a lot of fun and I hope everyone did too! This was an amazing gift!
>> No. 31555 [Edit]
that flandre figure bagged up like a 20 sack LMAO

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31090 No. 31090 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I found a $100 bill on the ground today and I don't know what I should buy with it. If it helps I have no interests because everything sucks and 2D are just as slutty as 3D, nobody agrees because nobody looks past the surface.and if your disagree you're wrong and you can take it to /tat/ instead.
What should I do with these $100?

Post edited on 22nd Dec 2017, 8:28pm
4 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 31097 [Edit]
Turn it in to the police, of course.
>> No. 31100 [Edit]
>2D are just as slutty as 3D
Them's fightin words!
>> No. 31101 [Edit]
Wow, free pizza for the precinct.

Literally the stupidest thing you can do with loose money without any sort of identifying container or specific denominations is turn it in to the police/ guest services/ security, because nobody can return claimed money since any old idiot can say "uhhhhh I lost money"

If it isn't in a wallet, money clip, or envelope, just pocket it, whoever you turn it into will just use it to buy food or some shit anyway.
>> No. 31102 [Edit]
I'm guessing that anon must have been joking since it's exactly like you said and this should be common sense.

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28274 No. 28274 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I feel so lucky that I get to live in an age with such unbelievably cute anime girls
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>> No. 28278 [Edit]
>I feel that the idealism of animation and drawings doesn't have to be lost just because it's seen through VR goggles
I agree. I've tested VR using phone based headsets and found that if it just covers your entire field of view it's good enough. A sense of depth is nice and does indeed add to the experience but is not completely necessary.
Besides that I've discovered there are already a few applications that will simulate an empty movie theater with your content on the screen. I tried watching an ep of yuruyuri like that, it was neat but gave me a bit of a headache half way in.
>> No. 31058 [Edit]
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I feel lucky that I get to listen to the majesty of voice roids, especially Yuzuki Yukarin. Yukari's voice heals me and I like to listen to it when I'm sleepy. I also feel happy to be able to listen to yukkuris play games, they're so cute and funny.

Post edited on 15th Dec 2017, 11:17pm
>> No. 31063 [Edit]
incredibly cute works of art are a modern miracle
there has never been an age of artistic realization like this before, its a massive paradigm change from the "wonders of the ancient world" monstrosities that humanity used to be impressed by. in 20 years people will walk past burj dubai and whisper "gross its too big" to their cute little sister
>> No. 31071 [Edit]
You see it too?
Just like the Italian Renaissance is defined by works of art, so is now the Japanese Renaissance.
The people of the Italian Renaissance did not think at the time 'we are in the Renaissance', so it is today that we are experiencing a certain culture of art.
Sure, there may be fault-finders, but I'm sure the Italian Renassance had those who viewed their 'trendy art' of the time as distasteful.

Japanese anime art will no doubt be a permenant feature in tomorrow's history books.

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30843 No. 30843 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Be honest, how do you feel about traps?
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>> No. 30929 [Edit]
I can handle a little androgyny in my anime. It's typically not too big of an issue and is usually presented as a gag to begin with.

It's not as if every anime is becoming Houro Musuko, and it will be a long time before we reach that point, if we ever do.

Novelty is a huge part of pornography and why we consume it, I think the presence of the "otokonoko" trope in h-doujins offers a type of novelty. It's as simple as that.

Are traps gay? Yes but do not worry my friend, sexuality is a bit more fluid than you may think, as time has demonstrated to us; Even the mighty warriors known as "samurai" had sexual relations with each other.
>> No. 31000 [Edit]
Traps are so last year, anon, we've moved into better things like ss.
Many trap hmanga still line my exhentai favourites but they're never clicked anymore.
>> No. 31017 [Edit]
I don't particularly like them. I'm of the opinion that women should be feminine and men should be masculine, not some abomination in-between the two. So I probably have more respect for full-blown hard gays than trapfags. Also trap ERPers have really gotten out of hand the past couple years. Now everyone wants to be a trap. It's pretty disgusting.
>> No. 31018 [Edit]
I agree, too bad 70% of the modern world doesn't.

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29255 No. 29255 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What's the strangest thing you've ever found in your home that you have no explanation for?
1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 30986 [Edit]
Found some rusty old cans of redbull in our attic.
>> No. 31008 [Edit]
A scythe.
>> No. 31009 [Edit]
I have an unopened VHS of some sort of performance from a chinese idol from what I assume is the 80s or 90s. I have no idea where I got it or why.
>> No. 31011 [Edit]
Never found any things that I have no explanation for at home.
I'd be pretty freaked out if I did since this is supposed to be an environment which I have complete control over. Stuff that I didn't bring here shouldn't show up.

No. 28343 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Too bad i won't be able to afford Gateboxes or be alive until then, still, it's closer than ever.
Sexbots may become a thing in the future but i'd like to see these Gateboxes succeed instead.
This is the true otaku love, right here.
3 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 30999 [Edit]
Aren't they like $3,000? What's the point of them?
>> No. 31001 [Edit]
A pseudo-interactive mini-holographic companion that reacts to your words and gestures.
>> No. 31005 [Edit]
I had to delete the image in the OP because it contained 3D.
>> No. 31007 [Edit]
Honestly this thing seems like a stupid gimmick. Sure it might seem interesting, but after some weeks I can only imagine it'd begin to get repetitive, responses, actions, etc. That leading to a less believable experience, which I'm not sure if it has in the first place. Because really, anyone buying one of these things has that in mind.

I also can't help wonder how often these things might end up breaking if kept for longer periods of time. It must be somewhat complicated at least, right? With all the features it has. How long will the company support it, and how long will they last? $3k is no small amount of money. I really can't imagine how on earth it could be worth that.

>This is the true otaku love, right here.
Isn't this whole thing more about companionship than love? Think about it. Is everyone who buys one "in love" with the character, or are they after buying it? Doubt it.

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28500 No. 28500 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
How many of you feel like you're getting too old for this shit?
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>> No. 30956 [Edit]
feel like i can't fit in or relate with the people who share my interests anymore, like an old man skate riding with a bunch of teens.
but there's nothing out there for me, so whatever
>> No. 30957 [Edit]
>Younger people tend to speak in very different ways using differnt lingo and phrases you might not be familiar with, making it challenging to relate to them or discuss things with them.
Makes sense, I guess. Wouldn't know because English isn't my first language, I only communicate in English on the Internet and I don't really talk with people in real life.

>It's hard enough to relate to characters and stories when it's set in a different country with a different culture,
I don't think the country or culture matters that much for relating to the characters. Sure there's some culture-related stuff that might be confusing but I think most of it is pretty global, else there'd be way less people enjoying media from countries with different cultures.

> but then you add on that media targeting a different age demographic too and it becomes that more alienating.
For people who don't share the taste of the majority of the target audience but that doesn't mean that a lot of people outside the target demographic can't enjoy the work too.
Also the target audience of anime isn't only young people, there's a lot series who are for older people. Almost everyone reads manga in Japan regardless of age and even in western countries (I think) quite a few old people read comics.

>If not, good on you for challenging norms but exceptions don't make rules.
The majority tends to be part of the target demographic (since they obviously try to make it appealing for the target audience) but I wouldn't call people outside exceptions since they are not few and it's also common for good fictional works to not only be appealing for people inside their target audience.

>"in Japan" being the keywords there.
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>> No. 30976 [Edit]
>3D series
Do you mean 3D as in live-action tv or anime that uses 3d models?
I'm assuming the former in which case, I actually did watch those for a while until I got bored of them. One that I used to like was the show Monk. I hate to sound like the difficult sort who doesn't take any advice but what I've said so far was true for me.
>> No. 30979 [Edit]
Not only live-action tv series, but shows in general, including news-casting, documentaries, contests, etc. Maybe you have fun subliminally-learning and just haven't noticed it or something like that. For example, a week ago or so I stumbled upon a youtube clip with a Japanese show of people trying to climb stairs drenched in slime. It was a hilarious, none of the contestants were mocked and the spirit of the show was innocuous. i.e. good fun at nobody's expense and it was noticeable how the participants were enjoying it.
>I hate to sound like the difficult sort who doesn't take any advice
In your defence, it's not like you asked for advice either.

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30913 No. 30913 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
would masturbation become more enjoyable if i started taking male fertility drugs or would it be just about the same?
>> No. 30915 [Edit]
I can't say for sure but I think it probably would. I've got almost no libido and rarely masturbate anymore. If/when I do it, it feels like more of a dirty time wasting chore with almost no pleasure to it. I'd almost compare it to using the restroom when nature calls. Anything would be more enjoyable than that, and normals seem to consider sex to be the best thing ever.
>> No. 30916 [Edit]
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I don't know about taking drugs but I do know that abstaining from masturbation for a while really helped me enjoy it more. Maybe you could try it.
>> No. 30918 [Edit]
For me the main source of enjoyment out of masturbation is reading doujins without that I don't really like it so I might not be the best help but I doubt wasting your money on that would be worth it especially if you're a neet (you could try it out, if it's not that much and you really want it, I guess but if it's just a thought that went through your head, don't bother).

Try what the second anon said, it sounds reasonable and is free.

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30114 No. 30114 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
How do you self-insert into characters? I can't do that.
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>> No. 30757 [Edit]
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I don't think I ever really related to another character before. They are always so much better than me.
>> No. 30804 [Edit]
Self-insert is when the writer writes himself into the story.
The jargon of 'self-insert' is used by hypocrites who love characters 'they can relate to', but when they can't it's 'shitty self-insert'.

Is it too much to ask for a little courtesy from these people?
>> No. 30805 [Edit]
This. What OP was looking for was "How do you project onto characters?".
>> No. 30806 [Edit]
I can't and it causes me much angst. There's almost no characters like me, in any way.
Those that I can relate to are there to be hated and ridiculed.

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