/ot/ could just as easily stand for "on topic"
So what topic are we on then?
>>29678 looks like anime girls to me
I like oppai.
Oh pie! Old
Is nerd/otaku culture materialistic? In tech related boards, the amount of discussion about consumer goods is always consistently high. People feel the need to be elitist about stuff like calculator models or laptop models. Exhaulting the benefits thinkpads have other other laptops (i'm typing this on a thinkpad myself) and stuff like that. When you think about it though, isn't it all just plastic crap? These are just tools, it'll all be dust one day, so why obsess over it? Whatever works works. Why waste money and space on decorations either? Why is it necessary to express your enthusiasm for things by buying stuff that takes space? Is materialism and an obsession with physical products and collection an inherent part of these cultures?Post edited on 20th Jun 2020, 8:46am
>>35338 It's not that hard to understand. We like cute things. The normal world and the things in it aren't usually cute. Having cute things around improves the general mood. Personally having figures of certain characters makes me feel like someone I like is there looking for me. I also like robots because they look cool. It's just nice to return from the normal world and see all that conforming your own microcosmos and bringing good memories. It's an human impulse from old, the ancients liked to have sculptures or pieces of art around, this is pretty much the same.
>>35339 Maybe. I never saw it that way. I think a figurine would remind me that it's not real. When they're behind a screen, I feel distanced enough to believe in and feel for them. They look alive because they move and speak and fit in their wold. A figurine though would take me out of that. If they're a product, mass produced for consumption and made out of artifical substances, they can't be alive. Well, whatever.
>>35340 I feel quite the opposite about it. I like articulated ones so I not only can touch them but pose them or try new accesories. It's an interaction you don't have with anime or manga, if something it makes the characters feel more real. There can be mass produced but there's still some artesany on them, they are detailed, painting is hand made and you can display them in creative ways. And let's not talk about plastic kits, you can build them and if you like more, personalize them in any way you can imagine. I want to get into dolls some day, I see them as the ultimate physical experience; you create them following your tastes, you can make clothes for them or buy hand made clothes from others so you have infinite variety, you can take them outside and they almost feel and look like real.
> In tech related boards, the amount of discussion about consumer goods is always consistently high I think that's just 4/g/ (since a large userbase is going to devolve into what's most accessible for the general population and that's consumerism.). Lainchan's programming board is more focused, and >>/navi/ has had a lot of good quality discussions.
Which theme do you use on tohno-chan? I like vndb as I tend to browse at night and bright themes hurt my eyes in the dark, but sometimes I switch to Pseud0ch for the comfy textboard vibe. How bout you? Imageboards themselves are otaku culture so this counts.
>>34945 > using an userstyle to change the theme to pseud0ch or vndb. You don't need a userstyle you can do it purely via a userscript that sets the cookie if it doesn't exist.
pseud0ch because I like bricks.
Much like the others, I use the default because of auto-deleting cookies, but I'm quite fond of the Lain one.
>>34806 Same here, I like this one so I don't mind at all.
Why is whenever people compare Anime to cartoons normalfags always end up with something like "What about Disney?" or "Disney inspired Anime"? Are they blind? look at this production cel of a feature Disney movie, even seasonal Anime has better production values overall, also did is the claim that Anime = Disney bullshit? Dinsey only inspired Osamu Tezuka to a dregree with fucking Bambi of all things, that cant account for all anime.
>>34777 I think it's simply due to a difference in goals and aims. The Japanese seem to desire to take the real world and polish it into something as beautiful as possible whereas the west wants to take the world and exaggerate it and parody it as much as possible to the point it becomes grotesque. Body types are a good example of this, an anime body is usually drawn in a way that would work and be attractive in real life or at least would very nearly work, but western art exaggerates it to the point where it would not work and would be disgusting, indeed it's disgusting even as art.
>>35300 I think there's great western art, just see the french who sometimes were greatly appreciated by the japanese. So it has to be something else; Maybe it's because animated art it's depreciated in the west, maybe it's an american thing or maybe it's a thing related to our days of cultural decadence. Personally I don't understand most modern cartoon aesthetics, like how all CG movies use the same generic, ugly style. Maybe we're just degenerating.
>>35301 I asked my parents once what they thought about animation and why animation can't have more adult themes. Their response was to keep insisting that animation inherently had less "weight" to it and they can't take it seriously or feel immersed in what they're watching unless it's live action. When I asked how come Japanese people can make and appreciate more mature animation, my mom said it was an aberration and that it's because they're "children at heart".Post edited on 13th Jun 2020, 6:02am
>>35302 Today you wouldn't hear that too often about animation, but still similar things about particular genres, countries, or entire media like videogames. I think it all can be resumed in "old dog doesn't learn new tricks" with some inherent racism. Also what you said made me remember of the old "how you can fap to that? it's just a cartoon".
Gimme what you got.
Why is Mexico's Olympic team so lacking? Because everyone that can run, jump, or swim is already across the border
What’s the difference between a police officer and a bullet? When a bullet kills someone else, you know it’s been fired
How do you get a nun pregnant? Have an altar-boy fart in her cunt.
What do you call a black brain surgeon? Nigger.
How come there aren't any imageboards dedicated to American cartoons? Not niche or obscure enough? Are American cartoons too popular with "the normies" to be enjoyable?
>>35155 >presumption that western animation is all crap Did I say that? Winsor Mccay made nice stuff. >the lone example of 4skin There's also 8chan. And the second half of this thread. This website already has a purpose. "Doubting" why something not part of that purpose isn't more popular on imageboards here instead of a place where people care about that thing is suspicious. Your mannerisms are also suspicious. So why do you care?
>>35149 If you don't want to hear about Jews, why do you post in a thread that is specifically about cartoons created by them? Virtually all American cartoons are produced by Jews, including the racist anti-Japanese war propaganda flick in the OP pic, see picrelated. You probably never complained that one shouldn't discuss how Japanese cultural attitudes influence the content of anime, so why do you care so much when that same type of discussion is applied to Jews and the cartoons they produce? What makes Jews so special to you? Are you like >>35136 and hold some weird religious belief that a cartoon creator's background magically stops influencing his work when he is identified as a Jew? >>35153 >I'm just incredibly paranoid of all arguments which seem to lead towards presenting a "Western entertainment is political/Japanese entertainment is not political" dichotomy >it often feels to me that the reason for criticizing a specific execution is fueled by the specific content/ideals presented. Not sure if you were referring to me specifically, but as I openly said in >>35135 it's not so much that anime doesn't contain any political messaging at all, it's just that when it's there, it's usually non-Jewish in nature and doesn't bother me as much. BlazBlue for example made some thinly veiled references to the alleged human experimentation programs of Unit 731 and contrasted it with the nuclear destruction of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. I notice this stuff just as much as I notice political messaging in Jewish media, but it doesn't bother me much because it's not an attack on me. A more overt and specifically Jewish exa Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>35135 Lengthy political discussion aside, there's something gross about the style in jewish material that has disgusted me since before I even knew jews were a thing
Political discussion belongs to /tat/ and this thread probably is a bait anyways, so I'm locking it.
ITT: experts offer timely advice on how to enjoy being trapped in your own home
Assuming it's just two people posting, you're both incredibly immature.
>>35044 This.
>>35044 >>35046 At least i have a point the other anon doesn't he is just being a stupid edgelord.
That's enough.
Have you ever had this happen to you?
Bluetooth headphones, man.
Just getting up and walking away as if the corded device placed on your head isn't there? No. >>34886 do you even amplify
No, I don't use headphones.
>>34984 Try it. Embrace reducing the world into an auralscape delimited by two drivers ramming sound into your skull.
I've been enjoying the Yokohama Shopping Tripness of the past month, but it seems like its all coming to an end unfortunately. Traffic has been picking up noticeably the past few days, the rats are starting up the ratraces again, they can't be calmly unessential and superfluous for too long, they're not mature or adult enough to be that honestly in touch with reality like those of us who can be happily unemployed for a lifetime without ever worrying about it. When the NTs all decide to stay inside, watch movies and play video games for a month then the outside world becomes much more inviting for the rest of us, too bad it couldn't have lasted longer. Same could be said of Yokohama Shopping Trip, it should've lasted longer too.
>>34647 Normalfags can only attain a sense of self worth when they are fulfilling their instinct to be slaves, and they get mad when they come across anyone who points out that this lifestyle is actually retarded. This attitude will end up destroying them in the end, they are their own worst enemies.
>>34732 Sometimes I feel like I must have brain damage or come from another planet because concepts like "self-worth" seem quite alien to me. Why to need some menial work to feel well? This need for constant tension, struggle, conflict. I guess I can understand it from an species point of view, the individuals that crave for that are the ones that have more odds to survive. But from the individual point of view, it's fucked up.
>>34732 >>34734 You're both forgetting the role reproductive instincts play in this.
>>34735 I dislike the idea that we are all slaves to our instincts. Humanity has proven that we can rise above our primitive impulses, we are superior to animals. Anyone who says that we are constrained by our instincts seems to me to be too lazy to actually attempt to surpass them.
I like to get creative with language, but what I don't get is when people complain that what I wrote was incomprehensible. Worse is when they point out some of the simplest parts as especially difficult or nonsensical. For example, I like to think of words not as atoms, but as compositions of roots, affixes, vel cetera---one person, without even trying to look at the obvious root and suffixes complained that that wasn't a word. The point isn't that some people are stupid or lazy, the point is: why are they being so loud about their stupidity or laziness?
Provide a sample. Ye shall be judged.
>>34727 I moan for my bighorn bison and lick their scrawny bone. No, sweety, you do NOT get to lick their feet.
Depends on the context you're using it. If this is some creative writing competition, go all out. Otherwise in a forum with casual-formal dialogue, throwing in vel/aut cetera – which though technically correct is rather obscure at this point ("etc" would work fine and has mostly superseded its stricter original meaning to instead signify any sequence that may be inferred) – feels rather odd.
At my initial it, only odd as knowns' strange spelling. Most understand ``et ..'' Therewith suffice dictionary lookup; cybrally ascure.
Does anybody else like finding mentally ill people online? By mentally ill I mean the type with delusions, a loose grasp on reality and other mental deficiencies. Their barely coherent ramblings and bizarre lifestyles are one of the most interesting things online. It's so different from the samey stuff everywhere else and every single one is unique and memorable. Is there any way of finding them reliably? Like a similar pattern of behavior?
yes, i find it a needed break from the usual soul-sucking normality of standard-internet, let alone real life.
>>34606 That example blogspot you just found (http://onigee.blogspot.com/2006/07/419ers.html) appears to be a Nigerian speaking pidgin english, not a mentally ill person.
>>34693 >pidgin This is absolutely unreadable for a non-african. Is it made this way to make it easier for sub-saharians to speak? I see no reason for someone with asian or even european heritage to find this more easier the normal english language.
>>34702 An asian person with equally broken english might. Learning broken, simplified english is easier than learning it proper, so anybody with limited understanding of english might get it.
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