No. 39827
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, 1998x2333
, african violet-min.png
For the past few days I've been doing some research and due to price and not having an external area for the plant to be happy in, I decided against it. For now at least. The bonsai trees I saw that actually look good are incredibly expensive, from hundreds to actually thousands of usd, quite an amazing thing, really. They do look beautiful though, but it's just out of my league. I don't even have the space for something like that. Maybe some day.
However I did not give up on having a plant. I went to a variety store and they had a little area for gardening tools, potted plants and the like. They had maybe a hundred or so plants in there lined up on the shelves, lots of cactuses, succulents and others. After walking back and forth for maybe 20 minutes, inspecting all of them trying to decide, I ended up going with this one. It was at the bottom shelf and had dirt all over its leaves, probably because people were handling other plants from the upper shelves and dirt was coming down on the ones bellow. It also has two damaged leaves but it's no big deal. It seemed to be there for a while and that's part of the reason I went with it.
Came back home and carefully cleaned it up to the best of my abilities. There was a dead flower in there so I cut it off. Then I took a few pictures for you guys. Here it is. It's a Saintpaulia ionantha, aka African violet. I remember my mom had one of these when I was a kid, at least it looks quite similar to what I remember. It doesn't like to be in direct sunlight and it doesn't enjoy dark places, either, lots of indirect light necessary. It does prefer to be indoors so we have that in common at least. Nice start I suppose. Water once a week and maybe twice in the summer.
My decade old camera can't quite pick up the right colors on the leaves. The pics I took from a distance has this brownish green but it doesn't look like that in reality, it's closer to the picture on the bottom with a brighter green but it's not quite like that, either, so try to imagine something like the closeup picture but with 20% of the brownish green. The colors on the flowers are actually accurate, not sure why it failed to capture the right color on the leaves. Maybe because they are a little shiny and that tricks the camera for whatever reason.
It was very cheap, not as cheap as a cactus but still easily affordable. I'll post again in a month or two to tell you how it's going. Gotta say my room already looks like a better place to be in with this violet here. If I manage to keep it alive for a year, maybe I'll even get another one, we'll see.
Post edited on 12th Jun 2022, 5:14pm