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39794 No. 39794 [Edit]
What are some things that really bug you?
Things that genuinely piss you off?

I thought it would be nice to have a thread to vent about any little annoyance, no mater how big or small.
Any and all complains about the world around you are welcome here!
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>> No. 39796 [Edit]
Wire grass trimmers. Here where I live the noise goes on day after day and they also dont give much fuck about cars and windows and people. I know there are countries where they are regulated but in this post-communist shithole, there is none.
And I hate the fact that all the insane noise is seen here as perfectly fine. All the wood-cutting and grinding and drilling and kids on bikes and quads. Its one reason I like winter more.
>> No. 39798 [Edit]
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At least they serve a mostly benign purpose, making the grass look orderly and nice and they're really effective at that. If you dislike trimmers I would like to know your opinion on one of the dumbest machines I've ever seen; the leaf blower. Literally a machine built for flinging shit, garbage and debris up in the air at high speeds. That's all it does. I've seen people using one of those and then using a rake afterwards because a leaf blower does nothing right but noise and flinging shit up in the air. It's so amazingly innefective I can't believe it's a thing people buy. Rakes are better in every way and they actually sound very nice. Not as nice as a broom brooming pavement, that sounds best but a rake sounds good, too.
>> No. 39801 [Edit]
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I dont dislike them, I dislike how people use them. Most could use a push mover that is more quiet and doesnt send stones flying into cars windows and peoples faces but they use the wire thing even on totally flat surfaces because I dont know why.
Leaf blowers are not that popular here yet (fortunately) but I see them occasionally and it kind of feels like distopia. Like, will we have a machine for every single thing eventually?
>> No. 39839 [Edit]
I used to them for mowing the lawn, but that's because I am afraid of lawn mowers. The issue is that it just cuts grass and then leaves it there, that keeps it down but it doesn't look brilliant. So now I have a push powered lawn mower.
>> No. 39844 [Edit]
Is the rake inferior to the broom for leaf sweeping in all types of ground? I think the rake only beats the broom when it comes to to sweeping hard-ish fruits on grass. These would be fruits that got bitten by animals and fell on the grass, so you would want to throw them away, but a broom would send them rolling aimlessly, while the rake holds them in their place. However I tried doing this a few months ago, and the fruits were a little soft and the rake was too hard on them, so I decided to pick them by the hand. I don't know if I'm missing something, but rakes don't seem very effective.
>> No. 39849 [Edit]
I used my trimmer for the first time today after getting some string in the mail this morning. Noise bothers the hell out of me too, but I use an electric battery powered trimmer and mower. They don't make half as much noise as the gas powered ones most people around here use. I swear those things you can hear from a block away. They also come with the benefit of being able to start and stop them easily, no need for yanking away at a string. Who knows, maybe they'll grow in popularity for your area. Batteries for these things might be pricey, but buying and storing gas in containers can be a pain.

I've seen people do that, and yeah I don't really get it. I specifically got mine to cut areas that are hard or impossible to reach with my mower. I tested it out a little on flat spots I missed with said mower, and found it sucks at that, hard. I pretty much ruined some spots doing that, taking the grass down to the dirt because it was hard to judge the height with the thing.

Post edited on 13th Jun 2022, 2:08pm
>> No. 39850 [Edit]
I don't care what you like, who you like, how you like it.
What I don't like, is having what you like constantly shoved in my face. I don't need to know or want to know what you get off to anymore than you want to know what I get off to. I don't take "pride" in my sexual interests, plaster it on flags and march down the streets announcing it to the world. Keep it to yourself, whatever it is, the way any civilized person would.
>> No. 39851 [Edit]
Things that bother us are a good target to realize our attachments. Unchain yourself from expectations. That's what I try to do. Sorry, I'm preaching.
諸行無常 色即是空。
>> No. 39852 [Edit]
Maybe it's because I'm a shut-in(probably), but I hear people complain about this MUCH more than I see what they're complaining about.
>> No. 39853 [Edit]
I follow political shit because it's fun, and I can attest that it's pushed by massive corps, institutions, and government. Or at least it is in the States.
Though I think this discussion is more suitable for /tat/ than here.
>> No. 39854 [Edit]
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I'm not saying this about you, but your post got me thinking. While my view is that the vast majority of people, including myself, are "insignificant", they can still live an enjoyable life. So it makes more sense for a person to focus on that, instead of things they don't like and have no control over.

Image board, armchair pundits, are like vampires. Not only do they spend time doing the opposite of the above, they try to make others do the same. They do it under the pretense of an end goal, but there is no end goal. I am 100% certain it doesn't exist. It's a delusion. In 50 years, they wont be remembered by anyone, like everyone else wont be, except they'll have spent their limited time making each other miserable, for no reason what so ever. I guess a false of importance and control.

They can waste their lives like that. I don't want to be sucked into it though.
>> No. 39856 [Edit]
People enjoy different things, and one can have more than one interest or hobby. That's all there is to it.
>> No. 39862 [Edit]
It would be nice to be able to completely block light from coming inside my room in an elegant manner. I suppose I can hang blankets and do some makeshift but it looks so depressing and ugly that way. Installing effective blinds costs money. I don't want to be in a cave 7 days a week but sometimes I do feel like spending the day in the dark. I supppose I can shut my eyes wrap a blanket around my head but then I can't the computer monitor.
>> No. 39864 [Edit]
You can do it yourself, it doesn't cost that much money. Get one of the wrap around curtain rods (should be around $20), and then a blackout curtain (depending on window size, may be anywhere from $40 - $50).
The other option is to get that blackout cloth you install via suction cups, but honestly that seems more of a hassle to install/uninstall every time than the curtain rod solution.

Also be aware that to synchronize circadian rhythm, you need to be exposed to light after you wake up (ideally it would be outdoor light, but since most people here probably don't spend much time outdoors then even having the blinds up is valuable). Similarly using the computer in low light will contribute to myopia (or more specifically, lack of exposure to bright light is one of the contributing factors. Not known if this is still true outside the critical adolescent period, but then using in dark will also accelerate any existing myopia that you already have since in darker rooms you end up having to move the screen closer).
>> No. 39874 [Edit]
Homeless people. I just wanted to get some fresh air and relax on my shitposting bench as I often do on my late night walks. I was going to sit there for a few minutes and make a few low effort posts somewhere, but some homeless man was sleeping on the bench across from it.
Damn those homeless. So selfish and inconsiderate. I weep for the lost property value.
>> No. 39880 [Edit]
I hate that all modern things are designed to fail within a few years. Even fucking computer mice will fail within a year (including those overpriced gamer mice) all because they use shitty Chinese metal. And I'm not joking about that - 99% of all mice use switches manufactured by Omron, and it's been a known problem for about a decade that they end up failing within 2 years because the spring/bistable switch ends up either oxidizing or bending.
>> No. 39896 [Edit]
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Jewelry is dumb. I've had it explained to me many times by my mom how jewelry is supposed to enhance a women's appearance. At best, I understand it on an abstract level. It can look nice on its own, or maybe even catch my attention(rarely), but it doesn't really make the woman look better, just richer.

The most interesting jewelry tends to not even be the most expensive, which are pretty much just wearable containers for a massive stone(s). I can't relate at all to getting excited over being given jewelry as a gift, like you've seen in a thousand western movies and tv shows. It doesn't perform any real function. It's not even clothing, which is a lot more noticeable.

At the end of the day, an attractive women dressed in rags will always be more appealing than an average rich woman whose decked out with fashionable clothes and has jewels strapped to their body and protruding from holes in their ears. Maybe I'm weird for thinking that, or maybe jewelry is less about catering to men and more about boosting their own ego and status among other women. So all in all, it's kind of disgusting to me.
>> No. 39897 [Edit]
I don't mind it.
It can be symbolic or add interest, I used to wear a pentagram necklace when I was going through my witch craft chuuni phase and then a Thor's hammer necklace when I was going through that phase. I'll probably get more jewellery but just something that does not mean anything.

I have brought my sisters jewellery for Christmas as well, like a Norse wrist torque and a cool looking deer necklace. If you were to have two identical girls in identical clothing, then the one with the Norse wrist torque would look better I feel. As for diamond rings I would compare them to something like a Rolex(yes a Rolex technically has a function but nobody buys them for that). I don't think they are as interesting as a Norse torque or a pocket watch, but I think that given two identical people one with one without then the one with would still look better, but yes it's really just for status. But then if you can comfortably afford something like that then I don't see a harm in it.
>> No. 39898 [Edit]
>one with would still look better
I wouldn't buy a rolex regardless of my income level. In my view it's old fashioned.
>if you can comfortably afford
Thing is, I bet most jewelry is purchased with the money people other than the wearer earned. The culture of it gets on my nerves most. It's decadent and evil, and I'm not saying that as a religious person. Winning a women over, by buying them excessively expensive things, is glorified prostitution, and I resent how normalized that's become. A person with no interest in jewelry is more virtuous in my opinion.

Post edited on 28th Jun 2022, 10:03am
>> No. 39899 [Edit]
Don't let the customs of the world bother you anon. On this day and age, indifference is the closest thing to freedom we have.
>> No. 39900 [Edit]
It doesn't make sense to me either. I also don't understand why woman do piercings for the purpose of wearing more jewelry.
>> No. 39901 [Edit]
>I have brought my sisters jewellery for Christmas
That's very nice of you, anon. It's nice to have a decent relationship with your siblings. It's very good for your mental health, too, I've noticed. I hope you got a nice present as well.
>> No. 39903 [Edit]
I don't like the English language. If I could go without hearing it ever again, I'd be happier for it. I have nothing pleasant to associate with it and it flows very poorly in comparison to other languages.
>> No. 39904 [Edit]
It's my mother tongue, so I'm biased, but I like how "straight forward" English sounds. No frills I guess. A lot of songs I like are in English too.
>> No. 39905 [Edit]
I'm a native speaker as well. I still don't like it. I prefer Spanish. It's a little more fun to speak. Not that I'm fluent or anything, but I know enough to piece it together and give poor replies.
As for music, I don't really care too much about lyrics. I like interesting or pleasant sounds. As such, language doesn't matter.
>> No. 39906 [Edit]
I'm a native English speaker, but I think it's just ok. It's not really elegant or classy, but it gets the job done I suppose – by virtue of it being an amalgamation of romance and germanic languages, it's relatively flexible and you can basically toss in whatever and it ends up sort of working out. I don't think it's good for songs though, because the pronunciation seems a bit too harsh to me (maybe it's all the consonants?). On the other hand

There's also probably a bias though where you're used to your native tongue so any other new language will seem more attractive.
>> No. 39909 [Edit]
I like it but I hate it when it's spoken by Americans and Australians.

What I like about it is how diverse it is. Because it borrows from so many other languages everything can be said in multiple ways giving many different atmospheres and styles.
>> No. 39914 [Edit]
I think american english and australian english are worse than british english when it comes to accent and spelling, but some of the specific words from american english sound better to me. And then there's cases like "knowledge" which turns to "acknowledgment" in american english and "acknowledgement" in british english.
>> No. 39915 [Edit]
I think -yze suffix works better than -yse suffix since otherwise z ends up being underused.
>> No. 39917 [Edit]
I really hate American English words. They sound so dumb to me.

For example fall instead of autumn or ass instead of arse or armor instead or armour. Fall sounds like something a caveman would say, an ass is a donkey and armor is a bastardization. I can't think of an American word that sounds better and even the way the language is used with the same vocabulary is not great. In the same way they sound like cavemen when they turn autumn into fall, they also sound quite simple when they use phrases like 'it's cold out'.
>> No. 39918 [Edit]
Autumn comes from French. British English has its own stupid and childish words. Like saying lift instead of elevator. Anyway, both me and Tohno are Americans, so watch this "they" language. Who do you think you're talking to? You sound like a homosexual, bitter europoor when you show disrespect like that.

Post edited on 30th Jun 2022, 10:03pm
>> No. 39919 [Edit]
Many English words come from French.
Lift and elevator mean the same thing.
I know where Tohno is from but that is irrelevant. He's not going to ban people for speaking poorly of his nation and he would be a pretty poor admin if that was the case. After all it's not like this is a website for American patriotism and American culture.
The fact that you would even bring that up and that you then follow it with 'who do you think you are talking to' is absurd. What are you trying to say? That because you come from a specific country I have to treat you like a special snowflake and not say anything negative about your nation or you will tell the admin on me?
>> No. 39920 [Edit]
>Lift and elevator mean the same thing.
Fall and autumn mean the same thing.
>What are you trying to say?
You're rude and pretentious. Despite putting on sophisticated airs, you don't understand the most basic level of tact. You know you're not amongst fellow snobbish, up their own ass europoors, so why do you act like you are?
>> No. 39922 [Edit]
>The word autumn (/ˈɔːtəm/) is derived from Latin autumnus, archaic auctumnus, possibly from the ancient Etruscan root autu- and has within it connotations of the passing of the year.[15] Alternative etymologies include Proto-Indo-European *h₃ewǵ- ("cold") or *h₂sows- ("dry").[16]

>After the Greek era, the word continued to be used as the Old French word autompne (automne in modern French) or autumpne in Middle English,[17] and was later normalised to the original Latin. In the Medieval period, there are rare examples of its use as early as the 12th century, but by the 16th century, it was in common use.

They don't mean the same thing, probably. But also, while it is a borrowed word it is not borrowed for fall(the action) so it does not have the same connotations that using fall as a replacement for autumn has. The word Autumn is solely used for the season, we would never say autumn is the season where the leaves autumn off the trees. Fall(the season) however, does have tha cannotation becuase it is used in that context so it can easily be seen as caveman's English.

>You're rude and pretentious. Despite putting on sophisticated airs, you don't understand the most basic level of tact. You know you're not amongst fellow snobbish, up their own ass europoors, so why do you act like you are?
So in other words I am just acting exactly how you are? Well not exactly, I'm not also saying people aren't allowed to have negative opinions on where I come from and doing so makes them snobbish and pretentious. And what's even more ridiculous about all this is that you attacking me for insulting your nation while at the same time you certainly have no qualms in insulting the nations of others. Quite hypocritical I would say.
>> No. 39923 [Edit]
>They don't mean the same thing
They do, because language is arbitrary and words mean what people agree upon. Literally nothing else is needed for a word to mean something.
>The word Autumn is solely used for the season
The word lift is not solely used for elevators. If your problem is with how fall sounds, and not insignificant, arbitrary etymology only insufferable pedants would care about, lift is no better. If your issue does stem from etymology, you're even worse than I thought.

>I am just acting exactly how you are?
When I insult you, I acknowledge your presence, do so directly, and it's a response to something. You said "they" in reference to a group of people, to that same group of people.

Post edited on 30th Jun 2022, 11:22pm
>> No. 39924 [Edit]
Oh really? Then who agrees that autumn means fall(the action)? Go on, who?

Lift relates to what a lift does, which is of course the norm regarding the nomenclature of objects that have been invented in recent history. I am responding to you on a computer so named because it computes. This should not be applied retrospectively to all things or anything really. The reason we name new objects like that is because there isn't another name available and there aren't really any other ways to name then.

>When I insult you, I acknowledge your presence, do so directly, and it's a response to something. You said "they" in reference to a group of people, to that same group of people.
I'm Australian, notice how I did not feel the need to attack >>39914 nor did I even mention that I was Australian until now. I really don't see how me being Australian makes his point less valid or means that he has no right to his opinion. I certainly don't see why I personally should be so invested in what he thinks of my country. Even if I did somehow feel the need to defend my country, if he does not like how we speak then calling him a homosexual European would be unlikely to change his mind or result in anything constructive at all.

What else should I refer to Americans as? Am I not using the right pronouns? Are the Americans as a group not to be refereed to as they/them? It really does not matter whether you are a part of the American people or not I will still respond to them as they because that is how it is done. I am not criticising how you speak as an individual even if what I say about the Americans as a whole applies to you as well, I am referring to Americans as a Group.

Post edited on 30th Jun 2022, 11:37pm
>> No. 39925 [Edit]
An elevator elevates. Lift is just lift. The word hasn't been changed at all. If it was lifter, that would be different.

>I did not feel the need to attack >>39914
Neither did I, because they were polite.

>Are the Americans as a group not to be refereed to as they/them?
Not when you're talking to them/in their presence. That applies to any group. And it should also be obvious that it's better to separate the language from the people who speak it when criticizing the language, you know, context. If you really didn't know that, maybe I was wrong to take issue with what you said. I assumed we all have the same basic understanding of politeness.

Post edited on 30th Jun 2022, 11:50pm
>> No. 39926 [Edit]
It relates to the same thing. In this case elevator might be the slightly more apt word but only slightly so. It's nothing like the Autumn to fall comparison.

>Neither did I, because they were polite.
Just like how you were polite as well? It would not matter if he was rude. That's not going to make me feel the need to defend my country any more that it would if he was polite nor does it mean he therefore has not right to dislike our accent.

>Not when you're talking to them/in their presence. That applies to any group. And it should also be obvious that it's better to separate the language from the people who speak it when criticizing the language, you know, context. If you really didn't know that, maybe I was wrong to take issue with what you said. I assumed we all have the same basic understanding of politeness.
Did you storm Normandy? Did you send HIMARs to Ukraine? I don't know maybe you did but the proper way to speak of it would be they stormed Normandy, they sent Himars to Ukraine.
Additionally, you may notice that the post I replied to with 'they' did not state they were American so 'they' would have been the correct word even by your own logic. Unless you now think anytime Americans are mentioned you and Tohno should be addressed as third party instead. This of course would get ridiculous quite quickly, even in the context that we have hear. I don't know if Tohno says Autumn or fall, it would have been silly to say 'In the same way they sound like cavemen when Tohno and his patriotic friend turn autumn into fall'. I would be making assumptions and addressing two individuals when I am actually referring to the group.

>I assumed we all have the same basic understanding of politeness.

>You sound like a homosexual, bitter europoor when you show disrespect like that.
>You're rude and pretentious. Despite putting on sophisticated airs, you don't understand the most basic level of tact. You know you're not amongst fellow snobbish, up their own ass europoors, so why do you act like you are?

Well apparently not, I would not call that being polite. But then language is clearly not your strong point so maybe that is your understanding of being polite.
>> No. 39927 [Edit]
File 165666637015.png - (11.13KB , 97x97 , blub.png )
Strive towards peace, fellow travelers.
>> No. 39928 [Edit]
Instead of
>In the same way they sound like cavemen when they turn autumn into fall, they also sound quite simple when they use phrases like 'it's cold out'.

You should have just said
>'It's cold out' also sounds quite simple.

I don't like having to be among people like you who are casually rude. Why would I want to talk to people who think they're better than me because they're pretentious, snobby pedants?

Post edited on 1st Jul 2022, 6:43am
>> No. 39929 [Edit]
And you are not casually rude?

>You sound like a homosexual, bitter europoor when you show disrespect like that.
>You're rude and pretentious. Despite putting on sophisticated airs, you don't understand the most basic level of tact. You know you're not amongst fellow snobbish, up their own ass europoors, so why do you act like you are?

Might I also add that even if you think I am rude that rudeness is nothing on the level of your own as is clearly evident. Not just here by the way but in your general demeanour, if you look at my post you will find that I never actually insulted you personally until my last post where I said that language was not your strong point. Now it could be said that I have been snarky but again, that is nothing compared to you who has been quite rude and insulting form the very start and continue to be in every post while having the gall to then try to attack me for being rude. It's absurd.

>Why would I want to talk to people who think they're better than me because they're pretentious, snobby pedants?
I don't know, if that is what you think of me and you are question why you would do such a thing then why are you? Maybe this is improving your language skills?

As an aside, the word pretentious is a pet peeve of mine, well not the word but how and who it's most often used by. Funnily enough the word pretentious is most often used quite pretentiously as has been the case with your usage of the word. Because of course by accusing somebody of being pretentious the implication is that they are somehow pretending to know something they don't, acting in a way false manner that is not true to them or some other form of idiocy and by implying that you are also implying that these do not apply to you hence why I say it's the people that use the word that are the ones that are pretentious.

Post edited on 1st Jul 2022, 7:23am
>> No. 39930 [Edit]
>And you are not casually rude?
Not casually. I do it with intent.

>why are you?
You're on the same website, and there isn't that many other users.

>by accusing somebody of being pretentious the implication is
My implication is that a pretentious person assigns a false significance or depth to something or someone. You go on and on about etymology like it's so important and justifies your tastes when it's not and doesn't. You could say autumn means "when it gets cold and dry" by the article snippets you posted. You ignore that fall was previously used in British English, and more often than autumn. You also ignore that the word harvest, in reference to that season, predates both in English. None of it matters in the first place, and you only pay attention to the parts which support your tastes. That's pretentious.

Frankly, I like fall(and harvest) more because it has an obvious connection to the rest of English. Autumn has its roots in Latin, but is more distant and remote. Language isn't more "sophisticated" when farther abstracted. You probably like the origins of words to be more esoteric because knowing the origin makes you feel "learned", like any other useless trivia.

Post edited on 1st Jul 2022, 7:43am
>> No. 39931 [Edit]
And yet you still attack others for being less rude than you are...

>My implication is that a pretentious person assigns a false significance or depth to something or someone.
And who is it that decides what has a false significance or depth? Whoever thinks they are the one deciding that sounds quite pretentious.

>You go on and on about etymology like it's so important and justifies your tastes when it's not and doesn't.
Well it is important, if you are going to argue about langauge then you had best know the details on what you are arguing about just like if you are going to use the word pretentious then you had better know what it actually means.

>You could say autumn means "when it gets cold and dry" by the article snippets you posted. You ignore that fall was previously used in British English, and more often than autumn.
Yet it's not now.

>You also ignore that the word harvest, in reference to that season, predates both in English.
I have not ignored it, it was never brought up. Harvest is fine, well it was fine maybe not now. For an agrarian society naming a season after the defining event of the season makes some sense. It does not really make sense now as it's no longer relevant to the majority of people.

>None of it matters in the first place,
Then why are you arguing about it and why are you so defensive about it?

>and you only pay attention to the parts which support your tastes. That's pretentious.
Not really, I have addressed every part you brought up, even the part that you brought up in your head then attacked me for not addressing. That's also not what the word means.
>> No. 39932 [Edit]
>That's also not what the word means.
>expressive of affected, unwarranted, or exaggerated importance, worth, or stature
Ignoring details that undermine your argument is a means of exaggeration. Your argument is that "fall" is somehow a base perversion of the english language.
>they turn autumn into fall

Post edited on 1st Jul 2022, 8:22am
>> No. 39934 [Edit]

>expressive of affected, unwarranted, or exaggerated importance, worth, or stature
So not.
>you only pay attention to the parts which support your tastes. That's pretentious.

>Ignoring details that undermine your argument is a means of exaggeration.
Not really, I also don't think you know what is meant by 'exaggerated importance', it refers to a person exaggerating their own importance, not the importance of a point in an argument.
>> No. 39935 [Edit]
>it refers to a person exaggerating their own importance
That's only the most common usage. There's no rule that says it can't be used in another context. A movie can be pretentious.

You said
>they turn autumn into fall
You ignore things which go against this insulting narrative.

Post edited on 1st Jul 2022, 8:30am
>> No. 39936 [Edit]
I'll try to simplify this.

To be pretentious is to pretend to be something, the clue is in the word.
>expressive of affected, unwarranted, or exaggerated importance, worth, or stature
As you can see, that would be pretending, one is pretending to be important to have worth or to have status. But he does not or at least not to the degree he is pretending, hence the affected, unwarranted or exaggerated part.

It can be used in another context but not the one you are using. A movie could be attempting to come across as being an insightful commentary on the human condition or something like that but fail and so it's pretentious, it was pretending to be something that it was not.

If somebody was to ignore a point in an argument to exaggerate their own point as you talk about, that is not pretending to be something.

>You ignore things which go against this insulting narrative.
Ignore what? If I'm ignoring something then it's in your head because you have not mentioned it.
>> No. 39937 [Edit]
>A movie could be attempting to come across as being an insightful commentary
>ignore a point in an argument to exaggerate their own point as you talk about, that is not pretending to be something
That's pretending the argument is true and insightful.

>Ignore what? If I'm ignoring something then it's in your head because you have not mentioned it.
You said, directly, Americans changed the word autumn to fall, and insinuated this says something negative about Americans. They didn't do that. And even if they did, it wouldn't say anything negative about them. Who are YOU to decide that's a downgrade?

>Fall sounds like something a caveman would say
Okay, everything you've said sounds like something a pretentious snob would say.
>> No. 39938 [Edit]
It's pretending no such thing. Somebody could ignore a point in an argument that was a farce to begin with.
I think trying to use the word pretentious so liberally would only lead to ridiculous statements as well. 'The stick insect is pretentious because it's pretending to be a stick'.
'the child is pretentious because it's pretending what it says is important'.

>You said, directly, Americans changed the word autumn to fall, and insinuated this says something negative about Americans. They didn't do that.
Oh that is what you are so relied up about, because I said turn Autumn to fall instead of use Fall instead of Autumn. You are really reaching here.

But for what it's worth what I quoted before(it was from Wikipedia) about Autumn said it was in common use by the 16th century, implying that by the time the Americans revolted most of them probably were using Autumn not fall, so they probably did change from using Autumn to using fall rather than use fall from the early middle ages uninterpreted until now. But it hardly matters anyway, the pint is that the Americans use fall not Autumn.

>Who are YOU to decide that's a downgrade?
Who are you to decide who is a pretentious snob or a 'homosexual europoor'. Who is anybody to decide what language is better than another? Who is anybody to decide any such thing? I have my opinion and I voiced my reasoning behind it.

>Okay, everything you've said sounds like something a pretentious snob would say.
Who are you to decide that? Particularly when you barely knows what the word means.

Post edited on 1st Jul 2022, 9:14am
>> No. 39939 [Edit]
>Who are you to decide that?
I have my opinion and I voiced my reasoning behind it. I'm confident many other people would agree with me, which is where language gets its meaning. I have nothing else to say.
>> No. 39940 [Edit]
File 165669570384.jpg - (79.65KB , 787x900 , __original_drawn_by_mattaku_mousuke__cb16cfe109fff.jpg )
I don't get why some artists do this. They make the closest thing to the observer appear less clear and sharp.
>> No. 39941 [Edit]
If you imagine that it's being captured through a camera, isn't such a thing possible if you play with depth of field?
>> No. 39942 [Edit]
Yes, I guess so. I hadn't thought about this possibility.
>> No. 39949 [Edit]
Or it's point-of-view with the viewer being a farsighted ojisan
>> No. 39954 [Edit]
It's to draw a certain aspect of the image into focus. Like would be done with a camera as was mentioned.

Having said that I don't know that there was much point doing that with this image.
>> No. 39955 [Edit]
Yeah that particular picture isn't a very good application, since the fingertips are at about the same z-depth (give or take two inches) as the feet but only the latter are blurred. It can be applied thoughtfully though.

What's more annoying to me is deliberate chromatic aberration, which is nausea inducing and has few legitimate uses. There was even an entire show (Miru Tights) which seemed to revel in adding this to every frame.
>> No. 39979 [Edit]
Youtube Shorts.

I never really paid attention to it but I opened one and it opened it in some kind of scroll mode where you watch one and then scroll to the next.
I hated what I was seeing but I still scrolled down to see what was next for about 45 minutes to see what things were there. They were mostly really dumb short videos and I hate them, the only good videos were the odd Ukraine war clips but many of those were bad as well.
One Issue I have with them is that the majority of the, even the Ukraine war clips, have that really huge bass music often being mixed in with rap. God I hate that.

Half of them seemed to be highly sexualise in some way or another. Like one that kept coming up was a girl that would pose in net skirts or other see through skirts and then wave her bottom around.
There was a ballet girl that would do things like that, there were US, Israeli, German etc female soldiers making selfies and other things, there were girls doing all kinds of sexual things. There was some dumb clip where a guy appeared with a light sabre and text showed up saying saying 'pull the panty aside' and then another appeared with a light sabre and text saying 'rip off the panty' and it would go on like that like it was a competition about that kind of thing.

It was just dumb and there was something about it that shocked me. I guess it was the awful music, the girls doing poses everywhere, the dumb memes and everything else combining into a mess of awfulness and the idea that this is what society likes now, this is what society is now.

Things like this happen more and more these days. These events where I interact with mainstream society in some way and I am just shocked by it, shocked and disgusted by what we are becoming.
>> No. 39981 [Edit]
Youtube is trying to compete with tiktok in the market for 5 second long videos people with social media induced adhd crave. They at least have the courtesy to label them, so they're easily avoidable.
>> No. 39982 [Edit]
Got banned on both wizchan and lainchan. Confuses me and enrages me because I didn't break any rules. I guess people hate my opinions and me as a person no matter where I go. I'm thinking about abandoning all chans and just living for studying things and enjoying entertainment in my solitude.
>> No. 39983 [Edit]
Well I guess you just broke rule 15 here as well. Maybe you're a natural-born maverick, anon.
>> No. 39984 [Edit]
I thought that referred to only people who came bursting in here with "HIU GUYS I'M FROM 4CHON, WHAT'S UP??" tier posts/threads, not to mentioning which imageboards you use aside from this site. Whatever.
But the annoying thing is I didn't break any rules on either lainchan or wizchan. It's just that the mods there disagreed with what I posted or how I posted it for some reason and that's enough. Well, like I said I plan on going full hermit anyway. There is no free speech anywhere on the internet, it seems to me. You say one wrong sentence or a turn of phrase and somebody will get upset and triggered and will ban you from their little echo chamber instantly. It's like everyone hates people who have slightly different opinions from them. I just want a place where I can discuss things freely and can argue/debate actually without fear of some tyrannical mod banning me for things I didn't even do.
>> No. 39991 [Edit]
Lainchan will ban you for literally anything. I've gotten absolutely benign posts (asking for an anon to clarify his question on one of the technological boards) and about a day later, banned.
I wouldn't take it too much to heart since the bar for "quality posts" there is arbitrary.
>There is no free speech anywhere on the internet, it seems to me. You say one wrong sentence or a turn of phrase and somebody will get upset and triggered and will ban you from their little echo chamber instantly.
What gets me is that a lot of other imageboards claim they are free speech and then go ham with the ban hammer. imo If they were more honest about what sort of views and content is encouraged then I don't think many would have a problem when they remove posts.
>> No. 39993 [Edit]
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Parents won't stop fighting the entire day, every single day. So sick of the noise. If only I wasn't incapable of going outside.
>> No. 39995 [Edit]
File 165737837463.jpg - (32.27KB , 400x400 , 1618213111230.jpg )
There's nothing more awful than living with people who fight with each other all the time, specially couples. Apparently this is normal behavior and any healthy relationship has to include an high dose of arguing and screaming at each other. And I can testify it's certainly common, every single couple I had the misfortune to live with did it frequently.
Personally, if any person seem to start the habit of screaming at my face I will try to cut all contact and indefinitely after the second or third occasion at most. That's why I'm an absolute weirdo.
>> No. 39997 [Edit]
Shrinks say it's a sign of "passion". If that's what passion is, I don't want it.
>> No. 39999 [Edit]
Yeah, I noticed lainchan has a fascist moderation team, so to speak. Even though in their introduction to the site they write that free speech and discussion is encouraged and everyone's opinions are respected there and that they hate banning anyone...What a hypocrite chan that is. In my case I suspect their problem was either that they found my posts to be "anti-humanity" and "anti-women" or just generally too pessimist for their taste. The userbase would have been fine, there were a couple of posters that agreed with my views and we could have got a decent discussion going but the moddess stepped in.

As for wizchan, they thought I wasn't virgin enough for them, even though I am a 25 yo virgin. In one thread discussion about masturbation habits came up and I described how I started masturbating at 13, using my sister's dirty panties. They banned for breaking rule 2 which forbids people from mentioning that they want to have sex or that they had sex, I ask, how was my post a violation of that? I wrote to the wizchan mods that by this logic they could ban anyone who says he masturbates. They didn't even bother to explain how they think I broke rule 2.

Yes, things would be better if they had a clear set of rules and explaining what kind of posts they want to see on the chan exactly. But this whimsical, unchecked mod autismo is just too much.
>> No. 40000 [Edit]
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It is very awful, yeah. Especially when you get pulled down to the middle of it and everything, also. I think that behaviour is normal, as in it's normal that people act shitty, but it's definitely not healthy. Shrinks and anyone of that sort are all retarded.
My parents pull knives on each other though, so, I'd like to see them trying to call that healthy, lol.
I hope you've managed to get away from those kind of people.
>> No. 40001 [Edit]
>they write that free speech and discussion is encouraged and everyone's opinions are respected there
It's cognitive dissonance. This sort is very common on imageboards because the people there feel restricted by mainstream and social media. So on the surface they adopt a stance which enables them, but they aren't really committed to. The imageboards which are really committed to "absolute free speech" are all spam and shitpost cesspools.
>> No. 40004 [Edit]
My parents used to yell at each other every single day they were in the house together when I was younger, and I'm pretty sure it messed me up. I don't really think about it much now, but I'm pretty thankful they barely ever fight these days.
>> No. 40007 [Edit]
I don't feel like I belong to this world at all. Never felt like it now that I think about it. At this point I'm quite sure any sense of belonging people experience are only illusions. Everyone is locked into his own ego and perspective. Any attempt at genuine empathy or understanding of others is bound to fail. Ordinary people doesn't realize this and they can live a relatively happy life, thinking communities are real and not just spooks. Nietzsche said madness is rare in individuals but the requirement for any sort of group or community. He was right.

Yeah, it's depressing. Either shitposting or mods who abuse their power, usually no middle ground.
>> No. 40008 [Edit]
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What world you belong to then? Your use of language and the feelings you're sharing are very understandable to me and I definitely belong to this world. I'll be bold here and believe I know your own feelings better than you know them yourself, and I'll say what really happened is you can no longer deny you're part of this world. It's actually a matter of not liking how you're inserted in it. Desolation is very much a part of this world, I know that much. Also I think believing happiness comes from some sort of delusion is not a good way of seeing happiness, as you may come to believe you're above being happy, which nobody should be for their own good. I know you didn't say this but your post seem to imply it.
>> No. 40010 [Edit]
I don't belong anywhere. My existence here is something that never should have been. My place is in Hades or just plainly non-existence. Certainly not here. Had several suicide attempts in the past. I feel out of place everywhere in this world and can't connect to anyone. This can be both a good, elevating feeling but also crushing and paralyzing at certain times.

I think the mere fact that we are having this conversation in the first place, the fact that we need to define more clearly what each of us means is proof enough that humans can't understand each other. You may think you understand me perfectly and vice versa but that's impossible. Language itself is imperfect. Our communication is flawed. We are islands in the ocean miles away from each other.

I don't think happiness is always the result of delusion but most of the time it is. Especially in the case of the average man.

I understand what you mean when you say I just don't like my place in the world but honestly I'm clueless about where my place is. Like I said, I don't feel I have any place in this life. I don't believe in other dimensions or higher/lower realms so I think my subconscious is just telling me to seek death/non-existence ASAP.
>> No. 40012 [Edit]
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A sense of belonging is not an illusion. At least not anymore of an illusion than the sense of not belonging. If we're locked inside our perspectives like you said, the same applies both ways. The fact we can have this conversation to me is evidence we can understand each other. Perfection is not something that exists and we shouldn't despair on its absence.

The number of perspectives we can take on this life are virtually infinite. There's necessarily a perspective out there for you to find comfort in this life. You didn't find it yet, but increasing the sense of desolation by forcing your way into believing you don't belong anywhere and feeding on tragic figures like Nietzsche is probably not how you'll get there. This is quite obvious but you should focus instead on things that might lead to your happiness, not finding ways to justify your misery.

It might be something long-term like learning to play an instrument or a second language, or it might be something that will last for a week or even a single day, it depends, but you should pursue something that will bring you some joy in life. I'll give you an example. Yesterday I spent the whole day gazing at the illustrations of an artist, Mr. Hiroshige. He did these amazing potted-plant scenes which I really love. I recently bought a plant myself and after going through some instructions I'm taking care of it with considerable success. Looking through these I'm now considering to try to make a bonkei myself. It might not be much, but it's enough to keep me happy and busy for the next few days, who knows, maybe longer. If you suspect you're clinically depressed, then you should seek medical attention, if you haven't.
>> No. 40013 [Edit]
I had gone to various doctors through the years but I found their advice to be nothing more than simple common sense, things I already thought about myself at some point or another. Yes, get a job, go among people, etc. It makes sense. But in practice they aren't as enjoyable, to me at least. All I was diagnosed with is serious depression. They gave me pills but all they did was to make me high energy. They didn't take away the emptiness, they didn't take away the sorrow, the pain. They didn't give me something to live for. They didn't give me strength to endure life. In psychiatry ward too, I felt like the odd one among all the relatively functional and social people like drug/alcohol/sex addicts and even the genuinely crazy people seemed more normal in some ways than me. So anyway, I stopped taking medication and going to doctors. They can't understand me, they are functional people who read about some conditions in text books but they don't know anything about them personally. Honestly, I question even the usefulness of psychiatry and psychology, they seem like fake science to me, considering everything is labeled a personality disorder basically at this point.

There are things I enjoy in life, I don't have a problem with that. I like my hobbies. Maybe way too much. I think my hobbies are 50% the reason I am still alive, the rest of the 50% is my family. But when the pain and sorrow come I can't do anything. They hit hard and crush me. I don't think I violate the rule by this because she isn't my gf and we never even met, we just wrote to each other online for months. She lives near me and I am forced to face the fact that she is married to a subhuman 90IQ guy because he has money. I like her, love her, never loved anyone else in my life except her. She would be perfect for me, both in terms of looks and personality. She is 17 years older than me and I am pretty sure she likes me too but is too afraid to start an affair behind the back of her husband. She lives a couple of kms from me and I can't even meet her nor can I talk to her any longer because we had an argument. So nowadays this is one of the most painful things for me, I think about this thing day after day and can't forget her.

I don't really read philosophy much anymore, got disillusioned by the whole thing. I searched and searched for some wisdom but never found that much of it anywhere. I type out my thoughts and feelings into a txt file from time to time so I have something else to do when I am bored of reading and watching things.
>> No. 40014 [Edit]
File 165756121122.png - (645.60KB , 500x704 , Utagawa Hiroshige - Tōkaidō as Potted Landscapes.png )
So that's the issue. TC is not the place to talk about 3D romantic aspirations anon. I wouldn't be able to give you any insight about those things anyway. I'll just tell you I really doubt a person with a husband, married for money and old enough to be your mother to be perfect for you. At least she has the insight of not talking to you anymore. Don't pursue this, you would only ruin the lives of 3 people, yours included. This situation looks wrong and even dangerous. I hope you can muster the strenght to walk away from it.
>> No. 40015 [Edit]
>A sense of belonging is not an illusion
>There's necessarily a perspective out there for you to find comfort in this life.
Pessimistic philosophies would differ. Under that viewpoint, there's an inherent contradiction where finding "comfort" is only possible if you fool yourself, but usually the kind of person who asks these questions is interested in analyzing the world so isn't going to be satisfied with that. Zappfe basically states it better than I can. He doesn't really give any prescription though (nor do I think one is warranted), so what you do with that knowledge is up to you.

>It might be something long-term like learning to play an instrument or a second language
All of those are ultimately ways to pass the time. In my opinion, if you subscribe to pessimist philosophy (which for your own sake if you're not already familiar with you should refrain from looking into, for breaking the veil of life is a one-way door) then the only "prescription" is to try to find opportunities to set aside consciousness and pass the time. You might think that at first glance this sounds similar to some buddhist philosophies or whatever but it's really not – it is a point-blank acceptance that the evolution of consciousness and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race (to borrow kacyzinski's phrasing), and that if you're not willing to kill yourself (which is hard to do because it directly fights with our core biological instincts) the next best option is to spend time like a mindless animal. Zapffe mentions some of these techqniues (isolation, anchoring, distraction, sublimation), and sublimation/distraction/isolation are probably the best of these techniques. Note that I make no mention of "Meditation" here (with a capital M because that's how the entire world seems to perceive its weight significance), but at the end it's really just another technique to bide the time. Getting absorbed in a video game, or absorbed by watching anime is just as good for that purpose.

But it's unfortunately really hard to remain in such an "autopilot" state permanently, and when you're no longer immersed in an activity the brain's default mode network activity resumes and you're thrust back into that contemplative existence.
>> No. 40016 [Edit]
Yes, I know this isn't the place to discuss this in detail, just thought I'd mention it since it is related to my depression very much and technically I don't have a romantic life or gf or wife, the most we did was texting and flirting online. I never met her irl. Aside from this, she was my only friend. And I am the reason we don't talk anymore, I said lots of mean and unwarranted things to her. I regret it so much, I didn't expect any actual romance out of it, but she was a friend too and well, I'm lonely. I don't think I can get over her, ever.

I think the question is: is it worth it to be happy at the cost that comes with the buddhist or stoic way of life? I used to respect ascetic philosophies and schools of thought which were concerned with reaching some state of calm tranquility. But these days, I don't think they are the satisfying answer. Man was made to suffer. It's evident by how much effort, self control and practice is required in order to reach ataraxia/nirvana. I don't think it is worth it, to close off your sense perception and to become a statue or rock. Rather live as an actual human, deriving real joy from life and even experiencing crushing sadness/suffering too instead of living in a plastic calm. I feel the tragic hero archetype closer to me than the ascetic monk ideal.
>> No. 40017 [Edit]
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I'm sure they would differ, as pessimistic philosophers have to believe to have reached the ultimate truth and that truth is terrible. They have to believe that otherwise they wouldn't be pessimistic philosphers. Is that right? Correct me if I'm wrong but you seem to adhere to this when warning me not to read about pessimism for it cannot be outmatched. As if nothing can beat it, for it's the 'real reality of things'. But if you don't believe in an ultimate reality about human existence, then any ultimate truth any thinker may find, beautiful or terrible, can easily give way to a million other ways of seeing life, all it takes is a gentle push. That's how I feel about pessimism, it comes and goes like any other thought, it's not special or any more solid. Of course for a pessimist it is special and more valid and that's where we would part ways I suppose.

I view pessimism the same way I view people whipping themselves. I think I just don't have a core belief for pessimism to take root. I simply don't believe a single value for human consciousness and experience can be reached. And honestly when I think about it, it sounds like what a religion would strive for, and if it comes to that I rather be a Buddhist than a pessimist. For obvious reasons, for one, I find it silly to believe happiness is a delusion but sadness isn't. It should go both ways and Buddhism is closer to it. Then Buddhist art is beautiful and pessimists are 3D and ugly. I'm joking, but not completely. But ultimately being a pessimist is to dig yourself into a hole, this is what I believe. To use your intellect to undermine the authenticity of happiness is such a weird, unrewarding form of martyrdom. It's also rather irresponsible as contriving ideas to linger in desolation and misery might lead people who are lost in life to be even more miserable, it's not a compassionate act, which I think should be preferred.

I apologize in advance if I made any wrong assumptions regarding your thoughts on this matter.

I understand you're hurt. I don't know how old you are but you strike me as very young and it might be too rash on your part to believe so firmly time will not heal your wounds. Continue to live, you might be pleasantly surprise. A tragic hero lives for himself and his own pain, that's why his tragedy is magnified and it feels even worse. Don't you think tragic heroes are tragic because ultimately they take themselves too seriously? In contrast, ideally, a monk will withhold his own enlightment to be a positive force in the life of others. You don't close your perception, instead you turn it toward others. No one is enlightened until every single person is enlightened. Compassion is above even Nirvana. If you made friends before, you can do it again, I'm sure there are many people in this world wishing to have a friend, just like you are.
>> No. 40018 [Edit]
>pessimistic philosophers have to believe to have reached the ultimate truth and that truth is terrible. They have to believe that otherwise they wouldn't be pessimistic philosphers.
Yes that's tautologically true, those who didn't subscribe to that philosophy wouldn't be pessimistic philosophers.

Despite its name, subscribing to a pessimist philosophy doesn't mean you're resigned to unhappiness though (although it does so happen that those who are depressed are more likely to undergo the line of thinking that leads them to this philosophy). Zapffe himself wasn't exactly depressed (at least from what I could see, it's a bit hard to find stuff about him since not much was translated) and spent his time climbing mountains and doing photography. Same for other artists as well. To subscribe to pessimism only requires one to abandon the notion of doing things with some grander purpose beyond yourself, and avoid engaging in the act of self-deception as you continue your existence. There's no reason why you can't still watch movies or write poetry if that's what you like, so long as you recognize that it's ultimately just another means of biding time. Maybe this is closer to nihilism than pessimism, I don't really know since all the philosophical ramblings are ultimately just word salads.

As for happiness vs. sadness, I see both as just byproducts of consciousness which is the real root issue. So in that sense neither are "real". But both of those are loaded words, I prefer to see it as satisfaction vs. dissatisfaction, and it's far easier to end up in the latter state than the former, so there is an asymmetry in that sense.

To me the issue with buddhism is that they invoke the notion of rebirth. If you remove that, then it's not really too far off from the above. With any non-material elements removed, the notion of "enlightenment" really just seems like the state of the lack of consciousness. Not necessarily death (although that would count as one form), but a state where you manage to shut down all higher-order cognition and basically revert to an animal-like state, operating only on instinct. In such a state there is no emotion, no turmoil, you live only "in the moment" as it were. It is of course impossible to survive in the modern world under such a state, which is another part of the paradox.
>> No. 40020 [Edit]
> It's also rather irresponsible as contriving ideas to linger in desolation and misery might lead people who are lost in life to be even more miserable, it's not a compassionate act, which I think should be preferred.
(Addendum to previous post):
I also fundamentally disagree with this. It's the same reason that talking about suicide is verboten. It is based on the presumptuous belief of an optimistic bias towards life and that people who question this view are "wayward children" who must be corrected. Of course I perfectly understand _why_ this behavior arises, it's a form of social self-preservation. But if you're going to put on a pretense of believing people have independence, then you should treat them accordingly and not withhold information, allowing them to come to their own conclusions.
>> No. 40021 [Edit]
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I actually agree with you, I wouldn't want pessimists to be banned or forbidden to think and say whatever it is they want to say, that would be absurd. I prefer people to be able to say whatever it is they want to say much the same way I prefer to be allowed to express how I find a line of thought to be irresponsible like I just did. In regards to >>40018 there are many things I disagree regarding what you think Buddhist enlightenment is like, comparing it with reducing yourself to instinct, death, shutting down brain faculties and lack of consciousness, which doesn't have any support on any Sutta I've read nor in any common sense assumption you can make by having any biographical knowledge about Buddha. Animals, the dead and people asleep are not considered enlightened in anyway and Buddha continued to be a normal adult making full use of his brain for over 40 years after reaching enlightenment. But I feel like I would get preachy and long winded trying to explain what I think Buddhism is, besides I'm nobody of importance, you can read any sutta or sutta commentary by actual monks and scholars on the internet if you like and they're a better use of your time than any post I could make. I would just be parroting them anyway.
>> No. 40022 [Edit]
>Animals, the dead and people asleep are not considered enlightened in anyway
Forget about what the texts consider as enlightened for a moment, why wouldn't you consider animals as enlightened? It's only man that sits around worrying about things, contemplating existence, the right way to behave, issues of ethics or morality, and suppresses its desires. Animals don't do any of that (*). They probably do have some rudimentary thoughts (although what you define as "thought" becomes fuzzy since our only frame of reference is ourselves. I imagine animal "thought" is basically just how they interpret raw stimulus) but it's not structured in the form of our own thoughts.

But with humans thought is intertwined with knowledge and experience, and this gives rise to long-term planning, reasoning, recognition, etc. It's a double-edged sword though. Animals certainly don't exist in a "desireless" state – if they feel hungry they go out and kill prey – but there's no higher-order reasoning associated with it. Whereas with the human, it's ironically that meta-self-awareness that is what makes you realize a desire is a "desire" and is something that you try to suppress in line with societal views.

If you eliminate consciousness, there's no problem to be solved in the first place. Dying, living, etc. wouldn't really matter in that case. Of course this is only possible if you accept a materialist viewpoint that there is no spirit or soul or whatever.

(*) You might say that you don't do any of that, in which case I congratulate and envy you. But the fact that religion and spirituality exist – people concerning themselves with the "best" way to live to achieve some goal (which they delude themselves into thinking will be something like "permanent tranquility") indicates that there's a non-trivial fraction of humanity who are victims of their own consciousness.
>> No. 40023 [Edit]
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I understand the term enlightened as a higher level of awareness. Diminishing, destroying or mutilating your tools for awareness is not enlightenment, not in my view, nor in any Buddhist context I'm aware of. To be clear, enlightenment to me is a way of being more aware, not less.
>> No. 40024 [Edit]
Awareness of what though? It's still a bit of a vague word. Once this state of enlightenment is reached, how do you expect your experiences will differ from how they currently are. Eliminating consciousness is in my opinion precisely that form of enlightenment where your experiences become unfiltered – with consciousness eliminated, thoughts and knowledge no longer get in the way of raw experience. That is to say, you can look at a table without needing to tell yourself that it's a table (that is to say because you no longer access knowledge, you won't even have any idea what a "table" is. To you, it would just be another flat looking thing). All your actions become are unmediated without the meddling of thought, simply responses to stimuli.
>> No. 40025 [Edit]
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Awareness of the world around you. It's not vague but it does depend on what traditions of thought you find yourself in, same with everything I suppose. If you want a Buddhist metaphor for it, it's like sharpening a blade. The process of enlightenment is a sharpening of your awareness. You're telling me you threw the blade in the river and is calling that sharpening a blade. We have a term to act unfiltered, it's instinct, also one for the end of consciousness, it's death. You want to call it enlightenment, I wouldn't. If you're a pebble, then you're impervious to all suffering. Is that enlightenment? It's being a pebble. Enlightenment is not being impervious to suffering, it's how you deal with suffering while being aware it exists.
>> No. 40034 [Edit]
Sakurazaka46's new song came out. K-pop is a disease and it needs to be contained. Making idols do hip-hop breakdancing, are you fucking kidding me? Hot garbage. HOT GARBAGE! BOO! BOO! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
>> No. 40035 [Edit]
From what I can tell based on my limited knowledge, Buddhism and eastern religions in general are all about reaching a HIGHER state of awareness, like the buddhist poster here says. Awareness of what? Of ideals and laws. The enlightened monks and gurus keep all the laws of their religions, which usually place a big emphasis on not hurting anything around them. Even if they suffer much and die an early death, they try to live a moral/virtuous life and to be someone who keeps all the laws. The ideal of buddhism is exactly ultra-self-control and being super-conscious, not the opposite.

What the other, pessimist poster says is enlightenment is the opposite of buddhist enlightenment. It is a state where instincts rule and direct everything you do. That is wild, non-epicurean hedonism or egoism.

I am 25. I don't know if getting friends is worth it anymore. I got rejected and ignored by others so much that quite frankly I hate humans. Whenever I meet or am forced to interact with anyone irl who isn't part of my immediate family I go on the defensive and start behaving in passive-aggressive ways. There is only so much pain/bullying one can take from the community before he becomes anti-social completely. I feel pity for those who are outcasts like me and people who can't defend themselves or get bullied by society like homeless people or semi-autist/aspie loners. Probably because I see myself reflected in them. But the majority? God, I do hate them so much.

I'm not that much of a sceptic as you are. Life might be one big illusion but it feels real and we perceive it as real. It doesn't matter from which angle I look at this world, it is just horrible. All the suffering and horrors outweigh the good things easily. I can't pretend that this world or existence is okay or fun.
I don't think being a tragic hero needs to be all about seriousness, there are certainly times in life when one can only laugh at all the stupidity and cruelty or even at himself. In fact, the fun times only increase the forces of suffering when they come again. I do have compassion, to tell the truth I think even more than most people have nowadays. But my compassion is egoistic, I feel sorry for those who are like me only.

This world, I'm tempted to believe at times, was created by a gnostic evil deity. It is just perfect ground for suffering and horror.
>> No. 40036 [Edit]
File 165772919769.jpg - (6.73MB , 4247x3307 , Touhou Momiji 16.jpg )
I quite like this world.
Even if I dislike the people in it and dislike them more as time goes on and society get worse. I see no need to befriend them in the first place so it does not matter much.

I like the world itself and I don't need to have friends to enjoy that. If I could live by myself and watch anime and read books, I would be happy.
>> No. 40043 [Edit]
There are times when I feel like that too. Then life steps in and slaps me hard across the cheeks to remind me not to get too comfortable. Poverty, illnesses, accidents, disasters, little troubles here and there and I realize even if you don't have to put up with the retarded things of others, life is still very hard and merciless.
>> No. 40047 [Edit]
File 16577951393.jpg - (2.50MB , 1861x1108 , 70079329_p0.jpg )
summer not fucking off already
cause its 40 degrees and when i wake up im soaked in sweat and its really uncomfortable
plus i havent showered in over a month so i guess it makes that case worse
wouldnt be a big deal in the winter
also literally cant go outside while its summer that sucks too
although theres that school starts back up once summer ends so never mind guess i need it to stay here
>> No. 40049 [Edit]
If you don't have ac, and it tends to be cooler at night, I'd strongly recommend a window fan. No installation is needed, you just open a window at night, put the thing there, and cool air will blow into your room.
>i havent showered in over a month
That's gross any time of year, anon.
>> No. 40050 [Edit]
The concept of "influencers". It's such a bizarre and creepy "cultural phenomena". How anybody calls themself one with a straight face is a mystery to me.
>> No. 40052 [Edit]
I hate tan lines. I have a very defined one on my arm between paper white and pasty. I'll just have to stop wearing a shirt outside.
>> No. 40053 [Edit]
It seems like something that started out as a sort of pseudo-derogatory term, I have no idea when or why people started to refer to themselves as such seriously.
>> No. 40054 [Edit]
They look pretty nice on 2D girls at least.
>> No. 40055 [Edit]
Sure, but most things do.
>> No. 40056 [Edit]
I thought of it more as a doublet of influenza, a viral disease, and then again 'viral' is a synonym for trending.
>> No. 40064 [Edit]
People loitering in parking lots. I went to the store as I sometimes do, and there were a ton of kids hanging out in the Waffle House parking lot. They were blasting music too, but surprisingly it was Slayer and not some sort of rap music.
I don't get why they'd go some place that was open. There's a shopping center across the road with big empty parking lots. Dumb kids.
>> No. 40065 [Edit]
Going out into the street in a group and listening to loud music...what's the good in this? I don't get it. Is it some mating ritual normal people do?
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