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File 168145440281.jpg - (349.68KB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Oshi no Ko - 01 (1080p) [D75BF135]_mk.jpg )
37102 No. 37102 [Edit]
This sure had one heck of a first ep. Prologue is practically a movie of it's own, and a pretty decent one at that. People kept talking about this like it was some must watch thing before it came out, and I can see why. I'd recommend you guys check it out too.
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>> No. 37104 [Edit]
File 168145826969.jpg - (37.77KB , 1280x720 , 【推しの子】.jpg )
I like how the title can refer to Ai or her kids.
>> No. 37105 [Edit]
Seems suspiciously popular... I'll give it a shot since at the very least it overlaps with genres I like, but I've been burned too many times by popular hype that is nothing of substance.
>> No. 37109 [Edit]
Exactly why is the title untranslated? In the context of this show the meaning of oshi is rather obvious, idol, so the translated title should be "The Child of an Idol", yet everywhere I look it is romanized. Before this I have yet to see a title go romanized because it has too many potential meanings, in fact there are some titles of shows most widely accepted translation of which is awful, and though I cannot provide any specific examples I promise that you can trust me.
Unless someone can provide a title of a show which widely goes romanized because it has too many potential meanings, having come to the conclusion that the meaning of the title is rather obvious the only real reason I see for it being romanized is that among people who decide how shows with a Japanese title get translated there are some people into this series that pushed this one because it sounds better.
I myself prefer the titles romanized, but if they translate them, keep to it. I find cherry picking which shows title to translate based on personal preferences to be detestable.

Speaking of, does anyone know how shows with a Japanese title get translated? Do people just use the translation that MAL or Crunchyroll provide?
>> No. 37111 [Edit]
> Do people just use the translation that MAL or Crunchyroll provide?
Anime has been getting translated since before either of those was a thing. I think it's best left up to the creators to decide that. Which I should point out MAL and CR can (and have) contradicted due to their own preferences.
If it's not translated, I'd just assume that was the creator's call.
>> No. 37112 [Edit]
>I think it's best left up to the creators to decide that.
I agree. Even if they do not know English properly it would add a personal touch, something more to remember the title by.

I see, so if there is not an official translation it is done by various third parties, and AFAIK Oshi no Ko does not have one.
>> No. 37122 [Edit]
So which sub group should I use for this? Besides CR/Bglobal I count maybe 1 or 2 other "fansub", in addition to a smattering of other streaming platforms.
>> No. 37123 [Edit]
I actually found something related to this on nyaa comments of all places

>Here’s a quote from the official manga on the decision to keep the title as 【Oshi no Ko】 in English:
>The title 【Oshi no Ko】 has been left untranslated from the Japanese because the phrase can have multiple meanings depending on context. “The girl who’s my favorite performer,” “The girl who’s a fan of my favorite performer,” and “The child/children of my favorite performer”—among others—are all valid interpretations.
>> No. 37124 [Edit]
Hmm several thoughts on this one. First off I'm quite surprised that the length of the first episode is about 1:30, had to triple check that this wasn't a muxing error. I can see what you mean by the 1st episode being a mini-movie on its own. I'm interested see how the rest of the season is going to turn out given the events of the prologue.

My initial impression is that it's decently well-put together, and at least just considering the first episode, it has some echoes of shirobako/girlish-number/sore-ga-seiyuu; as well as some themes of family. It's easy to see why it's quickly gained popularity and where the hype comes from. Now whether it's deserving of the hype is a separate question. I'm inclined to say that at the very least I believe that of the recent seasonal shows, this hype has more backing it than lycoris recoil and (especially) bocchi the rock.

I think the first rough comparison that comes to mind for me is Shinkai films, not necessarily for the particular themes (shinkai's usually seem to be about love separated by age/time/space/etc.) but in the sense of combined nostalgic undertones + mono no aware in a cross-cutting, broady appealing way. You're not really drawn in by any specific character interaction (and indeed other shows often outdo on this, at the expense of being more nichely targeted), but rather by the end-product of how it fits together.

I don't know how the rest of the season is going to pan out though, so the above may not hold at all for anything beyond the first episode.

The babies doing wotagei was quite hilarious.
>> No. 37126 [Edit]
The first episode was satisfying enough that I'll do the TL shootout myself:

The contenders are CR (technically sentai but I lump all western corpsubs as CR), Netflix (an interesting contender), B-Global (the uploader has sadly stopped posting on nyaa due to people getting mad about his release titles), "MTBB", and "Starsugen".


>I love you, sensei! Marry me!
>Forgive me, but I'd be as good as dead socially.
>Okay, Mr. Moralist...
>A shame, isn't it? But I'll seriously \N consider it once you turn 16.
>Sixteen, huh?
>You're a big meanie.


>Doctor, I love you! Marry me!
>Give me a break, \N that'll be social suicide.
>You moralist.
>Too bad. I'll think about it seriously \N once you become 16.
>Sixteen, huh?
>Doctor, you're mean.


>Oh, right! Speaking of food, the other day my baby...
>"My baby"?
>Er, I mean my baby kitten! \N I got a pet during my rest period, you see!

>Oh yeah, speaking of eating, my boy was--
>My boy?
>I meant my kitten! I adopted him recently \N while I was taking a break.

>Would you consider becoming my children for real?
>Of course, Ai-san will always be your only mother,
>and you don't need to think of me as your mother...

>Would you like \N to really become our children?
>Of course, your mother can only be Ai.
>You don't have to think of me \N as your mother.

It's a bit of a wash, some lines Sentai has better, some NF has better. If I had to pick one, I'd probably say Sentai (*), since on average it seems to be less heavy on the unnecessary slang.

B-global. Don't bother, it's C team work.

MTBB - A sentai derivative

>I love you, doc! Marry me!
>I'd rather not die by social suicide, thanks.
>Okay, Mr. Moralist...
>Yep, what a shame. But I'll give it some serious thought once you're 16.

The semantic content of the translation is basically the same, the only thing fixed was grammar and coherency. Also an odd penchant for replacing spaced en-dashes with em-dashes, and removing newlines, which I don't really like. I guess it's not strictly worse than the sentai translation, but I wouldn't count this as strictly better either.

Starsugen - Another sentai derivative

>I love you, Doctor! Marry me!
>That'd be social suicide, so maybe not.
>Okay, Mr. Moralist...
>A shame, isn't it?
>But ask me again once you turn 16.
>Sixteen, huh?
>You're a big meanie.

>Oh, right! Speaking of food, the other day my baby...
>Your baby?
>Er, I mean my baby kitty! \N I got a pet during my break, you see!

>Would you consider joining our family?
>Of course, Ai will always be your only mother,
>and you don't need to think of me as your mother...
>But I do think of you two as my own children.

The Starsugen one seems to fix most of the semantic issues I had with the sentai, and cleans up the phrasing better than the MTBB one. No honorifics on the Starsugen though (MTBB has them optional) if you care about that, but importantly they had the common decency to not replace it with "Ms." everywhere.

The only thing I vehemently dislike and don't understand is the decision to translate "lolicon" in the sentai edits. Sentai kept it as "lolicon" which makes perfect sense, MTBB uses "likes 'em young" and Starsugen uses "predator". No idea why you'd choose to make subs even worse than the source.

Overall I guess Starsugen is the least-bad option here.

(*) I also found this blogpost by a random yahoo. .. I don't really expect much from these so-called "industry thoughtleaders", but I skimmed through the critiques and they seem valid, modulo some grammar stuff where I'd rephrase another way.
>> No. 37127 [Edit]
That quote according to the eighteenth reply to is apparently from the translation notes from the Yen Press physical manga release, we can also see that the English translation of the manga has Oshi no Ko as its title, so it probably is safe to assume that this is the official English title for it. So much for my fun conspiracy theory LMAO

I guess I could say something about the anime itself.
I could tell what kind of show this was from the cover and some of the plot elements I heard from somewhere, watching the start of the first episode confirmed my thoughts. The main character who has babies to deliver gets approached by some stalker, he confronts him and the stalker runs away. What does he do? Chase after him of course, some moments later he gets pushed off a cliff.
Though there apparently were many, many hints from the very start that the writing of this show is bad because I had a strong gut feeling about it, this confirms it completely. A funeral service with a priest and everything has been held for any doubts I had about it.
What else to say?
>> No. 37128 [Edit]
>What else to say?
I guess the thing to watch is if the rest of the show is going to be similar in theme/execution to the first episode or not. From skimming some comments on 4/a/ it seems like in the long-run the show degrades to a romcom-ish show. Which is really disappointing if true. I was hoping this would turn out to be some multi-generational narrative of the idol industry, familial ties, revenge, etc., maybe something a bit analogous to East of Eden (the Steinbeck novel)
>> No. 37129 [Edit]
>in the long-run the show degrades to a romcom-ish show
Sounds about right

>multi-generational narrative of the idol industry, familial ties, revenge, etc., maybe something a bit analogous to East of Eden (the Steinbeck novel)
That sounds amazing, if executed properly I would definitely watch that.
>> No. 37133 [Edit]
From episode 2, seems like it's definitely headed in the romcom direction. At least the first episode was worth watching.
>> No. 37136 [Edit]
To whoever hasn't seen this yet and is even mildly interested, I'd recommend getting your butt in gear and watching it already. Cunts are starting to spread spoilers as memes.
You've been warned.
>> No. 37137 [Edit]
>To whoever hasn't seen this yet...
Completely off topic but I love this construction since it really trips up the people who parrot grammar rules without actually understanding grammar. In "to who(m)ever hasn't seen", the "who(m)ever" is simultaneously the subject of the noun-phrase which needs to be in nominative case, but it's also the head of the noun-phrase that's the argument for the preposition, which would usually be in accusative case.

In practice though "whoever" is the best choice (as you chose), both since English is evolving to favor whoever even in cases that would usually call for accusative case, and serving as the subject of a noun-phrase could be viewed as higher-precedence. (For the latter, even though it's the head of the NP, there's the argument that put together the _entire_ NP should be viewed as the argument of the preposition).
>> No. 37159 [Edit]
File 168281421384.jpg - (159.35KB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Oshi no Ko - 03 (1080p) [49447E89]_mk.jpg )
I'm no expert, but I don't think that would work...
>> No. 37162 [Edit]
I stopped watching after the 2nd episode, but I guess the cigarette is so the dna of the informant can be profiled? Given the high heat and the fact that it's using saliva which will dry out easy, I don't think it's the best method
>> No. 37174 [Edit]
File 168334038986.gif - (87.64KB , 100x100 , 2023.gif )
Oh man. Best anime for 2023 so far!
>> No. 37253 [Edit]
piyo piyo
>> No. 37254 [Edit]
Needs a 3d warning tag.

Post edited on 8th Jun 2023, 12:08am
>> No. 37256 [Edit]
File 168621003864.jpg - (147.02KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Oshi no Ko - 05 (720p) [1B9AE416]_mkv.jpg )
>> No. 37257 [Edit]
>> No. 37258 [Edit]
Now that episode 8 aired it feels like they completely forgot about Ruby
>> No. 37259 [Edit]
No kidding. Maybe her character will have more to do later, but for now they come across as just eye candy for incest fans.
>> No. 37265 [Edit]
"Oshi no Ko" can mean:
"My Favourite Girl" (oshi = favourite idol)
"My Favourite's Child/ren"
"Favourite Child/ren"
"Supportive Child/ren" (oshi = support) (Aqua and Ruby supporting their Mother)
"Child/ren of the Star" (oshi = hoshi)
"Star Child/ren"
and possibly more.

"My Star" was going to be the official English title, but that changed for some reason.
>> No. 37266 [Edit]
Cool, I didn't realize the oshi->hoshi wordplay.
>> No. 37267 [Edit]
I keep reading it as delicious kids.
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