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File 153372419730.jpg - (301.26KB , 1280x960 , 1cb2d874a5fbd3e067d308eae797bcf3.jpg )
31703 No. 31703 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Okay so lets say you're given the chance to get a do over on life and start over as a girl.
There's a catch, but you get to pick the catch.

- You can be a cute 2D anime girl, but it will be in the world of a horror anime and you die a slow painful death at an early age.

- You're a cute 2d anime girl, but you are born blind and deaf, and can never be cured.

- you can be born as whatever kind of girl you want, but you'll be born in the poorest part of south Africa.

- you're an ugly 2D anime girl who's abused and molested by her father, bullied and treated like shit at school, you never get to have friends, and you die alone as a fat fujoshi.

- you're a cute 2D anime girl from a typical slice of life anime with cute loving friends and are part of a club of your choosing, but you're forced to relive the same 13 days of high school until the end of time.
6 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 31711 [Edit]
>you're a cute 2D anime girl from a typical slice of life anime with cute loving friends and are part of a club of your choosing, but you're forced to relive the same 13 days of high school until the end of time.

This sounds fine to me.
>> No. 31713 [Edit]
I pick neither.
>> No. 31714 [Edit]
I want to be a cute boy instead.
>> No. 31723 [Edit]
File 153457815494.jpg - (38.12KB , 500x372 , cute anime girl.jpg )
i already am a cute anime girl

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31684 No. 31684 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I've spent a lot of time on different forums and boards. Even been a part of my fair share of real life groups, teams and whatnot. There's one thing that irks me to no end - whatever the group, whatever the forum, there's always one or two people that seem to absolutely hate and detest me from the get-go. Whatever I try to do to appease them just furthers their disdain (as does distancing myself from them or ignoring them).
The thing is, I'm a decently amiable person. I go out of my way to find common ground with nearly everyone and it usually works. Usually. Even if I don't get the person to like me, I can at least be on friendly terms with almost everyone. Almost.

Yes there's that 'haters gonna hate' stuff. It doesn't help. I don't know if these people sniff vulnerabilities out or if I'm just making a major faux pax everwhere I go. Maybe it's just some cruel joke. I just don't know or even understand. Yet, I'll put on a tough face whenever this happens and say "pfft, whatever..." but it still hurts every time.

Having to navigate through life like this is so very frustrating.

Now then. Can anyone relate to any of this and maybe share some much needed armchair counseling?
1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 31687 [Edit]
this seems like a pretty good analysis of the situation to me, i don't think i could have posted a better reply than that.
> I found odd you chose a 3D reaction picture on a site that's particularly adamant about using 2D ones
he also made an effort to reference his 3dpd social life, this is really more of an /so/ thread if it belongs anywhere on /tc/
>> No. 31690 [Edit]
Who gives a shit? You can't please everyone. Don't get hung up on things like that.

But at the same time, maybe have some self-reflection -- are you socially awkward or something? Or is the problem with the other people? After all, there can be some weird people on forums.
>> No. 31691 [Edit]
Well you made two faux pas in your post here. People don't like "reaction images" from that other imageboard, and the material of this post is more suited for /so/ than /ot/.

You're also demonstrating that you have a somewhat self-absorbed worldview (which is nothing new for tohno-chan but still): you believe that everyone should like you.

Honestly though, you probably just rub people the wrong way. Maybe your "amiable" personality comes off as a facade; I know people like that. You can tell when someone is genuinely being kind, and when they're putting on an act to ingratiate themselves with you. I'm not fond of such behavior myself. It seems like you do that a lot - By trying to find "common ground" with people, you probably distance them even more because you seem disingenuous.

Some also dislike outsiders by nature, not everyone is welcoming, which can't be helped.

This isn't really criticism, though it might come across that way. I don't know you. This is all inferred from a single post on an imageboard. I could be wrong, I don't have all the information.

Even on the internet (especially in this day and age where so much of our social interaction is done through it) being treated poorly by others is painful. We all have our methods to handle the immense pain of co-existing with others. You'll be okay, just try to understand that not everyone has to like you simply because you aren't an asshole.
>> No. 31693 [Edit]
I think you're being too harsh. OP doesn't seem that bad. But the fact of the matter is that you can't please everyone. There's no point in trying.

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31471 No. 31471 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Do you guys hide your weeb stuff or other possibility embarrassing things? Say for example a relative is coming to visit, or maybe there's stuff you don't want anyone to see in general?
2 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 31597 [Edit]
I don't hide the weeb stuff (my family knows what I am) but I do clean up. I don't want them to see anything near how messy and filthy it usually is because I was extremely tidy when I lived at home. Now my apartment looks like one of those news reports about hikkis.
>> No. 31648 [Edit]
No, I don't hide it, and I don't like it when people hide it. Everyone is allowed to show what they like, so why should it be any different to us? As the guy above me said though, I do clean my room when someone is going to visit, because it's usually very messy.
>> No. 31651 [Edit]
I don't have any. If you're embarrassed to have something, why have it at all?
>> No. 31694 [Edit]
I like cuddling Ren-chon when I sleep, but I don't want anyone else to know that.

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31631 No. 31631 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I was playing overwatch on voice chat and someone started calling everyone over where he was to look at something. There's nothing there but on his end apparently two characters clipped into each other and froze mid air or something so I'm watching this guy freaking out at nothing and expecting a reaction from the rest of the team until we tell him we can't see it. We move on but the concept sticks with me. Has there ever been a virtual reality story that's had literal physical differences in how different players will view reality? You're playing the same game but are you really? In online play you always see it in these little things like how people will only see certain bushes if they have their graphic settings high enough. If an online game is your whole world though it'd be fucking your perception of the world. A dead team mate could be floating by you, only by you and people would think you're crazy. You might be the only one who can't see a sunset your party is in awe of. Even though I kind of hate dystopian cyber stories I like this idea that in the future resources like good food and shelter are cheap enough that all their money is spent on getting the highest tier computer because mmo's are blowing up and that's where you see the economic difference between people. There's not some enforced hierarchy between the rich and poor. There's no longer a strong IRL difference between classes but they literally see different worlds. People build communities around what they specifically see or don't see and that creates a culture divide out of superiority and salt.
What are some game mechanics that still haven't been touched on in fiction?
>> No. 31632 [Edit]
it's not a VR game but dead space 3's co-op mode worked like that, showing player one things player two couldn't see and vice versa. I remember it was one of the very few things people universally liked about that game
>> No. 31634 [Edit]
Phillip K. Dick is pretty cool.

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27208 No. 27208 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
The old one has been on autosage for a long ass time, guys. Make a new one already. Old thread: >>24879
804 posts and 157 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 33840 [Edit]
File 157637682479.jpg - (246.99KB , 1015x672 , c6s.jpg )
just do it
>> No. 33843 [Edit]
both pictures look like shit lol what progress
>> No. 33844 [Edit]
I also don't like either of them, but the second one clearly shows a better understanding of anatomy and shading.
>> No. 33874 [Edit]
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This guy does one drawing DAILY

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31267 No. 31267 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Why did Kotatsu never take off outside of Japan?
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>> No. 31274 [Edit]
Usually you'd pack away the other table and then bring out the kotatsu.
In the West tables weren't designed to be packed away.
>> No. 31279 [Edit]
>they're only as good as the house is bad?
Sorry, I worded my post badly. I meant that it's a cultural thing more than an architectural one. The things I listed is why kotatsu are popular in Japan, which comes down to lack of other forms of either heating or keeping the house insulated.
>> No. 31281 [Edit]
Maybe its not too late for the kotatsu to catch hold in the west, but I doubt it. Imagine some big western slob steps in dogshit on the way home and walks into his house without taking his shoes off then sits at kotatsu.
>> No. 31622 [Edit]
buildings in the north are properly insulated or have a fireplace

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31572 No. 31572 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
my current torrent stats
ratio 0.93
total downloads: 674.12 GB

I've downloaded about 47gigs more than I've uploaded. Thats like 8 whole seasons of anime I've gotten off you people for free.
>> No. 31595 [Edit]
Your ratio is sub-standard. You can definitely do better than that...
>> No. 31596 [Edit]
I only use XDCC for downloads so I've download everything more than I've uploaded.
>> No. 31602 [Edit]
i try to keep my ration under 1 at all times, that way i never feel like i'm being taken advantage of. still hanging at 0.93 now with 678.06 GB downloaded, so apparently i consumed 3.94GB of anime over the past 12 days. 328 megs or roughly one ep in 720 per day
>> No. 31615 [Edit]
File 152848845690.jpg - (20.53KB , 240x58 , small example.jpg )
Whenever I get something that I know won't have that many seeds, I try to do my part as I know what its like to be unable to obtain something you want.

I'm grateful for those that have shared and want to help as many as I can if I can.

I'm only posting this small example because I'm not sure how to find out my total ratio on Deluge. Orz

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31592 No. 31592 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Why can't 3DPD like cute hair accessories like ribbons and bows and stuff?
>> No. 31593 [Edit]
The issue with this thread is that nobody can give a proper rebuttal, because that would require breaking the no posting 3DPD rule. I myself have seen plenty 3DPDs of which I've thought "That's a nice <insert hair accessory>" around here. Already discussed here:
>> No. 31594 [Edit]
If you live on turd island, people there usually look like turds.

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31573 No. 31573 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
How old are you and what do you think the minimum age rule should be on here if there was one?
>> No. 31574 [Edit]
i am a cute little anime girl
>> No. 31576 [Edit]
No idea, don't see how it matters
>> No. 31577 [Edit]
18+ to view /ns/
>> No. 31587 [Edit]
I am a small loli catgirl, only 9 years old. Please do not bully me!

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31533 No. 31533 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I HATE it when I have the misfortune of talking to someone cancerous online, especially when it's someone who obsessively hates on anime for no reason. I try to just ignore it and walk away, but the thought just stays on the back of my mind. I can't watch anime or play video games because my brain keeps telling me to go back and fight! And then, I waste several hours of my life on some stupid internet fight instead of doing something I'd actually enjoy. How do you guys deal with this?
7 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 31582 [Edit]
Why not kick them out?
>> No. 31584 [Edit]
Because people are terrified of being pegged with "clique mentality" and the one time someone actually got banned it raised an insane shitstorm that never died down
>> No. 31585 [Edit]
>Because people are terrified of being pegged with "clique mentality"
Well, then the real issue is that these hangouts are filled with cowards. If you can't reliably put your (collective) foot down and kick the hijackers and pretenders, than it's on you as a whole. The aforementioned will go wherever they can to get the attention they crave, so it's your duty to kick them out and preserve the integrity of what you have, otherwise you lose your right to complain.
>> No. 31601 [Edit]
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no earnest group of posters no matter how large will ever be able to withstand the assault of a single determined and skilled griefer.
sure grieferism is no longer fashionable or "cool" in the modern era, but their long lost skills and way of life has yet to be reckoned with in any sort of effective manner. sometimes old religions just fade away

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30639 No. 30639 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
My mentally abusive, alleged "father" threw a remote control hard at me, this evening. Before that, I said that even his favourite mainstream media outlet SVT has said that basically no migrants have gotten jobs, recently (or "newly arrived" as they creepily are called, here, to explain to Swedes that they are here to forever stay and replace us); either because they haven't been qualified or don't want any, as their article said. He immediately came up with some migrant that had changed tires on his car, the other day, and that he worked "far more effectively" than the others around him. I said I would rather have seen that that job had gone to someone from here (they automatically get jobs as all Nordics now are consider second-grade people, by the state, but he's too unintelligent to get that, despite that it's been said it will be done by those he has voted in). Then when he realized I was right, he as usual started to point out how worthless I am. I pointed out that it's hard to get back to life when you have been harassed to despair by the psychiatry (he, by the way, has several times commended the worst of those psychiatrists and said "he only wanted to help me" and that my life would be good if I had listened (they wanted to commit me, give me ECT and antipsychotics, mainly for wearing "odd clothes" (normal, nowadays), being a vegetarian and wanting to become a farmer)). He said something nasty I can't remember so I said I would be better off dead. He said something like "die then," to which I replied that I actually think I might have breast cancer so maybe I will (I've realized I have faint, wide lumps where they shouldn't be, on my chest, that definitely aren't fat lumps). Then he threw the controller on me and stormed off. Then he returned, saying that if I don't stop being a "fascist" and change my attitude, he will send me out of the house. If he does that, I won't have my only reason of living, anymore; our dog.

I've decided to try to go mute in order to not speak with him. I prayed as hard as I could that he would die, but so far, none of those prayers have been listened to. Just further proof that no good god exists. I'll talk as little as possible with my mom, too, as he feels provoked when I ta
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6 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 30657 [Edit]
Not him but about war... "Lots of terrible, nightmarish stuff" is already my life. It could get worse with war but not by much and every day I care less.
>> No. 30658 [Edit]
I feel you anon. My mom is similar to your father, plus she drinks. She doesn't throw stuff at me but she threw a brick into my window once. For me the only thing that works is not talking to her at all and avoid her as much as I can.

>>if I don't stop being a "fascist" and change my attitude, he will send me out of the house

Can he actually do that? I mean what's the law in your country about this and who owns the house, your mom or him? Is your apartment stable / paid for on the long term? If yes, then maybe you should just move and visit your mom and your dog when he is not at home. And before anything else certainly go and see a doctor.
>> No. 30660 [Edit]
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>Well.... war is never nice, though.
Sure, but getting a influenza injection isn't either, but it's best to get it done. And war will really test my limits, I want to know just what I can acheive when pushed.
Nobody really deserves to die, though I sure would like certain groups exterminated, but that doesn't mean they deserve it, it's just what personally think is best and I wouldn't grieve over their removal.

>I'm not sure if he understands how much damage he is doing to me, mentally... and his behaviour is just making me get even more extreme
Yeah, sounds like mine. I've concluded he must be a sort of psycopath, since clearly he is unable to process other's emotions.
Best advice I can give is to just stop talking to him.
>> No. 31575 [Edit]
He's not going to change until either a different narrative shows up on the television screen, everyone around him changes, or he's subjected to soviet style torture and brainwashing.

As for cancer treatment I recommend you read:
"Detoxify or Die" by Sherry A Rogers M.D

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