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33200 No. 33200 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Let’s talk about escapism.

What is escapism exactly?
>the tendency to seek distraction and relief from unpleasant realities, especially by seeking entertainment or engaging in fantasy.

What are the benefits and downsides of escapism? Do you think it’s an inherently bad thing? Do you knowingly/unknowingly practice it or do you try to stay grounded in reality? In what ways do you usually practice it?

For me my big escapist thing was I couldn’t wait to get to sleep because after a long day I could lay there and fantasize about whatever I wanted, it was a nice carefree time but lately I have taken to staying up as late as possible and constantly consuming some sort of media while posting on image boards. If I don’t do that I feel that my time and day is wasted. It’s awful and while in the moment I feel happy and manage to get away from reality, as soon as I stop and step away I become high strung and anxious about things. I can’t even take a nap in the middle of the day out of fear of wasting time

Im not sure if it’s just my habits or me myself who changed but I’m going to try to reevaluate and readjust so I can get back to my day dreaming and early bed times, but I’m not sure where to begin. I prefer that more relaxed type of escapism, it’s soothing
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>> No. 33885 [Edit]
I prefer daydreaming as my way of escapism. I like to create my own stories. I wish I had writing talent to make them "real" and get paid money though.
>> No. 33886 [Edit]
>I believe that fiction is desensitizing.
That's not what i've experienced. Normally i'm mostly numb to what the people around me are feeling, but if i'm in the middle of a book, I'm already in the mindset of empathizing with others so I feel a little more. The brain gets better at what it's trained to do. Fiction doesn't actually have stakes to it, so I don't think it's desensitizing.
>> No. 38372 [Edit]
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>> No. 38378 [Edit]
Stop posting this low effort shit.

No. 38058 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Non Japanese speaking & writing MOSAIC.WAV enthusiast here. Does anyone know if there may be more good videos of their live shows around somewhere than just this one that I was able to find on Youtube?

I don't know, maybe some of you might have some saved or know what terms might be useful for finding what I'm looking for. I looked up that ライブ, ライヴ, ヴ are used for 'live' in Japanese, but these terms aren't finding anything useful on YT / NND either.

Please help me, tohno-chan, your noble house is my only hope.
>> No. 38060 [Edit]
Look up "モザイクウェブ ライブ"
>> No. 38063 [Edit]
Much obliged.

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29200 No. 29200 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I actually have a couple bags of sand, if anyone wants to know what they feel like. I went to the beach & brought home some sand (i like to keep it around just in case any of my potted plants get fungus gnats) and i realized I could make bags of sand pretty easily so I did. I image this is what anime girl's tits feel like, yes?
10 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 30275 [Edit]
you defense seems to turn on the idea that OP is confusing because of your lack of reading comprehension and your extremely short attention span.
>> No. 30276 [Edit]
You're slightly right, but I see a loy of projecting. You confuse reading comprehension and attention with interest. The thread is written avoiding general writing conventions and board standards, to the point it's erratic: There is no title, the topic is presented only in the very last sentence, and the idea before it elongates unnecessarily.
>> No. 30277 [Edit]
>but I see a loy of projecting
Trace on.
>> No. 30282 [Edit]

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29679 No. 29679 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
How do I become a paid internet shill? People often seem to think paid internet shills exist, do they? I would probably be pretty good at it if they paid me enough. Who are they and how do I contact them?
sorry if this is bad
>> No. 29680 [Edit]
Thanks to the information provided by Edward Snowden, the existence of paid government shills that misdirect and manipulate political discourse on the internet was confirmed a while back. I don't recall any mention of how they picked up these people, though. The NSA and CIA scouts hackers in relevant colleges, so my only guess is that they'd do something similar for paid shills/trolls.
>> No. 29682 [Edit]
I've seen ads for entry level shilling on amazon's mechanical turk before.
That was an ad for actual political canvassing before.
The jidf as a particular example has both unpaid shills and paid shills, and in both cases it uses software to track the activity of the users (especially important for the paid shills, who were paid using a fairly complex metric according to anons who claimed to be paid jidf shills on a site which was confirmed (by the twitter feed of the actual jidf) to be shilled on).

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34481 No. 34481 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
It's that time of year again!
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>> No. 38011 [Edit]
This theme is sooo cute!
>> No. 38013 [Edit]
I really love it too
>> No. 38014 [Edit]
Will it stick around as a theme option after today ends?
(Tohno-chan always has the best april fools jokes, retaining that organic playfulness sorely missing in the modern web).
>> No. 38017 [Edit]
This theme has been available on TC for more than a few years now, I see no reason not to keep it. It actually is the one I prefer to use myself. Similarly, when the theme "awesome" was made for a previous April 1st, that was simply added to the list and has been there since.

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37557 No. 37557 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What do you think the world would use as currency if and when everything collapses? Bottle caps, gasoline, sand?
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>> No. 37923 [Edit]
I find it absurd that some people think you can just live without weapons. Can a population really get so complacent so quickly? You shouldn't be worrying about whether food or weapons are more important, having a weapon should already be a default assumption.
>> No. 37924 [Edit]
There's nothing natural about guns, a weapon which training to be good with takes a lot of time and doesn't necessarily carry over in a real fight, and which can't be consistently defended against.
>> No. 37926 [Edit]
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It does seem like this thread fits better there. I wonder if someone's against moving this thread to /tat/
>> No. 37930 [Edit]
I guarantee you if I went around with a spear you'd be horrified at how nasty it gets. Good luck defending consistently against a retard with a spear if you didn't train extensively with shields. All it takes is a few janky jabbings and the enemy gets all confused and then his stomach is outside his body.

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35362 No. 35362 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Shougi. Let's play shougi. Let's talk about shougi. I think it's harder than chess.

Basic rules
Intro to castles
Rudimentary strategy
Essential tactics
Essential principles
Mating problems
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>> No. 35363 [Edit]
Do you know any good shougi video games?
>> No. 35364 [Edit]
The first link is a pretty nice web-computer ai with different levels. Piyoshogi is a really nice mobile app.
>> No. 35365 [Edit]
Here's a quick comparison of chess vs shogi rules:
>> No. 37925 [Edit]
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Here's a new shougi site for english speakers to play together and an ai option. The interface is impressively clean and modern.

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37494 No. 37494 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Does anyone here have aphantasia? If not, how good are your visualization skills?
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>> No. 37508 [Edit]
The two are separate I think. I've read lots of anecdotal reports of people who have no problem being able to "imagine" music, but are very weak at visualizing. It's the same for me: I can recreate in my mind music with incredible fidelity, but my visualization skills are very weak. If I "imagine an apple" it's basically just an acknowledgement that an apple exists, and any attributes are only added when I consciously decide to add them. I'm also not good at remembering faces, and I couldn't describe how my favorite characters' appearances looked like outside of basic things (e.g. potato-ish head).

I do have dreams though, and they are quite vivid and lifelike (I've also had occasional lucid dreams). I don't think aphantasia requires inability to dream though. And conversely, even though I can't imagine specific scenes or images I nonetheless seem to be able to have "spatial" visualization in the sense that I can "imagine" (not vividly mind you, it's more just being able to recall and being to conscious recognition) being spatially oriented in some room and then walking around it. For instance, "imagining" being an ant on a square and visiting all four vertices.

Maybe I only have mild aphantasia, since I can still for instance "imagine" geometric shapes and perform transformations on them (rotate them, flip them, etc.). It's a lot harder to do these visualizations in 3D though (visualizing a pyramid and then strains my imagination, and I give up at doing anything more complex like coloring the edges of a tetrahedron).

>This idea of playing a movie in my head sounds crazy, like some sort of special power
That's what I'm able to do with songs at least. In a perfectly silent room with enough focusing it almost feels like there's an actual speaker playing it (albeit subtly). Maybe everyone can do this though since auditory aphantasia seems to be r
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>> No. 37572 [Edit]
Pretty good. They could be better but I visualize scenes in a real enough way that when it happens I get a sense of presence in that scene. I need to learn how to paint, I'd be a damn good painter. I picked up drawing rapidly over the course of 2 months once and was starting to get the hang of human form from still-lifes until I got to depressed to keep going
>> No. 37834 [Edit]
>Does anyone here have aphantasia?
I have total aphantasia, can't see images, hear sound, smell smells, taste tastes, feel textures, it's fucking awful. Only fucking thing I like in life is escapism and my stupid fucking worthless brain can't fucking imagine shit while every other riajuu cunt can. Don't know what I did in a past life to piss off kami-sama but it must have been bad for this to be my punishment.
>> No. 37835 [Edit]
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Well, maybe there will be a way to treat you one day. Have a picture as compensation. At least you're not blind.

Post edited on 1st Mar 2021, 6:37pm

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33467 No. 33467 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Does tohno-chan like monster girls?
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>> No. 33504 [Edit]
Here you go:
>> No. 33505 [Edit]
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That guy's an anti-monster girl, furry faggot. Don't conflate monster girls with furshit.
>> No. 37804 [Edit]
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I really only like a few species. Holstaurs, Yetis, and Krakens are my favorites. Bunyips are cute too. The rest I don't know about and/or don't care for. Unfortunately despite the intensity of the monster girl craze it didn't leave behind too much art of the species I do happen to like. Maybe I need to check some other sites like deviantart but I never liked the idea of doing that. Thinking about the lack of images makes me wonder if most of the art made is lewds and I'm missing out on it by not looking for those.
>> No. 37833 [Edit]
They can be nice but I find that they tend to gravitate towards two extremes - either they are too human like or they go in the complete opposite direction. I used to like Niku Drill's stuffs. Thinking about it I probably like Yokai more and wish they were as/more popular.

No. 37590 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I heard there is a torrent for this up on AvistaZ but that's a private tracker does anyone know any other high quality Zatoichi TV series torrent?
>> No. 37594 [Edit]
It's DVD quality and 40 GB for three seasons, if you really need it I could do you the favour since my ratio is decent enough.
>> No. 37618 [Edit]
Someone was kind enough to get it for me here is the link for anyone interested.
>> No. 37625 [Edit]
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Thanks for sharing, was actually looking for this since I plan to go through the movies soon.
>> No. 37641 [Edit]
All of them?

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37622 No. 37622 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I feel like getting into card games since they're new to me and can have pretty pictures on them. I've said negative things about yugioh before(mostly the business side of it) without ever playing it, but for the last three days I've got into it using an unofficial online client(money not required).

I did the bare minimum research and made a deck by randomly selecting cards based on the picture mostly and in the recommended numbers of each kind. For obvious reasons I immediately gravitated towards traptrix monsters, bug and plant lolis. After playing with a computer, reading a bit and refining my deck into something usable, I became competent enough beat an actual person and have an opinion on the gameplay.

At its core, yugioh is a game of luck. You start the game with 5 random cards from your deck and each turn draw one random card from it. The main strategy of the game boils down to making it less luck based. Having multiple copies of the same card(up to 3), having a smaller deck, using card effects to select specific cards from anywhere in your deck. In the end though, you and your opponent either start with and draw something better or worse. Who goes first is also based on luck and being first is mostly an advantage. The game only has a very limited form of resource management where you can only "normal" summon one monster per turn(from your hand to the field) and normal summoning something with higher stats requires sacrificing one or two monsters that are already on the field. Most of the time though, people use card effects to circumvent these requirements.

Most cards you'd want to use aren't general purpose. They only apply to specific types of card. There's thousands of yugioh cards, but most fit into archetypes/series or have some effect which only applies to an archetype or even a specific monster. You can't pick random cards and have something usable, disappointingly as somebody who only wants to use monster cards with cute girls in them. Traptrix fortunately also has a gameplay style I like and meshes well with a few outside cards that also look okay. One consequence is that cards have become increasingly verbose over the years, since there's only so many simple cards that could exist and konami needs to release new cards to get people to keep buying.
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>> No. 37636 [Edit]
Plus I think collecting the cards is part of the fun of the hobby in itself.
>> No. 37637 [Edit]
It's single player and not deeply strategic, but I'll still mention monster monpiece, lest it be forgotten.
>> No. 37639 [Edit]
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Most (adult)yugioh players would give the advice that you should buy single cards from 3rd parties when making a deck. This can still be expensive, but removes the luck of buying booster packs. You have a point about the meta, but I think people online are less invested in each game and therefore more willing to try other stuff out because otherwise it gets boring.

One good thing about yugioh is that there's so many options, no singular deck could ever be made that's definitively "the best" and certain worse decks can counter better ones.
>> No. 37640 [Edit]
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Looks like fun. Thanks for the suggestion.

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