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39794 No. 39794 [Edit]
What are some things that really bug you?
Things that genuinely piss you off?

I thought it would be nice to have a thread to vent about any little annoyance, no mater how big or small.
Any and all complains about the world around you are welcome here!
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>> No. 42690 [Edit]
What's the appeal of it, unless you regularly use umlauts? Having a proper dead-key setup for things like accents seems much cleaner. A lot of keyboard shortcuts also assume standard qwerty layout and are more awkward on the other keyboards.

Actually looking over at this presentation, what could be an explanation as to why forced air circulation didn't help reduce CO2 levels? Slide 32 clearly shows that CO2 still rose when the bedroom door was closed, even though CO2 levels did not rise as much when bedroom door was open. But what's the difference between those two cases, in both aren't you permitting (or forcing) mixing of bedroom air with air outside the bedroom?

The only difference that comes to mind is that with the bedroom door closed and a forced-air setup, the absolute amount of CO2 in the room does not change; because you permit no outflow, you only have inflow, you end up creating a positive pressure scenario where you add new "O2 + CO2" but don't remove any. But they are measuring ppm so assuming things are equally distributed the relative amount of CO2 compared to total gas volume should still be decreasing... Perhaps the rate at which the new O2 is supplied is slower than the rate at which the O2 is consumed, so CO2 still ends up building up quite quickly?
>> No. 42691 [Edit]
A proper way for outflow to take place should be an important factor, otherwise through-wall systems with one device wouldn't need to bother changing direction regularly, often every thirty seconds to a minute, which most do with some exceptions. I would assume the open door increases the exchange rate between inside and outside, covering the difference between produced CO2 and the lacking supply by forced air that you suspected might exist. This would also lead me to think that maybe leaky houses paired with forced air would cover this more, however this doesn't seem to be the case. Maybe it is just that none of them were leaky enough to provide outflow to the same extent an open door would, which seems probable. Making the windows more leaky on purpose with passive ventilation options like trickle vents in window frames could help here when paired with the pressure difference.
I would like to know whether simply blowing more air into these closed rooms would help, as I can't see why it wouldn't, unless the system just pumps back air originally from inside the room. This might be the case to a larger extent if only very few rooms are present to pull air from, in which case an open door should help less as well. I don't know if any of this added to your thoughts on the matter.
>> No. 42692 [Edit]
Yes this was helpful.
>This would also lead me to think that maybe leaky houses paired with forced air would cover this more
As you mentioned this is probably not the case unless there are large gaping cracks in the envelope. For instance I live in a pre-1940 place which didn't even bother with insulation, and I think qualifies as leaky given that during winter I can sometimes feel drafts from outside if I hold my hand near the window. Despite this supposed leakiness, with the door closed the forced-air/central hvac still ends up creating positive pressure in the room (it's noticeably harder to open the door). So the amount of leakiness needed to actually permit active air exchange is probably higher than what even old homes would have.
>> No. 42693 [Edit]
>What's the appeal of it, unless you regularly use umlauts? Having a proper dead-key setup for things like accents seems much cleaner. A lot of keyboard shortcuts also assume standard qwerty layout and are more awkward on the other keyboards.
i'm just randomly stuck with it for awhile, no appeal. also i swapped z and y so i have qwerty again, genius am not i?
>> No. 42696 [Edit]
I love the inclusion of side buttons on computer mice, I can't use some of the fingers on my left hand, so when I'm playing a WASD + mouse game, binding controls to the side buttons that would normally have been on shift, control or alt (unreachable to me if I'm using WASD) is a godsend.
>> No. 42753 [Edit]
"Slop" is right up there with "kino" in that any post that contains it will most assuredly be one that I can discard without a modicum of doubt. Its only advantage is that it's also not the name of a beloved fictional character.
God help me, I'm old.
>> No. 42754 [Edit]
didn't mind kino at one point, but knew it would eventually become terrible and overused. I didn't know any better then. Nowadays I'm a few years behind current /a/ culture. And if someone did manage to make a new esoteric buzzword I'd honestly just not give into it these days, guess this is what maturing is.
>> No. 42755 [Edit]
>I'm a few years behind current /a/ culture.
Thing is, that "slop" is born from the brown, mosquito-infested stillwaters that is the modern internet culture; it's not native to 4/a/. So "slop" is "slop," but putting an iota of thought into words, their usage, and their effects on the places in which they're written or uttered is above most.

>I'd honestly just not give into it these days, guess this is what maturing is.
That's why having a mix of youth and maturity is needed for any community that wishes not to die.
>> No. 42783 [Edit]
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I'm once again feeling an inch to get a really good monitor to replace my 21 inch cheapo one. The options though all have big compromises that make me second-guess if they're worth it.

OLED - The burn in and compensatory measures for it are obviously a problem. On top of that, text is apparently blurry, which makes them less suitable for work. It's seems better-suited for TVs.

Mini LED - The contrast is not as good as OLED's and there's the problem of blooming. I've also heard local dimming can noticeably screw colors up when you're trying to do work on it. As a whole, the technology seems transitory.

Micro LED - Absurdly expensive and non-existent in the monitor space.

QDEL - Doesn't exist yet.
>> No. 42784 [Edit]
I'm quite glad that malls are dying out, or at least being designed to be less monolithic.
Proper People has a lot of urbex videos on abandoned ones - I almost like them more in that form than when active.

I always found them to be too intentional and too inorganic of a structure, yet alone their actual financial sustainability. Every time I went to one it felt being plunged into a consumerist fishtank.

Anyone interested in urban exploration?
>> No. 42793 [Edit]
Feels like people can't just do things because they like doing them, there's always some social motive behind it. They seem to care more about labels and attention than whatever they're claiming to be into. Everything these people do feels so ingenuine because of it.
Maybe I'm just poisoned by SNS, unfortunately I was somewhat forced to use it for creative hobbies, as forums have all been consumed by Discord and the like.
>> No. 42794 [Edit]
People like social motives. Why do you care though?
>> No. 42795 [Edit]
nta, but when people have primarily social motives, they tend to make it worse for people with genuine interest. It becomes harder to have a meaningful conversation about the topic. Conversations are social yes, but there's a difference between talking about something you're interested in, and superficially engaging with it so you have something to talk about. If people like that outnumber genuine fans, they'll also be catered to.
>> No. 42796 [Edit]
Yeah but why care?
>> No. 42797 [Edit]
Can you not read, you fucking retard?
>> No. 42798 [Edit]
Yeah I can read I don't understand though why would you care about other people being superficial or clueless or catered to or whatever
>> No. 42799 [Edit]
It is indeed silly to care about, after all there's nothing you can do about it, and you can just choose not to interact with these people. Like >>42795 said, it's just frustrating when you want to have a serious conversation only to realize the people on the other end don't actually care or know much about the topic at hand.

Just wanted to get it off my mind, that's all. This is a vent thread after all.
>> No. 42800 [Edit]
>it's just frustrating when you want to have a serious conversation only to realize the people on the other end don't actually care or know much about the topic at hand
I used to have serious conversations with myself until topics I was interested in became unreachable for my wageslaving lifestyle. I wasn't ever disappointed in myself, albeit frustrated sometimes when I couldn't reach a conclusion for too long.
>> No. 42801 [Edit]
It leads to the motivation being about oneself and ones image rather than the actual hobby at hand. A person could choose to have any hobby or interest for social motivations. Hipsters, in particular, come to mind. The problem with those individuals, is that once the subject no longer becomes "cool," then they drop the interest. Or rather, if it becomes "mainstream," to those who want to cultivate the image of an outlier, they will also abandon the interest. I find it particularly shallow and grating. It also tends to water down communities full of individuals who do care. Maybe you want to have a discussion that goes beyond the surface level, and then such a person comes along who replies in short responses, not contributing anything meaningful or original to the subject. Instead, because they are socially motivated individuals, they create drama and gossip because they have little else to contribute. It's this thing - "me me me me me." "Look at me, look at what a cool and unique individual I am!" More individuals like that will come in, and eventually, before you know it, the original community has been displaced in place of a clique - a circlejerk essentially. Think about "discord weebs." They're all ultimately obnoxious faggots. I don't think it's an entirely silly thing to be bothered by, at all.
>> No. 42802 [Edit]
Are you any different than them? They seek gratification on surface of external things, you seek it deeper in external things. In the end you're pretty much the same, just on different sides of the contest. If I am genuinely fond of something I don't exactly care about others, though I used to when I was in my teens, and if I am unable to share my interests with anybody, then it's not allowed to me and I don't care as well. You may think you're now serious, but what I see is an obsessed ruminating guy who doesn't even know what's his real problem.
>> No. 42806 [Edit]
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There's nothing wrong with blowing off some steam, but please keep the disagreements in the realm of civility.
>> No. 42807 [Edit]
Well I tried my best being peaceful
>> No. 42808 [Edit]
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> autistic people appropriating anime characters and calling them autistic.
I don't use often, but when I visit that site and look up some character, one thing that really annoys me, is how almost every character has a "disability" row in their character info. For instance Ikari Shinji has "trauma" and "autistic" listed, even though the Anime clearly shows, that he is capable of understanding facial expressions and non-verbal cues in others. Same goes for "trauma", where the word is just used completely wrong. Again, this is not just Shinji, almost every character has a section of their info box, where a supposed disability is ascribed to a character for no reason other than "this is just his vibe". I'm so glad I don't use this stupid website for anything.
>> No. 42809 [Edit]
Yeah I can't take animedb seriously, when ShippoNa has a tag of "animal abuse". And the "group status" is borderline useless when they add in every re-encoder under the sun without bothering to distinguish fansubs from "official" subs.
>> No. 42811 [Edit]
Any alternative for looking up if something has been subbed or not?
>> No. 42812 [Edit]
Assuming you mean for "recent" or "modern" shows, I don't think that the binary "subbed or not" is a good distinction, considering that most shows usually have some sub. The right question to ask is the provenance of the subs, what level of localization it has, and the general quality.

For instance take a look at "Pon no Michi" on anidb [1]. It tells you that "Aout", "MahjongSouless", "Erai", "Anime7", and "Tsundere" have a complete set of subs. But is that actually actionable information? Clearly Erai and Tsundere will rip the official subs, but that doesn't tell you anything about if the official subs for this show are good are not. In particular it also doesn't tell you the source of these subs.

Without digging into it yourself you would not realize that that are 2 different "official" subs for this: from b-global and ADN. So which one is Erai? Well unless you grab them and compare you have no way of knowing that the "Erai batch" is actually just using b-global subs. (Although there are extremely slight revisions compared to the older b-global rips, and things are formatted as .ass instead of .srt – I didn't know that Erai was starting to rip b-global). And as anyone who has actually tried to use the "MahjongSoulless" is aware, they don't count as subs: they are entirely intentional fabrications, and shouldn't even count as memesubs given the poor execution. And yet anidb makes no mention of this.

Basically anidb gives you no actionable information whatsoever, that list is basically no better than searching for the show on $TRACKER, filtering to english-only.

But the overall answer is that no such proper list exists. Not even for older shows, there are various lists floating around comparing encodes of shows, but nothing I'm aware of comparing subs for shows (even for shows back when fansubbing was more popular). Your only option is to grab the sub files and diff them yourself.

>> No. 42814 [Edit]
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When people throw their money at those who don't deserve it, I get annoyed thinking about all the better ways it could have been spent. The whole "findom" thing is especially sickening. I'm not a person who throws their money around, but if I were, it wouldn't go to useless whores or guys like DSP. It doesn't even have to be a generic charity. Give that money to a research institute, or an open source project, or an artist. There are so many worthwhile people and projects out there hung out to dry. Think about how much better the world could have been with money wasted on complete bullshit. Even gambling is better. At least gamblers think they'll get a return on their investment.
>> No. 42843 [Edit]
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One of the disadvantages of anime in comparison to (classic) books is that those books are usually somehow written in such a manner that you can keep your reader experience to yourself. Anime, on the other hand, seems to be deliberately made in such a way that you absolutely want to rant about it, but there's no one who'd listen, heh. Maybe it's due to their exceptional accent on baiting your self-inserting instincts. Maybe it's just me. I don't know. It's just weird how most anime catch my attention by invoking my frustration, so I watch it not because I like it, but because I want to see things become "right" and if they don't, at least imagine them right. I feel so pathetic honestly
>> No. 42878 [Edit]
I'm bothered by how Korean and Chinese productions are being associated with Japanese ones. Now you can go to a lot of sites which were at least useful to check new releases, and half the entries are Xing Xong Xang or whatever. I think from the 10s Korea has been trying to export culture, so that intrusion was probably being paid for, and China must have decided to jump into the bandwagon, but it's another annoying overtaking of Japanese culture in the West.

I'd be ok if China supplanted US animation though, and I think that would be a much better endeavor for them.
>> No. 42879 [Edit]
MangaDex allowing non-Japanese comics was massive mistake.

>I'd be ok if China supplanted US animation though, and I think that would be a much better endeavor for them.
I'd much prefer to see American 2D animation be made great again.
>> No. 42888 [Edit]
I hate when people ask things they don't actually care about.
I don't care if it's normal to make small meaningless conversation. Don't bother me with it. No, I didn't play the latest video game, no I didn't watch whichever live action TV series. What kind of music do I listen to? All kinds of stuff, but it's all foreign...
It's just irritating. Hell, maybe I ought to just answer the stupid questions fully and honestly. Then maybe everyone will mark me down as a total weirdo and finally leave me the fuck alone.
>> No. 42889 [Edit]
>I'm bothered by how Korean and Chinese productions are being associated with Japanese ones.
Blue Archive and Genshin Impact are some of the most popular properties among modern Japanese otaku. I'm not sure "are being" is the right tense. It's too late...

Post edited on 14th Aug 2024, 10:31am
>> No. 42890 [Edit]
What I do to avoid this is give people as little to comment on as possible. No graphic t-shirts for them to say "oh you like thing?" no stickers or decals, no tats, nothing that stands out. I use generic landscape backgrounds for my devices, I eat alone far from others, and when asked questions I give short generic yet polite answers before turning it around on them and letting them yack their head off. Before long they leave me alone.
>> No. 42891 [Edit]
I found myself doing the same thing exactly, trying to appear as uninteresting as possible. Couldn't get rid of anime wallpapers on my phone though, because I've had them unchanged for 5 years now.
>> No. 42901 [Edit]
I don't know what's up with South Korea. Japan did the same with "Cool Japan" in the 80s, but they sent the message that their country had a notable past and a promising future. To this day you got generations of people thinking of Japan as the best place in the world (and for all I know we may be here now as a result of that). But everything I see from SK makes me think that their country is a complete shithole and their people are the lowest subhumans in existence. I would believe if someone told me North Korea has been financing SK cultural expansion.
>> No. 42902 [Edit]
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>But everything I see from SK makes me think that their country is a complete shithole and their people are the lowest subhumans in existence.
I don't engage with South Korean media, but I don't get it can be so bad you'd get this impression. Yeah k-pop is bad; is it the worst music I've ever heard though? No, not really. My impression is that SK is overly westernized, has the negative aspects of Asian culture too, and is carrying a massive chip on its shoulder. I still prefer them to India or anybody in the Middle East. Will probably buy Stellar Blade when it comes to pc.
>> No. 42903 [Edit]
I really despise Korea's cultural output. Kpop is of course awful but it's under-mentioned how their games and visual art have this awful, fake quality to them.
>> No. 42904 [Edit]
Not even that really. It's how they show (and apparently see) themselves. Take Parasite and Squid Game for example, probably the two most popular SK productions. African nations torn by ethnic war and famine are not that cynic about themselves and their society.
>> No. 42905 [Edit]
I don't watch the show Friends, but my family has been watching it, and I hate it because it's about normalfag relationship bullshit. Actually, Friends is the exact idea of what I would describe as normalfaggotry.
>> No. 42906 [Edit]
I never understood its appeal. Seinfeld was at least funny.
>> No. 42907 [Edit]
AniDB is only good for checking which fansub releases there were for older anime. The UI is terrible too.
>> No. 42908 [Edit]
Sandwich with sausage is an evil I hate wholeheartedly. It's a bane of stomachs literally. Cheap death. I envy Japanese bentos so much
>> No. 42913 [Edit]
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lainchan mods are gay, or part of the commonwealth, but that's redundant. They even deleted pic rel.
>> No. 42914 [Edit]
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lainchan is an ai experiment, literally. there are no real people there. at least, it would be sad if there were. sorry that you can't post anywhere else.
>> No. 42922 [Edit]
I hate daytime TV. It's an assault on my senses. Thankfully my only exposure to it is when I'm in a waiting room. Are there actually enough people who prefer the sound of TV to silence that it justifies the additional electricity cost? I can't believe the receptionists enjoy it either. "Deal or No Deal" can fuck right off a cliff.
>> No. 42923 [Edit]
It seems to be some uniquely American phenomenon that forces every show to be loud, annoying, and vapid. Even the "refined" quiz jeopardy seems like a mockery of an actual quiz bowl when you compare it to Britain's "university challenge" and "only connect." And of course that's not to mention all the daytime soap operas.

Now I'm sure british tv has its own quirks since I don't actually watch it, but when I was there it was the first time I'd seen broadcast TV that seemed like it was actually produced for literate adults.
>> No. 42925 [Edit]
It's odd that you've never enjoyed video games, especially if you've tried a lot of different kinds. Never heard something like that before. Why did you start playing them?
>> No. 42926 [Edit]
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Not a fan of living in this westoid shithole...
>> No. 42928 [Edit]
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I'm not really upset about this, but the iem industry is kinda confusing. I have the original Moondrop Aria, my first and only iem, and I'm looking to upgrade, plus the paint is all chipped. So what should I pick? The obvious choice would be the Aria 2, which is basically the same price, but sounds better and is supposed to have better build quality(although it apparently still has a bit of a paint chipping issue).

Okay, but how much better is it really? Is it worth the upgrade? The jury is out on that one. Maybe spending twice as much would make more sense for an upgrade, like on the Kato for about $200. Except wait, apparently there are newer iems that sound the same or better than the kato for a lot a less money, and the Aria 2 is considered like 95% of the way there too.

So after looking at tier lists and forum posts, I decided on Truthear's Zero:Red for $55. Some say this is not only better than the Kato, but also the same company's $150 Nova. So maybe the trade off is in build quality? Yeah, I don't know, but I hope I don't regret this purchase.

edit: I decided against it because upon hearing more opinions, the Arias I have now probably have better "technicals" meaning details, so it wouldn't really be worth it.

Post edited on 31st Aug 2024, 12:11am
>> No. 42929 [Edit]
I have Moondrop Blessing 2 Dusk that I bought some years ago at 300 bucks.
Now my daily iem is 7Hz x Crinacle Zero 2 that's 25 bucks.

It's impressive how the chinese were able to produce same sound quality, three years later, at tenth the price.
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