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File 165460003041.jpg - (382.84KB , 602x878 , 62163145_p0.jpg )
39794 No. 39794 [Edit]
What are some things that really bug you?
Things that genuinely piss you off?

I thought it would be nice to have a thread to vent about any little annoyance, no mater how big or small.
Any and all complains about the world around you are welcome here!
726 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 43092 [Edit]
What about the following aesthetic?
>> No. 43093 [Edit]
I skimmed through a couple paragraphs of that article and almost got cancer.
>> No. 43094 [Edit]
I wouldn't buy it myself. I'm generally not a fan of applying one thing's aesthetic onto another. Also, partially covering up the fan blades can't benefit performance.

Post edited on 5th Nov 2024, 3:04pm
>> No. 43095 [Edit]
I don't know man, I've naturally "learned" touch typing without specifically studying it. Maybe I'm pressing the keys the "wrong" way, I don't know, but it works for me. I only have trouble with numbers.
>> No. 43110 [Edit]
you're right that the shape of keyboards is horrible, and it is bad for your hands.
There are more ergonomic keyboards, but they're expensive:

I learned touch typing in one week with a linux app called KTouch about 20 years ago.

I recommend getting the vimium browser extension, which adds a lot of easy to reach shortcuts to the browser.
>> No. 43179 [Edit]
File 173215969483.png - (10.44KB , 300x300 , ee8c93fb98f570e5afebe3300d710e5f.png )
For about 6 months, I've been at my first job out of college. It's working with mainframes, which use COBOL. COBOL itself, while being alien, cumbersome, hard to grok, and reliant on other languages used nowhere else like JCL, isn't the main problem. It's the tooling. My god is the tooling a hideously excruciating, byzantine nightmare.

To interact with the mainframe, you need a specialized terminal emulator, with wonderful features like not being able to adjust the viewport size. Forget about SSH. There is no command line, instead there's an abomination called ISPF. Imagine if you operated your computer entirely through nested speadsheets, that are keyboard navigated. To do something as simple as copying a file, you have to drill down to the "copy file spreadsheet", type the full paths of the old and new file into the correct cells, and run the macro. Everything is like this. Everything.

How about code editing? Forget about vim. Forget about vi. It has its own thing with its own weird conventions. For example, when it was invented, there were no arrow keys, so up, down, left and right, are f7, f8, f10, and f11 respectively. IBM did make an Eclipse fork to work with files on a mainframe, but you can only use that to view code, not edit it(at least at my job).

Version control? Forget about Git. To move code into production, there's like a 50 step process with some done in ISPF, and others in Jira, which is web app used for agile shit. Changes are documented by going to the "diff spreadsheet", running that on every file you edited to create a file with the comparison, then using a utility the terminal emulator provides to send those files from the mainframe to your machine. At my job, these are placed in a Windows shared drive.

So yeah, it's shit. At least I don't have to do anything most of the time.

Post edited on 20th Nov 2024, 7:38pm
>> No. 43180 [Edit]
I'm still in college and never worked on a tech job but that doesn't sound so bad. I'd probably get used to these quirks and maybe even find a way to automate some of the tasks. And if it was remote, that'd be a no brainer.
>> No. 43181 [Edit]
Yeah it's great that it's remote and I don't have to do much. It's only a year long contract though and I don't really know what comes after. It just doesn't seem sustainable. The technology itself is terrible as I've already described, and the only reason things are chugging along is because of one guy in his 60s, who started working at the company before I was even born and learned COBOL in college. Ostensibly I'm supposed to be able to replace him if need be, but it took him years to learn the system through hands on experience, which I haven't been getting a lot of.
>> No. 43296 [Edit]
After trying it, I have to say, Hyrdus's UI is fucking horrible. Oh my god is it bad. Some of the worst garbage design I've seen in my life; it makes me want to claw my eyes out. You have all of these stupid sub-menus and buried options, but nothing resembling the standard interface danbooru established 200 years ago. When you first start, what should you see? What are users used to? A big, centered search bar with a button next to it that says "search", and a nice message saying "you have no files added. Do x, y and z to add some". And why does it call tabs "pages" "Oh read the documentation" fuck the documentation. To find out how to import previously deleted files, which I deleted because I was confused, I had to find some tumblr page explaining that somewhere buried in the options, there's a setting that prevents you from re-importing deleted files which is turned on by default, and there's no option to disable that setting in the import window. Holy shit.

This is how you add tags to a file from a booru. You can't do just this while importing a file for some reason I can't even begin to comprehend(or that option is not nearly visible enough)
(I don't even know if this documentation is official. It's on some other site from the homepage of the project, which has its own docs.)

>1. Select the files you want tags for
>2. Right-click, share>copy>hash/hashes>md5 to copy the hash values of the selected files into your clipboard.
>3. Paste in your newly copied hash values into Notepad++
>4. Add "md5:" as a prefix at the start of each line. You can do this by Replacing (By pressing Ctrl+H) ^ with md5: or md5= Replacing ^ will add whatever you replace with at the start of each line.
>5. Copy all the lines with the md5: prefix
>6. Paste your clipboard in a gallery download tab of your choosing (booru needs to support md5 searching) by pressing cog button>paste multiple queries merged (or something like that) on the booru download tab. After v336 of Hydrus, this should all the placed into a single queue.


Post edited on 16th Dec 2024, 11:56am
>> No. 43346 [Edit]
In addition to animal repellents placed on the lawn to annoy anyone who walks past with blinking and high-pitch noise (that's probably going to cause hearing damage since the stuff is certainly not regulated), the latest annoyance I'm seeing in my neighborhood is laser Christmas lights.

Apparently people are too lazy to put up lights but they still want to feel "festive" so the have the bright idea to buy a gadget which projects red/green dots all over the place. Which seems like a decent idea at first, until you realize that they're use lasers to do, and trusting the Chinese shadow company manufacturing this to actually make sure these things are safe. I don't care if they want to burn their own eyes out, but the light leaks from the edges and ends up assaulting me down the street. And I certainly don't want to go blind due to their incompetence.

It's also frustrating to find any information about the safety of these devices whatsoever which makes me more skeptical of them. From what I can gather piecing through AliExpress listings they use a < 100mW red/green laser (or so they claim) through a diffraction grating which should theoretically split the power for any individual beam down low enough to be "safe." Based on some worst-case calculation, even if a single split beam is 10mW, it should be safe for a 2-second exposure at 100 feet. Which is about the distance it hit me at, so I think I should be fine although my eyes do feel tired but I'm not sure if that's related or because I'm developing a fever. (In practice given that diffraction grating doesn't split evenly but makes the outer beams weaker than the central beams I'd assume the edge beams would be < 2mW).

I hate that I can't even walk outside without having to dodge all this stuff like a minefield.
>> No. 43347 [Edit]
Don't worry and happy new year!
>> No. 43348 [Edit]
Thanks, although it's hard to avoid overthinking these things and becoming paranoid.

And I guess another thing I found is that the cheap green lasers are apparently diode-pumped and are converted from infrared. So if these sidebands are not properly filtered then that quoted "100 mW green laser" could also include 100 mW of infrared, so to add a margin of safety in those calculations the total source power need to be doubled from the quoted spec. I guess luckily the eyes are more sensitive to green anyway so in practice the green output tends to be lower than red by about half in order to maintain uniformity of perceptual brightness, so the original calculation should still hold, and I likely haven't been hurt in any way.

Post edited on 31st Dec 2024, 3:53pm
>> No. 43351 [Edit]
>it's hard to avoid overthinking these things and becoming paranoid
I know. Your rant is a mirror of my own anxieties.
>> No. 43363 [Edit]
Fwiw the eye pain went away, although now I have a headache. So probably just body weirdness. I also did more compulsive research [1] and found that if there was any damage that isn't immediately obvious it'd have to be associated with injuries to peripheral vision. Both an amsler grid as well as the cooler field test [2] came out good (aside from the natural blind spot everyone of course), so it was probably just anxiety. I still think my paranoia is warranted and those shouldn't be legal though because trusting the chinese for safety has never ended well.

>> No. 43364 [Edit]
I'm glad for you! I remember going trough the same anxiety when my kidneys hurt, I'd spend three days researching void to come up with no conclusion at all.
>> No. 43368 [Edit]
I think I am seriously addicted to listening or watching to Youtube videos. This seems to be a common thing among Hikkineets too, at least among those who are not addicted to video games or something else entirely, but I've heard that a lot of times. I constantly justify to myself why I need to have a Youtube video running in the background, when in reality it's only distracting. Additionally, I associate watching Youtube with a soothing feeling, whenever I'm having bad thoughts.

To be honest, I don't want to stop entirely, because this would mean I couldn't open links I see in chatrooms or so, if I were to block it in my hosts file. I wish I could use it responsibly like a normal person and don't have to deny it myself completely.
>> No. 43375 [Edit]
i actually have a similar problem, though in my case, i just end up spending a while scrolling looking for something to watch because i actually don't like most youtube videos.

a friend of mine suggested listening to albums in the background instead. maybe try that?
>> No. 43396 [Edit]
Did you ever end up solving this? I've noticed that I sleep worse in winter and maybe that's because I leave the windows closed to prevent the cold. Maybe I should just open it a crack and use extra blankets.
>> No. 43417 [Edit]
Most of my problems and inconveniences in life were just solved by me not appearing somewhere ever again, not talking to someone ever again, or just going away. I don't want to go to school? Just not go there and wait in the local library until school is over! Don't want to go to the afternoon care after school? Just not go there and go straight home instead! I don't want to be in a hospital and leaving it would mean a lot of bureaucracy, that I don't want to deal with? Just wait until they allow me to go home and never return again! Have problems with a certain person? Just disappear for long enough, until they forget about me! The list goes on ad in­fi­ni­tum, but I think you get the point. I feel like this thought pattern of just disappearing whenever I don't want something anymore, has made me decisively a coward and shaped me as a person. You probably think reading this, why nobody ever bothered to set bounds to this behavior. The answer probably is, that when I was a child, and people actually cared, I just disappeared for long enough until they didn't, and now as a more or less adult person, the people just don't care anymore enough to prevent me from doing it.

As good as this might have worked for me, I am still ashamed of myself and I wish to better myself. I don't want to be a coward, but in a sense, the life as a Hikki-NEET is also just being a coward, everything about my existence is and I probably reached a point in life, where nobody cares about me anymore (in any sense of word) and therefor I don't have to run away anymore. I am free now, but at the cost of being a coward forever, because I have no opportunity to change. Of course, I could just make myself the opportunity, like getting into education again, like doing something hard, like meeting new people, but I have fantasized about those things for years and I never made it happen, so I doubt I change my ways any time soon.
>> No. 43419 [Edit]
I am posting this on this board, because I know how to resolve this problem (by just using another software), but I wanted to complain about it regardless. So, Httrack, this website mirroring tool, just ignores my settings. I set "NO external sites" in the menu, double check if it's actually set, it is set, good, then I continue to download the page and it starts, however, when I check what it's doing 10 hours later, I realize it proceeded to download Wikipedia and some other junk, that I did not ask for. I try to abort it, it doesn't do anything, I try 5 times again and then I can finally abort the procedure. Why on earth does it ignore my settings? I set it that way, I closed it properly and proceeded normally. Why does it do this? I don't know. This is my third attempt at downloading some website and it just won't stop downloading external websites. You might think it's only downloading what's link, but it doesn't, it just crawls the the internet from that starting point and never stops. Speaking of which, why is this function the default? When I want to mirror a website, I cannot imagine a use case, where I want to crawl every link of a link of a link of a link of a link and this without some ending. You would think this is a some unused feature, nobody needs, but it's the default and I can not disable it proper, for whatever reason it is.

Screw Httrack. Long live Wget.

Post edited on 16th Jan 2025, 2:21pm
>> No. 43421 [Edit]
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I bought an HP Z2 G5 sff off ebay for $270, and have been in the process of setting it up and upgrading it. Thankfully, I don't intend to use this system myself, I'm giving it to someone who currently only has an old laptop.

There's a lot of annoying shit. The PSU it came with is only 260 W, so it's not enough to put a GPU in, even the 70 W one I have. That's an extra $50. It's some proprietary type with non-standard dimensions and connectors, so you can't use a 3rd party one without a lot of hackery.

The CPU cooler is not very good, and besides the PSU's, it's the only fan in the whole system. The mounting hole placement is standard for LGA1200, so it can work with a 3rd party one, but the case has these raised bumps the stock cooler screws into instead of the motherboard back plate. You need to either flatten these bumps, or use some screws meant for AM4 coolers, and widen the holes on the intel cooler so they fit.

The motherboard has another 4pin fan header, but for some reason, they don't work well with Noctua fans. They run waaay too slow, and you can't change individual fan speeds in the bios. So I need to get Notcua's fan controller.

The ram does not work at full speed. The CPU supports up to 2933MHz, but their speed is capped at 2400MHz. This is probably because XMP cannot be turned on in the BIOS, and Intel's overclocking utility doesn't work except on specific CPU and motherboard combinations. If you want full speeds, you have to buy HP's approved ram models. This is apparently even a problem on HP's "gaming" Omen line.

Unless you want the cheapest possible option, avoid these OEM systems and build it yourself.
>> No. 43422 [Edit]
I was in a somewhat, but not really, similar situation >>/pic/7439

He's an asshole and you should move on. Get another hobby. Within a month or two, you wont even miss it.
>> No. 43435 [Edit]
I was just thinking how much anime and visual novels I could watch or read in the time I'm watching Youtube. I mean, I have the time to consume everything I could wish for and beyond, but instead I'm wasting my time with the lowest of the low "content" on Youtube. It isn't educational in any way and even if it were educational, I would forget about it as soon as I turn on another video. The worst about it is, that I am too ashamed to admit this embarrassing truth to myself, in order to proceed to action. But what would this action look like? Redirecting to localhost in my host file, perhaps? Installing some browser extension, that I will probably uninstall after a day, because I am too weak?

In addition, all my hobbies are on the computer, so the temptation is always there. One might say, I should just find something, that doesn't include this terrible machine in it's realization, yet I struggle to find joy in these activities long-term. Not necessarily because they aren't computer-related, rather than them just not being as interesting to me for other reasons.

I think today is the day I block Youtube in my host file! Let's hope for the best and that it hopefully isn't a fade, but the beginning of doing things, that actually interest me.

Post edited on 25th Jan 2025, 9:17am
>> No. 43436 [Edit]
Today I found out the 5070ti, which I was planning on getting, isn't getting a founder's edition. So that fucking sucks. Partner cards are ugly and bulky as hell, probably too much to fit inside my sff case. Right now I'm using an 6gb A2000 with a 750w PSU, so I don't know whether to get a 5070 or 5080...
>> No. 43459 [Edit]
I failed. Not the only one.

Post edited on 30th Jan 2025, 8:35am
>> No. 43495 [Edit]
This might sound like really unhealthy thinking or some psychopathology, but it's just an observation that I made and slowly feeling like believing it.

I feel like people are really replaceable. I have this bad trait, where I join some chatroom, be there for months and just disappear. You would think this is some kind of final nail in the coffin, where I won't be able to find so nice, or interesting, or similar people again, but in reality I will dwell a few months in solitude and then join another chatroom, where people are just like that and it all begins again. One could argue, that this is not real life and it behaves there differently, but frankly my experience is different. I was in a hospital multiple times and stayed there each time for several months. Therefor I saw a lot of people come and go, not only in the hospital, but also in the room mate, and while some were really obnoxious or had unbearable behavior, there were some I would like and and they probably liked me back. This probably wasn't friendship or anything, but it was something. However every time they left the station or even just the room, I lost all contact to them and somebody new came in and the cycle repeated, similar to how it is with the chatrooms. Obviously I can't speak how it is when you have a real friendship or a love relationship, but from what I hear from, but more important what I observe in their behavior, is that normalfags don't subconsciously think or at least behave any different. They also just hop from partner to partner, from love to love, and pretend every time that the person they are with is really special and can't be replaced, but then they end up replacing them anyway.

You know, I have no clue what to think of this. Maybe I am so emotionally detached from people, because it would be hurt a lot more if I had that, but maybe this is just how things are.
>> No. 43496 [Edit]
I think that's a fair characterization: the idea of "best friends" or "soulmates" is either mostly fiction or scarcely represented in the real world. People use the word "friends" very lightly these days, for relationships that are very clearly closer to "coworkers" or "acquaintances" than the almost platonic-love sort of bond that is the idealization of "true friendship". So once you've watered down these terms, then they can basically apply to anyone you don't particularly hate.
>> No. 43497 [Edit]
File 173918274653.jpg - (266.29KB , 1362x2334 , 8524bcf7c58618c2988bfe17268694ae.jpg )
I agree. The idea of "soulmates" and "best friends" is not taken out an ass. There does exist such thing as "soulmates", but it doesn't happen often, and it won't happen to you, so you might as well treat it as a fiction.
>> No. 43498 [Edit]
File 173918296120.jpg - (125.84KB , 746x1345 , a77f2b3c0272695efc60483cc3b5cd9e.jpg )
>I feel like people are really replaceable.
Everything is replaceable, it's how you mind works. Attachment to things is a purely mental construct and does not have any real backing, except perhaps the same one that is behind habits. Once the mental construct is overwritten, then attachment does not exist anymore. If you seek fulfillment in attaching to other people, you're wasting your time.
>> No. 43499 [Edit]
Pretty much everything is replaceable if you want it to be, obviously it's far easier to replace when you're not really attached to begin with (something that happens to a good chunk of anons, including me) but to assume real attachment doesn't exist or is super rare is kind of a lie, the reality is that attachment usually goes both ways, and it's hard to do all the work by yourself, so even if you're attached to someone or someone is attached to you, for that attachment to persist you both need to put some work, something that someone who's not attached won't do.
Romantic relationships are their own can of worms as it's usually one person who stops being attached rather than both.

Regardless attachment isn't some magical bond that once made won't ever disappear (outside of some odd cases) it's something that's formed and maintained by putting some effort, an effort you anon doesn't seem to be putting, nor do I mind you, I'm not acussing you, I'm just explaining.

Personally I'm only really attached to a few people but I'm far too mentally ill to put a lot of effort, funnily enough some of these bonds still persist even if I only see these guys like 3 times per year, and then there's my waifu, but she's my literal wife and my one and only so yeah, that's a different beast all together.
>> No. 43502 [Edit]
File 173920215215.jpg - (124.93KB , 896x1247 , e9c3d985774db0c5ef6c1bb1d80f50ee.jpg )
I compulsively downloaded 100 yuruyuri images and now I don't know what to do with them. I can't even post them anywhere. Why do I do it to myself? I should remove all my pictures again and forget about the thing. There was a time I only saved them in a tmpfs, so they disappeared each reboot. I felt better back then.
>> No. 43503 [Edit]
Seeing this sentiment being expressed is nice to see.
The words "watered down terms" made me consciously comprehend how it very well could be that this dilution could continously loop back and influence the general expectations of such relationships amongst the people and reduce the chances of friendships forming in the original sense of a true friendship.
I hazard to say that I've ever had a connection with anyone that I could truly call a friendship; this line of thought made me think back on one instance where what I thought was a friendship quite likely fell through eventually because the other party thought that we were friends (read: coworkers/acquaintances).
It's a shame that there isn't a good word to describe acquaintances that one is in near constant contact with, which is what most "friends" are nowadays, atleast I am not aware of any at the moment; 'acquaintance' has a connotation of being distant and only being in contant occasionally, ever so often, and ofcourse 'coworker' implies the context of a w*rk environment.
All of this is part of why I avoid friendship altogether, even so far as to have a saying I repeat in regards to this. I would even go as far to say that I am not interested in making true 'friends', avoiding the use of the word 'friends', as the notion of a 'true friendship' I grew up with perhaps is better described with the term 'brotherhood'.

...give plz?
>> No. 43504 [Edit]
Is it a show you like?
>> No. 43505 [Edit]
File 173927668977.jpg - (150.40KB , 978x1731 , 95cb1d8742a500671608fdb643ee07dc.jpg )
>...give plz?
gallery-dl -D . -f /O --no-mtime ""
Depends on the moon phase.
>> No. 43527 [Edit]
I hoard artworks in the tens of thousands. You don't have to download pictures just to post them. And there's no reason for you to delete the ones you downloaded either unless you're like a third worlder with a 50 GB drive who can't buy any bigger drives.
>> No. 43534 [Edit]
There's so many old nerds, or geeks, or whatever you want to call them, who are massive cunts. These insufferable pendants with an unwarranted superiority complex. Recently a new mapper for the Famicom was created which has all kinds of impressive features, MXM-1. It could have conceivably been made in 1989.

A normal person looks at this and says "wow, that's really cool". But then you have these fucking cantankerous old cunts, who somehow find reasons to take issues with it, or diminish it in some way. It's so absurd how readily these people will shit on others hard work.

Then there's the whole Rust in the Linux kernel debacle. In videos about that, the comments are rife with snarky, fatass, balding Cniles who think they're programming gods who never make mistakes and dismiss Rust without knowing anything about it. Never mind how many vulnerabilities are caused by little fuck ups that would be impossible in Rust. If they wanted to be pretentious about their language of choice, they should be using a LISP anyway.

Not all of these are even technical people. There's plenty of bitter middle-aged men who hate anything created after the year 2001. Were they always like this? Why don't these fuckers just have a stroke and die already so the world doesn't have to be contaminated with their shitty attitudes anymore?
>> No. 43535 [Edit]
We may be bitter but it's not us wishing death on the Rust-cultists but the other way around as this post proves.
>> No. 43536 [Edit]
You're choosing to identify with the people I've described. If in my 40s or above, I start acting like the people I'm talking about, I hope somebody kills me.
>> No. 43537 [Edit]
File 174042033261.png - (1.47MB , 1920x1080 , lunaticmorimens.png )
Well yes and no. I'm close to my 40s and I did feel called out on some parts but I do admit I kind of lost my sense of wonder on a lot of events and objects I encounter. So while I half-seriously implied you may be worse with wishing death upon others, I admit from my experience alone that you actually have a point with the whole post.
>> No. 43538 [Edit]
It's a good thing. If Rust makes into the kernel, everything is over. The kernel will just become another open source malware in much the same way systemd is.
>> No. 43539 [Edit]
>Rust in the Linux kernel debacle
I'm guessing this is referring to the recent marcan drama? It's funny because if you look at it objectively, it's not a case of the "balding Cniles" blocking progresses for the sake of it but rather the boisterous "newfangled youth" coming in and demanding change without care or regard for the existing processes that have worked well.

I don't know enough about the kernel to know whether his technical complaints were valid. But what I can plainly see is that instead of following mailing list etiquette, he tried to bypass the entire process and resorted to using social media as an amplifier to try to apply peer pressure and emotionally manipulate to get his way. And what I can also notice is that for some reason wherever rust goes, drama always follows. And it's not necessarily drama from people resisting change (some amount of which is to be expected), but almost like emotional baggage is intertwined with rust itself. (And I also can't help notice that the people who are the biggest proponents of rust also seem to be a certain breed of vocal new age "liberal", which is probably why the drama inevitable seeps in everywhere. It's of course not the language's fault for this, but at the same time the community seems to have accepted or even welcomed this blending of social issues, politics, and coding. And as a result no matter how good the language might be, anyone with half a brain would avoid it with a 10-foot pole to avoid poking dragons.)
>> No. 43540 [Edit]
The mailing list is just an older, more obscure form of social media. And without that amplification, Linus would have kept dragging his feet. People have the right to be frustrated if they were invited to work on something, which Linus did do with Rust, and for the next 5 years they were stonewalled while the guy who invited them doesn't do anything about it.

Rust isn't good for everything. For drivers though, it's a good fit. Drivers are well-defined, you want them to be as bug-free as possible, and in theory, their modular nature should make them straightforward to insert into a preexisting code base.

Here's how things are going to go. The old maintainers are going to die off, and corporations will replace them with pajeets to keep things afloat for their purposes, while every other use-case rots. Nobody else is going to be interested in getting knee-deep in C, especially a 30 year-old code base of it.

Post edited on 24th Feb 2025, 12:54pm
>> No. 43543 [Edit]
>Here's how things are going to go.
You're wrong. C is trivial, easy to understand. Rust is a big and complex language with a lot of complex features that are not trivial. It isn't going to solve any issues with the old code bases. The pajeet overtake is going to happen as planned regardless of language. In fact, I think Rust itself is part of the pajeet campaign.
>> No. 43547 [Edit]
>I think Rust itself is part of the pajeet campaign.
I'm interested in an elaboration.
>> No. 43548 [Edit]
Mozilla, anti heterosexual community, social media drama, hype based development. What else do you need? It is an image of SJW retardation. There is more politics in Rust than lines of code in the compiler itself. You do not trust software that exists by the blessing of a political group.
>> No. 43549 [Edit]
Okay, but what does that have to do with the jeets?
>> No. 43550 [Edit]
Does GNU count as a political group?

Post edited on 26th Feb 2025, 2:45pm
>> No. 43551 [Edit]
Part of the same movement. Roughly saying the social media clowns are the face, pajeets are the hands. If pajeets were everywhere it would be too suspicious.
Yes and at this point in time they're quite retarded too. Their initial effort was valiant, if what I read is correct they gave birth to the whole open source thing, but right now they're as full of issues as any other open source organization.

Post edited on 26th Feb 2025, 3:44pm
>> No. 43552 [Edit]
And yes if you're about to call me down for conspiracy for god's sake keep it to yourselves, please.
>> No. 43553 [Edit]
>>/tat/1799/ seems like a more suitable thread if anyone did want to continue the discussion.
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