No. 42928
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I'm not really upset about this, but the iem industry is kinda confusing. I have the original Moondrop Aria, my first and only iem, and I'm looking to upgrade, plus the paint is all chipped. So what should I pick? The obvious choice would be the Aria 2, which is basically the same price, but sounds better and is supposed to have better build quality(although it apparently still has a bit of a paint chipping issue).
Okay, but how much better is it really? Is it worth the upgrade? The jury is out on that one. Maybe spending twice as much would make more sense for an upgrade, like on the Kato for about $200. Except wait, apparently there are newer iems that sound the same or better than the kato for a lot a less money, and the Aria 2 is considered like 95% of the way there too.
So after looking at tier lists and forum posts, I decided on Truthear's Zero:Red for $55. Some say this is not only better than the Kato, but also the same company's $150 Nova. So maybe the trade off is in build quality? Yeah, I don't know, but I hope I don't regret this purchase.
edit: I decided against it because upon hearing more opinions, the Arias I have now probably have better "technicals" meaning details, so it wouldn't really be worth it.
Post edited on 31st Aug 2024, 12:11am