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File 15004518137.png - (423.30KB , 658x586 , fuuka.png )
30328 No. 30328 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
ayase fuuka, stuck
1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 30330 [Edit]
one of the first doujins i read.
>> No. 30333 [Edit]
old school
>> No. 30334 [Edit]
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>> No. 30337 [Edit]
In all the right ways.

File 150007548870.gif - (701.14KB , 500x375 , 1499662563117.gif )
30312 No. 30312 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Are people who go outside purposefully dressed in a way that is meant to be attractive engaging in a generalized form of sexual harassment or is noticing someone's cleavage, panties, crotch bulge, etc. and then averting eye contact from it the punishment one deserves for exiting the home?
1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 30314 [Edit]
They're advertising themselves sexually. It's meant to attract chads, which they're okay with harassing them. But not anyone below 'their level'. If you do it anyways at the least you'll be shamed "creep, weirdo, virgin". If you're unlucky she'll moan until other men come and "save" her by threatening/attacking you.

Be careful around these types of women OP. They're completely unaware of what they're doing. If you ask the woman they're "Just like, being fashionable and having fun ohmaygawd". Bitches that don't know they're in heat.
>> No. 30315 [Edit]
Yes, this is my normal MO

I understand all that and I agree with what you're saying, but what I was wondering when I posted this thread was are these people committing a crime and if so how much money do they owe me?
>> No. 30316 [Edit]
>are these people committing a crime and if so how much money do they owe me?
As despicable as normals are and as contradictory and hypocritical lack of modesty in fashion is, the world doesn't go around you. Nobody owes you anything.
>> No. 30317 [Edit]
>world doesn't go around you

Nor does it about an individual, however the legal concept of nuisance is wide ranging. Any annoyance to the community can potentially be considered a nuisance. Herders, polluters, people with loud music, etc. are often prevented from poisoning the commons or at least regulated to the degree which they can take advantage of public spaces. Which groups are or are not regulated is based somewhat arbitrary on public perception of the degree of damage that various groups are doing. Public perception in turn is made up of the sum of many individual opinions. A century ago the types of public displays described in OP may well have resulted in an arrest. So the concept of what is and isn't legal in this sphere is malleable and varies in different jurisdictions.
In almost all locations people may owe a debt to the public because of immodesty, its the just degree of what is acceptable that differs. Those types will always be pushing the limits in this sphere because of their predatory sexual personality traits. Just because they're haven't been reigned in for decades on end doesn't mean that it can never happen.

File 149631282252.jpg - (20.68KB , 313x475 , On_Parole_(novel).jpg )
30192 No. 30192 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
At the risk of sounding really immature and ignorant,
how good of an option is prison as an alternative to employment and responsibilities or homelessness?

I've been tossing this idea around in my head since I was very, very young. I always wondered why the homeless would not prefer the free medicine, food, clothing, shelter, bathing, in-house libraries, cable television, and socialization with like-minded degenerates (maybe not applicable for us) guaranteed by every jail or prison in the world.

Why not us NEETs? Everyone here is always worrying for their futures, and the unsustainable and fragile status of NEEThood. Have you considered prison when our time runs out as I have?

I worry about the blacks of course, but it doesn't seem difficult at all to get put into solitary confinement. Some are put into solitary merely for affiliation with certain groups--you could just claim to be a white nationalist during your screening, and your spot in solitary is reserved for you instantly. Or you could just spit on a guard and get taken there by force... I simply see absolutely no cons (no pun intended) to prison living, so long as you stick to solitary confinement. Every bad thing I hear about the place has to do with the other inmates exclusively.

Just seems to me like a very advanced version of welfare/disability.

Your thoughts?

Picture related, a very good book about how the prison life can be preferable to the outside world, though it goes without saying that Japanese prison is vastly different (and superior) to Western prisons.

Post edited on 1st Jun 2017, 3:38am
8 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 30232 [Edit]
>> No. 30249 [Edit]
I saw this video once where a guy went in for stealing something and he had to eat his own fingers. He ate two and a half but that wasn't enough so he was burned alive. That was in south america though but makes me think prison is not a good place
>> No. 30250 [Edit]
Getting thrown in to prison is my greatest fear, no lie, if I ever know they are coming for me beforehand, I would just kill myself, for real, no questions, I would NOT want to be alive in prison for a single day.
>> No. 30251 [Edit]
I completely agree. I'd rather be homeless and living on the streets than that.

No. 29969 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
The internet as a whole is in decadence. I mean, there were always retards doing stupid stuff but this is getting out of control.
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>> No. 30089 [Edit]
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>> No. 30091 [Edit]

>> No. 30093 [Edit]
>> No. 30125 [Edit]

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30038 No. 30038 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
The mobile game Sid Story is a card collecting game with anime style versions of historical characters. Today they updated it to display more historically accurate images of the characters.

What other April 1st gags have you come across this year?
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>> No. 30087 [Edit]
>>30051 What >>30058 said. It should only take a few minutes. Their recent updates even made it so there's an icon on the normal(feed) cards that show if they've been idolized or not. You can also filter it to show only the feed characters.
>> No. 30088 [Edit]
I wish they would make the girls in sid story look more like the people they're based on. Like at least the clothes and hair color.
>> No. 30090 [Edit]
I'd like to see less fujoshi bait characters, and maybe more consistency with some of the lower level card designs. They range from deformed chibi girls to weird eeg creatures. If nothing else I'd be happy if they just removed those disgusting looking bear cards. Those things are just so... like really what in the fuck are those things and what are they doing there?
>> No. 30092 [Edit]
Although it could be useful for my supports, even more than I think, I want to use them to max out my future SR/UR Nozomi if/when I get her.

Also, I play the game as casually as possible, so that doesn't really matter for the moment, even if my skills are awful at the moment because of my lack of playing the game more than once a day to get the single gem.

File 148448081490.png - (5.32KB , 339x701 , man.png )
29846 No. 29846 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
This is a CYOA where you take control of Man, a shut-in NEET with nothing going for him. As a general rule, unless more than one person inputs the same command I'll just write off the most recent post in the thread.
Because this is more of a fun activity than a creative writing session this is going here instead of /cr/.
22 posts and 10 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 29888 [Edit]
Put the pizzas in the freezer, leave the rest of the groceries lying on the ground and throw the newspaper on top of random old papers.
>> No. 29889 [Edit]
what he said >>29888 play music and go to sleep
>> No. 29893 [Edit]
pm tohno on steam and ask him what do
>> No. 29899 [Edit]
pick the most boring choice posted in this thread and do it

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29811 No. 29811 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit] seems to be officially offline permanently, whois says the domain name expired in November.

I am posting this thread as a place for people to appreciate and remember Stargazed and any other formerly available internet resources which they might miss. After the initial excitement of the start of a new anime season, usually the next big event of the season was the release of the MK I version of next season's chart and the anticipation that came along with it. That was the way that it was for quite a while, so big thanks to Stargazed, they gave western anime fans some really nice service for many years. I hope that my adblocking habits aren't part of what drove them out of the game.

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29458 No. 29458 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Do you believe in any conspiracy theoires ?
>> No. 29459 [Edit]
Can jet fuel melt steel beams?
>> No. 29460 [Edit]
I believe the Jewish death toll from the Holocaust was greatly exaggerated, and the truth was warped in some way. I don't claim to know exactly what happened, or that the entire thing was a "myth", but there are a lot of inconsistencies with what was reported about it.
>> No. 29463 [Edit]
I absolutely believe in "The Crown".
This too. Lot's of inconsistencies, and I say this as someone whose jewsish grandparents got BTFO from Germany. I could probably sue the German government for reparations, but the paperworks is incredibly tedious.

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29082 No. 29082 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
post your captcha
9 posts and 8 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 29214 [Edit]
File 146819165780.gif - (704B , 20x14 , hi.gif )
so what you you all like better, this thread or no captcha?
>> No. 29239 [Edit]
Tough call.
>> No. 29258 [Edit]
File 146956828862.jpg - (2.36KB , 90x30 , vetanl.jpg )
Apparently the /h/ board still has a captcha.
guess my tripcope
>> No. 29259 [Edit]
That board had the most trouble with spam, so figured it'd be good to leave it there at least.

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