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34658 No. 34658 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I find that I'm far more interested in the prototypes for stories, games, and characters than I am in the final product. There's just always something, some element of a prototype that stands out to me as being more raw and interesting than its final, polished form. Characters that are toned down and made softer, designs that are widened and modernized to eliminate the influence of older popular fashion, music that has the original hard edges replaced with some sort of smoothing beat. Every final product just feels so watered down, as if products have to be more bland to be palatable to the average person. Does anyone else feel this way?
1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 34736 [Edit]
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Then it might interest you that the prototypes for the 1st and 2nd gen Pokemon games were recently leaked:
>> No. 34737 [Edit]
That does interest me, I like especially the older pokemon games.
>> No. 34744 [Edit]
If you're into worldbuilding definitely read Ursula K Le Guin's Always Coming Home.
>> No. 36496 [Edit]
When it comes to Anime, one of the critiques I always see is that the stories often start off with an interesting premise but, for some reason, the writers fail in execution. Perhaps the reason why you're often more drawn to the prototype is because the prototype is legitimately more interesting than the final product.

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36417 No. 36417 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
How many of you have read through some of TC's archives to any degree? What were your favorite board's archives to read through? What were your favorite posts? Did you ever feel tempted to make a thread that one of them covered from years ago because you wanted to see what modern TC's users thought compared to back then, because you wanted more discussion, or any other reason? And for the question I want to ask most: what did you think about the Tohno-chan of that time? Please share anything and everything you think about it, I would love to read it all.
I've read many archived posts from /mai/ and /ot/. Sometimes I go back and read them again when I'm bored and more than enough time has passed for me to forget what I read. One thing I find myself not forgetting is the impression I get from earlier posts. While I prefer not to normally state my opinions in the OP as they relate to the topic, I sometimes feel like older Tohno-chan was more fun and friendly. People could funpost and nobody had a problem with it and questions had more variety. Somehow I can feel less restraint from the topics and content of those old posts. It's like anons back then were always happy to be away from the shit that was taking over the internet at the time but they weren't on-edge about it following them here. I suppose that just comes with the general environment the internet had. It's a little sad to imagine that nobody back then knew how bad things would get but it's reassuring to know they could enjoy themselves back in those dreamlike days.
As I progress from the very early posts to one that came much later I feel like depression really started to set in for many anons. Be it because their lives got progressively worse, they couldn't ignore the pain anymore, or because the more upbeat members left and negative ones took their places, I don't know. Regardless of the reason, it's sad to watch the general mood change over time to something I always considered unsavory and was never fond of in Tohno-chan even in the best of times. Maybe it was always like this and it would be clearly spelled out for me if I decided to read the /so/ archives, which I won't do because /so/ is already poison for the soul, I don't need more of that, but I can't help but remember the general loss of humor and what h
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>> No. 36434 [Edit]
I think there's a bit more to it than that.
Negative attitudes can be infectious, depressed people might drag others down with them to have some company. Likewise, sometimes acting happy and keeping a positive attitude can have a lasting effect on an unhappy person.
>> No. 36435 [Edit]
I don't come here to fill the role of someones therapist.
>> No. 36437 [Edit]
>spelled out for me if I decided to read the /so/ archives
/so/ has never really struck me as a particularly "depressing" board. Yes it's certainly not all smiles and optimism, but that doesn't mean it's an endless gloom pit either. What's discussed there feels raw and human, and above all most of the posts are of a constructive nature – rather than falling into the pit of wallowing in self-despair as other such places have fallen prey to. Even if you don't usually take to the "ronery" atmosphere, given the presence of topics such as the "random memories" one (kudos to the OP to who created that; I've enjoyed the momentary glimpses into others' lives), maybe you could instead view it as encompassing something like "saudade."
>> No. 36440 [Edit]
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>How many of you have read through some of TC's archives to any degree?
I've read just a little.
>What were your favorite board's archives to read through? What were your favorite posts?
I haven't read that much, so nothing really stands out that much, most of what I've read was /ot/ and /ma/.
>Did you ever feel tempted to make a thread that one of them covered from years ago because you wanted to see what modern TC's users thought compared to back then, because you wanted more discussion, or any other reason?
I'm the one who made the Prison School thread on /ma/. I just made to talk about it, nothing more. The manga wasn't concluded at the time, so the threads are different.
Personally, I don't see much point in reading the archives like that, I am pleased with the website as it is, and I believe even now there's a dreamlike quality to it, no matter how nightmarish things may seem at the moment, some years from now I think most users will look back to this era and also remember it fondly. Most users from the dreamlike past, didn't felt dreamlike at the time, it will be time that will show to us the happiness we could not perceive.
Oh, and tell Maki to stop smoking and get some rest.

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31113 No. 31113 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
You are on death row and you get one last meal. What will it be?
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>> No. 36003 [Edit]
>> No. 36025 [Edit]
Indonesian nasi
>> No. 36075 [Edit]
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Soft fluffy jiggly cheesecake
>> No. 36185 [Edit]
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Seafood paella

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36012 No. 36012 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Describe 2020 to someone living in 2010
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>> No. 36029 [Edit]
2020 is overhated. A little pestilence here and some civil unrest there and people act like the world is ending when western civilization has been through far worse.
>> No. 36040 [Edit]
I guess it depends in what country you live in, but in some it hasn't been "a little pestilence" but the most devastating year since the last war they were directly involved. We're talking about GDP getting fucked between 10-15% in one year, that's absolutely nuts. Of course some countries will recover fast but others will lag for decades, if they ever recover. It could also be the year of the beginning of an enormous change in geopolitics and how the world power is distributed.
>> No. 36041 [Edit]
I'm not the person to be talking about the geopolitical ramifications of it with, to be honest. I was more talking about the severity of the actual pandemic, the death rate of the virus is very low compared to things of the past.
I was also just talking about how people on social media bitch about every year like it's the worst ever.
>> No. 36043 [Edit]
Your life will pretty much carry on as is while all the normal people freak out about not being able to go out and get drunk for a few months. The economy will go to shit but since you're not retarded with money (and lucky) you won't really notice that either outside of some "free" money showing up in your bank account.

Its been a good year for me but a lot of it's down to luck. I saw the freakout over corona coming with how Italy went and planned ahead. When everyone else went grocery shopping I already had everything I'd need for over a month. A lot of normal people lost their shit in isolation. It took them down a peg mentally and helped my self image.

Yeah, the economy has been the real thing. I've been learning more about finance lately and it really seems like the govt is pulling all sorts of tricks to keep the economy afloat until the election.

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34815 No. 34815 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What do you think about webtoons as a format? They apparently originated in Korea, but some Japanese artists have picked it up and it seems to be gaining traction(at least for porn). Good, bad? Has anybody seen any interesting ones?
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>> No. 36000 [Edit]
Some of the mangakaka I follow release chapters/bonuses on Twitter. Does that count?

I don't follow many, but I am annoyed by how many are uploaded onto the panda, often with poor, almost machine-tier translation.
>> No. 36005 [Edit]
I hate Korean webtoons because I don't like the big single page format they use. Web manga is not really the same.
>> No. 36010 [Edit]
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Is that darjeeling?
>> No. 36011 [Edit]
I tried to enjoy some Korean webtoons, but the art isn't anything special (and doesn't seem to vary across different artists), and the stories don't appeal to me. Maybe one has to do some digging to find the good stuff.

No. 31671 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
do you still watch anime?
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>> No. 36002 [Edit]
I don't really enjoy romance but with regards to SoL, have you read Chotto Ippai and Maid-san wa Taberu Dake?
>> No. 36006 [Edit]
I've read a bit of the former. It's cute.
I just enjoy romance because I unashamedly self-insert and it makes me feel less alone.
>> No. 36039 [Edit]
It's quite surprising that there isn't an anime adaptation of it yet, considering it's been around for quite a while and doing fairly well in Japan. Not to mention it's published in Manga Time Kirara.
>> No. 40356 [Edit]
File raw_data.pdf - (590.79KB )

Maybe probably better to attach the raw data directly since internet links bitrot. It's actually a plain-text csv file, but since the board doesn't accept txt/csv I had to rename as .pdf

And here's the sorted list by adjustedPop metric

Mainichi Kaasan
Shin Atashin'chi
The Marshmallow Times
Hanada Shounen-shi
Uchi no 3 Shimai
Rilu Rilu Fairilu: Yousei no Door
Go! Princess Precure
Pretty Rhythm: Rainbow Live
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32181 No. 32181 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Do you ever get sick and tired of endlessly manipulative, saccharine cute shit?
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>> No. 32225 [Edit]
They look much better when compared to TV cartoons from 2000's and on, but compared to Anime they do look kind of bad, they look a bit better in movement though.

Also why was my picture deleted but OP's one wasn't?
>> No. 32241 [Edit]
One of the mods must not like Disney girls much.
>> No. 35433 [Edit]
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I want some of that now
>> No. 35970 [Edit]
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Cos violence makes children into adults, am I right?

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29028 No. 29028 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I'm here to spread the gift of gay porn remixes. I'll be gauging interest here with this thread.


1. What is an OtoMAD?

An OtoMAD is a musical composition created by taking samples from various sources (gay porn, anime, and such) and remixing them into a song.

2. What is a YTPMV?

YTPMV is an acronym for YouTube Poop Music Video. It's the western equivalent of OtoMAD. They mean essentially the same thing, but in practice OtoMADs and YTPMVs typically use different samples.
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>> No. 29046 [Edit]
>> No. 29188 [Edit]
>> No. 35920 [Edit]
mp4s are allowed here?
>> No. 35932 [Edit]
It's "allowed" but as you might have noticed it can be a bit buggy.

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29106 No. 29106 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
So what's it gonna be?
>> No. 29107 [Edit]
the way i die.
university named after me.
free wifi wherever I go.
fulfill my biggest wish.
private island.
read minds.
$1 million amazon cards
best friends forever with my favorite celebrity.
free gas for 25 years.
be a ninja.
restart my life.
live the life of fame and wealth.
have the ability to see the future.
>> No. 29111 [Edit]
>Pick the year
(Never? If that's not an option; the way.)
>Free Apple products
(No man, hear me out. This means all the older stuff too right?(I fucking love old Macs) and I can pawn the shit I don't want and buy a WiFi stick. It's win-win.)
>Biggest wish
>Private island
>Read minds
>$1mil in Amazon
(That's like quadrupling the money because Amazon is cheap as fuck and with Prime that shit's like all free 2-hour delivery)
>Best friends
>Dream car
(Gas isn't that expensive, you don't drive everyday, dream cars are rare and this probably means you can't sell it)
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>> No. 35919 [Edit]
I'm gonna live forever !
>> No. 42971 [Edit]
Pick the year I die
Have a university named after me
Have free wifi wherever I go
Resolve my biggest regret (10000% this. Besides I don't have any big wishes)
have my own private island
be able to travel at the speed of lights
have 100k in real money
best friend forever with my favorite celebrity
have free gas for 25 years
be a pirate
restart my life
live in harry potters world
have the ability to read minds

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23994 No. 23994 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
Aneki or Imouto, which do you like best?

For me the choice is obvious.
61 posts and 19 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 33914 [Edit]
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Ara ara
>> No. 33944 [Edit]
Original or not this is a high quality post.
>> No. 33962 [Edit]
the manga is slam dunk but obviously its an edit
>> No. 35902 [Edit]
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Tulta - Alisu Shimada's elder sister.

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35843 No. 35843 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
How would you describe what "cute" is to someone who's alien to the idea?
>> No. 35847 [Edit]
Well seems like a dictionary definition would be a good start [1]. The first definition there is pretty spot-on

>Possessing physical features, behaviors, personality traits or other properties that are mainly attributed to infants and small or cuddly animals; e.g. fair, dainty, round, and soft physical features, disproportionately large eyes and head, playfulness, fragility, helplessness, curiosity or shyness, innocence, affectionate behavior.
The only circular definition might be "cuddly", but the specific qualities listed should help disambiguate.

Although perhaps more interesting is that the meaning of "cute" has diverged from its original:
>Shortened from acute, originally “keenly perceptive or discerning, shrewd” (1731). Meaning transferred to “pretty, fetching” by US students (slang) c.1834. Meaning drifted further to describe the pleasing attraction to features usually possessed by the young.

>> No. 35849 [Edit]
To my non-native brain, I understood cute as something attractive and/or beautiful but doesn't evoke any sexual desire. I would call a pretty butterfly cute or a nice, colorful wallpaper pattern cute but reading the dictionary definition posted above I see that's incorrect. Interesting.
>> No. 35852 [Edit]
There are multiple definitions to cute. You might be referring to the usage as
>Generally, attractive or pleasing, especially in a youthful, dainty, quaint or fun-spirited way.
Although to me calling a butterfly "cute" seems a bit weird unless it's one of those cartoonish butterflies. Ditto for calling a colorful wallpaper "cute," since I normally only attribute cuteness to things that are nominally "alive" or intended to portray life (so a stuffed animal or figurine would count as well).

Then again maybe the term has diverged even further since I do recall some kids using "cute" in the sense you described, even though I feel the term "pretty" would fit better.

Post edited on 9th Sep 2020, 4:07pm
>> No. 35874 [Edit]
Your post is pretty cute, anon.

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