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33536 No. 33536 [Edit]
How was your day? Did you do anything nice? Post about it here.
It looks like the old one is on autosage so here's a new one.
1054 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 42350 [Edit]
File 170848063112.jpg - (138.34KB , 707x1000 , 90a47b4b9580eb7af99bd0ca48296d78.jpg )
After adding caching to my site, I discovered that if a client which does support brotli requests a file, the compressed version would be added to the cache, and clients which don't support brotli(like saucenao) wont be able to access the same file.

proxy_cache_key "$scheme://$host$request_uri$args$http_accept_encoding";
to the front-end server fixes this.
>> No. 42358 [Edit]
The post rate on this site was always slow, but it seems a lot slower recently.

I wonder if people are just leaving, or actually dying off?
Looking at /so/, we're probably losing people to suicide on a regular basis.
>> No. 42359 [Edit]
A lot of users probably left to become useful "adult" members of society (most were forced in my opinion), but there is a real possibility of users offing themselves, as you said a quick look at ornery and that conclusion seems plausible, other thing is that there is almost no fresh blood coming here, most people won't enjoy a place like this you know.
>> No. 42360 [Edit]
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>it seems a lot slower recently.
You think so? I was thinking it increased a little bit.
>> No. 42361 [Edit]
It seems about the same to me actually, or even slightly higher than 2017 days.
>> No. 42363 [Edit]
I had gotten so tired of my job, and by extension life out here in Washington, that I was planning on quitting. Felt like things kept getting worse and worse. Only reason I didn't quit was because driving cross country in the middle of winter seemed insane. So I decided I'd stick around till March, quit my job, NEET for a bit, attend sakuracon, and leave after that.
Whelp, my company finally decided to stop stringing me along and decided to send me to Texas for reals this time. Just as it was looking like a good time to quit.
Work got especially terrible, more so than ever before. They've been pushing us to implement this automation system which will make most of our jobs obsolete. They just sort of expected us to figure it out and get it done with no documentation and pretty much no training. All that stuff I mentioned about faking results and lying about my job? Well it caught up to me. Because I was getting transferred, I naturally had to train a replacement. This meant teaching them how to do technical stuff I haven't done in months, most of which I entirely forgot how to do and some I had no idea at all how to do. Last week I had to somehow figure out how to deal with this, a boss wanting to remote into my work station to watch me perform some tasks (which I had said worked but now weren't), and another boss got on my case about incorrectly doing this or that, asking how I did so and so, I couldn't find a way to worm my way out of things anymore and was so tired of doing so anyway that I snapped and just told him the truth about faking it. I was expecting to get fired but, somehow that didn't happen? I kept expecting something in the days following but things kinda just... went on. I had been so stressed I wanted to quit right then and there, but the transfer was going to be in less than two weeks at this point, so putting in a two week notice didn't make much sense. I put in for some time off just to get away from his hell for a bit but that got rejected, at least for how long I asked for anyway. I did manage to get two weeks off to pack/move at least.
Today was my last day there. I had been very literally counting down the days.
It's hard to really express how stressful it got there, I was mentally exhausted when getting off work and had to force myself to go back. It really got me thinking about what I left behind and why I came out here. For months I've been doing two hours of driving each day to and from a job I hate, back to an apartment with half my stuff packed because I wasn't sure how long I was going to be there.
I kept thinking, this isn't much of a life. I've been letting some company eat away at my time and life, with nothing to show for it but a few toys and gadgets I'd buy here and there when not flushing half of what I make into the cost of staying here and working that job, and the other half I'd only get to keep if I'm lucky and some random expense doesn't come up, and something always seems to come up...
I left a paid off house in a small friendly(maybe kinda racist) town that was easy going and affordable, for 'this', but a lot of it really was getting away from my mom. Life out here might be a bit depression and at times stressful, but I was getting pretty miserable living with her and needed a break. So if nothing else, coming out here was good for that. I thought it'd be nice to have an actual career, since I didn't have much of anything before.. I guess I shouldn't be ungrateful for the opportunity I was given but I really can't see myself doing this for the rest of my life. Even the higher tier positions in the company don't seem that much better.
In the end I think I'm possibly just too old and too severely screwed up mentally to have any chance of turning things around and making a new life for myself. I'm not even sure what I expected. Having fun, making friends, creating connections, doing a job I could be proud of, making decent money, getting into better shape. ...A year and half latter I did none of those.
So now I head back to Texas, accepting the fact I failed. I'll do the new job they stick me on for a while and see how it goes. It looks like they might be covering my transfer, but apparently I have to stay with them for a year or I'll have to pay out of pocket the moving fees. I'll be paying those anyway if I quit now so at least with them there's a chance of getting it covered. I guess I'm just tired...
>> No. 42365 [Edit]
Good luck Tohno. I am in a similar situation in terms of my work, having a bunch of pressure put on me, and as soon as I'm reaching my limit, suddenly something will change, and for one reason or another I feel the need to stick it out a little longer.
I hope you can find an end to that shitty cycle soon enough.
>> No. 42372 [Edit]
Today, I went to the gym, and it felt good to exercise. I'm trying to learn how to get the form right on different lifts, and it seems complicated. Starting Strength has some good information, but it feels daunting because of how complicated the form can get. There's climbing at my gym, and I want to try it. I've been spending too much time on imageboards and procrastinating an exam I have coming up. I'm nervous yet apathetic at the same time. I've had my fill of college, and I want it to be over. I don't know how I can push through this. I'm genuinely not happy being on campus, but I must finish what I've started.
>> No. 42373 [Edit]
Came across an obscure blog that addresses the exact topic I wanted to learn more about. The thing is, everything from the blog's design to its genericness makes it seem like one of those content-mills that just copy existing content and reword it. But initially though I tried to find any other sources, this didn't seem to be the case and I couldn't find any other source for the content.

But something about it was still nagging me: over 2000(!) articles spanning 3 years of substantive content, with no traceable author info or any author info at all just doesn't make sense. Then I found one article with some images in Chinese, and then everything suddenly made sense: this was effectively "content arbitraging", taking existing blog posts written in Chinese and publishing them in English (presumably using MTL). And I was able to confirm this hypothesis by adjusting my searching.

The goal of this site? Likely ad-revenue, since I saw the usual adsense js include in there (interesting that they didn't go with one of the higher CPM but shadier ad services). But I'm not even mad about that, I think it's an absolutely brilliant win/win strategy: unlike the spammy sites that just copy-paste stackoverflow content but yet somehow manage to rank higher, these "content arbitrage" sites are actually bridging a useful language gap, surfacing relevant content that would otherwise be undiscoverable to non-Chinese speakers (I just wish they'd also link back to the source).

It also highlights an interesting "gap" in search engines: given that google and co. have already indexed content across languages, now that transformer models have made MTL and "semantic understanding" fairly easy to achieve, you'd think that it would be an obvious solution to surface search results from other languages as well (with an option to translate of course). But yet no search engine currently seems to do this.
>> No. 42396 [Edit]
Woke up to find both my internet and gpu dead, what a way to start the day. This just has to happen with me going out of town next week, hopefully I can get the former fixed in the coming days and I'll have to consider getting a new pc when I'm back.. more expenses I'd rather not have to.
>> No. 42397 [Edit]
You could save a buck by getting an 8000G series APU and not replacing the discrete GPU. If you were working with older hardware anyway, your graphical needs probably aren't that demanding.

Post edited on 5th Mar 2024, 8:42am
>> No. 42407 [Edit]

Makes sense, if they're romanizing then presumably it's intended for foreign consumption so you may as well use the one that people may pronounce properly. Although if they're going to be teaching the new one as well, I wonder what impact that would have for IME systems. While modern IME can probably handle either variants with ease, non-hepburn does have a certain logic for things like "syosetsu" where it more directly corresponds to the underlying kana (and supposedly even in pronunciation, "syo" is a better approximation to the actual sound than "sho").
>> No. 42431 [Edit]
I realized I'll never be able to seek treatment for my mental ailments because I'm too paranoid and don't want to be on "the radar." Recently, I chickened out of getting OCD treatment because they demanded to have a credit card on file. I don't know how I'd afford it, anyway. I think usually the average ERP therapist wants 300$ dollars a session, and I simply can't afford to pay it regularly. I can't describe it, but as I communicated with them on the phone, I had this horrible gut feeling. Then, they said they did all of their notes on patients through this electronic software, which made me concerns of possible leakage if the company who made it got hacked. When I made the appointment, they wanted everything to be done through a patient portal, which I had bad feelings about. Why can't all of this stuff be offline? I don't know. There was something distateful about the idea of being evaluated, labeled, and categorized like cattle being sent off to slaughter. It feels like there's too much that they can do to you, knowing such things about you. It seems to easy for them to look down on you as an "inferior." This especially seems like the case with mental ailments. Then, they can talk about you behind your back, although there is supposed "patient confidentiality." Look at all of the counsellors and therapists (they might be lying lol, but it's still possible) on leddit who talk about their patient's issues. Even if my name weren't attached to it, it'd still be out there. Does anyone else have similar feelings about mental health professionals?
>> No. 42432 [Edit]
Yes, I have struggled with the medical system before and I prefer not to talk about it. I don't have experience with medications prescribed for OCD but I recommend trying everything you can before defaulting to using medicine and being wary of developing too much tolerance and obviously, the side effects. Maybe I'm cynical but I imagine most people don't think about how distasteful all of this is or they do and still go through with it. Mental health professionals tend to have problems themselves but they are not the type of serious problems where it could benefit the patient to have someone they can relate to. Most of my issues with it happened when I was underage and didn't have a say in any of it. Good luck.
>> No. 42436 [Edit]
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Went to an airshow today. The Air Force Acrobatics team had come to this bumfuck nowhere town around seven years ago, just when I was watching Aozora Shoujotai and had temporarily decided to try to become a pilot, but in the end I was out of the country on that day and really missed not seeing them, I saw a video by an Air Combat enthusiast on youtube on his city (they were doing a national tour) and it looked amazing, but I met a guy who went that day and said the weather sucked with rain and bad visibility. Anyways today I was informed just an hour before the show, and decided to go watch, it was just a 10 min walk from my place.
The news just said it was on the waterfront, and I tried to find any indication of the best viewing spot, but couldn't find anything. So I kept walking, most people seemed completely oblivious to the upcoming spectacle, but here and there a couple looked at their phones and scouted the sky with a confused look on their faces. They too were searching for the planes. As I got under a shade and stared at the clear blue sky I thought maybe I got there too early. But them I saw. Ripping through the firmament came seven yellow-blue planes. The show had begun. I stared in absolute awe as they executed every kind of maneuver. They would huddle together and then dissipate one by one, then come from the opposite side on each other like a pair of jousting knights, and thus they danced. Coming extremely close to each other, each time they crossed you could hear the treble gasps of a nearby child. Then they would fly far away and come back very low, the roaring sound overtaking the audience. Sometimes they would enter a cumulus cloud and disappear in the flying snow only to later surface in the blue. They would also break formation, and divide in two or three groups, each of them executing their own maneuvers, and when my eyes turned from one group to the other, I would see some flying gracious figure only to realize I had mistaken the planes for a couple of birds, so gracious were their movements. Now there were two groups, and they defied gravity, flying upside down, doing impressive vertical ascents right above us and coming down full throttle. And in these vertical ascents I saw it. The beautiful maneuver I had seen in the video years ago. As the plane reached the apex, the engine would die and the plane would stop in the air and start falling like a damsel who hurls herself from the top of the tower, but the pilot would come in and save her in the last moment.
Then the six planes huddled together and a lone wold went to other side, and it would dance alone in the sky, the engine snarling as the plane huffed and puffed smoke. The planes then did many smoke based maneuvers, I wondered if they would draw the city flag but they only let out white and black smoke, these culminated in the drawing of a heart, and then came an maneuver that involved one being on top of each other with the one on top being upside down and a third doing an spiral on then. The show lasted a little over 30 min.
I was impressed. It was my first time seeing aerobatics in real life, in fact I don't think I've ever seem a small plane in the air this close.
>> No. 42437 [Edit]
I see. I'm going to try some ERP worksheets on my own. I don't know what I'm going to do if it doesn't work. I can barely touch anything anymore, and there's a lot of overt behaviors I do that I can't control which come out in public. (Blinking in a certain fashion, mouth tics as a part of an arbitrary ritual which is tied to a system.) Spend probably 30 minutes to an hour washing my hands that are already bloodied like a gore show. People probably think I'm some abomination. But there's just something about the idea of being "diagnosed" that makes me feel so sick to my stomach.

But, I agree with you on the mental health professionals. It seems like people who have issues of their own always go into psychology.
>> No. 42439 [Edit]
>Does anyone else have similar feelings about mental health professionals?
I been medicated for more than a decade since I was a very young kid, severe OCD and other two things I don't remember was my first professional diagnose.
Medication only helped to alleviate the symptoms to some extent (by symptoms I mean what people call "rituals" and invasive thoughts that feel like they aren't your own thoughts and you can't control) but they change, transform so to speak, and new ones appear eventually if I somehow manage to overcome one of the older "rituals".
Since 2020 I've gotten more unstable and experienced hallucinations, which made me took the decision to apply for disability.
As far as mental health professionals go, they don't give a damn. period. They just want money and their method is always the same: prescribing you whatever works best for your particular case, which can take years because it's trial and error, said process involves dealing with multiple side-effects from a lot of different drugs until you find a combination that makes you relatively stable, stable as in, not spending 16 hours repeating compulsive behavior nonstop.
In short, psychofarms help out a bit, but will never cure anything because there's literally no cure for any mental disease.
>> No. 42441 [Edit]
>As far as mental health professionals go, they don't give a damn. period. They just want money and their method is always the same: prescribing you whatever works best for your particular case, which can take years because it's trial and error, said process involves dealing with multiple side-effects from a lot of different drugs until you find a combination that makes you relatively stable, stable as in, not spending 16 hours repeating compulsive behavior nonstop.
>In short, psychofarms help out a bit, but will never cure anything because there's literally no cure for any mental disease.
Thank you for your insight. Haven't had my compulsions that bad in years. I can "function" as in I can go to work and school, but I am limited in a lot of ways, and as I mentioned, a lot of it is hard to hide. But yeah, drugs are a bandaid. They never fix any underlying issues. We know very little about the human brain in the grand scheme of things, and it is concerning at how much confidence medical professionals have in these medicines. Last time I went to the doc, he tried to peddle drugs to me, and I tried to express my concerns in a gentle manner, and he seemed judgemental. "SSRIs are known to be well-tolerated." I can't risk cognitive decline because I am in a competitive field. I've spent some time reading Stahl's Perscriber's Guide out of curiousity, and it is interesting how SSRIs are noted to have a blunting effect. I think this allows those who are perscribed them to be able to do many things that they normally wouldn't be able to do for the bad and the good. Drugs. Drugs. Drugs. The average person is like a walking drug advertisement. "Have you tried getting on meds?" It's the same parroted response regardless of who you talk to.

Post edited on 18th Mar 2024, 10:31pm
>> No. 42442 [Edit]
>Then, they said they did all of their notes on patients through this electronic software [...] Why can't all of this stuff be offline? I don't know.
If you're in the US or a country with laws like HIPAA, there's a level of legal accountability for handling the exact kind of data you're worried about. So the need for standardization and communication introduced by the law benefited increasingly electronic record keeping, and a desire to minimize legal risk by individual clinics incentivized a lucrative industry for outsourcing that record processing.
I would not take the existence of a third-party portal as a red flag FOR THAT CLINIC until looking up the third-party. The whole situation is a red flag but not one which presents an obvious way to avoid it. Calling ahead to clinics and seeing who does it in-house or in a way which you like is an option, but anecdotally that would reduce your options around here considerably.

>There was something distateful about the idea of being evaluated, labeled, and categorized like cattle being sent off to slaughter. It feels like there's too much that they can do to you, knowing such things about you. It seems to easy for them to look down on you as an "inferior."
The first part is pretty universal feeling from any sort of trial which particularizes you in a negative light. While getting a diagnosis MAY be good in the long run, it is natural that the insecurity in one's own judgement and abilities feels shitty. It makes me feel, literally, singled out and incompetent. Heck, many people find a positive evaluation that focuses on them to be distasteful as well (like an artisan being annoyed by a novice fawning over his work).
The last part is also universal, and if you suspect they will use the rights of their profession against you for the sake of it I cannot think of a way to guarantee against it - anecdotally I've never been maligned in the mental health sector, but I've ran into people who just did the motions for me, and those who cared more. I've heard good things about non-religious houses dedicated to giving those with confirmed diagnosis living spaces and life skills training, but something to look into yourself.

And sure, there are many ways a clinic could potentially use the information you give to them against you. But have you also considered the reason(s) to suspect they are not honest in their intention of performing their expressed services for you in exchange for payment?
If they demand a credit card on file, I would bet money that even if they are morally bankrupt, they (the people operating the clinic) are looking to charge that card and have it stick before more involved methods of extracting value from your visit. That says nothing about the quality of their service, just that I doubt they have schemes beyond providing you a service of SOME quality without further context.

I would also confirm that a credit card in particular is needed over some other form of electronic payment, or if some physical form of pre-payment or collateral works like cash, check. If they require something which requires financial institution navigation like a credit card that makes me question their accessibility.
>> No. 42443 [Edit]
>If you're in the US or a country with laws like HIPAA, there's a level of legal accountability for handling the exact kind of data you're worried about. So the need for standardization and communication introduced by the law benefited increasingly electronic record keeping, and a desire to minimize legal risk by individual clinics incentivized a lucrative industry for outsourcing that record processing.
I see. I didn't know that. But, in my opinion, once you upload something to the internet, it is there forever. Also, it's not the first time I've had my records leak. Some time ago, a local medical institution was hacked, and my shit got leaked. It's not to say that local records can't be stolen, but online records allows information to be accessed globally if intercepted. There's just generally way more ways in that information can be intercepted.

>And sure, there are many ways a clinic could potentially use the information you give to them against you. But have you also considered the reason(s) to suspect they are not honest in their intention of performing their expressed services for you in exchange for payment?
I guess in more specific terms, it's less what they personally could do but how it could affect me in other circumstances. For instance, I go to the doctor, and they see that I have a diagnosis on file, then they won't take new issues seriously because they'll just say, "Oh, it's just your OCD. You're being a hypochondriac. See your specialist." What if it shows up during some kind of background check?

>The first part is pretty universal feeling from any sort of trial which particularizes you in a negative light. While getting a diagnosis MAY be good in the long run, it is natural that the insecurity in one's own judgement and abilities feels shitty. It makes me feel, literally, singled out and incompetent. Heck, many people find a positive evaluation that focuses on them to be distasteful as well (like an artisan being annoyed by a novice fawning over his work).
Hm. It's less so how I view myself, but how it will lead future professionals (like doctors), as I previously mentioned, to perceive me. I also get the feeling that many of these mental health professionals are morally righteous judgemental midwits that come from well off backgrounds and are merely looking to "save others." It creates a disgusting feeling of being pitied. Then, there's the societal stigma. Even if I can personally understand that my diagnosis does not define me, it doesn't change how the rest of the world still perceives mental illness. I know that privacy laws exist, but as I said, I have concerns of the wide-reaching impacts of diagnosis.

>I've heard good things about non-religious houses dedicated to giving those with confirmed diagnosis living spaces and life skills training, but something to look into yourself.
I didn't know that. I will look into that. But, generally, in mental health related circles, I always get a very judgemental feeling from it.

>I would also confirm that a credit card in particular is needed over some other form of electronic payment, or if some physical form of pre-payment or collateral works like cash, check. If they require something which requires financial institution navigation like a credit card that makes me question their accessibility.
I indeed asked about cash, and they most certainly required a credit card.
>> No. 42444 [Edit]
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To follow up this post, I've done more research on the patient portal out of curiosity, and I don't like what I see so far.
>How We Use Your Personal Information
>To develop, enhance, market, sell or otherwise provide products and services;
>We may share your Personal Information with our parent and affiliate companies in order for them to provide analytics across the entire corporate family and for other internal business purposes.
>We may share your Personal Information with companies that provide services to us, such as for hosting, marketing and communication services, analytics services, and payment processing (“Service Providers”).
Why is this so invasive? The privacy policy seems like they share everything and then some. HIIPA compliant my ass. It just seems unwise to have all of this information going in so many different directions. Giving it to one company is one thing, but when it's being passed around in so many places, that creates even more risks because those companies can be hacked, too. I dunno. I'm probably over paranoid.
pic vaguely related
>> No. 42445 [Edit]
>We know very little about the human brain in the grand scheme of things, and it is concerning at how much confidence medical professionals have in these medicines.
>"SSRIs are known to be well-tolerated."
It's indeed concerning that they can spit lines like that while also telling you with a straight face that the drugs can cause suicidal thoughts or ideation, as if it was some minimal side-effect the patients can simply overlook and keep on living "normal lives". This particular way of handling things is the same everywhere, they minimize side-effects and insist on medication, which I'm not completely against per se, but it's not for everyone and every case should be studied and monitored carefully before and after starting any treatment with drugs that can alter your brain and behavior, sadly mental health is treated like a business rather than a concerning social issue.
>SSRIs are noted to have a blunting effect. I think this allows those who are perscribed them to be able to do many things that they normally wouldn't be able to do for the bad and the good.
It's exactly as you describe it, I can confirm first-hand that SSRIs do have such effects. I would say it causes emotional "numbness", which helps with the pain caused by depression and disorders, but restricts how much joy and fun you get from stuff you like doing as well.
>"Have you tried getting on meds?" It's the same parroted response regardless of who you talk to.
I feel psychiatric medication usage has been on the rise for the best pàrt of the last decade and normalized more and more, specially those prescribed for anxiety.
Makes you wonder if it's the people who need to get "fixed", or if it's the hellish world we live in and it's decaying, self-destructing society that forces everyone to fit the mold by any means necessary lest they become an outcast left to rot on the streets, institutionalized, or comitting suicide.
>> No. 42451 [Edit]
>you wonder if it's the people who need to get "fixed"...
Zapffe makes this point in his short essay "last messiah", and sort of implicitly predicts that as awareness of the hopelessness and futility of it all grows, more and more people will end up as such, even though they will never consciously admit it.
>> No. 42452 [Edit]
>but it's not for everyone and every case should be studied and monitored carefully before and after starting any treatment with drugs that can alter your brain and behavior, sadly mental health is treated like a business rather than a concerning social issue.
I agree. Prozac is particularly fascinating. I read about people's different experiences with it, and many have said that it gave them violent thoughts and impulses that they didn't have originally.
Although this site is typically used for "recreational drugs," sometimes it has experience reports for valid pharmaceutical usage cases which are sometimes fascinating to read. I know one must take these sites with a heavy grain of salt, but it remains that there are striking commonalities in the reports.
I've read about many different criminal cases, and Prozac usually seems to be the most common SSRI that offenders take. Correlation does not necessarily equal causation. In addition, it may also be likely due to the fact that Prozac shows up more frequently because it is usually the most common one to be recommended by doctors. However, I don't feel like that connection should be dismissed.
>I would say it causes emotional "numbness", which helps with the pain caused by depression and disorders, but restricts how much joy and fun you get from stuff you like doing as well.
Interesting. I already feel like a husk, and I wonder how that would impact someone who is already emotionally dead. I can't even enjoy vidya nor anime anymore, I have a very shallow range of emotions, and am severely apathetic.
>specially those prescribed for anxiety.
Gee, who wouldn't be anxious in a world where we are constantly being bombarded with fearmongering whether it be on the internet or in news oulets. Who wouldn't be anxious when they're struggling to barely make ends meet due to the prices perpetually getting higher?
>> No. 42454 [Edit]
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I got a small 1cm cut on the bottom of my foot about 3 months ago, and it still hasn't healed, despite being told it would by a medical professional. I wasn't given any stitches and just told to bandage it, as it was a few days after I got the cut since I wasn't able to go to the doctors right away, but it didn't close up, but it did heal, so I've been having to walk around funny for since I can only put a bit of weight on it as it still hurts when I put all my weight on it. I bought some stitches to use and I'm going to try to suture it up this weekend. I should only need 2 stitches, maybe 1 as it's small, and hopefully it should be close up.
I'm going to do a simple interrupted stitch, as it's the only one I can do. I did do a rudimentary attempt already, and while I was able to make a stitch, it wasn't very good, so I'm gonna try again later. I get quite anxious when sticking myself with a needle/hook like that so I'm considering picking up some beer or low ABV liquor to try and calm myself down to stitch it properly, but I'm unsure on whether or not to do so, as I also don't want to make a mistake.
>> No. 42456 [Edit]
Jesus that sounds terrible. Don't they make bandages these days that pull wounds closed and keep them as such as good as stitches would?
>> No. 42458 [Edit]
I thought they have some skin-safe superglue formulations that can seal up large wounds.
>> No. 42460 [Edit]
Yes they do, but my feet get sweaty so they come off sadly. I have tried using that and it didn't do much, or I may have used it wrongly. It isn't as bad as it sounds, as I'm able to walk, I just have to walk on the ball of my foot and it means I can't really exercise at all.
They have that, it's called dermabond I believe. I did try some of the cheaper stuff called "liquid skin", but it wasn't of much use, and at this point I think it would be a waste of money to go to the doctors. It's just missing that top layer of "hard skin" that's on the foot, and it just has the pink layer of new skin showing in a tiny "gap" where the cut was. When I went to try to stitch it earlier I did rub off quite a bit of dead skin that accumulated, as I mostly had a bandage on it, so I may wait a bit to see if maybe some skin will regrow if I don't keep it bandaged up as much and try to get rid of the dead skin, as the wound itself is healed over by skin so there is no infection to be had I believe, the outermost skin seems to be taking a long time to close over.
>> No. 42468 [Edit]
File 171130358492.png - (55.30KB , 1315x1080 , wikipetan beggar.png )
Don't feel like posting anything. I haven't played videogames since forever. It's all a chore. The internet gets more boring everyday, every place I find just brings me more disappointment. I've watched many old anime, but I feel like there's nothing to say about it.
I have been trying to find a job, but DEI is peak faggotry and apparently negroes and handicapped are all they are looking for. If you're a fit caucasian male they want nothing to do with you. This has left me extremely discouraged to even try anymore.
>> No. 42469 [Edit]
The puzzle piece on Wikipe-tan on that drawing has fucked up text. It was supposed to be ウィ (wi) but it's ワイ (wai).
>> No. 42471 [Edit]
File 171132926618.png - (91.34KB , 1315x1080 , wikipetan fixed3.png )
Thanks for pointing that out. Here's a fixed version.
Also the original artist is psicochurroz, judging by his twitter post I think nobody has pointed that out before.

Post edited on 24th Mar 2024, 6:14pm
>> No. 42473 [Edit]
File 171137731032.gif - (1.68MB , 500x500 , 1678260308228.gif )
My day has been alright so far. Waking up was torture.
>> No. 42481 [Edit]
File 171148091770.png - (9.14KB , 255x426 , Wikipe-tan.png )
It should be ワィ, not ワイ or ウィ. The original Wikipe-tan was reportedly drawn by a Japanese user named Kasuga, who appears to have intentionally referenced the ワィ mistake in the 2003 version of the logo. It seems like it took three iterations until the logo finally got it right with ウィ, with the progression going ヰ→ワィ→ウィ.
>> No. 42490 [Edit]
File 171158748057.png - (770.47KB , 900x768 , 456a41ae8670f8960646d92761e140a9.png )
I'm not diabetic, but for the past 2 years I've been wearing "diabetic socks" almost exclusively. Basically, they don't have that constricting rim at the top. Whenever I wear normal socks now, the squeezing sensation bothers me.
>> No. 42491 [Edit]
I prefer loose socks too.
>> No. 42518 [Edit]
File 171236998259.png - (1.36MB , 1920x1080 , Loli_Ghost_Working.png )
I think I may need to get a part-time job soon. My only real options are food service, retail, janitorial, or warehouse work, with a few other things such as ramp agent for an airport, which I suppose is similar to warehouse work in a way. I think warehouse work, would be the best bet, but I've found oftentimes the idea of what a job is and what it really entails can be very misleading.
I am not capable of doing retail work and interacting with people in such a way, and janitorial work I already have a bad experience with, as I am not fond of cleaning up after disgusting stuff the likes of which you would find in bathrooms. I suppose my only real options left are food service, assuming I work in a kitchen away from others, or warehouse work, although I don't want to end up in one of those jobs which always forces more work on you.
Do any anons here have any insights into which line of work would be the easiest or least torturous?
>> No. 42519 [Edit]
File 171238482651.jpg - (957.76KB , 1000x1000 , d780e814e.jpg )
Go for warehouse, this is where you can avoid people the most. You won't be able to avoid them completely, but from the stuff you mentioned it's the best. I have worked in a kitchen, not only does it put a huge strain on you body because of how physically demanding it is, but you have to work close with others as well and you have a lot of stress. Everybody does something certain while cooking and together you get the result. This result has to come as fast as possible and has to be as delicous as possible. Customers are hell. As you already said retail contains even more interaction with others while cleaning is disgusting. Keep in mind that working is suffering and it's impossible to do it without dealing with others. Don't be afraid to change the job if it is too awful.
>> No. 42520 [Edit]
I had an exam today. I'm pretty sure I failed it. I failed the last exam, and I've failed the past several quizzes. I can't seem to focus at all anymore. My GPA is perfect, and I don't want to ruin it, so I'm going to drop the course before the deadline. I don't know what's happening to me. I feel like I'm on the verge of death with tiredness. I feel extremely apathetic. My study habits have gone into the toilet, and all I have done is play video games. I have had multiple job interviews, but I still feel like I'll never be able to get a job after I graduate because my own social skills are so damn bad. I'm struggling to put in the work to network and do extracurricular activities, but all I want to do is withdraw into the comfort of my bedroom. I never had these issues before. I think I might be burning out. I don't know. I want to take a semester off, but I don't know if I should.

Post edited on 6th Apr 2024, 12:50pm
>> No. 42523 [Edit]
Not exactly what I'd call a fun day today... Had the shitshow with TC going down to deal with, while getting stuck at a car dealer for three hours waiting on a simple tire replacement and oil change. Did what I could on my phone (which wasn't much) because I didn't like the idea of sitting there doing nothing.
>> No. 42524 [Edit]
Wow, we're back! Although some images seem to be missing, e.g. >>42519. Not a huge loss, but do those happen to be salvageable?
>> No. 42525 [Edit]
I think many if not most should be yes, we're still working on this.
>> No. 42530 [Edit]
I'd be interested in hearing what exactly happened, any chance you'll do a more detailed post(-mortem)
>> No. 42535 [Edit]
I was just about to contact you about the missing images (I wasn't aware that there was something bigger going on too), but I see you already know about it.

Thanks for all these years of keeping this place alive with very few hiccups.
>> No. 42537 [Edit]
My day has been pretty good, just playing serious sam: the first encounter.
>> No. 42539 [Edit]
Update here. I shit the bed. It was far worse than I thought. It was less than a 20. Memory is fucked. Can't focus for tits. There's no way I would've passed the course, so I withdrew right before the due date. I feel relieved. Now I have more time for vidya and shitposting. Had another follow-up with neurologist for memory issues, brain fog, and focus problems. I was given a sample for this medicine that should help. Doesn't look too bad based on the research I've done.
>> No. 42541 [Edit]
I don't have anything to really say, but I hope you can recover. It's usually wise to avoid pharma products, but if it's a genuine neurological issue then I suppose it's better than the alternative. I wish more places had that MAID program canada has, that's perhaps the only good thing they seem to have done.
>> No. 42542 [Edit]
(answering myself, there's a post in /fb/ about it).
>> No. 42543 [Edit]
>It's usually wise to avoid pharma products
I usually do, but I'm at my limit here. Shit's taking a toll on me so bad. My major is rough. You can only take a class twice before you get kicked out of the major. I'm stupidly desperate. I've worked so god damn hard to get to where I am, and I don't want to just piss it away because my brain won't fucking work.

>I wish more places had that MAID program canada has, that's perhaps the only good thing they seem to have done.
Same here. It's interesting how buttblasted people get over suicide specifically. Personally, I had a long-time very close online friend lose his life to suicide. He had autism, couldn't hold a job because of meltdowns, and was on NEETbux. His family bullied him. Although I miss him dearly, I respect his decision. I can't change how the world operates. Normalfaggots will spew platitudes at you - "It will get better, I promise," but they themselves go onto judge the neurodiverse. It's all virtue signalling. It's fucking vile. The reason why I mention this is because, not that long ago, I saw a video this dude made about Sanctioned Suicide that is related to this topic, and it made me think of the way in which people react to suicide.

During the course of this video, he ends up mentioning this guy ending his life after posting on the website. Really, I felt like he made the issue about himself rather than the person who he was talking about it. He needs to put up a face of "the good person who is caring about the safety of others." He needed to told everyone about how oh-so bad he felt. Most normals are like that. They only seem to "care" after the person ends their life. If they truly cared, they would have noticed and done something beforehand. But they don't because they ultimately don't care about anything but their social image. Caring about you before you died would not have benefitted their image because you were a subhuman in their eyes.

This guy criticizes the website because it discourages people to get help. It seems like he is delusional about how the mental healthcare system is. It's not all sunshine and roses. Mental healthcare is expensive as fuck, and the quality of it is shit - especially in the United States. In addition, there are often waiting lists.They always just spout off "Get help," which really just means, "I don't care about your problems. Talk to someone else." As if talking to some kike therapist is a substitute for having an actual support system in place. Most likely, if you try to get help, you're going to be pushed these jewpills which have a myriad of potential side-effects, and you will be spouted platitudes at and told to just "b ur self :^)" Also, we know quite little about the human brain and the long term effects of these drugs. Likewise, You may also be hospitalized where you will likely be put in an environment where you are treated like shit unless you are upper-middle class and can afford a quality hospital. As a result of it, you will be left with thousands of dollars in expensive bills. If anything, discouraging people to get help is a good thing because it prevents them from being abused by the shitty ass system in place.

I had to turn the video off when the representative began talking. Maybe instead of going after fringe-ass sites, why don't you try to solve the issues that are causing people to kill themselves in the first place? Why don't you actually try to make high quality mental healthcare more accessible? "I-it's the website that made t-them do it!!" No, you dense motherfucker. The world we live in is a rigged ass game, don't you see? It is over competitve and favors only those with the correct circumstances. If you recognize this, then you are gaslit to oblivion by society and told, "You just need to work hard :^)" not recognizing that no amount of hard work can push through the disadvantages that an individual is born with.

It also does not make sense that he wants people to not visit such a website, yet he is making an entire public video about it which is certain to pique someone's curiousity. Have you ever heard of the Streisand Effect, motherfucker?

I apologize for my rant, but it simply gets to me.
>> No. 42544 [Edit]
I got through about halfway before I stopped watching that video, it's too difficult to listen to the amount of ignorance that comes of that guy's mouth. I've never been able to tolerate the kinds of people who are so hard pressed on being anti-suicide and are absolutely convinced it's never the answer. I think anyone that's truly been submerged in the system wouldn't be making this virtue signal trust the system and take your pills garbage. What, is he going to tell me to take my vaccine next?

The one disappointing factor in this entire video is the fact that he feels like because some viewer he never truly cared about commit suicide it gives him the authority to talk about this topic. It's depressing that these normalfag internet creators are now influencers where they make these pseudoscience video essays on topics they decided they're experts on, and people eat it up because there's no real sense of fact checking and corroboration, considering alternative perspectives, or any level of common sense. And at the end of the day their primary goal is to put YouTube ad revenue money into their pockets, the video is just a virtue signal money maker at the end of the day. It is simply no different than the rest of the healthcare system.

YouTube feels like it has completely degraded and all the content on there is just advertiser friendly low attention span garbage that gets the most views. Even YouTube creators I'm interested in I've noticed switched to more clickbaity thumbnails and titles to rack in attention.
>> No. 42546 [Edit]
You know, when I clicked on that link I sarcastically expected a typical YouTube dudebro going 'guys, suicide is bad (thud sfx), when you commit suicide you guys, you'll be dead (thud sfx) guys'. Nah. This is actually worse. This is so much worse. I swear not even five minutes in but my blood is boiling. Not only he is woefully out of touch but he has absolutely zero respect for him, straight up doxing him.

People like this are precisely why those who want to leave keep it to an in-group they know for sure feel the same and won't go batshit moral crusader divine savior on them upon hearing about it. Deplorable behaviour.

Post edited on 18th Apr 2024, 10:58am
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