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File 171969120251.png - (117.44KB , 400x400 , f63f27ea5bcf4201d175c66ffb9ca59d.png )
42729 No. 42729 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Thread for offering bounties.

I'm offering 0.00082BTC (currently $50).
My address is bc1qluc5j0hppkpvhrf9g0zgs249f6xc5dfgaj7twk

There's an anime I want found which I previously watched, but can't remember the name of. It's a comedy about a women narrowly escaping life or death situations.

Specific examples being: dislocating her legs in a sauna or something like that, getting stuck in a phone booth while it's hot outside, almost falling off a cliff, holding up a sign for a boxing match(or something like that), but really needing to go to the bathroom.

I think it's from the 90s, cause I'm 99% sure it's cell animation. I'm thinking it may have been an ova, since there weren't that many episodes.

Respond with the name of the anime and your address.
1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 42731 [Edit]
Nope, that's not it. I wouldn't put a bounty up unless I had tried myself, which included asking LLMs.
>> No. 42732 [Edit]
Ah ok. It might be worth including a list of shows you've already excluded from your candidates.
>> No. 42734 [Edit]
Ippatsu Kiki Musume (Japanese: イッパツ危機娘, lit. "Sudden Danger Girl"), also known as Miss Critical Moment.
The kind of hilarity & silliness a low-budget anime can give. Heh.
>> No. 42735 [Edit]
File 171971264171.png - (28.67KB , 400x400 , e86222f91c43767fde925280f0990228.png )
Thank you thank you. Was it hard to find? Are you sure you don't want the reward?

File 134575630513.jpg - (64.06KB , 336x447 , ponderings.jpg )
16448 No. 16448 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Ponderings general 2. Post things you've thought about.

Previous thread >>15685
896 posts and 176 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 42665 [Edit]
File 171759347761.png - (699.70KB , 9600x1080 , graph.png )
Or even
set grid mxtics xtics mytics ytics
>> No. 42667 [Edit]
Done some post formatting.
$ cat <<EOF > script.awk BEGIN { i = 0 } { split ($0, a, /\/|\(|\)|:/) str = sprintf ("20%d %d %d %d %d 0", a[3], a[1], a[2], a[5], a[6]); ts[i] = mktime (str) i++ } END { d = mktime ("2024 1 2 1 1 1") - mktime ("2024 1 1 1 1 1") diff[1] = 0 asort (ts) for (j = 2; j <= length (ts); j++) { diff[j] = (ts[j] - ts[j - 1]) / d } for (j = 1; j <= length(ts); j++) { print strftime("%F-%H:%M", ts[j]) "," sprintf("%.10f", diff[j]) } } EOF $ cat <<EOF > data.gnuplot set terminal svg font "Liberation Serif,18" size 9600,1080 \ background "white" set output "graph.svg" set datafile separator comma set xdata time set format x "%Y" set xlabel "Year" set mxtics 12 set ylabel "Days since last post" set logscale y set grid set grid mxtics xtics mytics ytics set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M" plot 'data' using 1:2 title "" with points pointtype 7 pointsize 1 \ linecolor rgb "#c8000000" EOF $ regex='[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{2}\([a-zA-Z]{3}\)[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}' $ curl -sf "" | grep -E "$regex" | awk -f script.awk - > data $ gnuplot data.gnuplot $ inkscape -d 150 -o graph.png graph.svg

>> No. 42668 [Edit]
File 171764528278.gif - (2.87MB , 6336x5824 , scatter.gif )
Here's a comparison of /ot/ and /mai/'s activity over the years using two long-standing threads in each。Side note, the process of posting this took waaaaaay too much effort.
import matplotlib。pyplot as plt import numpy as np from datetime import timedelta from time_extract import get_timestamps def plot_data(filename, color, marker): plt。grid(True) plt。yscale('symlog') plt。xlabel('Time') plt。ylabel('Time Δ(days)') data = get_timestamps(filename) delta = np。diff(data) / timedelta(days=1) plt。scatter(data[1:], delta, alpha=0。1, c=color, marker=marker) for i, time_stamp in enumerate(data[1:]): if delta[i] > 200: plt。annotate(time_stamp。date(), (data[i+1],delta[i]),fontsize=8) plt。subplot(2, 1, 1) plt。title('/ot/') #Ponderings general plot_data('ot_16448。txt', 'steelblue', 'o') #Dream thread plot_data('ot_521。txt', 'cadetblue', 'D') plt。subplot(2, 1, 2) plt。title('/mai/') #Who your waifu is plot_data('mai_5。txt', 'orchid', 'o') #Share your daily waifu experience plot_data('mai_8705。txt', 'palevioletred', 'D') plt。gcf()。set_size_inches(15, 14) plt。savefig('scatter', dpi=500)

import re import numpy as np from datetime import datetime ts_reg = r'<span class="postername"。*<\/span>\s*(。*)' dt_string = '%m/%d/%y(%a)%H:%M' def get_timestamps(filename): with open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: txt = file。read() matches = re。findall(ts_reg, txt) data = [] for match in matches: dp = datetime。strptime(match, dt_string) data。append(dp) return np。array(data)

>> No. 42694 [Edit]
It seems despite all my efforts I am fake. Not superficially, but with my whole being. My consciousness is fake. In retrospect I can't relate to things as if I have done them. I know I was there when they were done but it's as if the actions themselves are not mine. Just thought it's very strange.

File 129011482562.jpg - (90.35KB , 492x488 , sadamoto_nadia-shinji.jpg )
521 No. 521 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
I'd like to start another dream thread, if that's all right. I'll go first.
You know how when you're a fan of something like anime or scifi or similar things in your teenage years parents will try to buy stuff for you? My dad and stepmom bought anime\manga related shit at yard sales a lot. Sometimes it was good, sometimes it was off the mark.
Well, in my dream I'm still in high school. I'm sitting there playing Xbox when my dad & stepmom walk in and yell that they got me something at a yard sale. I'm think to myself, "well, probably shit, but I might as well see," and go to check it out.
I walk into the kitchen and on the table is a box full of stuff from Neon Genesis Evangelion.
I get more excited and go to see what it is. There's every episode in raws and fansubs on
VHS, some uniforms, figurines, and even Shinjis' fucking tape recorder with the tape he listens to inside it! All the merchandise seems to be older and seems like it was directly imported from Japan. I ask where they found it.
It cuts to a yard sale with a slightly sad fiftyish woman in her front yard. She talked about how her son loved this show and whatnot, and seemed very sad. She sold it all for about 10-20 dollars.
I take all the stuff out and find a suicide note. Her son had gotten into anime in the
eighties while in high school and was completely inept and friendless. He grew obsessed with
Evangelion and felt a strong kinship with Shinji because he was such a fuck up. He grew older
and couldn't find anyone to share his interests with, became more and more of a recluse, and
killed himself in the late nineties, which I recall being a shame since the internet as of
96, when he killed himself, could have given him a place to talk to others and feel less alone. I realized he was "an otaku of another generation." I hung up his note and saluted it. I then went to watch his tapes and realized that he had dubbed it himself in case he ever met anyone who wanted to share his joy. I inherited his legacy. His mother had cleaned house and ended up giving me a record of a hikkikomori life.
588 posts and 82 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 42632 [Edit]
I had a dream that Tohno stopped being the site admin and someone else came up and started changing the website theme and making all the posts be centered on the screen instead of left-aligned.
What a nightmare.
>> No. 42633 [Edit]
Sounds like a typical April fools around here.
>> No. 42634 [Edit]
And a funny one at that.
>> No. 43409 [Edit]
I had an outstanding dream about having sex with a cute anime girl. Simply makes me want to open my veins now that I'm awake. There was an introduction where other anime girls would first teach her how to kiss, since she looked like loli. Then there also was a prolonged scene with doing her massage.

I know it's an embarrassing post but I'd rather leave it here than anywhere else

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39421 No. 39421 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
It's that time of year again! April fools day!

Have you found anything interesting?!
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>> No. 42499 [Edit]
File 17120015537.jpg - (645.03KB , 2983x4096 , GJ4faVoaAAA9W1U.jpg )
My interpretation was that this year's theme was about annoying stuff in websites. Like anti ad-blockers the big cookies disclaimer, and naturally the complementary video ads, that often show up in these sites.
>> No. 42500 [Edit]
Ah I see, it was meant to be a video ad. I forgot those were a thing... (also the adblock thing was also used 2 years ago I think, but it doesn't matter because I always forget it's april 1st anyhow and have a solid moment of confusion)
>> No. 42501 [Edit]
File 171201962257.jpg - (365.99KB , 1250x2048 , GJLsELvXsAEmO8A.jpg )
Didn't last long.
>> No. 42502 [Edit]

Yup, pretty much that. Would have added more and maybe done something more original but between a recent cross country move and a new job, things have been a bit hectic here. I still wanted to try and find 'some' time to do something at least. I've seen a lot of websites these days have a lot of obnoxious garbage obscuring half the page. News letter popups, cookies notices, tech support and AI chat window popups, auto play videos of streamers/reviews that follow the screen and more. Just terrible annoying designs everywhere now.
Honestly me and the mods debated a bit about what video to use, if any. Didn't want to play some 3DPD ads so I figured a PV might make some sense.

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42226 No. 42226 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Let's have a whole thread about FAILURE and DISAPPOINTMENT. What are some projects that you followed for years that never amounted to anything. Ones were you were hoping, waiting for so long, just for the moment to come when you realized "this is never happening", or "this is garbage actually".

I want to talk about the Pokemon Special Animation project. There's a Pokemon manga called Adventures. It has a darker tone than pretty much any other Pokemon media, so it was fairly popular in the aughts, and in 2010, some westerners decided they were going to make an anime adaptation of it.

12 years later, this is the end result:
For comparison, here's a Japanese fan animation made by one guy in 2 months:

They made a forum
There's auditions on there, for voice acting and animation. I remember a fairly well-known symphonic composer was interested in doing the music at one point. They saw Japanese fan animations and somebody said something like "this fires me up. We gotta compete with this". At one point, they made an okayish intro, as an "April Fools day joke" and an animated video asking for donations or something. Those seem to be lost to time. The end result speaks for itself.

I just don't understand it. How can one guy make 2 minutes of not phenomenal, but serviceable web animation in 2 months, and these people spend 12 years making a sub-12 minute slide show? So much time and energy spent on bikeshedding, for that. This was part of my childhood.
>> No. 42430 [Edit]
The pacing on that is just grueling, wow. For contrast, I can totally see myself rewatching the fan made OP. That entire episode? Not a chance.
>> No. 42433 [Edit]
26 seconds of animation
>> No. 42434 [Edit]
Like anything good related to (c)rap, it's stolen from somewhere else

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29537 No. 29537 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
So the new admin at 4chan is struggling financially with the site (ads are now gone)
And /a/ is having talks of where to migrate to if the site goes down for good , people are name dropping your site a lot
I'm not sure if this is wanted or unwanted but I feel you should at least be aware of it .
43 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 42253 [Edit]
Lurk and learn, or fuck off.
>> No. 42344 [Edit]
Aw I thought this was a new thread.
>> No. 42349 [Edit]
Were you excited or dismayed?

Post edited on 20th Feb 2024, 5:04pm
>> No. 42421 [Edit]

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30015 No. 30015 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
You wake up in a room, what do.
6 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 30027 [Edit]
succ on tite
>> No. 30030 [Edit]
Should've went with either some dangerous Xenomorph-like creature or some stupid, useless, and probably slightly retarded comic relief alien that won't spout shitty puns.
>> No. 42248 [Edit]
File 17065079995.jpg - (9.85KB , 400x246 , 20240128.jpg )
I go outside.
>> No. 42420 [Edit]
The sun burns........

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42262 No. 42262 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Hey Tohno-chan, I need help deciding on a pillow. A rather big birthday of mine is coming up and instead of an iPhone or a smart watch or some other crap I told my family I want something to fix my awful sleep. I'm quite a cuddlebug so a dakimakura is what I've been thinking about, but my family insists on an orthopedic hybrid of a memory foam main pillow and a 'wedge' pillow from a telemarketing store to go between my knees.

I trust the battle-tested market of NEET accessories much more than any 'ergnomic' stuff but buying and shipping a proper daki over here is crazy expensive in comparison so I need to be absolutely sure it will be a good choice. Anybody here with experience, especially with Dakimakuri's inner pillows, can give some feedback on how durable they are, and whether they clump easily?

Alternatively I could try getting a 'backup husband' type pillow as it's so called on online stores here but I only found one sold by a vendor I don't trust, they routinely underfill their normal pillows with low-quality stuffing.
5 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 42272 [Edit]
The one weird trick that daki manufacturers don't want you to know. Big pillow _hates_ him!

Outside the issue of having a nonuniform filling which could probably be worked around by choosing the right type of "smaller pillows", I guess it probably would work.
>> No. 42351 [Edit]
File 170851731656.jpg - (137.38KB , 708x1003 , __original_and_1_more_drawn_by_kink_tortoiseshell_.jpg )
Alright, so a follow up on this one. I actually found a pillow vendor that sold body pillows with regular old polyesther in standard 160x50 so I got that one. It arrived today. It's pretty light, feels about 2kg which is pretty far from Dakimakuri inners, but it's still pretty high and is very much stuffed with the material. Going to see how it works out and report my findings in a few days.
>> No. 42354 [Edit]
Unless it's against some kind of rule about advertisement or such I wouldn't mind you sharing the vendor.
>> No. 42364 [Edit]
File 170877514084.jpg - (150.83KB , 850x1095 , __itagaki_tatsuko_maji_de_watashi_ni_koi_shinasai_.jpg )
It's been a few days and I got to say I don't regret what I bought. Took a bit of experimenting to get a good setup going, and while I'm not sleeping like a log all the time still, it's much better than before. Once I can afford it I'll definetly invest in a proper dakimakura later down the line, but until then, this regular old white pillar is basically perfect.

Thanks for your help, Tohnons.

Thanks, but I'd rather not. They specialize in 'orthopedic' (read: oddly shaped) pillows and they don't ship outside of my country as far as I am aware.

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36602 No. 36602 Locked hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
What are your thoughts on this no touching yourself for a month thing? Do you take part in it, or do you think it's stupid?
47 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 42322 [Edit]
For you, but some try to look for more in their ideal. And that's kind of the point.
>> No. 42324 [Edit]
>> No. 42325 [Edit]
i think if you jack off to 3D "women" then tohno should ban you
>> No. 42330 [Edit]
This discussion would be better off in /tat/.

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33625 No. 33625 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
From games, comics, and cartoons, since the late 90s, westerns from America to Europe(especially France for some reason) have attempted to create "anime-like" media. You remember some of these: rwby, totally spies, avatar, teen titans, code lyoko, to name a few. Most of these are made to capitalize on a dying trend, but that's besides the point. These try to copy something more than the artstyle(which is usually a failure). There's some kind of character to otaku media that they're trying to replicate.

Aside from anime largly representing adult-oreiented animation that isn't primarily comedic, there's something else to it, some dynamic. Most people write these "knockoffs" off as shit and that's it, but I want to know, if I were to try to make something with that unique "spirit" to it, wouldn't it just come out the same? Could a westerner capture whatever that thing is so it feels the same?

There's a couple western porn artists which do a really good job, but that's as close as I can think of
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>> No. 42242 [Edit]
If you ever spend any time in western art communities, one thing you'll notice is how absurdly obsessed everyone is with finding their very own super special and unique art style. Basically, aspiring anime-style artists are pressured into committing artistic self-sabotage.
>> No. 42245 [Edit]
File 17063250399.jpg - (148.20KB , 915x1300 , 20240128.jpg )
Gonna be worse now than AI-generated art is out in the wild. Art-styles will go even more unhinged...
>> No. 42246 [Edit]
>western art
And then they all look like the same ugly ethically diverse fat bloated over stylized characters with big red noses.
>> No. 42250 [Edit]
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Once I believe the epitome of art was to look like a photograph. Ah, simpler times.

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30318 No. 30318 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
why do they do this to the pantsus in some anime and not others?
air time?
1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 30321 [Edit]
i have never bought a bd
>> No. 30322 [Edit]
I think stuff like that doesn't always necessarily get replaced. I believe it's there sometimes because the creators think it's funny.
>> No. 30323 [Edit]
Well in this case there's also an uncensored version that airs so it could be different timeslots have the censored vs uncensored version. In general the majority of censorship (light beams, etc.) get taken out for the BD, along with general improvements to QUALITY.
>> No. 42240 [Edit]
File 170591915667.jpg - (168.35KB , 839x567 , 20240122.jpg )
So that you gush for magical girls

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