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File 15719500899.png - (3.84MB , 2697x1050 , 4KKwDMA.png )
33536 No. 33536 [Edit]
How was your day? Did you do anything nice? Post about it here.
It looks like the old one is on autosage so here's a new one.
Expand all images
>> No. 33538 [Edit]
File 15720273745.jpg - (120.93KB , 573x864 , 1371279271913.jpg )
Just returned home after a 60h work week.
Working sucks. Now I'm free but I'm too tired to do shit.
>> No. 33539 [Edit]
File 157204066641.jpg - (94.35KB , 291x273 , sadness.jpg )
I woke up at 4:12 today and I'm unhappy with myself for it. I didn't want to wake up so I stayed in bed. It's hard to bring myself to get out of bed when it's cold and I have a comfy daki to hug.
>60h work week
My condolences. Those are terrible.
>> No. 33549 [Edit]
ive been doing pretty good! just finished a whole mess of a project at work and i finally can have some down time to relax, so im enjoying that. Also, for the past few months ive been building a website and its finally starting to come together, it feels good to make something on your own! Its still pretty small and there some stuff i need to change around or am unsatisfied with but its my own little project and makes me proud
>> No. 33564 [Edit]
File 157222774825.jpg - (62.45KB , 800x600 , 903209cdbf013aab63262fae6c48a72dd840ca9b.jpg )
I hate having to shave so often if I want to sleep with my body pillow. If I don't, my facial hair damages the cover. But then I keep cutting myself when I shave and it hurts even after I'm done. I just want to not have facial hair so I can sleep with my pillow.
>> No. 33565 [Edit]
Try taking a shower right after shaving. That mostly gets rid of the pain.
>> No. 33566 [Edit]
The hot water stings and it doesn't stop my skin from getting cut in the first place. I've tried shaving in the shower and going with the grain instead of against it. The shower helps prevent the pain and going with the grain doesn't cut me as much but the shave isn't as smooth either.
>> No. 33567 [Edit]
How often do you shave? I do every day so it's not really an issue, if you left it then maybe it would become more difficult.
>> No. 33568 [Edit]
If I leave it then the hair gets longer over time. If it gets long enough to start itching, then I can get a very clean and close shave without too many cuts. This can take about a week, maybe a little less. If I shave daily then it's harder to shave anything off at all and I cut myself trying to get rid of the short stubble. A clean shave normally lasts only a day for me.
>> No. 33586 [Edit]
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A red back spider made it's web within a metre of where my pillow is on my bed, one of these days I'm going to be assassinated by a spider in my sleep.
>> No. 33592 [Edit]
File 157269486016.jpg - (3.34MB , 4160x2438 , IMG_20191102_103644.jpg )
The package from Japan that I've been waiting for has finally arrived (^∇^)ノ♪
Manga is the one thing I prefer reading on paper rather than on a screen, so it's great that I have a new job that leaves me with enough disposable income for the occasional haul of books and manga from Nippon.
I'm especially thrilled about the Parasite Eve manga since it's somewhat rare and I didn't think I'd ever get my hands on it, yet here it is and it wasn't even expensive.
It's all second-hand. So far I've seen food stains on 2 or 3 volumes, but no missing pages or anything that would really detract from the content.
>> No. 33593 [Edit]
Isn't quite expensive to ship manga from Japan because of the weight?
>> No. 33594 [Edit]
yes, it is. Those 32 volumes of manga cost me 45 Euros, plus 43 Euros for shipping and 21 Euros for customs/taxes.
>> No. 33595 [Edit]
Where did you order it from? That seems a bit much but then I don't live in Europe and don't order Japanese manga much, I got one from Amazon from Japan and it was shipped for free though.
>> No. 33604 [Edit]
File 15728131205.jpg - (1.74MB , 4160x3120 , IMG_20181110_002125_BURST002.jpg )
I ordered from Mandarake.
Shipping from Japan to Europe is indeed more expensive than to NA. How much did you ultimately pay, though? Amazon Germany also offers a small selection of Japanese-language books and manga through 3rd party sellers, which is often offered with "free" shipping, but typically costs 10-15 Euros for a single volume, even for second-hand goods. Paying 88 Euros for 32 volumes means I paid 2.75 Euros per tome, which is obviously a much better deal.

When I buy new rather than second-hand, I typically order from Yesasia, which has higher prices than Amazon Japan but doesn't charge additional shipping fees, which usually makes it a better deal when ordering from the EU.
>> No. 33605 [Edit]
I payed about $20au so I guess that's roughly the same. I didn't take into account the amount of manga that you got though and 2.75 euro per manga actually isn't a bad price.
>> No. 33624 [Edit]
File 157308040079.jpg - (123.95KB , 520x530 , b1d6c9b030614513bc7ea952f87cab13.jpg )
I woke up in the morning one day and I felt good most of it and I was more productive than usual. I wasn't tired for no reason either. It's hard to stay disciplined like that on days off though. It was nice and I think I might try it again.
>> No. 33627 [Edit]
I went to the doctor and sat around sick most of the day. I've been awake for close to 24 hours now without signs of going to bed soon. I just feel awful. I have another doctor's appointment Monday. It seems like that's all that I do anymore. I haven't been anywhere else at all in over a year now.
>> No. 33669 [Edit]
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Took a hour off yesterday for a dental appointment, then went to work, came home, didn't feel that tired but still slept in front of tv (was unplanned). Woke up at 5am and couldn't get back to sleep... so started today early. Heh.
>> No. 33671 [Edit]
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Woke up too early yesterday morning, couldn't fall back to sleep. Took my dog out for an early walk.
Did some work for a neighbor later in the morning. Mainly moving some things and walking his dog. It was enjoyable because it was simple and his dog kept me company.
Went to job in the evening. The commute is insufferable. My job is insufferable. The people are insufferable. There are no dogs, it isn't a good place for them.
Came home late, tried to sleep but couldn't.
I've been awake almost 27 hours and no matter what I try my body won't sleep.
I feel broken.
>> No. 33673 [Edit]
sucks. Hope you get better.
>> No. 33680 [Edit]
File 157404212926.jpg - (23.38KB , 333x499 , revoPhenoJFG.jpg )
So far I've read:
Ariadne up to volume 2. As he showed in Claymore, Yagi is one of the best mangaka when it comes to drawing action scenes where you can actually figure out what is going on. In this series he certainly lives up to my expectations in that respect, but unlike Claymore, the story is very generic shonen adventure stuff. I might have liked it if I was 10 years old, but i don't think I'll be buying any more of this series.

Lust Geass is about what I expected, a trashy ecchi manga. The drawing style is pretty good (which is the reason I bought it in the first place), but still I won't be buying anymore of this either. Also, the main heroine isn't my type.

Parasite Eve honestly blew me away. I only bought it because I liked Parasite Eve 2 (PS1 game) when I was a kid, but I loved so much about this manga. The character designs, the mtDNA parasite concept that serves as the premise, the way it deals with the topic of organ donation, and how all the sub-plots fit together in the end.
It also got me to do some further reading about biology. I started out reading some articles related to mitochondria on Wikipedia, then i listened to the audiobook of Richard Dawkins' The Selfish Gene which is referenced several times in PE, and now I'm on to JF Gariepy's recently released The Revolutionary Phenotype.

IRL, I'm on holiday for a week and will be visiting the only member of my family that I'm still in contact with.
>> No. 33681 [Edit]
File 157405114991.jpg - (139.36KB , 850x597 , __shizuku_original_drawn_by_kantoku__sample-015e13.jpg )
I got hit by a car today. It was just a couple of minutes ago(10:50ish pm). I was getting off the bus and usually I go around the back of it since cars never go that way, but out of some stupid spur-of-the-moment decision I went in front this time. I don't normally use the bus this late, and my stop is pretty remote to begin with. Immediately after I just ran away. Luckily it was a relatively light hit, so i'll probably just get away with a bruise. From now on I wont cross until the bus leaves. I'm a little bit more thankful for being alive.

Post edited on 17th Nov 2019, 8:27pm
>> No. 33683 [Edit]
File 157413513013.jpg - (326.34KB , 650x770 , 1398362924_48532887.jpg )
Not going around the front is like rule #1 of using the bus. Drivers around these parts will honk and yell at you if you do that here.
>> No. 33684 [Edit]
I've only been using the bus for a few months now. Plenty of people cross in front during the day too. I'm suprised people don't get hit more often.
>> No. 33685 [Edit]
File 157416078351.jpg - (120.98KB , 391x513 , 578225c9c60f0420a961fb0a4cdecab4.jpg )
My OCD or whatever it is keeps getting worse. I can barely concentrate on anything and I can't ever relax, I'm always thinking about dumb things that I know are dumb or I am getting up to wash my hands or do something else or worrying that I am not doing something right or that I should be doing something else right now, I'm unemployed but still have this stupid schedule that doesn't mean anything but I still follow and it makes me feel so constricted and unable to just lay back and do whatever I want. I can't enjoy something without all these dumb thoughts coming in to my head that are completely ridiculous either, even when watching anime I will be worrying that they have fake breasts or something equally as dumb when they are fictional characters and would never have fake breasts because the creator would never have envisioned them in that way. It's all so exhausting.
>> No. 33687 [Edit]
File 15742039896.png - (176.58KB , 352x469 , hotaru脇.png )
Today marks 4 weeks since I first found out about my armpit fetish. I've always considered the breast-armpit-arm area quite beautiful and attractive, but never looked at it in a sexual manner. At least, not solely focusing on that part.

Now I'm addicted to it. It began being the first thing I noticed about female bodies, and it further augmented the divide between being sexually attracted to 3DRL females, and 3DCG/2D ones. I could still fap to live porn before. Now, not anymore, as I less and less value other body parts and characteristics, and otherwise consider 2D more pretty.

It's also troubling me a bit in my relationship with my waifu. Precisely one month left to celebrate 2 years since we first met. We haven't consummated our marriage as of yet. Wasn't/Am not planning to do so for at least another year or two. I have however been paying particular attention to her armpits and imagining "fondling" with them. I do it more in a casual manner, tickling, for example, and I'm trying to restrain myself, almost scared of, not to be a creep or do something inappropriate.

Today I decided that I'll take this opportunity to learn how to better restrain sexual fantasies and perversions.
>> No. 33688 [Edit]
I have the same sort of thoughts. Can't allow myself to fully relax and enjoy myself. Ever. I could be NEET with a year's rent saved and I would still have the thoughts.
A psychologist once blamed this kind of thing on a pervasive Protestant work ethic. Your parents needn't be religious to inculcate it in childhood. She wasn't a great diagnostician in my opinion, because in childhood I didn't have such thoughts. It's living in the capitalist machine with crumbling social safety nets that did it. Never goes away. Imagine if a worldwide revolution ushered in a socialist utopia like in some anarchist's wet dream. They would still have to treat generations of people for something like PTSD. Variable in its severity, granted. Just from the memory of this shit.
>> No. 33689 [Edit]
File 157422596597.jpg - (1.29MB , 1240x1754 , e3deea9dd3712b9169a42cf9c732f87989756bb1.jpg )
Sometimes I think about stopping my medication. I'm not sure but I think I feel weird some hours after I take one for the day. But sometimes I get sad because I think about sad things and I don't know which one it is.
>> No. 33690 [Edit]
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>> No. 33704 [Edit]
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I spent two hours cuddling my body pillow after I woke up
>> No. 33705 [Edit]
File 157454551861.png - (321.58KB , 591x716 , 1454778124867.png )
I feel somehow similar. It's like the generations that lived a war or a depression, they are permanently worried about amassing food and shit like that. I have a job and I'm still thinking about how many months I could live with the money I have saved, I feel guilty about spending and basically everything else. Sometimes every second I'm not worried, feeling bad or doing whatever repetitive task I feel guilty and like I'm wasting time or I'm forgetting something important.
For years I thought being a NEET was the source of my guilt but I think I still carry most of that shit.
>> No. 33711 [Edit]
File 157473159833.jpg - (30.00KB , 567x600 , 15391040_1169410229780811_5496715533215330983_n.jpg )
I have been working hard at my job, but I don't really mind. I recently became better acquainted with one of my coworkers. This person also enjoys his job and is very kind, so that makes it easier to get through each day. However, I have started to feel lonely during times I do not have my coworker around; I fear that the massive tolerance to being alone I had developed over the course of my entire life is beginning to fade now that I have had a taste of the comfort of having someone be nice to me. I would therefore like to be my coworker's friend, but I don't think that would be possible without partaking in all sorts of normalfag social rituals, which I am far from familiar or comfortable with.
I also bought some books, which I look forward to receiving soon.
>> No. 33712 [Edit]
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That sounds nice. Try to keep that job as long as possible. Work you enjoy is vanishingly rare these days even for normals.
>> No. 33713 [Edit]
Thank you for the advice. It is nice, but I don't expect to stay here forever. I routinely hope that I will be able to find similar fulfillment whenever I move on to something else.

In my experience, normalfags rarely like what they do. They seem to viscerally hate anything that isn't part of their routine of social rituals; in other words, they lack ambition or passion for anything besides shallow pursuits like chasing 3DPD. I suspect this is why so many consider it so abnormal or noteworthy for someone to have a hobby beyond superficial involvement. Many normalfags, for instance, might view routinely posting on (smaller) imageboards as fanatical because they don't enjoy anything besides social rituals and gossip (which, ironically, they routinely post about online, except on sites like facebook).
>> No. 33716 [Edit]
Why the fuck is everyone posting about their fucking jobs, what the fuck happened to this site? Don't you even know what N in T.O.H.N.O. stands for?
>> No. 33717 [Edit]
Are you seriously trying to bring back this argument? Fitting every letter of the acronym isn't a criteria for posting here. Quite a few people need a job so they don't starve to death.
>> No. 33721 [Edit]
You totally sound like the average Wizardchan user. What are we supposed to do when we reach 30 yo and our parents kick us out? And I know the wizardchan answer; "to kill yourself".
But that way you can only get a board populated with 20-something people. Maybe that's the point and we shouldn't be here, I don't know, I'm just thinking out loud.
>> No. 33845 [Edit]
File 157653506916.jpg - (0.98MB , 2560x1762 , e5932e569fad6f960e833ce23eceecc9.jpg )
I made a patch for an open source project, and it was accepted into it. The changes I made were simple, but it's still a nice feeling.
>> No. 33846 [Edit]
I wrote a major patch fo an emulator a few months ago, but I'm too lazy to write the documentation that would make the patch useful to anyone, hence I haven't submitted it yet. I was planning to do it during the holidays, but my employer decided to make me work twice as much in the Christmas week as I would normally.
>> No. 33847 [Edit]
I hope you are able to finish the documentation. What system is the emulator for, if I may?
>> No. 33853 [Edit]
Theres a lot of /so/posting lately.
>> No. 33854 [Edit]
I think it's nice.
>> No. 34048 [Edit]
File 157951648484.jpg - (127.21KB , 500x711 , aFireDoor.jpg )
Bad weather today. I just wanna curl up and read a book or something...
>> No. 34055 [Edit]
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Received my NEETbux, so I treated myself to wine and other fun stuff. Pizzas and internet (I stay offline most of the time).. etc.

I downloaded a few live Autechre albums and had a blast browsing boorus.
>> No. 34061 [Edit]
File 158033054812.jpg - (30.72KB , 500x512 , 124f4e0e1f71af25bf04958620635a33.jpg )
I returned to college despite my age.
My GPA wasn't great before, but now it's going to tank.
Communication courses are how they weed out the "undesirables."
I can't think well.
What's life?
>> No. 34084 [Edit]
I have to work cleaning movie theater's auditoriums after each showing, on Valentine's Day until late at night.

I can't wait to clean normie cum off of the seats until I'm exhausted.
>> No. 34085 [Edit]
>normie cum
Do they actually have sex in movie theaters?
>> No. 34131 [Edit]
I don't know how they would get away with it most times I've been to one unless it was dead in there. But I wouldn't mind a late night cleaning job, no one to bother me and I just do my own thing till it's over. I'm stuck in retail and I can't stand the horrible monsters I deal with every day I drag myself there anymore. The constant pressure to get them to sign up for shit when half of them can't even speak english (or any human language for that matter with the dumber one's) and everyone else has issues anyways. I had one chance at a job stocking trucks for delivery before around here and I should have taken it. My job is easy but people make it unbearable.
>> No. 34150 [Edit]
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I'm younger than you and plan on going to community college as well. First of all it's cheaper and my highschool GPA is terrible due to catching a bad virus that had me in the emergency room a couple of times, developing chronic migraines, and having a severe anxiety disorder as well as clinical depression.

Highschool was the worst time of my life. My mother constantly told my counselors and therapists lies which made the situation worse. None of my "intelligent" parents thought homeschooling me until I was physically and emotionally stable was good so I stayed back twice and basically do online classes at the adult center anyways so I really just do "homeschool"(So very ironic. The homeschool stigma needs to end). Yeah the situation was that nonsensical due to having ignorant parents who I NEVER lived with but wanted to compensate for their ineptitude and irresponsibility by coming in and ruining highschool for me even further. (Had me young, so they had to give me up to my Grandmother) Another interesting fact is that the guidance counselor and principal KNEW I should have been homeschooled but kept me in there anyways due to wanting to maintain their graduation rate to look "good". Man, I love how adults can exploit minors who have no say in the matter. Absolutely disgusting.

Anyways, my venting belongs on /so/ so I'l stop there. I'm not mad about community college because it's a much cheaper alternative and I heard it could be quite the experience. However, I plan to major in CompSci, and I don't want to transfer to a state university that will have me stay for an extra year (I want to leave asap so I can move away from my family into an apartment by myself). Plus, if I had gone straight to university, I would have not had to pay anything, because my family is a bunch of poorfags and I would have gladly exploited the system because I'm taking any chance life throws at me.

Anyways, any Compsci majors on here go to CC first and then transfer? Did you graduate in 4 years? I'm just curious because while there are credit transfer agreements for the Uni I want to go to, I'm not sure if they'll give me all of my major's classes in the allotted time even if I finish my gen Ed's. I feel like along with my gen Ed's, I'm probably going to have to take some introductory CompSci classes at CC too like discrete mathematics and Introduction to Programming.
>> No. 34157 [Edit]
You should look at the details of the transfer agreement since this might vary between universities. Generally most general ED and lower-division courses should transfer, so it's best to get those out of the way in CC. In fact if anything it's better to do these in CC as opposed to uni because professors in uni are really not that good.
>> No. 34163 [Edit]
Thank you for the information, I appreciate it. Turns out, the state uni I plan on attending has an extensive, well documented catalog to see class equivalents of all the CCs in my state.
>> No. 34165 [Edit]
It doesn't happen to be a uni in the UC/CSU system, does it? (Just asking because the compsci major + existence of California's ASSIST transfer equivalence catalog made me think so).
>> No. 34170 [Edit]
Nope, I dont live anywhere near California.
>> No. 34171 [Edit]
Nope, I dont live anywhere near California.
>> No. 34292 [Edit]
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I'm fine. Still cold though it's technically spring now. Was cloudy and had some precipitation today.
>> No. 34323 [Edit]
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Basically, my whole day consisted of the following thoughts: I am tired of everything, but most of all of myself; I am untrained, I make the same mistakes all the time; there is no hope for me; I am disgusting. To be honest, I just want to fall asleep forever and either never wake up, or wake up in the ideal world from my point of view. Even when I look at other people who are better than me, or even at those who sincerely inspire me, for some reason this does not reassure me. They live in the same terrible world as I do, and they are not immune to the existential crisis, so it is essentially not important how good I am. I just can not cope with the absurdity of the world, it kills me. You can look at how normalfags go to work every day, study, give birth to children. I do not understand anything. This huge system scares me. The mechanistic behavior of such people can be ridiculed, and sometimes I do it when I am in a good mood, but then I admit to myself that I just cover my true negative feelings with irony, like Monty Python did. In the end, my actions are also mechanical, they are just not so approved by society (I sit at home all the time and other things of this kind). I just want to be a different person and live in a different world, completely isolated from other universes.
>> No. 34324 [Edit]
It is only as bad as you imagine it.
What is "I" but an imaginary idea? If you lie in warmth and comfort in your bed, everything is good enough. Goals can be set up to a day, not up to a life, there is no merit in comparing yourself to other individuals in a (despotic, my god!) system. The only person you should compare yourself to, is yourself.
The system is nothing but a big illusion. There is not much to understand. Everything is mechanized, you can blame whoever you want, but there is no exit(except in escapism) to a system which is not in the hands of something like human fate.
Accept your true self, create the best system for yourself. You have to live for yourself, it doesn't matter what anybody tells you, it's still FOR YOURSELF.
>> No. 35473 [Edit]
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Sometimes when I'm bored I reread an archived /mai/ post.
>> No. 35667 [Edit]
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Weekend now. Lazy day.
>> No. 35728 [Edit]
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Pasta lunch.
>> No. 35740 [Edit]
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After going really well for several months, my weight loss has plateaued for the last two weeks.
>> No. 35743 [Edit]
File 159815218220.png - (192.04KB , 400x609 , 866731f8c9e7fc7833861e43395e81de.png )
I payed my tuition today, and the realization that I'm still taking higher-ed courses at my fucking age dawned on me once more. College would be awesome if all I had to deal with were math and the sciences. I can manage those; Even if I don't understand some of the material, hard work does pay off. The other bullshit necessitates something I don't possess. Writing a non-technical paper murders every part of my being; I'm either formulating a response to hokum, or trying to wrap my mind around emotions or some trash like that. It's impossible! The people who like this shit must've failed algebra or something (not that I haven't, too, failed it). All I want is an okay job to fund my hobbies.

Why does the process have to suck this much ass?
Why can't I be reborn as a little girl living in a quaint, Japanese seaside town?
Why can't I pay a doctor to peacefully kill me?
>> No. 35745 [Edit]
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Sounds tough but hang in there. It *will* get better.
>> No. 35754 [Edit]
>The other bullshit necessitates something I don't possess. Writing a non-technical paper murders every part of my being; I'm either formulating a response to hokum, or trying to wrap my mind around emotions or some trash like that.
They're trying to make sure students are "well-rounded". Writing bullshit papers where you make massive assumptions and present evidence that doesn't actually prove your thesis because you have to take it from the articles they selected is something they consider an essential skill. I liked it since I'm good at it.

I think there's institutions with a 100% stem curriculum, but those are hard to get into.

Post edited on 23rd Aug 2020, 5:45am
>> No. 35765 [Edit]
File 159838799182.jpg - (284.19KB , 1448x2048 , 053C__38193_1506744384.jpg )
Yesterday I posted here about having a game idea but not implementing it because I hate programming.
Today I implemented it, it melted some hours away which I hate. It's really primitive and the pieces every so often don't clear out correctly, I don't know why because the code is really ugly.
I've noticed that if I plan out the code nicely I never end up doing anything and if I just go ahead it ends up being unmanageable, I can only go full prairie dog or full beaver it seems.
Game here:
if anyone is interested, can be played with the love2d engine.
How it works is in pic here:
>> No. 35766 [Edit]
For me it only got worse.
>> No. 35794 [Edit]
Practiced landings and radio calls, few to some place with a bunch of amazon warehouses with a huge airport. On return had breakfast with my dad who ranted about the fake disease and how everyone who wears a mask is a stupid "queer". Bought my mom a new cane from a yardsale on the way back 'home', while there a kid was staring at me with a confused look when I went for the canes, who then started yelping like a horse and hooting while hopping up and down. After getting back went with my mom to our po box to get a new headset I bought and get some lunch on the way back. After we ate, she left for the casino, so I had the place to myself and finished playing the asscreed game I was on (origins). With that done, decided to just chill on my laptop for a while.
>> No. 35795 [Edit]
>my dad who ranted about the fake disease
Isn't your dad rich? How is he that dumb?
>> No. 35796 [Edit]
He firmly believes it's a hoax created to adjust and manipulate the economy, Allowing big businesses and savvy investors to buy up stocks on the cheap then rake in the cash after the magic cure suddenly pops up after the upcoming election. Hospitals meanwhile are falsifying reports about their case numbers in order to increase their funding. At best that it's designed to kill off senior citizens who are a drain on the economy.
It's better than what my uncle thinks, which is that the virus was created to make Trump look bad, and all the protesters and sick people across the world are bought and paid for. Where as my mom thinks it's some sort of attack by bad people.
>> No. 35797 [Edit]
I just stumbled on this imageboard from Google what are you guys all about??
>> No. 35799 [Edit]
Wow, this place still uses noko, huh? You don't see that very often these days.
>> No. 35800 [Edit]
Whatever the topic says I guess?
>> No. 35801 [Edit]
>> No. 35803 [Edit]
File 159867721781.jpg - (423.71KB , 956x1400 , 1663fc3721fc4fda8e188865fd0d4948.jpg )
>> No. 35804 [Edit]
Places like 4shit did away with the email field all together.
>> No. 35805 [Edit]
File 159867902368.png - (627.08KB , 1000x1000 , c337eb9142be6d3fc02c910a6742b82f.png )
Yes, this is what we're all about.
>> No. 35806 [Edit]
We're in the middle ages. Those dumb believes are a symptom of something else, the end of civilization, the ultimate crisis. When the experts and organizations are into absolute idiocy the ordinary people will be lost and try to fill the void with something else.
Sometimes I wonder what is the stupid shit I believe myself without being conscious of it.
>> No. 35811 [Edit]
I have been feeling guilty about neglecting slower imageboards but I often have nothing to add. Its a catch-22.
>> No. 35812 [Edit]
>but I often have nothing to add
Merely posting a screenshot of an anime you're watching is enough.
>> No. 35892 [Edit]
File 159989887280.gif - (47.27KB , 200x100 , 20200920.gif )
Monster Girl Doctor is such a cheap, wish-fulfilment anime. I can't stop watching it...
>> No. 35938 [Edit]
File 160019034451.jpg - (245.96KB , 610x551 , 9b968148e836fe15be6b1b5d24f4e276.jpg )
I wanted to post on /vn/ about some visual novels I read but it looks like there are only threads about classics, good VNs, and type-moan, so I don't want to make a kuso thread for what is probably a kuso vn.

Post edited on 15th Sep 2020, 10:21am
>> No. 35939 [Edit]
File 160019125037.png - (961.55KB , 1280x720 , meguri3.png )
A kuso VN is still a VN. The board really needs more activity.
>> No. 35940 [Edit]
File 160019190862.png - (883.68KB , 1841x1841 , thumbs up.png )
Then I will later post about Kukkoro and Nin Nin Days if I still have the energy for it.
>> No. 35943 [Edit]
I went for a walk by the sea at night. It was nice and I might make a habit out of it.

VNs both seem to be dying and having a sort of renaissance, I see more translations and discussions in the western side of things than ever before but most new releases seem to be pornographic in nature. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but still.
Key making a mobile game was sad to see as well.
>> No. 35944 [Edit]
File 160025557062.jpg - (463.77KB , 1048x899 , 1048px-Solifugo_XIX.jpg )
It's getting noticeably chilly. People complain about summer a lot on imagebords, but i'll take heat over cold any day.
>> No. 35945 [Edit]
>People complain about summer a lot on imagebords
most of those people are either fat or live in very warm countries.
>> No. 35947 [Edit]
>most new releases seem to be pornographic in nature
You mean as in being outright nukige?
>> No. 35948 [Edit]
It's easy to stay warm in winter. It's impossible to cool down in summer.
>> No. 35949 [Edit]
File 16003501596.png - (1.01MB , 1970x1130 , fe568bf263e4e9a7ccd59baad63f6c4e.png )
Some months ago I took off the pillowcase from my daki and replaced it with the plain white one I had sitting around from Artscow. It's not as soft or smooth and it doesn't make me want to stay in bed as long nor does it help me fall asleep easily. I don't like the flaps it has on the sides either, I don't know why they thought that was a good idea. The pillowcase is also too small so it compresses my daki.
But even with all of my complaints I'm happier. The smaller pillowcase keeps my daki firmer and the sturdier fabric makes it so that I don't have to keep a skin-smooth shave every night for fear of ruining the delicate fabric like before. Now because I don't have to shave as frequently I'm not cutting myself almost every time because I'm not forced to shave against the grain and I can let it grow out for a while to let my skin heal. I don't have to maintain myself to a detrimental degree like before. A part of me misses being able to look at a pretty face on my pillow but in the dark of night my imagination can be put to use.
>> No. 35950 [Edit]
My thoughts exactly.
>> No. 35954 [Edit]
The nice thing is that's prime walking season. It's boring but good for you. Easier if you live rural since there's less people to bother you.
>> No. 36033 [Edit]
File 160096171559.jpg - (123.42KB , 669x900 , 4e6c22f6cd67d4acc2d6e0df45749c04.jpg )
I tried making a pure redhead character but it's really hard to imagine them as such. They keep turning into a slut in my mind and I hate it.
>> No. 36034 [Edit]
I've heard there are a number of stereotypes associated with redheads, but never anything specific. Is being a slut one of them?
>> No. 36035 [Edit]
File 16009660901.png - (1.70MB , 1072x1500 , lap pillow with redhead elf nun.png )
I'm pretty sure someone will correct me later but based on my limited experience I've noticed these personalities are most common on redheads:
>slut - a variation of this is sometimes the lesbian bishojo
>violent - often a delinquent
Obviously, exceptions exist and I probably missed some but those are the ones I've noticed so far.
>> No. 36036 [Edit]
File 160096818022.jpg - (259.39KB , 717x1000 , f656db2c5111e7130ddb9d152b85a00f.jpg )
I think country bumpkin is another common one.
>> No. 36037 [Edit]
Nobody is more of a slut than purples! though im probably having Eiken associations.
>> No. 36038 [Edit]
I think this is because of your mind and not because of redheads.
>> No. 36046 [Edit]
File 160098692675.png - (1.79MB , 1280x1920 , redhead 2.png )
I'm pretty sure it is but I don't know what to do about it.
>> No. 36057 [Edit]
Just having big boobs doesn't make you a slut!
>> No. 36059 [Edit]
( ゚ -゚) I have been feeling very bored recently. So I read the news. Without talking about the politics, is protesting over any social issue worth the risk to public health to you?
>> No. 36060 [Edit]
>is protesting over any social issue worth the risk to public health to you?
Nope. It's not worth anything at all to me. I know that other people will never want what I want. Trying to convince them would be pointless and self-destructive.
>> No. 36061 [Edit]
Doesn't seem like it. Far as I can tell peaceful protests rarely make any difference until they turn into riots. It's only then that anyone in positions of power start to pay attention, but once it gets to that point you might be putting your life in risk. I think it comes down to how much you care about the cause and if it's worth the possible sacrifice.

Post edited on 26th Sep 2020, 1:42pm
>> No. 36062 [Edit]
>Far as I can tell peaceful protests rarely make any difference until they into riots
as for why it's "rarely" rather than never, let me bring up a counter-example.

German chancellor Gerhard Schröder had already promised George W. Bush in private that he would go to war with Iraq if the US decided to invade; but always the opportunist, the millions of Germans who went out in protest against the war convinced him that promising peace would be the only way for him to win the upcoming election against his warmongering opponent Edmund Stoiber.
End result: Schröder won and kept Germany out of the Iraq war. Since this had ruined his personal relationship with the Zionist power structure in the West, in order to enrich himself he made Germany's energy supply dependent on Russia in exchange for the opportunity to retire into a cozy but well-paid position in a company run by one of Putin's cronies.

Please keep political discussion in /tat/.
>> No. 36064 [Edit]
Pointless, irrelevant, masturbatory post. If you have any sense of shame, delete it.
>> No. 36065 [Edit]
While it's a little more political than I'd like to see here, I'd say it has a point in showing that non-violent protests can work. Even if it could have used some trimming down.
>> No. 36066 [Edit]
Oh these fiery but 93% peaceful protests will accomplish something alright. It won't be what they want though. Let them keep accelerating, I'm ready.

Looks like you got lost on your way to twatter.
>> No. 36067 [Edit]
I apologize for bringing up politics. I wasn't talking about the effectiveness of protests, I was just concerned about the spread of covid amongst demonstrators.
>> No. 36068 [Edit]
File 160115314376.jpg - (104.58KB , 626x1022 , 77891668ba7139d8c903de7d5752ca8f.jpg )
>Looks like you got lost on your way to twatter.
I'm willing to bet you use twitter or some "alternative" more than me or most people on tohno-chan. You don't even know what to be ashamed of.
>> No. 36069 [Edit]
Nothing wrong with Pawoo!
>> No. 36070 [Edit]
In this climate? No. It really only hurts your movement in a way as well. I don't think the US ever introduced proper lock downs anyway but here they did and for many it really smarts to see people on the street protesting and then a few days later to be locked down for a fortnight. I'm not going to name names but there are movements here that have been increasingly angering the average citizen by doing things like this and by blocking traffic and I don't think it helps there cause.

It's simply irresponsible.
>> No. 36071 [Edit]
I'm from California. Our mayor announced a "lockdown" but no one really knew what it meant, so everyone took it to mean we should buy guns and TP. We had a mandatory curfew for one night, but that was only because of the partly unrelated riots. A lot of businesses were asked to close, but enforcement is pretty poor to say the least. Due to a horrible system (intentional or not) in which people are punished by being made to pay fines, those with a lot of money don't need to obey any of the politics if they don't want to and it doesn't hurt them much. In some cases, businesses stand to earn so much in profit they can stay open and pay fines as part of the operating costs. An example being a gym my dad has become obsessed with (I make fun of him for having a crush on the owner), Said gym had it's power shut off by the city, but they installed a solar system, they were made to pay $1000 a day in fines, but being the only gym in the area still open they were making four times that a day. The city also cut off their water but no one seemed to care.
>> No. 36072 [Edit]
I tried to spend time with my parents today. It was fun but I ran out of things to say rather quickly but tried to listen and make chit chat to be good company.
>> No. 36077 [Edit]
That's hilarious.
>> No. 36099 [Edit]
File 160128439740.png - (271.21KB , 800x800 , 1546262014065.png )
I just realized that pictures start with 16*... now. Can time just slow down?
>> No. 36118 [Edit]
File 160139987083.gif - (185.87KB , 112x112 , 079ad3e29f9d09ea40d0c2e767c37065affc88b1.gif )
Time passing wouldn't feel so bad if we weren't fixated on the past.
>> No. 36128 [Edit]
File 160141532468.png - (1.36MB , 1920x1080 , 1571172811587.png )
I have been trying to become a norm, to "grow up" and stop being a parasite on society.
The shit I see on social media is sickening, and not for the reasons they want you to be sickened. How do people do this?
>> No. 36130 [Edit]
I think there's a laundry list of problems with modern society, is there any part in particular you're referring to?
>> No. 36132 [Edit]
Going on social media is not the path to paying for your living expenses. You also don't need to be a normalfag to have a job. I'm only saying this to set the record straight.
>> No. 36137 [Edit]
File 160143011256.png - (408.60KB , 582x627 , RMEK6161.png )
I don't want to be an outcast if I re-enter society, I want to be aware of what my peers are into and doing.
As cliche as it is to say, both sides of issues live in these bubbles of warped reality where everything is far worse than it actually is, and the other side is the cause of said issue. People are so much more hyped up about everything than I remember when I dropped out, its almost kind of amusing that a shut-in is more grounded in reality than some people these days.
>> No. 36138 [Edit]
File 160143486846.jpg - (65.25KB , 850x935 , sample_b5897d84e036190566c1ea39496dc463.jpg )
>I want to be aware of what my peers are into and doing
You've completely lost your mind then. There is nothing to anything they are into or are doing. It is entirely soul-devouring, mind-numbing bullshit, 100%. That's what their head is filled with; that's what they choose to prioritize and spend their time on. Being an outcast is the best thing you can possibly do for your mental well-being. When it comes to other people, all you have to know is how to deal with them and not stand out too much. If they don't cause you any problems, that's the optimal position to be in.
>> No. 36140 [Edit]
Not using social media doesn't make you an outcast, or unaware of your peers. Especially if the sort of sites you're using are asinine shit like Facebook or Twitter. You're essentially subscribing to the hugboxes of the insane like that, the sort of people who think shouting into the white and blue void will make a difference in their lives. I'd argue there's 0 correlation between integrating yourself into society and using those awful sites.
Despite what people are led to believe, Twitter is very much just a loud minority of the general populace.
>> No. 36141 [Edit]
Okay, thank you. It's making me reconsider trying but if they are not important it doesn't sound as bad.
I will need to think about this!
>> No. 36143 [Edit]
I tried to warn you but you looked away. None of that "growing up," "being a productive member of the yadda yadda yadda" shit is real. These are just some of the tools they use to make you a warden of your own prison. You chose to walk the path of an exploitable NPC.
>> No. 36146 [Edit]
All humans enjoy socializing and exercise, I am trying to receive an education so that I'm not working a job I hate.
I don't think having empathy and wanting my father to retire when he should is becoming any of that.
I won't derail the thread any more than I have.
>> No. 36192 [Edit]
File 160179340185.jpg - (748.27KB , 810x1045 , 8f57051694259bcc824bb0846dc27256.jpg )
I went to Aldi today and I bought a bottle of almond milk pumpkin spice latte instead of the starbucks one they have because the almond milk was cheaper. I didn't like it and the pumpkin taste doesn't feel like it was strong enough. I think it was store brand or something. I'll buy the starbucks one again next time or hopefully I'll find cheaper bottles of pumpkin spice latte at other stores.
>> No. 36207 [Edit]
File 160193542075.png - (414.33KB , 836x1200 , crying zenobia.png )
Lately I've been enjoying cute crying faces. I like to fantasize about bullying a cute girl in various ways like bringing her weight into question or pinching her cheeks for minor mistakes until she cries so I can savor her cute crying face. I'm worried that at this rate I'll become a sadist despite never having had such a fetish before. There are probably much worse fetishes I could have but I still don't like the idea of being a sadist. Maybe because I wouldn't want to have a masochistic whore as a waifu. I can even maybe get used to it and tell myself it's not too terrible but then I remember that I have a strong love for injury moe and I get worried again.
>> No. 36208 [Edit]
>can savor her cute crying face
That's a slippery slope to enjoying ryona.
>> No. 36209 [Edit]
I know, that's why I'm worried.
>> No. 36210 [Edit]
Sad crying and in pain crying look different.
>> No. 36211 [Edit]
File 160193988037.png - (539.09KB , 1120x1120 , deba36287f06443c8de3e66e54cb92c55f6c8f92.png )
There are worse fetishes to have than Ryona.
>> No. 36225 [Edit]
>> No. 36226 [Edit]
>> No. 36227 [Edit]
Insects are not worse than ryona.
>> No. 36228 [Edit]
At least these two don't imply trauma or violence.
>> No. 36230 [Edit]
I don't get why and how anyone could enjoy something like that. I'm literally unable of understanding it.
>> No. 36232 [Edit]
That's probably just what fetishes are, I don't understand majority of fetishes and even more so bizarre ones like >>36226. The bigger question for me is why fetishes exists in the first place.
>> No. 36235 [Edit]
People like novelty and strong emotions often get mixed up in people's heads. Pity, revulsion, embarrassment and anger can get mixed with arousal. When people get excited about something, because it's novel and causes strong emotion, they get some kind of thrill out of it. People can get addicted to that thrill and form aberrant patterns of thought. Maybe some people have a predisposition for some things too. People who are more conformist or have weaker emotions/sex drive probably don't have as many fetishes.

Post edited on 6th Oct 2020, 1:53pm
>> No. 36236 [Edit]
>People can get addicted to that thrill and form aberrant patterns of though
One might also get slowly acclimated to a certain level of "perversity" and thus seek something even more extreme in order to recreate that comparative thrill. This may not be true for all people though (owing likely to different susceptibilities as you mentioned)
>> No. 36238 [Edit]
There's nothing wrong with 2D ryona. The only reason why it's controversial in the first place is because it hits too close to home for certain people.

Don't delude yourself, those are just as depraved if not worse. I don't know why people get hung up on having a moral superiority over fetishes of all things.
>> No. 36239 [Edit]
I'd agree that any controversy is unwarranted, especially given that no one (*) seems to complain about RPG games or whatever where you kill enemies. And psychologically humans in the past have probably been acclimated to far worse considering that tribal warfare was not uncommon.

That being said, while I used to "enjoy" ryona – where my liking for it mostly stemmed from the "injury moe" aspect of tending to and caring for a damaged stranger – after seeing a sketch of a character whom I adored being beaten up, I realized that I really wouldn't want her to be subject to pain in the first place.

(*) Well aside from that minority that will always find a reason to complain about something, be it nudity or violence.
>> No. 36240 [Edit]
Purity must be protected, reality and 3D is ugly as it is and I believe that ugliness should remain in that realm. I don't agree with 2D ryona but that's my personal point of view.
>> No. 36242 [Edit]
2D can be anything. That's what makes it great.
>> No. 36245 [Edit]
It's pure evil then.
>> No. 36248 [Edit]
>Don't delude yourself, those are just as depraved if not worse. I don't know why people get hung up on having a moral superiority over fetishes of all things.
Firstly, I merely took issue with that list. Secondly, by stating their level of depravity, you are asserting your moral superiority. Further, if one thinks that shit-fixation is as bad or worse than violence, then I am awfully perplexed.
Regardless, I agree with you that people should just let others' fetishes be--especially so when we're talking about the 2D realm. I enjoy both ryona and prolapsing. Who gives a fuck?
>> No. 36250 [Edit]
You people have no fucking idea what you're talking about. I personally fap to all these fetishes, and have been fapping for years to most of them. Scat, vore, body fluids, snuff etc. You name and I fapped to it. To this day I miss Gurochan. And I fap to all these(except guro because it would be gore) in 2d and 3d. The times when I would masturbate myself to them seem like a distant paradise, the innocence of youth. I would empty all my bank account just to be able to return to that state of innocence. I struggle a lot with lust, even today I'm just back from hours of late night fapping. I can't stop. I fap to some things you may consider even "worse" but are not there. Sometimes I fap to all of them at once, like a girl using you as a toilet them hard-voreing you and digesting you out. Full tour. This was innocence. Hardly can I do that anymore, because a year or so ago the FALL began. I fell into a world of sin and depravity. Of guilt and shame like other anon said here. I literally complete those iceberg charts of fetishes and cannot see any fetishes from the FALL there. They alone could make a whole new chart. I was innocent and didn't know. Enjoy your scat, your body fluids, your vore of all kinds, your violence. Because this period of innocence is gonna end someday, and you will know the true meaning of degenerate.

>> No. 36255 [Edit]
Out of all the fetishes that exist, I don't understand why people like gross shape-less insect things especially when mammals are very aesthetic if you like non-humans.
>> No. 36256 [Edit]
It's not about the insect. It's pretty much the same as an alien fetish. It's exciting because it's so bizarre. Insects don't have an expression and seem emotionless.
>> No. 36257 [Edit]
File 160216473849.png - (2.25MB , 1920x1080 , riri2.png )
Sorry, I meant >>/r/15
I apologize for the inconvenience.
>> No. 36258 [Edit]
Heh, I had forgot about this rule. But then this entire discussion is against it anyway. What the hell does "Do not pass go" means.
>> No. 36259 [Edit]
Nevermind, I found out the meaning.
>> No. 36260 [Edit]
It is a legendary post that should be noted by all anons diving into fetishes.
>> No. 36315 [Edit]
I think they gave me The Coof. Goodbye, cruel world.
>> No. 36317 [Edit]
File 160255598328.jpg - (93.96KB , 400x566 , long title.jpg )
Sometimes I want to watch this anime again or read the manga just to watch something that at least tries to have a mom be cute and a major character instead of just being a sexually frustrated whore but then I remember the horrible twintails girl. It annoys me that she's a major character because she never shuts her damn mouth or has much of any redeeming qualities. I haven't hated a character this much since D.W. from Arthur.
>> No. 36319 [Edit]
File 160260269366.jpg - (359.56KB , 1400x984 , sample-cbf38efb514ddb9e5197a713a04e6c0b.jpg )
A week ago I watched the Made In Abyss third movie since the blue only recently came out. Forgot to post about it before. I liked it quite it a bit even though one of the characters felt kind of "cheap". I hope season 2 comes soon.
>> No. 36323 [Edit]
Had my hair cut the other day and she really took off more than I'd like. Now it looks funny because it's a shrunken version of what I wanted. It'll grow out and be fine but in the meantime it really sucks.

At least I won't have to get a haircut for another ~4-6 months.
>> No. 36365 [Edit]
File 160307848636.jpg - (129.72KB , 1948x1423 , 9b6c65da9a1c17c2b01e8e22df6f2bad.jpg )
I want to think that I'm finally recovering from the slippery slope of breast sizes I fell into but I still find myself looking through the "gigantic_breasts" tag on gelbooru. I know what I like and want for daily life, a woman with a more slender body and graceful mannerisms to accompany it is very beautiful to me. Not only that, but it can go very well with the kind of soothing personality I prefer. But I can't help but enjoy the idea of such unrealistically large breasts that I can bury my entire head in, watch bounce with each step she takes, or drink the endless supply of milk from. Not to mention I just like the look of it.
"Thicc" is not a preference I would consider refined and as such I'm ashamed to like it. It's very dedicated to a raw sexual appeal and I doubt how well it works outside of being completely nude since large enough proportions can get to a point where clothes does little to enhance the body's beauty.
Part of why this is a problem for me is because I've let a character I created, who I will not post, and like to draw often be subjected to this slippery slide. The last few pictures I have drawn of her are ones where I decided to scale back her proportions as such excessive ones really change the impression someone can get from looking at the character before they learn more about them and I haven't been an exception to this. But unfortunately it's hard to go back from what I found myself liking, regardless of how good or bad the reasons may look. It's probably silly to lose sight of the identity of your own character but calling it silly doesn't solve the problem. I would like to change my preferences back to where they used to be but I don't know if I can just condition myself to have certain preferences.
>> No. 36517 [Edit]
File transcript.pdf - (57.50KB )

Yesterday I helped an h-doujin translation despite not knowing Japanese after somebody who claims to be a typesetter contacted me. In the end it was probably bullshit instigated by a troll. Here's a transcript of our messages and how I figured it out.

It's so bizarre I'm not sure what to think about it.

Post edited on 31st Oct 2020, 10:41am
>> No. 36518 [Edit]
He was probably a troll
>> No. 36519 [Edit]
Woah I thought the url of uploaded files had the timestamp as the filename. How does this preserve the original filename?

That aside, what a strange conversation. Reading through those questions makes me feel like I'm taking the SAT again (read a half-page of text, answer a bunch of questions about what is meant by some quoted portion). It doesn't strike me as a "troll" in the conventional sense, because he clearly put some effort into typing up those questions and I don't see what he would get out of it ("teehee I made some random stranger analyze hentai" doesn't really some that risible).

Post edited on 31st Oct 2020, 1:53pm
>> No. 36520 [Edit]
Literally every image and mp3 is the same on tc. Are you also messing with me?
>> No. 36521 [Edit]
File 160417776880.jpg - (194.87KB , 1280x720 , reading.jpg )
No, consider this image. Its filename is "reading.jpg" but when uploaded, the filename stored on the server is derived from the unix timestamp at time of upload.
>> No. 36522 [Edit]
I see what you mean. It doesn't happen to mp3 or pdf files, so I guess that just happens to images for whatever reason.
>> No. 36524 [Edit]
File transcript.pdf - (143.46KB )

You're right - that raises the question of what happens if someone uploads another pdf with the same title.

I guess it actually overwrites the original. (Also apologies for overwriting your transcript, please re-upload that since it's a good read).

I guess that's how you find a bug! Tohno can you look into patching it? It should be an easy fix I think. While the fact that it can be used to overwrite others' uploaded files isn't really too significant considering it hasn't been abused so far, I think the greater danger is that since files are stored in a per-board namespace you can accidentally overwrite another thread's files unintentionally.

Post edited on 31st Oct 2020, 2:10pm
>> No. 36525 [Edit]
File punch.pdf - (69.91KB )

jpg converted to pdf
>> No. 36526 [Edit]
File punch.pdf - (74.18KB )

Different jpg converted to pdf with same name. My guess is it'll just link to the first one.

I think it also depends on the user's cache. When I click on either one, it sends me to the orignal, but when I click on either one in a different browser, it sends me to yours. Also, I don't think tohno knows anything about bug fixing. He's said as much in /fb/ before.

Post edited on 31st Oct 2020, 2:17pm
>> No. 36529 [Edit]

Post edited on 31st Oct 2020, 2:51pm
>> No. 36537 [Edit]
File 160419736598.jpg - (759.14KB , 850x602 , sample_96722e7fe6ebd0994a16a47ab01b8ba4.jpg )
They've replied to me.

>The "translator" says he has a specific serialization but, conveniently, doesn't name it. So you appear to be correct. :P

>Thanks for your reply, and for the suggestion.

>> No. 36558 [Edit]
Doesn't this mean that image-uploads can also experience a timestamp collision (although very unlikely?). I skimmed through vichan source and didn't see any locks/mutex preventing it (it just seems to write the file to a directory via imagemagick writeImage), and since php is fork-per-connection there's the possibility of concurrent writes.
>> No. 36562 [Edit]
File 160453099459.jpg - (779.12KB , 903x1244 , 6f1456566043d0d9075361556b378b83.jpg )
I watched the third episode of the Yuuko bullying show hoping to give it another try and maybe see why everyone likes it so much. I just remembered why I dropped it in the first place. It's fine and good but I really don't like the comedy, it feels kind of mean-spirited since so many jokes are at the expense of Yuuko. I just feel bad for her watching it.
>> No. 36563 [Edit]
> it feels kind of mean-spirited since so many jokes are at the expense of Yuuko
Yeah Shamiko is indeed a pitiable character, but at least to me the balance of the jokes never swung too far in the "mean-spirited" direction. It was clear that Momo cared for shamiko and vice-versa (unlike gabriel dropout, for instance), which usually softened any jokes at her expense.
>> No. 36565 [Edit]
I'm not that poster but I share the same view as you, I can stomach Machikado Kazoku but Gabriel Dropout is just painful to watch.
>> No. 36585 [Edit]
She's somewhat pitiful but things get better for her as it goes. I think it's nice to see how her life is noticeably improved by her relationship with Momo as time goes on.
>> No. 36586 [Edit]
i tried out manjaro xfce today. i think it looks quite nice out of the box.
>> No. 36587 [Edit]
File 160471320954.jpg - (377.06KB , 2508x3541 , 37e8af58368782f1b47f15fe58f794e7130962e79f4ee04013.jpg )
i'm high. i installed vimium on brave, it's super comfy even thouugh i don't use vim i'm familar with vim shortcuts. i've been talking with 2 girls over on tinder, they're cute. how was you day/night/whatever, anon?

fuck off with your tinder shit
>> No. 36588 [Edit]
Funny, the day before yesterday I installed Manjaro's KDE flavor. But yeah, their XFCE looks quite good.
>> No. 36589 [Edit]
File 160472464553.jpg - (143.89KB , 1456x650 , bc4d7abe1716812a5ad4260663ca4356.jpg )
I commissioned an artist and after the second time I asked for changes to the sketches they sent me they haven't replied. It's been more than a week now so I think they dropped my commission. A friend told me sometimes they take a long time but I would have assumed they would at least keep in touch. A week after I asked for those changes I asked them if they are still working on it or if they dropped it but it's been a few days since I asked and I received no response to that either. Maybe I asked for changes one too many times and they got fed up with me or maybe I'm just impatient. I feel like I have no way of knowing since I don't normally commission artists. Pic not related.
It's nice to know mods actually are actually awake on this site.
>> No. 36592 [Edit]
Do you pay before or after receiving the drawing (or is it like an escrow situation?)
>> No. 36593 [Edit]
The way they have it work is I pay after receiving the finished product.
>> No. 36594 [Edit]
Then it's possible that he thought you were too picky or otherwise had some bad feeling. It seems like a large risk on his end to collect payment only after finishing the final product. I don't know if that's standard for commissions, but I've heard that for (software) freelancing most people usually request a percentage upfront.

Post edited on 6th Nov 2020, 10:20pm
>> No. 36595 [Edit]
It once took me over 4 years to get an artist to do my commission.

If I had to guess they're probably busy with school or some shit. It's always "finals" this "midterms" that with 20somethings on the internet. They'll likely prioritize that and ignore everything else.
>> No. 36596 [Edit]
I've heard artists actually prefer that people be picky and precise in what they want. They don't like having to do guesswork while making something the client probably wont want.
>> No. 36597 [Edit]
File 16047526575.jpg - (163.98KB , 1080x1080 , 7617203.jpg )
this is >>36587 , sorry if i ofended anyone with my comment. needless to say i was pretty high, lmao. don't take my tinder comment as a sign for a normie takeover or whatever, i've been lurking this and other small imageboards for a long while now. love this place, even though i don't really post.

I'm pretty sure you haven't lurked long enough.
>> No. 36599 [Edit]
Oh yes, rub it in my face why don't you. I hope you die.
>> No. 36601 [Edit]
In my experience, the delivery rate for commissions is directly correlated to how complicated your request is and how familiar the artist is with what you want. Every illustration I've requested is usually worded something to the effect of "I'd like you to draw (waifu). The composition and pose is your choice." I pay upfront and don't contact the artist until it's finished. Even then, I still only have a 60 percent success rate because it's an obscure character from an old series.
>> No. 36636 [Edit]
I wanted to translate a game for some people, but it turns out that my translations are unnecessary, unwanted, and have only had an adverse effect on the people who play. It wasn't an incredible amount of work, but it was enough of an effort for me to be incredibly disappointed when the only thing people think of my translations is that I'm an amateur who only ever breaks shit due to a script issue I didn't even know existed.
This isn't even mentioning that people don't give a shit about my hand translations when they don't care about the difference between them and terrible edited machine translations, and that most of the text I translated would never be seen by anyone anyways, either since it's impossible or because it's buried so far down in a dialogue tree that they'd never bother going to look for it.
I was doing it as a volunteer, so really the only thing I really had to look forward to was people being happy about it, but it seems like I'm not really getting that sort of reaction and never will. All it's really done is put stress on me since I've always been worried about how it would be received, and quality checking, but then it just turns out that I did the one thing I wanted to avoid doing which was breaking the game and making everyone hate me. It's demoralizing, annoying, and it seems my existence isn't even needed anyways, so I'll just forget about it before I start to harbor unnecessary resentment towards certain people there.

So, with that, I suppose I have free time to translate something else. Any ideas? Preferably something that doesn't involve breaking a script I can't even read and wasn't told the existence of. Maybe a novel or manga or short video or something.
>> No. 36638 [Edit]
You shouldn't worry about us english-only peasants. We're entitled and jealous. I'd recommend just enjoying your understanding of Japanese. I would appreciate it if you translate this , but it's way too much of a Herculean task for me to ask you to. Translating random images on boorus might also be good like this one I can't ask you to do that though.
>> No. 36639 [Edit]
Not him, but there are phone apps that can translate text. They're not perfect but they give you a general idea of what's being said.
>> No. 36640 [Edit]
I know what ocr is. It's still not nearly as good as being able to understand something as soon as you see it.
>> No. 36641 [Edit]
Translating shorts is fun (especially if you're able to acquire the JP script), and you can just chuck them on nyaa. There are lots of random unsubbed things, for instance machikado mazoku minis. But reciprocally it's not going to have a large or very appreciative audience. And doing timing can be a pain (I haven't done timing myself, since the one time I collaborated someone with someone on a series he took care of the timing. And we had access to the JP script so poor listening comprehension wasn't a factor).

Another impactful thing you can do is translate ED/OPs. Even for popular shows these can often be missing (especially for full versions). It's also very easy to do, and you can have a bit of fun in coming up with good sounding English equivalents for phrases. And JP lyrics are also easy to find.

There's also a /sub/ board here on TC. It'd be neat if that was active again.

Post edited on 9th Nov 2020, 6:56pm
>> No. 36642 [Edit]
>You shouldn't worry about us english-only peasants.
You're right, I shouldn't even bother. I'm basically God. Thanks for resolving this inner crisis of mine, since I was losing sleep over confidence in my own divinity.
>> No. 36791 [Edit]
I listened to the Gunslinger Girl OST. I'm in tears.
>> No. 36803 [Edit]
File 160640181160.jpg - (0.97MB , 1000x1000 , 1fa328f7f80ece996ea5387fed326110.jpg )
I had a "conversation" with someone in the replies of a comment on an End of Eva ost video over the course of a few days. It kind of reminded me why I disable comments and how little value there is in talking to most people. These comment sections are all like a bunch of people circjerking over how well adjusted they are and how wonderful their worldview is.

Original comment:
>This was such a well made movie. I wish more people could see the optimistic meaning behind it instead of looking at it shallow in a depressing way. Its message is inheritely optimistic. It's about accepting the "AT fields" that exist in our psychology and we protect ourselves with, but behind them are just people who want to be accepted. The human instrumentality is the "Koombaya" everyone comes together idealism, but that it may not be as you hope. Our reality is accepting that we have these barriers and it's apart of what makes us human, and that we must strive under our own will (Not communism or forced koombaya) to come together as a species. And it starts with each individual accepting themselves first, and from there being able to also accept others. From here you can come together.

It's a pretty message, but it's really not true. There's no intrinsic value to the way we are or live. All this positivity stuff is just a way of compensating for not being able to change things by pretending that there is something intrinsically good about people's inability to fully understand one another. I have no doubt that society will reach a blockade where humans as they are now can go no further.

Some other guy replying to me:
>See now that's the beautiful thing with Evangelion. Hideaki Anno even said that they leave the message vague enough that it's open to individual interpretation. With that being the case, I think everyone's EVA experience is unique in a sense.

I think how people interpret it depends on whether they actually have a mental abnormality or not. Most people feel bad from time to time, but if they're both capable of it and actually enjoy social interaction, they'll obviously agree with the message as it's stated. Since Eva, Anno has become happier in his personal life, but his creative output has worsened.

Eva failed to get otaku "out of their shells" because its message didn't account for some people being more content while isolating themselves. Since quarantine started, I've never been happier. People like that are universally shunned or made fun of. Interacting with others isn't worth "improving yourself"(changing yourself) by society's arbitrary metric of improvement.

Plus, the characters, for all of their flaws, are still more appealing than most people in real life.

>Well while I don't necessarily agree with you, my point still stands. If that's how you interpreted it, that's the way you see it. It's like the Rorschach test.

You could make a case that Charlotte's web is an anti-abortion story. Eva isn't unique in that people can construe whatever themes they want from it. The actual message Eva tried to convey isn't that obscure in my opinion, regardless of how mysterious Anno says it is. My "interpretation" of the message is probably almost the same as yours, what's different is how I feel about that interpretation.

>And that's your interpretation. Everything can be subjective dude, that's all I'm sayin.

You should consider saying more than a trite "everything is subjective" point.

>I'm more so trying to politely end this conversation because it's going nowhere.
>Plus, I have nothing to discuss with someone as close minded as you.

"Plus, I have nothing to discuss with someone as close minded as you." Apparently you've figured out that I'm too much of close-minded person to be worth discussing anything with after reading a few paragraphs I wrote. If it's so easy to figure people out like that, I wonder what the point of instrumentality was? Very interesting interpretation.
>> No. 36804 [Edit]
I don't really see what you were arguing about.
But I don't really see what are people arguing about most of the time. At some point I just see words words but no meaning. I don't know if it's a fault of our language that makes people fall into vicious dialectic circles or I'm just dumb and I don't get what people are talking about.
>> No. 36805 [Edit]
File 160640885744.jpg - (342.69KB , 1429x2148 , 5909f3fe272a8abae7f7e12b33e3dd8a.jpg )
Basically I wrote a dissenting opinion on a popular comment and someone who agreed with the general consensus went out of their way to tell me everybody has a different opinion. I tried actually discussing this difference in opinion and why people would feel differently about the same thing, but he kept dismissing my attempts by repeating "everything is subjective". When I called him out on this directly, he ironically called me closed minded to justify not saying anything else.

A lot of fake "conversation" is subtext and ego battles. There really was no point to his first reply except to dismiss me "nicely"(in a roundabout way). He might have even done it subconsciously. He never intended to talk to me.
>> No. 36806 [Edit]
>"everything is subjective"
Post-modernism is deleterious garbage.
>> No. 36807 [Edit]
File 160641600221.jpg - (209.13KB , 627x800 , ktz070217.jpg )
Post-modernism gets a bad rap because of politics and how easy it is to abuse, but it can work really well in fiction. Shiki and No Country for Old Men are two of my favorite examples of post-modernism being used correctly. It can create a type of atmosphere and feeling you can't find elsewhere. It's just another tool in the creative toolbox. I like post-modernism more than modernism actually.
>> No. 36809 [Edit]
File 16064287739.jpg - (596.40KB , 1434x1200 , Konachan_com - 284215 sample.jpg )
The moment you try to argue with people on social media sites that have a 'social validation' point system with likes/upvotes, disikes/downvotes is the moment that you have failed. These people aren't looking for a means to discuss and ruminate over their belief systems, but rather, they are looking for social accredation, or clout from others to help them fill in their little bubble of self-esteem. TLDR; they are seeking attention.

Most people though don't care about arguing about the semantics of their thoughts anyways. It seems like the guy you were talking to just didn't want to 'waste' his energy on arguing. Try not to argue in a youtube comment section alright? Great waste of time.

I don't think your statement was closed minded by the way. I feel like the guy you were replying to was the closed minded one. Never did you discredit the initial comment you were just giving a differing sentiment towards the interpretation. I felt that the guy replying to you thought you were being antagonistic and attacking his viewpoint.
>> No. 36810 [Edit]
File 160643216637.png - (226.73KB , 600x540 , angry sumika.png )
I've gotten into too many pointless arguments on YouTube comments that just ended up resembling the Spongebob "It's not my wallet" meme.
>> No. 36811 [Edit]
>It seems like the guy you were talking to just didn't want to 'waste' his energy on arguing.
What's odd is that he was the one who intitated it. I left my first comment with no intention or expectation of a discussion/argument. I can't relate to why someone would start a conversation and then just drop it right after.
>> No. 36814 [Edit]
It's because, he probably made the false assumption that you were gonna leave it at that. People are surprised when their arguments are challenged.
>> No. 36887 [Edit]
File 160689945835.jpg - (187.97KB , 1280x756 , 20201220.jpg )
So tired, just wanna lie down & sleep. Zzzzzzz.
>> No. 36889 [Edit]
File 160692476056.jpg - (529.16KB , 1400x938 , 48f2a1d3f7a5101de697f693b5e10c8d.jpg )
Me too except I want to do it forever.
>> No. 36893 [Edit]
File 160697863313.jpg - (268.74KB , 1500x1060 , a89e0b5bb2c0c0463fb5e33c37ea44df.jpg )
For the first time in a long time I will go to sleep earlier than I normally do. Good night.
>> No. 36913 [Edit]
File 160710668066.jpg - (2.23MB , 850x2404 , sample_7594399d09f23645dd1333f833745be0.jpg )
I found out about this website,, which has reviews of porn websites. Suprisingly, there's no ads on it. A pretty weird concept to begin with since most people can probably figure out if they like a website or not just by looking at it for a bit, which is faster than reading a review. Pretty much every website seems to be rated 4 or 5 stars too. It presents itself as everything being written by one guy, who loves going on porn sites and talking about them, but after a few minutes, you see some inconsistencies. The writing style is a little different on each review and some websites have more than one review. The stance on hentai is also inconsistent. Some articles say he loves it, other say he doesn't. Most of the reviews are focused on praising the subject matter with only slight, surface level criticism and have a mostly cordial tone with a bit of inoffensive dude bro humor mixed in. This gelbooru review stood out to me though.

>Alright, faggots, I ain’t one to be jerking off to gelbooru animated cartoon bitches, but once in a while, even I like to shake things up. So today I’m bringing you a review on a goddamn hentai site. For you fuckers living under a rock, hentai is basically Japanese cartoon porn. Imagine jerking off to bitches from Pokemon, except with potential for some unbelievably sick shit, and you get the general idea.

> is referred to as an “imageboard”, although to me it just looks like a big ass search engine for hentai. Gelbooru is pretty fucking famous, and the reason why is because it uses a tag system so you can easily find the sick twisted pics you’re looking for. With over four million pictures of girls and boys ranging from extremely questionable young to saggy-ass-titties old, not to mention all kinds of weird creatures and fetishes, you’ll probably find what you’re looking for. More on the tag system later.

>Gelbooru’s been around since 2007, and its legion of slanty-eyed weeb users continues to grow every day. You’d think with their tiny ass peckers, they’d grow tired of jerking off, but apparently, them zipperheads are just as horny as I am. The site was built off the source code of another famous website that’s since died out, and Gelbooru is now the world leader of hentai bitches.

>When you first go to, you might get fucking disgusted. Between the full-screen ad raping the entire background and the masturbatory counter of how many images they have as shown by some anime cunts holding up signs, you might wanna turn around and never come back. But once you actually type something into the search bar and click SEARCH, you’ll find something far easier to swallow.

>So let’s say you type in “taint”, like I did. Right away, you’ll see a bunch of pics of cartoon bitches’ taints, just like the uploaders had tagged their pictures. That’s right- for every picture you see on Gelbooru, the degenerate loser uploading it made sure to point out that a “taint” was in the goddamn picture. Isn’t that goddamn convenient?

>On the left, you’ll see a shitload of “tags”. These are popular tags that were used in other photos. I’m looking at shit like 2girls…alcohol…arm support…”blue kimono”? These Gelbooru freaks make me sick. Anyway, you can enjoy browsing around these random tags if you’re bored or feel the need to get inspired for your session.

>First, the tag system is all about specifically finding what you want. That means that Gelbooru rejects vague ass terms that it considers too basic or too generic. For example, if you search “bitch”, you get to an error site. You search “cunt”, you get an error. You search “slut”; you get an error. As a man who appreciates the basics, this made me pissed off.

>But like I said, I get it. Once I successfully jerked off and let my brain start working again, I realized that this is why Gelbooru became popular. It really encourages the uploaders to make good tags, and the system stops retards from clogging up the search with stupid content. You have to get used to using underscores a lot. That’s ___ <- this shit, in your tags. Like you can’t search “Tifa Lockhart”, but you have to use “Tifa_Lockhart”. It can get confusing.

>Whatever, if you are a loser who likes jerking off to cartoons all day, I’m sure you have zero life and can learn and master this system. Arigato to you faggots.

>There’s also some other weird things which I’ll quickly go over. First, apparently, you need to be a member to do some more complicated tag searches. It’s free to join, though. Second, they have this weird Wiki that is just random as hell. Again, this is some weeb inside-joke community shit that these Gelbooru nerds love to jerk off to even more than pictures of cartoon girls getting fucked by a cartoon starfish.

>Also, for you sick fucks, there’s a shitload of lolicon. For those who don’t know what that is, good, don’t you ever fucking learn. I just felt compelled to mention this because, apparently, it’s a big reason why is famous.

>Also, like I said before, the tag system at needs some getting used to. When you use tags incorrectly, you get sent to a bizarre error page talking about some chickens or some shit, and then some message telling you to “check your blacklist”. I didn’t know what the FUCK this shit was talking about, so I ended up having to Google it to figure out what was going on. I still don’t know exactly what the FUCK this is, and no, I ain’t gonna learn. It just wasn’t intuitive. BUT AGAIN, I get that they have a reason for this shit. Weebs are degenerate sick fucks, but they are smart.

>When you send your users to an error page, clearly explain why the FUCK they were sent there. I know you weebs like to have your secret little circle jerks and shit, saying shit like “Fujiwara from Kitonasabe Ko Intei is the most kawaii~~ senpai!!” and then looking down on a normal person for not understanding what the FUCK you just said. Still, for a website, this attitude ain’t the best. It makes Gelbooru unwelcoming and unintuitive. Fuck you! Also, cool down on the ads.

>In typical weeb fashion, is the kind that you can tell is smart and well-designed, but also has a very inclusive nature to it that can make it hard to breakthrough. It’s just like a fucking anime. At first, you just watch it like what the FUCK is this shit, but at some point, it clicks, and then you start getting into it and learning all the weird mumbo-jumbo zipperhead shit that you were calling faggotry five minutes ago. That’s what this fucking site is, and it is the best at it. Have fun, and don’t forget to commit seppuku after for being such faggots who can’t even jerk it to a real girl.

My theory is that the site makes money off paid reviews and is actually written by multiple people who try to follow a style guide, one of which was drunk or on meth or something when he wrote the above review.
>> No. 36914 [Edit]
I just read like one paragraph and I think I got cancer.
>> No. 36917 [Edit]
>When you use tags incorrectly, you get sent to a bizarre error page talking about some chickens or some shit
I think this guy has brain damage if he doesn't know what that means.
>> No. 36941 [Edit]
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Follow up to >>/so/26201
I couldn't sleep last night either. I started trying at 11pm, only a little earlier than usual. I don't think it was from stress, not consciously at least. I cleared my mind and kept it clear for prolonged periods. I could actually feel my body starting to become rigid, but my mind didn't enter that point where I no longer felt awake. How much I would have liked to close my eyes and open them again to see daylight. Towards 6am, my memory is fuzzy, so maybe I actually slept 1 to 2 hours.

My plan is to drink chamomile tea(no caffeine), brush my teeth after eating instead of right before bed, and reading beforehand too. If that doesn't work, I might try pink noise and if this goes on for a week I'll see a doctor or resort to sleeping pills. I hope people eventually pass out from being tired; I wouldn't want to die from this.
>> No. 36943 [Edit]
File 160760442562.jpg - (207.90KB , 850x588 , sample_00977ad2111cb33b2342fcb15e54a675.jpg )
It worked.
>> No. 36949 [Edit]
I had some trouble again last night, but following the advice I read did seem to help. There was periods I was stuck in the first stage of sleep(where you still feel awake, but really aren't completely), usually I would quickly, without even realizing it, transition into deep sleep, but it didn't happen for some reason.

Whenever I noticed, I would get out of bed and just sit in a chair, staring into a wall and "try to stay awake". After three times, it seemed to work. I also never looked at the clock. This was definitely less painful than the second night.
>> No. 37184 [Edit]
Boring day. Can't go anywhere cos car is in the shop.
>> No. 37248 [Edit]
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I've taught myself juggling last year, and during today's training session I've become proficient at a new pattern, the 423 (not pictured; search for '423 juggling' on youtube if you want to see some variations of it).

I'm also teaching myself some new knots to tie (I've only ever learned how to tie my shoes as a kid and that was it), and I just ordered myself a set of transparent locks and a bunch of lockpicks because I want to learn lockpicking.
>> No. 37249 [Edit]
File 160963733120.jpg - (1.60MB , 1000x1500 , 7fdda76eb2d6fe1c10f9bfd3780c874f.jpg )
Tying knots and picking locks. Wonder what that could be used for.
>> No. 37250 [Edit]
File 160964901523.jpg - (235.54KB , 850x1260 , 81f1bf1ede40f7a0943fbfa50204d5c2.jpg )
Mysterious, isn't it?
>> No. 37251 [Edit]
Nice. Does the lockpicking works on most locks? I tried to learn it before and couldn't open. Most tutorials on youtube seem to all open the same kind of lock, that you don't see around here.
>> No. 37260 [Edit]
Not him, but yes I think almost any lock can be picked open, but for weird ones you might need more specialized tools. I've seen the YT channel LockPickingLawyer mentioned frequently and while he doesn't do tutorials on technique, he shows that a wide variety of locks (from the common pin tumbler to the fancier disc tumbler/detainer) can all be successfully picked open.
>> No. 37278 [Edit]
Looked at forums today, fun novelty that they’re still going.
>> No. 37279 [Edit]
File 160994429243.jpg - (911.23KB , 850x1246 , sample_c8deefe341b66847a1598b758045a4e2.jpg )
I've had the misfortune of posting on a forum for three days now. Massive time waste and since anonymity is something I take for granted it fucking sucks when that's removed.
>> No. 37280 [Edit]
It depends on what is being discussed I think, aside from super niche topics most forums are just people asking for help or piracy links.
I imagine it's worse on large gaming forums where drama is common.
It also feels weird when there are like 6 people there who have been posting for years and have families and shit.
>> No. 37281 [Edit]
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Even with how bad forums are, they still are better than the alternative. They're another place for non-social media hangerons and we should be thankful they still exist.
>> No. 37282 [Edit]
I love this artist.
>> No. 37300 [Edit]
File 161006878777.jpg - (1.14MB , 1892x1928 , IMG_20210107_133453.jpg )
another one just arrived.
>> No. 37333 [Edit]
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I'm back to my parents house for a while. They live in an upper class gated community. It's your typical suburbian Mcmansion enclave where everyone has a guy just to take care of the lawn. People do look healthier around here, I wonder if there's anything to do with the lack of city smog. Lots of families with kids. Lots of well trimmed pets everywhere. My siblings all moved away to very far away places and I'm the only one left around, but that's not the reason I'm here. The matter is financial, I want to save some money and there's no way I can do that paying rent, groceries and utilities. Or anything really. My parents are kind to me and I don't need to foot any bills while staying here. It's been years since I lived with mom and dad but now I'm back again.

Today for the first time in 5 years I walked mom's pet dog. It's a nice change of scenery. Before, I was living in a heavily urban, heavily grey and somewhat decadent part of a megalopolis and here everybody has a front yard 4 times the size of my entire apartment, rather the apartment I rented for a couple of years. There's a lot to look at, walking around this place. I like prying inside people's homes through the usually oversized front window everyone has for some reason. Probably the same architect for every single construction. So much junk people have in their homes, specially inside the garage. So far I have spotted ping pong tables, expensive bycicles, tons of kid's electric vehicles, all sorts of sporting and fitness gear, pool cleaning tools, like those long leaf rakes. There are so many of those. How many leaf rakes do you really need? Tons of leaf blowers even though the gardening people aroung here bring their own equipment. And of course the vehicles themselves, all expensive (except my parents car that is, we came to live here before it was cool.)

Anyway so I was walking the dog and coming the opposite direction a family of 4 (mom and dad, a 3 or 4 yo girl and a 6 or 7 yo boy). I dislike walking around here because it's one of those places where everyone feels compelled to greet each other. Then there's the matter I had a dog with me, which means you'll likely have to stop because kids always want to pet the dog. And so I was going through these thoughts and preparing myself to have small talk since it was too late to turn around and go the opposite direction without looking like a weirdo (though I have done this before). Few seconds later, of course, the kid comes running to pet the dog.

This kid though is not satisfied with petting, he wants to take the leash, too. I might add right now that this is a 15 yo dog that is very afraid of kids. Anyway I let the kid have the leash and walk a few steps back and forth with the dog. I start looking at the parents. They're actually around my age which is always interesting to see. How people with the same time on this earth as you can end up having such a different existence. For example, how they can even afford to live here? Did their parents bought the house? Did they inherited? Or they simply are so good at making money that they can afford to buy or rent a 7 bedroom house?

How is it like to have wife/husband and have small kids? They look pretty happy. Even to the point of looking idiotic, no offense intended. Do those people have friends? How is it to have those people as friends? Disregard that, how is it to have friends at all? As I finish to walk around the block, I see where they live. It's actually just 4 houses down from my parents'. Two unecessarily enormous vehicles parking at the driveway. I don't even know how to drive. Right now I'm looking at the window and I can see the tip of that family's roof. How is it to have a life that is not this one, that's where I always end up at. I guess we can never really find out.
>> No. 37334 [Edit]
When my grandparents from the soviet union came to visit almost 20 years ago, they were shocked by how none of the houses have fences around them.

>he wants to take the leash, too. I might add right now that this is a 15 yo dog that is very afraid of kids. Anyway I let the kid have the leash and walk a few steps back and forth with the dog
That's seriously annoying and dangerous. You're not wrong for calling those parents idiots.
>> No. 37336 [Edit]
>How people with the same time on this earth as you can end up having such a different existence.
This is something I wonder too. I'd just like to pop into other people's head for a moment to see how they think and make decisions. Time has given me a glimpse of that but... I'm very curious about what actually goes on inside other people's heads. I can only know them filtered through my own perceptions.

That seems to be the case for forums that've been around for a while. Just a place for old timers to circlejerk.

Could always be worse. Could be discord which combines the worst aspects of a forum and a chatroom into one.
>> No. 37353 [Edit]
File 161058703682.jpg - (185.84KB , 768x1284 , 84938412_p0.jpg )
I read through Guin @ グイン's profile and liked a lot of their Arknights webcomic panels. It's really cute and hits the spot for the kind of comedy I like and have been needing lately and then I found a couple of other Arknights artists I like who make art I really liked in some other ways. But now pixiv thinks I like Arknights and it's slightly annoying.

Post edited on 13th Jan 2021, 5:21pm
>> No. 37365 [Edit]
Today I felt very nauseous after eating breakfast. I went to the toilet and started to vomit, but nothing would came out. The fact is, I'm a serious emetophobe. This is my greatest fear. I have feared it for most of my life. My entire OCD probably stems from this fact alone, performing rituals to guarantee that I won't puke. And then it evolved into a whole weltanschauung. I began to unconsciously do magick stuff, I had created a entire magickal system to keep me from vomiting. All this time I avoided incountable things, just to keep myself safe. Not just overeating and writing or comsuming any form of media that contains words or imagery of it. Any time someone would vomit, I would trace back what I did the past 24hrs of different, and whatever that was, I would stop doing it. I began to have thoughts of associating two apparently unconnected things with nausea and vomiting, and would stop doing that too. Just the past days I wanted to order a book, and I give it a try reading a pdf, the book looked pretty good, but it had the word vomit in one chapter. I couldn't bring myself to order it. Well now I felt nauseous.
When writing on tohno-chan I would avoid writing things such as "I'll" "will" "still" "skill" because they have the ill part in it.
I would spent days doing literally nothing, in fear that doing anything would provoke retaliation from some kind of fate, causing me to vomit. Weirdly enough, when the nausea subsided I felt light, felt kinda free. I had done nothing that could possibly have broken those invisible rules, yet it happened to me. Who could have caused that? I am now convinced it was the Holy Guardian Angel. He was tired of waiting for myself to get out of this situation, and he sent to me my greatest fear, so that I would wake up. I must cling to this newfound feeling, this fearlessness. I can not go back to that dark cave I exited just now.
Who would have thought I could even write such a post containing this many trigger words? But here I am, and I hope to be able to do all those things I avoided all those years. Time to face the truth.
>> No. 37366 [Edit]
You should have talked about this way earlier. There's so many thing worse than vomiting. Vomiting is sexy and a reminder of our shared humanity. Are you afraid of being a vulnerable human being?
>> No. 37367 [Edit]
>You should have talked about this way earlier.
Yes, that's true. Today is the only day that I felt brave enough to type this. Despite considering talking about this phobia here, I was terrified of the thought of just making the post.
>There's so many thing worse than vomiting.
That's also true, but if you would ask to my younger self, about 7 or so years ago, whether he would rather die or vomit, I can guarantee he would have spent a considerable amount of time pondering, no matter how ridiculous this may seem.
>Vomiting is sexy and a reminder of our shared humanity.
As for the sexiness of vomiting, in the one hand I would say is very scary and dirty and terrifying, but on the other hand despite my phobia I confess I have looked at videos of woman puking with extreme arousal. Vomit porn is very sexy to me. If it was a man or someone very ugly I would find it repulsive, but if it is a beautiful woman, I would be aroused by it. It happens often, this fear/sexy arousal response with phobias. Fear and desire go hand in hand. I remember from some emetophobia resource site, a sizable amount of emetophobics are emetophilics and vice-versa. And it is a humbling act, he who vomits can not do so standing tall, he must lower himself or even get on his knees.
Are you afraid of being a vulnerable human being?
Yes, a lot.
>> No. 37373 [Edit]
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Some while ago, I think a few weeks or month or two, I finally worked up the motivation to dust my room. It wasn't all at once, and it took a while, but I did it. It was a little nice to have some videos on in the background while I cleaned my room since it was time-consuming. It was a little nice to fantasize about being a cute 2d maid while I did it. But sadly not but a few days to a week after I did it then dust started showing up again. I don't know if that's normal or my room is just really dusty.
>> No. 37374 [Edit]
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>How is it like to have wife/husband and have small kids? They look pretty happy. Even to the point of looking idiotic, no offense intended.
Because part of being happy seems to be living on autopilot and not listening to your internal voice, most people just dive in with the social norm.
>Do those people have friends? How is it to have those people as friends? Disregard that, how is it to have friends at all?
They are more acquaintances for most people. Having real friends is like having a sibling, and it's a give-and-take relationship that should be positive for both partners. Not just someone you exchange pleasantries with frequently.
>How is it to have a life that is not this one, that's where I always end up at. I guess we can never really find out.
There are some people who pretend to be different people to cope with things, but unless reincarnation and souls and all that are real, we will never really know but it's not hard to see the perspective of others.
>> No. 37375 [Edit]
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I sometimes wonder if I'm a schizoid, or if I'm just doing the first year psychologist thing and thinking I have whatever I read.
>> No. 37376 [Edit]
Sometimes I wonder if there's such a thing as an "schizoid" and it's just another one of artificial labels without a real meaning.
>> No. 37377 [Edit]
I see it more as a phenomenon rather than the mental/personality disorder it is perceived as.
>> No. 37378 [Edit]
>> No. 37379 [Edit]
In a way, I think the "schizoid" is a consequence of the modern world. That is not to say it is a completely unique modern phenomena but a situation perhaps exacerbated by it. Most schizoids doesn't seem to see the condition as being in conflict with their self-image and think of themselves as rational, as opposed to more severe forms of mental illnesses such schizophrenia. Perhaps then the schizoid becomes a problem because it is inherently incompatible with modern society but ironically and in parallel I would also add that the modern world are increasingly changing in a way to accommodate the schizoid with the many forms of escapism available.
>> No. 37380 [Edit]
I think it's more compatible with society now than ever before. Before being a loner meant death in most cases. Now you still would have a harder time than social butterflies, but you probably wont actually die.
>> No. 37381 [Edit]
You might be right although it's probably difficult to actually quantify and likely dependent on where in the world you live in. I'd like to argue that people with schizoid tendencies in the ancient past might have more "choice" but I'm probably wrong.
>> No. 37382 [Edit]
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I don't think schizoid only means asocial, I thought you also had to have a rich internal fantasy world, hence the schizo- spectrum thing?
>> No. 37383 [Edit]
>is a consequence of the modern world

In which ways?
It makes me think of;
Decadence of a particular civilization.
Failure of natural selection.
>> No. 37384 [Edit]
I'm diagnosed as one, and yeah I don't view it as a problem. I view it as a solution that as you've said helps in a world that might otherwise leave me in despair. I can be content in solitude, where as all those forced into it at the moment seem to be suffering. For me, being quarantined just means free time to explore games movies anime and other hobbies. Fame is unappealing and seems bothersome. wealth is only as good as what it gets you, and I feel little desire for over priced luxury items which exist only to make a person feel superior than others. Romance isn't very appealing and the current state of the average person makes it even less so. The various closers and restrictions out there now mean little to me personally, but I do understand how it's all hurting normals. I might not be able to feel things the way they do, but I understand they're suffering, I see it a lot as these more weak minded people struggle to cope with current situations. As I watch those near me break down mentally, and in some cases physically, I find I can do little more than hope for the best before returning to my internal fantasy world as some put it, as attempts at more are typically fruitless.

Post edited on 20th Jan 2021, 9:04am
>> No. 37385 [Edit]
>I understand they're suffering

Think about it, like, they suffered for the few months of not going outside, while we suffered for a lifetime of being forced to go outside.
>> No. 37387 [Edit]
Autist =/= schizoid.
>> No. 37388 [Edit]
Yes, and?
>> No. 37389 [Edit]
I think society is at the point where the common conception of natural selection needs to be reviewed. There's no guarantee that nature will select for any one particular trait, only that those who survive, survive. If a certain trait starts growing in prevalence, that doesn't mean natural selection failed, it means that the world is no longer the same one where such a trait would be a fatal flaw. So when people talk about natural selection, they REALLY mean that they wish the world still selected particular qualities. Remember that there is only one rule of nature: those who live will live on and those who die will die off.
>> No. 37390 [Edit]
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There's no point in questioning that. Most of society's common conceptions are actually wrong or only half-true. The general populace doesn't even know what a theory actually is.
>> No. 37391 [Edit]
Not really, modern times do not select for different traits thus meaning that natural selection has to be reviewed rather it enable other traits to continue being passed on. For example, we have many illnesses and diseases that could not be treated in the past that now can be, so type 1 diabetes had no treatment until insulin was invented and therefore anybody with it was going to die before 36 years old. The fact that we now have insulin and the people with type 1 diabetes can live longer healthier lives and thus are more likely to reproduce does not mean that natural selection is selecting that trait to be spread but that there is no longer a medical reason for it to be suppressed. Nature is not enabling this or encouraging it, we are.
>> No. 37392 [Edit]
But that is natural selection. Natural selection doesn't mean being selected by nature as in "the uncivilized world", it simply means the process by which the environment a creature lives in filters out the ones who, well, die. Nature also isn't some conscious driving force that prefers to be a certain way, it is simply a description of the state of our environment. Extinction is natural, asteroid impacts are natural, and humans and tools are natural. We have changed the world, that's why the world selects differently. There's no "mother nature" fighting back or trying to stop humanity or some bullshit. We ARE the driving force in nature at this time, so nature now selects for what is useful to human society.
>> No. 37393 [Edit]
Think about it like a bunch of rats being experimented in a lab, with all kinds of external conditioning, some scientist deciding what rats survive or not over arbitrary reasons. You could say that's also natural selection because, well, the humans are also natural beings and all that, but it doesn't really make too much sense.
>> No. 37394 [Edit]
You would call that "playing around" with the parameters of natural selection. Again there's a pretty common misinterpretation of what natural selection is due to the wording, it doesn't mean it the way people think it does. I think a lot of people think about how a wild animal has to fight against wild things and other forces to make it to adulthood, but if you put humans in that situation at this point, on purpose, how is that any more natural than putting rats in a lab? What's really going on is that people think different traits should be selected against, and that's more a result of peoples minds not having caught up with the technology we created. But natural selection is at play here and it's because the environment changed that the selection process changed. As for schizoids and autists they do tend to not reproduce, which is pretty understandable. For the greater percentage that do now than they did before, well, that's probably because some of the pressures of our previous environment don't exist, not in the same way. That's still natural selection at work, we're not cavemen anymore and this isn't the cave-world anymore.
>> No. 37395 [Edit]
I do not believe two wrongs make a right. The irony wasn't lost on me however when this all started, I admittedly found it rather amusing at first seeing people forced to live the way I try to live. I didn't expect it to drag on this long however and quickly grew to feel sorry for them. They might not have much sympathy for us, but to have none ourselves makes us no better.
>> No. 37396 [Edit]
Natural selection is a life form selecting or suppressing certain traits due to environmental pressures. If the lab was set up in a way whereby say, white mice were killed for whatever reason like by a cat that could only see white then yes that is kind of natural selection even though it was created by us, they are going to adapt based on this artificial environment. However, in the modern context this is not true because we are not actually encouraging or suppressing these traits like the Diabetes I mentioned, if culturally we had an adoration of diabetes and therefore that trait was highly desirable then yes it would but we do not, it is a trait that just sits in the gene pool unaffected by natural selection at this point(well hypothetically, as with any disorder it is still a disorder so the effected might have lower self esteem or have been raised in unusual circumstances so would still be slightly less likely to reproduce).
>> No. 37397 [Edit]
>it is a trait that just sits in the gene pool unaffected by natural selection at this point
I wouldn't use the word unaffected because it creates a false image of the problem. It simply isn't being selected for or against. I would argue, slightly against, but to a diminished degree because the environmental pressures have shifted.
>> No. 37398 [Edit]
People can't fuck kids anymore. The raising of age of consent might have had some kind of effect. In chimps, lower status males mate more often with younger females. That entire avenue of reproduction has been mostly closed off in modern society. There's no arranged marriages either. I would say that slowly, casual social skills are being more heavily selected towards. Something like diabetes would never be selected against in an uncivilized environment because it's too unlikely or takes too long to manifest. As long as the person manages to reproduce, that trait gets past on. There's plenty of things which don't kill the person fast enough to prevent them from reproducing in the wild.

Post edited on 21st Jan 2021, 4:26am
>> No. 37400 [Edit]
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Relatively recently, I've been incapable of any substantive activities, and today is no different. My eyes are pointed at my monitor, but VIM continues to display nothing but its splash screen. As usual, in hopes to disrupt this monotony, I rest in my bed while finishing a bittersweet manga; read a VN; contemplate the confluence of my previous choices. Nothing changes, but truthfully, there was never such an expectation.
>> No. 37410 [Edit]
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>I do not believe two wrongs make a right.
They don't but I'm not in any rush to feel any kind of sympathy to the sadistic, ignorant, instinct and greed driven creatures that are normalfags. As far as I've seen, heard, and known, they get off on hurting people. Why then should I sympathize for creatures who only hurt the environment and people around them? As far as I'm concerned any consequences they've suffered are a result of their sins catching up to them though not giving them their full due punishment.
>> No. 37411 [Edit]
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That's like blaming a scorpion for stinging someone. It's fine not to sympathize with them, but acting like this is some kind of justice is hypocritical. Are they creatures, or are they responsible for their own actions?
>> No. 37412 [Edit]
>That's like blaming a scorpion for stinging someone.
Well, they do. I certainly wouldn't carry a Normal Driver across the river.
>> No. 37414 [Edit]
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>That's like blaming a scorpion for stinging someone.
The normalfag does it for fun.
>> No. 37415 [Edit]

When I mentioned that it wasn't in the sense that justice was made and I was satisfied because of that, I don't believe in such a thing, that sounds like Elliot Rodgers kind of bullshit to me. I just found some psychological satisfaction, if something. I've been told all my life how weak and incapable I was for not being good outside my comfort zone, even after being forced to it and taking enormous efforts, now that the rest of the people have to spend a merely few months outside their particular comfort zone they just go like it's the end of the world and endless cry over it. So I can help but feel a little smug about it, but it's not a moral stance or anything. Actually the whole idea came to me because a podcaster I follow (not a weirdo but not a turbonormal either) just mentioned the irony of the situation and how the extroverted could experience for once what the introverted experience in their entire lifes.
>> No. 37449 [Edit]
Homunculus is getting a live-action adaptation, not sure how I feel about that. The director is responsible for the Ju-On series and whilst the choice for the main lead isn't the worst, I'm not sure he fits Nakoshi's character and profile all too well. I'm quite annoyed with Netflix constantly bankrolling unnecessary adaptations and reboots of Japanese medias as well as acquiring licenses of decent IPs. Everything they've funded so far has been thoroughly crap as far as I'm aware.
>> No. 37450 [Edit]
>a live-action adaptation
>not sure how I feel about that
How do you not know how to feel? The two options are indifference and anger.
>> No. 37451 [Edit]
It can only be anger then.
>> No. 37454 [Edit]
>>37365 here again.
Since I made that post, the exact FUCKING THING happened both last week and today. Last thursday I woke up in the middle of the night around 2 AM, I wasn't really sleeping anyway, and it happened. Then today in the morning, around 11:20 AM.
I feel very nauseous but when I puke nothing comes out, and then I feel normal again. There's also nothing else beside this nauseous feeling. I've been thinking about what could have been causing it. I think it could be masturbation. I remember that insane-tier addicts get to point of having these side-effects, almost like a hangover or something. The problem is I have no idea of how to solve this. What can I do to stop this insatiable, self-destructive urge to masturbate?
>> No. 37455 [Edit]
Exercise lowers libido.
>> No. 37456 [Edit]
How many times do you fap per day? I don't remember having nausea because excessive fapping, more like psychological effects like feeling disgusting. What I've been feeling lately is nausea and difficulty breathing when I'm sorrounded by two persons or more.
>> No. 37457 [Edit]
Tried that and cold showers, libido remains the same.
Normally, only once. Sometimes one day yes other not. The problem is I edge my way to end, instead of doing many times a day, I end doing it once but it takes a lot of time. I didn't meant exactly that the amount of times was causing that, more like the psychological effects of post-fap lucidity and regret. Also the material I use just gets worse and worse, I want a way to soft it down.
I need some kind of hobby, that preferably can be done any time of day, and doesn't include a computer.
Sounds like you having agoraphobia or something.
>> No. 37459 [Edit]
It doesn't seems too bad, unless you can fap for hours and hours like in the fapping olympics or something. I fap a lot more times.
Material can't be worse than what I use sometimes, at some point you get used to it and don't really think about how fucked up it's all.
It sounds, like you said, something mental, related to guilt.
>> No. 37465 [Edit]
I don't see the connection between the nauseousness and the masturbation. Only thing I can think of is testicular torsion, but I'd imagine that you'd probably know if that were the case.
>> No. 37468 [Edit]
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I've also suffered from problems with porn/fapping and I don't think trying to lower your libido is the best solution. For me the addiction is rooted in trying to escape sexual shame. Learning to sit and "just be" with sexual desire has been a lot more helpful. You're always going to have to deal with sexual desire because people are just horny idiots by nature. It's hard to explain but once I really started to allow myself to have sexual thoughts the addiction lessened. My libido is actually higher now but I engage with it in a way that's more healthy. Like I'm very attracted to Roon. Sometimes I'll see a picture of her or use her in a fleet ingame and feel aroused. My pornified brain would automatically take it as a cue to jerk and fighting that urge becomes a battle. But if I just sit with it and even focus in on something specific I want to do to her in that moment the urge loses some power. It's helped soften a lot of my fetishes too. This sort of sexual fantasy is a lot more loving and realistic. Instead of conflating sex with power you're conflating sex with fun and love.

I still have a problem with binging but doing this has shown me the most progress. Your post made it seem like you might have some of the same underlying issue of shame going on. Good luck anon, shit's hard. At the peak of my addiction all I did was fap and sleep. I had headaches all the time. Physical sideffects to porn addiction are a very real thing.
>> No. 37472 [Edit]
> in trying to escape sexual shame
For me masturbation and pornography was used as an outlet for my dissatisfaction and frustration with the world. I enjoyed guro and ryona because seeing a helpless, crying girl somehow was the mental (and visual!) equivalent of a punching bag that relieved stress. The actual masturbation was really more of a side-effect and I'd often just browse boorus looking at these pictures without even bothering to masturbate.
>> No. 37474 [Edit]
>unless you can fap for hours and hours
I actually can't tell how long it takes, I lose track of time while doing it, also I normally break it in periods with intervals of rest between them.
>Material can't be worse than what I use sometimes,
I wouldn't be so confident.
>related to guilt.
Indeed, this seems to be the case.
I remember reading some letters from the 1800's dealing with this, I believe it was a correspondence made by Richard Wagner. Also I searched around and found this
>the addiction is rooted in trying to escape sexual shame.
Seems to me that it is some sort of (anti-)escapism wherein one tries to deal with uncomfortable thoughts and realities by sexualizing them. I will try your advice.
>Instead of conflating sex with power you're conflating sex with fun and love.
I hope to get there.
I will try my best, thanks for the advice everyone.
>> No. 37476 [Edit]
Different anon. I started when I was around twelve with 3d videos. Before that I would just look at porn. Almost immediately after I gravitated towards 2d shota and incest. It was exciting, but I never felt guilty in the slightest. I can't relate to that feeling. Maybe it's because my family is secular.
>> No. 37509 [Edit]
>>37454 here again, I figured out the problem. Turns out that I developed a lactose intolerance. This feels very weird, since I've been drinking milk and eating dairy based products for years, and never felt a thing. It looks like in the past few days I started drinking milk at night and that ended up surpassing the limit of dairy based products my body could handle, so my body had to reset or something, and now I will not be able to ingest those kind of foods. For at least a month it seems. Problem is, my whole diet was based on this, now that it is no longer available, I don't know what to do. At night I get weird hunger pangs. I feel like this new diet is not as nourishing as the old one used to be.
So, it will take around a month to my body to get to it's normal level of lactose production, until then I will have to figure out what to eat.
>> No. 37510 [Edit]
>until then I will have to figure out what to eat.
You should still be able to eat milk-derived products like cheese. And yogurt seems to be easier to digest even for those with lactose-intolerance. There's also the various alternate-milks (almond, etc.)
>> No. 37511 [Edit]
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I entertained the idea of saving up money to buy a sex doll. I don't know how long that will take but I feel like the sooner I can do it the better since it probably won't be long until the soys in power have that banned or something. But I have a few reasons not to buy one as well.
For starters, their faces look kind of creepy. There are anime sex dolls out there that just have anime styled faces but they aren't as common and sometimes don't look very good. Even so, it's something of a solution to the face problem, at least. The main problem is the weight. I've heard they can get really heavy and it isn't likely that I would even be on this board if I was a particularly strong person. I heard some guys who can lift heavy weights still struggle to carry them. The easier fixes are to use some kind of dolly or even a wheelchair, the latter which I might like because I think disabled girls are cute, but you still need to pick them up off of whatever you use and set them down on something like your bed or your couch. The other easy fix is to get a shorter doll but I'm a tasteless individual who likes very large proportions on women, height being one of them, so I don't know if I want to settle for so much less than what I find attractive if the product I'm buying is meant to be attractive to me.
Another problem might be that it might make me feel even more lonely. The doll I buy will probably be more than just a sex doll, I'll probably have fun dressing it up, having dinner with it, keeping it by my side when I do fun things, and having it sleep with me like some kind of dream partner. But much like a daki the awareness of what it really is will never go away and I'll always be aware of just how much of a cope it is which might make me feel worse over time.
There are probably more issues I don't know about but the ones I can think of off the top of my head are pretty strong deterrents for buying one. Maintenance would be a hassle but I can at least work into the habit but the others take much more work to improve on like having to lift to get strong enough to pick her up or not letting the fact that it's a doll bother me.
>> No. 37512 [Edit]
queen Victoria would sleep with a cast of her dead husband hand, so if anyone gives you shit about it bring that up.
>> No. 37513 [Edit]
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>it isn't likely that I would even be on this board if I was a particularly strong person
You need mental purification, not a sex doll, anon.
>> No. 37514 [Edit]
How much do they weigh compared to a real person of the same size? Is it more?
>> No. 37515 [Edit]
Mine's around 30kg and has the proportions of an Asian woman. If you want larger, yours would probably be closer to 35kg or so, but it wouldn't increase that much since the skeleton would just get a bit longer and that's where the weight lies.
Heavy, sure, but if you've ever lifted a big sack of rice at the wholesale place, you can lift it. It can get a bit unwieldy during action, but nothing too complicated. Btw, every sex doll maker I've looked at has the weight of their dolls written somewhere on the website. You can test if you can carry them easily, just buy a lot of rice and an old person-sized dakimakura. Measure rice by weight, fill daki, carry. Dolls tend to be easier to carry because they've got a metal skeleton so they don't sag as much.
I've got a DSDoll, the faces there are fine, as long as you go for an Asian one. Their European ones tend to look like a macho with a wig though, and they absolutely do not help you with customs, so expect a two-week daily email chain with DHL to get it through (if you make sure to state that you're a private person importing it for hobby purposes, they're a lot more helpful).
As for maintenance, make sure to get a doll stand. Usually this means you take off the head and hang the body from a hook on a stand. That means you can wash and powder without having to slug around 30k of weight. Also, make sure to wear a condom to help prevent mold.
>> No. 37516 [Edit]
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I had the same thoughts for some time. Didn't see weight as a big deal, though I'm probably weaker than you they can't weight like a real person or anything. Problem is how expensive they are, the shipping would be complicated, and it's not something you can really have unless you live by yourself. Then moving would be a pain too.
They opened some sort of doll whorehouse in my city not too long ago, and though I had my hygienic doubts I thought about trying, but it was quickly closed because it attempted against women rights and some bullshit. It even appeared in the newspapers and it was a little scandal for a short time. It would have been nice to try just to see if it was really my thing.

About maintenance, I remember some guy full of money that got bored of doing it and just bought a new one everytime their dolls were too used. Then he was afraid of throwing the old ones to the trash since anyone seeing him disposing of them would suspect he was getting rid of a corpse. Really funny stuff.
>> No. 37517 [Edit]
> just bought a new one everytime their dolls were too used.
Probably still cheaper than a 3DPD.
>> No. 37518 [Edit]
Decided to check out of curiosity and found this video on their website.
Seeing the doll's head bulge out when they put the dildo inside her mouth gave me a very depressive feeling for some reason. Sex dolls always made me feel a little sad (both for the guy who buys it and I feel sorry for the doll itself, go figure) but this video really made me extra miserable. Whoever edited that must know what I'm talking about because the music he decided to use is definitely not a happy tune.
>> No. 37519 [Edit]
They look uncannily off. Like the weird feeling you get from kigurumi. I've thought about getting a doll but then I realize that a simple onahole would probably be better.
>> No. 37520 [Edit]
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I don't like the direction this thread is going.
>> No. 37521 [Edit]
Onaholes are nice, but it's quite different from actually being able to feel hips and ass and boobs and kissing, or stripping her slowly piece by piece. Hell, handholding even. It's less of a comparable experience that you might think.
There's also anime and fairy models from some manufacturers, if that's more to your taste, but you have to be careful depending on where you live because they tend towards being quite petite.
It's not for everyone, I'll say that much, but if you're the type of person that lives more in his head than in the "real" world, then they're great.
>> No. 37522 [Edit]
I can't speak for others, but I prefer to look at them less like sex toys and more like life sized dolls. I mainly want one to have fun dressing it up in pretty outfits because I like cute fashion but I'm not into cross dressing. It would also be nice to use for a lap pillow or have them take the place of a daki. Maybe even to just have at my side when playing videogames or watching anime/movies. Almost like having someone there without having an actual person over (I don't mix well with real people).
>> No. 37523 [Edit]
What are you talking it? It's hilarious. Get a sense of humor.
>> No. 37524 [Edit]
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Dunno why. I've seen conversations about sex toys get de-railed into stuff much less related from the original topic. This is extremely tame even without comparing.
>> No. 37525 [Edit]
If they weren't so expensive and I didn't live at home I'd consider one for these reasons, though not for it's intended purposes, that'd be too much work and would not be worth it. Plus most are ugly as shit. The doll pictured in >>37516 looks nice, but looking through the DSDolls above I have to agree the Asians look fine, but the whites and the negress one all look like trannies.

It's depressing AND hilarious.
>> No. 37526 [Edit]
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Some dolls just look too 3DPD in my standards. At least the realistic ones.

That said, I'd like to get a ball-jointed doll.
>> No. 37527 [Edit]
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I got into another pointless argument, this time with somebody on mal in a bad thread. This guy in particular got on my nerves for some reason and I kind of suspect he was a troll. I can't stand the fake sophisticated thing.

>Anime isn't considered for adults these days because the execution is bad and the writing is childish. You can find a lot of dark teen fanfiction on the internet but all of the dark elements don't make it any less childish. Japanese anime is better when it comes to the actual animation (usually), but western "anime" has better writing and execution (usually). Romance doesn't need sex. Adults consider a romance that relies on sex (erotica) to be trashy. Popular at times, but trashy. Romance is about the up and down of emotions and portraying that. (insert disney Hercules clip)

Your post is even more embarrassingly ignorant than op's. Anime isn't a genre. Hentai isn't either. And stop watching dubs.

>Dark means "more mature" but not always "adult". You can see this nuance in stuff like Australia's rating system which has an MA15+ rating. (The MA 15+ rating was introduced in 1993, to flag content that was too strong for the M classification, but not so much so that the content should be restricted only to persons over the age of 18. - Wiki) Attack on Titan is dark and has killing, but receives the 15+ AU rating

Australia is a free expression hell hole and their example shouldn't be followed. "Nuanced" rating systems are just an economic tool used to discourage certain content.

>The function of the rating system is irrelevant. I'm pointing out that there is a difference between something being mature and still aimed at kids (teens) and something being mature but aimed at adults.

>Literature makes these distinctions as well, though it has more to do with the protagonist. You have young Adult (typically 13-17), New Adult (typically 18-20 something), and adult (anything above). A young adult book, generally has a different tone and style than a new adult book.

>Keep in mind that this isn't to say one is worse than the other, but saying something is meant for adults just because it uses dark themes is not taking into account how the writing and execution also play a factor. So, going back to my original point, (in my opinion) anime isn't largely considered for adults because the writing and execution aren't done for adults (adults being early 20's and higher).

And somebody who's an anime enthusiast doesn't care about how non-fans perceive it. Seinen exists and specifically targets an older demo. Plus "maturity" is a false god and stifles free expression and enjoying "immature" things. Westerners think all anime is "for children" because of economic and cultural factors crippling animation in the west as a medium. That and people willfully being ignorant of foreign attitudes. You're a putz and you don't belong.

>Lmao. The OP himself cares. I'm providing reasoning. I just want good anime. I don't care what other people think of it, but I personally want fantasy/isekai anime that has better all-around quality.

>Also, my Disney example is evidence agianst your economic and cultural reasoning. I can also add DC and Marvel to the list. Additionally, I could point to the popular animes that are universally renowned like basically anything produced by Studio Ghibli. Adult westerners have a negative perception of most foreign anime because of how they are executed, not some cultural bias.

>When I show my Dad a lot of anime, he laughs and says it's better than most movies or tv shows. Want to know why? Because I show him the good stuff (mainly in the form of action). But that's only in snippets or compilations. It's hard to find a show that can entertain an adult all the way through because the other areas are lacking (writing/execution). Another reason is that a lot of animes are largely helped by the Japanese voice actors and dubs are rarely able to capture the same energy (imo), though some like DBZ were actually helped by their dubs.

For a westerner bitching that anime doesn't meet their fine art standards, capeshit and Disney's ugly, water-downed fairy tales don't make a good argument. Most movies are bad, but people don't say "movies suck". Anime is an entire medium, but your oh so mature and intelligent adults don't think of it as such generally. Instead they spend their time on more sophisticated things like syndicated sports and crime dramas. "Universally renowned" anime is praised so much because it's inoffensive and child-friendly. Nobody cares about Monster except people who already like anime.

>You sound so silly. There are plenty of animes that meet my standards, just most fantasy/isekai don't. Art isn't the only quality to a good anime, just like it isn't the only quality to a good video game (which is why I still enjoy older rpgs). How am I saying "anime sucks" as a general statement, when I literally pointed an anime that I like. That's not the only one you know.

>Also, people absolutely do say movies suck. Sounds like you are stuck in a bubble. Go ahead, type it in Google, "Movies suck".In addition, Princess Mononoke is universally renowned, I believe. Just old, however.

"How am I saying "anime sucks" as a general statement"
"Anime isn't considered for adults these days because the execution is bad and the writing is childish"
Okay, backtrack and ignore most of what I wrote. Princess Mononoke is about half as well known as Spirited Away and Ponyo, if that, and made way less money in the US. Critics liked it, but it's not what most people think when they think Ghibli. Googling "Movies suck" returns mostly results complaining about Hollywood or "modern movies", not people saying that about the entire medium.

>Yes, but in your context, you are making it seem like I'm saying anime=bad. As if I'm saying something being anime cannot be good simply because it's anime when my follow up is providing animation that has superior execution than what you normally see in current anime. My statement is simply saying, most anime is poorly written and executed, thus not well received by adults. Though I will admit, it can be read as a general statement, so that's my fault. Most people usually don't need the #notall. People do say movies suck, the google search easily proves that. You just apply the #notall to them, but decided not to apply it to my statement so you can argue whatever it is you're arguing.

>Princess Mononoke came out in 1999 (US). Spririted Away made more money, but that's not to say Princess Mononoke was not its own success, and you can even say Princess Mononoke paved the way for the success of Spirited Away. Doing rough math, it made 7x its budget which is comparable to the Matrix but it's certainly no Lion King. Regardless, being universally renowned is not about the profit, it's about the reception. How it is received by a wide audience and whether they liked it or not.

Something can't be "universally renowned" if it's not well known. It was watched by anime fans and arthouse viewers on release, not the general public. Princess Mononoke is only as well know as it is because it was made by the same studio behind My Neighbor Totoro, Kiki's Delivery Service and Spirited Away, not the other way around.

Your entire premise that adults like things based on how "well written and executed" they are, and they wouldn't like things that don't fit that bill, is extremely moronic. There's a million and one examples that prove that's not the case.

>You really want to argue about Princess Mononoke? It came out before Spirited Away. Allow me to just paste the snippet from Google. "Box office. Princess Mononoke was the highest-grossing Japanese film of 1997, earning ¥11.3 billion in distribution rental earnings.

>That's not my premise. I said (and let me quote this time), "Anime isn't considered for adults these days because the execution is bad and the writing is childish." and "Japanese anime is better when it comes to the actual animation (usually), but western "anime" has better writing and execution (usually)."

>I didn't say adults like things based on how well-written and executed they are. I said if you want an anime to be considered for adults it has to be well-written and executed. Serious themes can get lost in an animation (whether Japanese, American, or whatever) if the execution is not done right. There is an inherent softness to drawings that has to be overcome, an inherent softness to colorful worlds, and an inherent softness to animated characters since it is more difficult to make them show emotion, especially subtle. So, because animation has inherent softness, it's more difficult for an adult to take it seriously regardless of the theme. It NEEDS to be executed right and/or written well. The execution involves things such as music, color palette, transitions, settings, voice acting, etc. Some animation that keeps the inherent softness (like Disney films) heightens values, such as music, to a level that even adults can appreciate.

>A rape in anime can come off as a depiction of real-world issues or hentai based on the execution. It's hard to make that error in live-action. Crying in anime can come off as cringe or actually sad, based on the music and voice acting. In live-action, it's mainly the actor that sells it.

>If you are an artist, you have to choose the best medium to tell your story. Anime is an uphill battle for telling adult-themed stories. It takes skill from both the writers and the animators. Something that was dark and gritty as a manga can come out like a kid show when animated if not careful. Terra Formars season one vs Terra Formars Revenge is a good example.

The performance of Princess Mononokoe in Japan is entirely irrelevant. People there don't "not consider anime for adults". Anime and manga for every age group is produced. When you say the reason anime isn't seen as "adult" is because its execution isn't up to par, that obviously implies that being "well-written" is a prerequisite for being seen as "adult".

Now you bring up animation's supposed "inherent softness". I disagree with that notion. There's no "inherent softness" to animation and you only perceive that as such because you were conditioned to see animation as inherently childish. You have a western perspective. Don't treat it like fact. "it's more difficult for an adult to take it seriously" is nothing but skewed bullshit.

Either you're a troll or you're an idiot. Keep watching your /co/ shit and fuck off.

>Imagine this hostility in a forum that talks about SJWs not being able to handle stuff. lmao. You are honestly making yourself look foolish trying to deny one of the most popular anime films in history. I've also been watching anime my whole life. You say an anime fan doesn't care if someone thinks it's for adults or not, but it really seems to be getting to you.

>Anime has inherent softness. Sorry, you refuse to believe reality. It takes effort/intention to make anime look as gritty as the real world. Older anime was better at having rough styles but now, it's too soft as if they aren't trying to add a real-world feel. This is a good style if you want to do a mature theme, as was the first season of Terra Formars.

>The problem is that even that intentionally styled aesthetic pales to the grit that live-action can capture, simply because it's live-action. The dirt on people's clothes, their wrinkles, their sweat, the dust that erupts when someone disturbs an old room.

I care when somebody masquerades as a fan, but sees anime being more beautiful than real life as a negative. Being more beautiful adds to emotional impact. Part of why I watch anime is so I don't have to look at disgusting 3dpd. You worship ugliness and you don't belong. Back of the bus.

>The softness can be a good thing, but it's not when a soft theme isn't your goal. You have to make some conscious decisions to overcome that softness. Now, if you're making a Disney movie, that softness helps add to the fairytale.

>It's not one-sided. Live-action has its limits and often looks terrible when it tries to adapt an anime, especially an anime that has supernatural elements and powers. Live-action has to overcome its limitations and make conscious decisions, just in a different way, however, they often fail to do so. I don't have to bring up the Dragonball movie, do I?

>Admitting that anime has to overcome its softness is not an insult. It's something for anime producers to keep in mind. Adding music can help make up for that. Some change the style for particular scenes (sometimes for budget, sometimes artistic, and sometimes both). Some play around with transitions and shots. In other words, execution can make or break an anime and its reception.

"it's not when a soft theme isn't your goal"
Wrong. Saying the same thing over and over wont make it true. Some of my favorite rock hard, throbbing anime has a moe art style. That adds to it, not subtracts. The contrast between moe and dark elements creates greater emotional impact than live action shit. Empathizing with a 2d character is easier too.

The vast majority of adults are morons who consume the dumbest, least creative, most play it safe shit possible. You try to blame that on some inherent short-coming of anime because you're a fake fan. Anime wont change for your up your own ass, "mature" taste and that's a good thing. Last reply.

>Then you are delusional. Can't admit to the success of Princess Mononoke but want to call others fake fans. Yeah. Okay. Glad that's your last reply so you can stop embarrassing yourself.
>> No. 37528 [Edit]
Australia? really? That country should only be used as an example of what to avoid. When it comes to anime & manga it's the most closed minded backwards place out there.
>> No. 37529 [Edit]
You say it's pointless anon, but I doubt you realize how pointless it really is. Everytime you feel like responding to shit online, imagine that you're not actually helping curb the shit, you're swallowing it instead.
>> No. 37530 [Edit]
>Everytime you feel like responding to shit online, imagine that you're not actually helping curb the shit, you're swallowing it instead.
That's a good way of putting it. I'd like a larger pool of people to engage with, but arguments are the only form of engagement possible with most people besides idle chit chat.
>> No. 37531 [Edit]
what do you do for a living?
>> No. 37532 [Edit]
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I think I posted that but I can't be completely sure because alzheimers.
Anyway, I worked amd keep working as a receptionist in a multinational. I used to work 12h per day some days and weeks but I stopped taking shit and I'm trying to avoid it at any cost. That makes everyone hate me but fuck them.
Before that I worked in a hotel 80-90 hours/week, now that was a living hell.
>> No. 37533 [Edit]
why did you have to work such extreme hours?
>> No. 37536 [Edit]
There's this obnoxious, mind-numbing ignorance to his posts, as if he knows just enough about what he's talking about to form an opinion on it but not enough for that opinion to make any sense. He takes such a surface level look on everything, not considering any of the obvious factors or contradictions to that look. I find that most of the MAL people I've seen do this, although I don't browse MAL that often at all. They feel obligated to take a pretentious view on everything, presuambly to avoid looking like a rabid "weeaboo" although they end up looking ten times worse. It's impossible to like a show if it's too childish, except if it's a childish show made by this popular studio that's well known by everyone, then they're obligated to like it.
The worst parts tend to come when they act like they know anything about animation, anything about the hard work that people put in to the production of the shows they're talking about. It's something that's incredibly easy to overlook, especially if the animation is well-done, which is why I assume he had to rely on box office numbers instead of his own intuition to understand why Mononoke was liked. His talk about "softness" in animation is completely void, it's as if he doesn't understand animation in the slightest. It's true that more detail requires more effort, but such detail can spin in any such direction. He assumes that this 'softness' is the lazy way out, since he's a mouthbreather with no experience or understanding of animation. You can put just as much, if not even more effort into something designed to be 'soft' in style as you can into something gritty.
I'm not sure if it applies to him, but another thing I've occasionally noticed among MAL or other anime reviewers is a lack of understanding of the target audience of the shows they're watching. Having an elaborate review is one thing, not realizing that the show you're reviewing is targeted at children is another. For an example, this would be as if someone was reviewing Scooby Doo as a piece of horror fiction designed for adults, and then criticizing its supposed shallowness.

I'm honestly surprised someone can be an anime fan all their lives and hate every last bit of it, but in the same vein it's something I expect from one of these pretentious queers who try to justify their escapism at every single bend by trying to argue that it is or should be their vague definition of "art" or "more adult like". Same shit happens in video games too.
Perhaps the crux of it all is that liking things makes you more vulnerable to be criticized, so they avoid this by only ever liking things that everyone else likes too.
>> No. 37537 [Edit]
This is tangential, but I'm surprised that MAL hasn't been able to better capitalize (not in the monetary sense, but in the "functionality" sense) on all the user-data they have. For instance, I've noticed that issue you mentioned
>lack of understanding of the target audience of the shows they're watching.
when skimming the reviews of shows that I've planned to watch, and it's astounding how many are from people who self-proclaim to dislike the genre and then give it a low score (this is particularly bad with cgdct shows; yes the fact that "nothing exciting happens" is the point of it. But the nuance between shows is what that "nothing" consists of).

This could be partially mitigated if they provided a way to weight reviews based on how much their watch history overlaps with yours. And more generally I don't know why they haven't been able to make use of people's watch lists to give better recommendations. Now while it's true that recommendation systems are challenging to get right, a simple SVD as was seen in the Netflix Prize challenge can get you most of the way there. Even just clustering users based on any similarity metric would work.
>> No. 37538 [Edit]
>I'm surprised that MAL hasn't been able to better capitalize (not in the monetary sense, but in the "functionality" sense) on all the user-data they have.
Kind of hard when you don't have a shit-ton of money to cover server costs. The other option being making their site slower and heavier on the user-side of things.
>> No. 37539 [Edit]
When workmates couldn't make it I was the one and only substitute. All this have teached me some non intuitive truths about work relations; being receptive to help and nice is really detrimental and goes against your interests and how people see you.
>> No. 37540 [Edit]
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Who the fuck has discussions in MAL of all places. I don't understand. I can't understand.
>> No. 37541 [Edit]
Boredom and controversial subject matter.
>> No. 37542 [Edit]
In the 10+ years I've had an account on mal, I've posted maybe 3-4 times in the forums, felt pretty pointless. I also tried talking to people via profile comments/messages for a bit and found most of the users are retards.
>> No. 37543 [Edit]
>I also tried talking to people via profile comments/messages for a bit and found most of the users are retards.
This is true for any sufficiently large community whose gates are open.
>> No. 37544 [Edit]
>lack of understanding of the target audience of the shows they're watching
>when skimming the reviews of shows that I've planned to watch, and it's astounding how many are from people who self-proclaim to dislike the genre and then give it a low score

This is something I think about it often. How good are you at picking a title to watch. I consider being able to peruse, inspect and select a media you'll enjoy to be something of an art form in itself. Knowing exactly what the show is, where you stand in relation to it and your expectations towards it plays a huge part in your ability to enjoy it. In fact, if you get really good at this game, you can enjoy bad shows because you watched them at the right time. There's lots of fun to be had on trying to pick the right title at the right time just by looking at the cover and reading a short synopsis.

I'm convinced this is more related to the delusion people have they're the only intelligent person that happens to be perpetually surrounded by morons.
>> No. 37545 [Edit]
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What's the deal with 2006 and popular anime? Haruhi, Death Note, Black Lagoon and Ouran Koukou Host Club all aired then and I don't think anything since has surpassed those in terms of popularity on the internet. For some reason, 2006 is the "defining year" or something. Did some bizarre event happen in 2006? Maybe it's just in my head.
>> No. 37546 [Edit]
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What bothers me from MAL scores is how they are so low in OVA's and old anime that isn't the typical entry level stuff, at least compared to seasonal shit. Stuff like Dragon's Heaven, Black Magic or Madox barely have a 6 or less. Someone told me it was because they priorize plot over anything else so short action OVA's were at disadvantage but then I read how they say they suffer from "bad animation" (some of those OVA's are not only good but even excellently animated) and I just knew they don't have a clue about what they are talking about, besides being blind.
>> No. 37547 [Edit]
I haven't used MAL in many years, but even back then I found the forum both too big and filled with too many users either being the pretentious queers mentioned above or some kind of early version of the ironic weeb. I can only imagine what it's like now. Sometimes I miss the list function because I'm senile and can't remember how many episodes I've seen.

I feel the post-2012-14 stuff has surpassed. Sword Art Online, Jojo, One Punch Man, Konosuba, Re:Zero, Tokyo Ghoul, whatever else they're called.

2006 was probably the peak year of mangamania in my country, though it was never really a mania and never really mainstream, we mostly got shounen and a few shoujo and South Korean manwha, and a majority of incomplete series. There was a nice MAL-like community back then, but it got shut down along with all the series being cancelled at the end of the decade. While poor sales were mostly blamed, "hate speech" and "bullying" on the forums were also. Miss those days, but I'm kind of glad they're over because it would've turned to shit sooner or later anyway.
>> No. 37548 [Edit]
>they say they suffer from "bad animation"
They can't handle cell animation and people conflate old with bad. I will say that stills from Dragon's Heaven remind me a bit too much of the 70s, which is a style I find ugly irrespective of anything else.
>> No. 37549 [Edit]
I hardly ever hear about them. I can't even remember when I would have heard of or seen an image of one of those last, probably a few weeks ago in a thread about live action remakes. I would say many animes have surpassed them in terms of popularity, Kemono Freinds, Fate, Yuru Camp, Yuru Yuri, Precure(thought that is seasonal I guess), Madoka, Girls und Panzer, Lucky Star, ReZero, Konosuba, JoJO(whether you like it or not) etc, that's just from the top of my head. I see all of these anime mentioned much more than the ones you talked about.

The most highly rated anime on MAL is Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood(or it was last I checked) so I would not read much into it.
>> No. 37550 [Edit]
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To me those feel more like passing trends while people will be talking about Death Note til the heat death of the universe, so I guess it's just my perspective.
>> No. 37551 [Edit]
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Do you find Moebius ugly?
>> No. 37552 [Edit]
No. I like surrealism and illustrations. I wouldn't call his work pretty though and the pulp sci-fi aspects seem dated. I think his style works best as stand-alone drawings since they're too saturated and lacking in clean simplicity to form an entire world around in my opinion. Maybe they could be called suffocating. Dragon's Heaven could have looked more modern while still having that motif too.

Post edited on 5th Feb 2021, 10:24am
>> No. 37553 [Edit]
>To me those feel more like passing trends
A lot of those series are a decade old. Madoka had its 10th anniversary. Hell, the Fate anime aired in 2006. A big aspect of it is who things become successful with. The elephant in the room is KnY which is successful with people who don't watch other anime for instance.
>> No. 37554 [Edit]
>I'm convinced this is more related to the delusion people have they're the only intelligent person that happens to be perpetually surrounded by morons.
You have countless examples of popular things getting overrun with idiots who should have been gatekept. You should draw a line on how much of a contrarian you're willing to be.
>> No. 37555 [Edit]
>shit-ton of money to cover server costs
Except MAL is a mostly static site, so a simple caching server (or CDN if they don't want to maintain their own) would be sufficient. But they apparently don't seem to use one since the site goes down seemingly every other week instead of degrading into a read-only mode.
>slower and heavier on the user-side of things.
I guess one upside from their lack of resources is the fact that their site is still mostly lightweight and simple rather than the bloated JS messes of kitsu/anilist/etc. The aforementioned changes on weighted ratings would be more of a backend change though; I don't see why it would make the site heavier from the user-side.

>select a media you'll enjoy to be something of an art form in itself
There's a certain satisfaction to be had when you hit the bulls-eye in the game of picking shows. It requires good knowledge both of yourself as well as genres; that said, you're right in that it's more of an art-form than a science since even after considering all the available information it's more of a subjective hunch. Even more satisfying is to find a "conventionally unpopular" show, an experience akin to finding an undervalued stock I guess.

I also like to keep a sort of mental topological map of how all the shows I've seen relate to each other. That way when evaluating new shows the game becomes one of trying to predict where it would land in that map and how well I've liked similar shows (I suppose it's in essence "seeing what shows are similar to it" but keeping that global picture in mind tends to help with this).

>surpassed them in terms of popularity
I don't think shows like Kemono Friends, Yuru Yuri, and Yuru Camp are in the same league of popularity as something like JoJo or Konosouba (in the US at least). There likely exist a significant number of people who have watched JoJo or Death Note but have not heard of Kemono Friends; on the flipside I think it's rare that anyone who has watched Kemono Friends would not have heard of JoJo.
>> No. 37569 [Edit]
I don't know, many of these are years old or more and I hardly ever see people talking about Death Note, if ever.

They are appreciated by different circles, you are right though. This makes it hard to say what really popular and liked anime and thus often talked about anime would be because it changes by circle. But yes while fans of Kemono Friends may know of Jojo, this is because of the more obscure nature of Kemono Friends(amongst the main stream) they are likely to know more anime in general, but they still don't talk about Jojo much(naturally as they are different types of anime).

This probably relates to my above reply a bit, it may be that he frequents particular sites where people do talk about these kinds of anime for some reason. I just never see that myself.
>> No. 37576 [Edit]
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I am not shocked by the dumb exchange, which you shouldn't even engage with as gaijins are usually dismissed as pirates despite what imageboard fearmongerers tell you, what I am shocked about however is that people still use MAL's forums, or forums to talk about anime at all.
I thought Reddit and Discord killed everything like that, now I'm curious what's left and still active. I remember someone mentioning something about LunarAnime/AnimeSuki a year or so ago here.
>> No. 37577 [Edit]
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On a lighter, cooler note I have discovered the world of puro, it rules.
Can't really go into much here because of the 3D nature of it, but it feels very much like the 90s and early 2000s anime days we all miss dearly.
>> No. 37592 [Edit]
I never went on AnimeSuki, but I remember people used to shit on them in the past. I also remember someone mentioning it here not too long ago and seeing people registered during the 2000's still posting when taking a look on the forums.
Most if not all of the forums I went on are long dead and removed, either to inactivity or just turning to shit due to people ruining them.

Where to start and what to check out? I'm into sumo wrestling myself, next tournament is a month away so might as well.
>> No. 37595 [Edit]
File 161276106570.png - (78.66KB , 1253x380 , Baka-Updates wishes you farewell.png )
>but I remember people used to shit on them in the past
They were known as like casual weaboo back in the day I think (similar to Gaia I recall), but people actually miss those types now, and they're surprisingly active still for what they are.
The issue with forums like that is if they aren't abandoned they become a club for old-timers, and it's awkward if new people join.

I think there are still some sakuga forums active though, with some going as far as to call them good.
ANN of all things still has a forum, but it's mostly full of people posting threads and not replying, also seems to have a userbase of pretentious snobs. In fact, most of these database sites have forums and IRC channels, YMMV, I haven't checked them all out.
Anime torrent trackers all have forums too, with AB being reasonably active but a lot of people are afraid of saying the wrong thing and risking their tree. The others like BBT are like what I mentioned, filled with veterans talking off-topic and probably have met IRL.

Most that I remember have either been overrun by spam or taken down, not that many of them were worth reading because back in the day everyone and their mother had a forum for this. I suspect userbase rot is the culprit.
>> No. 37596 [Edit]
File 161277256810.png - (16.21KB , 317x317 , 1610845786507.png )
90's AJPW and 2000s NOAH are good places to start with puro. 2015 and 2016 NJPW are probably the height of that if you prefer.
There are torrent packs easily available.
>> No. 37616 [Edit]
got the vaccine today,
side effect a slight tingling on my tongue and general feeling of malaise with some cold sweats.
>> No. 37617 [Edit]
File 161292727836.png - (742.65KB , 860x1214 , bc86edac38b43a5d18a75c66ee8c91cc.png )
What kind did you get? mRNA(2 shots) or the John Hopkins(1 shot) one?
>> No. 37619 [Edit]
Good luck with not dying anon.
>> No. 37620 [Edit]
You got Bell's palsy syndrome
>> No. 37621 [Edit]
I got the pfizer vaccine, which is one of the two that uses the mrna technology.
>> No. 37623 [Edit]
>mrna technology.
I don't know if it's just the kerning on the font I'm using or bad eyesight but that read as "mma". I also hadn't realized that there were two independent mRNA based ones: biontech and moderna. All this time I assumed it was shared research between the two. together.
>> No. 37626 [Edit]
I heard some bad things about that one(from Russian sources so take that how you will), we are getting that one in my country as well. I won't take it if I don't have to though, there have been so few cases here that I don't see it as worthwhile. I am yet to even wear a face mask.
>> No. 37628 [Edit]
>there have been so few cases here that I don't see it as worthwhile
Where the hell do you live?
>> No. 37631 [Edit]
South Australia. I just checked, we had 606 cases so far.
>> No. 37658 [Edit]
File 16132917087.png - (2.15MB , 1137x1062 , helping the lost girl.png )
I finally made an nhentai account. I should probably use g.e-hentai instead but the last time I did there wasn't always seeders for the things I wanted to download so I just had to save the images manually. It's too early for me to say whether or not it's better overall, and I likely won't prefer it over g.e-hentai but the two doujins I torrented were at least very quick unlike g.e-hentai where I can sometimes be lucky to make any progress at all through torrenting. I'm not happy to admit that pressure was the motivation behind this decision since this country is so censor-happy and I don't want a repeat of the pornhub incident so I want to stock up on the doujins I like just in case something bad happens. I'll likely be chipping away at the long list of bookmarked doujins I have by torrenting them all but perhaps with a slight bit of urgency by doing so daily. Though if there is one thing that I would definitly like nhentai to have it's a blacklist.
>> No. 37659 [Edit]
I've always used "". It's pretty lightweight and seems to have all the needed features. The booru counterpart "" is great too.
>> No. 37661 [Edit]
nHentai parasitizes off of exhentai. When something is uploaded to exhentai, that's where nhentai gets its copy from(I've seen this in real time). That means exhentai gets stuff faster. Not only that, but exhentai has artist cgs(basically a colored, computer doujin) and pixiv collections(including fanbox stuff) while nhentai doesn't.

Hitomi also parasitizes off of exhentai. It at least has artists cgs, but the search function is extremely slow for some reason and english translations of certain things have mysteriously disappeared off of their website for stuff like Maron Maron cgs.

Both have a better built in image viewer than exhenai's obsolete, cumbersome one, but to call them "better" than exhentai ignores the massive value its community has in actually uploading to the internet and commissioning translations.

Post edited on 14th Feb 2021, 6:32am
>> No. 37663 [Edit]
Yeah I assumed that was implicitly well-known. Although calling them "parasites" seems a bit derogatory. "Mirroring" would work just as well, and while uploaders are important I don't see any harm being done by mirrors that make the uploaded content more widely available. After all the end-goal of the uploader is to share something with the web.
>> No. 37667 [Edit]
I don't see the harm in it either, but asking which one is "better" assumes they're even comparable to begin with.
>> No. 37685 [Edit]
File 161344453979.png - (4.53MB , 1447x2047 , 私が作ったホットミルクをどうぞっ.png )
A few days ago when I was driving to work I saw a billboard celebrating the Lunar New Year and a truck that said "China Post". It wasn't the first billboard advertising it and when I came back home steam had a Lunar New Year sale. I don't think I remember a Chinese holiday having been celebrated before but I hope, and strongly doubt, that normalfags are seeing it and asking questions.

Post edited on 16th Feb 2021, 9:18pm
>> No. 37686 [Edit]
One could see it as a china take over, but another might think rat = plague, where as bull/cow = bull market (a good thing).

...but yeah no, china's culture has been infiltrating ours for a while now. In mainstream media (film/tv) it's blatant how we've been pandering to them and including them in everything.
>> No. 37687 [Edit]
File 161344700063.jpg - (530.78KB , 850x994 , sample_f18d51a065de476dd1761cc29c811607.jpg )
It's time to bow down to your new overlords.
>> No. 37688 [Edit]
I wish our new overlords didn't have such an ear sour of a language.
>> No. 37690 [Edit]
They've been doing Steam Lunar New Year sales for a while now.
>> No. 37692 [Edit]
I disagree about the Chinese taking over. Its likely there is just a racial enclave nearby you. There are plenty of Koreans and Indians living here and similar things happen with that.
Stop saving samples.
>> No. 37693 [Edit]
I have a small drive, so no.
>> No. 37694 [Edit]
Sex drive? Hard drive?
>> No. 37696 [Edit]
Solid state drive.
>> No. 37698 [Edit]
>I disagree about the Chinese taking over. Its likely there is just a racial enclave nearby you. There are plenty of Koreans and Indians living here and similar things happen with that.
It looks like a glowie found us.
>> No. 37699 [Edit]
File 161351784382.jpg - (47.87KB , 400x500 , 1568299628052.jpg )
I listened to political talk today. I feel nauseous. How do people live like this?
>> No. 37700 [Edit]
Different anon. There used to be a large Chinese supermarket near me that closed. I know somebody who's a teacher and they've noticed that as the indian student body grows, the east asian body shrinks. I think that's how things go.
>> No. 37701 [Edit]
File 161352214142.png - (161.29KB , 1141x829 , __houraisan_kaguya_and_teruyof_touhou_drawn_by_hos.png )
Why subject yourself to that?
>> No. 37702 [Edit]
Well we only accept Chinese as students for money and if Indians are willing to pay then no need for Chinese. And we have all of the talk going around of Chinese infiltration of the education system so even more incentive not to have them.
>> No. 37704 [Edit]
File 161353973583.png - (2.14MB , 3028x2000 , aa67505d123611cc9aa7ba04c319960d.png )
The only reason I can think of is that maybe they fell for the "these times" meme and feel the urgency that motivates them to keep up with the news. Of course, they're always misinformed and what they think boils down to replacing jews and chinks with trump supporters and incels for scapegoating.
>> No. 37705 [Edit]
File 161357145732.jpg - (53.65KB , 761x699 , LEAP7975.jpg )
I have noticed the imageboard crowd is moving to textboards.
>> No. 37706 [Edit]
What is the point of a text board? It's just an imageboard with less features.
>> No. 37707 [Edit]
It forces people to make slightly less shitty posts and prevents spam a bit. They can't use the power of images to communicate emotions responsibly, so they either over rely on or abuse it and make awful posts. On a textboards that's not an option. They can still make awful posts, but there's less incentive to.

Post edited on 17th Feb 2021, 6:28am
>> No. 37708 [Edit]
It self-selects the audience to people willing to read for one. Text-boards also have the benefit of being easier and safer to run (no CP spam at 3am and a call to the FBI right after).
Another benefit is that they can be fully accessed with text browsers like lynx or w3m, which makes it trivial to read at work for the more techy crowd (managers don't read terminal text as a general rule).
The vibe is just different. People tend to put more effort into what they write because there's no shortcut available. To try to be funny on an imageboard, you can post a meme (ancient or new), to be funny on a textboard you actually have to write funny text.
>> No. 37709 [Edit]
I don't the like the idea of people putting in more effort because they're forced to through absent features. The "vibe" being better doesn't make up for not having pictures. Techy anons tend to be snobbish too in my experience.
>> No. 37710 [Edit]
It replaced religion. I assume it gives people a sense of belonging and hope and all that jazz. Thankfully a lot of people dropped it when the election ended.
>> No. 37713 [Edit]
>less shitty posts and prevents spam a bit
Ironic considering how much DQN culture pervades many of the textboards.
>> No. 37720 [Edit]
Then I'm just glad to have assurance that the filter is working as intended.
>> No. 37721 [Edit]
Yes, and pigs are glad not to have humans rolling around in the muck with them too. If text boards are so superior, why would people who like them ever bother with imageboards? They can just stay in their pen and circle jerk about bloat and text editors or whatever.

Post edited on 18th Feb 2021, 4:40pm
>> No. 37722 [Edit]
Where are these supposed textboards with high quality content? Tinychan/FSF has low quality conten; schemebbs is meh (/prog/ is ok I guess but I don't care much for lisp in particular; I get enough of that on the orange bar site); savoq and spin-offs are as terrible as you'd expect for actual discussion. In fact the only textboards with occasional good posts I've managed to find are 4-ch and letterbox, but even the latter has lost some luster lately.

Overall unless I'm missing something textboards in the western sphere are no better than imageboards quality of content-wise. I suppose you could say that the worst textboards are better than the worst imageboards, but considering that all you've really done is swap images for ascii art that's not saying much.

I do agree that in general allowing too many images can derail threads though. It's for this reason that I hate all the lynxchan clones since the ability to attach multiple images per post means that every thread becomes more of an image dump.
>> No. 37729 [Edit]
I hope you're doing okay.
I have deep anxiety about getting a vaccine, specifically the long term effects, if I die I want a brain hemmorage.
>> No. 37730 [Edit]
It annoys me that people always dismiss vaccine skeptics as some sort of "anti-science" hillbillies, as if "science" was some sort of religious of absolute truth. I personally don't question the efficacies and benefits of vaccines, but modern vaccines aren't just the weakened/inactivated viruses that they originally were. You have to worry about cross interactions with the body's own proteins (many of which we probably don't even fully understand yet), and there's a fine line between stimulating the immune response and overstimulating it.

Similarly I don't know why people make fun of those who believe harmful effects of cell phone radiation/wifi/5G. Yes it's non-ionizing, but that alone doesn't guarantee safety; for instance, hypothetically if the body/brain made use of weak low-frequency signals for signaling/etc. then it's possible that an externally imposed EM field could either interfere or resonate with it. It hasn't even been a generation since the widespread prevalence of these things.
>> No. 37734 [Edit]
>It annoys me that people always dismiss vaccine skeptics as some sort of "anti-science" hillbillies, as if "science" was some sort of religious of absolute truth.
To avoid getting into /tat/ territory, all i'll say is "believe in science!" is the new "Because God said so!"
>> No. 37758 [Edit]
one other side effect that seemed to happen a week later was neck pain right below my jaw (inflamed lymph nodes possibly?) which went away in a day.
>> No. 37783 [Edit]
The text/imageboard split is real: disallowing something, like imageposting, can be a feature. In more recent times, people pushing gemini/gopher also claim that and I see it as a parallel to early 2000s "textboard" purism. Complete with gopher being old and unintentionally primitive.
The phpBB vs. forced anonymous "shiichans" also differ in more than a registration. Not only did phpBB instances encouraged registration, but also early from the start building a personality: various badges & stars, titles ("this person is a supreme expert / veteran member / Orc captain") etc. - this goes far beyond "tripfagging".
While it is true that all these software is of one general type, that doesn't completely refute the "medium is the message" type of theory.
>> No. 37837 [Edit]
File 161466475254.png - (127.41KB , 489x424 , 1565019816326.png )
>Where are these supposed textboards with high quality content? Tinychan/FSF has low quality conten; schemebbs is meh (/prog/ is ok I guess but I don't care much for lisp in particular; I get enough of that on the orange bar site); savoq and spin-offs are as terrible as you'd expect for actual discussion.
Textboards pop up every day, there seems to be a bit of a buzz about them with the small userbase left for these sort of sites, there are things like txtchan and overtext that attempt to catalog them. They are popping up on different protocols too. Tinychan and boards of that ilk are considered talkboards and not textboards.
>In fact the only textboards with occasional good posts I've managed to find are 4-ch and letterbox, but even the latter has lost some luster lately.
letterbox, unfortunately, had most of its userbase scared off by a spammer, that's probably why the userbase has gotten worse.
>> No. 37854 [Edit]
took the second dose of the vaccine , side effect: felt like i had the flu with a low grade fever, went away the next day though arm soreness persisted for a day longer.
>> No. 37856 [Edit]
Apparently that's a common issue (some say Moderna vaccine is more likely to elicit pain after second shot). Not even close to a medical researcher but in general second shots are known to trigger stronger immune responses (spiking serum antibody levels)), and I'm guessing that's what is eliciting the adverse reaction. The same would probably happen if a previously infected person took the vaccine.
>> No. 37858 [Edit]
I have a heart condition and qualified to get the vaccine early but was too much of an anxious wreck to actually go there. I don't know if I regret it or not. I mean I already get the flu shot every year because of said heart condition. When my doctor finds out I didn't get this thing he's going to have a field day lecturing me like I'm fucking 6.
>> No. 37927 [Edit]
My monitor has reached the point where it is burning images into the middle of the screen, not permanently yet but still. It annoys me even more as this was not a cheap monitor and I have already had issues with them. It's a 1440p gaming monitor that I got about 3 years ago, I actually got a different model 1440p fist but the corners had such white light that I sent it back for a refund, even this one is not ideal in that regard but better. I also don't like the anti-reflective coating on modern monitors, it makes images grainy. Oh yeah, two pixels are dead on it too, one died early on and the other maybe after a year.
>> No. 37928 [Edit]
I only ever had the cheapest, small LG and Acer ones and they all lasted without issues way longer than that. That sucks. Do you have money to replace it? That always seem to be the most important thing at the end of the day.
>> No. 37929 [Edit]
Before this one I used to have one made in 2007 that was not even 1080p but the screen was glass and it never had any major faults.

It seems that monitor costs have gone down quite a bit now with monitors of the same spec being half the price(well slightly better even, mine was 144hz these are 165hz) and there are non-gaming 1440ps in the market too(there wasn't before really) so getting a new monitor won't be an issue I'll just have to hope it lasts longer than this one.
>> No. 37947 [Edit]
Just found out that you can buy self-heating sex robots with Alexa-style AI now, for a price that I could afford if I wanted to:

It can only move its head though. My point still stands that I won't get a sex robot until they're mobile and intelligent enough to clean themselves.
>> No. 37950 [Edit]
Two of my Siblings got tattoos on the weekend. I expected better from them, I always expect more from my family and then they let me down and yet I still somehow never see them for what they are. I guess this at least should stop now that they have permanent reminders of what they are attached to them.

Post edited on 22nd Mar 2021, 7:35am
>> No. 37951 [Edit]
Not that isn't disgusting, but like 100% of normals have tattos today.
>> No. 38004 [Edit]
what kind of tattoos did they get? I hope it's not something stupid like the name of a band or a Rick&Morty character.
>> No. 38005 [Edit]
It's mind boggling that people would willingly pay to have their bodies permanently defaced and look like a walking graffiti tagged building straight out a ghetto.
>> No. 38030 [Edit]
I could never afford that. Seeing rich people everywhere is so tiresome.
>> No. 38031 [Edit]
I feel like my body is decaying away.
>> No. 38109 [Edit]
I recently went down the rabbit hole of homeopathy, trying to read both sides of the matter. It's interesting that like you mentioned, the group against it is rabidly, fervently against even considering the possibility that it could work – the same who people who call anyone against vaccines misconstrue arguments to blindly label people as "anti-vaxxers."

That aside, here's a summary of the things I found

* Most randomized/blinded trials have used the same homeopathic "prescription" for all people in the test group. These studies have failed to find any evidence that homeopathy is better than placebo, and so the anti-group feels justified to scathe anyone who even mentions the word. However, this is completely disingenuous: "classical" homeopathy is explicitly about an individualized treatment; i.e. a "remedy" that is chosen individually according to "traits" of each person (after a psychiatric-like consulting session). There have been very few studies on so-called "classical/individualized homeopathic treatment," so at best what you can conclude from the body of existing randomized trials is that the over-the-counter "homeopathic pills" that they for some reason sell at e.g. Whole Foods are bunk. It's disingenuous to extend this to the individually prescribed version.

* The few studies that do consider individualized treatments show a mild benefit over placebo; the most famous of this was [1], and even the annoying "skeptic" groups don't fault the design of the study but instead proclaim that it just can't work with our current understanding, and so the study must clearly be bunk. Indeed, they even admit
>Somehow, homeopathy works when it's individualized, but it falls apart when it's consistent throughout the board
Considering that the whole point of "classical homeopathy" is the individualized treatment, then under their criteria no study would ever be able to convince them. (For the sake of completeness, I also found [2] which a review paper [3] considered "was a well constructed RCT (albeit slightly underpowered) which scored highly on methodological quality" and admits "interesting differences between groups were observed which suggests that homoeopathic remedies were affecting FM symptoms over and above the non-specific placebo effects." yet in the conclusion/abstract state that all had "serious flaws."). People should focus on trying to replicate these sorts of studies, but I doubt anyone will due to lack of funding and the fact that no one would risk their reputation for a positive result.

* On the flipside, the homeopaths don't do themselves any favors by clinging to the "water memory" explanation, which is luckily something that can indeed be experimentally checked and replicated. They'd be better off just explaining it away as an unknown cause. There are also some interesting parallels to the recent EmDrive experiments (which ended up being just measurement error); both are in seeming violation of our current understanding, yet no one threw stones at the EmDrive team for publishing their results.

* Interestingly, the types of conditions homeopathy seems to work the best for are psychosomatic ones, usually related to chronic pain. I'm reminded very closely of the work by John Sarno [4] whose theories about RSI/chronic pain likewise have various anecdotal proponents but which run contrary to the conventional understanding. This is probably fertile area for research, but again it's an area that no one would be willing to touch with a ten foot pole.

>> No. 38141 [Edit]
File 16197501726.jpg - (206.62KB , 1092x1200 , 8de531d1e7b1d0941c2fae5bfb3e5a0d.jpg )
It's getting hot. How do you deal with it?
>> No. 38142 [Edit]
That's what I'm a bit concerned about. We're supposed to start our cross country RV trip in a few days, and the locations we're heading to get extremely hot this time of year. I'm not overly confident in the ac units this rv has, they seem like they might break down any day.
>> No. 38146 [Edit]
Week back I picked up some busted joycons for like $10 or so, thought I'd try repairing them. Opened them up and found they were toast, water damage or something. they seemed practically unfixable with the motherboards being very corroded.
For the hell of it I sent them in to nintendo's repair center since they do free repairs on joycons with drift and similar issues. Wasn't until after sending them out that I saw their ToS say they don't cover water damage.
Today however I got a brand new set in the mail from them. So that was pretty rad I gotta say.
>> No. 38151 [Edit]
so where the fuck do we draw the line?
do we take flat earthers seriously?
do we take otherkins seriously? are we suppose drop all common sense on the astronomically small chance that maybe the guy actually is a dragon?
>> No. 38152 [Edit]
Well they symptom of a disease is the same for all so the cure according to the homeopathic method would be the same. The problem with individualised treatment is that it could lead to the treater cycling through different treatments until one works and saying that was due to the individual nature of it when it was actually some other ingredient in the treatment that benefited the patient but had no bearing on homeopathy.

The individual nature of the treatment itself would also have positive effects on the patient, the feeling that the patient is being treated individually and the attention the patient will get are beneficial to the patient, studies have shown this as well.
>> No. 38153 [Edit]
Well belief in homeopathy would be equivalent to belief in the fact that some sort of extra-material "energetic/etheric" component of the body exists (see also >>/tat/1262) [since if you assume that, then the assumption that it can be manipulated by water that's been shaken (and stirred?) which presumably also has some sort of "energetic" component isn't too far of a leap].

>so where the fuck do we draw the line
Since you're dealing with extra-material phenomenon, it's in the same class of things as "paranormal" or "magick". Some people swear it's real and that they've experienced it themselves, attempts to reliably replicate it fail, it doesn't have any purely material explanations, etc. But the interesting thing about homeopathy is that with a properly designed large-enough trial it should be possible to actually see an effect (or lack of effect). As I've mentioned before almost all the trials performed so far are on non-individualized treatments which isn't the issue at hand, and the few trials on individualized treatment have all had methodological issues, casting their conclusions of it being more effective than placebo as questionable.

>symptom of a disease is the same for all
I think "individualized homeopathy" doesn't consider only the physical symptoms but also the entire emotional/mental characteristics of the person, closer to a psychiatric evaluation. And a lot of issues such as RSI don't all manifest in the same symptoms (nor do they even have defined physical causes).

But yes applying the notion of homeopathy to acute physical illnesses (e.g. infections, cancer, etc.) is asinine (at best it does nothing since mild infections go away on their own; at worst you've killed the patient). And if there is indeed any value to be had in homeopathy for less defined chronic illnesses (e.g. "brain fog", chronic fatigue syndrome) then it'd be completely unrelated to its original "uses" of "curing" diseases in the 18th century.

>feeling that the patient is being treated individually
Yeah I strongly believe that the "personal attention" afforded by indivdualized treatment (a stark contrast to the cold, clinical treatment you traditionally receive in hospitals) itself is responsible for some positive effects (especially in psychosomatic cases). And studies have indeed shown that things like calling a patient post-surgery reduces the perceived pain levels.

>problem with individualised treatmeent... it was actually some other ingredient in the treatment
Well considering that their dilutions don't have any other ingredient I guess in that case it'd just be regression to the mean.

But either way, a properly designed study could mitigate this: have a large pool of people with some condition that homeopaths generally agree is a good fit for treatment (I've read chronic skin conditions like eczema are a good one, and this allows for quantitative measurement of improvement). Have your control (placebo) group and two treatments groups, (of course blinding as much as possible). Allow the "homeopathic" doctor to consult each person and decide on a remedy, and based on the group the person will either be given a placebo, the remedy that was chosen, or some other random remedy.

To reduce the number of variables, people would be prevented from going in for a "re-assesment", but to compensate I guess you could try to get some homeopath who has a track record in the community of choosing good remedies first-time around. Then at the end of the trial you compare the groups.

So while it should be theoretically possible to conduct such a trial, in order for it to be effective you need a large number of people – because due to the indivdualized nature of this it can't be replicated independently. I wish someone would do this to finally settle the question, but the homeopaths probably don't care since they're convinced of it anyway and the non-homeopaths don't care since they're convinced it can't work.
>> No. 38176 [Edit]
My grotesque blister finally popped around midnight, but cleaning it while moderating my cat's curiosity was quite the challenge.
Tangentially related, it's a shame night's reign isn't longer as my productivity is significantly higher when the sun is sleeping. Even as a NEET with relatively few distractions, merely the comfort derived from knowing that nobody will try to interact with you is like a warm blanket warding off the Winter's gelid embrace.
>> No. 38181 [Edit]
I'd like to see before/after pics, but I understand pictures of that would be against site rules.
>> No. 38245 [Edit]
File 162131436375.png - (1.05MB , 1499x1581 , e9f842723cc590f0db65067f2c598b88.png )
I watched one episode of Code Gay Ass before dropping it like it was on fire. I don't remember seeing a more messy and poorly thought out set-up or premise.
>> No. 38246 [Edit]
It's pure fun, however.
>> No. 38247 [Edit]
Jojo is fun. Onizuka is fun. Even Kill la Kill is pretty fun. That. That was not fun.
>> No. 38248 [Edit]
There's some really messy stuff later on but there's nothing wrong with the first episode or even most of the first season, really.
Don't be such a stick in the mud.

Post edited on 17th May 2021, 10:51pm
>> No. 38250 [Edit]
Way too many convenient happenstances, pointless mechs, stupid setting, unbelievable action(he should have been killed like five times, but wasn't), a ridiculous power, tonal confusion and way too fast pacing, were all problems. It's one of the messiest first episodes I've ever seen. I'm surprised it could get worse.

Post edited on 17th May 2021, 11:09pm
>> No. 38251 [Edit]
>pointless mechs, stupid setting
You don't even know anything about the setting yet, and the mechs are both important and cool. I don't really have much to say about this other than this is simply not made for you, although you picked a very lame way to express it. I don't know how you'd enjoy any action series if realism and happenstance are concerns.

Post edited on 17th May 2021, 11:22pm
>> No. 38252 [Edit]
File 162132039847.jpg - (123.22KB , 850x773 , sample_b46d3d818930ca0b60ad78e098231a6c.jpg )
>I don't know how you'd enjoy any action series if realism and happenstance are concerns.
It's not about realism, it's about how things are conveyed to the audience. It has to FEEL believable and natural. The first soldier who finds the mc just so happened to be his childhood friend(who we have no idea why became a soldier despite his circumstances), and decides to spare him. For sparing the mc, I remember he gets killed too, right then and there by his higher-up for some reason, so there's really no other point to that character existing. We barely see him before that, so it has zero impact. Come on, that's total bullshit. They confront the mc again after he runs away, and they don't just shoot him, they start talking, for no god damn reason. I hate that. A power that lets you effortlessly mind control others is also bullshit in its entirety. That's not fun. Seeing a character creatively utilize a limited power is fun, like in Death Note or Jojo.

From the first episode I know the setting is a strange, futuristic, but also for some non-specified reason, classical empire, with pompous, cartoon villains as leaders. That wasn't interesting or compelling to me in the slightest. So Japan is a colony, but it's also pretty futuristic and they don't seem to be suffering much at all, the main character is a regular student and their school seems perfectly fine and not horribly totalitarian. Except in some slum we barely see, where in the very first episode, a mass-killing is performed nonchalantly. That is some seriously egregious "story-telling". This is just the tip of the iceberg of problems I had. Mechs always need some story reason to be justified because on their own they're pretty dumb. Here, they're just there, because why not. I can only see myself tolerating it if I was still in middle school.

Post edited on 17th May 2021, 11:48pm
>> No. 38253 [Edit]
>It has to FEEL believable and natural
It doesn't. Code Geass is theatrical, not realistic. I'm not even going to address most of your other points because it's clear that you didn't pay attention and are making an insane amount of assumptions about things that are addressed in subsequent episodes, and in doing so smugly elevate yourself over the material you refused to engage with. You also keep citing entry level shows which further increases my suspicions. But one I can't let go is saying the Geass is a power without limitations. This is blatantly false. It has a range limit, a usage limit, and contextual flaws. CG isn't even one of my favourite series and it's one that's full of flaws born of rewriting things on the fly, but you're focusing on non-issues and assumptions.

Post edited on 18th May 2021, 12:10am
>> No. 38254 [Edit]
I have not seen Code Gease but I think that thinks do have to be believable to a degree or it becomes hard for the audience to actually engage with the show. For example if you were watching a show that was basically 100% believable and a character was in danger or mortally wounded then because of the realism of the show the viewer may actually feel that the character may die whereas if the character is in a show where there is no believability and the author just pulls random and nonsensical events out of the hat to save the character whenever he looks to be in danger then the audience just won't connect to it. They'll know that if it looks like the character is in danger an alien space ship will crash on the antagonist or that even if he does die it will actually have been his twin all along or a dream or they collected the dragon balls and so they will just bring him back. The audience just won't care.
>> No. 38255 [Edit]
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Unrelated to your post, but your image reminds me of an artist known as 4n. (not worksafe)
>> No. 38256 [Edit]
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>Code Geass is theatrical
So is Death Note and Penguindrum. Neither of which has the problem of execution nearly this bad.
>it's clear that you didn't pay attention and are making an insane amount of assumptions
You can hand wave criticisms about literally any story. The "you didn't pay attention" way is the laziest means of doing that. I watched the thing, isn't that enough? What about Code Gay Ass requires the viewer to really soak in all the details? Is it really that sophisticated?
>entry level shows
Code Gay Ass is also an "entry level show". "Entry level shows" can be perfectly fine examples of good story telling, and most people can understand references to them. To say otherwise is to be smug and elitist yourself.
>This is blatantly false.
From the audience's perspective, he gets this power completely out of the blue, just out of thin air, and it's also just in the nick of time to save his life(when really he seriously should have been dead three minutes ago). Then, with no practice or any thinking, he waves his hand in the air and effortlessly gets out the situation with it. From the audience's perspective, this power is cheap and undeservingly solves issues it really shouldn't be solving. After that, I had no desire to keep watching and learn about the ACTUAL limitations of this power. The characters didn't entice me either. You said YOURSELF it gets bad. Well, I'm not surprised. It means my initial impression turned out to be useful and accurate. Audience conveyance is the absolute most important thing to good story telling.

Post edited on 18th May 2021, 7:25am
>> No. 38257 [Edit]
File 162135631571.png - (2.26MB , 1920x1080 , [CBM]_Code_Geass_-_01_-_The_Day_a_New_Demon_Was_Bo.png )
>From the audience's perspective, he gets this power completely out of the blue
This is exactly what I mean about not paying attention. It comes from CC, who has been established throughout the entire episode as a mysterious weapon of some sort, one that the Britannians would level a city to obtain. Her corpse is lying in front of him, even. If you can't connect the dots here that isn't a problem with the show, it's your problem. And it should seem powerful the first time he uses it, otherwise what kind of impact would it leave? Regarding knowing how to use it, it's an innate mental power, so obviously he should have some idea of what it entails. There's visual cues that indicate that he's been imparted with the knowledge. I said the show has its flaws but these are just extremely petty critiques.
>To say otherwise is to be smug and elitist yourself.
Admittedly it was a low blow.
>> No. 38258 [Edit]
>So Japan is a colony, but it's also pretty futuristic and they don't seem to be suffering much at all, the main character is a regular student and their school seems perfectly fine and not horribly totalitarian
I glossed over this earlier but this is also a big thing to misunderstand. That's a school for Britannian nobles, and has nothing to do with the living conditions of theJapanese Elevens. Lelouch is also Britannian.
>> No. 38259 [Edit]
File 16213580378.jpg - (157.95KB , 850x914 , sample_e5b03f9bf1e7bcb284c9a6f8aff98266.jpg )
>It comes from CC
No, that's not good enough. That's a plot explanation, which isn't what I meant. It FEELS out of the blue and too convenient, for a protagonist. The timing is wrong. Plot explanation =/= justification. He should have gotten those powers in a lower stakes situation. The whole first episode or two should have been about his daily life and/or him exploring these abilities, before having to use them in a dangerous situation, and it'd also be preferable if he gets into one in a more natural way than a complete accident. And again, the soldiers talking instead shooting was incredibly annoying. You said they really wanted CC, so why didn't they act more seriously? That's dissonance. These are soldiers, not high school villains.

The main character shouldn't know too much more than the audience either, especially about something that's also completely new to him like his power was(again, Death Note, which this is compared to often). The setting is also highly unusual, so the audience needed more time for it to soak in, so we can understand it and empathize with the mc's motivation and why he feels the empire is bad. The way that the empire is established as "bad thing" is too cheap and fast, like killing off the mc's childhood friend before we really know him, and some hollow exposition. That's extremely cheap. I wasn't given a reason to give a fuck. Bad conveyance. "Knowing" isn't enough to feel something.

>Britannian nobles, and has nothing to do with the living conditions of theJapanese Elevens
The difference between the two isn't given enough explanation. An episode to properly establish this shit would again, be very helpful. The beginning and his motivation makes him seem pretty Japanese.

Post edited on 18th May 2021, 10:16am
>> No. 38260 [Edit]
>He should have gotten those powers in a lower stakes situation. The whole first episode or two should have been about his daily life and/or him exploring these abilities
That's so fucking boring. That's like saying Gundam should have started with 3 episodes of Amuro practicing with the Gundam before the Zeon attack. That's not exciting at all.
>> No. 38261 [Edit]
I never watched Gundam or felt any inclination to. Gunbuster though did have a training episode, even though it was only 6 episodes long. That was a good decision.
>That's so fucking boring.
How? It's the setting. One of the most important parts of a story with a weird setting. If that's boring, your setting is bad. Made in Abyss did that really well. And how is establishing the main character's motivation and powers boring? That's the whole god damn point of anything that happens.

Post edited on 18th May 2021, 10:57am
>> No. 38263 [Edit]
>And how is establishing the main character's motivation and powers boring?
That's what happened and you ignored it because it wasn't a lengthy explanation in a lowstakes environment.
I'm just gonna stop here. You're a moron and you want things spoonfed to you before they happen.

Post edited on 18th May 2021, 11:16am
>> No. 38264 [Edit]
File 162136131922.jpg - (203.04KB , 850x900 , sample_a0a55d031da9694e4fca6daffeeee9a4.jpg )
No, you're a moron who likes crap made for chuunis and gets flustered when somebody explains why something you like is shit from episode 1.
>> No. 38265 [Edit]
And by the way, you can actually establish information while things happen. Assassination Classroom, we quickly learn who Koro Sensei is and why the students would want to kill him. We quickly learn what sort of personality he has and more about the students' low status in school, reinforcing their desire for prize money. They almost succeeding in killing him, but not in a way Koro sensei approves of, further establishing his personality. That's a good first episode.

Eva, we quickly learn about Shinji's personality, the world and his relationship with his father, implying his motivation. There isn't too many characters and the conflict Shinji is thrust into feels very natural. It's tight and uncluttered. Another good first episode.

There's no confusion, or annoying, unbelievable happenstances in those two.

Post edited on 18th May 2021, 11:41am
>> No. 38266 [Edit]
Code geass is not really sophisticated at all, but after reading this discussion it really might still be too sophisticated for you.
There's no confusion for most of the audience, just so you know, that's just you. Most people watching it kinda know that more details will come in later, they are not sitting there like you despairing that everything wasn't explained beforehand.
>> No. 38267 [Edit]
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I'm not the only one who thinks Code Gay Ass is total shit. The problem wasn't that everything wasn't explained in the first episode, the problem is that I didn't want to know anymore because of the order of events and annoying bullshit that kept happening. Absolutely nothing about it caught my attention in a positive way. It's also annoying that I have to keep repeating myself. If I was wrong, you or the other anon would have been able to address my complaints about the soldiers' behavior, childhood friend, or convenient, god mode activation. I know you're instead going out of your way to insult me because of your pathetic internet grudge.

I enjoyed Monster perfectly fine. If you think Monster is less sophisticated than Gode Gay Ass, you really are retarded.

Post edited on 18th May 2021, 3:03pm
>> No. 38268 [Edit]
> him finding his friend and soldier behavior
These types of coincidences are not notorious compared to other series. It's like complaining about the angel almost stepping on Misato and Shinji or Ryuuko cutting herself just right and landing on Senketsu, to give some examples of previously mentioned series. The enemies taking their sweet time to act is also not exlusive to code geass.
>god mode
He was given a power and knowledge on how to use it. Your complaints are empty.
>> No. 38269 [Edit]
>These types of coincidences are not notorious compared to other series.
It's true that other series have some of this stuff. I'm not asking for total realism or anything close to it. But for so many of these things to happen in quick succession, all on the first episode, totally put me off. Getting lucky in a physical situation isn't nearly as bad as a totally chance, seemingly illogical meeting in the protagonist's favor. My suspension of disbelief doesn't go that far.
>He was given a power and knowledge on how to use it.
I. Don't. Like. That. How many times do I have to spell it out? Given. He just knows. It just works. Perfect timing. I can't stand that crap. Why does he not like the empire again? What the fuck is his problem with the empire? What is his actual perspective on that? That's what a first episode is for. Maybe explain that BEFORE he declares a revolution?

Post edited on 18th May 2021, 3:43pm
>> No. 38270 [Edit]
>Given. He just knows. It just works. Perfect timing. I can't stand that crap.
The power and its extreme limitations that require clever use are a central part of the plot.
>Why does he not like the empire again? What the fuck is his problem with the empire?
Lelouch's opinions on Britannia are explained and are also a central part of the plot.
You'd have probably figured out both of these if you chose to watch after the first episode before deciding to call the entire plot nonsense. I don't really care if you find it boring or whatever but you should probably find some better argument aside from "I have severe ADHD and am incapable of following a story unless I know every moving part of it immediately." Makes you sound like some terrible MAL reviewer hellbent on making sure he's never called 'weeaboo'.
>> No. 38271 [Edit]
>Maybe explain that BEFORE he declares a revolution?
>My suspension of disbelief doesn't go that far.
>I. Don't. Like. That.
Great, this takes me back to my first post, it's an issue with you. Most of the audience doesn't have this issue. That's fine, it just doesn't drive most to these angry rants.
It's a good thing you weren't in charge of directing it, it sounds like it'd be ruined.
>> No. 38272 [Edit]
>The power and its extreme limitations that require clever use are a central part of the plot.
I can just quote my other posts. >>38256
>I have severe ADHD
So first I have boring taste, now I have ADHD.
Have you seen Monster? That also establishes things properly. The first episode actually tells me something substantial about the main character and entices me to watch the next one. I have, you know, a reason to care?

I'll concede that maybe it's not awful. I can't say it's all awful because I haven't seen it. But I do think the first episode is an abomination.
I can guarantee you I'm not the only one who dropped it after one episode.

Post edited on 18th May 2021, 4:01pm
>> No. 38273 [Edit]
>I can guarantee you I'm not the only one who dropped it after one episode.
Trivially true for any series. But code geass is notorious and well liked for good reason and this wouldn't be the case if changed to your tastes.
>> No. 38274 [Edit]
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>But code geass is notorious and well liked for good reason
Well yeah, there's lots of kids with low standards who love shallow characters and power-fantasy. Bleach is also well liked for good reason.
>> No. 38275 [Edit]
You barely know anything of the series, so it is strange that you think what kind of standards code geass meets, after watching one episode. Though given your complaints I also don't think your idea of "standard" can be any good.
It's notoriety is more comparable to death note than bleach, you probably know this. I'd even say that the second half of geass is slightly less disastrous than that of death note.
>> No. 38276 [Edit]
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My point is that being well liked doesn't guarantee something being any good. Lots of dumb kids can unflinchingly watch something that panders to them and decide it's the best thing ever. Those are the vibes I got, which is why I dropped it.
>Though given your complaints I also don't think your idea of "standard" can be any good.
So you think any anime I do like is bad? That's interesting.

Post edited on 18th May 2021, 4:40pm
>> No. 38277 [Edit]
>Those are the vibes I got, which is why I dropped it
>So you think any anime I do like is bad? That's interesting.
Or maybe you arrive at terrible and incomplete conclusions really easily.
I'll stop now too, you are nuts

Post edited on 18th May 2021, 4:49pm
>> No. 38278 [Edit]
>It's a good thing you weren't in charge of directing it, it sounds like it'd be ruined.
This is why I stopped bothering with him. His ideas for "improving" it all sound like it would be so much worse.
>> No. 38279 [Edit]
Stop posting sample sized images.
>> No. 38280 [Edit]
Oh yes, a slower pace and proper character introduction, which you'd find in plenty of other anime, are truly awful. How could I be so blind?
>> No. 38281 [Edit]
Yeah, Geass is top sunrise, with all that it entails. Removing the absurd high energy would be like making Shinji less pathetic in eva.
>> No. 38282 [Edit]
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I looked it up, and apparently Lelouch Lamperouge is an assumed name of an exiled prince, and he has this whole personal backstory for wanting to destroy the empire. It's not because they kill his friend or implicit ideological reasons or whatever. Guess where they should have put this backstory, or at least alluded to it.
>> No. 38283 [Edit]
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>> No. 38284 [Edit]
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Also. You can stop now.
As I said, too sophisticated.

Post edited on 18th May 2021, 6:09pm
>> No. 38285 [Edit]
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My bad. I forgot to watch the end credits, where all important background info is supposed to go.
>As I said, too sophisticated.
So you are retarded. My apologies.

Post edited on 18th May 2021, 6:16pm
>> No. 38286 [Edit]
I just posted an image of it being alluded to and not in the end credits. You are retarded.
>> No. 38287 [Edit]
Lelouch vi Britannia is just a name, or a title like "of Britannia". There's literally nothing alluding to royalty. The name of an empire isn't the standard last name for royalty, and even the viceroy we see a little bit has "la Britannia". That naming convention is stupid as hell too frankly. Well, you tried. It's funny that this started as me briefly complaining about a show, but fanboys couldn't accept that and started flinging insults.

Post edited on 18th May 2021, 6:46pm
>> No. 38288 [Edit]
My fault for continuing after realizing you really were this stupid. Should have stuck to my word.
>> No. 38290 [Edit]
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You're a stupid waste of space. And you have bad taste. Remember, I'm not the one who started throwing insults, but I'll gladly give them back.
>> No. 38291 [Edit]
Stop acting like a child.
>> No. 38292 [Edit]
>and even the viceroy we see a little bit has "la Britannia"
Clovis? Yes, there is a reason for that. What could it be?
>> No. 38293 [Edit]
Prussia Viktor Albert is my favorite emperor of Prussia. British Victoria is my favorite empress.
>> No. 38294 [Edit]
Depends on the country but often royalty simply did not have last names. Nobles would be known by the lands they ruled. Same applies here.
>> No. 38296 [Edit]
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I would actually bet money that nobody figured out Lelouch was secretly a prince, and that his name is an alias which has the same first name as his real name for some reason, just from that one line on the first episode. Vi isn't a middle name either. Neither is La. I'm not crazy.

People are just saying these things in retrospect because they're unwilling to accept my differing perspective. Wasting your time if you hate the first episode is dumb, and all I did was explain why I hated the first episode. What's wrong with that?
>> No. 38297 [Edit]
It's an invented name scheme, but there is a meaning to it and I think it should be pretty clear that it's some sort of grandiose title, especially given that the higher ups portrayed had similar ones. Anyway, there's nothing wrong with not being interested in the first episode, and I'm not asking you to continue. I just think your reasons are really stupid, and you mentioned issues that are entirely a matter of taste or just assumptions from thin air.
>> No. 38298 [Edit]
Kind of but not really. Nobility name themselves after the place they start their house not the place they rule now. The Hohenzollerens were very long ago formed in Hohenzolleren but went to hold many more titles and eventually of course one became Emperor of Germany, the Saxe-Coburg and Gotha were formed in the Duchy of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha but went to hold more titles as well and the English branch would forgo the name entirely and name themselves Windsor after Windsor castle. So they all had last names, they were the name of the family they were from.
>> No. 38299 [Edit]
In France and Austria at least, nobles of sufficient rank would be called by their currently highest title in the style of "Count [Land], Victor von Herzogenburg", often shortened to just "Count [Land]" for simplicity's sake (unless the title changed hands recently)
>> No. 38300 [Edit]
It's the same thing you are just calling the person by their title instead of their house. For example queen Elizabeth I of England or count Robert I or Artois, Elizabeth 1 was a Tudor and Robert I a Capet.

Actually Robert was a bad example as he then created house Artois, that often happens with sons of kings inheriting titles like that or people who only have counties in general. But the Duchy of Austria was ruled by Babbenburgs and Habsburgs not von Osteriechs.

Post edited on 19th May 2021, 1:49am
>> No. 38301 [Edit]
Just to clarify, to the insults thing, because I always wonder about these internet arguments. It seems to me that you are just having fun attacking something popular and getting a reaction from it on the internet, as people do. I don't think you would have bothered posting about it with a lesser show.
If I'm wrong, and you are arguing sincerely and in good faith, then I genuinely think your posts and way of arguing are not of sound mind.
Either way the reaction you got was within reason.
>> No. 38302 [Edit]
Most people who do like it say they do because it's "super high energy and fun. It's not to be taken too seriously". Or they say it gets messy later on. Wouldn't it be stranger if this wasn't reflected from the start? Unless I'm clairvoyant or randomly guessed correctly based on nothing, I have a point. Other people just don't see the same things as flaws. Gaslighting someone because they say why they don't like something you like isn't within reason.

Post edited on 19th May 2021, 6:26am
>> No. 38303 [Edit]
You could guess the same 2 things about most series, they tend to go to hell after the first arch for some reason.
But whatever, I just wanted to make it clear that you didn't get these responses for not liking geass, but because even this last post of yours is pretty unreasonable(with the gaslighting bit and sudden knowledge on what most people like about this series you barely know anything about).
>> No. 38304 [Edit]
That's a very interesting link, I may even have seen some of his pictures posted before, or it was someone who also had a similar style. Thanks for sharing his works, anon.
>> No. 38305 [Edit]
>sudden knowledge on what most people like
>It's pure fun
>Code Geass is theatrical, not realistic
>Geass is top sunrise, with all that it entails. Removing the absurd high energy
>Tohno: It was very over the top, ridiculous, and silly at times for sure.
>Tohno: But for as stupid as it was, it was pretty fun.
>mal - This is an exciting and epic anime and it's over the top.
You're just looking for excuses to be an asshole. You don't get to decide what's reasonable or not.
>> No. 38315 [Edit]
I made pizza dough but the ambient temperature is too low for it to rise properly. I'll be making some lamb and pumpkin soup in a slow cooker and that will be ready in six hours. I'm about to make some sushi (makizushi type) and work through the tin of crab meat I opened for it a while back. Crab is far from my favourite seafood, but I have to get through it before opening the tuna and salmon tins.
>> No. 38316 [Edit]
Drove all day in the motor home we've living in yesterday. Was going from palm springs to vegas. There's a whole lot of nothing between those locations, pretty much just desert. Our RV crapped out going up a steep hill. Nearest gas station is 30 miles away in the wrong direction. 60 miles for one on the way. It was late and a coyote started stalking me as I tried to siphon fuel out of the car we're towing, which was a lost cause anyway since modern cars all have siphon blocks in them. AAA told me they'd charge me $1200 for a tow, and that's after what they cover. I'm fairly convinced it's a problem with bad fuel. For those who don't know, fuel which has been sitting around for about a year or more goes bad. I think the RV went from using the new fuel and hit the old, and lost all power. Towing a car probably didn't help much.
Couldn't sleep much, mostly stayed up waiting for the crack of dawn to see if disconnecting the car would help move the rv at all. Today's going to be a long long day...
>> No. 38321 [Edit]

How did this turn out? Traveling/living in an RV has been a sort of fantasy of mine, if I could drive.
>> No. 38322 [Edit]
Got about two hours of sleep that night due to the ackward placement of the rv and thinking about everything. Went out at the crack of dawn, tried to dump our water but couldn't find a good way to. Unloaded some stuff into the car to reduce the weight and just barely managed to get the thing moving. Drove about 40 minutes as my mom followed to the nearest gas station, in the opposite direction we were supposed to be going. Seemed like a safer bet since that was down hill and where the tow truck would have been coming from. Due to being so tired I spent $100 at the gas pump before realizing I was filling up with premium, this at a place where premium is $5 a gallon. Had breakfast at a little diner across the street ( this stop was pretty much just gas and food with nothing around for miles) took a nap, got up around 10am, then we spent the rest of the day driving. The rv was hitting max speeds of 30mph at points while Turing the cabin into a furnace. Had to get more gas two more times before we hit Vegas around 5pm. Google maps said it was two hours from that first gas station, heh. Of course, the rv wasn't done and stalled out in the middle of an intersection a block away from the parking lot. All the same, we got to the hotel. Felt disjusting and jumped into the shower right away. Wanted to hook up my switch to the TV in the room but of course we got a busted unit. Had a suppringly decent night's sleep and didn't need earplugs for the first time in months.
>> No. 38323 [Edit]
File 162200315018.jpg - (2.85MB , 2667x1500 , DSC_7698.jpg )
Day after that (yesterday) wasn't half bad at least. Slept like a rock and didn't really want to get up, but by around 10am I dragged my ass out of bed and to an ihop. From there went to this under rated casino called circus circus, it's a bit old and run down but has a huge arcade on its second floor built around a stage with free live shows. Normally when my mom gambles I stand on the side bored out of my mind, so it's nice being able to play around in my own way while she does her thing.
I knew I shouldn't have messed with claw machines, but when I saw they have some full of pokemon plush I couldn't resist giving them a try, and getting nothing (I really suck at claw machines). But I got what I was aiming for from the ticket exchange so it sort of worked out. Hung around fremont street during the evening. It's a city block long street with a video ceiling. lot of street performers and such too, one of which said I looked too serious/unimpressed and did a back flip in front of me followed by a "well??"
When we got back I called the hotel about the busted tv connection, and they decided to send someone knocking at 1am. All in all that was the only notable bad thing that happened that day.

Then today, I had to get up bright and early to drop off my RV at a mechanic. A short trip was again made twice as long by how poorly the thing ran, randomly deciding to not even move after stops. They said they'd get back to me around noon to 1pm with an estimate of how much it'd cost to repair. (I'm assuming it'd be at least 1k at this point)
Took an uber back, driven by a friendly Austrian who really floored it. I called the hotel again to tell them about the busted hdmi port on the tv, they said they'd send someone. Walked around the hotel pool just to take a look, Then decided to take a walk to new york for a slice of pizza, which is something I've done every time I've come here. After a long walk, I find the place is closed, along with nearly everything in the location. Asked around and apparently it was due to no running hot water but that they'd be up and running soon. So I killed some time at Hershy world. Bought some Mocha flavored kitkats. I couldn't remember what mocha even was. read the label more closely later and realized it was coffee, which I'm not really a fan of. I guess gochuumon was sitting in the back of my mind.
went back, got the overpriced pizza, and found they wouldn't take it off the $40 of free food monies I had. Checked afterwards and found you're supposed to tell them to bill you're room not give them your member card. decided to try out the pool's lazer river thing since it looked kinda fun. I'm not really a big pool guy but the pool was a big gimick for this hotel and it's for guests only, so figured I might as well try it. Looked up how things work with the pool online, seems they over charge for inflatables, of course. so I bought one twice and nice for half the price at a store on my way back. Got a lot of complements about it since I guess people weren't aware you could use anything other than the ones they sold there, I took a gamble on that. Tried not to spend too much time there since I was waiting on a call from the mechanic, as well as the techs who were supposed to fix the tv. I got back to the room and my mom tells me they never called and no one showed up, of course. The longer it takes them just to inspect the RV the more I grow concerned about the bill.
I call the hotel again, they tell me again they'll send someone out. Then we go out for dinner. I wanted to get something Japanese like the pos weeb I am, but anything Japanese is almost always just sushi, and expensive at that. Went to an irish pub instead. Was recommended some fried hard boiled egg things that I wasn't sure I'd even keep down, and lets just say I wasn't someone you wanted to stand around for the hour after that. Walked around a tad after that, but then my mom kept complaining about being tired so we went back to the hotel room. On the way I got in contact with the mechanic who tells me they finally got around to looking the thing over, but won't give me a price or idea of what's wrong till tomorrow morning. He seemed convinced the old bad gas was the main issue too.

>Traveling/living in an RV has been a sort of fantasy of mine, if I could drive.
The 'full timer' rv life has a number of pros and cons that people need to really think over before getting into it. For one, motor homes are pretty expensive up front, and expensive to maintain. Things seem to break on them one after another and RV specfic parts can be very pricey and hard to find. Repair shops for motor homes are as I've found, run by people who charge insane amounts of money, like $300+ an hour, and they expect you to book repairs months in advance. I wish I could say I was kidding. I've also learned that motorhome repair shops pretty much only work on the home part, and oddly enough usually don't touch the motor part. That means they'll fix your refrigerator or replace your microwave, but won't change your oil or swap out spark plugs. Likewise, I found that most mechanics are fine with working on motorhomes, just assume you needed special shops for em, go figure.
RV/trailer parks can often times charge as much if not more than apartments. The first place we found ourselves was a disgusting run down hellhole, the very image of a stereotypical trailer park, which charged $650 a month plus electric. It wasn't until a couple months there that I learned of a program called Thousand Trails, which is $400-$500 a year depending on promos. They let you stay as much as you want at any park in their system across the country with water and electric included. Catch is just that you can't stay anywhere for more than 14 nights in a row, and if you go more than 4 nights in a row you have to wait a week before using their system again, this is to keep people from living in the system.
We tried going to an RV park to wait out that week, which was pretty pricey at $200, even with a 50% program I also found called passport America. I spoke with a person there who told me he's been living at that park for about a year, and pays something like $1200 a month.
Funny thing is, we noticed when we got there an RV parked on the road to that park, it was there every night but left the day before we left. Obviously he was camping out for free. A lot of people do this, you just gotta find good places to hide out and not get trouble from cops. Even on the side of the road can work for a few days at a time, but cops will start to hassle you for more than that, depends on the location of course. We're planing on doing that once we leave the vegas area.
Another thing to keep in mind about RV parks, on top of being really expensive, they also discriminate more often that not. They generally have a year limit for motor homes, and won't accept any motor home older than 10-20 years old, depending on the park.
Sometimes they'll give you a pass if it's a rolling mansion, and sometimes people manage to make older RVs look new with upgrades and repairs, but for the most part this places a manufactured expiration date on motor homes, which of course sellers will never tell you about.
It's not like I don't get why they do it though, as mentioned with the first part we went with. They didn't care about the year or condition at all, and the place was a garbage dump for human trash as a result. These places are also basically charging you out the ass to live in a space no bigger than a driveway. "boondocking", where people camp/park for free, will likely come with a lot more empty space around. Can kinda seem like a no brainier in a way. I've read up on it and found that there's certainly a lot of public land out there you can stay on for free. Generally you shouldn't be anywhere more than 14 days, but if you find the right location you can probably fly under the radar and not being noticed by anyway and stay a good long while.
It's also worth keeping in mind that motor homes consume a huge amount of fuel, and leaving these things sitting to long can cause a lot of issues to build up. As one mechanic told me, motorhomes are meant to be driven. The fuel goes bad if left unused, the tires get flat spots and fall apart if left in the same position and in direct sunlight for too long. Oil goes bad too after a while. Batteries drain , lose their charge holding ability, and die. Roof seals go bad and start to leak. Then there's all the cosmetic issues with various parks getting sun bleached. Plastics get brittle, decals fade and peel, I've even noticed the wallpaper around windows gets stretched and distorted as heat causes window frame metal to expand and contract.
When we started this, it seemed like a great idea. Fill an RV with enough food and water ( and weapons) to last months, and go park in the middle of nowhere. Now I know it's not so simple. We're both pretty tired of living it the thing at this point, and the plan is to just sell it once we get where we're going. though I do think it wouldn't be half as bad if I was alone at least. My mom's been a huge pain in the ass dead and dead weight for most of the trip.
>> No. 38325 [Edit]

yeah much like packing up and living in a cabin in the woods, things are never as simple as they seem
>> No. 38327 [Edit]
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Repairs to the RV turned out to be $2,250. This was for replacing spark plugs, coil overs, and dropping the fuel tanks to clean them out. Needless to say this seemed like a ripoff, even if it 'is' work we need to get done. also, whoever did the test drives for the rv drove like a drunk or something, because lots of stuff secured in place ended up as a mess. I called around a bit, looked up mechanics in the area, and found what I was looking for but didn't see before, a chain mechanic by the name of meineke. See, we're traveling across the country so any warranty at a small local shop would be worthless. So I took back the RV, paid the inspection fee, picked up our tow trailer on the way which I left at a parking lot associated with the hotel we were staying at, and left the rv with the mechanics. Then canceled our rv park reservation for today, moving the checkin time to tomorrow instead. Searched around for cheap motels/hotels, and ended up picking one which is right across from where we had the rv and trailer parked for a few days. Could have just left the trailer there as it turned out since it's part of this hotel too, oh well. Spent a few hours just hanging out in the room because we were both pretty exhausted mentally and physically.
But after that walked around town a bit looking for something to eat. Everything's pretty expensive though. One place I saw had $50 pizzas with $8 slices, wtf.
All things considered, the day could have been worse.
>> No. 38328 [Edit]
>One place I saw had $50 pizzas with $8 slices, wtf.
Wow. There is no pizza in creation that is worth $8/slice. Good luck on your trip, by the way.
>> No. 38343 [Edit]
The following morning turned out to be a bit hectic. When I went to checkout from the hotel we were at, I noticed my Driver's License was missing. I asked about it, they directed me to security which didn't have it. I called around every place I was at the night before, which wasn't many, and even went to the mechanic shop to search the RV before realizing the last place I had it, was when I dropped it into some weird box at the hotel during check in. So we went back, asked again and this time they decided to give it to me. That was super fun...

As for the RV, after dropping more than $1k on repairs it wasn't running any better. The shop said the fuel pump was bad too, but we already pushed our campground reservation back by a day. Decided to take it back as it was and chug along to the campground. Thing barely made it into our parking space.
Only note worthy thing to happen since then was entering an esports tournament and getting my ass handed to me.
>> No. 38344 [Edit]
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Wow, RVs are pieces of shit, huh? I'd rent a new one instead of buying.
>> No. 38346 [Edit]
They're like $100 a day mind you to rent. But yeah, I've been trying to fix things up on it here and there, but seems like it never ends. I just keep discovering more and more issues.
>> No. 38347 [Edit]
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Honestly, It'd probably be cheaper to go motel to motel on a road trip, and you don't have to worry about utilities. In concept, it sounds like a cool idea to combine your vehicle with your lodging, but buying something with such a small self-life relative to its cost and so many maintenance costs doesn't seem worth it at all. I looked it up, and some hotels are less than $50 per night. The cost of (ineffective)repairs you just did could have bought you twenty nights. How long have you been on the road?
>> No. 38348 [Edit]
I think it's been well over 7 months now since we packed up and left our home. We went right to the first and only park in the area that would take us though, rather than living off grid for free. That place was about $650 a month + electric, which was generally about $60 on average. Our mortgage was $850, plus utilities, but we also rented out a room for $400 a month so it wasn't a huge savings. Far as I know the majority of RV parks come with water/power included in the costs, but can be very expensive. The service I'm using at the moment is $400 a year with electric and water included. It can be very worth it if you play it smart, which we haven't been so far.
I gotta agree though, all in all it hasn't really seemed too worth it. The only real benefit is taking your stuff with you that can't fit in a car, or that would be a pain to unpack and repack over and over. In vegas you can get rooms for as low as $40 a night. From here on out though, we're likely going to be sticking to camping out in parking lots, sides of roads, ect Far as I know the path we're taking doesn't have a whole lot of infrastructure ahead.
>> No. 38351 [Edit]
Not sure where else to post this, so I'll post it here.
I've decided to take an extended vacation from certain things that I normally do every day. I'm not sure exactly how long this will last, but I'm planning on it being a while. I've developed certain attention draining habits over the course of my now 2 years of hikkikomorism, and many of them leave me unhappy and unsatisfied with myself, to the point where I've begun contemplating suicide on a regular basis. I'm hoping to replace these unfulfilling, meaningless, timewasting and attention destroying things with things I'll be much more happy doing on a regular basis.
Tohno-chan is among these websites, although it's hardly the place I waste the most time on (usually Youtube or spacing out to music tends to shave hours off of my life) it's enough of a distraction that I feel the need to stop visiting it entirely. I like this place, it was a huge departure from 4chan and 8ch, both of which I had gotten increasingly tired of, but in the effort to focus myself it's a place I'm going to have to stop browsing.
I can't imagine anyone would really care except for me, but if there's someone else who feels overwhelmingly distracted by internet-related factors, just know you're not alone.
>> No. 38353 [Edit]
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If you're reading this, you're not doing as you planned, but I'll assume you will. Stopping bad habits isn't like flipping a light switch. There's a reason you wasted your time on those things in the first place. Until you address the root cause of bad habits, you'll constantly be struggling against the urge to go back to them, and when you break eventually, you'll give up and say it was impossible from the start. So do a little bit more thinking about that.
>> No. 38368 [Edit]
I'd like to leave too, but that would completely cut me off from the experience of other people.
Like I learnt a couple posts above that fuel can go bad, and I warned my mom since she didn't know either and the car has been parked for a while. It's not the first time I come across a useful bit of info like that, which wouldn't occur to me to search for directly.
>> No. 38405 [Edit]
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last night I decided to spend the night next to the boarder separating Nevada and Arizona, near the Hover dam. Figured we'd check it out in the morning. This was a mistake. The heat, while a little less than the Vegas area, made it hard to get more than 3-4 hours of sleep. All the same, went to check out that dam place. My mom got paranoid about leaving the rv alone and already saw the dam thing so she stayed behind with the rv, which worked for me. I took some dam photos from the dam bridge which had a good dam view, then drove over the dam thing with my car to get some more dam photos.
Before anyone asks: NCR

I noticed the car was starting up a little funny, and got some concerns. Getting back to the rv, we prepped up to move on, but the car wouldn't start, and we couldn't push it onto the tow hitch. Was gonna jump start it but managed to get it to turn over with one last try. My mom followed in the car to the first rest stop, where I hitched it up and we drove for a hour more to a place called Kingman Arazona, which had a rest stop I wanted to spend the night at, but found it was closed when we got there (thanks google maps) so we went to a gas station just down the hill from it. They had an over sized parking lot. Asked if I could spend the night there (while buying a dream catcher from them, for some favor) they said sure. While there I got the battery replaced in the car ($150)., and had lunch. The road was so noisy we decided not to stick around there. So while buying my mom some tylonal at the same gas station I asked if I could use their water spout to fill up my tank a bit, since it was on empty and I thought it'd be nice to take a shower. the adapter they had on it got stuck and cut up my hand trying to remove it. the shower itself was like a sauna. I couldn't rig up the car with one hand so my mom followed me again in spite of being in very bad shape. we got to a massive truck stop around 7pm, shaving 30 minutes off the time to our next campground. which is still 4+ hours away. The temps here are decent, all be it windy. mostly just hoping no one gives us a hard time as we're the only rv here among 50+ trucks. also, typing this was of course a bitch with the hand thing.
I was tempted to return the dream catcher I bought, since I'm clearly in a nightmare.

Oh and the repairs ended up being about 3k for the rv. but they discounted me $130 for the trouble.
>> No. 38594 [Edit]
Random, but I was listening to a podcast where they mentioned Parasite Eve as soon as I read it in your post. Weird case of synchronicity or whatever.

I wish I had a lot of disposable income, because the cost to benefit ratio with manga is just sad. One volume can cost like $10-15 but you'll be finished with it in half an hour easily. I'm not someone to re-read things so it's just a shame.
>> No. 38595 [Edit]
This is the opposite problem to me. Whenever I have to do math, my head won't think. I just get 'foggy' and restless and want to run away from it.

But if I have to analyse an argument, a piece of writing, or use emotional/weighty language I get perfect marks and it's the easiest thing in the world.
>> No. 38601 [Edit]
>But if I have to analyse an argument, a piece of writing, or use emotional/weighty language I get perfect marks and it's the easiest thing in the world.
Do you have tips or resources that helped you in doing so? The person writing this post is incapable of what you consider easy.
>> No. 38602 [Edit]
Just spew out opinions and never doubt yourself. Also draw connections anywhere and everywhere. Writing in English class has next to nothing to do with the truth, it's just stating your opinions really confidently and with a superficial veneer of evidence.
>> No. 38603 [Edit]
This seems like the academic version of shitposting.
>> No. 38604 [Edit]
When I used to write essays for literature classes, I basically thought of it as a game – the objective was not necessarily to properly "analyze" the work, but to convince the teacher/prof that you were able to draw out some great insight/connections – basically "shitposting" as you mentioned

In fact even beyond literature class, most flowerly writing is more style over substance. The aim is to always make things seem more impressive than they are with the careful use of language. _That's_ the skill you should be mastering, not analyzing literature or presenting arguments (the former of which you won't use at all, and the latter of which can be honed on imageboard flamewars). Even in academia, most reports are basically one page of actual material expanded out to 12 pages [1] of filler to fit journal requirements, and using jargon designed to make things seem more impressive than they are.

[1] For some brilliant satire on this sad state of academia, see the YoloV3 paper: It's probably one of the few seminal ML papers that folks from a non-ML background can readily understand.
>> No. 38605 [Edit]
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>see the YoloV3 paper:
Link's broken, but only because of that period at the end.
>> No. 38608 [Edit]
Honestly, I don't like this conclusion. Researchers have an obligation to be amoral in my opinion.
>> No. 38609 [Edit]
I wouldn't quite say "amoral" since there clearly are ethical boundaries, especially in security research, but the issue of morality as applied to machine earning field is a bit murky water, The notion of "ML fairness" in just another thinly veiled manifestation of sjw stuff.
>> No. 38610 [Edit]
There should be guidelines while doing the research, but the subject matter shouldn't be limited. I'd rather researchers barrel forward without thinking about the "larger impact" of their research.
>> No. 38617 [Edit]
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It was awful. I have a drunken, belligerent roommate who threatens everyone else in the house and screams until 4am. The police and the landlord do nothing. This has been going on for 2-3 years.

Normally he stays somewhere else but he's back and it's a nightmare. I can't even leave my room.
>> No. 38619 [Edit]
>This has been going on for 2-3 years.
How did that happen?
>> No. 38620 [Edit]
I guess paypal requires a cell phone number to log in now, so there's 20 dollars I'll never see again
>> No. 38630 [Edit]
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My sleep procrastination has gotten progressively worse. It's now typical for me to go to bed after 5:00 am. Everyday I regret it, but when it actually starts to get late, I feel an irresistible urge to stay awake and on the internet. I actively look for more time wasting shit that I don't even really like.

It's inexplicable. The only explanation I can think of is that I don't have anything to look forward to on a day to day basis. There's nothing that would make me want to separate from my distractions. I've been overrun with negativity and dissatisfaction lately, so maybe I'm looking for some solution that doesn't exist, like I'll somehow stumble upon what I'm looking for.

Don't know what to do.
>> No. 38631 [Edit]
It's complicated. But I rent the house from a private group. The person in charge at the time is who let the bad roommate stay.

Then, someone else took control, and they want him out, but there's a seizure on evictions due to covid.
>> No. 38632 [Edit]
I'm in the same situation. Every time I try to sleep my sleep schedule and get up at 8am, I can only stay that way for two weeks before I go back to sleeping at 5am. I just look for more threads, more videos, etc.

The only thing that motivates me to wake up is, "I can have a cup of coffee in the morning".
>> No. 38633 [Edit]
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Coffee is usually what my 1 pm breakfast is.
>> No. 38634 [Edit]
If you're having trouble with sleep hygiene, I would recommend not waking up with caffeine. You're basically teaching your body that no matter what you do, it's fine, since you'll just power through it with some coffee when you wake up. Not sure coffee in the afternoon is a good idea in general if you have problems with staying up real late.
>> No. 38637 [Edit]
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I like pho.
>> No. 38638 [Edit]
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Make sure you have veggies in your french-styled meat soup
>> No. 38641 [Edit]
You mean cantonese-styled.
>> No. 38642 [Edit]
Is that what Korean cabbage looks like?
>> No. 38666 [Edit]
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I wasted my day lurking 4chan's /g/. It was mostly awful. Decided I had enough after pic related was posted and this exchange happened

>Sex. With Remi's butt.

>anal is for fags
>nakadashi inside the cooter

>dilate tranny; you will never be a woman.

I'm grossed out by anal myself, but on top of that there's not a single god damn reason what so ever for this "discussion" to be on a tech board.
>> No. 38669 [Edit]
I got the whole Azumanga Daioh manga series today so I am having a good day. Nothing else happened
>> No. 38670 [Edit]
/g/ hasn't been good for a long time.
>> No. 38743 [Edit]
Visited TC for the first time in a while, clicking around old boards I used to visit. I think I'll make this stay longer than the last. Surprised to see /tat/ is a board people make threads on and not just a pseudo ban/moved thread board.

I didn't do much else.
>> No. 38745 [Edit]
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My sleep schedule deteriorated worse than ever, I woke up like at 7 PM/19:00. I feel like a serial killer.
>> No. 38774 [Edit]
I started using filters on both gelbooru and exhentai. I sometimes worry about missing out on certain art but not having to see westerners trying to be funny and bugfucking respectively is well worth it
>> No. 38776 [Edit]
My whole 26yo life I've disliked porn and felt good about it (also felt a small sense of moral superiority, I'll admit)
Yesterday I laid down, randomly thought about it and I couldn't remember what I found to be so wrong and immoral about porn (2D, if I must clarify)
It feels so strange, feels like a part of me randomly died yesterday.
>> No. 38777 [Edit]
Were your parents especially against porn?
>> No. 38779 [Edit]
I don't think so, neither are particularly moralistic and it's not a topic we ever talked about.
If I had to guess I think I associated it as follows:
a)it's something regular people tend to do
b)regular people mostly suck
c)must be wrong then
>> No. 38782 [Edit]
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Sexuality is the key to your psyche. Porn messes with your subconscious mind, and it gets a lot of people into strange perversions like NTR and furrydom, which in turn mess them up even more. Just look at all those guys nowadays who take estrogen and cut off their dicks because they think it'll turn them into women, or who dress up like a fox and get gangbanged by 30 men at a gay furry sex party. I'll bet you close to 100% of those people started out as heavy porn users.
>> No. 38783 [Edit]
I tend to agree and I have seen its negative effects on people and accept the correlation you are presenting.What surprised me is that I don't understand why it messes up the psyche, even though I thought I did.
>> No. 38784 [Edit]
Agree that there's a correlation, but just like drugs if there was no porn they'd instead find some other outlet for that psychological imbalance or missing aspect of their lives.
>> No. 38785 [Edit]
That doesn't explain how there's a huge uptick of that kind of thing at all, given that it's been around for so long. That strikes me as a scapegoat for a deeper, more sinister problem.
>> No. 38787 [Edit]
>> No. 38788 [Edit]
Linking someone the entireity of Industrial Society and Its Future is really intense.
>> No. 38797 [Edit]
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765 makes me both happy and incredibly wistful at the same time
>> No. 38806 [Edit]
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All I'll say is that anything to do with sex has the potential to be traumatizing. That's why rape is a big deal even when no physical harm is done, that's why men value virginity in women. By watching porn you allow someone else to subliminally influence and even traumatize you. And the people who make the porn are uncaring at best, and deliberately malignant at worst.

>if there was no porn they'd instead find some other outlet for that psychological imbalance
Yeah, like making lots of babies. Look up Peter Santenello's youtube documentaries on Hasidic Jews and the Amish. A lot of those hyper religious people have computers and even use the internet, but stay far away from TV and absolutely shun anything pornographic. The result? They all have huge families with anywhere between 5 and 15 kids. Of course they have their own set of problems, there's surely child and spousal abuse etc. happening, but the weird shit that's booming in mainstream society is just not happening in those subcultures.
>> No. 38808 [Edit]
>And the people who make the porn are uncaring at best, and deliberately malignant at worst.
That's true of 3D, but I don't think it's true of h-doujin authors or independent artists? There's a lot of care put into some of them, and it's as much an art form as any other.
>> No. 38811 [Edit]
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I saw a car with a Darling in the Franxx sticker on it. My personal disgust with the series aside, it sent me down a weird rabbit hole of memories related to the internet.
I remember that was finally my breaking point to stop using 4/a/, I haven't had the same passion for anime since, nor been active with most other westerners about 2d in general either. I wonder how different my life would be if DitF never happened.
>> No. 38834 [Edit]
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I did something stupid and ended up staring at a cloudy sky for ~10 minutes wearing those colored filter goggles (the 3d viewing kind) before realizing it's probably not a good idea since the sun is behind those clouds. I don't seem to have any visible after effects or visible artifacts, but I'm worried I damaged my vision, My eyes do feel a bit tired or strained but maybe that's just nocebo. I'm going to do a quick literature survey of the dangers of staring at the sun to appease the ocd-ish health anxiety and get back.
>> No. 38835 [Edit]
Hm there's an entire section on wikipedia about this [1] which is a good starting point but still not detailed enough. It's actually surprising how hard it is to find literature on why _exactly_ staring at the sun is bad for you (as in what causes the damage). Is it the intensity of visible light focused at a point? The thermal effects? The uv radiation? Why is the danger supposedly heightened during an eclipse? Here's the summary of my research.

The injury resulting from "looking at the sun" is called solar retinopathy, and there's a related condition caused by acute uv exposure called photokeratitis. Solar retinopathy is effectively caused by a photochemical process where the high intensity light damages the cells of the retina (that is, it is not primarily a heat mediated reaction like a magnifying class cooking an ant, but just due to intensity of focused light). Higher frequencies of light are more likely to cause damage here, with UV light of particular concern (but not necessarily the only cause, as upper end of visible frequency is also sufficient). The related condition photokeratitis "snow blindness" is similar in that exposure to UV light can be cause, but in this the damage is via indirect/unfocused exposure which affects only the cornea rather than the retina .

Interestingly, having a relatively high degree of myopia can actually helps protect against the damage from the focused light. And during an eclipse, the surrounding darkness can not only cause your pupils to dilate but also allow you to stare at the sun longer than you normally would before experiencing pay.

>> No. 38838 [Edit]
File 163518406291.jpg - (2.17MB , 3000x3300 , a2694f3e56701d17b8f07f9d96e3d137.jpg )
Update to this post. Sorry for blogging, but I have to get this out there.
Right now, I'm taking three classes(Intro to Comp Sci, Multi Variable Calculus, and Physics 2) and it's half-way through the semester. While Intro to Comp Sci has been a cakewalk, since I already knew most of the material, I'm in danger of failing the others. I'm back on campus and I'm taking the minimal amount of credits, so I can't blame those things. It's because I haven't been putting in enough consistent effort. I do some work, so I'm not ignoring those classes, but it's just not enough.

At this point, I'm strongly considering switching to a Comp Sci major. I have a lot of the core requirements for a degree done, and the subject is engaging. It's frustrating as hell though. There's this sense of defeat. I think I hate myself. I hate how lazy and egoistical I am. I hate feeling inadequate.

I want to know these subjects. I want to be able to understand research papers. I want to make things and work with life and petri dishes and microscopes. Math and Physics are like these massive, 100 ft. tall steel walls from hell in the way. These subjects that I can't use to do anything with immediately, but I have to learn before I can get to that stuff. Is it just me? Am I not capable of learning these subjects, or do I not have the required work ethic? Or is at least some of it the college format, which kills an interest that might be there if I was learning on my own? I don't know. 3 months to cram 2+ difficult subjects so you can pass tests and then seemingly never use that information again.

I'd like to think later, on my own terms and pace, I can learn these subjects, but I just don't know if it's even possible. I know it's an excuse, but part of me feels like I've been cheated. I was never taught by anybody how to learn. I didn't have Asian tiger parents and I didn't have friends that could have rubbed good habits off on me. School was nothing but a series of impossible to fail slogfests. So hands off and indifferent.

I still hope even with a comp sci major I can do something related to the biological sciences. Any advice would be appreciated.

Post edited on 25th Oct 2021, 1:43pm
>> No. 38841 [Edit]
>hope even with a comp sci major I can do something related to the biological sciences
Look into computation biology? You'll need a strong founding in statistical methods and algorithms though, since things like HMMs or dynamic programming are the bread and butter of the basic algorithms in this field. It's less "biology" and closer to applied statistics though.

I'm not sure that you can escape calculus if you want to do biology. At least if you want to be a "good" biology – you don't want to end up like Mary M. Tai, and be the butt end of jokes about biologists who don't know anything about statistical methods or math.

If it's an option, you could always learn at your own pace and then re-enroll (in community college or elsewhere).
>> No. 38842 [Edit]
>I'm not sure that you can escape calculus if you want to do biology.
I made a typo. I passed Calculus 2, and now I'm taking multivariable calculus. Don't know how much of a difference that makes. If I switch my major, the only "strictly math" class I'd still have to take is linear algebra. I'm assuming discrete structures is somewhat different.

I want to learn at my pace regardless, but first get some kind of degree so I can be independent. Staying with what I'm doing now, I'd graduate in 2024 at the soonest. If I switch, I could get it done by 2023.

Post edited on 25th Oct 2021, 1:53pm
>> No. 38848 [Edit]
>If I switch my major, the only "strictly math" class I'd still have to take is linear algebra
It's an odd choice to teach multivar calc _before_ linear algebra. I think I may have posted a rant on this on another thread, but anyone who teaches it in that order is doing you a disservice and it's no wonder students don't end up understanding things well.

In fact linear algebra is crucial enough that it should be taught before calculus in my opinion. The importance of linear algebra isn't so much what you can do with it, it's that the fundamental ideas of basis and linear transforms are everywhere and if you internalize those then higher math becomes much easier to grasp. In fact, linear algebra is so useful and yet so "simple" (relatively speaking) that we often just approximate non-linear systems as linear and then analyze it that way.

Discrete math is another can of worms. Most students find it very jarring since it's really a hodgepodge of things that many students have not had prior experience to: combinatorics, proofs, number theory. Each beautiful subjects on their own right and very crucial if you're going down the theoretical CS path, but I question the value of it for everyday software engineers (except for basic modular arithmetic).

Also you said you were interested in biology, but what subfield? Biology is very wide, and it could be anything from molecular level things to evolutionary biology. Unless you want to spend time in academia though, most industry jobs will require probably more math than you would need as a software engineer.

Post edited on 26th Oct 2021, 5:33pm
>> No. 38849 [Edit]
Things still seem fine, so I suppose I'm in the clear for the short/medium term. I suppose there could always be minor damage that may not manifest for a long time (e.g. a blind spot too minor to notice) or increased long-term risk of cataracts or something but hopefully that's compensated by my never going outdoors anyway"

I did find some neat at-home tests you can take to check your visual field though:

Amsler grid:
Specvis: (seems basically as good as a test the optometrist would give you, it takes 15 minutes per eye though and you have to interpret the resulting heat map – dB close to zero means you have less sensitivity in that region).
Visual Field Plotter: Probably the best one to do, very easy to do albeit probably coarser than the others (it at least detects the expected blind spots).
>> No. 38852 [Edit]
>It's an odd choice to teach multivar calc _before_ linear algebra
It's funny that you say that. Linear Algebra is not at all a requirement for my current major or prerequisite for any of the classes I planned on taking. If I switch to comp sci, I'd take linear algebra since that actually is one of the prerequisite for classes I want to take like Brain-Inspired Computing.

Discrete math is a requirement for comp-sci students. It's also a prerequisite for the AI class I want to take.

>what subfield
I guess molecular level things.

Post edited on 26th Oct 2021, 6:12pm
>> No. 38853 [Edit]
>Brain-Inspired Computing
Is that basically supposed to be an ML course? Yeah you'll need both calc and linear algebra for that.

If you're interested in molecular, then isn't ochem a more relevant course to take?
>> No. 38854 [Edit]
>you'll need both calc and linear algebra for that
According to my university, I know enough calculus to take that course

>isn't ochem a more relevant course to take
Honestly, I don't have a set path in mind. I picked it out because it seemed interesting. If I learn ochem at some point, I think I'd rather learn it on my own considering how infamously brutal the class is.
>> No. 38861 [Edit]
File 163586562855.jpg - (135.71KB , 1010x1272 , 1635574945583.jpg )
Apparently my mouse died, so I'm caret browsing.
>> No. 38862 [Edit]
Install vimium and you can browse effortlessly with just your keyboard
>> No. 38863 [Edit]
Install vimium and you can browse effortlessly with just your keyboard
>> No. 38864 [Edit]
File 163587711299.jpg - (158.96KB , 878x1200 , war criminal.jpg )
That looks pretty good, will try soon. In this moment I have found an old mouse with a broken scrolling wheel and a broken left button, inverted the right and left buttons options and it works just ok.
>> No. 38866 [Edit]
The "vimium" name is misleading and put me off trying it for a long time since I'm not a fan of modal navigation. But it turns out at its core it's really just two things: an elegant mechanism for configuring arbitrary keybinds to DOM & tab manipulation, and a prebuilt interface for navigating links with the keyboard. The latter is a really clever idea, since I've always thought that pressing tab to navigate your way through the user interface is the slowest method possible.
>> No. 38880 [Edit]
File 16360550435.png - (325.64KB , 2312x2672 , lain abuse.png )
My adventures on xmpp have been disappointing to say the least. xmpp has some feature advantages since you can directly post pictures into it, and it's not commercialized like every other chat protocol besides irc.

I joined the one for

That was the most active by far. Most of the others I joined were totally empty. The only active "otaku one" didn't let me post and labeled me a "visitor", so I assume it requires approval or something. It's also strictly sfw.

Techfags with a fiery hatred for anime(probably compensating for something) and strong political opinions are some of the most insufferable people on the planet. What's most annoying is their tendency to appropriate otaku imagery despite their hatred or indifference towards it. I'm not sure what draws disagreeable, prudish assholes to freedom in technology movements.

Attached is a chat log.
>> No. 38881 [Edit]
"japanese are cringe" posted by "pretty good pony". Assuming that the nick wasn't chosen solely for the PGP pun, that's some irony.

>xmpp has some feature advantages since you can directly post pictures into it, and it's not commercialized like every other chat protocol besides irc.
There was a small golden window where both fb and gchat supported xmpp interop, before they realized that proprietary lock-in would generate a captive audience.
>> No. 38882 [Edit]
File 163606114780.jpg - (147.43KB , 945x945 , Serial Experiments Komeiji.jpg )
>I'm not sure what draws disagreeable, prudish assholes to freedom in technology movements.

It's a niche thing with an audience of either pretty normal people who just have worked with open source systems for a long time, or the strangest people you'll ever meet. I have seen people distance themselves from the FSF because of how many members there are actual, self-admitted communists and pretty outspoken about it. That being said, both have their assholes, they are just different types. The former types are some of the heads of prominent projects, so of course the culture would trickle down.

Also, in general, aside from Lain imagery being exhausted and overdone, it's a good idea to avoid things associated with it as well. Most people who employ it are tryhard "cyberpunk" retards who are all the same, or certain trogolodytes still clinging onto r/a/dio.

This isn't to say there aren't free software enthusiasts who do genuinely like 2D, the "otaku one" probably didn't let you post to keep like people in your pic out. In fact a lot of the real internet is either pure tech, a mix of 2d and tech (usually on textboards with both /prog/ and hobby boards and their surrounding communities like Matrix) or pure 2D.

In general the non-anonymous internet is a mixed bag though; it's high time more serious otaku learn Japanese as well. I know it's hard, but you'll be avoiding those types you mentioned and be able to have a better vacation there if you ever wish.

Sorry if I'm being preachy, there is some cool stuff going on with other protocols though including IRC, but don't expect them to be TOO active or they turn into the Discord cesspools you see though. The signal to noise ratio thing is still true.
>> No. 38883 [Edit]
>Sorry if I'm being preachy, there is some cool stuff going on with other protocols though including IRC
Yeah, I'd like to expand the pool of people I chat with, but it's incredibly difficult to find like-minded individuals.

Everywhere I try is either an actual ghost town, or really unpleasant, or I'd have to hide substantial parts of my values and tastes to fit in.

Post edited on 4th Nov 2021, 2:37pm
>> No. 38886 [Edit]
File 163611555093.png - (314.30KB , 800x800 , 21eaaa2726326c31f4799e20376fc6c6.png )
I am running out of places to go online.
>> No. 38888 [Edit]
File 163613287953.jpg - (69.13KB , 780x438 , 01625098123571.jpg )
I've been riding my bicycle around the city, and it's really stupid how drivers use hazard lights . It's literally just a "park anywhere you like" button. Countless cars double parked blocking the bike lane, but because they put the hazards on it's ok. I guess dozens of cars broke down in the bike lane today. What a coincidence.

I hate cars!
>> No. 38889 [Edit]
they actually have replaced the homepage's image with something less appealing. At least that's more honest.

Post edited on 5th Nov 2021, 1:42pm
>> No. 38890 [Edit]
At least you're not running into them, that'd be painful.
>> No. 38891 [Edit]
This isn't the first time I've heard it called a "park anywhere you like" button. It's pretty annoying, especially in front of businesses when I'm trying to get past and they decide to block the road in front of the building, just so some lard ass doesn't have to walk 20 feet to a parking space.
>> No. 38894 [Edit]
Me too. All I have left are a few small imageboards, that have little to no activity.
I miss being able to genuinely talk about anime, games, cooking, reading and so on.
What is still around is either trash, silence or dying.
>> No. 38896 [Edit]
I just checked my crypto portfolio and found out that I have been catapulted out of poorfaggotry into the lower middle class. I feel like such a moron for not getting into crypto sooner, despite having known about it for so long.
>> No. 38897 [Edit]
Good for you. I'm too arrogant to invest in crypto, even if people do make money from it the fact that it's basically just a meme turns me off.
>> No. 38898 [Edit]
>just a meme
So is just about everything these days, apparently.
>> No. 38899 [Edit]
Now imagine how it feels for someone who didn't get into it even while knowing about it.
It's frustrating to think all suffering that could have been avoided just by making the right, and not that difficult, bet. Makes you think about all the talking about effort and hardwork being the way to success.
>> No. 38901 [Edit]
I heard of Bitcoin when they were 0.01$ a piece and thought about dropping a thousand bucks on them, but decided otherwise because I thought governments would squash it for being outside their control.
Granted, it's unlikely I'd have held until they were tens of thousand, but I could've made a good profit there anyway.
>> No. 38902 [Edit]
File 163630575430.jpg - (2.78MB , 4870x6935 , 7c5436d889a99bc85f664c7ef2d8157f.jpg )
Here's some perspective, there are many many bets you could be making. Right now. There's no shortage of things to invest money into, especially things to do with computers. With a bit of research, I could point you in fifty different directions. Here's one right now
Why not invest money in that?

It's all gambling, barely one step above slot machines.
>> No. 38903 [Edit]
It's amazing how this can happen with billions supposedly online.
>> No. 38904 [Edit]
Crypto is absolutely not for the lower class. If you have A THOUSAND FUCKING DOLLARS to spend on internet gambling you're not the downtrodden little guy you think you are.
>> No. 38905 [Edit]
Take it to /tat/, faggot.
>> No. 38906 [Edit]
One thousand is not much, you can't by a house with it, you can't even get a deposit with it, it's like two weeks worth of a low paying job. And it's the poor that are more likely to throw that away on something like this in the hope that it could lift them out of poverty.
>> No. 38907 [Edit]
What do you guys think of Injective Protocol(INJ)?
>> No. 38912 [Edit]
File 16363942023.jpg - (501.00KB , 804x1295 , 93975960_p0.jpg )
I must deal with my browser tabs by either using bookmarks, downloading the content or uploading it somewhere. I have an awful feeling I could lose a lot if I dont do it soon.
>> No. 38917 [Edit]
File 163649917761.png - (1.28MB , 2673x3260 , xmr_wow.png )
When I wrote that post I was so happy that I was above $10,000, now I'm almost at $20,000. Once you actually have some money to play with, it's suddenly so easy to make more. I'll be buying some precious metals and equity so I won't ever be quite as poor again even if we get a big crypto crash like in 2018 or the government kills it all.

It's a lot more shameful for me because in my case, I actually understand Bitcoin, read the whitepaper and everything. I'm a true believer, I even spent time arguing in favor of Bitcoin online, telling others to get into it despite myself not having more than the few fractions of a Bitcoin that I got for free from the faucet. When I first came across Bitcoin in 2010 or 2011, it was immediately clear to me how revolutionary a permissionless and censorship-resistant monetary system that does not require financial institutions would be. I really don't have much of an excuse for not investing. Granted, from 2011 to 2014 I was in abject poverty and even homeless at times, but between 2015 and 2020 I spent about $400 or so on manga and video games. I should've bought some BTC, Monero and ETH with that money. I'd be a millionaire now.

>I thought governments would squash it for being outside their control.
I did also take that into consideration, as well as other possible problems like the key encryption being broken, or Bitcoin being simply discarded in favor of a similar project that does the same thing but better.
I actually thought about an investment strategy, which would've been to sell 50% of my stack every time Bitcoin does a 10x, that way I would've had a sizable stack even after several bullruns but never would have to live with the horror of seeing a million-dollar asset going to zero without having taken any profit at all. In fact, this is pretty much what I'm doing right now with all the projects I'm investing in.

On the contrary, crypto is actually the only worthwhile financial asset the lower class has access to, which is why they're currently trying to push all kinds of regulations to make it harder for non-rich people to access it. 10 years ago I could've bought 5 Bitcoins for $10 a piece, that would be worth $650,000 now. If you have a decent computer, you can also mine the coins, no money required other than for electricity.
Nowadays if you sign up with some crypto exchange like coinmetro or kraken, the minimum investment you can make is somewhere between $5 and $20, depending on what you're buying. Then when the coin you buy suddenly rises 60 times in value (like Kadena recently did), your $20 suddenly turned into $1200 and you're not quite as poor anymore.
For a lot of other financial instruments, you need hundreds of thousands of dollars to even get started with investing, or you can invest in some shitty savings fund run your bank that barely even gives you back what you lose through inflation.
>> No. 38918 [Edit]
File 163650111577.jpg - (6.71MB , 5200x3714 , bc00afd05cfa09ae9b5cca075b04fb80.jpg )
Playing games with your money sounds like a lot of anxiety-inducing work. For most things, you can't directly pay for them in crypto. So you have to constantly think about balancing your "invested money" and your immediately usable money. Funny how the most "useful" form of currency is also the one that always rapidly diminishes in value.

Crypto is most interesting to me as a means to pay for things without leaving any trace, which most coins can't do. Honestly, I don't know how to get into it. My laptop isn't good enough to run a Monero wallet.
>> No. 38920 [Edit]
I wish there was an about:tabs that just allowed you to copy off all the URLs.
>> No. 38921 [Edit]
I've been using a browser extension that more or less acts like that. It's called one-tab.
>> No. 38922 [Edit]
>I don't know how to get into
Try coinbase. Every once in a while they give you a few bucks worth of free alt coins. You can trade those for bitcoin or what have you.

This site meanwhile looks and feels more sketchy, but I've been using it for years without issue (so far). It gives you a tiny amount of free bitcoin once an hour.
>> No. 38923 [Edit]
Well, like I said, I'd rather detach my personal identity, but the first thing coinbase asks for is your name.

Coinbase also doesn't trade Monero, which is the main one I'm eyeing.
>> No. 38926 [Edit]
File 163655238637.jpg - (200.00KB , 800x1201 , monero_cyberpunk_anime.jpg )
>My laptop isn't good enough to run a Monero wallet
If you have a phone, you could use CakeWallet. In terms of anonymity it's a bit less secure than the desktop wallet though, so I wouldn't recommend using it if your life or freedom depends on it.
You can find shops that accept Monero on
If you want to get XMR anonymously and don't have a computer powerful enough to mine it, the best way is to get it from someone in your area listed on for cash or gift cards. is an exchange that doesn't ask for your personal data and lets you buy XMR, just know that Kucoin's support is pretty worthless if you run into a problem.

Coinbase is a terrible exchange with very high fees and a support staff that is both incompetent and needs a long time to respond to your inquiries. Kraken and Coinmetro are better alternatives if you're willing to provide some personal documents to prove your identity. If you don't like risky investments and don't mind profiting from usury, check out, you can just put your money on there and get interest on it, or buy PAXG (allocated gold) and get interest on that.

>Playing games with your money sounds like a lot of anxiety-inducing work.
Well I guess it depends on your mindset. The way I see it, your gains are unlimited while your losses are hard-capped at 100%, so the odds are pretty good.
Also, I don't put serious money into those meme shitcoins like VoldemortTrumpRobotnik-10Neko or whatever, I only put my money into things that I think actually have an underlying value.

>For most things, you can't directly pay for them in crypto. So you have to constantly think about balancing your "invested money" and your immediately usable money.
Not much of an issue, selling crypto on an exchange and having it sent to my bank account takes 10 minutes. Crypto is a lot more liquid than other types of investments. I always keep just enough fiat in my bank account to pay for bills and food, leaving thousands of dollars there would mean that I'm losing money due to inflation.
>> No. 38927 [Edit]
File 163656191888.jpg - (300.40KB , 850x1229 , toobig.jpg )
Would you recommend "cold storage" hardware wallets?
Ledger Nano S/X and Trezor Model T are two examples given on Monero's website.
>> No. 38943 [Edit]
File 163745945519.jpg - (2.54MB , 3219x4627 , 163744214126.jpg )
I got into an argument with the lokinet developer. Guy's a real tool, in every sense of the word.

Does lokinet actually have any worthwhile features nothing else covers?
>> No. 38944 [Edit]
I was programming today--steeped in projects--and was overcome with a headache (again). Hate to admit it, but I think it's too intellectually challenging for me. It's rather amusing in a way.

Love that image!
>> No. 38947 [Edit]
I have quite some sympathy for the guy, if he is who I think he is. If so, he's also the guy behind nntpchan and he's one of the three top guys behind i2pd.
He obviously cares about P2P but yeah, I'd count lokinet as the worst among these. I always assumed he needed money, so working on a project where he could get some made sense.
Could just be my natural tendency to distrust crypto snapps or whatever it's called. You see a lot of projects add crypto as a kind of unnecessary layer that just makes it harder to use. And I'm far from certain people will beat each other up over the right to pay 12k to make a constantly decreasing return of currently ~17.5% a year, plus currency fluctuations(see here for estimations of profit:
We'll see.
>> No. 38952 [Edit]
File 163751908215.jpg - (51.98KB , 390x600 , 88f.jpg )
>he's also the guy behind nntpchan
It's really weird that he makes his face and location publicly known. I didn't dig for that information, it's right on his github.
Edit: on second thought, it's not weird for p2p project contributors, but it is for those who involve themself with imageboard stuff.

I don't know if he gets paid in some way to develop lokinet, but I wouldn't be surprised if he is. Which would also explain why he gets so defensive about it.

Post edited on 21st Nov 2021, 10:38am
>> No. 38953 [Edit]
mighy just be something about your screen. Definitely use a dark background while coding if you don't do so already, use a monitor color profile with low blue light intensity, and try to keep the brightness relatively low but without making things too hard to see.
>> No. 38957 [Edit]
Thanks for the input! Alas, I've already done most of this besides the last one, but I'll give that a try too.
Being a decent programmer requires a 100+ IQ I think, so I'm probably just on the wrong half of the bell curve.
>> No. 38973 [Edit]
Blue light reduction is mostly just placebo. I mean reducing blue light in the evening is good for circadian rhythm reasons, and most displays have their white-point calibrated too blue anyway so reducing it to something more natural during the daytime is good. And I use dark theme myself just because it makes the syntax highlighting easier to see, but I don't see the point in going overboard and making every UI element you interact with dark like seems to be trendy these days.

More significant than those are the following:
* Ensure you have enough ambient light in your room. Especially during the winter where it gets dark early, you need a lot of light. Measure the lux during daytime with your windows open and try to match that (if you have a laptop you can use the inbuilt light sensor, or use your phone).

* Reduce brightness of your display. Most displays are too bright. I guess dark theme helps with this in an indirect way, but why not solve the issue directly.

* Take regular breaks (20/20/20 rule). I had to write my own break reminder software because I would get too immersed in things and go for 8+ hours without looking away. Also when you take breaks, blink more.
>> No. 38974 [Edit]
The psp and some (wireless only) controllers have always numbed my hands when playing.
As far as I've seen "science" tells us that the em waves from consumer devices are perfectly safe and do not interact with our biology.
Today I've tested with the psp and a controller just by holding them without using them and they only numb my hands when on. It's a bit puzzling, I haven't found similar experiences online.
>> No. 38975 [Edit]

Have anyone here ever used p2p marketplaces like this? Is it safe? Seems like it's possible to purchase cryptos without the need to provide your identity.
>> No. 38976 [Edit]
Sometimes this happens to me but only in certain positions. Perhaps it has something to do with blood flow.
>> No. 38977 [Edit]
I've successfully used bisq.
You can use amazon gift cards, face 2 face, cash by mail, etc. etc. to be anonymous, or be sensible, load it with a bank account, buy BTC, use BTC to buy monero, transfer monero to a monero wallet, and then use that monero (now anonymous through monero features) to buy BTC on bisq and with that you can then buy any other thing anonymously.
>> No. 38978 [Edit]
So if I buy Monero directly through an exchange like KuCoin, they'll know I bought Monero, but after that I'm good?
>> No. 38979 [Edit]
>> No. 38980 [Edit]
>the em waves from consumer devices are perfectly safe and do not interact with our biology.
I mean it's possible, and I hate that people always say "it's non ionizing radiation so it's safe" (non-ionizing radiation still could have the potential to cause damage by affecting other processes; we haven't found any body process that are influenced by external radiation, but considering how little we know about the body as a system it's not impossible that 24/7 exposure to the stuff might be responsible for some slight increase in some non-specific effect).

That said, it seems more likely the PSP issue is due to posture, hand position, muscle fatigue, or general fatigue associated with electronic device use (e.g. eye strain, neck, etc.)
>> No. 38982 [Edit]
I don't think my issue is position, what caught my attention is that it only happens with some wireless controllers and the PSP,and not wired controllers or the vita for example (if my em wave idea is correct, maybe this is explained due to the internal positioning or type of chips being different on the vita).
In the little tests I made I sat in my chair, placed my hand on it while not playing, turned it on until my left hand numbed and then simply turned it off and started feeling immediate relief. Of course this could be explained by a number of psychological biases or other flaws in my experiment, unfortunately double blinding this or whatever seems somewhat difficult.
>> No. 38983 [Edit]
Maybe it's the heat? Wired controllers would run cooler than wireless ones.
>> No. 38984 [Edit]
maybe. more tests pending
>> No. 38985 [Edit]
File 163803292794.png - (104.81KB , 624x528 , sad cirno.png )
What wireless controllers also cause this?
>> No. 38986 [Edit]
Only a generic chinese one I bought. Hasn't happened with the console branded ones.
>> No. 38988 [Edit]
I tried setting up everything following the tutorial only to realize that it's still necessary to have some BTCs available in the first place to be able to conduct any trade as a security deposit. Seems like the only way to obtain your first BTCs without providing IDs for verification (through centralized exchanges) is through less secure methods such as the site posted on >>38975 or apparently through an informal marketplace on the Bisq Keybase channel.
>> No. 38989 [Edit]
File 163814955771.jpg - (3.15MB , 4608x2592 , DSC_9584.jpg )
Tried to do some painting on a house we've been in for about 1.5 months now, ended with me punching a hole in the wall and desperately wanting to move out and never come back.

After more than a year of being homeless and slowly making our way to the city my aunt lives in with my mom, we get there to find houses ballooned in price and no one would give us a loan, regardless of how much cash we hand on hand. Our only choice seemed to be to buy what we could with the cash we had, but because we didn't have enough for that area of texas, we set our sights north to oklahoma where houses were dirt cheap. My mom decided on the second viewing of the house we were going to get, that she hated it after all and wanted to back out of the deal.
After dealing with scumbag agents and the god awful real estate process that takes a month+ even with cash, we settled on another house in the same town she liked. All things considered, it didn't look that bad compared to the other properties we were shown.
We got inspectors to check it out, they gave it a clear aside from some issues that the sellers said they'd go ahead and fix (spoilers; they didn't.).
When we moved in, we found the water heater didn't work. I called the inspected who said "it worked when I tested it"
The repairs the sellers said they'd do, didn't seem to end up on the documents anyway so I don't think we have any legal grounds there. Nearest thing was the refrigerator, which was in the papers saying they'd leave it, only for them to swap it for some PoS and hope we wouldn't notice.
Anywho, we went to work. Honestly it didn't seem like it'd be so bad. Plan at first was to just paint the house, swap out old outlets and switches, and not much else.
thing is, the house stank to all hell whenever we ran the heater. Ended up deciding to just yank the carpet out. My mom wanted to tile the whole house, I prefer wood flooring / vinyl planks. We were going to settle for half and half but in the end I caved and agreed to tile for the whole house. Oh and someone who works for city code enforcement decided to give me a hard time about our RV being parked in our driveway, so I had to dig out the backyard fence, disconnect cables, make make shift ramps (which broke), and shuffle the thing back and forth dozens of times to get it into the back yard.
As for the tile, the Lowes we ordered it from (nearest being 40 minutes away) said they'd have to order the tile multiple times, at two week intervals. It was going to be 740 pieces or so overall. Only then could we return to the store and set up a delivery to our house, because they won't do it over the phone.
But then I find out the next nearest lowes (like 50 minutes away in texas) has 370 pieces of the same tile in stock. I figured great, we could order from them, reduce my order from the other store by that same amount. This would help reduce the wait times by a bunch. Delivery got set for a week later. That second store was going to send me the 370 tile on the 19th, but I got a call on the 18th telling me they couldn't find it. They then told me they have some ordered and could send it out on the 26th. I wanted to just cancel the order and go back to the full order with the first store, but then they tell me they couldn't cancel/refund it over the phone, so I say screw it and go ahead with the 26th because what's 8 more days?
Well, 26th came and I got no call, text, email ect. I called them and they told me the delivery was pushed back to the 19th of the following month. At least this time I actually was able to get them to refund the whole thing over the phone. Tried to reorder the 370 from the original store, since apparently they got a bit more in the time I spent dealing with the second store, but they gave me a hard time about ordering over the phone. I ordered what I could online (284), but seems it's 86 short and will have to wait till they get more to order the rest.
Now I'm also finding out that placing tile onto concrete slabs with cracks in it, like ours, can cause the tile to crack and pop out of place near the concrete crack as the slab moves due to expanding and contracting soils this part of the country has a lot of. The fun never stops...

So I went to work on filling holes and cracks in the walls, and figured while I was at it I'd take care of old patches and try to give the walls overall smooth finishes to keep things consistent and hide the many many imperfections. Meanwhile my mom gave some randos she met at a church $200 to paint one of the rooms. They did so with next to no prepwork, so the walls are bumpy and ugly in that room.
After sanding and smoothing the walls in the hallway, I tried painting them. All was going well, till the next day when we tried to lay down the second coat. Everywhere I painted, it started to bobble up, and when I touched it I found the bubble and all the paint around it would peel off like nothing.
After trying to get some advice from people who pretty much all saw the issue and said "WTF", I settled on the assumption that I didn't mix the paint properly and the primer probably separated. So we scraped off allllll the old paint over the next few days, assuming it was all bad and poorly mixed. I had to redo the walls, sand ect. Then I decided to do some test patches. One with the old paint (mixed up) one with some new paint I bought in case the old paint went bad or something. Then later another patch with primer under it, since I got to thinking maybe I should have laid primer down over the wall patch material before painting. As before, the first coats all went on fine, no issues at all. Then a few days later I did the second coats. Both new and old paint bubbled up. but the layer of paint I applied to the primer seemed okay.
I should also mention I've had multiple handymen tell me the brand/type of paint I had wasn't bad. It's not the best but it's also not the worst, middle tier stuff you could say.
So then I went about laying primer down around the rest of the house after the painstaking process of prepping the walls. When applying the primer near the test spots, I did notice it bubbled up a little when I rolled over the test patch, the patch that seemed okay.
In another spot in the house, the primer did the same bubbling thing when I gave a second pass to an area about 10 minutes after the first pass.
By the 22nd, I had started leaving notes on the walls indicating the date when I applied the primer (and eventually paint) to that area. This way I could make sure I was giving the stuff plenty of time to dry. On the 26th I even went and bought a $200 dehumidifier to try and rule out that variable, since I read and was told humidity could be a factor, even though it didn't really feel humid in the house, aside from the restroom.
Today the 28th, I decided to try painting walls in the house that I haven't touched since the 22nd, walls with primer, while the dehumidifier and heater ran. Things started out okay in the living room. There was a couple spots of peeling but that seemed to be more due to how I was rolling the paint on rather than being the same old problem.
Then after seeing that went okay, I figured I'd move over to the hallway that gave us the problems originally. again, I haven't painted these walls since the 22nd either, and here on the 28th, yet again they started bubbling as I applied the paint. Before I know it I put a large hole in the wall and tore my glove in the process.

Post edited on 29th Nov 2021, 6:53pm
>> No. 38990 [Edit]
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Everyday has been miserable and stressful since we sold our old home. I hated the town we left, it was a poverty and crime ridden hellhole, but I liked my room at least. I keep hoping I can wake up in my old bed, back when I had a real bed, and forget this nightmare. When we sold our house, I spent more than six months living in the back of a motorhome inside of a dirty and loud trailerpark. It hurt every time I made the monthly payment, in more ways than one. Within the last few days we were there, someone got into my car and made a mess of things while stealing my gymbag. we, and by that I mean mostly my mother, ran out of excuses to keep us there. I remember trying to leave, and the motorhome crapped out just before reaching the park's gate. I was forced to slowly turn the thing around and take it back, spending the next month there trying to get the issue fixed. Swapping out the battery seemed to help, gave it an oil change and some new tires along with a bit of a tune up. I was told bad gas was probably the issue.
The thing still left us stranded on a hill in the middle of nowhere, half way between las Vegas and SoCal. Spent hours that day as the sun went down trying desperately to get the RV to budge. Only got it to barely move the next day after unhitching the car and lighting the load into the car. It took a bunch of mechanic visits and more than $3000 in repairs to get the thing running properly during the month we got stuck in vegas, this during 115f heat almost daily. I could go on and on but I've already chronicled a lot of this on my twitter page, which I keep getting flack for using as a blog.
For the past almost two years, life has been unending shit. I just can't seem to catch a break. That motorhome btw, I was forced to sell for peanuts because this area gets nasty hailstorms which would probably turn the motorhome into Swiss cheese, or destroy the equipment on it's roof and possibly windshilds if nothing else. Heck, just the other day I found out my cellphone is going to become a useless brick in a couple months once 3G shuts down, this when the phone isn't even that old (2017). 95% of my stuff is currently in storage, nearly two thousand miles away. I got laid off in the same week of moving out of that house, which made it impossible to get a home loan anywhere, probably even get an apartment, since everyone wants you to have had a job for the last 2 years consistently. My unemployment got cut off more than a month ago too, with all the money I made pretty much going into the motorhome and travel expenses. Everything seems to pay about $10 an hour or less around here and hardly feels worth it.
The family I left back in California couldn't give less of a shit about me. My uncle called a few times at first, mostly trying to get tech support and have someone to rant to about his insane political views and conspiracy theories. He wanted me to go back but couldn't give me a good reason why I should. The calls/texts slowed then stopped. Last I heard from him was a "you 2" I got after wishing him a happy thanksgiving. My dad meanwhile never once called or wrote to see how I was doing. He flew out twice to visit me during the trip, but it seemed more like excuses to go to locations he wanted to visit anyway, and on the second visit it turned out he just wanted help listing his Ferrari for sale, and photo shopping a plane to look like it was in a particular hanger so he could lie to the person he was renting the hanger from. Haven't heard from him since.
A couple weeks ago after my mom did something dumb and mostly insignificant for the millionth time, I snapped, busted the door to my room and knocked large dent into a wall before saying "Fuck it, I'm done!" and pulling my gun out of the closet. There I saw for an hour with it lost in thought.
>> No. 38991 [Edit]
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>We were going to settle for half and half but in the end I caved and agreed to tile for the whole house
>> No. 38992 [Edit]
It would've broken me to have to go through even half of what you've went through. Incidentally, I paid a deposit to rent a new place recently only to get cold feet and ended up backing out of the deal and having it forfeited. I'm feeling uncertain about moving out right now despite the terrible condition of my current place, even more so now after reading your story. Moving is never easy, I hope things will get better for you.
>> No. 38994 [Edit]
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I think it already has.

The prices tend to balance out, or so they say Tile in itself is a little cheaper than vinyl planks, but costs a fair bit more to get installed. We got measurements from Home Depot while still planing on doing planks for the bedrooms and hallway with tile for everything else. You can see for yourself the prices they gave. Needless to say, we said no thanks.
>> No. 38995 [Edit]
That is pricey, but considering how long you'll be living in a house, to me it makes sense to splurge on things like that. Oh well.
>> No. 38996 [Edit]
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Damn, I'm sorry to hear that.
I hope things get better for you.
Try to take it easy when possible, as hard as that may sound.
W-w-we care about you, Tohno!! I wouldn't even know what do in such a situation, but I want to express my gratitude for running this site and generally fixing things pretty fast.

Post edited on 29th Nov 2021, 11:10am
>> No. 38998 [Edit]
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12k is a pretty big splurge when I have no income, and I have no clue how long we're really going to be staying here. Both of us want to head south to Texas like we had originally planed since there's plenty of reasonably paying job opportunities out that way, and not much here.

Yeah it's pretty hard with the house being a mess, and it seems like everyday I work on it and don't get anywhere because of our bizarre paint problems which everyone has a different opinion on and the internet has proven useless with. At least a bud was nice enough to send me his old phone considering the problem I was having with that. oh and thanks.

Post edited on 2nd Dec 2021, 7:35pm
>> No. 39002 [Edit]
honestly at this point I recommend people to put money into Bitcoin, Monero or PAXG (gold-backed crypto) just to safeguard against inflation. I think we're gonna see double-digit inflation on Dollars and Euros as after-effects of all the lockdowns. Don't daytrade, just keep your crypto (or Dollars/Euros for that matter) on a site like Coinloan that pays you interest on it, see
>> No. 39009 [Edit]
I hope you're ok tohno.
>> No. 39012 [Edit]
After a lot of struggling with the tile situation over the last couple months, I finally managed to get the stuff delivered. I wouldn't be surprised if half of them are cracked or something at this point, kind of expect it really.
With the painting issue I've had, I've found that applying coats in very very light amounts can help reduce (but not prevent) the issue of the paint bubbling up. Still, I get the feeling it's probably gonna peel off it there's a humid day or something. Overall things could be worse. Although I've been having some vision issues for a while now that I've been mostly ignoring. Honestly kinda wonder if I might go blind someday because of it.
>> No. 39016 [Edit]
The guys we're gonna get to do our tile showed up today. They were supposed to show up yesterday between 12-1, but by around 4 they told us it'd have to be the next day.
Today they showed up to... pretty much just look at the pile of tile we got. But while they were here they saw the huge crack running down the side of the house and into the three bedrooms ( shown here >>38990 ). Combined with how out of wack some of the doors are, they said we'd probably have to get that side of the foundation jacked up. Which would run about 3k+ and would probably cause a bit more damage as they move part of the house. They said they won't give me any guaranties on the work for the bedrooms if we install tile in them as is, because it'll almost definitely crack if and when that part of the foundation moves again. Jacking up that part of the house meanwhile doesn't guarantee it won't move again, so there's that. The guy says it wouldn't be as much of a problem if we put vinyl wood planks in the bedrooms since that stuff can bend a little. gee, if only I had thought of that.....

Spent the next few hours tearing off some old ugly and poorly installed trim around the house to put new one on later. Then finished playing the remaster of the original resident evil game in preparation for the new movie. Went out and got what must have been an awkward haircut for the barber who tried to make small talk but quickly gave up trying (probably didn't care much for the direct style of answers.).
Had some crappy pizza at a place with a buffet of the stuff while playing games on my phone and killing time before going to see the resident evil movie, which was hilariously bad. The theater itself is pretty run down too. When I saw Dune and Ghost Busters there, the screen had a huge rip in the middle. This one had weird ghosting where anything bright was doubled up. Can't complain about it ruining the movie at least lol.
When I turned my phone back on I got a text from the person I sold my RV to who couldn't figure out how to turn the lights on, which I was able to explain easily enough. Kinda funny how after living in the thing for a year and a half, I've memorized nearly everything about it like the back of my hand.
Part of me regrets selling it, since it would have been perfect for running away from home with, but at the same time I was getting paranoid about mechanical issues with it popping up at any time that might cost thousands to repair, and figured it'd be better to sell it before something like that happens. That on top of the weather related issues I mentioned before.
>> No. 39017 [Edit]
Now we got termites.
>> No. 39024 [Edit]
I'm sorry to hear all this.
>> No. 39047 [Edit]
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>I have no clue how long we're really going to be staying here
Well you better make up your mind. If you only want to stay 1 or 2 years tops, you're spending a lot of unnecessary money and doing a lot of unnecessary work right now. Better invest those thousands of dollars you're spending on fucking floor tiles and shit into something that'll make you decent money within the next 12-24 months, use your time and energy to work and/or further your education, then get out of there.
Who gives a shit if the floor or the paint doesn't look nice or whatever when you're only in there for a short time.

When I got out of homelessness years ago and moved into a shitty 1-bedroom apartment in an old commie block in central Europe, I only spent maybe $200 on things that I wasn't planning on taking with me into my next dwelling. A few rugs to cover the floor in places where I'd walk barefoot, a bed frame and mattress, a couple cheap shelves from IKEA, a table and a reasonably sturdy chair, and that's it.
Spent another $800 or so on things that I ended up taking with me, like a fridge, a computer and so on.
Did basically zero work on the apartment itself, apart from painting two walls before I moved out, which I only did to get my deposit back from the landlord.
Used my time to work a job, and most of my disposable income to pay off all my debts and save up to buy into a housing co-op.
>> No. 39074 [Edit]
>you're spending a lot of unnecessary money and doing a lot of unnecessary work right now. Better invest those thousands of dollars you're spending on fucking floor tiles and shit into something that'll make you decent money within the next 12-24 months
>Who gives a shit if the floor or the paint doesn't look nice or whatever when you're only in there for a short time.
I'm not sure if you're familiar with the concept of house flipping, but doing this is pretty much how my mom, someone who's not very bright and has only ever worked minimum wage fast food, was able to from nothing and work her way up to owning(not leasing) multiple houses, her dream truck, ect in 10 years, lose it all and fall into bankruptcy, then after another 13ish years of getting by on disability with my help have the cash to buy (not rent/loan) a 120k house. My dad on the other hand who doesn't have literal brain problems or someone with those problems holding him back, turned himself into a millionaire doing this same sort of thing. I'm not trying to brag here here, and it's certainly not much to brag about in the case of me and my mother. The point is just that what we're doing has been proven to work. Buying, fixing up, and reselling houses has the potential for pretty huge profit margins. I mean after all was said and done we made about 40k in profit from selling the house we were living in before this. If we stay here for a while or not, either way it just makes sense to fix the thing up so that whenever we do sell, it'll fetch a decent price. Home repairs and upgrades are an investment, it's not flushing money down the drain or something (unless you go about it poorly and don't know what you're doing). In our last house I lost a fair bit of money by not doing much of the work myself. I was working a normal job, and for a while there it was only to come home each day and pay people twice what I made that day to do work I could have done myself. Which is what I'm doing this time around. I really don't want to grow up to be too much like my father, but he was a very firm believer in the idea that time = money. If he was doing what I'm doing now, he would count the hours he worked, multiple that by the going rate of local handymen, then say that's how much money he saved.
There's a -very- big difference between painting an apartment to get a deposit back, and painting a house to resell it at a net gain. In other words, it's like buying a dirty old game console from a GoodWill for $10, cleaning it up and selling it for $40. What you're talking about woth the deposit is like borrowing a console from a friend and giving them a $20 to hold into and to keep if you mess the thing up. So then you give the thing back in the same condition you got it in, if not better to make sure you get that $20 back. Sure you'll (probably) get your money back, but you don't really make anything. Depending on the deposit, it might not even be worth the cost of labor and materials.

Anyways, all that aside you're still right. I don't really have much of a future if I keep living like this. I really 'should' be studying, working on a carrier ect.
It's just a bit hard to see much point, especially with such a late start. It also doesn't seem very appealing working a job I hate to pay for a a small apartment I'd probably have to share to afford, just so that maybe if I'm lucky I could work my way up to 40 year mortgage on a big empty house I'll die alone in under a pile of figures and toys... I dunno. All the while not having time to enjoy any of the things I'd be working my ass off to afford. If I were really lucky I'd be able to retire before arthritis makes it impossible to play videogames or type anything, failing vision makes watching anime hard, and lord knows what else. I don't know man, it doesn't really feel like much of a life, not that there's many alternatives.
>> No. 39075 [Edit]
Would it not make more sense to rent the house out instead of flipping it? That way you have not only an income stream but also an asset.
>> No. 39078 [Edit]
You risk having renters that don't pay and that are hard to legally get rid of (pregnant single mothers are a nightmare in that regard), and/or that trash stuff, and you can't pay off the mortgage in one go and have to keep paying. It can work out great, but it can be a massive bother to just stay ahead of your payments with the money you make.
>> No. 39080 [Edit]
My parents have done that, and we rented a room in our last house. Like >>39078 said however, it comes with huge risk. For one thing, it's part of the reason my mother lost everything like I mentioned before. She rented to the wrong people (junkies seemed like), they refused to pay rent and after she kicked them out, they went and burnt the house down. She had let the insurance lapse, and sold the lot for peanuts.
Also like >>39078 said, people have a tenancy to destroy these houses. I've had to help in fixing up a lot of these places after people move out, and sometimes people will take everything that isn't bolted down, and bash apart what is. Ideally you want to get them out before this happens, but like the anon said there's a lot of legal issues with that. Sometimes, people know this, and take advantage of it. My father dragged me along to an early and kind of illegal eviction once to back him up (and be used as a human shield in case the guy had a gun). The people there refused to pay rent, but made it very clear they had no intention of moving out any time soon. They had even gone as far as to scheduled installation of a new cable tv service the same day we showed up. The woman living there got a boyfriend or something to babysit the house, and he attacked us when my dad went in with a crew to start hauling stuff out. Even went as far as to fight the phone out of a ladies hands and smash/stop on it when she tried to call the police. Also kicked in the bathroom door where a kid of maybe 6 was either taking a dump or hiding.
I got a nice bruise on my arm after the guy that got into a fist fight with my dad started throwing any random objects he could find at our make shift moving crew. One of those crewmen got a 10lb weight to the leg. My uncle was there too and another was flung at him like a Frisbee, but he blocked it with a table that took a good dent. The guy had a knife with him, but he dropped it after my dad punched him in the face, I hid the thing and talked the guy down a bit, he dropped his new weapon and decided to just call the police instead. Really should have started with that, because they ended up hauling him away.
After all was said and done we found evidence they were just starting to trash the place, tag up walls and mirrors, breaking this and that.
Funny thing is I and another person recorded the whole thing. The other person refused to share the video with anyone. Mine I recorded with one of those cheap "spy" pens, kinda like a body cam. Unfortunately the thing was pointing too high and mostly only got audio with just a few glimpses of what happened.

Anywho, Like the genius I was helped him with another eviction after he swore it wouldn't be like that this time. Sure things didn't get violent but it seemed like they almost did a few times. In this case he told the people he'd only give them their deposit back if they hauled off all the garbage they left behind, which they did but then he still refused due to damages. While helping him work on this place after the fact, I found a number of old needles and things. I guess breaking towel racks and sticking stuff in the rod is something people do?

Third and last time I helped him with an eviction was when he kicked this old lady dying of cancer out of her apartment. He says she stopped paying the rent but it also sounded like he just didn't want her dying there and causing a lot of problems. It was horrible exhausting back breaking work emptying the entire contents of a person's home who lives above a flight of steps with just one day laborer helping. Even dropped a heavy box on my foot and left myself injured for a good while, my thanks was mostly just a few bucks and being told I wasn't getting any inheritance. I helped out with house repairs after that but never did another eviction/move out. I was a NEET and it was hard to turn down the cash, and as much of a douche as the guy was I still wanted to try and be there for my family.
If nothing else I did learn a little about the game.

Far as renting myself, I've wanted to try it in spite of all this. But renting out a house you're still making payments on feels way too risky on top of everything else. I've been thinking a lot lately about instead getting a place of my own and renting the extra rooms in it. I tried this already while still with my mom and a guy I knew from highschool, and boy did they clash... Never directly though, nah, they liked to bitch at me about the other person almost daily. Didn't exactly help that the guy unloaded what seemed to be a garage worth of stuff into our backyard after claiming it'd be just a few things. We did however rent to another guy for years who was pretty cool. Always paid on time, never caused problems. Pretty ideal really.
Before covid, I was planing on trying to get a place near a college and rent rooms out to students. In retrospect, I'm not sure if being on the grounds myself would have really done much to help mitigate the damage they're infamous for causing. we changed plans to heading out to texas where housing was a lot cheaper to start fresh. I was in talks with a couple people on irc who were interested in getting a room once we found a place, but our trek across the country took too long and they found other accommodations.
Still, the current plan is to fix this place up we're in now. If we sell it in a year or in five, its gotta be fixed up anyway. With any luck my mom will stay in it while I get a place of my own in a bigger city and take up some ads or something for room mates. If not, maybe we'll sell and put the cash towards a place or two out there.
>> No. 39082 [Edit]
Aren't down payments meant to filter people like this out?
>> No. 39083 [Edit]
>You risk having renters that don't pay and that are hard to legally get rid of
Filtering based on race, gender, and credit score seems like a fairly easy way to get rid of questionable renters though? Sure it's technically illegal, but you could just request that credit score be provided upfront and it's easy enough to infer the other two based on a person's name. I guess this really varies based on the housing market in your location though.
>> No. 39085 [Edit]
Buy farmland from people too old to farm, then rent it out to active farmers.
Farmers rarely fall behind on payments (they make a relatively safe killing off grants and don't want the gravy train to stop), and farmland is really, really hard to trash if they do.
I make 6k a year off that. Just make sure to write an automatic inflation adjustment into the contract, I'll have to renegotiate some.
>> No. 39096 [Edit]
This has been on the back of my mind for the past six months or so, and I recently came across cutting-edge biology work that provides the missing puzzling in broadly explaining how branches of alternate medicine like Homeopathy, traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, etc. work together within the mind-body framework.

In short, there are 2 pieces at play here. First is the mind-body connection, which is already technically accepted in the form of the placebo effect but calling it that is dismissive since it can indeed be utilized for proper healing. The work by John Sarno here is good reading.

The second piece of the puzzle is in the effects of bioelectricity. This was described back in the 80s (see "The Body Electric" by Becker) but no one bothered to research more until recently. The Lewin lab is doing fantastic stuff here [1] and there's a good podcast discussing his work. Combining this with the mind-body framework it's easy to see how the so-called placebo-effect can lead not just to alleviation of perceived symptoms but genuine healing on the physical level (not to mention the usual chemical-level signaling controls that the brain has control over). Then finally to bridge the gap with things like acupuncture/traditional Chinese medicine, you take a look at gap junctions where bioelectric signaling occurs strongly.

>> No. 39121 [Edit]
Tile installers said nearly a week ago they'd come by this Saturday to start installing the stuff. Woke to a banging on the front door, they decided to show up a day early. They made an unreasonable request that I empty everything from the dinning room so they could rip the floor out of it, which we were using to store a lot of stuff since we couldn't keep anything in the kitchen and living room, the places they were going to start. I asked if they wanted me to put the stuff on the roof of the house or something and they left it at that. They got to work on the floor, and after opening nine boxes of tile noticed that the stuff was different shades. I recommended the idea of alternating colors and making a pattern out of them, the guy said he'd charge me an extra $600 for that. He made some excuses about having to sort out tile, hunt around for the right stuff ect. I told him I could do that but he kept making excuses while sticking to that number. Then the guys discover the tiles are also different sizes too. I discovered the boxes while all being the same item code and such, had different sizes and shade codes on them. We stopped there, and after some discussion decided to yank up what was placed and hold off on installing the tile till we could figure out what was going on. I called up the store that sold me the stuff, which at first didn't want to work with me at all and kept insisting that's just what tile is like, random sizes and colors. But I eventually worked something out where they'd check their stock, see which how many of each color/size they have, then call me back. I counted off all the boxes we had and found that they gave me 30 of one type, 30 of another type, and 10 of three other types. When I got the call back they agreed to send a truck out to pick up half the boxes (they wouldn't take back what's been cut or broken already), and sell me 32 boxes of what they found matches 30 of what I had.

I then spent the last like 2-3 hours sorting and counting tile from the 9 opened boxes to make sense of it all and see what I could return (which turned out to only be 3 boxes). good thing they have codes printed on the side of the tiles, but those codes don't match anything on the boxes. Of the 9 boxes that were opened, there seemed to be 3 different types. L25 L27 and L29 (codes on the tile), or 5 boxes of B48 3 boxes of H48 and 1 box of Q48. After counting them up I found that there were 35 pieces of L29 (7 per box), so that was obviously B48. But then I found there were 14 pieces of L27 with 21 of L25. So I guess a box must have gotten tossed out or something. This, I didn't realize until typing this.

Later in the day, some guys show up to replace our water heater. It's been busted since we moved in. My mom just stayed in her room crying the whole time they installed it, now convinced the house is cursed, that or us. The water heater install seemed like it was going a little too well, so I wasn't at all surprised to find when they were done that the door in front of the thing wouldn't close properly anymore because of a pipe they left sticking out into the doorway. I might be able to fix that myself latter though.

Now I get to look forward to lugging around 30+ boxes of 50lb tile onto a pallet to return the stuff, (after doing it with all 70 already) in the hopes they take it back and refund me, and hope I can still buy the stuff they said they have in stock, then hope the installers won't try to charge me an arm and a leg for wasting a day of theirs. That said, me and "hope" don't seem to get along too well.

Not a half bad idea. I'll have to think about that.
>> No. 39139 [Edit]
>I'm not sure if you're familiar with the concept of house flipping
I am, but given your comment that "how long we're really going to be staying here" is what determines whether or not you think it's a good idea to splurge on new tiles and so on, I didn't reckon that increasing the house's resale value was your main motivation behind those purchases.

If you get good profit margins off of renovating run-down houses and reselling them, that sounds dope, although it also sounds like a lot of work, as well as stressful interactions with people. It also seems risky to me to have virtually all your wealth in one asset, or even one type of asset. What if the real-estate market suddenly takes a nosedive like it did around 2008?

I share your unwillingness to do shitty work for decades on end, but if you have enough money to buy a house, then you have enough wealth to generate a decent amount of passive income, one way or the other.
Over the last couple of years I've gradually gone from working 40 hours per week to only 20 hours a week, and otherwise live off of passive income from stock dividends and interest payments from crypto staking/lending. My goal is to retire completely within the next few years and hopefully only do things with my time that I enjoy, which is going to include working on some projects that will generate some amount of income and acquiring skills that would be marketable in case I ever lose all my property for some reason.
Not trying to say that my lifestyle and my way to handle personal finances is the only 'correct' one or whatever, just pointing out that there's different approaches to it all.

Post edited on 14th Jan 2022, 4:58pm
>> No. 39144 [Edit]
I bought a new keyboard today. Finding one that is backlit (no RGB bullshit), angled, low profile, and not 4GAMERZ is quite the endeavor. In the end, I had to sacrifice it being backlit, but if I had more money, maybe that would have not been the case.
Tangentially, I'd love to have a keyboard that's both wired and wireless. If anybody here has something like that, I'd love to hear your thoughts.
>> No. 39145 [Edit]
Which keyboard did you buy, specifically? Every time I start to shop around for a new one, mostly with the same criteria you listed, I find nothing except hundreds of RGB gaymer keyboards.
>> No. 39146 [Edit]
It's the PERIBOARD-210. The company who designs these have a variety of keyboards that range from models like the 210 to ones that are closer to classic IBM boards. Unfortunately, they don't seem to have a keyboard like the 210 that's backlit.
Hope this helps!
>> No. 39149 [Edit]
Why would you want a backlit keyboard? I get it if you want it for the colours, but you don't, so why?
>> No. 39150 [Edit]
I like to work in a dark room. Following from that, my monitor's brightness is low, so having another light source would be nice.
>> No. 39151 [Edit]
File 164281659254.jpg - (10.61KB , 159x174 , [AK-Submarines] GIRLS und PANZER der FILM v2 [835F.jpg )
>I like to work in a dark room ... so having another light source would be nice.
Like a lamp...?
>> No. 39152 [Edit]
Lamps make dark terminal themes hard to see.
>> No. 39153 [Edit]
I know a solution that.
>> No. 39154 [Edit]
A lamp would be too much. Even then there would be no good place to put it.
>> No. 39155 [Edit]
No, there's always a good place to put it. Right now I have mine on a $10 ikea table, but in the past I had it on the floor. It's basically always on, but it's pointed away from me, towards the floor if I need it darker and towards the ceiling I want it brighter. Having some sort of ambient light on whenever I am on the computer has contributed to significantly better sleep quality and overall health. In the future society will view the introduction of dark themes with disdain, just as we view displays of unhealthy hedonism present in past generations.
>> No. 39156 [Edit]
I'm not surprised this devolved into a spiel of a midwit, but I am disappointed.
>> No. 39157 [Edit]
At least I'm not the guy buying god damn backlit keyboards.
>> No. 39159 [Edit]
Ideally you want the ambient light when you are working to be diffuse, have a color temperature/brightness that tracks with the outside. This means that ideally you would have ~6500k full-spectrum diffuse lighting indoors (or even better yet as much sunlight as possible) during the daytime, and slightly dimmer ~2700k during the evening.

Monitor brightness and color temperature should be adjusted the match that of the room, but just a tad dimmer and warmer. I think part of the reason behind the dark theme fad is because they don't know how to adjust the monitor color temperature (by default it's almost always too blue) or brightness. (That said, I use the dark theme only in the IDE because there you're not usually _reading_ stuff but rather grokking the general structure and call-flow for which color-on-black helps.)

Microsoft's "sculpt' ergonomic keyboard has been the best I've found, and the only one that fits the criteria of contoured, numpad-less, and non-mechanical switches.
>> No. 39161 [Edit]
I like dark themes for their aesthetics, and it's a nice chance of pace to switch from a light one to a darker one and vice versa.
>> No. 39167 [Edit]
Have you ever gotten physically sick from reading stupid stuff online?
>> No. 39189 [Edit]
Yes, whenever a political topic arises on a tech forum. It's as if everybody collectively decided to be retarded, and it makes me quite ill.
>> No. 39190 [Edit]
To be fair, even if you liked political talk, tech sites are probably the worst audience for it given its a highly social topic on sites browsed by humourless aspies
>> No. 39191 [Edit]
You don't find posting xkcd for the billionth time to be the peak of comedy?
>> No. 39192 [Edit]
To me what's annoying about seeing politic talk in a tech forum is that the same people who suddenly seemed rational and willing to have nuanced discussion on even unorthodox topics on tech (will suddenly devolve into tribal screeching when it comes to unorthodox political opinions. It's for that reason that I used to occasionally browse 4chan's /g/ where at least the latter wasn't an issue, but but lately finding any good technical discussion there is like finding needle in a haystack.
>> No. 39193 [Edit]
Probably because it's easy to emotionally detach from tech talk. "Should people use this protocol" is a lot less inflammatory than "should we commit genocide against x group". "Unorthodox" political opinions tend to involve group politics.

Post edited on 30th Jan 2022, 8:19am
>> No. 39194 [Edit]
File 164356969285.jpg - (253.01KB , 880x1829 , margin_history.jpg )
I decided to try out margin trading, and put up 100 Euros as collateral. I ended up making more than 1000 Euros by figuring out a strategy to extract money from some guy's trading bot and spending the Sunday manually trading shit back and forth.
>> No. 39195 [Edit]
Nice. I made some money on NFT's just by receiving some NFT's for free some years ago. With all this talk about NFTs now I hope the price is gonna go up.
>> No. 39196 [Edit]
what kind of NFT? Like, pictures or something?
>> No. 39197 [Edit]
File 164357251698.jpg - (333.56KB , 2048x1152 , 411427852111985e2e3414275a1fa214.jpg )
Why would you expect tech talk on a guro board?
>> No. 39198 [Edit]
I wish /g/ was about guro. That'd be an improvement.
>> No. 39199 [Edit]
I love nuns.
>> No. 39211 [Edit]
Something like that, but only small money was made.
>> No. 39373 [Edit]
How has TC been holding up recently?
>> No. 39376 [Edit]
My 17yo dog just passed. She was sick for the past 7 months with kidney failure. Took her to the vet couple hours ago and there was nothing left to do but to reduce her suffering with euthanasia. She was breathing and then she was still, and she will be still forever now. That was it. They let me carry her to another little room and then I left her there for cremation. We just go from sadness to sadness, trying to keep it together whatever way we can and then it's our turn.
>> No. 39378 [Edit]
>trying to keep it together whatever way we can
A pet tortoise might outlive you.

Post edited on 20th Mar 2022, 1:11pm
>> No. 39388 [Edit]
File 1631735514390.mp4 - (275.64KB )

Im very sorry you had to go through that. Death is never an easy subject to deal with and even pets can feel like a monumental loss. Take solace in that the suffering has ended and try not to equate it to our own mortality. A memorial site might help you grieve.

I got choked up reading and writing this, im thinking about you for what its worth.
>> No. 39449 [Edit]
This afternoon sucked. My mother forced me to go the filthy place known as the bank, all to get a fucking kid's credit card, that i can't even use, and has no real money on it. This fucking piece of garbage doesn't even have my name correctly on it. The finger reading crap of the machine couldn't read my finger, probably because it was used to the disgusting fat and disgusting skin tones of the region commoners. In the end an specimen of this sample known as the scum on mankind and his piece of shit equally fat and ugly wife kept chatting with the attendant, while my paranoid mother kept insisting that the message "credit card unlocked" was not clear enough and wanted a vocal confirmation from the crooks who work at this hellish institution. I kept trying to hurry this disgusting couple by making "tsk" sounds with my mouth as loud as possible while looking around. It worked, the filthy scum went back to their dung-holes were they came from, the crook in charge gave my mom confirmation that the cattle-card was a go. In the car, my mother accused me of interfering with the all benevolent finger reading machine, by "hitting it with a finger". I called her out, and say the absolute truth, that that shithole was a filthy place filled with disgusting people all dirty and they and their disgusting fingers had messed up. She stopped the blabbering and left me home.
>> No. 39461 [Edit]
File 164987249679.gif - (36.10KB , 96x96 , cat move.gif )
Heh. I have no money, no education, no employment history, aging parents and my room is a complete mess. Yet I spend the whole day working on this silly gif animation. If life avoidance was something people admired, I would be king of the world.
>> No. 39462 [Edit]
Pretty cool. How did you do it?
>> No. 39463 [Edit]
sounds like you could do art commissions.
>> No. 39464 [Edit]
File 164988892279.png - (8.80KB , 864x198 , Untitled-1.png )
Asesprite anon. It's super easy to use. First you do your base drawing. Keep everything in its separate layer so you can edit details quickly. Once you're done, draw the frames.
Thanks. I should try that.
>> No. 39605 [Edit]
I've been spending the day on updating my anime archive with supposedly better (and bigger) versions. It's kind of exhausting.
>> No. 39659 [Edit]
Whelp, looks like I left off a good ways back there.

Things were pretty bad there, it was getting really hard to take it anymore.
The phone thing I mentioned here >>38990 went into effect, I started to panic but an online friend sent me one of his old phones that would work after the 3g shut down thing. It still really sucked because I couldn't keep using my phone's internet connection on my laptop, since these companies want you to pay extra for tethering and disable in on unrooted phones. I recall trying to see if I could upgrade my phone plan to allow for 10gb of hotspot a month, and as soon as I did they disabled my phone for not being paid up that month. See, the plan costs $10 more a month than the one I was already on, so they took this to mean I was $10 short. Since they disabled the phone I had no way of paying. I tried calling AT&T since it was the only number I 'could' call, but they put me on an endless hold. I jumped in my car and drove to the at&t store, which was of course closed. But was able to use wifi in the area to get to their website on the phone and pay the extra $10 that way. I later broke down sobbing uncontrollably on the floor.

Tried calling up various ISP that might service the area, and found none did. Went to the local branch for the only cable ISP in town I knew of the following sunday, they weren't my first pick because they have datacaps on top of subpar speeds, but didn't seem like I had many other options. They were closed. I went back the following day. They were closed then too. Somehow I didn't notice they were closed on Mondays as well. I got an ad in the mail for satellite internet making all these claims about the price and speeds and what not. I called them up, and was told after asking the rep like three times that they had no datacaps. So I signed up with them. It was a 2 year contract, with this early cancelation fee of $400 that would go down by $15 every month. I really wasn't in the best state of mind at the time, and could have probably been sold a bridge. But I figured if we used it for just a year, that fee would be $200 and it'd still be cheaper than the local cable company.
The service they signed me up for was called Hughesnet. At this point, I'm convinced the company is a huge scam that only exists to trap customers in these horrible contracts and screw them when they get the system installed and find out just how terrible it really is.
My speeds were insanely garbage. As it turned out, they have a 10gb data cap, and after that they slow you to a crawl, but leave you on a connection that they can "technically" say is a an unlimited data internet connection. Sure enough they pulled that on me when I tried to cancel. Needless to say, 10gb is jack. I'd use up 10gb in a day or two like nothing. After hitting their datacap, the speeds were so slow that the ISP's own website would time out.
During this time I learned it was possible to tether mobile internet from an unrooted phone after all with an app called PDANet+. Speeds were much better on that, and I could go back to using my phone carriers' dataplan like before, all be it with the new phone I had, and in as convenient of a way.
I spent some time looking into my ISP and how to get out of the contract, made some plans to try and get out of it without paying the fee. From what I gathered, most methods seemed to involve talking a rep into cutting you some slack, but in talking to a rep about it, it became clear they weren't gonna budge. I had heard that telling them you're moving to an area they don't cover is one way to get out of it, but the guy I spoke with didn't care and told me to pass my service onto a friend. He even started getting angry at me when I told them that wasn't an option. I hung up right then and there and tried again and got someone a tad more reasonable, who was able to at least get me $50 off the fee. I figured that was probably as good of a deal as I was gonna get. I've been using the tethering thing since, keeping two phones on me everywhere I go now. The speeds aren't great, and lately have been pretty bad in fact. 30 seconds to load a 300kb image at times. But it's still better than what I got with hugesnet.
>> No. 39663 [Edit]
>satellite internet
Has atrocious ping and relatively low bandwidth, as you unfortunately found out the hard way. The only reasonable option here is Tesla's starlink I think, but that's not really generally available yet. Still, you could try signing up and hoping that they are in your area soon.
>> No. 39665 [Edit]
>The only reasonable option here is Tesla's starlink
I'm not rich, I'm not even working. I don't know why people keep recommending this. Is this some new meme? Because $600 down with $110+ a month doesn't feel "reasonable" to me.
I don't work from home, rarely do online gaming, or use streaming services. slow speeds can be annoying sometimes, but I don't need a google fiber grade connection either. The reason why datacaps bother me so much is because I'm one of those weirdos who still downloads and stores games and video. Sometimes they take a while to download, but once they do it's fine. I watch/play what's available, or plan ahead if it's something I want to watch the same day. when using xdc, I find that if I start watching an anime ep once it's around 50-60%, and it might finish as I watch it. My speeds do seem a little random though, there's been times when it's been slowed to a crawl recently, but it also seems to get pretty decent past 1am. When I signed up for my phone plan they explained I had 20gb of normal data speeds per month, then once I hit that it gets slowed down if the local network is busy, which I guess is what's happening here. On my trip across the country I rarely noticed it get slowed down, but here I guess a lot of people are probably on the network due to the lack of alternatives.
>> No. 39666 [Edit]
I meant "reasonable" as in "only satellite service worth its salt," not necessarily reasonable in a financial sense. I think it probably will drop over time, or they'll introduce different pricing tiers. For its current pricing tier though Starlink is actually on par with most residential ISPs, cnosidering that 200 MBps Comcast is around 120 or so. Considering their claimed overall goal is to provide coverage to 3rd world countries as well, they probably will eventually come out with lower tier pricing plans once they have enough financial leeway to make this sustainable (which could very well be never, considering Tesla situation).

Have you also looked at providers/MNVOs that explicitly offer unlimited data+tethering? I think google fi is one, although I have not read the fine print to see if "unlimited" is actually unlimited.
>> No. 39667 [Edit]
So to continue on the house thing. I was able to get enough of the tile in the end, and matching too.
The floor installers eventually did end up getting the tile installed and finished, and did a crap job of it. For all the trouble of getting the right stuff, they placed a lot of it unevenly, and again blamed the tile. It sticks up pretty high in some places to the point where a person could trip on it if they're not paying attention. They left the transitions unfinished (where the tile meets the vinyl flooring), and made it seem like it would be no biggy, but as it turned out they left too small of a gap in most places and way too big of a gap in one. I was eventually able to chisel out the vinyl to get the transition strips in though. A few weeks after the floor was finished, my mom went to go live with her sister and start a job out there while I stayed at the house to finish up work on the house. It was nice being alone, and without her around I was able to fix my diet. Everyday I'd have a light breakfast, then spend the day working on the house, stopping only for a short meal break, then go back at it till sundown. I figured the sooner I get this place fixed up and looking good, the sooner we could list it for sale and leave.
I started getting into the routine of browsing local yard sales as a means of getting away from the house, because I couldn't stop working while I was there, but it was also to see what the competition was like, see how people in the area model their houses and such. For the most part, this time period wasn't so bad.

My mom would come by to visit every other weekend with my aunt who drove, sometimes bringing materials. The last time they did this was when they brought me a door to swap out an old one with. They got stopped by the local police for going 7mph over the limit and my aunt wasn't carrying proof of insurance or a license either. Added up to more than $600 in tickets, which I had too pay because she couldn't figure out how.
After that, some distant family learned that we sold our house in California and found out where we live thanks to the magic of the internet. I got a panicked call from my mom telling me as much, and that they might be dropping by that weekend. She recommended pretending I wasn't home, or calling the police if they show up. She wouldn't tell me what they wanted. They showed up on a Friday. I answered because I thought it'd be during the weekend, and when they asked for my mom I told them I didn't know her. They came back a little latter, I ignored them. These people started begging everyone they knew for photos of me and my mom, and became convinced they had the right address and that I was indeed their aunt's son. They came back again the following Sunday. I ignored them, but they wouldn't go away and they started questioning neighbors from the looks of it. I really didn't need any of this bs. I ended up learning from my aunt that these people signed a land contract with my mom for a small plot she has in Guatemala, and just wanted to see if she was dead yet so they could claim it. They also started telling people I killed her for "the money" when they found she wasn't there at the house the first time. My mom wanted to avoid contact with them, but because of that mess ended up having to bitch them out and tell them off.

A couple weeks back my mom ended up moving back in because the job was tiring her out and she was starting to butt heads with my aunt. My aunt got a small taste of what I've had to live with, and one of her solutions has been to repeatedly whistle to my mom when she needs something.
But now she's apparently bored out of her mind, and hitting up the local casino again because of it. She blew more than $500 just the other day. She's due to head back next week with my aunt which would be nice.
The house is currently listed for sale, but the agent says we're asking too much for it. In two weeks we've only had two people look at it. We bought it for 115k, and put more than 10k into it. I figured 150k would be a fair price to ask, but my mom was insistent on 160k. Meanwhile, the house we almost bought, but that my mom begged me not to buy, was relisted for sale for 40k more than what it sold for at the same time we bought the one we're in now and it's since been sold, apparently without -any- repairs or upgrades at all.
The agent had some good buyers he wanted to show our house the weekend after we signed up with him, but I forgot to unmute my phone after going to a movie so I didn't hear his calls or texts, and ended up missing out on those buyers who ended up signing off on another house they were shown the same day. Ever since then it feels like the agent has been annoyed at us and less interested in working with us, but it could be my imagination.

The week of my birthday rolled around, so I decided to finally get around to unboxing my old desk top pc that I had been lugging around with me since this all started. I set the thing up and... it wouldn't turn on and stay on. It's hard to put into words the type of disappointment I had then. seemed like the cmos was the most likely issue, but even with replacing it the pc wouldn't stay on. Turned out there was an issue with one of the sticks of ram, and swapping slots around seemed to resolve it. Shortly after that I got my htc vive unpacked and set up too. Really wish I would have done it sooner. VR would have helped a lot during some of the more difficult parts of this move. But yeah, that's where I'm at now. Sitting in a half empty remodeled house, waiting for it to sell so we can start the next phase of this shit show of a life.
Recently an online friend has been trying to help me with getting a job with them in their area, something that would pay well and let me put all this mess behind me, maybe start a life of my own, but so far that hasn't been going too well. spoke with a couple people over the phone but haven't gotten an interview yet. whole thing feels like a bit of a long shot.

ah, yeah. Does sound like the only good satellite solution if satellite is your only solution. I was just thinking about that though with the 3rd world countries. It seemed weird, because the people who would need this service the most, are people who probably can't afford it. As is, seems like the sort of thing that well off people are signing up for just for the fun of it. People who do have other options, but are treating Tesla like the new Apple.
I did look into dedicated services a bit, and learned that it's apparently really popular with RVers. apparently there's even dedicated wifi routers made for exactly this. I'm not sure how much longer I'm going to be living here., but seeing as these things are month to month I think, I guess it wouldn't hurt, but I've also been trying to stick with my current setup to make up for the money lost to that satellite internet thing.
>> No. 39769 [Edit]
File 165421761414.jpg - (56.23KB , 337x233 , Son_of_Godzilla_Minilla.jpg )
I watched one of the recent hollywood godzilla movies. It was shit.
I don't really know why it's hard for people to grasp what makes Japanese media good.
>> No. 39770 [Edit]
They suck up Japanese IPs and ideas, but they understand most American audiences want something different from what most Japanese audiences do. It's profit driven.

If they really wanted to replicate Japanese media, they'd hire Japanese people to make it for them.
>> No. 39771 [Edit]
>They suck up Japanese IPs and ideas
Early kaiju movies use formulas appropriated from western monster movies. Godzilla in particular is strikingly similar to The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms. I watched after reading the wiki on it years ago when I was going through kaiju films myself and many of the things you think it's Godzilla are very much copied from 20k. Specially some of the city destruction shots and those army stand offs scenes are close to identical.
>> No. 39772 [Edit]
>I don't really know why it's hard for people to grasp what makes Japanese media good.
It's not easily learned. It's a matter of sensibilities.
>> No. 39789 [Edit]
File 165454563527.jpg - (1.25MB , 987x1400 , ebd1373635119231bc09207872be150a1e30cb76.jpg )
Had to do groceries today and there was a huge line at the cashier. Spent about 20 minutes in there just looking at the people inside the supermarket. People are so ugly, so incredibly ugly. Seems like they got even uglier than before but then I remembered most people are not wearing masks anymore so maybe that's why they look worse.
So I stopped my writing right after I wrote the last sentence and did some googling. I'm not dreaming, there are even studies suggesting people find other people more attractive with masks on. I agree. I read one article suggesting it's because we associate masks with caring and medical professions but I completely disagree about that part. IMO it makes people more attractive because it covers their ugliness more. I'm not saying I'm beautiful btw, on the contrary, I wear a mask outside because I can hide my own ugliness and I'm introverted so it makes me feel psychologically safer to have something covering my face. Now masks are socially accepted, nobody looks at you like a weirdo for wearing them and I'm taking full advantage of that. So that's good at least. Between the mask and the inevitable fogged glasses I'm able to cover pretty much all my face except the forehead, which is nice.

So yeah, ugly people. We're all ugly. Even the good looking ones are ugly, can't explain it. Also prices. Eveything is more expensive now. Another thing I noticed if how pets are now better dressed than their owners, better groomed, too. People are really letting it go, they dress so badly, like they just use their shitty stay at home clothing to go outside, don't give a fuck. On one hand I think people should wear whatever they want and nobody has anything to do with that. On the other hand however, now that so many people are doing it, it just make public places look shittier. Just an endless line of ill fitting jeans and stained t-shirts. At least I keep my clothing pretty clean and they actually fit. I don't want to contribute to the ugliness of this world, I want everything to be beautiful.

I mean I don't really mind on a rational level but society could really improve its aesthetic with a little bit of effort. We did it for the pets, we can do it for ourselves. Oh well, that's what you get for going outside, you end up thinking about things. The spaghetti was really cheap, they had a sale going.
>> No. 39791 [Edit]
File 165455535288.gif - (326.55KB , 500x280 , giphy.gif )
I got two pizzas for free today.
The girl who delivered them simply forgot to take my money.
>> No. 39792 [Edit]
Very nice!
>> No. 39881 [Edit]
File 165617021917.jpg - (379.14KB , 1200x342 , bloom.jpg )
I'm happy to say the violet is doing well. I think I found the right spot for it and it decided to blossom some more. The picture here shows the progress of the most well developed buds over a period of 2 weeks. I'm taking pictures every few days to check the progress. It's making me quite cheerful.
>> No. 39885 [Edit]
File 165621979030.jpg - (92.44KB , 850x625 , __onozuka_komachi_touhou_drawn_by_goback__sample-a.jpg )
I started playing Go a few days ago. Someone I know plays, so I got a physical set for $78. 18 x 18 inches, etched lines, comes with wooden bowls for the pieces. It has a nice feel to it. Taking captured pieces off the board manually is slower, but that's part of the charm too.

I've played a lot with AIs and been making some progress, but I really should read up a bit on strategy. Anyone here plays?
>> No. 39886 [Edit]
I lose miserably against even the easiest computer opponent at Go. But I admire how simple and elegant it is. There's basically only 2 rules (aside from the setup). It feels sort of similar to Hex in terms of long-term strategy of trying to block your opponent while making forward progress.

In terms of meta-game, I find it really interesting how despite being a much "simpler" game, Go is quantitatively harder (compared to e.g. chess, which I've never liked because it feels so artificial with a bunch of rules).
>> No. 39887 [Edit]
File 165622344131.jpg - (167.10KB , 1024x1408 , 2786e121b837a2d7f8be6dd181ecb056.jpg )
I've managed to beat the 12k rated bot here which is the second easiest it offers.
Never heard of Hex before. I've compared Go to wrestling before, and I think that's pretty accurate. Except you're more like an octopus than a person.

>despite being a much "simpler" game, Go is quantitatively harder
Complexity tends to coincide with being dumber from what I've seen. Yugioh is much more "complex" than chess in terms of mechanics, yet in the end, people use a few premade decks and have very few decisions to make during an actual game because the cards are so complex and have so many effects, they do 90% of the thinking for the player.

Meanwhile, in Go you have literally one action you can perform, but there's so many possible ways of doing that one thing it's kept people's attention for hundreds thousands of years.

Post edited on 25th Jun 2022, 11:05pm
>> No. 39890 [Edit]
File 165628609550.jpg - (106.54KB , 600x600 , Kanako(341).jpg )
I spent about two hours posting my waifu until I hit the image limit. Maybe it wasn't the best use of time, but it was fun and put a smile on my face.
>> No. 39891 [Edit]
I played it but very little. I fucking suck at this game, I got absolutely crushed by this AI you just defeated. Did you play against humans yet? Playing against humans is very different.
>> No. 39943 [Edit]
I'm considering buying a Switch Lite($200) just to play this go video game.
Something more interactive without a reliance on an external server. Couldn't find many other options and what does exist doesn't seem to have been translated or is unpolished. I'm not going to use GNU go, that's for sure. What to do... what to do. Any suggestions?
>> No. 39944 [Edit]
Never looked into it but being such an old game as it is I feel like there has to be a better option out there other than purchasing a video game console for a single game. If you told me you had other Switch games you're interested in, then sure, that's not a bad idea. What if you give up on Go? Seems like you're just starting out, you might lose interest in 3 months.

I wouldn't buy any console for a single game. 200 plus 40+ for the game, I don't know, doesn't seem worth it to me. Can't you emulate this thing for a couple months and see if it's really worth it?

Post edited on 1st Jul 2022, 11:59am
>> No. 39945 [Edit]
File 165670433248.jpg - (186.17KB , 1200x1400 , 282ba11b66b5f5c2b618aa6cbfd5ec54.jpg )
Well, I found a rom(nsp file). So maybe I can try using it with citra. Doesn't the switch have any other value though? Like homebrew emulators or something?

Post edited on 1st Jul 2022, 12:39pm
>> No. 39946 [Edit]
I don't think it's really any better than the Vita or 3DS in that regard.
>> No. 39947 [Edit]
I haven't owned a console since the ds lite, so I have no point of reference.
>> No. 39948 [Edit]
To jailbreak the newer models and install that stuff you'll need to purchase a modchip that costs about as much as the console itself and then solder it into the circuitry. Quite a task. That's another reason why the Switch in particular is not a good console for someone interested in a single game of its catalogue.
>> No. 39950 [Edit]
We have a videogame board you know...
>> No. 39951 [Edit]
Given the current state of the recent posts index, it seems that /ot/ is the only board.
>> No. 39952 [Edit]
It only takes two people with nothing to do.
>> No. 39953 [Edit]
Nintendo's generally a user-hostile company that's not worth supporting. Still it's a wonder the wii homebrew scene took off like it did, there were some great things to come out of that, And of course Dolphin is an absolute marvel of open-source engineering, their blog posts alone are worth their weight in gold.

Left a comment on >>/fb/6849 about that to avoid cluttering this thread with meta.
>> No. 39956 [Edit]
I had not really thought about masks making people attractive. It's still possible to see the general underlying face shape underneath them and they don't cover the top of the face. I think they can give a mysterious look and they can also hide people not shaving.

I've always seen people in general as ugly but that is largely because my family is quite attractive so that is what I am used to seeing. Well genetically they are, they don't look after themselves.
That's a problem in general as you mention. It's always been bad in my country but it's getting worse. People here were always quiet casual with what they wore, but weight is an issue there are very few men I see that don't have at least a beer belly and people aren't well groomed now with very few men being clean shaven.
It seems pretty much everybody under 40 has tattoos now(and many over that age) and outrageous hair die is fairly common as well. It seems that people are taking the lazy way out in trying to make themselves stand out or look what they deem to be attractive or cool(I don't think they are), why keep fit or shave your neck beard when you can just cover yourself in tattoos that last forever and need no maintenance and make yourself feel cool that way?
>> No. 39957 [Edit]
File 165673533098.png - (2.16MB , 2000x1414 , Touhou Marisa 022.png )
I might be able to buy a house soon. I get Autism payments and while I managed to save up $30,000 I don't have the income to service a loan.
But, the Government here is going to implement a program where the Government will take on 40% of the loan, so they become a co-owner of the house but you don't need to pay rent to them or anything, just if you sell the house they get 40%. So that raises my borrowing power from about $200,000 to $340,000. It's very close to what I need, I could probably just about buy a plot of land and build a house in my area with that. It seems to good to be true so it probably won't work out for some reason or another.
I was feeling miserable about my life for a while, this gives some hope at least.
>> No. 39958 [Edit]
>I had not really thought about masks making people attractive
Masks also have a lewder connotation. E.g. use the "mask" tag when browsing boorus and see what you end up with. I'm a fan of it in that context.
>> No. 39973 [Edit]
This is disturbing, really disturbing. I thought they didn't come inside?

I'm presuming you're Australian if you're talking about that government subsidy. I've seen plots of land for as low as $30000 here depending on location, so you might be able to find something cheaper if you look around. Apparently there's also small kit houses that have been built for as low as $15000. The existence of such things gives me hope that I might be able to own property even without working more than a month in my life. Come to think of it, if the government is willing to shell out 40% it might happen sooner rather than later.
>> No. 39974 [Edit]
I live in my mums garage. I forgot about that post but since then there was another Redback that set up a web in my clothes airer...
It's not getting better.

Yes, I'm Australian.
It's the Help to Buy scheme but it's not implemented yet I don't think, I have been emailing departments to find out about it and who actually is supposed to be managing it.
And if I contact them before it's even implemented then I should be somewhat higher on the list.

If you were willing to live in the middle of nowhere then you could get land that cheap. I'm fairly picky about where I want to live and the cheapest block of land I can find in the areas I am looking at is $180,000 but that's still very small, it would just fit a house and that is it. As for kit homes, yes, I was looking into them as well and found the same prices on some of the smaller ones, though then you also have to pay for assembly(unless you can do it yourself) and also for services to be set up. Also some councils are pretty strict about what they allow to be built, though in the middle of nowhere that is unlikely to be an issue.
Otherwise, the cheapest normal suburban home builder I could find sells their cheapest houses at $150,000 but they are 3 bedroom houses. I know that 2 bedroom ones exist I have seen them in my area, they are just rare. Somebody else must build them.
>> No. 39975 [Edit]
I talked about this before >>39581. I checked yt just now and Aipon released the type of enthusiastic video I like to watch. I think I pinned down a big source of my satisfaction with those videos. The bigger the rice portion he manages to stuff on his bowl, the happier I get. It's really silly, I know, but there's something about it that really soothe my tism.
I don't want to link 3D on tc, but if you look for his yt channel あいぽんの毎日, it's the video he uploaded on July 3, (ガスト2000円分と白米2号でチートデイ).
>> No. 39977 [Edit]
>I live in my mums garage.
Well as long as they don't profane the sanctity of human dwellings then it's ok.

You're right that $30000 is a bit low as you'd have to factor in transportation costs - having a car would be a necessity in that case. However the idea of being able to acquire a location where I can live in solitude for under $100000 is still extremely inspiring, given that most prices for property are typically something like over $300000. I'm glad that Albo's regime is a little more NEET friendly than the last one too.
>> No. 39989 [Edit]
I have a headache because the weather changes so frequently. I'm thinking about writing a txt file book, containing my thoughts, personal views and philosophy. Ranging from ordinary every day things to complex issues. I don't have anyone to talk to, might as well talk to myself and write out my inner world. Maybe it will be passed around on the net and chans and some guys will enjoy reading it or find it interesting in some way.
>> No. 39990 [Edit]
Use a blog. It's very convenient and you can use the tagging system to great effect.
>> No. 40002 [Edit]
File 165738562134.jpg - (84.40KB , 887x665 , 20220708_143245.jpg )
It's the morning now after spending my first night in a motel in Washington. Yesterday was spent mostly traveling. Day before that, got a uhual and emptied out our house in oklahoma into it. Stuff got broken, stuff got left behind, stuff got given away. Drove down to texas as my mom followed. Unloaded the contents into a storage unit in Texas, which was too small for all the stuff, so we ended up pretty much piling the stuff up to the ceiling best we could. Following day (yesterday) Had a 45 minute uber ride to the airport because my mother won't drive to/from anywhere that's more than a 10 minute drive on her own. Driver sang along to Spanish music for for the first 15 minutes of the drive, then spent the rest of it dumping his life story on me about his sickly kid and how he barely makes anything from the drive, how they need tips ect.
Took a pair of flights. One heading to Salt Lake City, and the next from there to Seattle. On my first leg of the flight someone took my seat, but it was because a mom wanted to sit next to her kid so it was whatever. Between this and my recent trip to AX in LA, I watched half of the third season of The Boys on my laptop on planes. When I got to Seattle I met the guy who had helped me find a job in the area. We hung out for a bit before taking me to the motel that I'll be staying at for the next week.
The apartment we've been signing off on won't be available until the 24th at best. I also start my new job on the 11th. Kinda sorta just have to play things by ear for a while and go with the flow I guess.

Post edited on 9th Jul 2022, 9:54am
>> No. 40003 [Edit]
Out of curiosity, why Seattle? It's a city with a relatively high cost of living so unless you're employed by one of the $bigtech firms there (amazon, msft, etc.) seems like it's a worse choice than other non-big-tech-dominated metropolitan cities.
>> No. 40005 [Edit]
The job isn't actually in seattle, but near it, and I'll be staying about 30 minutes drive east of that. I agree completely about the cost of living thing. I've been a NEET for the last couple years and before that worked as a security guard off and on making barely above minimum wage. This is the first time I'll ever have a normal office/tech type job gets me decent pay. A recruiter did try to get me to interview for a job in San Diago, it would have paid slightly more, but would be a two year contract and I really don't want go back after how much I struggled to leave California. This job I got set up with is $24 an hour. Which isn't anything crazy, but it's a start at least.
Because of the high cost of living I was strongly considering buying an RV, or van to convert. As is I'm looking at splitting an apartment with a couple other dudes and it's gonna be setting me back 18k for a year. I figure for that I could buy a pretty nice RV. Trust me, it's something I've been thinking about a lot and I don't like it AT ALL. People here seem really terrible and wasteful with money and I don't want to fall into that if I can avoid it, but at least for the next year I'm gonna try to play ball and live the way average folk do while learning the lay of the land and seeing if this is the kind of place I could see myself staying in long term. For all I know, I might freeze to death in an RV since I don't know how bad winters here can be. As tempting as it is to just toss a bed in the back of a van and call it home, it might be really stupid. Besides, I'm fucked anyway now that I signed off a year lease. I wanted to get something that was ideally month to month, in case the job didn't work out, or maybe even six months, but... well, shit happens. So now I just have to try to make the best of it. It doesn't make a lot of sense from my perspective to pay so much for a small empty room so far away from work when I don't have much stuff or even have a car, but it's better than nothing.

There's also more to this than just money anyway. The big thing here is trying to break off from my mother. In recent years she's gotten really insufferable. She made the rv trip across the country unbearable. Without her I could have explored more, stayed at more interesting places, taken my time and actually enjoyed the trip. Heck, we probably could have gotten more for the house we sold in cali if she didn't go nuts on the appraiser. She practically begged me not to buy the house we signed off on in Oklahoma and picked one much older and in worse shape. The one I picked, got flipped a couple months after it was sold for 30k more than they bought it without putting any work into it. The one we got? we'll be lucky to make 10k in profit off it after remodeling it because she wanted to rip out the carpet and tile the whole thing among other things. The house was worth less than 150k, but she convinced us to list it at 160 and no one wanted it because everyone said that was way too much. Didn't get our first offer till after dropping it to 150. I could go on and on because it's lots of little things too. Just in general she's really difficult, it's like looking after a 6 year old. She asks lots of dumb questions and either doesn't listen to the answers or doesn't try to understand them, only pretends to, then forgets latter anyway if I break it down.
When I watch her have conversations with other people it's kind of embarrassing the way she answers things in entirely random ways, goes off on random tangents, or acts like she's following along then says/does something to contradict that. an example from the other night Mom: "How long you work there?" Lady: "oh I don't work there yet" mom: "oh okay" Lady: "where do you work?" mom: "you start working there today huh?" Lady: ", I don't work there." mom: "It good job yes? how much they pay you?"
Getting away from her is worth it, even if it means getting hosed on rent for a while. It's a big gamble coming out here, taking up an expensive lease, all of it, and people keep acting like I have nothing to worry about, but I feel like it's worth the risk. None of this is ideal, none of it, but it's still better than leaving things the way they were. Something had to change. I saw a chance, so I went for it. I moved across the country with nothing but a few bags to start a job I'm not sure if I can really do and probably shouldn't even have while moving in with people I've never met offline before in a place that I'm not sure if I can afford... ...What do you think that says about the life I'm leaving behind?

Post edited on 9th Jul 2022, 8:57pm
>> No. 40006 [Edit]
>She practically begged me not to buy the house we signed off on in Oklahoma and picked one much older and in worse shape. The one I picked, got flipped a couple months after it was sold for 30k more than they bought it without putting any work into it.
That's horrible. Good luck with entering your twenties during your thirties.
>> No. 40046 [Edit]
My uncle is going to Ukraine in a few days.

He fought in the Bosnian war as part of an international unit, well his unit did not actually see any combat they just patrolled and stuff like that. A few months ago he told me the commander of that unit had created a new unit to fight for the Ukrainians and that many of his former comrades were either already there or going there now. He tried talking me into going as well but I'm not going to.
If he doesn't come to his senses and leave when he sees what it will be like then he will probably die. I don't know how to feel about this.

He's Alt-right and talks about all kinds of ridiculous things. He has two suns as well that he tells will never go to uni because they are white males and things like that so they are complete brats that swear, drink, call all women bitches or sluts and go on about race wars and 'alternative facts' even though the oldest is only 12.
He's been very difficult to deal with over the past few years, you can see why even though he is my uncle I have that feeling that I just don't care if he goes to Ukrainian and that at the very least it gets him out of our hair for a bit.
>> No. 40048 [Edit]
Regardless of political affiliation, he sounds like a complete moron and utterly incompetent parent. Congrats not having to deal with him anymore.
>> No. 40057 [Edit]
I cleaned and rearranged my room. It was really disgusting. 7 or so months of trash and filth. Most of the floor was covered in dust, animal hair, and dead skin that had a sandy texture. Really gross, all in all.
I think the new layout is a little better. I can appreciate my shelf of stuff. It reminds me that I need to put together my AE86 model kit sometime. I might need a bit more paint.
I'd like more for my shelf. There's a small bit of unused space, but I think if I were to get more stuff I'd probably have to buy another shelf.
>> No. 40058 [Edit]
If it got that messy to begin with, how will you make sure it wont get like that again? Are you serious about regularly cleaning it?

Post edited on 15th Jul 2022, 12:12pm
>> No. 40059 [Edit]
File 165791255549.png - (69.63KB , 353x800 , 01.png )
>I'd like more for my shelf. There's a small bit of unused space
Leave it like that, anon, in fact try to increase your free space as much as you can. Maybe the only saving grace of my personality is organization, let me tell you the secret for having an organized space. It's not necessarily cleaning regularly, it's having very little stuff to clean. The less you have around your room gathering dust and making your cleaning difficult, the better your living space will be. Doesn't matter how organized and committed you're to cleaning, if you have too much stuff cluttering your space, it's going to be impossible to keep it up and nothing is going to look good.

Too many things put together lose visual value, it ends up looking like a pile of shiny clutter, nothing stands out, looks messy and of course, it takes forever to keep everything clean and organized. My suggestion is to give ample space for your AE86, don't be afraid to have empty space, it doesn't detract in anyway, in fact it only adds value to the objects you really like. Pick your favorite items, find a place to display them so you can look at it periodically and the rest you organize and keep it inside drawers or any other storage so they don't clutter your space and gather dust.

I know there are many pictures online of nice looking cluttered otaku bedrooms and whatnot but I guarantee they just look like that for the picture, 99% of the time there will be dust everywhere and it's a nightmare to clean and keep it organized. If you have a hard time tidying up, my advice is to keep it as bare as you can be comfortable with.

These are the only shelves I have and that's how I keep it.
>> No. 40060 [Edit]
I won't be eating in my room anymore. It'll be easier to keep my room clean if I don't produce a bunch of garbage in there. That might require me to leave my room longer than I'd like, but it's nicer like this. I'd rather sacrifice a few minutes to make it easier on myself.
Now I just have to deal with dust and stuff. If I can get some sort of weatherstripping for my doors, it would probably go a long way keeping all the outside filth out.
My room isn't really that cluttered. I don't have a great deal of belongings. It's just drab.
>> No. 40061 [Edit]
Do you have a vacuum? It's the easiest way to get rid of all the hair and dust. Or the other option is to get a lint roller. It's very satisfying using the lint roller on things.
>> No. 40062 [Edit]
>Do you have a vacuum?
Yeah, it's very gross though. I'm not willing to clean it. I'm not sure where it's kept either.
Oh, and they're pretty loud while I'm most active at night.
>lint roller
I didn't think of that. We usually have one around somewhere. I'll probably get my own though.
>> No. 40063 [Edit]
Get a bagged vacuum. They are not only cheaper (you can get one for about $100), they are more hygenic (all dust stays in the bag), don't require maintenance.
>> No. 40084 [Edit]
File 165844768666.jpg - (781.02KB , 1390x1400 , CleopatraFortune_DC_JP_Box_Front.jpg )
Today was very interesting indeed.

I fell in quite a rabbit hole and I fear (and hope!) I'll end up dragging some of you with me tomorrow. It all started with this picture right here. It's the box for Cleopatra Fortune, a puzzle game for the Dreamcast. More specifically the illustration. Back when I first began watching anime, this was more or less the style in favor at the time. I really like this type of art. It has a first love quality to it, it's more expressive and less bound to realism without losing any of its charming, cute, even seductive quality. So I decided to track down the artist and surpringly, it took me a couple of hours. The person in question will remain anonymous for now because I want to make another post about this to drag you guys to hell with me. He did some other work in the gaming industry but nowadays he completely abandoned this style for something more current. Anyway, while I was tracking this gentleman down I came across another illustration of his for a trading card collection that was only sold during Comiket events, the famous doujinshi convention. At least that's the information I could track down, even if you can read Japanese, the info available is rather scarce. This card collection is pretty much a contemporary version of the famous bijinga paintings from the woodblock printing days... And so it began, for the past 14 hours, I slowly amassed digital copies of about 350 of these beautiful, beautiful cards, hunting them down all over auction sites, blogs and dead links on the archives. I know there's still more out there, there are several series of it and it ran for almost 10 years. I just scratched the surface today.

Now, I'll be posting every single card I found on a thread on /fig/ dedicated to this. I figure you guys could join in and do some digging for yourselves, we could build a digital collection together. If you end liking the whole thing that is. It's quite fun for me at least, to try to build a digital record of this rather obscure card collection. I would make the thread now but I'm completely exhausted, my eyes are burning and I skipped dinner over this silly thing, so I'll get some sleep for now. See you tomorrow, I hope I won't disappoint any interest I might have built with this post.
>> No. 40088 [Edit]

Post edited on 22nd Jul 2022, 5:09am
>> No. 40111 [Edit]
I did a load of laundry. Normally I fuck it up and end up with a ton of wet clothes because the load way way too big. This time, there wasn't much dampness at all. Just you watch, someday I'll be able to take care of myself just fine.
>> No. 40112 [Edit]
File 165875595534.jpg - (816.43KB , 1770x730 , violet.jpg )
Some of the flower clusters are starting to wither now. I did some research and flowers will last for a number of weeks and then die out. I'm sure it lasted longer than that so I guess that's a good sign. There's a bloom cycle apparently. I carefully cut it and removed any brown and withered flowers. Also, I felt the plant is strong enough and well adjusted to its spot and watering routine, so I began removing some of the damaged leaves as well (I took a picture before I did it, that was silly, I'll show it next time). There's a lot of young leaves coming up under the old flowers and damaged leaves, so I guess removing those will help with. On the middle picture you can see a couple new buds I'm sure will mature in a few weeks. I read a violet can live as long as humans, that's cool to know.

Congratulations! The trick with laundry is to it often instead of letting pile it up. I guess that's the secret of many domestic tasks.
>> No. 40115 [Edit]
Uniformly dry and warm clothes is one of life's little joys. Good luck!
>> No. 40125 [Edit]
File 165887689323.jpg - (123.00KB , 787x800 , __hoshiguma_yuugi_touhou_drawn_by_47agdragon__cfa6.jpg )
I think I'll sort and copy my image collection somewhere other than my HDD. Maybe along with some of my .txt files. I was going to sell a bunch of my stuff today, but my mood was ruined. Selling things is bad enough as is.
>> No. 40128 [Edit]
It's been about three weeks now since I arrived in WA. Spent almost two weeks of that living in a motel. spent the first week living in a ghetto Days Inn motel. Figured I'd find better living arrangements during that time. Spoilers: I didn't. It was the kind of place where you hear cars on the street all night and someone getting railed in the next room.
A TC friend who lives in Portland actually drove more than two hours each way to hang out and help set me up with a hotel for a few nights. Had to spend the night in an airbnb trailer to fill the gap before the hotel though. (it was actually a pretty decent trailer). the airbnb was a real last minute thing because this dude who helped me get the job said I could sleep in his car but changed his mind at the last minute. (same for crashing on his couch which is how I ended up in motels in the first place.)
Didn't want to play around and chance it so I just got the same motel again for the week leading up to our apartment being ready. The new room they gave me was actually a fair bit worse. Had to leave as soon as we got in to go buy buy spray, there were flies everywhere. Later that night a crackhead was camped out in front of my room, but staff yelled at em till they left so that was cool. Anything that was made of metal had rust on it, and the people above me played DDR all day and all night.
When the 24th rolled around it was move in time. Everything I had with me could fit in the dude's trunk, so that was a non-issue. Thing is, this guy spent the last three weeks drinking and gaming on his offtime instead of packing. We got his stuff packed all the same and loaded into the truck, but man... their bed...
When I was told the apartment would be on a second floor, above stairs. I knew right then and there this was going to suck. The mattress was 150lb but handled like it was made of jello. The frame though... It was this steel monstrosity full of hydraulic pistons that looked like the underside of a car. must have been well more than 250lb. Getting that up a narrow flight of steps with a U turn in the middle was not fun lemme tell you.

As for the job, it was pure suck. I told my "point of contact" I was in the lobby, and it took them half an hour to find me after my start time (I was the only person there). I had a lot ridding on this job, and my boss bailed on me after about an hour of showing me around. Rumor was it was a 3 day covid quarantine, and I guess he decided to cash in his PTO after that because after two and a half weeks of working there the guy still hasn't come back. They say he went on vacation I dunno. I want to say the job is simple and easy, because a lot of it seems to be, but it was extremely stressful because without the boss man there I was getting trained at random by random people, most of who I couldn't for the life of me understand. I don't mean they were being overly technical, I mean their English is terrible. I was being bounced around with these people who had no idea what other people thought me while being unable to communicate. One lady would teach me in baby steps how to install an APK to a smartphone, another would aggressively demand I fill out specific parts of an enormous spreadsheet looking thing while not making it clear what I was doing or what he wanted from me. Being sleep deprived wasn't helping things much either. I was basically keeping myself awake during the daytime with monsters, bangs, and Rockstar's (yeah yeah I know, but gotta do what you gotta do). Kinda hard to learn anything when you're half asleep and they're doing a horrible job of teaching in the first place. They'd keep over complicating simple things and glossing over complicated things. Much of what I'd see people doing reminds me of minigames in videogames. I nearly had a break down and quit when an angry indan lost his shit on me for not following his mumbly instructions he apparently gave me the week before. I felt like I couldn't do this, and I really wanted to just quit right then and there. The alternative wouldn't be much better. Even putting aside the apartment lease (for a place I haven't even seen yet), thinking about the shitty life I'd be going back to... it made me suck it up and deal.
I feel like I learned and figure out more on my own, going over documents(half of which are outdated and irrelevant) and playing with things to experiment. My biggest issue was understanding each day's tasks since it changes all the time, but as it turns out that's a bit of a problem for a lot of people there.
also, I shouldn't complain because a ride is a ride, but I've been getting dropped off two hours early each day. So I'd hang out in the staff room watching stuff on my laptop. Such as a show called Severance that a friend highly recommended. It's a really clever phycological mystery about people trapped in a hellish office environment. it feels really appropriate.
>> No. 40129 [Edit]
Yeah, getting trained on a job really sucks. In my days of being a janitor, they didn't bother with training me on anything other than sweeping. I'd get chewed out for doing things wrong. Eventually I figured out what I was doing.
Starting any job sucks, but give it a bit of time and you'll settle in.
>> No. 40155 [Edit]
File 165908756465.png - (163.27KB , 443x495 , 1639360662019.png )
I asked my mom to help me apply for a job today. I don't have the heart to do it on my own. The job will suck, but I'll be paid well. I figure I'll save up and move out. I have a friend that is interested in moving in together, but I have my reservations on that. I'm more interested in having a fun vehicle again. I miss those days of driving faster than I ought to late at night with the windows down and enjoying my music. I'll also be able to put together a decent computer. I'll repurpose my current one.
Assuming everything goes well. I'm afraid though. I haven't spoken to anyone new in years. Now that I'm thinking about it, I feel a bit sick... I wonder if I'm not the mentally normal and healthy person I thought I was...
>> No. 40156 [Edit]
File 165925275264.jpg - (202.97KB , 800x447 , 1549798047912.jpg )
Haven't been on TC in YEARS, used to be part of the IRC clique back in the day (with Nem, Ayu, Tohno, Meeps, Natsume, DESU, Rostran, Stalwart, watermelons and a bunch of others whose names I forget). Things haven't changed much here, I like that a lot. It's gonna take a while to read everything.

I'm thinking of hanging out here again and taking it easy, not sure how active the boards are or if any of the old guard are still around. I only kept contact with Nem, Stal and Azu (now fred), even though I have some of them in my Steam friends list, we just never interact!

Nem and Azu are living the dream in Japan, Stal not sure what he's doing but I think he's fine. As for me (LzK), just working every day and nothing much else going on. Crazy that we're now 30 year olds with jobs. It is what it is.

Post edited on 31st Jul 2022, 12:33am
>> No. 40157 [Edit]
File 165926960494.gif - (1.46MB , 480x270 , yuki-nagato-crying.gif )
>Crazy that we're now 30 year olds with jobs.
>> No. 40158 [Edit]
> Nem and Azu are living the dream in Japan
So they are neets in Japan now?
>> No. 40160 [Edit]
I'm in my 30s and still without a job, I'll buy a one way ticket to Japan when I ran out of whatever little left I have in my bank.
>> No. 40162 [Edit]
Meeps, nonickname, and ayu are still around. Not sure if you remember dsg or cc-kun but they've been there for a good while too and are still there.
>> No. 40163 [Edit]
No they're not NEET-ing, they have jobs and stuff but I won't into the details.

I remember DSG yeah. I lost my HDD with stuff from pre-2015 recently so all my IRC logs and other things are gone, likely forever. Still bummed about that one.
>> No. 40164 [Edit]
Why'd you leave?
>and stuff
Huh, "stuff".
>> No. 40168 [Edit]
>Huh, "stuff".
Most people end up becoming normalfags. Though I don't think that's bad unless they bring such inane topics here.
>> No. 40169 [Edit]
It's a long story and I don't remember the details. I (and we) were in a bad place mentally and physically like a lot of people on TC at that time, there was also a split at some point in the IRC where some us got addicted to playing LoL and a sort of in-group grew from there to not pollute the main chat with game discussion. Eventually we left IRC behind but maintained contact through phone apps to this day. I moved to another country, living on my own, it's been hard and I'm still alone outside of the one or the other family visit. Nem and Anzu/unfreed/fred left for Japan like 3 (?) years ago iirc, they're doing good and I'm really happy for them.

It's not a bad thing. You can still stay true to yourself even if you have a job and interact with normalfags. At some point for us in life it meant either sink or swim, so we left the teenager angst behind and went out into the ugly world so that we could have enough to go on living and experiencing the things we actually do like. Dismissing it as "stuff" (I know my own words) diminishes all the suffering, pain and anguish we have been going through for the past ten to twelve years since we started on TC.
>> No. 40171 [Edit]
> No they're not NEET-ing, they have jobs and stuff but I won't into the details.
If they are working, then they are not living the dream.
>> No. 40172 [Edit]
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Where on the internet can you find people to puke out text walls back and forth about nothing together, all day?
>> No. 40173 [Edit]
Do good flamewars still exist? Looking at some of the classic usenet flamewars, they were fun to read because there was still some substance.
>> No. 40175 [Edit]
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Yeah. Just not in imageboards, sadly. Nobody really wants to bother beyond taking witty jabs, which I guess is understandable, but, no fun. The best flamewars I've experienced were around competitive FPS games.
>> No. 40176 [Edit]
File 165946462692.jpg - (415.65KB , 543x554 , d7132cc711343f9e628ebb727fb023aa.jpg )
I'm in the process of learning how to drive. Went to a pharmacy with my dad today. Entering and exiting parking lots is the hardest thing for me. Wide dividers, multiple narrow lanes, lots of sharp turns in succession, and a high density of other cars.

The more I drive, the less I understand how somebody could buy a car based on its appearance and to show off. It's a machine that moves at incredibly high speeds, outdoors, on roads that are often poorly designed, amongst many other such machines, in close proximity to each other.

Even the act parking and unparking, which should be done slowly, has massive room for error. And you're not just dealing with people who have a license, but also with people like me who are in the process of getting one.

The only two factors that should matter in a car's price is the interior, and durability. Style should be way down on the priority list and paint color is bullshit. White makes sense just because it reflects sunlight.

Post edited on 2nd Aug 2022, 11:25am
>> No. 40178 [Edit]
Good luck on getting your license! For me, the hardest part was the driving test. I failed it so many times because I was anxious.
>> No. 40179 [Edit]
Whoops, double posted by mistake.

Post edited on 2nd Aug 2022, 3:02pm
>> No. 40180 [Edit]
It's interesting that driving is probably the most dangerous thing someone does on a regular basis, and yet people don't consider it so. You're putting your life in the hands of other civilians who are basically minimally competent. There's no recertification process every year, no safety checklist before one starts driving (i.e. verifying that you're not incapacitated).

What makes it more scary to me is that you're more likely to be crippled than die as a result of an accident.
>> No. 40181 [Edit]
I have my license, but I sure don't feel confident in my driving skills at all. Never actually hit anything before, however when I started learning, I still had nightmares about driving over precariously narrow roads above bottomless pits. Was a rough time.
>> No. 40182 [Edit]
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>The more I drive, the less I understand how somebody could buy a car based on its appearance and to show off.
The sort that only want to show off just buy based on the badge on the car. It could be really ugly. Take the Lamborghini Urus for example. A normal person will probably buy something based on their needs or what they might need in the future while looking for a decent deal. An enthusiast might buy a car for any number of reasons, depends on the person.
>It's a machine that moves at incredibly high speeds, outdoors, on roads that are often poorly designed, amongst many other such machines, in close proximity to each other.
That's one way of looking at it. It really depends on what kind of area you live in. If you live somewhere densely populated, driving will be a miserable thing to do. If you live out in the middle of nowhere, you can have a lot of fun with relatively low risk. Either way, you'll need a bit of experience and get comfortable to really enjoy driving.
>And you're not just dealing with people who have a license, but also with people like me who are in the process of getting one.
Don't forget those without a license, a suspended license, drunks, distracted drivers... It's unfortunate, but that's just how it is. Just be wary while driving in traffic and do your best to keep your distance from everyone else. It's better to take it a bit slow and be careful. Rushing isn't going to save you a meaningful amount of time. Even driving like a madman with a sports car without traffic, I only ever managed to save about 10 minutes on a 30 minute drive.
>The only two factors that should matter in a car's price is the interior, and durability.
I'd definitely only buy a car with the cheapest interior. There's so much clutter and pointless stuff in most interiors. Simplicity is good. Less things to wear down and break, less distractions. Reliability is a very difficult thing to measure. You can get a general idea, but a lot of it depends on how the car was treated by the owner. Unless you buy something recent, it should be pretty easy to find common failings for a car online and about when you should expect them. If you keep up with everything, a car can last a very long time.
Pricing is mostly based on the cost of manufacturing as well as making up for the expenses behind design, marketing, and updating the assembly line tooling. Of course, supply and demand is an issue as well, but the dealerships usually deal with that.
>Style should be way down on the priority list and paint color is bullshit. White makes sense just because it reflects sunlight.
Cars don't look how they do for no reason. They all look pretty much the same these days due to pedestrian safety laws and the like. Everything else is to make them identifiable. Generally a company will have some sort of motif with a given line up. For example, Mazda's current line up mostly has the same grille shape other than their sports car, the Miata.
As for paint color, in the US, the majority of cars have grayscale colors, white being the most common. I think having a choice in color is fine. It makes no real difference, but it'd be a huge pain parking in a full parking lot and having to look for which car is yours. There'd be a lot of stupid mix ups.
>> No. 40183 [Edit]
>you can have a lot of fun
Fun? At best it's tedious. Outside of it being a means to get from point a to point b, I have no interest in driving. The concept of enjoying driving seems strange to me.

>Rushing isn't going to save you
I follow the speed limit. No faster or slower unless necessary for turns and things like that.

>I'd definitely only buy a car with the cheapest interior.
I like leather seats.

>on how the car was treated by the owner
When I have my own car, I'd avoid getting a used one if possible.

>I think having a choice in color is fine.
What I meant, is that there's a extremely high probability that the paint will get scratched. Outside of the exterior being washed and dent free, the outside of an automobile can't be expected to look pristine and doing so is stupid. I've seen people get upset when their car gets a scratch. No shit it got a scratch. It's completely exposed.

I can tell you're a car enthusiast. To be completely honest, I neither understand, nor respect that. I do look down on "car culture".

Post edited on 2nd Aug 2022, 9:58pm
>> No. 40184 [Edit]
I hate that American has such a car-centric culture. I can't go walking without having to inhale the car exhaust and fumes, can't drive a bike without being knocked off the road. It's basically expected that you own a car if you want to even buy food. And for some reason instead of just investing in more regular buses or trains, all the startups are going with the absolutely stupid idea of self-driving cars. Even if they manage to get it working, more cars on the road is the absolute opposite of what I want. It's going to be impossible to go for a leisurely walk without running into cars all the time.
>> No. 40186 [Edit]
People like having things that look nice, what's wrong with that? Though I don't like the look of most cars and I don't think spending money on looks is worth much unless you are rich and it does not matter.
One day I hope to get a Fiat 500 or maybe a Volkswagen Beetle, they are some of the only cars that I like the look of and they are also pretty much perfect for what I actually use my car for.
>> No. 40188 [Edit]
I was going to make the cake tonight. I braved the great outdoors to buy ingredients and everything. Turns out that we don't have a cake pan... I'll go to the store later, but this is real disappointing. I can only blame myself.
>> No. 40267 [Edit]
>> No. 40300 [Edit]
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Nah. Nobody there ever bothers to post anything more than a snarky remark or an attempt to be funny, and if there is anything over 15 words total, it's always about something retarded like politics or a happening in their day. Boring.
>> No. 40301 [Edit]
On /a/ 3/4 of the replies are either a sexual remark regarding the character in question, or some useless fighting about something already beaten to death but sure to bait lots of replies (e.g. "diversity agenda"). For some smaller shows, there's occasionally interesting analysis, and also sometimes TL dumps/subs for manga/shows. Browsing the threads are a good way to collect screencaps for shows.

On /g/ there's always the same 12 topics beaten to death, and the posters care more about discussing linux distros and consumer technology. Occsionally there's something neat and you wonder why they'd bother posting on a board where the majority wouldn't even appreciate what they're seeing. There are unilaterally better places to go for discussion, and nothing you'll find here that you can't find elsewhere.

/pol/ is ok if you want to get an "unfiltered" view of everything, but 99% of the things talked about are things that won't impact you and you don't really care about. I can't excoriate this board as much compared to the others considering that the being a dumping ground for everything is essentially the deal. The archives are probably more useful than just browsing it live though since if you have a topic you want to research you can cut down the noise.

/sci/ used to be decent, and there probably still are a few people hanging around who've got degrees in math or other hard-science fields, but it's increasingly swamped by low-effort posts.
>> No. 40303 [Edit]
Part of the car-centric culture is just out of necessity because the country is so big and not everyone lives in densely-packed cities. But also we just like the freedom of movement that cars give us. It doesn't help matters that public transportation is a shitshow that will probably never be fixed.
>> No. 40304 [Edit]
This hits the nail on the head. I would have never liked cars if it was something I could avoid. I remember it took me a while after getting my license to enjoy it.
It might just be a "chore", something done out of necessity, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy doing it. It is good to find pleasure in the simple things in life.
Then again, I'd be miserable living in a city as well.
>> No. 40322 [Edit]
I tried my hand at writing some CSS. It's pretty easy, but I'd never be able to do it without some sort of resource for guidance.
>> No. 40323 [Edit]
Basic CSS isn't terribly hard, especially if you're handwriting the HTML as well. Flexbox made doing things like centering and alignment easier, and the order property is amazing when trying to write stylesheets for someone else's shitty website.

The :has pseudo-selector is also an amazing addition. But if you go off the happy path it's easy to get into a mess where you wonder why things are broken. Things involving overflow are especially hairy. For instance, try to allow overflow in the y-direction but scrolling in the x-direction. It's impossible to do this in pure-css, due to a quirk that overflow-y: visible and overflow-x: scroll is an invalid combination that's silently overwritten by the browser.

The issue with CSS is more an issue with the overall paradigm though. You care about the overall outcome, not the implementation. That is to say ideally CSS would have been designed with a constraint-first approach, using something like Cassowary internally to get the actual details. Instead, CSS hands you the task of figuring out the implementation to get a specific layout.

For more info on constraint layout approach, see or I wouldn't actually use it though since it means users will need to have JS enabled, but it's a nice preview of what web development could have been.

Post edited on 21st Aug 2022, 10:56pm
>> No. 40324 [Edit]
>The issue with CSS is more an issue with the overall paradigm though
I think it was inevitable given that applications are represented using the same things meant to represent text documents.

There's nothing wrong with using the resources available to you. The end-result is what's important, not how you got there. There's no merit to being a guru who memorizes things before using them. Use them enough and you'll eventually not have to look them up.
>> No. 40345 [Edit]
File 16613960563.jpg - (97.86KB , 1200x675 , gamera.jpg )
I watched Gamera today. The 1965 film. You really have to appreciate how off the wall it is. Gamera is a 60 meter tall turtle that is invincible, eats fire, is capable of flight by jets, and is a friend to children. Naturally such a monster is impossible to destroy, so the natural solution is sending him to mars in a rocket. It's just not what I would have expected from something released in 1965.
If nothing else, I really like Gamera's design. I think he's cooler than Godzilla.
I'm looking forward to the next movies. The other monsters look cool too.
>> No. 40351 [Edit]
In case anybody is wondering what happened to my uncle who went to Ukraine. He left after about a week, said it was terrible and corrupt and they were being treated bad. Well that was to be expected. Anyway I hope this has been a life lesson to him at least.
>> No. 40353 [Edit]
I'm sorry you have to deal with him again.
>> No. 40358 [Edit]
Thanks for the update. I had, in fact, been wondering what had happened to your uncle these weeks. I guess at least he should have many stories to tell now.
>> No. 40360 [Edit]
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Today I went to an amusement park to ride some roller coasters, which was fun.

On the 2 hour train ride to the city where the park is located, I listened to the Book of Ecclesiastes 2 or 3 times. I'm not a Christian or Jew, and the rest of the Bible has never made me feel anything other than antisemitism, but Ecclesiastes certainly struck a chord with me, as I am sure it does with many who are deeply unhappy to the point that they frequently wish they had never been born. Everything else in the Bible I read only for historical reasons, Ecclesiastes on the other hand I actually enjoyed as literature. That said, virtually none of its advice is applicable to me. But do check out the book if you've never read it:
>> No. 40362 [Edit]
File 166198192216.jpg - (135.03KB , 800x1109 , 1660374363508010.jpg )
alao, here's the best Japanese audio version I could find:
>> No. 40372 [Edit]
I finally applied and interviewed for a job I have been claiming I would for about a year. It wasn't as bad as I thought, and apart from one really bad slip up at the start, I think I managed to not seem like a clueless weirdo.
In a week, I have to show them that I am capable of using power tools and following instructions.
It's decent money, and they'll pay for technical school and probably rehire you so long as you take certain approved courses.
While it's nothing super impressive, it's probably better than my other options. Worst case, I go back to being a neet.
>> No. 40441 [Edit]
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I did it. They called me while I was driving home, so I didn't answer and forgot to call back. I'll probably call tomorrow. The test stuff was pretty fun actually. Just using air tools and doing other simple tasks like plugging in a wiring harness in the correct order. Nothing unfamiliar. I did the actual tasks just fine, but I fucked up a ton pressing the buttons to start the time. I guess I was too light pressing them. My own fault for not double checking.
Hopefully they declare me unemployable and a danger to society due to my incompetence. Then I can sit around and do nothing for the rest of my life pressure free. Well, if I do get the job, I can have an excuse to buy jumpsuits or whatever you'd like to call them. They seem comfortable and I won't have to keep track of a ton of clothes.
>> No. 40507 [Edit]
Hey Tohno, real estate prices seem to be going down sharply. You doing okay with your house-flipping business?
>> No. 40508 [Edit]
I think it still depends on the specific region. E.g. tech companies haven't yet really been affected, especially in terms of executive/manager compensation. So in those regions (bay area, seattle) prices probably may not drop much, at least not until mass layoffs start happening.
>> No. 40511 [Edit]
Our Oklahoma house sold. And boy was that a pain. You'd think 30 days is excessive for a closing, but ours went over that. Kept getting nagged about repairing dumb things too because I guess a fully remodeled house wasn't good enough, all while having to pay power water gas ect on a house I wasn't living in. It's over now at least. Wasn't at all worth it either. We sold it for more than what we got it for, but not without putting a lot of work and money into it.
My mother has been house hunting back in Texas, but loan agents are still being pricks about the two year work history thing. They act like it's something you can just sort out by the end of the week. You tell some of them you don't have two years of work history and they just can't process it, they'll still try to get your employer history for the last two years. No clue where that's gonna be going. My mom keeps talking about maybe even coming out here, but that doesn't seem like a good idea to me.
House prices are still wack, but they improving I guess? I can't see myself ever buying one in the area I'm in now. Prices here are just full retard. Round here you can't find anything halfway decent for under 700k it seems. Back where I came from that'd buy you a mansion. Also can't say I care much for the way a lot of houses are laid out here. Because I took to buying a lot of stuff off Offerup to furnish my room (brand new furniture is a rip), I've gotten to see a lot of the housing communities in the area. Even for the really wealthy fugs, the layouts suck. Lots of houses on steep hills packed in tight with each other with no privacy or space. Living on the side of a mountain might mean nice views, but it just looks horrible to me. Seems it gets better the further you go from the big city at least.
>> No. 40513 [Edit]
Wow. From homelessness, to house-flipping. How'd you pull that off?
>> No. 40515 [Edit]
Well I mean I fixed up the house after we moved in. Wasn't meant to be a flip exactly. Just wanted to make a dump into a place we'd be comfortable with.
>> No. 40516 [Edit]
I do hope you didn't get a bad opinion of those middle states because of it. Things might not be perfect, but in the right area things are peaceful, especially if you aren't mentally retarded and are capable of more than managing a fast food restaurant.
>> No. 40517 [Edit]
It could be better to be honest.
Pros include much lower cost of living, cheaper everything, slower simpler living, much more clean with less crime.
Kind of amazing seeing no litter on the streets or graffiti anywhere.
It wasn't all sunshine and rainbows though. Most people were nice and polite, but got a lot of racist vibes here and there, including the cops that gave me and my aunt(who was visiting) our first tickets. Before we even moved in, some redneck also went apeshit on us at a burger king when he saw our California license plate. I'd also get watched like a hawk in some stores.
Sure I can order most things online, but the lack of stores in the area was a major pain during that remodeling, and made it a real struggle to get materials we needed. Kept having to take long trips to one of the larger towns.
The fact that there was very little work, and what work there was paid garbage was also not that appealing. Made me not want to bother looking for a job in the area knowing I'd only be getting $10 an hour for something I'd probably hate. Horrible internet services didn't help either, I think I mentioned here being roped into a satellite internet scam? There's also this culture there that feels weird to me, where people just don't really care about maintaining things, let alone having nice things. Half the homes seemed like they were falling apart and people were fine with that (but not the ones who bought from us it seemed.), and it was like you'd be seen as a weirdo for caring about having things neat clean or in good condition. This is how we ended up with such a run down house. One that caused me nothing but misery during my stay in it. This also made for an issue buying anything second hand. Every yard sale or goodwill we went to was like some museum of vintage and retro junk. But hey, if you're into 80 year old rusted over tools they got you covered. Living out there was like living in the 90s, tech wise.
Oh and then there's the constant country music -everywhere- you went. I prefer it over rap, but lordy me I tell you what that darn music sure gets old fast.
If anything though, I think it wasn't so much the midwest as it was I just really needed to get away from my mother and I jumped at the first chance to do so. I didn't hate the town we lived in, I think part of me might even miss it, but I just don't think there was anything there for me.

Post edited on 23rd Sep 2022, 9:24am
>> No. 40518 [Edit]
I was going to try and make things sound less bad, but who am I kidding. Sounds like you got the whole experience.
It isn't as bad where I live, but I've definitely lived in those depressed areas with nothing going for it. At least here you can get an okay job at the cost of a commute if you don't want to spend everything on living.
But yes, avoiding the locals is ideal. Better to live where you can't see your neighbors. Scum is scum, no matter where you live.
Either way, I hope your current situation works out. I considered moving somewhere more urban, but for now I think it's best to take advantage of my situation now.
>> No. 40519 [Edit]
I guess its just a matter of perspective having always lived places like that, but the run down, laid back attitude towards property has always been one of the most relaxing parts of it for me. It's what I feel at home around. I guess it's all a matter of perspective because I've always felt uneasy in city or suburban neighborhoods where everything is clean and polished and close together, without a hint of being lived in. I also felt disturbed at the differences in tech coming from the other end of things. But I also probably have an easier time of getting along in it considering my family background is all from that kind of place from within a single state for a good 300+ years. It's hard for me to imagine living anywhere else. I may be very lucky to feel so at home in my families natural state, and yet I'm still somehow a penniless social outcast shut-in. You must be a much more resilient person than me.
>> No. 40520 [Edit]
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So you're basically the US equivalent to a peasant? Have some corn.
>> No. 40521 [Edit]
Maybe you're right, but I don't mind it. I like it simple. My grandparents met on my grandmas familys farm in the Shenandoah valley and I wouldn't have it any other way.
>> No. 40522 [Edit]
I've never really had a location I could feel at home at, just my room. Everywhere I've been so far has it's ups and downs. The place I'm in now is this mashup of indian and asian culture. It's kinda neat, but unrealistically expensive to stay here, not without getting some crazy high paying job at least.
I do get what you're saying though about places being too clean and polished. I had that issue with my father who's home was always too fancy and too perfect for my tastes, it came across as cold and uninviting. As a kid he'd yell at me for touching anything so that didn't exactly help much. It would feel like walking on eggshells every-time I went to visit him. I dare not so much as sit on couch less he yell at me for it.
I've also visited parts around here that are for really rich folk, and they feel... I dunno, plastic, corporate, and fake. I'm talking upper class tech industry types. Places that look like they're from a brochure that would promote safety and how pristine they are. I'd get this feeling like I shouldn't even be there, like no real human should. Like they're just a place for actors/npc to toss freebees, walk their purebreds, and ride segways to and from their coffeehouses while pretending to look natural and not at all like robots.
But at the same time I don't like the idea of living in a run down dump among a bunch of slobs who can't be bothered to take the extra few seconds or minute to put things away or clean up after themselves. It's not just an eye sore, living like that tends to go hand in hand with bad odors, pests, mold, and more. I've lived in both ends of the spectrum, and I'd really rather stay in the middle.
>> No. 40523 [Edit]
Yeah I mean at the end of the day I still feel like an alien in most places at the end of the day for what it's worth. It almost sounds like you live in NOVA, speaking from experience, which if true I'm sorry for. I think in my case I just ended up being born to two actual paranormal autists in a family of autists so I've always been able to get along better than a lot of people. I think the perspective I've gotten on the idea of "the normalfag" from living with and around these people has been pretty insightful, if you can imagine an entire portion of the american lower class is essentially made of very socially obtuse hoarder whites. Hard to quantify without having lived it, and in it. The fact my parents reproduced at all is a miracle.

I guess being an incredibly slobby NEET for 3/4 of my adult life made it easy for me to deal with the mess of bumfuck America, along with having been raised in it. I'm torn being loving and loathing it, but I think personally I'll just have to come to terms with it. Learning to love the ones you're with, as corny as it sounds, helps a lot with ones mental state. It's better to try and empathize with those around you rather than to train yourself to pick out all their flaws, even if it is just a cope. If only for your mental health, it's a great boon. Personally I just have always liked it so I'm lucky, but I can imagine coming from a different background someone might find it disconcerting.
>> No. 40524 [Edit]
>The place I'm in now is this mashup of indian and asian culture
Assuming that you're still in washington, that sounds about right. Basically any city with a surrounding dominated by by bigtech firms will be like that for obvious reasons (maybe Austin might be an exception, although we'll see a decade down the line). The good thing is that (in my experience at least) people relatively keep to themselves, i.e. it's relatively easy to avoid interacting with people.

> I dunno, plastic, corporate, and fake. I'm talking upper class tech industry types. Places that look like they're from a brochure that would promote safety and how pristine they are
At least from my experience in the bay area suburbs, I wouldn't use the word "fake" although there are some McMansion-y type buildings in the poshest parts directly surrounding bigtech sprawl (most residential buildings are from the 1940s and 1950s though, so by virtue of their construction I wouldn't consider them very plastic-sterile). But I've lived here all my life so I don't really have a point of reference for how things are outside here. (Though SF is a shithole no matter how you slice it, it amazes me that new startups are even willing to open there since I can't see any redeeming quality to it).

Post edited on 23rd Sep 2022, 9:43pm
>> No. 40526 [Edit]
Today was really shitty. Everything went poorly.
>> No. 40531 [Edit]
>It almost sounds like you live in NOVA
What/where is that? Do you mean nova scotia?
But yeah, sounds like a good philosophy there. If you can't change things, might as well get used to them.
>> No. 40532 [Edit]
NOVA is often an acronym for northern Virginia. Though he could be referring to something else. Regardless, he's right to pity anybody who has lived there.
>> No. 40533 [Edit]
Assuming you're familiar with this region, how are the demographics like? I've always found it curious that despite not having large tech sector, the region (fairfax particularly) has among the best public schools in the US. I'd imagine this would probably wreck havoc on the housing market (in terms of super inflated housing prices) as well as presumably huge demographic skew (asian and indian) in a place where you wouldn't expect it.
>> No. 40535 [Edit]
Those school are considered "good" because of the Asians living there, not the other way around. I would know since I'm from a town like that. Yeah, there wasn't rampant delinquency, but the teachers weren't better at teaching. It was the same conveyor belt model as everywhere else.
>> No. 40539 [Edit]
NOVA has a massive tech presence via our datacenters and government contractors. You don't hear about us the way you hear about silicon valley and D.C. likes to keep it that way. I can't imagine it's ever been enjoyable to live there since the start of the Cold War, but it has gotten a lot worse in the last 25 years or so. On paper it looks good but it's one of the most expensive places to live in the U.S. outside of NYC/LA, and is beyond soul-crushing. A lot of people move there for jobs and the schools I guess.
>> No. 40541 [Edit]
Yes I 100% agree with this. That said despite the teachers not being any better, there will be opportunities there you won't see in other schools. E.g. there'll be a dozen AP classes, math contents will be a "normal thing", cross enrollment between college/high school will usually be offered. But as you said despite this the teachers themselves aren't any better (and in fact I'd argue that the teachers might even be worse since the students already know most of the material coming in). It's absolutely demoralizing if you aren't a canonical "good" asian student because from middle school you're treated as inferior if you can't keep up with your peers.
>> No. 40542 [Edit]
Ah you're right, it never came to mind that gcp and aws have data centers there (the notorious us-east-1 in aws's case).
>> No. 40672 [Edit]
File 166534930431.png - (2.15MB , 1640x1000 , df2ff19c515053adc4635f7664f886dd.png )
My laptop of 3 years broke(an intel t470). I took it to a repair shop last Thursday and on Monday I'll be finding out what can be done.

I ordered a new one from amazon anyway. An AMD "gen 2" T14. There were only 3 left in stock, and the price looked good(just below $1000), so it was kind of an impulse buy. Will probably give up on getting the old one repaired because of this. Why this one specifically? A few reasons.

I've never owned an AMD machine before, so I'm curious. The specs look better than the similarly priced intel i7 model being sold.

The gen 2 T14 has an extra ram slot, while the gen 3 one doesn't. The particular one I bought comes with a 256g ssd and 8gb of soldered ram. I can transfer my ssd and a ram stick from the old laptop to get what's equivalent to old one without paying up the ass.

I'm pretty annoyed soldered ram only seems to be "the future". And I don't really need a 256g ssd. Such is laptops.

Post edited on 9th Oct 2022, 2:03pm
>> No. 40673 [Edit]
There's also this, even though you've already found a replacement:
>> No. 40674 [Edit]
I've heard they have supply chain issues. And every time I've looked at them, it only offered pre-orders. I don't feel like waiting around when right now I'm relying on borrowed hardware.

Post edited on 9th Oct 2022, 3:57pm
>> No. 40675 [Edit]
Yeah, that's true. Just wanted to let you know of their existence since I find their product to be neat, but you're--clearly--already aware.
Hope you like your new ThinkPad!
>> No. 40677 [Edit]
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Update, the technician told me there must be something wrong with the motherboard. He didn't know why, but he suggested(in a noncommittal sort of way) that me putting two different kinds of ram in, might have caused an issue.

Size-wise, they're both 8gb, but maybe there's some other difference like speed or whatever. Or maybe even the brand is significant. I don't know much about this.

He couldn't check the log to see if it overheated, but he didn't see any physical signs of that.

The only possible fix would be putting a new motherboard in, but according to him, getting that from Lenovo might be difficult(compared to Apple specifically), and it would probably cost like $300. So, I'm not going to go ahead with that. I'm glad I already ordered a new one. I wish I had a definitive answer since I'd like to avoid this happening again.
>> No. 40678 [Edit]
That's a shitty technician if he suggests replacing the entire motherboard. Any technician worth his salt should be able to able to do component-level diagnosis and repair (see the notorious louis rossman for an example of such skills).
>> No. 40679 [Edit]
Where would I find a technician worth his salt? NYC?
>> No. 40680 [Edit]
Depends on the area you are in I guess? If they have a website you should be able to glance around and see if they say they can do component level/board level. repair. If they have photos, a photo of a BGA rework station is usually a plus since those things are expensive and a shop isn't going to buy them just for fun. But otherwise it's not easy to sort out genuine repair technicians from people just blowing hot air (hah!). Sometimes even repair shops that seem decent at first will advertise "gpu reballing/reflow" which is a scam (see [1], [2], [3]) and lessens my confidence in them. (Put succintly, when you have a dead gpu it's usually an issue internal to the silicon package, not an issue at the pcb-bga junction. Reballing does work as a temporary fix, but anyone charging money for it should not charge more than $10. The reason why it works as a temporary but not permanent fix is that baking the chip can temporary reseal joints within the silicon package, but they'll end up cracking again after heat cycling anyway. That is to say, the issue is fundamentally one of poor cooling and shitty internal design (usually Nvidia), and can only be permanently fixed by replacing it with a new gpu entirely that doesn't undergo internal cracking under heat stress).

I'll add 2 cents that if you are in NYC then Rossmann seems legit, and if you are in SoCal then TCRS Circuit seems to be good as well. You can probably go onto Yelp or whatever review platform is popular these days and search around to see if there's anything nearby. If you are in the rural parts of the US it may be less likely you'll have such a place, but you can still try looking. They don't have to do laptop repair particularly, just any general electronics repair guy should be sufficient for diagnosis purposes.

(It should be noted that there's a separate issue of supply chain here, which is less of an issue when repairing non-apple products, but is a major issue when repairing apple products. People like rossmann need to obtain replacement parts that you quite literally cannot get anywhere outside of shady factories in shenzhen, so they need contacts in china to go out and source/commission these parts. The quality of parts can vary, and if you aren't good enough to be able to distinguish quality parts from fake parts then you will get taken advantage of in china. I am fairly confident that rossmann has built out a vetted supply chain here, but no idea about other ones.)

>> No. 40681 [Edit]
I think you can ship your devices to Rossman, too. Though it'd be best to contact his shop beforehand.
>> No. 40682 [Edit]
Yes, and he's even generous enough to not charge any fees for diagnosis (or at least that used to be the case?). TCRS also seems to offer mail-in services (seems like the tcrs guy and rossman know each other, and they're riffing off of the same business model - youtube channel, mail in repair, specializing in macbooks, etc.)

I'm not sure if Rossmann does non-apple products though, from the faq:

>While we can work on PC laptops, we are limited in the services we offer. It’s nothing elitist; we wrote this entire site on a Thinkpad T520! The issue is most of the PC laptops we see cost almost as much to fix as the machine is worth and we find that people’s time constraints do not often allow for a proper estimate. It is feasible to stock most Apple laptop parts that we need but not feasible to stock every single PC part there is, there are too many models. Considering the time constraints of our customers and the lack of ability to stock every PC laptop part there is, we’re just not best suited to servicing most PC laptops. If we feel we’re not the best fit for your issue, we will refer you to someone who is.

So it'd probably be best to email him beforehand asking whether you can mail it in, or whether he can refer you to someone else.

Post edited on 10th Oct 2022, 3:11pm
>> No. 40683 [Edit]
I was asking to make a point that they aren't very common. I also wonder how much of a market there is considering the average owner will just buy a new one before attempting to repair a specific mother board component(including myself).

Since you seem knowledgeable, I'll just describe the problem to you. After moving my laptop from one location to another(in a backpack), it refused to turn on no matter what I tried. So I pressed the little "battery reset" button lenovos have. After that, it would turn on, but the screen would stay pitch black, and I couldn't turn it off unless I hit the battery reset button again. A couple of the buttons with lights also stayed lit up regardless of what keys I pressed.
>> No. 40684 [Edit]
I don't know much about lenovo notebooks, but just some common things to test:
* Have you tried running it on AC power only with battery disconnected? If it doesn't have a removable battery you might need to unscrew the cover and disconnect the battery. I don't know if the lenovo laptops have a separate cmos battery, but if it does maybe try disconnecting that as well (and waiting some time before reconnecting to reset).
* Does the laptop usually have a POST test chime on boot? Are you getting that?
* If you have an external display, can you plug it into that to rule out a display issue?

Assuming you tried the battery thing and it didn't work, my intuition is that it might be loose connection/broken solder joint or something (since it was only after transporting in a backpack that things didn't work). You could try looking up the ifixit disassembly guide and making sure all the internal cables are plugged in tightly, but beyond that locating the bad solder joint (if that's the issue) needs a multimeter. You should see if you can find some electronics repair guy nearby though, I bet this is a < 10-minute diagnosis job that will cost < $30 to repair (assuming it's a soldering issue).
>> No. 40685 [Edit]
>Have you tried running it on AC power only with battery disconnected?
There is both a removable battery and internal battery. This will also happen when the removable one is out, but I have not tried taking the internal battery out.
>I don't know if the lenovo laptops have a separate cmos battery
It has something similar in shape, but wrapped up and attached to the motherboard.
>Does the laptop usually have a POST test chime on boot? Are you getting that?
No, and it's not making any noise.
>If you have an external display
I don't, but considering the other symptoms, I really don't think it's a display issue.

Maybe I'll look for a real deal repair shop near me.

Post edited on 10th Oct 2022, 5:01pm
>> No. 40731 [Edit]
Update, I finally have my T14. After wrestling the base cover off, without the special prier tool or whatever, guess what happens next?

The ssd screw wont come out, and now the screw is stripped. So I can't replace the ssd. Every other screw in there comes out easily(except the ones holding the cpu down). What the fuck???? I never had this issue with the t470. I need to change the fucking shitty 256 ssd it came with, which I didn't need in the first place, with the one I spent over $100 on, but I can't.
>> No. 40732 [Edit]
Cut a line into the stripped screw, use a flat head to get it out.
>> No. 40733 [Edit]
>Cut a line into the stripped screw
How? At this point, I'd rather drive to a real professional and have them do it. Even opening it up is a struggle.
>> No. 40735 [Edit]
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Pic related.
>> No. 40736 [Edit]
I've heard of people using the rubber band trick for a stripped screw. Not sure if it will work.
>> No. 40737 [Edit]
I tried that, and its paper towel variation.

Post edited on 15th Oct 2022, 1:32pm
>> No. 40745 [Edit]
Today, I've finally come to terms with the fact that America is a shithole. Best thing I can say is that owning an impressive firearm arsenal is legal in most places (and pretty cool), and that speech isn't as criminalized as it is in other jurisdictions. This might come off as a negative conclusion, but really, it gives me hope for a better future.
I also made pumpkin bread today. It's delicious, but necessitates longer bathroom stays. Wish I could install a bidet.
>> No. 40827 [Edit]
I started my first week of actual work on Sunday. It hasn't been that bad so far. The work itself is easier than expected, and hasn't left me too sore yet. The people are alright. They're either friendly but not super talkative or they just don't talk much at all. They don't pry for much in the way of details when they ask questions too, which I appreciate.
Training is going well. I'm well ahead of schedule, as I'm almost ready to do two of my jobs on my own after two days.
The only thing that really sucks is that I don't have a great deal of time for anything, but that also isn't as bad as I thought it'd be. I don't really end up doing less than I normally would. Just can't sleep for 12+ hours and end up refreshing pages all day.
>> No. 40847 [Edit]
To me, the worst thing about work is that it leaves you tired, aside from the time factor. When I worked in a restaurant over the summer, I'd always come back home extremely tired and too drained to do the smallest things, I couldn't even pay attention to anime. It kinda sucked and made me wish for an office job or work from home in the future
>> No. 40848 [Edit]
It's definitely becoming an issue now.
>> No. 40851 [Edit]
That's my life. I feel quite sad when I remember the times I just cared about watching anime and playing videogames and how far away they seem now.
I think there's a reason why those things are commonly considered "childish". As an adult you're not supposed to spend that much time and energy in such absorbent "hobbies". Being an adult means you're gonna spend most of your time and energy in work, that's what you're supposed to do and what's considered good and responsible (and it's not like there's an alternative anyway). Normals somehow have figured to still have enough of both left for stuff like a family or social life, which seems insane to me.
>> No. 40855 [Edit]
I do 20 hours of WFH per week. It's not too terrible, but I'm hoping that I can retire when the next crypto bullrun comes around. I'm about halfway there in terms of the money I need.
>> No. 40856 [Edit]
today i'm going to sleep a full 8 hours with no real worries plaguing my head and giving me bad dreams. tomorrow i'm gonna play smt iii and watch anime all day. life is looking pretty great
that's lucky.
>> No. 40858 [Edit]
I somehow managed to build a computer for "free". Dunno why or how, but the transaction got dropped well after I got my parts in the mail. I spent the money, but it came back to me somehow.
So yeah, I saved about $1000 seemingly out of good luck. Of course, I'll be careful because it makes no sense and I figure it'll likely be corrected soon, but who knows...
>> No. 40859 [Edit]
Maybe your bank thought it wasn't really you who bought the stuff and reversed the charges?
>> No. 40860 [Edit]
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Update. I made the horrible mistake of trying to install debian(using a non-free live image). After seeing I'm unable to connect to a wireless network, I said fuck it and resinstalled windows. Except, I can't connect to a wireless network on windows now either. The wireless adapter does not show up in the device manager. I tried every single fix in link below and it still doesn't show up. I don't know what to do. I hate myself.
>> No. 40861 [Edit]
The good folks at tried to warn you about the dangers of lunix decades ago

>BSD, Lunix, Debian and Mandrake are all versions of an illegal hacker operation system, invented by a Soviet computer hacker named Linyos Torovoltos, before the Russians lost the Cold War. It is based on a program called "xenix", which was written by Microsoft for the US government. These programs are used by hackers to break into other people's computer systems to steal credit card numbers. They may also be used to break into people's stereos to steal their music, using the "mp3" program. Torovoltos is a notorious hacker, responsible for writing many hacker programs, such as "telnet", which is used by hackers to connect to machines on the internet without using a telephone.

>Your son may try to install "lunix" on your hard drive. If he is careful, you may not notice its presence, however, lunix is a capricious beast, and if handled incorrectly, your son may damage your computer, and even break it completely by deleting Windows, at which point you will have to have your computer repaired by a professional.

>If you see the word "LILO" during your windows startup (just after you turn the machine on), your son has installed lunix. In order to get rid of it, you will have to send your computer back to the manufacturer, and have them fit a new hard drive. Lunix is extremely dangerous software, and cannot be removed without destroying part of your hard disk surface.

Seems original source has linkrotted,
>> No. 40862 [Edit]
This would be funny if my laptop weren't fucked up and I wasn't freaking out.
>> No. 40863 [Edit]
Not a missing driver is it?
>> No. 40864 [Edit]
I tried installing this one, multiple times

Post edited on 24th Nov 2022, 12:18am
>> No. 40865 [Edit]
Not him, but I don't think it's likely to be a driver issue if it doesn't even appear in the device hierarchy. On linux something like lshw, lspci, lsusb would show the hierarhcy, I'm guessing windows device manager does the same.
>> No. 40866 [Edit]
Okay. I found the correct driver. I didn't need the realtek wlan driver, I needed the qualcomm wlan driver.
>> No. 40867 [Edit]
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Posting from my laptop now. Linux, never ever ever ever ever again. This is a sign from Haruhi.
>> No. 40868 [Edit]
Linux isn't that bad... I just wouldn't use it on anything more than a cheap and/or outdated extra computer. That's only because I'm pretty new to linux myself.
If you still try it, you might really appreciate the package manager. It's a lot better than windows once you have everything set up. I also use Debian and from what I've heard it is pretty good for that in particular.
Anyhow, keep at it. Linux is pretty fun to learn.
>> No. 40870 [Edit]
The package manager is nice, but you can only use it if you have an internet connection. This machine came with windows, and all of the needed drivers. Admittedly, the ltsc installation media did not come with this one, particularly important driver, but if I had never messed with my system, I wouldn't have had this scare.

On my previous laptop, I dual booted xubuntu for a little bit. When I tried removing those partitions, I messed up grub, and was unable to get into windows. I had no large usb on me at the time. The only solution I could find is using a windows recovery media to do a clean reinstall. Point is, I paid quite a bit of money for this machine, and I heavily rely on it. I never want the earth to disappear from beneath my feet again, especially for an os I'm not sold on as a desktop. That not fun and I don't consider it a good use of time.

Post edited on 24th Nov 2022, 8:46am
>> No. 40871 [Edit]
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Sorry, but I can't help but laugh at this
You got scared of GNU/Linux because of a single broken driver?
>> No. 40872 [Edit]
Missing, not broken. And yes, since I went out of my way to get a non-free iso, and it's one of the most important drivers of all. I've also been having a series of other problems with laptops. I also made this post >>/navi/2703

I can tell what camp you're in by you feeling the needed to include "GNU".

Post edited on 25th Nov 2022, 2:42pm
>> No. 40873 [Edit]
If I ever set up a household server running linux, I'm going to choose Alpine so that way I can smugly retort against anyone calling it gnu/linux.
>> No. 40874 [Edit]
>Missing, not broken.
Debian stable packages are basically ancient so I'm not sure why you expected everything on a new laptop to just work out of the box
>> No. 40875 [Edit]
>I'm not sure why you expected everything on a new laptop to just work out of the box
Look at those thumbs up. edit: maybe wifi only works if you have a mediatek chip?

What distro would you suggest?

Post edited on 25th Nov 2022, 8:15pm
>> No. 40879 [Edit]
Dropped off my mom today at the airport. She came to visit for a week because of thanksgiving. I came down with covid just about the time she came to visit (room mate insisted I take a test, which confirmed it). Work was extra hell because of it, stuck it out because the only other person who does my stuff, took off. By the third day I couldn't keep it up and called off. I hear a few other people in the office came down with it too and took off the same day too. Having to share a room with her for the week was enough of a drag without that ontop of it. Still, I got over it quickly and managed to show her around a decent amount.
Somehow I've managed to stick it out for five months now of living on my own in WA. That's with feeling like I've been winging it more often than not at work. There's been ups and downs, but overall I haven't been anywhere near as miserable as I was before. Getting away from my mom helped things a lot. Of course, she's pushing hard for me to go back with her to Texas to get a house out there together. Even my job informed me they were closing my branch and relocating us to Texas. I like it here, but with it being as expensive as it is, and my job coming to a close, I'm not sure how realistic it is to stay (though I might try to stick it out if I can land a better paying and more stable job within the next few months).
Living here, I'll probably never be able to own a home, just getting a loan for one seems like a fat chance in hell. Going to TX means getting one and renting rooms, with our jobs going to paying the thing off, maybe living off rent money if I happen to go NEET. Would also mean being able to finally get my crap out of storage, which if nothing else would save me that $150 per month.
Still, while it makes a lot of sense, it also feels like a step backwards. Coming out here felt like I actually started to do something with my life, and for the first time in my life I'm near friends (moved in with one person from TC and two others are not in the area but are in driving distance). So it's almost like having a life, or at least part of one. TX doesn't really have anything for me, other than being more financially stable. My mom's sister is there, but she seems like someone best avoided, like a black hole of money that I can easily see asking us for more and more as time goes on. Might be able to convince my crazy uncle to head out there at least. Seems he's fed up with California and being around my douche of a dad, he's just at a loss of where to go instead. If nothing else, maybe I'll come back if fate allows it, that'd be nice.

Post edited on 23rd Dec 2022, 2:26am
>> No. 40883 [Edit]
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Forgot my cap. (Not really, just this weird tendency for anime I watch to have strangely relevant topics to things I'm dealing with at the moment.)
>> No. 40900 [Edit]
on the site you posted it says that the laptop requires at least Linux 5.15.
According to Distrowatch, Debian Stable uses Linux 5.10:

I use Ubuntu LTS on my main machine and can generally recommend it.
>> No. 40925 [Edit]
My "friends" are trying to be friendly again. At least, just the one is. I got invited to come hang out, but I don't think I want to. I think if were I go I'd just get irritated and leave. Even if I am lonely, I just don't like them much.
I've gotten used to working. I take it pretty easy at work and just spend the night fantasizing or just thinking about pleasant things. Still don't talk though. I have a good bit of paid time off soon which will be nice.
I'm thinking of saving for a trip to Japan this summer, but at the same time, I don't think I'd be able to enjoy it on my own.
>> No. 40926 [Edit]
I feel more ok today than usual. I'm watching Citrus, which is supposed to be infamous for reasons I don't understand. The show is exactly what it says in the description.
>> No. 40927 [Edit]
Ah seems like it falls in the same vein of YagaKimi as being a primarily drama-driven show. It's a shame, given the supposed infamy I was expecting something much more risqué. Whatever supposedly taboo aspects the show has actually do work in context given Mei's character and background, and I can understand what they were going for, but the interestingness is bogged down in drama. It seems like an unwritten rule of any "serious" yuri show that things always need to go two steps forward, one step back in every episode.
>> No. 40940 [Edit]
Today was pretty shitty. People talked to me and made me get behind on work because I can't handle conversation and working. Another thing was that one of the discussed topics was sex and the fact that I'm a virgin. I didn't get ragged on or anything I guess because I don't look too awful and I admitted I just don't care enough to try. I said I'm just gonna wait until I find someone worth my time, which I guess is true in some way. I really wish people would leave me alone.
Another thing is that working sucks. I'm tired of it. I'm about ready to return to being a NEET because either way I'm stuck living with my family or paying to live with strangers. I have no peace.
>> No. 40971 [Edit]
>I found out my cellphone is going to become a useless brick in a couple months once 3G shuts down, this when the phone isn't even that old
I hate that they did this. For now there's still 2G/Edge in areas which support it, and it should hopefully stay for a few more years since it doesn't cost anything spectrum wise, but I doubt they'll pay extra to maintain support for it when they replace aging cell towers. I don't want a new fucking phone, the one I have works perfectly fine.
>> No. 40972 [Edit]
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They're gonna drop 4G eventually too. They're just working on making 5G more stable for the time being with voice over 5G (VoNR) still being in the testing stage. I think 6G is expected to come out around 2029, they just want to get 5G established and reliable before that happens. When it does, we're gonna get yet another wave of crippled devices. It's never going to stop, and knowing this makes me much much less inclined to spend big on a device that I know is running on borrowed time.
I work directly with this stuff now ironically enough, and did voice issues with this practice to a superior at one point. Their mindset was that people should just upgrade to newer devices and anyone who doesn't is a weirdo. They couldn't understand why anyone would want to hold onto older devices and they thought the idea comical. Trying to argue with some of these people is like arguing with a robot. They're just programed to consume.

I did finally get a new phone a couple weeks ago. After months of working hands on with all of the latest samsung phones, being able to do pretty much anything with them and get a feel for which one I like most, I ended up just buying another sony phone. Made a mistake when I got it though and picked up one that doesn't seem to do 5G, so I guess future proofing is out the window.

Speaking of work and as for the not so daily report. My team has been steadily shrinking at work, while the work load gets spread out to the rest of us with the work load getting larger on top of that. I basically stopped even trying. The more I'd do the more they'd dump on me, like I was being punished for trying to do a good job. I gave up on that, and it feels like I'm dodging bullets and barely getting from one day to the next now. which almost makes me feel guilty when they act like I'm some model employee. I got dragged into a one on one meeting with a boss where after guilt tripping me about how much the team sucks and dropping his life story on me, tells me the whole taxes transfer thing is happening a lot sooner than we expected, and he wanted to know by the end of the day if I'm going or not. Guy wants me to help him set up the new team at the TX location, but offered to put in a word for me with another team that's staying here if I choose not to go. My plan of doing Texas if I can't find a better job, wasn't good enough for them and they needed a clear cut stay or go answer. He gave me till the end of the day to think about it. This in spite of saying multiple times I was planing on going.
Meanwhile~ Back in Texas my mom had been house hunting ever since getting back, and we managed to find a loan agent who agreed to work with us. My mom of course wasn't making things easy and couldn't even give these guys the few documents I left behind with her. As it stands, they might still make a sink about my work history since I was a NEET up until six months ago, and even if they don't, getting laid off at this point would likely screw things up. Hope with the house we picked out was as mentioned before to rent rooms to fall back on. I've also dropped more than a grand on nonrefundable inspections and appraisal stuff so far. And boy was it annoying dealing with all these calls and emails all day because my mom couldn't.
while going back to texas might be a step back in some ways, it'd be nice to have a more stable place to live, and something to fall back on if/when things don't work out here.

So back on the job side of things, I get back from lunch and that boss tells me he learned the taxes transfer is happening in two weeks time, and that he rejected it on my behalf, claiming that it was too unrealistic to expect anyone to go in that short of time, combined with knowing my lease isn't up until July.
So now it's looking like the home loan could easily fall apart, if not from them deciding they don't like my work history than because I'm possibly gonna be out of a job in a couple weeks. And my mom's relationship with her sister who she's been staying with is at it's breaking point it seems so I'll have that to manage and deal. Now she regrets us selling our house in Oklahoma, the fully paid off one I fully renovated and got her a job near in a town she liked, and recommended she stay in.
I've also heard from my uncle back in California that my old man is getting sickly and is having trouble walking. I asked if he ever asks about me or mentions me, but seems not a word. I've thought a lot about trying to get back in touch, put in one last effort to patch things up before he kicks the bucket, but it's clear to me he couldn't care less. So it feels like it'd be a waste of effort to try.

I'm tired.

Post edited on 23rd Dec 2022, 3:46am
>> No. 40974 [Edit]
I still wonder why telcos are so insistent to switch to 5G everywhere. As I think I mentioned somewhere before, as far as I understand "5G" is really just marketing slogan for the updated 3GPP spec, and it's just an incremental improvement over LTE. Possibly slightly better encoding (seems to be the same OFDM as lte, but I guess something must have changed) to allow better spectrum efficiency, lower latency negotiations, etc. And of course the completely overhyped millimeter wave spectrum that will only be used for stadiums anyway. Are they really expecting the number of connected devices to increase by an order of magnitude in the next decade to warrant this much investment in it?

Also the telephony stack is a mess. You can have phones that support data over LTE, but not VoLTE, even though VoLTE pretty much just is voice packets tunneled over data like voip.

Post edited on 23rd Dec 2022, 4:43pm
>> No. 40978 [Edit]
Yeah, That's exactly what happened with my old phone (which I rather liked), it could do data over 4G but voice was done over 3G, and there for the carrier stopped supporting it. For the last couple months I've kept a t-mobile sim in it so I could at least play mobile games and what not with it (thanks to work I have a bunch of spare simcards)
I think I was probably explained the stuff about why they want to push for upgrades, but with all the info dumps probably went one ear and out the other. They're fully aware of all the nodes/relays they have to put into place to set up the infrastructure for it, as the range isn't as good, which seems crazy to me.
mostly speculation here but I think the thing is, from their perspective there's a constant need to keep innovating and improving to A: stay a step ahead of competition from ATT. B: Give the industry an excuse to make older devices obsolete so people keep buying more. C: Keep up with demand and expectations from people(morons) who want to stream 16K videos on their five inch screens. D: Charge users for upgrading to the latest service.
I don't think practicality plays any part in it. Sure the logical thing to do would be to just keep expanding 4G coverage, and leave it at that. But then that won't push the industry forward, make new jobs, etc etc
>> No. 41043 [Edit]
I've been watching the Sopranos again after putting it on pause for a couple months. It gets kind of repetitive. Entertaining enough to keep going though.

Post edited on 11th Jan 2023, 10:23pm
>> No. 41061 [Edit]
I got out of rehab
Earlier today I met a girl there who lives in the same apartment complex as me
She was pretty cute and only 20
She did fetanyl though which I'm totally against, I only use ethical and healthy drugs like vodka
I'm about to eat some mexican food and drink more vodka
>> No. 41062 [Edit]
You know if women were emotionally and mentally mature enough they would be ready to set down at that age and not act like retarded zoomers who just want to drug it up and act like nihilistic shitheads.
She would make a good wife for me.
>> No. 41063 [Edit]
At the risk of sounding like a white knight sjw, I think the same is true for men. Normies just want to bang each other and do drugs and only think about "settling down" once they're too old ugly and worn out to keep getting random partners, and dump all their baggage on some poor soul.
>> No. 41065 [Edit]
File 167394885488.jpg - (3.72MB , 2000x1500 , DSC_0108.jpg )
Went out today to buy a large lego set and display cases for my room. I've held back on buying too much stuff, but still found myself accumulating more than I had space for. I used offerup, but had to use an alt account because for whatever reason I got banned with the one I had been using just fine for the last few months. Had trouble fitting the cases in my car, but the seller was nice enough to help me disassemble one of them. After that I went to visit a large Japanese garden. On the way I realized it was kind of dumb to do that in winter, and sure enough it was muddy and not ideal, but it was a nice break from the norm, the norm being sitting in front of my pc screen when I'm not at work, dreading having to go back. Didn't spend as much time roaming around there as I could have because I started getting paranoid about car breakins after seeing warning signs about that everywhere.
Had lunch at a Carl's jr, the only one in this state I think. Something for old times sake. At one point they started playing a country music song and the bad memories just seemed to start flooding in...
>> No. 41066 [Edit]
I scheduled a job interview after NEETing for many years since I need money. Don't mind working at all, but since I'm such a grossly incompetent person, disappointing customers and coworkers alike has left me with ingrained fear. I can recall the look of disappointment and disdain of various persons' eyes.
But it's got to be done.

>Didn't spend as much time roaming around there as I could have because I started getting paranoid about car breakins after seeing warning signs about that everywher
I find it weird that a nice garden like that would be in such a neighborhood. Societal order truly is deteriorating in many places. What a shame.
>> No. 41067 [Edit]
Everyone is incompetent at first, and many keep being so well into the job.
Don't worry so much about it. Half that stuff is likely just in your head. Maybe you can try different things until you find something you're well suited to?
>> No. 41069 [Edit]

I got a job application thing from Taco Bell yesterday.
I'm a hikikomori since 2003 but I do have some job experience, I worked at walmart when I was homeless.
I would really enjoy working at Taco Bell and I'm sure I would be their best employee but I'm worried how it would affect my insurance and ability to get disability so I'm gonna hold off and wait ... plus I need to tackle my alcoholism too first.
>> No. 41070 [Edit]
How did you manage to stay alive those 20 years? What did you do in that time?
>> No. 41072 [Edit]
Neglected to mention it but after a rather stressful month long approval process we got the loan and my mom got the keys to the new house a few days ago. As of today she apparently finished clearing out the storage unit we have in Texas and moving everything into the house. Seems she's gonna hold off on repairs or renovations until I get there. Kind of a good thing I guess since it means she won't make anything worse.

As for the work thing, the guy that said it'd be in two weeks was clearly pulling that number out of his ass. That's not to say people on my team haven't been dropping like flies. Last Tuesday one of my bosses got their last day and was sent to Texas. The more people go, the more work gets dumped on the rest of us and it's becoming that much harder to keep my head down and avoid issues. I'm 100% not qualified for this job, but somehow manage to skate by from one day to the next. It's like a daily tightrope act while dodging bullets. It's a whole lot of trying to look busy, avoiding people, and hoping people don't ask too many questions. It's nothing short of amazing I've lasted this long.
I've tried applying in other places but haven't had any luck so far. I had one interview so far, for a similar position to my current one, which if what I hear is true, I was referred to by my boss and his boss. I still haven't heard back from them though after nearly a month, so maybe I bombed the interview.
>> No. 41074 [Edit]

I have lived on the internet every waking moment since I was 12 years old.
My mom supports me.
It's a long story but I can post about it if you're interested.
>> No. 41075 [Edit]
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I got a call from work just as I was about to fall asleep. Of course it was an entirely pointless phone call. Now I'm going to hunch over at my desk for a few hours until I can go back to sleep... On the bright side, they should be implementing something to make one of my jobs a lot easier at my suggestion.
I think I'll ask about the program that will let me get a much better job tomorrow. Seeing as I'm already lined up for a promotion despite being there for only a couple months doing a job my frail, never-held-a-job-before body isn't suited to, my talents would probably be better used elsewhere.
Or maybe I'll go back to being a NEET. I work too hard just because I have a need to outdo everyone else...
>> No. 41076 [Edit]
I am very interested.
>> No. 41077 [Edit]
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So I was born hyper-intelligent but severely stunted by autism or something.
I could speak at a very young age and very early on I saw through all the bullshit related to people and society.
Public school was absolutely miserable and I hated everything about it and every single moment of it.
I got held back a ton because I just never payed attention to anything and couldn't keep up with the pace and environment, which really aggravated my autism.
Finally, in the middle of the 5th grade I convinced my mom to take me out of school, and at first to "homeschool" which turned out into "unschooling".
I became a hikikomori, a true one, someone who shuts in because of circumstance and their environment .... I occasionally went outside but it was only ever to hang out with my mom at her job or an attempt to connect with her stupid family that always rejected me.
So anyways, I digress.
Back in the day I would get old computers (I'm talking beige desktop and CRT monitor) from garage sells ran by old guys that for whatever reason my friend who turned out to be gay knew very well .........
I really loved the dial up days and the internet of the early to mid 00s, it truly was a glorious time and it's not just nostalgia, it truly was a better internet.
In 2004 or so I got my first new pc in a long while (my first ever new pc was a compaq presario with windows 98 back in 2001) which was this AOL branded PC manufactured by some obscure company.
I really loved that AOL PC, it was a glorious machine.
People would always make fun of me because I was the poorfag with the AOL PC .... but jokes on them I had way more fun than they did.
At nighttime I would have to cover my computer with pillows while dialing into the internet so I wouldn't wake up my mom.
I always gravitated towards being awake at night and asleep during the day, so for most of my life my internet friends have been European.
Btw for some reason I seem to meet a ton of Finnish people.
So yeah my time was spent lurking the web, playing PS2 and Xbox, eating food loaded with sodium (I really love olives and pickles).
Then I started going to the library and renting anime on DVD, which really started my journey into anime .... but before that my earliest experiences with anime were in the late 90s renting Ghost in the Shell on VHS at blockbuster thinking it was going to be porn ....
I had this couch inside my bedroom with a coffee table I'd use to eat stuff on, and so I would watch stuff like .Hack, Cowboy Bebop and Initial D while gorging myself on doughnuts.
That was a brief synopsis of my early teens.
Fast forward to 2008 and I'm still a hikikomori, doing pretty much the same thing only much more depressed and exhausted with my absolute state of loneliness and isolation, which got worse over time and I would spend less and less time outside because it's kind of weird for someone so old to be hanging out with their mom at her work.
My 20s were when things got really bad, as I became a raging alcoholic which lasts to this day (I just had three shots since waking up).
In the 2010s I would get super drunk on beer and throw parties in my own little world, I would listen to upbeat music like Darude - Sandstorm and then watch video game trailers to get me all hyped up for upcoming games that seemed interesting (I loved the trailer for Hitman Absolution but the game turned out to be disappointing) and then I would watch a movie like I had four or five I would rotate through such as Contact, Gattaca, Jacob's Ladder, Blade Runner and Tetsuo: Iron Man.
The mid to late 2010s are a totally different story, I got the Oculus Development Kit 1 in 2012 and so for a few years I spent all my time getting high on marijuana nonstop 24/7 and exploring early virtual reality, which, was a fucking goddamn glorious time.
Sucks for all you people that missed out on the pre-facebook Oculus VR era, it truly was glorious.
Anyways there is a ton of other stuff that happened but I'll fast forward to now.
I'm in my early/mid 30s and I'm still a hikikomori, except now I drink vodka nonstop every waking moment and I feel even more hopeless.

That's all I could muster right now I just woke up.
I'll write down a proper journal on livejournal or maybe I'll even make a youtube vlog idk.

and I know that's probably not what you were wanting, you probably wanted something more detailed but for the moment all you're getting is a brief recap of some scattered memories so deal with it
>> No. 41080 [Edit]
I'm not gonna dress this up. It wasn't only the autism, your parents failed you. It sounds like they did nothing to ensure your mental and physical development, and instead gave you entertainment products to keep you distracted and out of their hands. Wonder where your dad was in all this.
>> No. 41082 [Edit]

Dad has his own story.
My mom has her scenario.
You wouldn't believe me if I told you who my dad's parents are.
Anyways he's a loser, I don't hate him or wish him harm I just wish humans had more empathy,
>> No. 41083 [Edit]
>It wasn't only the autism, your parents failed you

>> No. 41085 [Edit]
Hisashiburi desu ne? Got out of NEEThood for the first time in a long time. Got a semi-comfy job as a store janitor. Thankfully I'm very willing to take it easy on the job and it involves a lot of looking busy. For $15 an hour it's pretty sweet.
>> No. 41086 [Edit]
I think I might get the job I interviewed for, but now I'm more worried since the general manager of the store was really nice, and was happy to overlook my atrocious job history and the fact I called myself an "impotent loser" during the interview as long as I show up to work. Hope I don't screw it up for him, but this might be a motivator.

Yeah, maybe so. I am trying something different this time around, so maybe it'll work out better this time.

>I'm a hikikomori since 2003 but I do have some job experience, I worked at walmart when I was homeless.
Damn, anon. Hope you overcome your alcoholism. Of the few jobs I've worked, those who were alcoholics seems even more hopeless than the druggies.

>It's nothing short of amazing I've lasted this long.
You might not be as bad as you think.
>> No. 41089 [Edit]

Alcohol is a drug and one of the most debilitating.
It's one of the very few drugs which can cause you to die from withdrawal.
>> No. 41091 [Edit]
I find it interesting how people don't consider alcohol to be a real "drug". It's a much more socially acceptable drug, but why? Because it's legal, because it's more easily accessible, because you drink it rather than inject it or smoke it? If I drank a bottle of cough syrup to get my high, people might think there's something wrong with me. But if I down a six pack of beer? That's perfectly normal and fine, maybe even cool depending on who you ask.
To them you're not a drug addict, you're an "alcoholic".
>> No. 41093 [Edit]

That's why alcohol is the most dangerous drug in the world.
It's everywhere, it's normalized, and if you're an addict there is no escape from seeing it somewhere.

For me I do want to quit, just not now.
I want to quit when I'm ready, that way maybe I won't get as strong of cravings and it will be easier.

At this rate though I'm gonna have to quit soon, or tomorrow.
I start drinking when I wake up until I pass out, I'm starting to even go over a pint of vodka.
I'm very slender too and part Asian so I'm much more sensitive to alcohol.
>> No. 41094 [Edit]
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I don't know why I keep this on my desk
Maybe to give me some hope or just as a comfort totem
>> No. 41096 [Edit]
Just tried out my nee DDR mat with my PS2.
That's the first time I've played it with a mat since .....

Just going through the menu was an exercise.
I started on the very easiest modo since I'm drunk and high and man that was great exercise.
This game is going to be great for me and it's a good thing I have more understanding neighbors downstairs now.

Alright I'm gonna play some Silent Hill 4 now
>> No. 41097 [Edit]
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>> No. 41098 [Edit]
Took a 50mg trazodone pill last night for sleep

I ended up having some super vivid dreams and in one of them I experienced something very interesting and unique in a dream for the first time.
Sometimes during my dreams I'm not completely lucid, but self-aware and consciously observing the moment in first person instead of movie-mode.
I was inside this building, I'm not sure whether it was a supermarket or restaurant.
Anyways, I'm transaged, meaning my mental age is younger than my biological age.
In my dreams I'm always in my mid teens.
My conscious mental age right now feels more like my late teens/early 20s these days though.
Anyways, so in my dream I notice a mirror and I was like "Holy shit" because for the first time in a dream I looked at my reflection in a mirror ... it was really odd like my face was kind of distorted and looked like something an A.I. would churn out, but something I really noticed was how it looked a lot similar to my face now except with characteristics similar to someone around the age of 15 - 17.

I also had sex with a woman in my dream
>> No. 41099 [Edit]
Your post is interesting, but what the FUCK is "transaged"? Since when has being mentally ill turned into an identity? That part was completely unnecessary and only makes it seem like you're seeking attention.
>> No. 41101 [Edit]

Someone who's ego/identity is younger than their physical age.

Growing up in my 20s and now 30s I never became an adult, I'm literally still the same person inside as I was in say ... 2008.
I would like to say I'm still 15 but I feel more like my 17 year old self.
>> No. 41102 [Edit]
This trips out physical teens because they think I'm some old man when really I'm just like them.
>> No. 41104 [Edit]
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I filled out an application for a different job today. Basically, it'd have me learn about the new model of vehicle before it gets mass-produced so that I can train everyone in my area to build it. The important thing is, it would require me to go to Japan for an "extended" period of time. I think I remember hearing 2 weeks, so I think I won't have to worry about a place to stay. If I'm going to bust my ass anyway, why not go for it.
I doubt I'll get the job due to my lack of experience and job history, but my supervisor will put in a good word for me and I do have the computer skills as well as problem-solving skills they're looking for so who knows. It's really a toss up based on what the other candidates have going for them, but I'm confident that I'm a good choice.
If it doesn't work out, I'll be taking it a lot easier. I see this as my opportunity to get anywhere. Otherwise my job doesn't really matter. Lose income to go back to being a neet seems absolutely fine to me. They'll rehire me if I need to come back.
>> No. 41105 [Edit]
Getting a new job for me is usually a year long multi thousand application process
>> No. 41106 [Edit]
Learned as mich as I feel comfortable about imsgegen
Now I need to learn about text generation

Lots of anxiety
>> No. 41107 [Edit]
I'm just getting a new position in the same company. There's a lot less to it than usual. Hell, getting the first job was really easy because they're really desperate for new hires. I think all I had to do was pass a drug test and prove I wasn't fully retarded. Mind you, it's just manufacturing so the bar is extremely low. Live in the right area, and you too can get sore and sweaty 5-6 nights a week.
>> No. 41108 [Edit]
Currently drinking steel reserve while playing Audiosurf 2.
This game can become quite a mindfuck after playing for a while straight because of all the flickering and constant visual stimuli.
Jazz songs are the best for puzzle mode, hardstyle/j-core is great for mono and well .... harsh noise isn't very easy in this game.

I hope Dylan or whatever his name is makes an Audiosurf 3 in the future.
Some features I'd like are a more DDR style user interface with an album art scroll wheel and background music in the menu.
As for the game design I want it to be similar to AS1 but with more defined colors, meaning not just something resembling a Chinese LED light strip but an actual level.
>> No. 41111 [Edit]
Eating noodles, tofu and ground beef.
Chopstick included.

People who eat using their hands are disgusting and should be put to the guillotine.

I really don't feel good.
I need some alcohol but I don't have any, currently begging my mom to get some but she's pissed off about last night even though I didn't do anything wrong she's just using me as her hate totem to cope with her dissatifaction with her own life.

Vaping marijuana right now.
It's helping a little with the alcohol hangover/withdrawal.
It's a delta 8 indica from treetop, tasates like hair spray but it hits very nice and easy, doesn't have a hard edge to it.
>> No. 41112 [Edit]
My fucking cat is my alarm clock.
She wakes up up every damn morning around the same time with her meowing and she won't stop until I get up.
>> No. 41113 [Edit]
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>People who eat using their hands are disgusting and should be put to the guillotine.
>> No. 41114 [Edit]
Just took 30mg of a benzo called "librium".
Apparently on the internet establishment called "read-it" or "reddit" this drug is referred to as "the Queen's gambit".
It's nothing special.
I prefer an injection of ativan.

Rule 13
>> No. 41115 [Edit]

That's disgusting
>> No. 41116 [Edit]
File 167483766545.png - (1.00MB , 900x1344 , 7299a79a94e24162c310236e61b3512e.png )
Here's some more then.
>> No. 41117 [Edit]
>Currently drinking steel reserve
Hell yeah. It's my go to when I want to drink but don't want to waste the next day hung over. Also at a price that I can live with.
>> No. 41118 [Edit]
I've never heard of Steel Reserve before, but this review is one of the first things that comes up when I search for them.
(3d warning)
>The can also has a giant 211 on it, which they claim is a “medieval symbol for steel,” but I’ve never seen it used that way anywhere else (and I went to college.) It’s more likely a reference to the police code for robbery, which gives you an idea of what kind of scum this shit is marketed towards. 

Post edited on 27th Jan 2023, 8:58am
>> No. 41120 [Edit]
Yeah, it's garbage, but it gets the job done. Anyway, I think this sort of discussion should go on /420/, it's designated board...
>> No. 41121 [Edit]
pushed myself over my fear of horror(ish) games that I've developed over the last 5 years or so. back playing dead space and STALKER now, loving. still a depressed, anxious mess but this is one less issue now. also had lots of healthy food.
>> No. 41122 [Edit]
She's just trying to help, anon.
>> No. 41131 [Edit]
This would be yesterday but whatever.
Chilly morning. Frost covered everything. Took a while to warm up my car. Went to a McDonald for breakfast, trying to get there before 10:30. Ordered at 10:28. Menu didn't change anyway. While eating noticed a carwash across the street, a chain I had free coupons for I got from car services I've had done months before. My ride was overdue. From there I drove to the zoo. Thought I should explore what this area has to offer before I leave it. It seemed like 'something' to do that didn't involve sitting in my room all weekend. I roamed around for three hours, trying to avoid tripping over hoards of kids that acted more like animals than the ones in cages. Those animals all seemed board and tired. Made me wonder what it's like for them, trapped in relatively small encloses, some no bigger than your typical backyard, designed to limit privacy as crowds of humans watch your every move day after day. The cold was getting to some of the animals too. Saw apes covering themselves with tarps and trying to stay in sunlight. Out of everything there, the snow leopard seemed the most miserable but maybe I was projecting.
From there I went to a dollar store with smashed in windows, smelly hobos talking to themselves in the store and a pitbull chained next to the entrance. Too cliche. Didn't find what I was looking for anyway. From there I went to a retro game store called Pink Gorilla. It was smaller and more limited than I expected or hopped. Bought psp and gba games. From there I made my way to a kinokuniya, bought some manga, then some crap from an uwajimaya to validate my parking. My uncle called me, needed some tech support. Was going to have dinner at this katsu curry place, but got my order to go so I could remote into my uncle's computer and help him out. The guy just needed help connecting his pc to his new wifi signal, go figure. The food sucked just as it did the last time I went there, thought last time was just a fluke. Shame, used to be good stuff. Ate it while watching Shadow House, as I never got around to finishing the second season.
>> No. 41132 [Edit]
I thought I was going to start crying at work today. People were being friendly while I was just trying to work so I didn't really know what they were expecting of me so that stressed me out really bad. Then they played some dumb game where they throw these rubber parts at one another. I got caught in the crossfire. To make things worse, the supervisor was rearranging the parts at my workstation which was confusing because I couldn't rely on muscle memory. I never really think about what I'm grabbing, so I had to piece everything together. The rest of the day was pretty normal, but it had already been ruined.

I thought about why I want to be left alone so bad and why I never talk. It requires me to acknowledge my present situation. Normally I prefer to fantasize while I work so I don't have to think about how miserable my life is. I can't distract myself with other things while working, so I retreat to my mind.
>> No. 41134 [Edit]
I can relate. When I worked, I would be daydreaming the vast majority of the time. Very rarely would I be actively thinking about my job.

I very much disliked interacting with other employees because they were all snakes. Would say one thing to your face and then another behind your back. I got a lot of shit for looking disinterested and unengaged, as though I needed to look happy every hour of every day. Ridiculous!
>> No. 41135 [Edit]
Surprising that there are other Australians on Tohno...
>> No. 41137 [Edit]
There's a surprising amount of aussies still sticking around on imageboards.
>> No. 41138 [Edit]
I guess it's hard to find people to relate to in person here, since the majority of people are bogans or suburb-dwelling office job workers. Even when you find somebody with the same interests as you, my general experience is that they're extremely annoying (in the fat, loud guy at the comic book shop kind of way) and not actually very relatable. Ergo it makes more sense to stay online and talk to Americans and whatnot.
>> No. 41139 [Edit]
Well, I've noticed this too. For the last 3-5 years I've mostly spent time indoors, but I go out at 10~pm to do my grocery shopping since nobody is around.
On the off-chance that I wind up at the supermarket during the day, I notice that everybody around me is much, much uglier than I'm used to. Fat, ugly mothers with their fat, ugly children. People who look clinically retarded. People with vacant, slow expressions in their eyes.
It's a bizarre feeling, because I can't sympathise with them at all. It's like they're all NPCs (excuse the term) from a video game. They just make me uncomfortable and stressed and I want to get away as soon as possible.
>> No. 41145 [Edit]
Thinking about hunting down my childhood friend. He was the only real friend I ever had and moved away when I was in my early teens. We lost contact at some point.

He doesn't seem to have any sort of socials or bread crumb trail. His parents do but he doesn't and they seem to never post about them while they do his sister. Makes me wonder if he's became estranged from them or offed himself. Sissy might just be the favorite, who knows.

I don't know what I want to gain from finding him. It's been what, 16 years since I spoke to him last?

Can you get away with wearing headphones at work? Mine recently started disallowing it again but give that I'm out of sight most of the day I can get away with it for about half my shift. If you get your work done and get some of the small, flesh colored wireless ones they're pretty easy to hide.
>> No. 41148 [Edit]
>Can you get away with wearing headphones at work?
Yes. I listen to music all day. Miku and friends keep me company at work. It just makes things worse when someone decides to talk to me anyway.
>> No. 41151 [Edit]
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Past few days have been fun. I found out I got shadow banned on offerup. I suspected as much after a week of no one responding or even reading any of my messages, and ran some tests with separate devices with their own accounts and ip and confirmed it. (I browse it when stressed, so I've been using it a lot lately)
Finally got around to visiting the dentist and was told I need a $1200 procedure, which will be about $900 with my insurance. Gonna get it done this Tuesday.
Started to suspect my roommate has gotten sick of me for a handful of reasons while being unsure what if anything I did to piss them off. Went a week without even seeing them in spite of them being here everyday lol. I decided to use our apartment parking space I think on Monday, and the following day they parked their car there and didn't move it once all week even for work.
On Friday someone hacked my twitter account, and posted some garbage about NFTs. So I had to juggle dealing with that while at work and changing passwords around.
I can't get a clear answer from anyone at work about the future of my job, if they're going to keep me on or transfer me or just lay me off. There's a manipulative boss who acts like he's trying to help me out but I don't trust a word of what he says, some of my coworkers think "the guy has mental problems" in their words, and it sure seems like it. He was nice enough at least to inform me I bombed my job interview for a similar position that would have allowed me to stay and for better pay doing pretty much the same thing I do now, simply because I wasn't enthusiastic enough during that interview.
Spent more than an hour on the phone yesterday with some guy who's chasing after my mom back in taxes, telling me she's been hitting up the casinos and lying to me about it as well as lying about things she needs for money. I questioned her about it and she went off on me. Just a lot of family drama I really don't want to deal with.

In general just been feeling like everything I say and do is wrong and like I'm just an inconvenience to everyone. Maybe it's in my head but I keep feeling like I get dirty looks from strangers, and people are uncomfortable around me. There's no where I can call home, no one I can trust I can barely even trust myself. Life's been shit for a while, and slamming the reroll button multiple times hasn't help a whole lot. Every time I feel like I'm starting to get used to whatever life throws at me, it tosses a curve ball my way.
Last night I vented some concerns about the parking arrangement at my apartment in an irc channel. Since getting here I've been worried about parking on the street due to possible vandalism. Around 2am my roommate started running around slamming their door and making a huge commotion, sounded like crashing/breaking sounds. Noticing the time I went to bed. This morning I went to my car, on the way saw someone had their window smashed in which left me concerned about my own, and found someone smashed the window in on my car. Police kept me on an endless hold because it was a non-emergency, and my insurance wouldn't tell me how much it'd cost me or much else, but a quick google says it can be anywhere from $100-500, probably on the higher end because of this area.

I'd say I'm at the end of my rope, but I haven't bought one yet.
>> No. 41152 [Edit]
I pop in every once in a while but I still think about you, Tohno. I'm sorry you're going through such a rough time. I wish I could help you
>> No. 41153 [Edit]
>simply because I wasn't enthusiastic enough during that interview
I worked 4 years at a job where I needed to re-apply and do an interview each year in order to keep it.
I was finally given an opportunity to stop working on a contractual basis and to become a full and proper employee with no need to re-apply.
I failed my interview for the exact same reason. They said that it "felt like I didn't really want the job" which was completely absurd for obvious reasons.

Also, you should be using 2 Factor Authentication, Tohno...
>> No. 41155 [Edit]
If it helps at all a lot of it's outside any one persons control. Economy's in the shitter, people are hurting and moods are contagious.

Smash and grabs a problem in your area? Here's it's people stealing catalytic converters.
>> No. 41173 [Edit]
Went to a dentist to get an overdue cleaning, that lead to recommending I get the crown on my root canal replaced earlier this week. That then lead to them recommending I get the thing looked at by a specialist. Did that this morning, they charged me $300 for a 10 second scan then told me there's an infection and the root canal needs to be redone. Which is gonna run me another $2000 on top of the $800 I'm paying for the replacement crown. They also told me it's possible the thing might be fractured, in which case they wouldn't be able to save it.

You are correct
>> No. 41183 [Edit]
Has anyone ever had pest fumigation done? Does the stuff used (sulfuryl fluoride) leave any residue? The landlords seem to think that this is no big deal and you can leave everything as is, but I don't trust all the marketing copy about this being harmless once aerated. It's very scary stuff [1].

>> No. 41184 [Edit]
I've set off bugbombs/foggers before. Most don't leave anything viable. They say it's a good idea to cover or seal any foods or things like tooth brushes.
>> No. 41185 [Edit]
As far as I can see foggers actually use a different mechanism of action, they contain some sort of colloidal system (suspension) of pesticide mixed with some aeresol dispersing agent. Usually the pesticide is pyrethrin derived (at least it's not something entirely synthetic so probably low contact toxicity to humans anyhow). In that sense foggers actually do leave a residue of pyrethrin behind, but I guess probably not in concentrations where human skin contact would be harmful.

By contrast sulfuryl fluoride is theoretically a pure gas and theoretically could dissipate entirely. The problem is in practice it seems there can be cross-reactions/breakdown where it leaves behind fluoride residues (most of the studies here are in terms of food products fumigated with this before import). I can't find precise details on the skin contact toxicity of these breakdown byproducts. There's also the danger that aeration is not perfect and many "fluffy" substances (like pillows or mattresses) can trap the gas, which is very dangerous for something you sleep on. The toxicity of sulfuryl fluoride is much higher than pyrthetin derived stuff though, and being a gas it's much easier to accidentally expose yourself to it via inhalation.

I think I'll try to move out anything I care about, then when I return I'll jump on the bed every few hours (while holding my breath) to make sure that all the trapped gas aerates. Mendokusai na...
>> No. 41189 [Edit]
My stupid drunkard mother and her also drunk boytoy forgot to shut the door and let the dogs loose. They obviously didn't care, passed out on the couch after a few hours of slamming shit around.
Shouldn't have bothered wrangling them into the house. The dogs would have been better off being taken by animal control rather than being locked away in a small room 20+ hours a day, and they'd have to face the fact that they're retarded, worthless drunks.

They piss me off.
>> No. 41190 [Edit]
That's horrible. My aunt does something similar with her dog (formerly dogs). She keeps them in those animal transport containers when she leaves for work in the morning and doesn't let them out until late at night. They barely have enough space to move and clearly don't like having to hold it in all day either.
>> No. 41206 [Edit]
A follow up on this post:
My interview for the job is scheduled. It's in about a week. My supervisor told me there weren't many people who applied for it, so there's a good chance I'll get it. You know, so long as I don't screw up the interview too bad.
I guess it's good news, but a little scary now that it seems much more likely that I do get the new job. I'd probably do fine, but it'd be unknown territory for me.
>> No. 41210 [Edit]
Today I bought my own linen for the first time in my life. I had just been using linen that my Mother gave me when I moved out, or linen that I inherited from housemates who left stuff behind.

The purple bedsheet that I'd been using for the last 3-4 years has really had enough and had too many holes in it. Granted, I wash it once a week so it was never too dirty or anything, but I realized that I needed a replacement.

Now I have a grey one. It's a lot nicer in the sense that it's much larger so the sheet doesn't come off while I'm sleeping, but I haven't slept on it yet to figure out whether it'll be too hot or anything like that.
>> No. 41212 [Edit]
>> No. 41221 [Edit]
My mom is cutting me off next month supposedly. I guess it's fine, since I'm working now, but it seems a bit sudden. Have to buy a car, find a place to live that will leave me enough money to deal with said car and eat. Hope nothing happens to my car or some nonsense costs me my job. I'm probably forgetting things, since I have no clue what I'm getting into. Parents never told me anything.

I'll be completely alone with no choice but to work. I'm considering an alternative option, depending on how things proceed.
>> No. 41222 [Edit]
Don't forget about bills like electricity and water.
>> No. 41223 [Edit]
I meant to delete this post when I got home from work. She took it back. Either way, I'll probably still look into moving out to avoid any future issues. This didn't just come out of nowhere, I'm sure.
>> No. 41224 [Edit]
I know it can be scary at first, but you'll manage and I'm sure you'll enjoy life more without being dependent on your parents.
>> No. 41225 [Edit]
Today was incredibly shitty. Work was hell, and now they increased the hours for the rest of the week.
Cherry on top is that there's some issue with connecting to my site's SQL server, so nothing can be done with that for now.
Hoping for an easy day tomorrow.
>> No. 41250 [Edit]
Played my first poker tournament today. Got 32nd out of 982.
>> No. 41251 [Edit]
Bought some cheap drawers and a folding table today. Should help me keep things more sorted and clean. My very simple set up was fine as a NEET with very few possessions, but these days I have a lot of loose parts and stuff and didn't have a good place to put it.
I'll set it up over the week maybe. I work 6 nights this week though, so I might just take it easy when I can.
>> No. 41260 [Edit]
After worrying about getting charged for it for so long I finally bit the bullet and called my ISP's customer service to get my internet fixed. Very thankful that it was fully on their end so no charges were made. Browsing the internet uninterrupted again will be so wonderful.
>> No. 41265 [Edit]
You can also try lurking sometimes in your building garbage place.
I do that once a month and sometimes I stumble on working stuff. Sure, they need some refreshing but it's totally serviceable.

My oven, table, chair and mirror were collected from the garbage place.
The oven was quite dirty tbh when I picked it, its owner seems to have never cleaned it and so there were layers of dried dirt that were hard to unstick from the metal case but when I plugged it, it worked perfectly (plus it can heat on both sides).
Bought some alcohol, spent a day cleaning it, and now I have an oven !

wait, how long you stayed unplugged from the corporeal reality ? what were you doing when not mindlessly browsing ?
>> No. 41270 [Edit]
File 167936352191.jpg - (1.18MB , 1013x1432 , 0b8360993b93393e7b18d4345095424b.jpg )
For the last three days, I've been reading about outer space, the extent that humans have explored it, and the prospect of interstellar travel. Saying it's depressing is an understatement. As far as I could find, humanity's best bet for exploring the galaxy, is self-replicating, Von Neumann probes, over the course of millions of years. On top of that, we're incompetent, so we might not manage to do that even. That incompetency and hubris is constantly revealing itself, especially in places like Dubai, were billions of dollars were wasted on sinking monuments, destroying coral reefs in the process.

In SO much of fiction, the significance and capabilities of humans, are astronomically exaggerated(I know that's for entertainment, but still). So much of what people care about and place importance in, is complete bullshit. That's the norm. In the face of massive amounts of new information about the universe, most are willfully ignorant. You can see that in how many actually think building a permanent settlement on Mars, a planet with .38 times the gravity of Earth, is a good idea.

I went back into this rabbit hole I go into every so often, after watching an Azumanga Daioh clip from 16 years ago, and thinking about how long that is, and then looking at the picture of Neptune Voyager 2 took. I want out.
>> No. 41271 [Edit]
Tbh, I don't think space exploration would be feasible at any time frame.
The outerspace is bombarded with radiation, and there is no way to block it unless you are the size of a planet.
>> No. 41272 [Edit]
File radition_problem.pdf - (244.49KB , radition problem.pdf )

That's a good point that isn't talked about enough. I think there are potentially viable shielding techniques though.
>> No. 41276 [Edit]
I didn't get the promotion. No surprise, but disappointing all the same. Now I'll have to find a new reason to give a shit.
>> No. 41277 [Edit]
Sorry if I wasn't clear - it was about a month of very inconsistent internet (turning off for hours at a time with no clear cause). I did have internet, just not frequently enough to do any relatively modern tasks. But to answer your question more directly, I spent a lot of the time sorting through my computer files and sleeping or thinking morose thoughts.
>> No. 41278 [Edit]
I got some consolation about this today. Apparently I was the next choice for the job, and I was beat out by a guy who had done the same job before. I was mostly upset wondering if I lost it to some incompetent person who had simply been around longer. I'm willing to accept a loss if it was earned.
Anyhow, It's probably for the best. I can bide my time a bit and consider other options now that I'm in less busy times with less good opportunities. I was in a big rush before.
>> No. 41279 [Edit]
File 167968479138.jpg - (439.86KB , 1377x2048 , __toujou_nozomi_and_ayase_eli_love_live_and_1_more.jpg )
I finished writing a 11 page short story. It's based on a weird dream I had. When I woke up I had this urge to make a story out of it.
>> No. 41280 [Edit]
Care to share? Is it about yuri?
>> No. 41281 [Edit]
Sorry to disappoint you, anon. Pic unrelated.
I could share it, but it's in portuguese, so most here would not be able to read it.
>> No. 41291 [Edit]
It's been almost 10 years since I last visited this place, how's everyone doing?
>> No. 41292 [Edit]
Miserable as always
>> No. 41293 [Edit]
I've since obtained untold power begotten by forgotten gods.
But it turns out this divine strength merely prevents my eyes from ever drying out. So here I am: still using T to the C.
>> No. 41341 [Edit]
File 168071104651.jpg - (269.45KB , 962x2048 , 6894a9172f326b374b3e50e5e773eecb.jpg )
This Friday, I'm going to try to remove it by filling the screw hole with epoxy and sticking a screwdriver in. I don't have a dremel and that method seems risky anyway.

If anyone has experience doing this, or any warnings, I'm all ears.
>> No. 41343 [Edit]
File Longcats_Last_Journey.swf - (6.07MB , 790x790 , Longcats Last Journey.swf )

I just found out that it's possible to watch .swf (flash) files on and visited 4chan's /f/ for the first time in years.
>> No. 41344 [Edit]
You can use the standalone flash player too. From what I remember hearing, ruffle can't play everything.
>> No. 41348 [Edit]
File 168091441568.jpg - (61.36KB , 412x600 , 5e13425623a3c0f3a79f8907eac8c41e.jpg )
It didn't work. Because my hand kept shaking a little bit, the epoxy just stuck to the screwdriver instead of attaching it to the screw. I am never buying anything from lenovo ever again. I want to kill whoever is responsible for that screw being so tight, multiple times.

Post edited on 7th Apr 2023, 5:41pm
>> No. 41372 [Edit]
File 16824232661.jpg - (1.95MB , 2200x2600 , __alice_margatroid_and_shanghai_doll_touhou_drawn_.jpg )
My day was very ordinary, but because of that, I came to a realization about my lack of socializing.
I don't have any reason to. I don't care about these people at all and don't want to listen to them. I don't talk because I'm too busy thinking about whatever I want because I know nobody is going to give me satisfying conversation about those topics.
I am my own best friend. I enjoy my own company. It gets lonely at times, but I think I'm happiest this way.
>> No. 41373 [Edit]
I was like that at first, until i got hit by the most debilating brainfog ever.
I don't know if this stems from my lack of socializing for many years, or just when you approach 30 you become less of the human you used to be.
Maybe a mixture of both.

Anyway, I'm just a random anon on the interwebz, but i advise you to socialize a little bit to stay healthy.
>> No. 41375 [Edit]
I'm not opposed to it, and I'm happy to socialize of theres something worth talking about. I just don't care to talk about things like women, sports, and popular media which I don't know anything about.
I don't know how to find people that have the same interests as me. Just similar interests at best.
>> No. 41376 [Edit]
>I just don't care to talk about things like women, sports, and popular media which I don't know anything about.
Oh i see.
I tend to get away from people who talk about women and such too, because inevitable at some point they will stare at you eyes wide open and ask the dreadful question "anon, do you have a gf ?".
>> No. 41379 [Edit]
Raining today but forced myself out. Got some coffee and donuts.
>> No. 41381 [Edit]
File 168304027771.jpg - (378.11KB , 2048x1162 , __yua_serufu_and_kitano_takeshi_do_it_yourself_and.jpg )
My elbow got hit by a sizable hex socket that was spinning in excess of 1000 rpm. It seriously hurt and left a small cut. My arm still has a mild aching hours after the fact.
A lessoned to be learned here. Don't get distracted when using powerful tools.
>> No. 41382 [Edit]
You should consider yourself lucky that's all that happened.
>> No. 41403 [Edit]
Was dry and warm (but not too hot). Went outside with hat and mask.
>> No. 41407 [Edit]
File 168360129464.jpg - (19.73KB , 534x295 , f1c36c8f-55fc-4c2c-b34e-322e0d419b60.jpg )
Went out to treat myself to some new old video games and other merch. Went home, showered, cleaned my ear with a plastic Q-Tip which then broke inside. Had to go to the emergency room.
An emotional day of highs and lows.
>> No. 41424 [Edit]
I haven't posted here in a long while. The NEET life is long behind me, but I'm still mostly a shut in.
Reminds me of all the close calls I've had with my grinder. A painful lesson, but I'm glad you're ok.
>> No. 41426 [Edit]
File 168419475581.jpg - (127.65KB , 1500x1200 , 36ace7e9a55e60917a3e898e29555b84.jpg )
I'm building a pc for the first time, for daily use and light gaming. Went with AM5 itx, the idea being a small, lower-mid range, current build. Most of the parts have arrived, but I have to wait until an A620 itx motherboard is released, because every option right now is at least around $300.

Not knowing anything about keyboards, I went with a $30 membrane one. I can't bring myself to spend another $60 on the mechanical, Keychron C2, but the feeling that I'm going to be missing out, kind of annoys me.
>> No. 41447 [Edit]
File 168516999696.png - (3.40MB , 1920x1040 , desktop2023.png )
Update: it's pretty much completely set up. Ended up buying that keyboard and the overly expensive motherboard because I didn't feel like waiting anymore.
>> No. 41455 [Edit]
Nice wallpaper, anon!
>> No. 41457 [Edit]
Today was fine. Rain all day. Can't go out..
>> No. 41477 [Edit]
File 168536706936.png - (3.59MB , 1920x1080 , 4563db7e7f52691230a53f3f4b1bce91.png )
Another update. I'm used to 14" laptop screen. I tried using a 27" monitor, and after 2 days, I couldn't get used to it. It was like sitting right in front of a tv. I tried adjusting the scaling and resolution, but nothing felt comfortable. At the distance I'd have to move the monitor back for it to feel normal(which my desk can't accommodate anyway), it would defeat the point of having a large screen, and it wouldn't feel as intimate as using a small screen up close. This might be my gpu, but at 4k the refresh rate is capped to 30mhz.

I can understand the advantage if you often have a lot of windows open at the same time, but most of the time I have one window maxed out. I don't want to change the way I do things to accommodate the monitor. In any case, I'm now using a cheap 22" one I bought, but switched from because the colors weren't satisfactory, and the 27" one was lying around.

I'm considering buying a nicer 24" one, but I'm worried whether that will also be uncomfortable.

That one was depressing, so I switched to pic rel.

Post edited on 29th May 2023, 6:39am
>> No. 41487 [Edit]
File 168563336248.jpg - (222.74KB , 1620x1500 , __mononobe_no_futo_touhou_drawn_by_pipita__8996505.jpg )
I've been reading during my breaks at work. I'm happy to be reading, and I'm learning a lot, however, I can't deny that I've been performing worse than usual.
It isn't a bad thing, as I'm usually a bit excessive when I work, but as always, I've set expectations stupidly high. Ironically, I recently read something that more or less advocates giving just an honest effort, but not going beyond what's necessary. Not because it is pointless to do so, but rather that it sets you up for failure down the line.
>> No. 41513 [Edit]
File 16865336192.gif - (1.84MB , 500x281 , hoorayforpoorimpulsecontrol.gif )
I'm supposed to be packing to move, but I ended up buying a new figure anyway...
At least it'll give me an excuse to sell some of my collection to make room for the new one
>> No. 41514 [Edit]
Same here. At least I submitted a change of address so new crap I order should start showing up at my new location.
>> No. 41526 [Edit]
File 168739549370.jpg - (1.32MB , 3000x3000 , 014f81ff2e8632b7be6d394349372d27.jpg )
On Saturday, I left for my vacation to Virginia with my dad. It was about an 8 hour drive and I didn't really want to go.

Around Monday night, I began having some sort of headache, but weirdly not a painful one. It feels more like a rubber band is wrapped around my head. I mostly feel it in my temples, but it sometimes moves to the back of my head.

It's causing me a lot of anxiety. I keep worrying whether it's a sign of something seriously wrong and whether I'll die from whatever that is, but I don't have any symptoms that would warrant going to the hospital. About an hour ago, I felt it more on my left temple and since then I've been worrying I'm having a stroke or something cause it's somewhat harder for me to fully open my left eye.

I just want it to go away and for me to be back home.

Post edited on 21st Jun 2023, 6:00pm
>> No. 41527 [Edit]
Sounds like a tension headache:
>A tension-type headache (TTH) is generally a mild to moderate pain that's often described as feeling like a tight band around the head

Perhaps you will find this useful:
>> No. 41532 [Edit]
File 168755982313.jpg - (274.25KB , 1194x2048 , 5af6c3b49cc741d8df35391630f5c79d.jpg )
Update. The headaches have gotten better, but not completely gone away. Thankfully, they seem to have migrated to my eyebrow area, which is a lot less worrisome than my temples.

Not so thankfully, every time I leave the hotel room, I start to feel an impeding sense of doom, like at any moment, I'll need to be taken to the emergency room. Today, I started worrying about my heart because I felt some chest pain and had an on and off, thumping heart beat. On top of that, I feel a bit light-headed and not quite "normal".

Good news is that I'm going back home tomorrow and have a checkup scheduled for Thursday(my first in like 5 years). I'm kind of worried I'll bring these symptoms back with me, but I'd like to believe returning home will cure it. I think it's possible I've developed a psychological illness, like some type of anxiety(on top of the social anxiety I already probably have). I want to talk to a doctor about all this in any case.
>> No. 41540 [Edit]
File 168766851319.jpg - (34.88KB , 450x489 , dc9f9ce0fed5ed11aa23666f5275cb04789c7a5020edfd1f8a.jpg )
It's 1:40 am and I just fell out of bed. I wasn't sleeping, but it was dark and I didn't notice the slipping until it was too late. It's the kind of shit you see in movies, a really comedic fall indeed. My bed is a headboardless shitshow. It has basically no bedframe. It's basically a mattress over an elevated hard surface. It is kept in place by four pieces of adhesive tape.
>> No. 41542 [Edit]
File 168769861082.jpg - (226.84KB , 1024x768 , 6ec0f14b27142550648bae0c5231457c.jpg )
Update 2:
I arrived home yesterday after an 8 hour drive. En route, every time I got out of the car at a rest stop, I felt kind of light-headed and like I had to struggle not to faint. Even when I got home, I continued to feel unusually exhausted. I started to get paranoid about whether my brain is getting enough blood flow; I decided to stop asking Dr.Google for medical advice.

Today, I feel better but not quite "normal". Like my ears are "stuffy" and maybe brain fog. This probably doesn't need to be said, but I deeply, deeply regret agreeing to go on this trip. It's definitely put certain things into perspective, like how much I took that feeling of normalcy for granted. It's more precious than any "experience" you could possibly have while on a trip. That's my new(probably warped) perspective.

>It's basically a mattress over an elevated hard surface
This sounds nice on a conceptual level.

Post edited on 25th Jun 2023, 6:14am
>> No. 41547 [Edit]
My dad and I went to a Verizon store cause he kept getting emails from them saying we can exchange our 5 year old Samsung models for a new one for free. The guy at the counter confirmed this(and also yammered about some monthly thing), but after checking in the back, told us he'd have to order more because it's a very popular promotion and we'd have to wait like a week.

So we went to another Verizon store. My dad predicted something else would go wrong, and after spending 10 minutes checking our Verizon account, the counter person there told us we didn't have any offer like that, but although our perfectly working phones are apparently now only worth $27, we could save about $200 if we exchanged them for that new model.

This company basically operates like petty crooks.

Post edited on 1st Jul 2023, 1:41pm
>> No. 41548 [Edit]
You're better off. I fell for a scam like that. My mom has been using a junk phone with a crap government assist plan for years, and constantly complains about it. Saw a similar promotion to get $1000 off the new S23 ultra when you trade in any s series phone when you make a new account, which we did. Thing is, it's $1000 off in the form of reduced payments over your two+ year long plan of making interest payments. There's no option to just pay off the phone and get that $1000 off, which is what you would assume from the way its advertised, but these companies aren't idiots and do that intentionally

Post edited on 1st Jul 2023, 3:30pm
>> No. 41550 [Edit]
File 168840327815.png - (23.03KB , 400x400 , a90508beeacbc15deb0e36716223dee0.png )
Yesterday, I think I had a "brownout". The light in my room started flickering and then my pc shut down. When I turned it back on, it wouldn't POST and the fans were on full blast. After turning it on and off again in every way possible, and waiting about an hour, it started to behave normally again.

So, this has made me pretty paranoid. Ended up ordering this thing since I didn't want to pay for a UPS with a built in AVR. Not entirely sure about it, but it's too late to cancel the order.
>> No. 41551 [Edit]
Shouldn't your PSU take care of regulating that to avoid delivering out of spec voltage?
>> No. 41552 [Edit]
I don't know. I think there's a good reason every UPS that's recommended has a built in AVR though.
>> No. 41553 [Edit]
Feels like cargo culting to me since the PSU already tracks the output voltage since it needs to use it for feedback in the switching cycle. It should be able to safely handle voltages lower than the rated, and most PSUs can run off 240V without an issue, so that's double US line voltage.
>> No. 41554 [Edit]
Your PSU might have been faulty. I've run two systems in the past through extended brownouts (not that I'd advise this), and there was never an issue, and there seems to have been no damage to any of the components since they're still working well to this day.
>> No. 41555 [Edit]
Here's wikipedia:

>A switched-mode power supply will be affected if the brownout voltage is lower than the minimum input voltage of the power supply. As the input voltage falls, the current draw will increase to maintain the same output voltage and current, until such a point that the power supply malfunctions or its under-voltage protection kicks in and disables the output.

And I'd assume any non-chinesium SMPS is going to have current limiters and voltage thresholds that will kill output before the thing melts.

Plus that APC AVR you bought probably isn't going to help much. They don't even list the specs on the amazon page, but based on a comment

>In the 110VAC position, it will float from about 96.5VAC to 116.5VAC without doing any correction.
>Over 116.5, it will Trim 10% off whatever voltage it is fed.
>Below 96.5, it will Boost 20% to whatever voltage it gets.

I assume it's probably fairly similar for the 120V option, but I'll do the calculations based on above. The over voltage protection is not going to help much, because most SMPS can handle 240V without an issue (it seems the cost of speccing it so it can be used anywhere in the world outweights the cost of needing to maintain different models). And the boosting 20% might give you a bit of margin, but the 96W charger I have for my laptop takes down to 100V. And I assume that because they expect it will be used in countries with a shitty electrical grid, the true minimum is probably around 80V or so. So the 20% boost buys you a bit of headroom, but if your brownout is dipping down to 50V or something it's not going to do much. I can't find info on whether or not it will actually cut power if it dips below say 80V. If it does this, then I suppose it's worth having has an extra failsafe.
>> No. 41556 [Edit]
File 168841624646.jpg - (1.25MB , 3000x3300 , efd113b8a3065de586a7b322b1b85424.jpg )
That would be bad considering how much I paid for the thing. I did not cheap out on my PSU.

So what do you recommend?
>> No. 41557 [Edit]
I don't know anything about PC PSUs, but maybe get one that explicitly states it has undervoltage protection? Preferably something with an actual actual spec and safety sheet.
>> No. 41558 [Edit]
Amazon usually doesn't include spec sheets.
For the AVR:
On Corsair's website, it says this PSU has under-voltage protection, but I couldn't find an in-depth spec sheet. I mean, everything is working fine now, so I guess it works?

Post edited on 3rd Jul 2023, 1:51pm
>> No. 41559 [Edit]
That spec sheet for the AVR really doesn't tell you much. If you read it you'd think that anything between 85-140 gets smoothed to 120V, but it seems based on the comments it's actually more of a linear relationship, so input of 85 might only be boosted to 102V. I can't confirm any of this, but that spec sheet they provide is basically useless. And it doesn't even tell you what happens when you go lower than 85V, i.e. whether it cuts off power or not.

>says this PSU has under-voltage protection, but I couldn't find an in-depth spec sheet
Seems a bit sketchy to me, without having a spec sheet you have no way of knowing what it's actually rated for or when it kicks in. And "Corsair" really isn't a name that comes to mind when it comes to brands I'd trust with electronics stuff. Although maybe it's possible that it's not really standard for PSU manufacturers to provide these to end-consumers.
>> No. 41560 [Edit]
Although I guess since most PSUs are just made of off the shelf components, for actual spec sheets you'd need to teardown the PSU and get the details on the components inside. E.g. like this (here undervoltage seems to be be with respect to output voltage)

For what it's worth it seems some variants of ATX require under voltage protection (with respect to input voltage)

It's possible the behavior you observed where it didn't work first time you turned it on was in fact the undervoltage protection kicking in, did you verify that the line voltage when you tried turning it on was in fact 120V?
>> No. 41561 [Edit]
>did you verify that the line voltage when you tried turning it on was in fact 120V?
Nope, I have no way of measuring that. My PC is plugged into a cheap surge protector from staples. I did change the socket the pc was connected to though. No idea if that did anything. Maybe resetting the cmos by touching the two pins on the mobo or whatever did the job, and I didn't wait long enough after turning it back on after that to notice. I tried a lot of different things.
>> No. 41562 [Edit]
File 168850561189.jpg - (164.93KB , 510x765 , usausausausausausausausausausausausa.jpg )
Grilling some dogs today. Happy 4th to my fellow burgers!
>> No. 41564 [Edit]
>Grilling some dogs today.
I took me a few seconds to realize what you actually meant by this lol. Enjoy your day, anon.
>> No. 41566 [Edit]
pretty much nothing happened
>> No. 41568 [Edit]
File 16886859232.jpg - (503.74KB , 769x1100 , dcc80d5c9f6b0d8ed0bdb9aa239110be.jpg )
It arrived. Heavy as hell. Not packaged well enough, so some of the plastic vents at the top were snapped(managed to cut my finger on this). Rattled when moved around. It smelled weird at the top too, which some reviews mentioned, but I chose to ignore. As stupid as it sounds, I don't like the "vibe" of it.

So I'm not going to be using it. Will try returning it, and if that doesn't work out, I'll throw it out. I feel pretty foolish for spending $60 on it, but that's impulse purchases for you. Maybe I'll save up for a decent UPS, or just keep unplugging my PC every time there's a thunderstorm.
>> No. 41569 [Edit]
Does anyone know how the matome/roundup sites like actually work behind the scenes? The one I linked to is interesting to me because unlike traditional Japanese aggregators which just summarize futaba/5ch, it actually provides useful content (transcripts of shows, and reactions which can help disambiguate meaning).

The thing that I wonder about is how they actually go about compiling it though. The screencaps are trivial to do, any script that splits on keyframes would give you it. But past that, things seem pretty non-trivial to me. Where are they getting the transcripts from?

The broadcast-capture (*) raws for this show I see on nyaa don't have any subtitle tracks attached to it, which itself is interesting to me. In the US I believe FCC mandates every broadcast show to have closed-captions, but is this the case in Japan? If it is mandated, why do uploaded raws almost never have them? If it's not mandated, then do deaf people in Japan just not watch television?

(*) Another thing I wonder is how they even go about getting the broadcast capture in the first place. I guess this has overlaps with how scene rips used to work before streaming was commonplace. The naive way would just be to capture the framebuffer output (e.g. hdmi capture, or even easier back when things were analog), but "proper" raws are usually a direct mpeg2/ts dump. Given the existence of broadcast encryption for cable channels, I believe the only way this was possible was with cablecard equipped tuner (unless someone cracked the CAM system itself which is highly nontrivial, see that defcon talk). But even with cablecard, many "premium" channels have an additional layer of copy-protection/drm on the software side which to my understanding isn't publicly broken. (Although given that I believe it's a purely software solution, since Windows Media Center used to be one of the only ones that could play copy-once protected content, it might have been privately cracked similar to how widevine is well-known to be bypassed in the scene).

Above tangent aside, I suppose in the worst case where transcripts aren't available they can always hand-transcribe it. And then assuming they have the transcript, how are they getting relevant tweets? Likely by searching for the show's hashtag and then correlating the timestamp of the tweet to the broadcast timestamp, but altogether it's a really impressive amount of effort to go through. Even with automation, a large about of hand-transcribing and hand-correlation of tweets seems unavoidable.
>> No. 41570 [Edit]
>but is this the case in Japan?
>do deaf people in Japan just not watch television?
Late-night anime is more niche, so it doesn't get subtitled as often.
>why do uploaded raws almost never have them?
Assuming the subtitles exist in the first place, lack of demand, maybe? Netflix rips tend to have them. Occasionally BD rips have them too - it might be more common with anime films than with TV anime.
>> No. 41571 [Edit]
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Yet another update:
For about a week, I felt better, like normal again. Then my parents went on vacation last Monday, so I have the have the house to myself until this Saturday. It's not the first time I've had the house to myself.

The headaches came back a bit, as well as some heart palpitation. Yesterday, I started experiencing a sense that I'm "not fully present", like I'm disconnected from reality and there's a delay between things happening and me registering it. It's unnerving, and I hate not knowing whether it's in my head, or there's something physically wrong with me.
>> No. 41572 [Edit]
you should see a doctor immediately
>> No. 41573 [Edit]
I saw a nurse practitioner about a week ago for my check up. They didn't think it was anything too serious, but since I asked they gave me a referral for a neurologist.

Also got a blood test, but haven't gotten the results back yet.
>> No. 41581 [Edit]
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I've been thinking about quitting my job recently, but today my boss told me to put in for a promotion. After consulting someone who has the position I'd be going for, but in another area, it seems that it's a sure thing that I'll get it. It's a small thing, but it pays better and will open better opportunities in the future. I think it's because most of the good choices have other plans or just don't want the extra responsibility, because my work performance has been particularly bad lately. Also, I'm being trained in a different area from where I normally work for when they need extra hands for whatever reason. It's not difficult, but it's work that my body isn't used to so I'm quite sore.
A figure I ordered came in today. It's very pretty and quite a bit bigger than expected. I'm running out of shelf space again, so I might have to set up my extra shelf soon.
>> No. 41587 [Edit]
I went paddle boarding today. I've only done it a few times before but it's always a lot of fun and gets the energy flowing through my veins. The trick is to do it late in the evening when the water is relatively calm and the sun has just set. What a wonderful atmosphere.
>> No. 41591 [Edit]
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Participated in a study for "Meta" for about $300 dollars. Took about 3 hours of time to get through(though getting there and back added significantly to that).

They put this tight wrist band on you that monitors your hands' muscle movement. Then you go through a bunch of tests presented to you via macbook that require you to make slightly uncomfortable finger movements.

One had you move a character(pacman) around on a grid, and another was like a rhythm game with no music. Some tests had nothing to do with the hand gestures and required miscellaneous things like typing, browsing, and keeping your hand still on your lap.

My impression is that I can't see how a viable product would come from this. The gesture recognition, while not terrible, isn't perfect. The gestures themselves aren't comfortable and are probably bad for your hand if you do them all the time. The tight wrist band was very uncomfortable, but I guess in the future they'll rely on visual recognition(our hand with the band was filmed).

Sony's approach to including controllers with their vr system makes more sense to me. It's more ergonomic. The silicon valley obsession with having as little interface as possible when using technology, always has sucky results in one way or another. They like it solely because it's "futuristic". Glad to get paid though.

Post edited on 21st Jul 2023, 6:01pm
>> No. 41592 [Edit]
If it's Facebook then I imagine they're trying to make a simplified VR controller similar to what Apple has made for their new expensive ass headset to make using VR easier. It's real depressing normalfag shit getting into the specifics but I can see why they'd want to do it.
>> No. 41597 [Edit]
They taught me to use the computer at work today. I was a bit intimidated as I've never done anything professional with computers, but it was really simple. I do have some gripes with it, but I don't think I should expect much.
I do wonder if it was developed in house or if it's some sort of proprietary software. It works I guess, but it could use some quality of life upgrades.
>> No. 41600 [Edit]
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Guess it's been a while since my last update.
So, far as that offerup thing went, I tried using an alt account and that along with my main got full on banned. To my surprise, I was able to get the ban reversed however by filing a complaint on the BBB website.
The dental thing I mentioned shot up to something like $3000 because originally it was going to just be a new crown, but it was discovered my old root canal was infected and needed to be completely redone and treated. Which they did, but it's been months now and I still feel some discomfort with it here and there. I dunno but maybe it got re-infected.
Insurance covered most of the cost of the window, so it only ran me $100. I think what happened is they saw my arcade game card container and thought it was a wallet.
With work, People on my team were dropping like flies, some of their work would be taken up by the Texas branch, some by whoever was still left. I largely stopped caring as it went on. Eventually it got to where our team of once 30 was down to 5. I was emailing HR regularly to find out what was going on with my Texas transfer since I helped my mom buy a house out there, but they kept giving me the run around until eventually they transferred me to a different team in the same building. I heard they didn't have any open positions anymore in Texas. The new team I got assigned to seemed out of my league, with much less wiggle room than I had before, I was struggling enough before but now I really had no idea how I was gonna get by. Got stuck working with some fat korean chick with no chill that would micro manage me and give me a hard time about every little thing. I was still testing phones, but this time connected to a computer that ran the tests for me. I'd collect the logs and submit them, unlike before where it was pretty much just an honor system. Eventually though I learned the machine doesn't really log anything about the device connected to it, so lets just say learning that has made things a lot easier....

After hearing from my uncle about my father's decreasing health, I decided to break the nearly year of silence and send the guy a lengthily letter spelling out my thoughts and feelings on our complicated relationship. I didn't hear back from the guy until much later when on my birthday I got a letter simply saying "good luck on the new job." I thought we were locked in a staring contest to see who blinked first, only to find that he was never even looking at me.
My mom meanwhile actually managed to land herself a job, which after about two months she walked away from and basically told the boss to shove it. She seemed convinced she had a new better job lined up, but her first day turned out to be a selection testing process that she bombed hard.

Whelp, to my surprise I made it one whole year living here in Washington. Actually made it to the end of the lease on the apartment I was in. My roomie had gone from weeks of ignoring/avoiding me to months of it, while I was still not allowed to talk to the other. Suddenly they started acting nice to me and wanted to hang out, thought maybe things were better now but then a few days later turned out they just wanted more money which set me off into a pretty horrible mood since it seemed like that was the only reason they were being nice to me. This didn't really come at a good time. After years of searching I thought I found a secondary community I could fit in with, with like minded people that shared the same kinds of interests and hobbies, only to find that I was never really wanted, and in fact some of the members had even blocked me. Just added to this feeling of isolation and being entirely unwanted.
Whelp, me and my roomies had to put stuff aside anyway since one way or another we had to move out and into a new place. It made for another terrible move since they decided to get a smaller truck in spite of having more stuff this time around. They also kept saying they were gonna hire movers, but didn't. I got really angry at myself at one point for rushing things and damaging my TV, and admittedly let my anger get the better of me and nearly started an argument over something stupid. Ended up really beating myself up over it, and for the tv thing. Part of it was because it reminded me of the tv I had in my pre-covid room, and I screwed it up like I screw up everything in my life, I had something nice and fucked it up... again. I look at it and see the damage to it, and I see my own incompetence, my inability to protect what little I have, I see life not letting me have even that. In an impulsive move, I found an almost exact TV for sale and went to buy it, only to find it was lower in quality and a bit roughed up too.
At least the new place is a lot nicer than the old one. Problem is my commute is now double what it used to me, with much of it being stuck in bumper to bumper traffic. Been thinking I might just camp out in my car from time to time just to avoid the drive. I'm even on speaking terms with the people I live with now, sort of, so I got that going for me.

As of this month I found that the storage facility housing all my old stuff in California, raised the monthly costs to $180. I was planning on driving down by there to fill up a uhaul and take it all to Texas once I got transferred or laid off at work, but as is I have no idea when that's gonna happen. Part of me wants them to just fire me already, but I guess I could take a vacation or something. I guess a small part of me was hoping something might change in Cali so I wouldn't have to move a storage unit's worth of crap out of state, like if my dad or uncle helped me with getting a place out there, but that's since become laughably unrealistic. Just also seems like the texas home I got isn't the most stable location either. With a cost of $2500 a month, we've considered possibly looking to something cheaper. Honestly, I'm serious when I say I'd like to just buy up a huge plot of land and go live in the middle of it so as to never see or hear other people again. It dawned on me recently that my whole life I've been trained to fear and avoid human interaction. People pretty much only ever interact with me if I've done something wrong or if they want something from me. So after a lifetime I guess I've been conditioned to associate human interaction with having done something wrong, in other words it's a punishment. Good things rarely come from it after all.
>> No. 41616 [Edit]
Your tenacity is impressive, if nothing else. As expected of T-C's admin!
>> No. 41619 [Edit]
>People pretty much only ever interact with me if I've done something wrong or if they want something from me. So after a lifetime I guess I've been conditioned to associate human interaction with having done something wrong, in other words it's a punishment.

I recognize this 100%.
I feel like a perpetual children in a world of adults, so I'm always afraid of doing something wrong and someone getting mad at me. I think some can detect this and use it to take every possible advantage they can take from me, which adds another reason to not wanting to be around people. There's so much I could say about the psychology of it, how someone can form such a mindset and patterns of thought, but I guess you already must know about it if you're a little analytical and introspective. It sucks because it means living with fear and susceptible to all kinds of bad mental shit. When I can spend a few days completely by myself I feel so much better; for me, human interaction is literally detrimental for my mental health, which happens to be the complete opposite of how 99% of other humans work. And this also means professional help is out of the question unless you happen to meet someone who actually knows and cares about the 1%.
>> No. 41646 [Edit]
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mom is starting to see dollar signs and is interested in selling the house and moving. She was drunk and high so I don't know how serious she is, but it's scary to me as while I can make enough money to afford paying half of all the bills/taxes/food, I can't do anything where it would come to living on my own because I can never secure good enough work.

Even if it was a drunken stupor, it still leaves me scared for my future. I'm powerless.
>> No. 41647 [Edit]
She wouldn't take you with her?
>> No. 41652 [Edit]
I got stung by bees or something today, and then I recalled this: (partial-3DPD warning)
>> No. 41675 [Edit]
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Had to buy a new pair of glasses today, it cost me about 250$ in total, and I got a somewhat nice frame with the anti-reflection and blue light stuff on it, maybe it's a scam but I wear them mostly everday so I figure it couldn't hurt and it didn't cost much more. It took me about 3 hours to actually get the insurance to work since the store worker couldn't figure out how to do it properly.

I also got a package in the mail, I don't like to order/buy stuff online so it's not super often I get packages, unlike my mother who seems to exclusively buy things online. My mother once again decided to open up my package and then she made an excuse about why she did so, it was just an amazon package so I'm not sure what she expected to find but it angers me quite a bit that she constantly lies and goes behind peoples back like this since she had 2 other unopened packages with her name on she didn't open. If it was a one time event it would be fine but it seems to happen every time she gets ahold of one of my packages. It's also a pain since I've noticed my hair starting to thin, and going to the doctor is quite expensive but I can't order the medicine I need to regrow/prevent it online without my mother intercepting it and lecturing me and throwing it out.

I also ate lunch with a family member, it was decent and I had some beans and sausage with french fries. Aside from all that, I've been trying to push myself to exercise and take advantage of what youth I still have, and I'm in uni so I can use a gym, although I always find it too hard to go to a gym unless there is no one else there. I ran about 2 miles today on a treadmill, and I will try to do something similar tomorrow. I've been doing some research into exercise stuff and meals. I bought a small set of weights for now, I may get some more when Christmas rolls around. I'll buy a somewhat cheap weight bench right now as well, and buy something much nicer when Christmas comes around. I hope to have more money then as I am hoping to get a job. If I don't get one I suppose I'll just keep at with what I get. I don't exactly want to spend 1k on a bunch of nice equipment, albeit it would likely cost more.

I think I'll try to 'meal prep' as well by doing some shopping at wal-mart and buying some chicken and cheap ground beef along with some various types of carbs like beans and rice and some carrots and whatnot. I will also buy some protein powder and maybe some pre-workout and some proper shoes for running. In total this ought to run me about 350$ I think, if I buy some of it in bulk. I hope by Christmas I have some spare cash to buy some nicer stuff, I have about 2k in savings but I don't want to blow it all and be left with nothing. There are other things I need to buy, but I have an aversion to spending money after having been somewhat loose with it before and seeing how far into debt my parents have fallen. I really despise how my parents conduct themselves especially in how they treat me versus my other siblings, but considering their character I suppose I ought to be thankful they don't act worse. This has turned into a bit of a ramble.
>> No. 41676 [Edit]
Good luck getting fit.
>> No. 41677 [Edit]
>blue light stuff on it
Last time I researched this I concluded that they're mostly a scam if you're already using flux on your monitor, since they don't block enough to be meaningful. Blue light by itself isn't bad (assuming it's a component of full spectrum), but most monitors have their default set at like 6500k which is just too blue unless you use your monitor outdoors, setting the default a bit warmer and then having it shift down to 2000k at night is the way to go. And if you use LED bulbs you'd b better off replacing those with ones that boosted red spectrum (these bulbs are hard to find unless you're preared to pay like $20/bulb... only mass market ones I know of are GE sunfilled and Philips Ultra, but former has moderate flicker and latter has shit reliabilty)

(Also my obligatory warning that if you spend a lot of time on your computer, you need to get a separate prescription for reduced focal length, or you are worsening your myopia in the long run)

In terms of pricing, it's usually the frames that are a ripoff; the best option I can think of is to buy the frames at Costco (you could also try those online glasses stores, but there's no way to try the frame there) and then ask your optician to use those (they just end up sending it off to Zeiss/Hoya/whoever the lens maker is anyway, it's annoying that you as an individual need this middleman).
>> No. 41678 [Edit]
File 169228134078.png - (0.97MB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Heike Monogatari - 02 (720p) [1A07369.png )
My prescription is already pretty bad at around -6.0 in my left and -6.25 in my right, so I'm very very nearsighted. I'll look into that other stuff you were talking about. I use flux sometimes but not computer has it on there. I don't have LED bulbs I have some floureoscent bulbs which I hope to replacpe wiht either incandescent or some like you mentioned. If you don't mind could you explain to me that reduced focal length part.
I know the frames are a rip-off but they had a 50% off sale at the store I went to, and insurance covered most of it and I don't have a costco membership, would it be worth it to get one if I have a family who constantly buys crap as opposed to just going to wal-mart? I did end up doing the whole high-index frames for them, but I'm not sure whether that was better or not in the long run. I'll do more research for the next pair of glasses I get and try to rearranged my room so my monitor gets more sunlight and isn't tucked away into the corner. Thank you for the advice.
Thank you anon. I just want to avoid getting super fat since as my parents are morbidly obese and only getting worse.
>> No. 41679 [Edit]
>could you explain to me that reduced focal length part.
Sure, it's very simple. For simplicitly let's just say you are -6 on both eyes. This unit is actually called a diopter, and it has a reciprocal relationship with focal length. That is, since your prescription is -6, this means that without your glasses you can only see clearly up to 1/6 meters = ~7 inches in front of you.

Now when you get a prescription, the lens of the glasses are made in a way so as to restore you to 20/20 vision (which for the purposes of simplicity we can assume as having "infinite" focal length). This is OK if you spend most of your time outdoors, focusing on long-distance things. But you probably don't, you spend most of your time looking at your computer, which probably is (or at least should be...) ~30 inches in front of you.

So the glasses you get are technically "more powerful" than what they should be. Why is this an issue? It comes down to the process of accomoddation in the eyes. Your eyes are not a fixed lens (if they were, then you would _only_ be able to see clearly for a fixed focal length). Instead through the process of "accommodation" they can effectively vary the focal length. People without any vision issues can accommodate across the full range, basically infinite focal length down to just a few inches from their face. People with hyperopia have half the range broken, they can only accomoddate from a foot away to infinity. And people with myopia have the other half of the range broken, they can only accomoddate to get a focal length from a few feet away to a few inches away.

Now another important point is that it's (usually) not the _process_ of accomoddation that's broken with myopia or hyperopia, it's the "default" state of the lens (A different condition, presbyopia, is when the accomoddation itself is broken). The eye is always at its most natural/relaxed when looking farthest, and accomoddation is used to look at any objects closer than infinity. So in actuality, it's the _range_ of accomoddation that is shifted (i.e. a person with myopia can focus a lot closer than a 20/20 person, but in return they cannot focus as far).

I mentioned that the glasses are "more powerful" than what they should be. This is why. Let's just forget the glasses for a moment and assume you are a normal (20/20 sighted person) using a computer. Their eyes are at their most natural when looking at an object at infinity. Your computer is not at infinity, so the eyes must accomoddate (and converge) in order to focus on it.\

This process of accomoddation + converging is taxing on the eyes (and is one reason for "eye strain"). But beyond that, the eyes are not a static system, during the plastic phases of growth (adolescent, young adult), they respond to this constnat stimulus of accomodation and end up becoming more myopic. Think about it for a second. Your eyes have this stressor imposed on them (accomoddation), and they will naturally respond in a way so as to remove that stressor. How can they reduce this stress? Not needing to accomdodate as much would be great. How can they do that? What if they elongated, so that the natural "resting state" was no longer at infinity, but 3 feet away? And that is how you end up with a power of 1.25 on your eyeballs. This is why most people who use computers will end up develop a power between 1 - 2 (39 inches to 20 inches), which just so happens to be a natural operating range for computers.

What happens if you conitnue wearing glasses? Your eyes have just adapted to avoid the stimulus by growing to a resting focal length that matches your monitor distance, but you have disrupted that by wearing glasses again, restoring the focal length to infinity. Now your eyes must elongate even further. And so you get ever increasing myopia.

To minimize the strain on your eyes, you actually need a prescrpition of -4.5 or so. -1/(-6 + 4.5) meters = 26 inches.

You can just ask the optician for a "reduced power computer prescription" and they'll usually oblige, but even then they usually overprescribe, so it's good to double check the prescription they give you.

(The actual feedback mechanism is more complicated, studies have shown focus of periphery vision matters more than focus of central vision, and there is possibly also wavelength-dependent effects involved).
>> No. 41680 [Edit]
It could be useful as a cheap way to get stuff, but since you buy in bulk there, you need a large freezer to store some of the stuff they give.

For -6 it might be ok. It's unnecessary for -2 and below.
>> No. 41681 [Edit]
In reality for high-powered lenses (4+) it's actually worse than the simple explanation I presented. Power profile across a spherical lens is not uniform, which means that the edges of the lens have a different focal length than the center (this is a limitation of physics with spherical lenses [1]. Aspherical lenses would technically make this better but idiot lens manufacturers optimize the lens profile for thinness instead of visual quality such that the aberration can actually be worse than a (slightly thicker) spherical lens.

You also have the issue of inter pupillary distance, because of the above issue lens centers are usually calculated for a specific pupillary distance so you at least have a window with the proper focal length. But if you go off-axis or off-center, this no longer applies. When you use far glasses for close work, because your eyes converge the PD gets messed up and you're also looking through the glasses off-axis, which means the prescription ends up being even stronger.

>> No. 41682 [Edit]
File 169232037321.png - (925.43KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Heike Monogatari - 02 (720p) [1A07369.png )
I visited my grandparents today, it is always nice to see them. I think one day I will try to sit with them maybe sometime near Thanksgiving and see if they wouldn't mind me recording/writing down their old stories and maybe write a book for myself.
Thank you for the explanation anon. I understood the first post, for the second one you are saying eyeglass makers make the prescription a bit stronger than necessary at above 4.0 strength, so should I try to get 3.75? It'll be another year untill I can get another pair of glasses sadly unless I wanna pay out of pocket without insurance. It wouldn't be too bad since when you pay without insurance they usually give you a deal, but it would still be about 200$ more than with insurance. Should I just try to use my old pair of glasses when at the computer then? I may also look into buying a pair online possibly though, I certainly don't want my eyes to get worse, and I don't know if lasik is possible for me since I was born with diabetes.
As for computer distance I try to sit away from it, I recently got a new computer chair which lets me sit a bit further away and plan to get a new desk, but I sit around ~30" inches away I suppose, I hadn't measured it until you brought it up, I'm a bit closer at around 27-28" but I can move back a bit.
I appreciate the advice, for how long I have had glasses I'm ashamed to say I never looked into it very much, I suppose I mistakenly thought the optometrist would've known this stuff or told me if they did know. I will say I don't spend all day at the computer, as I do go to school, but I probably spend about 4-5 hours a day at the computer, probably a bit more on the weekends. I suppose cutting out smartphone usage would be quite wise as well. The world sure does seem to actively try to destroy you these days especially when you already have problems.
>a large freezer
The only stuff we really buy in bulk would be water, most of the meat and stuff I typically just buy for myself as my family eats fast food and takeout constnantly, or if they do cook it's usually premade or something like spaghetti. I think wal-mart may be my best option still if I'm mostly buying chicken and ground beef and whatnot since the price seems to be mostly the same until you get to the point where you are spending hundreds per item. I suppose I'll have to talk to my family, since a 50$ membership fee isn't that bad and buying one or two of those bulk items would probably make it up, but you are correct it's a lot of space to take up for quite a long time. I appreciate the advice though.
>> No. 41684 [Edit]
> for the second one
Basically the takeaway from that post is that when you are getting your reduced-prescription for computer use, make sure your optician measures your pupillary distance for near-work. This is usually called "near pd". Just gently remind them to do so (note that they don't have to explicitly measure it, they could also take the far pd they have previously measured and adjust those numbers [since the relationship between near pd and far pd is usually 3mm]; either one works, but either way they should not use the far pd directly).

The stuff about spherical aberration and non-uniform lens power at edges is a 2nd order effect I would not worry about, you can't really do much about that anyway unless you get the really fancy lenses from companies like zeiss. But in principle yes, even with reduced lens prescription I would personally recommend going 0.25 lower than the theoretical calculation for various reasons (*) and just increase your font size if really needed.

(*) reasons include: if you normally wear glasses for majority of the day, the prescription measured is likely about 0.25 - 0.5 higher than what it should be due to ciliary spasm (pseudomyopia). Your prescription also fluctuates by about 0.25 diopters throughout the day, things such as lighting, hydration level, etc. can all affect it. Also 0.25 diopter is well within the brain's ability to compensate for image issues.

>Should I just try to use my old pair of glasses when at the computer then?
Yes, using your old pair at the computer would be more than sufficient. If they are stronger than -4 then it's still not ideal, but sitting further back and taking longer breaks could help to mitigate that.

>I'm a bit closer at around 27-28"
That's probably fine if you had a properly reduced prescription of -4, but if your old glasses are stronger than that then as far back as you can realistically go would be preferrable.

>never looked into it very much
>optometrist would've known this stuff or told me if they did know.
Most people don't know it, and most optometrists probably don't know it either. In fact they probably don't want people to know, because most optometrists today are glorified prescription dispensers, and teaching people how to prevent myopia in the first place would eat into their business model. But the theory is well known in vision science. In fact in a twist of irony the glasses manufacturers have actually found a way to profit from this by... selling you glasses with built-in periphery defocus [1]. Gee if they're willing to admit that defocusing the periphery reduces myopic progression, imagine if we simply told people to not use glasses at a range closer than their focal length in the first place!

>smartphone usage
Yes, smartphone usage is even worse due to the even closer focal length.

Well that's enough ranting about glasses. Tune in later^Wnever for rants on dentistry and medicine.

>> No. 41685 [Edit]
I see. My old glasses are about the same strength, just a bit closer to -5.0. I suppose I may go by the eye glass store just to pick up a copy of my prescription just to know the astigmatism strength and try to order a new pair online for my computer. What a shame that the world seems to actively encourage being unhealthy, but I suppose it makes a few people money.
Again I thank you for the info and the links, they are very helpful. To be perfectly honest though I'm not quite sure if my prescription is even absolutely correct, seeing how the place I go to has gone quite downhill, the service I used to get was much better but it seems the people working there now are very stupid and the only real alternative I have is the optometrist at a place like walmart, sams club, or costco.
I certainly understand the frustration with the medical world though, I can't tell you how many doctors have tried to get me to attach my medical stuff to my smartphone or sell me some product I don't need.
I suppose I'll end up going to a new place next time I am able to use my insurance for an exam, I doubt they will be much better but I suppose it's worth a try. I wish more people were open to the idea of circumventing the standard medicine middleman though, I could certainly save my parents quite a bit of money ordering some medicine for them online, but they're too stuck in their ways. I do wonder if the problem is somewhat exacerbated due to heavy electronics use from an early age, I doubt being in front of a computer or game console since my youth has done me much good.
>> No. 41686 [Edit]
I spent an entire day consuming NTR games again and wondering why Zig exists.
Don't do it, friends. You'll never make it out of the abyss.
>> No. 41687 [Edit]
>consuming NTR games
Try playing this instead
>wondering why Zig exists
Something about tool chains.
>> No. 41688 [Edit]
I played a good chunk of Blight, but it just doesn't do it for me. Supposedly the subsequent games get better, like Colony, but that would require finishing Blight, and I don't have the wherewithal do that. Frankly, I find it difficult to play any maleMC game that isn't NTR. The brain rot is real.
Anyway, I still thank you for the recommendation.

>Something about tool chains.
The built-in C compiler (i.e. clang)?
>> No. 41690 [Edit]
>that would require finishing Blight
Not necessarily. The entire cast is swapped except the silent mc. While more polished, I wouldn't say the subsequent games are dramatically different in gameplay and tone.

>The built-in C compiler (i.e. clang)?
Zig now has its own self-hosted compiler(which is also called zig) that can be used for c and c++. Some people prefer it to clang and gcc. Don't know anything more than that.
>> No. 41693 [Edit]
Re the compiler, I recall they did some neat stuff where like Go they allow seamless cross-compiling and they do this by basically cutting the gordian knot of glibc dependency hell [1]. Another cool part is that supposedly they include build caching within the tool itself, so for many projects you don't even need a makefile or anything else.

>> No. 41714 [Edit]
File 169290672920.jpg - (120.48KB , 850x570 , size45.jpg )
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid has a wiki on "". I joined their Discord server, pretty much looking for an argument, and immediately found an opening. Somebody mentioned having MKDM porn, and this britbong mod frantically asked him if any of it is of Kanna, because if so, that's a bannable offense. Not posting it, just having it on his computer. Apparently, this guy is studying law.

I asked him if the mangaka would be banned if they joined the server, and he said yes, because loli is illegal in "most countries" and "immoral". Did he give him any financial support? Yes, and he sees how that's hypocritical, but lots of mangakas do "bad things". I say people should be allowed to draw what they want, and how plenty of countries have draconian censorship laws, like China.

His response is that there "needs to be a line", and basically equating the law with morality. So what about Ghandi, he was a criminal. Laws makers' interests usually aren't about morality. His response: pedophilia is bad and everybody has said so for "100s of years". Point out that has nothing to do with whether people can draw what they want. "They can draw what they want. They just have to face the consequences". "So in North Korea, you can say whatever you want. You just have the face the consequences". Then he bans me.

Was expecting to be banned, but it still gets to me how devoid so many people are of critical thinking. It's scary and frustrating. There's also the ones who don't agree, but silently go along with it, because they don't want to be banned. What a miserable place. If something ever happened to the irc, I'd have no idea where I could talk without all the bootlicking, prudish, self-righteous bullshit.
>> No. 41715 [Edit]
Reading this, I'm surprised he didn't ban you sooner. I've been on a lot of servers and know those types. Usually I leave before I can get banned.
People like that live in bubbles and are mentally incapable of having their views and opinions on anything challenging. Even when dead wrong on something and faced with hard evidence, they'll still try to stick to their guns. I don't think they realize doing that makes them look a hundred times more pathetic than if they simply admitted to being mistaken.
>> No. 41716 [Edit]
>I'm surprised he didn't ban you sooner.
Me too. I think he considers himself an intellectual, being a law student, and wanted to beat me in an argument first to reaffirm that.
>> No. 41717 [Edit]
File 169291041070.jpg - (140.49KB , 500x500 , __furukawa_nagisa_clannad_and_1_more_drawn_by_shir.jpg )
>If something ever happened to the irc, I'd have no idea where I could talk
If Tohno-chan or the IRC were to go down I would probably stop posting online in general save for one or two other imageboards. I do not like most places on the internet today as it feels overly hostile to the nth degree, especially in regards to my hobbies. For example, it is difficult to talk to other otaku outside of this website as it seems like in most places the people are either idiot Narutards, culture warriors, or are this extremely strange type of individual who clearly hate the medium of anime yet are still there. The latter I find especially confusing, that goes beyond merely being a secondary or a Narutard, I don't even know what you would call someone like that. It also feels as though there is an increased expectation from both current day posters and the corporations that are now dominant for everyone to post virtually everything there is to know about themselves, which makes me extremely uncomfortable. This is way off-topic from what you talking about, but that sentence just had me thinking of what I would do if this website were to be gone tomorrow.
>> No. 41719 [Edit]
>this extremely strange type of individual who clearly hate the medium of anime yet are still there.
Sounds a bit like ironic weebs.
>> No. 41732 [Edit]
File 169315026462.jpg - (234.21KB , 850x943 , sample_91b495a8a6481490fee9bec10b5f5843.jpg )
I honestly wouldn't know what to do if TC would be gone. Unlike you I don't know any other imageboards that appeal to me. Many times I have already tried to search for some, but never found anything satisfying. The closest would be EC and Kakashi, but both don't fully offer what TC does. It makes me quite uneasy not to have a second or even third place to enjoy. Imageboards are my only contact to other people, where I can talk freely and about stuff that actually interests me.
>> No. 41733 [Edit]
What's EC? Endchan?
>> No. 41734 [Edit]
Ernstchan. I don't like Endchan.
>> No. 41735 [Edit]
That's the german one right? I remember checking it out a few years back, although I didn't really take to it; the only non-german board was /int/ and it was roughly a mix of 4chan's /pol/ (for better or worse) interwoven with misc threads.

I tried to check it out again and got an http 403 forbidden. Are they blocking by IP now?
>> No. 41736 [Edit]
File 169319971069.png - (1.55MB , 1600x1200 , __sore_mahoraba__69e5489b6ac9fee676e5350c25eb8bf5.png )
It is funny that you mention Nen because Nen is the other board I was referring to.
>> No. 41739 [Edit]
The spamfilter claimed another innocent one. I apologize for the inconvenience and removed your ban.
>> No. 41740 [Edit]
Yes, that's that one. It could be that you visited while Kohl was shitting up that place, this is one of the downsides to it. Although I wouldn't know, I use /b/ instead of /int/. Did you try .xyz or .top? Xyz got new moderation, which ruined the place, so a new place was made, top.

If they would discuss about things, like it is done here on TC, then I would be wholly satisfied with it. What is the second place you had in mind? Bun?

Thanks, Tohno.
>> No. 41741 [Edit]
>who clearly hate the medium of anime yet are still there
you can certainly not like anime and be an otaku though, no? the term isnt limited to it as far as i know.
>> No. 41742 [Edit]
I'm surprised to see this much overlap with nen. I guess I shouldn't be seeing as I too stick to TC and nen.
>> No. 41766 [Edit]
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I stayed up late building HG Guntank after work today. I'll do some small bit of painting, panel lining, and maybe try a matte finish again since last time I tried I fucked it all up.
Guntank is cute, I think.
>> No. 41767 [Edit]
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I'm very fond of 0079 mobile suits, Guncannon, GM and Zaku II are among my favourites of all, but the guntank always made me think of a cripple, and not in a good way. That's why I never bought a kit, someday the MG maybe? But again, it will look like a cripple in front of all the others... also it's an old, very old kit.
Still, post pics when you're done.
>> No. 41768 [Edit]
Guntank looks more like an animal to me. I also can't blame Bandai for not putting out a Guntank revive. Guntank is pretty simple and as far as articulation goes, is what you would expect from Guntank. It could use a little more detail, especially on the sides of the 'tank' part, but if you're really picky about that, there's always MG.
No photo yet, I'm waiting on some stuff that should make clearcoating easier.
>> No. 41775 [Edit]
>it's been months now and I still feel some discomfort with it here and there. I dunno but maybe it got re-infected.
I did a follow up. the xrays made it look 100% healed. They seemed to think the issue was just because the tooth was slightly high in a spot and striking the opposite tooth incorrectly so they shaved it down a bit. So far it's been a bit better at least.
On the work front, I mentally and physically checked out. I started submitting bs results and leaving work super early. My bosses were thousands of miles away and I didn't have much interaction with them at all, so it was whatever. Thanks to this I was able to start going to the gym again and getting into better shape.
Did this for a while, but then recently a lady on the team who had the most/worst assignments transferred to another team and all her work got dumped onto me. Yet again I found myself at a loss about what to do, how I was going to manage and so on. This time I actually do have direct communication with my bosses, because on top of routine work they want me to do these random "special requests" we get from on high, which are pretty much always urgent and a priority over the normal work. The normal stuff at least I can fake easy enough, it's mostly the honor system, but even with that I've gone from leaving early to leaving late. I tried messaging HR again about a transfer a week ago and got ignored. Was considering just quitting already so I could finally go home, whatever/wherever that is...
While things aren't as miserable as they were when I lived with my mother, it all feels pretty pointless. Like I'm spinning my tires in the mud and not really getting anywhere. If I was making money it'd be one thing, but 1/3rd of what I make goes to the cost of being out here, and a good chunk of the rest goes to supporting my mother and making those mortgage payments, bills, and so on. She doesn't want to sell the place until I move out there. There's something kinda depressing about paying out the ass for a house you can't live in, and if/when you do move in it's just going to be to bust your ass fixing it up and sell it. Staying here feels pointless, like there's nothing here for me, but going back might be even worse. I might be able to NEET it up again for a while but then for how long? Don't think I could justify it for long with the cost of the house we got. Plan was to rent rooms but we only got one rented before my mom decided she didn't want to rent the rest and told me to take the listing down.
My mother got herself a job this week, working for the same KFC she walked out on, they restructured and offered her more pay. So that should help at least, and it might not be so bad being home while she's at work.

Been in the new apartment for a couple months now. Left a lot of stuff packed because why bother. I was on decent terms with my roomies for the first month or so but we drifted back into the same old story of avoiding each other. To be fair I'm just as much if not probably entirely to blame for that, since I just stay in my room all the time. One of them got a dog, so me and the other guy would have to walk it and stuff sometimes. But that was only back when it kept it in a travel box in the living room. I bought a few materials to try out the car camping thing but haven't actually done it yet, been dragging my feet on making curtains for the windows and stuff like that.
I had some plans to maybe fly down to California for a weekend, load up one of those Pods containers and ship that to texas to save on that $180 a month fee, but then I was told it'd be $3500, and that's with some 30% off promo code. So now I gotta figure something else out. Was thinking of buying a moving truck, driving that to California with my stuff from here, loading up and taking everything to Texas in one go, but then there's been the issue of where I'd keep the moving truck in the mean time. It's amazing how terrible parking is here, not just at this apartment but in the state in general. I keep seeing cars with not only smashed in windows, but have been slammed into while parked on the street. Ironic considering there's such a huge car scene here, with tons of classic rare and exotic cars on the road.
Speaking of. For the last 10+ years I've been routinely checking market places for a specific car I've been hunting for in my price range, an MK2 supra in black, ideally manual with a digital dash option. Two popped up recently, an 82 with a manual transmission and nearly 300k miles which was pretty much what I had been looking for, but was poorly maintained comedically. The lady that owned it was a bit on the cranky side and acted like it was her child and acted like she was being forced to sell it but didn't want to, but also as if it was the most perfectly maintained rarest best car on the planet. replacing the cracked windshield on it alone would have been a pain, not to mentioned all the broken and missing parts, and needing to be repainted... I held off to think about it and look into replacement parts, which I couldn't find online.
The other was this really well maintained 85 automatic with 170k miles. Guy got it when his father in law kicked the bucket or something, he didn't know or care much about it. Over the month it had been up they gradually lowered it from 12k to $9000. I made them an offer of 8k, but it got sold to someone else for 8.5k. I might have offered more but it shifted a bit roughly, and while it was in mostly good shape a few panels were really poorly repainted, like the guy did them himself since I could see fibers sticking out of the paint or drop marks. Figured I'd fall back on cranky lady's car but then she wouldn't respond to texts or calls, and even ignored a message sent via an alt account. Call it a midlife crisis thing if you want, but I guess I want a car I can hold onto and keep for life, something I can get invested in, attached to, work on and upgrade and travel with over the years, but maybe that wasn't meant to be. here and there I do see others pop up, but usually they're just completely trashed and would be too much work to get into decent shape. I had been kicking myself for a bit for not offering 9k for the 85 but it dawned on me that it probably would have just turned into a bidding war anyway, and 9k was a bit more than what I wanted to spend anyway.

All in all it kind of adds to the pointless feeling of being out here. I mean yeah I know I shouldn't be materialistic but I don't have much else. I suppose I should be grateful though, compared to how things were this time last year and the year before that I shouldn't really complain. At this point I'm just whining.
>> No. 41783 [Edit]
File 169514404914.jpg - (1.37MB , 2874x3840 , media_FWa62uhUsAEPXRs.jpg )
I finally finished moving, but unboxing all my figures and putting together the shelf is a pain in the ass. The desk is done at least, so maybe I'll put some on the hutch.
>> No. 41795 [Edit]
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I know someone who's a public school teacher. Recently he told me something about his profession: teacher's #1 priority is keeping the class well-behaved and "working", not educating students. They are evaluated based on their students' behavior, not test scores.

Because teachers have progressively lost their ability to discipline students, they instead learn "classroom management" skills. Basically techniques to manipulate students into not causing problems.

He recently heard at a professional development event, or faculty meeting, one of these techniques. To paraphrase, if you know a student is a trouble maker, you should disarm them. They cause trouble, because they want some kind of attention, so you can preemptively give it to them with some kind of compliment. Pick out literally anything they do right, and point it out to them in the form of a compliment. This will take them out of a trouble making mindset.

Now of course these tricks don't work on every student. For those ones, you assign an aid to follow them around and manage them in lieu of teachers. After people graduate, nobody is around to "manage" them anymore, so they haven't learned to live without that, but that person isn't the school's problem anymore, so they don't really care.

As for academics, in this guy's district at least, students are segregated based off ability. Of course they're not told which level they're in. Again, their priority isn't education, it's keeping them in a building for most of the day.
>> No. 41796 [Edit]
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Starting university tomorrow. I don't like it, but at least I'll be living alone once I'm fully finished with moving.
>> No. 41797 [Edit]
Good luck. You're gonna need it.
>> No. 41832 [Edit]
File 169739856244.png - (43.59KB , 480x320 , b6b3c8b65022ce717690e0febf90769c.png )
I've been setting up my server. Opted for a renewed Lenovo M910q. The process has been surprisingly smooth. The biggest problem with trying to secure it has been choosing what to use. There's firewalls(iptable, nftable), fail2ban, IPS/IDS(too many to list), reverse proxies(squid). Lots of differing opinions.

Debian has switched from iptable to nftable. fail2ban though assumes you're using iptable, so you have to mess around with its configuration, but you're supposed to make a separate one that overrules the main one. nftable has some backwards compatibility layer to iptable, but I don't how reliable that is. fail2ban also doesn't automatically choose systemd as its backend(source of log files), which I figured out while tracking down why it wouldn't start. Very janky, very antiquated.

I ended up opting for Crowdsec, which supersedes fail2ban and is also an IPS. Very easy to set-up and I like that's in an all-in-one solution.
>> No. 41833 [Edit]
Having set up and used fail2ban before, I don't see much value in it when I use pubkey authentication for things like SSH.
>> No. 41834 [Edit]
>I use pubkey authentication for things like SSH
As do I, but this is going to be a web server.
>> No. 41835 [Edit]
Today I was swinging a pickaxe for a few hours. It's brutal on the hands, but there's something oddly satisfying about it.
>> No. 41852 [Edit]
I'm attempting to get my self-hosted website on the clearnet. In my haste, I made the mistake of attempting to register a domain with Flokinet because I saw it recommend somewhere. Paid them 25 euros worth of ethereum. After two days of my domain being "pending", I get an email confirming I paid for it, but on their site it's been "cancelled". You're free to purchase that domain from anybody now. According to them "there was an error in their system".

So I tried hostinger, and that process was quick and smooth. They could still screw me over, but at least they actually registered the thing, which I have confirmation of from the tld.

Now I'm looking for a vps to act as a reverse proxy(to hide my actual ip). Trying to decide between privex and kyun. Privex has servers located near me in the US, but their terms of service when it comes to adult content are a little unclear for my specific use case(reverse proxy). Kyun has solid terms of service and I like their style, but their servers are all in Romania and they rent their machines from someone.
>> No. 41853 [Edit]
hosting things in the US/any five eyes country is generally a terrible idea. my vps is located in luxembourg
>> No. 41854 [Edit]
I already have my home server, so it will be hosted in the US one way or another. As bad as the US is in terms of privacy, at least loli is legal here.
>> No. 41855 [Edit]
oh sorry had misunderstood
>> No. 41857 [Edit]
Good luck, in the same boat as you for about a month now, I hope you can keep up with all the studying and whatever other healthy habits you might have. Perhaps we could even try to be a bit more social, eh? I really hope you do well out there.
>> No. 41858 [Edit]
File 169827816194.jpg - (123.25KB , 800x600 , Rei_Studying.jpg )
I went out to a pumpkin patch today and got a pumpkin. In the future I'll probably just buy a few from the store instead, since driving out there was a huge pain and the pumpkins were a bit more expensive it seemed. I might buy a few more pumpkins as it is though since I was only able to get one today and I want to roast the seeds for some snacks.
I also got a grade back for an exam I took a bit ago, and I found I did fairly well which was nice, although still slightly below the average of the class which was quite high. I don't particularly mind though as I know I ought to have studied more. I'm really just keen on finishing this semester, as I don't particularly enjoy any of the courses.
I don't imagine you're in the US if you're starting at this odd time but if you are, taking some exams like CLEP or DSST to get credits for courses is a good way to cut down on the amount of time and money you need to spend on college.
I hope the time passes quickly for you, school is quite awful, and at least with a job you have the satisfaction of having some financial independence. The expectations are somewhat lower as well once you get into the working world, depending on the job of course, as you aren't competing with other people to have a higher gpa, be a part of some project, sports or competition team, and whatnot just so you can put it on a resume for the higher chance of an internship or job after graduation. Competition does still exist once you are in a job, but in a different vain I suppose.
>> No. 41872 [Edit]
Made the mistake of going outside today. I went to some food event for European food to pick something up for my family and the whole experience was awful. It seems people get ruder every single year, as on the relatively short walk there I had some woman start screaming at me, which I'm assuming was a case of mistaken identity as I had no idea who she has, and then on the way back I was honked at while waiting to cross the street for no discernible reason. While I was driving back home I also had a group of 'bikers' who seemed to think it was funny to rev their motorcycles nonstop while at a stoplight. I don't mind motorcycles and I think they are quite cool, but it's a shame that things like motorcycles and performance cars always attract such a low common denominator.
To top the trip off, as I got home I was chased and barked at by a stray dog, although I believe it may have actually belonged to one of the neighbors who are too lazy to close their backyard off and let their dogs run around harassing people, but I didn't see a collar on it so I can't be sure.
At the event itself I had two nasty old women get mad at me for 'trying to cut in line' and they tried to tell me to go to the back of the line, despite the fact I had been waiting in line with them and I told them that and they quickly shut up. The event was pretty loud, which I had anticipated so I wore earplugs, but I hadn't thought they would be playing live music, although I stayed away from it so it diddn't bother me too badly. I only had to walk by it a few times while getting the food and then leaving. Even with earplugs in it was still very loud though.
I wish I had decided to not go and told my parents to pick food up themselves, but sometimes I go against my own better judgement.
>> No. 41873 [Edit]
I got an otoscope in the mail today out of curiosity. I had an absolutely giamt chunk of wax in my right ear and I've slowly been picking away at it for a couple hours. Hopefully I'll feel better once I'm done.
Other than that, it's been unbearably hot in my room lately. Even turning my computer off doesn't do anything for it. I may have to invest in an air conditioner this winter, because it's going to be too cold to just leave my window open soon.
>> No. 41874 [Edit]
>it's been unbearably hot in my room lately
What's up with that? Centralized HVAC?

Post edited on 6th Nov 2023, 6:43am
>> No. 41875 [Edit]
Yeah, centralized HVAC. Also my room is extremely well insulated compared to the rest of the house, so I suppose the heating is working very hard when I really don't need it to.
It makes sense, but it's really bad, plus the heat doesn't turn off during the day when it's still around 70F outside.
Of course, I could remove some insulating things, but those are up to keep out icky things like others' filth and sunlight.
>> No. 41884 [Edit]
File 169941466444.png - (2.17MB , 1016x2000 , 68e76ca221037789f4285a5b9a0450e9.png )
I wanted to try Gnome, in lieu of the filepicker meme ostensibly being killed off, so I installed Fedora. Has it been? Yes and no. When I saved an image file, its thumbnail wouldn't appear if I used the filepicker immediately after. The thumbnail had to first be generated by going to the image's folder in nautilus. This can be mitigated by keeping nautilus open all the time on the specific folder you save every image to.

It's not enabled in firefox by default. Most GTK apps don't use it either, because it would require changes in their source code. As a side note, the lack of good fractional scaling is still grating(yes my vision is bad). Nautilus not remembering what view you selected for each folder also sucks.
>> No. 41885 [Edit]
i like your choice of image.
>> No. 41886 [Edit]
From time to time I'd give GNOME a shot, but I always end up going back to KDE.

>Nautilus not remembering what view you selected for each folder also sucks.
It's maddening.
>> No. 41888 [Edit]
Decided to try KDE out on Debian. Wayland and Nvidia's drivers don't play nicely on KDE though. Upon logging in, there's nothing but a black background with a white dash in the top left corner. X11 works, and plugging the monitor into my motherboard directly does too. So yeah, it's far from perfect.
>> No. 41889 [Edit]
I dislike Gnome. I enjoy Cinnamon, though.
>> No. 41891 [Edit]
Too hot today. I should be doing my final university assignments but I'm going to hang out with my friends instead. They all went to get pizza but I suggested that I get something healthier to eat instead, so I think they just aren't going to pick me up.

Hopefully once I buy a car I can remedy these sorts of problems.
>> No. 41927 [Edit]
Today everything sucks.
Car died. Telephone and internet was down. Company ramming through a new product line with documentation. Argh!
>> No. 41934 [Edit]
I have an ancient ipad. Yesterday, I tried using it on my site that's behind a vps, which uses brotli compression, and all I could see was gibberish. What fixed it was changing the nginx configuration on the vps from:

location / { proxy_pass http://backend; proxy_set_header Accept-Encoding 'br';


location / { proxy_pass http://backend; proxy_set_header Accept-Encoding $http_accept_encoding;

It seems obvious now, but I barely know what I'm doing and copy-pasted a lot when setting everything up. When accessing the server directly, it worked, because the server knows what encodings the client accepts. But when you use a reverse proxy, it doesn't unless you pass it along. Saucenao works on my site now and before I had no idea why it didn't. It kinda shows the usefulness of old devices.
>> No. 41960 [Edit]
File 170148095489.png - (162.27KB , 495x276 , aocsleep.png )
In case somebody who wanted to participate missed it, this year's has started.

We still have a thread on /navi/ from last year:
>> No. 41989 [Edit]
File 170178987880.jpg - (62.13KB , 900x662 , Sir_Crocodile_full_3173861.jpg )
I twisted my ankle today, or possibly even ripped the ligament. I lost my balance going down a step and heard a gigantic "CRACK" sound come from my ankle and it's causing me a reasonable amount of pain - I can't walk on it for more than a minute or two.

To make matters worse, due to errors at my university, the government here has ceased my fortnightly payments, so now I have no money for food or rent. I'm fucked until they can get it resolved.
>> No. 42004 [Edit]
so as for the car thing, someone else popped up selling an 85 supra 5 speed for $5,500. I snagged it for $4,500. The thing is a bit of a mess and needs tons of work. In retrospect I think I could have gotten it for less, but I don't regret buying it for a minute. Might have made things worse taking it home, as it was my first time driving manual and probably messed up the clutch. I feel like I get a bit better each time I take it out, but I still need a lot of practice. Only thing I've really fixed on it so far was the broken handbrake, which needed a new cable. I got this large part to replace the old instrument cluster cover, but accidently ruined it using a really harsh cleaning chemical. After literally beating myself up about it, I'm still trying to figure out the best way to possibly repair it.

I just got back from taking a short trip to Texas to visit my mother and see the house I've been paying for over the last half a year. It needs a lot of little things but didn't seem too bad overall, the cost of it is what really gets to me at $2500 a month plus bills. It's got some renters which helps, two of them are pretty chill but there's a third that's really loud and obnoxious. I could hear their terrible karaoke from the other side of the house with doors closed. I'd love to live alone but kinda had the hope of being able to get enough off rent to not have to work is the thing. It was kinda nice being able to rummage around some of my old stuff I left behind. I expected more to be destroyed during the move, but not much was.
spent most of my time there fixing up what I could. which ended up amounting to little more than fixing a cabinet door in the kitchen, filling some holes in the walls, repairing a broken TV stand, repairing an old photo frame, replacing a few lightbulbs, and securing the battery in my mom's truck that slide out of place. Also took it to get an oil change where they broke the air deflector on the hood, and wouldn't so much as take the parts off (Just two screws) which I had to break off in the parking lot. While I was out there, the ATT network apparently went down, I spent a lot of the day struggling with my phone trying to sort out my missing work timesheet for the week before and being unable to log in remotely. Home wifi was set up under someone else's name/pass, and even though I took my laptop with me with an Ethernet cable, I found I couldn't configure the modem. By design, they prevent you from doing that, and require you to use the mobile app to change settings on the modem... reminder, the phone network went down, so I couldn't even install the app.
Apparently the house had a roach infestation at one point, I didn't see any while there (traps where everywhere though), but I did find their debris when poking around some of the stuff I left behind. They even ate the fins on some brand new crossbow bolts I had.
Before going out there I thought it was really nice to see my mom finally started getting her act together, having a job and driving herself around and even managing a house with renters. The way she drives turned out to be a bit concerning though. She would lean hard onto the right lane, when parking would take up multiple spaces, stopped in the middle of a round about, and nearly ran down some people walking to a store. Also doesn't help she's been loaning people money who don't pay it back.
It's weird how one of my favorite parts of this trip was the flight to and from, simply because I got to sit and play old videogames on my steamdeck for a few hours in a situation where I couldn't do much else if I wanted to anyway. Getting tons of free KFC was pretty nice too though.

I arrived there Friday night and left Tuesday afternoon because I didn't want to take too much time off work. I've got PTO but since that gets paid out if you don't use it, it still feels like losing money each day I'm away. More importantly though, I figured work would get backed up, and I didn't really trust my coworkers to help with it, to say the least. While I was out there, I was given a short tour of Samsung's north American HQ. It's apparently where I'd be working if/when I get transferred, which would be in 3-4 months going off what my boss says, which to me translates to 6-8 months.
Work has been pretty terrible. Most of it is due to digging my own grave to be fair. After being offered a transfer and buying a house where I'd be transferred to, instead of doing the transfer they stick me on a team I didn't ask to join. Now they've got me doing one of the most complicated and convoluted tasks on that team, and getting on my ass for every little thing I do wrong, which is a lot it feels like. I struggled a lot to keep up with the new team when I joined, and had a fat angry Korean lady watch everything I did like a hawk and yell at me constantly. I slowly got better at it before they tossed me onto what I do now which is far worse. I gave up. They pushed me to the breaking point, and I just gave up trying. A lot of the work is based around an honor system, simply saying you did the work, which is what I took to doing along with three hour long lunch breaks and leaving early, It was the only way to stay sane. unfortunately it's been catching up to me, I've made a lot of mistakes in doing this, and it's been raising a lot of questions. Now at least one of my coworkers seems to hate me, and others treat me like varying degrees of being 'special needs'. I think they know now what I've been doing, or not doing. I wish they'd just fire me and get it over with already.
I figured I could stall till they transfer me, have them pay for the cost of transport, and then I'd quit. Or they'd get rid of me and I'd go on unemployment and make my way across the country back to texas while exploring and seeing the sights a bit, but it feels so stressful now I don't know if I can keep myself from quitting for much longer. Today felt like one of the worst days yet, it was mostly getting grilled about saying X thing worked and Y thing didn't work, when those results should be impossible for that device. Again I've got no one to blame for myself for this mess I've gotten myself into. I bit off more than I can chew, got in over my head, and now I'm paying for it.
As much as I like this part of the country, it feels like it doesn't make a lot of sense to stay at this point, not when because of the cost of living here the only thing keeping me here is a job I hate that probably hates me too.

Post edited on 8th Dec 2023, 10:16pm
>> No. 42014 [Edit]
>instead of doing the transfer they stick me on a team I didn't ask to join
>they've got me doing one of the most complication and convoluted tasks on that team
>I slowly got better at it before they tossed me onto what I do now which is far worse
It sounds like they're severely short-handed.
>> No. 42015 [Edit]
Yeah everyone's doing the work of 2+ people.
>> No. 42016 [Edit]
Jesus, can you at least see a doctor about that?
>> No. 42026 [Edit]
File 170222279829.webm - (1.77MB , P.webm )
So far I did all the Advent of Code challenges on the same day they came out.
But now I'm burned out. I did the first part of Day 10, and I do not at all feel like writing the 40 or so lines of code to solve part 2.
>> No. 42054 [Edit]
File 170279465616.jpg - (181.59KB , 850x1481 , 20231217.jpg )
24th December can't came fast enough....
>> No. 42063 [Edit]
File 170318051821.png - (1.39MB , 1920x1080 , Screenshot_2023-12-21_17-32-36.png )
tomorrow is christmas!
>> No. 42065 [Edit]
File 170318757173.jpg - (303.74KB , 1531x951 , dejiko_and_puchiko_di_gi_charat_and_1_more_drawn_b.jpg )
today is christmas!
>> No. 42069 [Edit]
File 170332774731.png - (6.65KB , 300x300 , 1615903005730.png )
But it isn't Christmas eve for another couple of hours, Christmas day is two days away...
>> No. 42073 [Edit]
File 17033496648.png - (0.97MB , 636x900 , 74098590_p0.png )
Don't people live in different time zones?

Post edited on 23rd Dec 2023, 8:47am
>> No. 42074 [Edit]
At the time the post was made, even if you added +24 hrs to account for tz difference it still wouldn't be close to christmas
>> No. 42077 [Edit]
File 170336575885.png - (617.06KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Liar Liar - 01 (720p) [4EAA46B8]_mkv-.png )
Patricians such as myself aren't bound to linearity.

>> No. 42123 [Edit]
File 170372045370.jpg - (2.26MB , 4032x3024 , 2.jpg )
I'm attempting to add a sound card to my itx computer. Don't know whether there will be any benefit in terms of audio quality, but I want to believe. Anyway, I'm doing it by using an m.2 to pcie x4 riser cable, which arrived today(sound card hasn't yet).

Had to remove the motherboard's back plate for it to fit, and I'm somewhat worried that I bent the cable too much.
>> No. 42129 [Edit]
File 170380893632.jpg - (3.18MB , 4032x3024 , attempt.jpg )
It didn't work. When plugged in, my pc wouldn't turn on. Connecting sata power to the cable didn't help. Maybe the cable was too bent, or the idea itself is unsound. Either way, it was fun to try at least. Maybe I'll get a dac. Already have a monitor, keyboard and mouse on my desk. One more thing can't hurt too much.
>> No. 42164 [Edit]
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I keep picking up retro PCs and taking them apart to fix them only to realize I need to buy more crap to fix them. Today it was a specific size hex screwdriver. Tomorrow, who knows.
>> No. 42167 [Edit]
File 170468852750.jpg - (1.64MB , 3386x2660 , 1638262484719.jpg )
I had a nightmare that my Mother passed away. I woke up crying and couldn't stop for a minute or two until I regained composure.
Something about that propelled me to wake up and vacuum my bedroom floor which is something that I hadn't done for a few months, I would guess.
I texted my Mum to see if she was okay, too. Then I ate some chocolate for breakfast.

I know that you shouldn't eat sugary foods for breakfast, but I eat oats every day for breakfast and wanted a change of pace.

Today's theme: Chrono Trigger, Wind Scene.

Post edited on 7th Jan 2024, 8:41pm
>> No. 42190 [Edit]
File 17049323306.jpg - (944.18KB , 2165x2061 , fiio.jpg )
Ended up getting a fiio newk3. It sounds somewhat "clearer" than onboard audio. The difference isn't astronomical, but it is noticeable to me, especially on piano and percussive instruments for whatever reason. I would say it was worth the $110.
>> No. 42196 [Edit]
File 170500875697.jpg - (104.44KB , 850x1170 , IMG_0884.jpg )
I had a conversation in the comment section of a recently made MAD with an older, Japanese otaku. The thread started with someone saying the video gave them 2010s vibes. He disagreed and I asked why, mainly because I wanted to get more info out of him. I was uncertain about how to communicate with him though cause of the cultural divide.

yo. 2010s is not like this. lucky star is 2007 anime. and in the anime konata is being kinda nostalgic about otaku culture (means, in her sight, legit things come from 90s 80s even older). and original manga series are first published in 2004. in 2008 k-on broadcasted witch is imo the begining of era of franchising otaku culture. niconico had been being somewhat valid in early 2010s simply because it sucked at marketing and couldnt earned much money.
in 2006, otaku people danced harehare yukai in akihabara, and it went viral on niconico. 2008, the infamous aihabara murder case occured. that was ofcouse coinsidence but still it's iconic.
imo(im japanese btw), 2006 and 2007 are different but 2008 and before is just completely different. after 2008 it is all about marketing and bullshit. and only valid things were somewhat clumsy things like niconico. look at akihabara now. it's nothing but a tourist spot. akihabara is not even anime city originally. it was electronic city and otaku was like legit new species because no one asked for it.
it is all my opinion but let me say this. after 2008, nothing has been good. people sold it one by one. noone cared what it meant. and in fact. in 2010 japanese goverment made 'house of cool japan" . and even before that abe shinzo said something similar thing as a slogan(and he shot by a guy in 2022). yes it has its reason and im not making up some conspiracy.
conclusion. imo. anime/manga now is not enjoyable. it only cares how much stimutales can be given to viewer. and ofcourse money. it just feels not natural. everything is merchandise. just not good.
sorry for my English but ty for reading.

This seems a bit too pessimistic. The doujin scene still exists, every season there's at least a few good anime, and isn't Nipponbashi(でんでんタウン) kind of like the new Akihabara?

sorry. im not familiar with Osaka. I'm from Tokyo so... mmm if my statements are too pessimistic to you, I'm not making counterurgument over it. could be true.
what I feel is elitisism and over-used romantisism. romantisism means trying to match expression and format. like if you want to make it sad, then insert sad music ,sad facial expression, etc. basically viewer 'need' to feel certain feeling. like there is a guideline and anime it self is a guidance to feel. but it is really exausting. and I cannot concetrate in my thoughts, witch is what I want from like anime. I want to grow feeling inside me by myself. even emotional series like evangelion(first anime series) had this kind of aspect. a space for us, to think or feel or basically say inspire. but I feel like we don't have one now a days.
that's what I am feeling.
maybe this is a counteraurgument lol but what I wanted to express is my feeling and denying your opinion is not my intention so...

It's fine to disagree, and I see your point about a lack of subtlety nowadays. Slower, more philosophical anime seem hard to come by. Maybe you would enjoy サイコパス

Post edited on 11th Jan 2024, 1:33pm
>> No. 42197 [Edit]
File 170501418477.jpg - (64.30KB , 408x408 , 5502ad5da67783388096ff18c72df7fe.jpg )
it's somewhat both comforting and disappointing to see that the "nothing after (insert year here) has been good" elitism isn't unique to english speaking fanbases. i hate people like that. though, i kind of see what he means, more esoteric anime like lain definitely aren't around anymore.
i feel kind of similar when it comes to the recent trend of 2000s/2010s nostalgia. a lot of people are super shallow about it, like they googled "2000s aesthetic", saw emo girls playing on an xbox with pop-rock playing in the background in 4:3 and that's their entire idea about what that era was. people also pretending that technology from that era is way more outdated than it actually is doesn't help (the distance in time between now and 2000 might be the same as 2000 and 1980, but don't pretend that technology has constantly improved at the same rate, i think the DS and the Game and Watch are pretty different in terms of capabilities, and i'd argue one of them is still good to use to this day. you can also still buy and use a lot of stuff from that time period very easily...).
i remember everyone agreeing that 90s nostalgia was a plague back in the 2010s, it feels like everyone collectively forgot about that. at least with the 90s (and kind of the 2000s, but to a lesser extent), it makes more sense to be nostalgic for that, since with the internet becoming more and more of a constant presence, the culture between then and now has quantifiably changed in a way we can't revert. being nostalgic for the 2010s of all eras is stupid to me, from my perspective, we're still culturally stuck in the 2010s.
>> No. 42198 [Edit]
File 170502639139.png - (749.06KB , 1280x720 , Balsamic vinagar.png )
Always interesting to read the perspective of a Japanese person on this
>it's somewhat both comforting and disappointing to see that the "nothing after (insert year here) has been good" elitism isn't unique to english speaking fanbases. i hate people like that
Same, I wouldn't say ¨hate¨ but It's hard to find people who don't want to be become bitter as they get older. This is not exclusive to anime, it's about aging in general. I totally understand the frustrations with younger gens thinking older technology like DVD, CD or even BD players are ancient and their shallow nostalgia
>i remember everyone agreeing that 90s nostalgia was a plague back in the 2010s, it feels like everyone collectively forgot about that.
You'd be surprised, I've seen them celebrating this (¨We got rid of 90's nostalgia and replaced it with our nostalgia¨). It is annoying but at the same time I get tired of complaining and I don't understand how others don't. Accepting things change is part of growing older in my opinion. Anime trends have definitely changed and I can't blame others for not liking it anymore because it's not what they signed up for except when they become bitter instead of thinking that this isn't for them anymore. Instead of focusing on that I prefer to watch the few new anime that still catch my attention and enjoy them while they last. It's still good, just different.
I'm sorry if this reads like a vent.
>> No. 42199 [Edit]
File 17050986894.jpg - (129.00KB , 716x1024 , 7828bfe04d1474b90eb38ebb31c1946e.jpg )
I tried to rip an album off of apple music while on their free trial. On windows, lossless streaming isn't supported or whatever, but I have an old iPad, so I thought maybe I could use that to finagle a lossless copy.

Problem is, I don't remember the password of the apple id that device is logged into, that apple id is attached to my old grade school email that no longer exists, and you can't logout to switch accounts without the current account's password. After too many attempts, the logged in account was locked. To get help from apple support with this, you need proof of purchase. My dad won the thing in a raffle, like 10 years ago.

So I figured "okay, I'll factory reset the thing". That requires the desktop itunes app, but that denied access to my itunes account, and told me to login on their website instead.

On their website, after entering a code sent to my email, and a code sent to my phone, the page with a continue button, just did not work. Browser makes no difference. According to a 2 month old reddit thread, the only way to get past this "bug", is if you own an apple device and login on there.

As "luck" would have it though, you don't need to be logged in to itunes to reset your ipad from the desktop app. Great, so I do that and the ipad setup appears. "This iPad is linked to an Apple ID. Enter the Apple ID and password that were used to set up this iPad".......... Into the dumpster it goes.

Post edited on 12th Jan 2024, 2:32pm
>> No. 42200 [Edit]
>This iPad is linked to an Apple ID. Enter the Apple ID and password that were used to set up this iPad
That's likely their activation lock thing. It's unfortunately the only deterrence to theft that works (or at least it used to work. Supposedly thieves have gotten more clever and now they steal and resell in bulk to some middleman to takes them to Shenzhen and strips them for parts. But I suspect that the activation lock still serves to deter non-professional thieves, the kind of person who wouldn't mind picking up something left behind at an airport.)

That being said, if your ipad is old enough you can probably just jailbreak it and bypass the setup entirely. Although I don't think you will ever be able to use the app store in that case, you'd have to stick to sideloading ipas.
>> No. 42202 [Edit]
>That's likely their activation lock thing. It's unfortunately the only deterrence to theft that works
I know what it's called, and I don't care. It's ostensibly my device, but I'm getting fucked over, and anybody else who got it as a gift or second-hand is too. It's MY property. Nobody else does this shit, and rightfully so. The real reason they do this, is to make it more likely old, but working devices fall out of circulation sooner.

Post edited on 12th Jan 2024, 3:36pm
>> No. 42203 [Edit]
You're wrong, android tablets have this as well: FRP lock. It's the exact same thing. Note that if it's a gift, if you didn't have purchase information you wouldn't be able to obtain warranty anyway (and your gift wouldn't already be locked). Also I'm 99% sure this is a feature that you explicitly enabled in the first place when setting up your phone.

You are irrationally blinded by your hatred, it's like complaining about buying a safe and then complaining to the manufacturer that you forgot the keys and can't open it. Either don't enable the feature in the first place, accept that you fucked up when you forgot the password, or buy a metaphorical drill and jailbreak it.

Post edited on 12th Jan 2024, 3:56pm
>> No. 42204 [Edit]
It's a good thing I don't own any other shitty tablets then. I didn't enable shit, I can tell you that. Jail breaking a gen 4 ipad in this state is either impossible or a colossal pain in the ass.

Post edited on 12th Jan 2024, 4:00pm
>> No. 42205 [Edit]
>. I didn't enable shit, I can tell you that
You probably just accepted the default choice of having find my iphone/ipad enable. Activation lock is enabled when that is active.

It's not just android tablets: android phones have it as well. Chromebooks too. The only piece of technology that does not have it these days is non-apple laptops/desktops, because they cannot enforce secure boot chain. And I doubt they are stolen enough that manufacturer would bother implementing it (chromebooks have it more for MDM purpose than theft deterrence).
>> No. 42206 [Edit]
It's wrong in any case. It's a cancer. I don't live in detroit. I keep my eyes on my shit. Never been stolen from. I don't need or want their "protection". It's MY property. Mine. That doesn't change just because I haven't used it in years and forgot a password.
>> No. 42207 [Edit]
Corporations hate the idea of people like us owning any property in any way shape or form. If they had it their way we would lease everything we have.
>> No. 42211 [Edit]
File 170530016312.jpg - (53.25KB , 800x833 , bb975d1f8e71017abe6430c2e698f0bd.jpg )
Update. I was stubborn enough to try hackintosh. On my AMD desktop, the Nvidia GPU isn't supported, and the iGPU(raphael) has no kext, although one for vega has been made. There's an old intel laptop lying around though that on paper is perfectly compatible.

Tried installing high sierra on that, but when you set-up opencore on windows, you can only make a recovery install media, and apple took their high sierra servers down. Mojave seemed to work though, until I got to the "around 2 minutes left" part of the install", upon which it abruptly shuts down. Opencore boot's manager has an extra option after this "install macos (external)", this restarts the machine and then a generic ocb error shows up I haven't found any specific info on.
>> No. 42217 [Edit]
Another update:
Somebodyfbw thought to check on soulseek, so the album is now readily available in the highest quality.
>> No. 42218 [Edit]
File 170542364314.png - (195.84KB , 463x368 , CRT.png )
I went looking on eBay for old CRT monitors today. I'd like to set up an inexpensive PC in another room in the house exclusively for retro games via emulation.

I didn't find any that were cheap enough, so I'll try the landfill next time.

However, I found a bunch of anime DVDs on sale. All of Samurai Champloo, a film called X, and another film called Angel Sanctuary. These are all films/shows that I rented from the DVD store in my local town well over a decade ago and enjoyed (except for Angel Sanctuary which I recall being awful) before the store went out of business.
Anyway, I bought those DVDs and I would like to set up a shelf where I collect and display all of the memorable anime shows and films that they had at the store.
In case you couldn't tell, the store was very special to me for particular reasons that I won't go into right now as it would elongate the post.
>> No. 42227 [Edit]
I was wasting time on youtube trying to watch japanese videos without subtitles and I got a short documentary from NHK Japan (in English) recommended to me.
It was about goldfishes and their relevance to Japanese culture. Sounds like a simple topic but it was surprisingly interesting. Didn't think I'd watch all of it when I clicked on it.
>> No. 42229 [Edit]
I had a dream about an anime that doesn't exist, but one that very much should. Alas I did not write it down, so now I only have a nebulous recollection of unattainable beauty.
>> No. 42230 [Edit]
Share a little bit of this nebulous recollection with us, won't you?
>> No. 42333 [Edit]
File 170787290528.png - (4.15MB , 1472x2209 , 116029037_p0.png )
It's Valentine's day in Japan and I'm having fun seeing all the Valentine's art being posted online, that's all.
>> No. 42334 [Edit]
File 170795629430.jpg - (269.17KB , 637x900 , 561af1ccbfd6c201f683d67e1306e0c7.jpg )
About a week ago, my SSD failed, a Samsung 970 Evo which I had bought only 2 years ago. Shortly before that, I noticed my ram usage was really high. I have 32gb, and like 44% was in use even though I wasn't doing anything heavy-weight. I started to worry about stuff like a crypto miner being on the machine, so I installed Malwarebytes and did a scan. It was during this scan, that my ssd crapped out and I got a bsod. Couldn't boot from it after, but I managed to get most of my files off of it before it completely stopped working, upon which I snapped it in half and binned it.

It was only after this that I learned about PhotoRec... I also learned that high CPU usage was the telltale sign of a cryptominer, which I did not have. Ended up replacing it with an WD SN850X. My ram usage percent is now in the high 30s. Not sure what to make of that. I had another SSD in there just for storing files this entire time, which I did another scan on with ClamWin, and nothing was found.
>> No. 42335 [Edit]
File 170795892690.jpg - (823.39KB , 1200x1600 , news_5.jpg )
That's the best part of Valentine's.

I have a Samsung 970 Evo Plus alongside a 980 Pro currently and I bought them a few months ago. Hopefully they'll last longer than yours.
Tangentially related, I actually just recently bought an 8TB external HDD for storing anime BDMVs and such on since they're too big to store on my main drives. I have a bunch of other external HDDs but they're starting to age ... I should probably get around to moving them to newer drives sometime before they fully give out & I lose any data I haven't already backed up.
>> No. 42336 [Edit]
File 17079706387.jpg - (1.46MB , 2894x4093 , ed84f08c112a007bafea426a9a0703c0.jpg )
I've come to accept that HDDs are substantially better for long-term storage. I already had one to use for occasional backups, but it was more like "this is what I already have, so I might as well use it". After this happened, I started looking in comparable solutions. The only thing I could find that made sense, price and longevity wise, is LTO cartridges, which are way cheaper per terabyte. Problem is how absurdly expensive LTO drives are.

Also, I hope you bought the 970 EVO before their bizarre price hike. There's no good reason for them to be the same price as newer SSDs, like what I bought. It's a gen 3 drive and gen 5 drives are already being released.

Post edited on 14th Feb 2024, 8:20pm
>> No. 42350 [Edit]
File 170848063112.jpg - (138.34KB , 707x1000 , 90a47b4b9580eb7af99bd0ca48296d78.jpg )
After adding caching to my site, I discovered that if a client which does support brotli requests a file, the compressed version would be added to the cache, and clients which don't support brotli(like saucenao) wont be able to access the same file.

proxy_cache_key "$scheme://$host$request_uri$args$http_accept_encoding";
to the front-end server fixes this.
>> No. 42358 [Edit]
The post rate on this site was always slow, but it seems a lot slower recently.

I wonder if people are just leaving, or actually dying off?
Looking at /so/, we're probably losing people to suicide on a regular basis.
>> No. 42359 [Edit]
A lot of users probably left to become useful "adult" members of society (most were forced in my opinion), but there is a real possibility of users offing themselves, as you said a quick look at ornery and that conclusion seems plausible, other thing is that there is almost no fresh blood coming here, most people won't enjoy a place like this you know.
>> No. 42360 [Edit]
File 170865330432.jpg - (1.03MB , 2126x3047 , F_R-04OaIAEJX5k.jpg )
>it seems a lot slower recently.
You think so? I was thinking it increased a little bit.
>> No. 42361 [Edit]
It seems about the same to me actually, or even slightly higher than 2017 days.
>> No. 42363 [Edit]
I had gotten so tired of my job, and by extension life out here in Washington, that I was planning on quitting. Felt like things kept getting worse and worse. Only reason I didn't quit was because driving cross country in the middle of winter seemed insane. So I decided I'd stick around till March, quit my job, NEET for a bit, attend sakuracon, and leave after that.
Whelp, my company finally decided to stop stringing me along and decided to send me to Texas for reals this time. Just as it was looking like a good time to quit.
Work got especially terrible, more so than ever before. They've been pushing us to implement this automation system which will make most of our jobs obsolete. They just sort of expected us to figure it out and get it done with no documentation and pretty much no training. All that stuff I mentioned about faking results and lying about my job? Well it caught up to me. Because I was getting transferred, I naturally had to train a replacement. This meant teaching them how to do technical stuff I haven't done in months, most of which I entirely forgot how to do and some I had no idea at all how to do. Last week I had to somehow figure out how to deal with this, a boss wanting to remote into my work station to watch me perform some tasks (which I had said worked but now weren't), and another boss got on my case about incorrectly doing this or that, asking how I did so and so, I couldn't find a way to worm my way out of things anymore and was so tired of doing so anyway that I snapped and just told him the truth about faking it. I was expecting to get fired but, somehow that didn't happen? I kept expecting something in the days following but things kinda just... went on. I had been so stressed I wanted to quit right then and there, but the transfer was going to be in less than two weeks at this point, so putting in a two week notice didn't make much sense. I put in for some time off just to get away from his hell for a bit but that got rejected, at least for how long I asked for anyway. I did manage to get two weeks off to pack/move at least.
Today was my last day there. I had been very literally counting down the days.
It's hard to really express how stressful it got there, I was mentally exhausted when getting off work and had to force myself to go back. It really got me thinking about what I left behind and why I came out here. For months I've been doing two hours of driving each day to and from a job I hate, back to an apartment with half my stuff packed because I wasn't sure how long I was going to be there.
I kept thinking, this isn't much of a life. I've been letting some company eat away at my time and life, with nothing to show for it but a few toys and gadgets I'd buy here and there when not flushing half of what I make into the cost of staying here and working that job, and the other half I'd only get to keep if I'm lucky and some random expense doesn't come up, and something always seems to come up...
I left a paid off house in a small friendly(maybe kinda racist) town that was easy going and affordable, for 'this', but a lot of it really was getting away from my mom. Life out here might be a bit depression and at times stressful, but I was getting pretty miserable living with her and needed a break. So if nothing else, coming out here was good for that. I thought it'd be nice to have an actual career, since I didn't have much of anything before.. I guess I shouldn't be ungrateful for the opportunity I was given but I really can't see myself doing this for the rest of my life. Even the higher tier positions in the company don't seem that much better.
In the end I think I'm possibly just too old and too severely screwed up mentally to have any chance of turning things around and making a new life for myself. I'm not even sure what I expected. Having fun, making friends, creating connections, doing a job I could be proud of, making decent money, getting into better shape. ...A year and half latter I did none of those.
So now I head back to Texas, accepting the fact I failed. I'll do the new job they stick me on for a while and see how it goes. It looks like they might be covering my transfer, but apparently I have to stay with them for a year or I'll have to pay out of pocket the moving fees. I'll be paying those anyway if I quit now so at least with them there's a chance of getting it covered. I guess I'm just tired...
>> No. 42365 [Edit]
Good luck Tohno. I am in a similar situation in terms of my work, having a bunch of pressure put on me, and as soon as I'm reaching my limit, suddenly something will change, and for one reason or another I feel the need to stick it out a little longer.
I hope you can find an end to that shitty cycle soon enough.
>> No. 42372 [Edit]
Today, I went to the gym, and it felt good to exercise. I'm trying to learn how to get the form right on different lifts, and it seems complicated. Starting Strength has some good information, but it feels daunting because of how complicated the form can get. There's climbing at my gym, and I want to try it. I've been spending too much time on imageboards and procrastinating an exam I have coming up. I'm nervous yet apathetic at the same time. I've had my fill of college, and I want it to be over. I don't know how I can push through this. I'm genuinely not happy being on campus, but I must finish what I've started.
>> No. 42373 [Edit]
Came across an obscure blog that addresses the exact topic I wanted to learn more about. The thing is, everything from the blog's design to its genericness makes it seem like one of those content-mills that just copy existing content and reword it. But initially though I tried to find any other sources, this didn't seem to be the case and I couldn't find any other source for the content.

But something about it was still nagging me: over 2000(!) articles spanning 3 years of substantive content, with no traceable author info or any author info at all just doesn't make sense. Then I found one article with some images in Chinese, and then everything suddenly made sense: this was effectively "content arbitraging", taking existing blog posts written in Chinese and publishing them in English (presumably using MTL). And I was able to confirm this hypothesis by adjusting my searching.

The goal of this site? Likely ad-revenue, since I saw the usual adsense js include in there (interesting that they didn't go with one of the higher CPM but shadier ad services). But I'm not even mad about that, I think it's an absolutely brilliant win/win strategy: unlike the spammy sites that just copy-paste stackoverflow content but yet somehow manage to rank higher, these "content arbitrage" sites are actually bridging a useful language gap, surfacing relevant content that would otherwise be undiscoverable to non-Chinese speakers (I just wish they'd also link back to the source).

It also highlights an interesting "gap" in search engines: given that google and co. have already indexed content across languages, now that transformer models have made MTL and "semantic understanding" fairly easy to achieve, you'd think that it would be an obvious solution to surface search results from other languages as well (with an option to translate of course). But yet no search engine currently seems to do this.
>> No. 42396 [Edit]
Woke up to find both my internet and gpu dead, what a way to start the day. This just has to happen with me going out of town next week, hopefully I can get the former fixed in the coming days and I'll have to consider getting a new pc when I'm back.. more expenses I'd rather not have to.
>> No. 42397 [Edit]
You could save a buck by getting an 8000G series APU and not replacing the discrete GPU. If you were working with older hardware anyway, your graphical needs probably aren't that demanding.

Post edited on 5th Mar 2024, 8:42am
>> No. 42407 [Edit]

Makes sense, if they're romanizing then presumably it's intended for foreign consumption so you may as well use the one that people may pronounce properly. Although if they're going to be teaching the new one as well, I wonder what impact that would have for IME systems. While modern IME can probably handle either variants with ease, non-hepburn does have a certain logic for things like "syosetsu" where it more directly corresponds to the underlying kana (and supposedly even in pronunciation, "syo" is a better approximation to the actual sound than "sho").
>> No. 42431 [Edit]
I realized I'll never be able to seek treatment for my mental ailments because I'm too paranoid and don't want to be on "the radar." Recently, I chickened out of getting OCD treatment because they demanded to have a credit card on file. I don't know how I'd afford it, anyway. I think usually the average ERP therapist wants 300$ dollars a session, and I simply can't afford to pay it regularly. I can't describe it, but as I communicated with them on the phone, I had this horrible gut feeling. Then, they said they did all of their notes on patients through this electronic software, which made me concerns of possible leakage if the company who made it got hacked. When I made the appointment, they wanted everything to be done through a patient portal, which I had bad feelings about. Why can't all of this stuff be offline? I don't know. There was something distateful about the idea of being evaluated, labeled, and categorized like cattle being sent off to slaughter. It feels like there's too much that they can do to you, knowing such things about you. It seems to easy for them to look down on you as an "inferior." This especially seems like the case with mental ailments. Then, they can talk about you behind your back, although there is supposed "patient confidentiality." Look at all of the counsellors and therapists (they might be lying lol, but it's still possible) on leddit who talk about their patient's issues. Even if my name weren't attached to it, it'd still be out there. Does anyone else have similar feelings about mental health professionals?
>> No. 42432 [Edit]
Yes, I have struggled with the medical system before and I prefer not to talk about it. I don't have experience with medications prescribed for OCD but I recommend trying everything you can before defaulting to using medicine and being wary of developing too much tolerance and obviously, the side effects. Maybe I'm cynical but I imagine most people don't think about how distasteful all of this is or they do and still go through with it. Mental health professionals tend to have problems themselves but they are not the type of serious problems where it could benefit the patient to have someone they can relate to. Most of my issues with it happened when I was underage and didn't have a say in any of it. Good luck.
>> No. 42436 [Edit]
File 171072376879.jpg - (74.83KB , 651x624 , 2013-01-06-551035.jpg )
Went to an airshow today. The Air Force Acrobatics team had come to this bumfuck nowhere town around seven years ago, just when I was watching Aozora Shoujotai and had temporarily decided to try to become a pilot, but in the end I was out of the country on that day and really missed not seeing them, I saw a video by an Air Combat enthusiast on youtube on his city (they were doing a national tour) and it looked amazing, but I met a guy who went that day and said the weather sucked with rain and bad visibility. Anyways today I was informed just an hour before the show, and decided to go watch, it was just a 10 min walk from my place.
The news just said it was on the waterfront, and I tried to find any indication of the best viewing spot, but couldn't find anything. So I kept walking, most people seemed completely oblivious to the upcoming spectacle, but here and there a couple looked at their phones and scouted the sky with a confused look on their faces. They too were searching for the planes. As I got under a shade and stared at the clear blue sky I thought maybe I got there too early. But them I saw. Ripping through the firmament came seven yellow-blue planes. The show had begun. I stared in absolute awe as they executed every kind of maneuver. They would huddle together and then dissipate one by one, then come from the opposite side on each other like a pair of jousting knights, and thus they danced. Coming extremely close to each other, each time they crossed you could hear the treble gasps of a nearby child. Then they would fly far away and come back very low, the roaring sound overtaking the audience. Sometimes they would enter a cumulus cloud and disappear in the flying snow only to later surface in the blue. They would also break formation, and divide in two or three groups, each of them executing their own maneuvers, and when my eyes turned from one group to the other, I would see some flying gracious figure only to realize I had mistaken the planes for a couple of birds, so gracious were their movements. Now there were two groups, and they defied gravity, flying upside down, doing impressive vertical ascents right above us and coming down full throttle. And in these vertical ascents I saw it. The beautiful maneuver I had seen in the video years ago. As the plane reached the apex, the engine would die and the plane would stop in the air and start falling like a damsel who hurls herself from the top of the tower, but the pilot would come in and save her in the last moment.
Then the six planes huddled together and a lone wold went to other side, and it would dance alone in the sky, the engine snarling as the plane huffed and puffed smoke. The planes then did many smoke based maneuvers, I wondered if they would draw the city flag but they only let out white and black smoke, these culminated in the drawing of a heart, and then came an maneuver that involved one being on top of each other with the one on top being upside down and a third doing an spiral on then. The show lasted a little over 30 min.
I was impressed. It was my first time seeing aerobatics in real life, in fact I don't think I've ever seem a small plane in the air this close.
>> No. 42437 [Edit]
I see. I'm going to try some ERP worksheets on my own. I don't know what I'm going to do if it doesn't work. I can barely touch anything anymore, and there's a lot of overt behaviors I do that I can't control which come out in public. (Blinking in a certain fashion, mouth tics as a part of an arbitrary ritual which is tied to a system.) Spend probably 30 minutes to an hour washing my hands that are already bloodied like a gore show. People probably think I'm some abomination. But there's just something about the idea of being "diagnosed" that makes me feel so sick to my stomach.

But, I agree with you on the mental health professionals. It seems like people who have issues of their own always go into psychology.
>> No. 42439 [Edit]
>Does anyone else have similar feelings about mental health professionals?
I been medicated for more than a decade since I was a very young kid, severe OCD and other two things I don't remember was my first professional diagnose.
Medication only helped to alleviate the symptoms to some extent (by symptoms I mean what people call "rituals" and invasive thoughts that feel like they aren't your own thoughts and you can't control) but they change, transform so to speak, and new ones appear eventually if I somehow manage to overcome one of the older "rituals".
Since 2020 I've gotten more unstable and experienced hallucinations, which made me took the decision to apply for disability.
As far as mental health professionals go, they don't give a damn. period. They just want money and their method is always the same: prescribing you whatever works best for your particular case, which can take years because it's trial and error, said process involves dealing with multiple side-effects from a lot of different drugs until you find a combination that makes you relatively stable, stable as in, not spending 16 hours repeating compulsive behavior nonstop.
In short, psychofarms help out a bit, but will never cure anything because there's literally no cure for any mental disease.
>> No. 42441 [Edit]
>As far as mental health professionals go, they don't give a damn. period. They just want money and their method is always the same: prescribing you whatever works best for your particular case, which can take years because it's trial and error, said process involves dealing with multiple side-effects from a lot of different drugs until you find a combination that makes you relatively stable, stable as in, not spending 16 hours repeating compulsive behavior nonstop.
>In short, psychofarms help out a bit, but will never cure anything because there's literally no cure for any mental disease.
Thank you for your insight. Haven't had my compulsions that bad in years. I can "function" as in I can go to work and school, but I am limited in a lot of ways, and as I mentioned, a lot of it is hard to hide. But yeah, drugs are a bandaid. They never fix any underlying issues. We know very little about the human brain in the grand scheme of things, and it is concerning at how much confidence medical professionals have in these medicines. Last time I went to the doc, he tried to peddle drugs to me, and I tried to express my concerns in a gentle manner, and he seemed judgemental. "SSRIs are known to be well-tolerated." I can't risk cognitive decline because I am in a competitive field. I've spent some time reading Stahl's Perscriber's Guide out of curiousity, and it is interesting how SSRIs are noted to have a blunting effect. I think this allows those who are perscribed them to be able to do many things that they normally wouldn't be able to do for the bad and the good. Drugs. Drugs. Drugs. The average person is like a walking drug advertisement. "Have you tried getting on meds?" It's the same parroted response regardless of who you talk to.

Post edited on 18th Mar 2024, 10:31pm
>> No. 42442 [Edit]
>Then, they said they did all of their notes on patients through this electronic software [...] Why can't all of this stuff be offline? I don't know.
If you're in the US or a country with laws like HIPAA, there's a level of legal accountability for handling the exact kind of data you're worried about. So the need for standardization and communication introduced by the law benefited increasingly electronic record keeping, and a desire to minimize legal risk by individual clinics incentivized a lucrative industry for outsourcing that record processing.
I would not take the existence of a third-party portal as a red flag FOR THAT CLINIC until looking up the third-party. The whole situation is a red flag but not one which presents an obvious way to avoid it. Calling ahead to clinics and seeing who does it in-house or in a way which you like is an option, but anecdotally that would reduce your options around here considerably.

>There was something distateful about the idea of being evaluated, labeled, and categorized like cattle being sent off to slaughter. It feels like there's too much that they can do to you, knowing such things about you. It seems to easy for them to look down on you as an "inferior."
The first part is pretty universal feeling from any sort of trial which particularizes you in a negative light. While getting a diagnosis MAY be good in the long run, it is natural that the insecurity in one's own judgement and abilities feels shitty. It makes me feel, literally, singled out and incompetent. Heck, many people find a positive evaluation that focuses on them to be distasteful as well (like an artisan being annoyed by a novice fawning over his work).
The last part is also universal, and if you suspect they will use the rights of their profession against you for the sake of it I cannot think of a way to guarantee against it - anecdotally I've never been maligned in the mental health sector, but I've ran into people who just did the motions for me, and those who cared more. I've heard good things about non-religious houses dedicated to giving those with confirmed diagnosis living spaces and life skills training, but something to look into yourself.

And sure, there are many ways a clinic could potentially use the information you give to them against you. But have you also considered the reason(s) to suspect they are not honest in their intention of performing their expressed services for you in exchange for payment?
If they demand a credit card on file, I would bet money that even if they are morally bankrupt, they (the people operating the clinic) are looking to charge that card and have it stick before more involved methods of extracting value from your visit. That says nothing about the quality of their service, just that I doubt they have schemes beyond providing you a service of SOME quality without further context.

I would also confirm that a credit card in particular is needed over some other form of electronic payment, or if some physical form of pre-payment or collateral works like cash, check. If they require something which requires financial institution navigation like a credit card that makes me question their accessibility.
>> No. 42443 [Edit]
>If you're in the US or a country with laws like HIPAA, there's a level of legal accountability for handling the exact kind of data you're worried about. So the need for standardization and communication introduced by the law benefited increasingly electronic record keeping, and a desire to minimize legal risk by individual clinics incentivized a lucrative industry for outsourcing that record processing.
I see. I didn't know that. But, in my opinion, once you upload something to the internet, it is there forever. Also, it's not the first time I've had my records leak. Some time ago, a local medical institution was hacked, and my shit got leaked. It's not to say that local records can't be stolen, but online records allows information to be accessed globally if intercepted. There's just generally way more ways in that information can be intercepted.

>And sure, there are many ways a clinic could potentially use the information you give to them against you. But have you also considered the reason(s) to suspect they are not honest in their intention of performing their expressed services for you in exchange for payment?
I guess in more specific terms, it's less what they personally could do but how it could affect me in other circumstances. For instance, I go to the doctor, and they see that I have a diagnosis on file, then they won't take new issues seriously because they'll just say, "Oh, it's just your OCD. You're being a hypochondriac. See your specialist." What if it shows up during some kind of background check?

>The first part is pretty universal feeling from any sort of trial which particularizes you in a negative light. While getting a diagnosis MAY be good in the long run, it is natural that the insecurity in one's own judgement and abilities feels shitty. It makes me feel, literally, singled out and incompetent. Heck, many people find a positive evaluation that focuses on them to be distasteful as well (like an artisan being annoyed by a novice fawning over his work).
Hm. It's less so how I view myself, but how it will lead future professionals (like doctors), as I previously mentioned, to perceive me. I also get the feeling that many of these mental health professionals are morally righteous judgemental midwits that come from well off backgrounds and are merely looking to "save others." It creates a disgusting feeling of being pitied. Then, there's the societal stigma. Even if I can personally understand that my diagnosis does not define me, it doesn't change how the rest of the world still perceives mental illness. I know that privacy laws exist, but as I said, I have concerns of the wide-reaching impacts of diagnosis.

>I've heard good things about non-religious houses dedicated to giving those with confirmed diagnosis living spaces and life skills training, but something to look into yourself.
I didn't know that. I will look into that. But, generally, in mental health related circles, I always get a very judgemental feeling from it.

>I would also confirm that a credit card in particular is needed over some other form of electronic payment, or if some physical form of pre-payment or collateral works like cash, check. If they require something which requires financial institution navigation like a credit card that makes me question their accessibility.
I indeed asked about cash, and they most certainly required a credit card.
>> No. 42445 [Edit]
>We know very little about the human brain in the grand scheme of things, and it is concerning at how much confidence medical professionals have in these medicines.
>"SSRIs are known to be well-tolerated."
It's indeed concerning that they can spit lines like that while also telling you with a straight face that the drugs can cause suicidal thoughts or ideation, as if it was some minimal side-effect the patients can simply overlook and keep on living "normal lives". This particular way of handling things is the same everywhere, they minimize side-effects and insist on medication, which I'm not completely against per se, but it's not for everyone and every case should be studied and monitored carefully before and after starting any treatment with drugs that can alter your brain and behavior, sadly mental health is treated like a business rather than a concerning social issue.
>SSRIs are noted to have a blunting effect. I think this allows those who are perscribed them to be able to do many things that they normally wouldn't be able to do for the bad and the good.
It's exactly as you describe it, I can confirm first-hand that SSRIs do have such effects. I would say it causes emotional "numbness", which helps with the pain caused by depression and disorders, but restricts how much joy and fun you get from stuff you like doing as well.
>"Have you tried getting on meds?" It's the same parroted response regardless of who you talk to.
I feel psychiatric medication usage has been on the rise for the best pàrt of the last decade and normalized more and more, specially those prescribed for anxiety.
Makes you wonder if it's the people who need to get "fixed", or if it's the hellish world we live in and it's decaying, self-destructing society that forces everyone to fit the mold by any means necessary lest they become an outcast left to rot on the streets, institutionalized, or comitting suicide.
>> No. 42451 [Edit]
>you wonder if it's the people who need to get "fixed"...
Zapffe makes this point in his short essay "last messiah", and sort of implicitly predicts that as awareness of the hopelessness and futility of it all grows, more and more people will end up as such, even though they will never consciously admit it.
>> No. 42452 [Edit]
>but it's not for everyone and every case should be studied and monitored carefully before and after starting any treatment with drugs that can alter your brain and behavior, sadly mental health is treated like a business rather than a concerning social issue.
I agree. Prozac is particularly fascinating. I read about people's different experiences with it, and many have said that it gave them violent thoughts and impulses that they didn't have originally.
Although this site is typically used for "recreational drugs," sometimes it has experience reports for valid pharmaceutical usage cases which are sometimes fascinating to read. I know one must take these sites with a heavy grain of salt, but it remains that there are striking commonalities in the reports.
I've read about many different criminal cases, and Prozac usually seems to be the most common SSRI that offenders take. Correlation does not necessarily equal causation. In addition, it may also be likely due to the fact that Prozac shows up more frequently because it is usually the most common one to be recommended by doctors. However, I don't feel like that connection should be dismissed.
>I would say it causes emotional "numbness", which helps with the pain caused by depression and disorders, but restricts how much joy and fun you get from stuff you like doing as well.
Interesting. I already feel like a husk, and I wonder how that would impact someone who is already emotionally dead. I can't even enjoy vidya nor anime anymore, I have a very shallow range of emotions, and am severely apathetic.
>specially those prescribed for anxiety.
Gee, who wouldn't be anxious in a world where we are constantly being bombarded with fearmongering whether it be on the internet or in news oulets. Who wouldn't be anxious when they're struggling to barely make ends meet due to the prices perpetually getting higher?
>> No. 42454 [Edit]
File 171108005884.jpg - (226.64KB , 1554x2176 , bocchi_CSGO.jpg )
I got a small 1cm cut on the bottom of my foot about 3 months ago, and it still hasn't healed, despite being told it would by a medical professional. I wasn't given any stitches and just told to bandage it, as it was a few days after I got the cut since I wasn't able to go to the doctors right away, but it didn't close up, but it did heal, so I've been having to walk around funny for since I can only put a bit of weight on it as it still hurts when I put all my weight on it. I bought some stitches to use and I'm going to try to suture it up this weekend. I should only need 2 stitches, maybe 1 as it's small, and hopefully it should be close up.
I'm going to do a simple interrupted stitch, as it's the only one I can do. I did do a rudimentary attempt already, and while I was able to make a stitch, it wasn't very good, so I'm gonna try again later. I get quite anxious when sticking myself with a needle/hook like that so I'm considering picking up some beer or low ABV liquor to try and calm myself down to stitch it properly, but I'm unsure on whether or not to do so, as I also don't want to make a mistake.
>> No. 42456 [Edit]
Jesus that sounds terrible. Don't they make bandages these days that pull wounds closed and keep them as such as good as stitches would?
>> No. 42458 [Edit]
I thought they have some skin-safe superglue formulations that can seal up large wounds.
>> No. 42460 [Edit]
Yes they do, but my feet get sweaty so they come off sadly. I have tried using that and it didn't do much, or I may have used it wrongly. It isn't as bad as it sounds, as I'm able to walk, I just have to walk on the ball of my foot and it means I can't really exercise at all.
They have that, it's called dermabond I believe. I did try some of the cheaper stuff called "liquid skin", but it wasn't of much use, and at this point I think it would be a waste of money to go to the doctors. It's just missing that top layer of "hard skin" that's on the foot, and it just has the pink layer of new skin showing in a tiny "gap" where the cut was. When I went to try to stitch it earlier I did rub off quite a bit of dead skin that accumulated, as I mostly had a bandage on it, so I may wait a bit to see if maybe some skin will regrow if I don't keep it bandaged up as much and try to get rid of the dead skin, as the wound itself is healed over by skin so there is no infection to be had I believe, the outermost skin seems to be taking a long time to close over.
>> No. 42468 [Edit]
File 171130358492.png - (55.30KB , 1315x1080 , wikipetan beggar.png )
Don't feel like posting anything. I haven't played videogames since forever. It's all a chore. The internet gets more boring everyday, every place I find just brings me more disappointment. I've watched many old anime, but I feel like there's nothing to say about it.
I have been trying to find a job, but DEI is peak faggotry and apparently negroes and handicapped are all they are looking for. If you're a fit caucasian male they want nothing to do with you. This has left me extremely discouraged to even try anymore.
>> No. 42469 [Edit]
The puzzle piece on Wikipe-tan on that drawing has fucked up text. It was supposed to be ウィ (wi) but it's ワイ (wai).
>> No. 42471 [Edit]
File 171132926618.png - (91.34KB , 1315x1080 , wikipetan fixed3.png )
Thanks for pointing that out. Here's a fixed version.
Also the original artist is psicochurroz, judging by his twitter post I think nobody has pointed that out before.

Post edited on 24th Mar 2024, 6:14pm
>> No. 42473 [Edit]
File 171137731032.gif - (1.68MB , 500x500 , 1678260308228.gif )
My day has been alright so far. Waking up was torture.
>> No. 42481 [Edit]
File 171148091770.png - (9.14KB , 255x426 , Wikipe-tan.png )
It should be ワィ, not ワイ or ウィ. The original Wikipe-tan was reportedly drawn by a Japanese user named Kasuga, who appears to have intentionally referenced the ワィ mistake in the 2003 version of the logo. It seems like it took three iterations until the logo finally got it right with ウィ, with the progression going ヰ→ワィ→ウィ.
>> No. 42490 [Edit]
File 171158748057.png - (770.47KB , 900x768 , 456a41ae8670f8960646d92761e140a9.png )
I'm not diabetic, but for the past 2 years I've been wearing "diabetic socks" almost exclusively. Basically, they don't have that constricting rim at the top. Whenever I wear normal socks now, the squeezing sensation bothers me.
>> No. 42491 [Edit]
I prefer loose socks too.
>> No. 42518 [Edit]
File 171236998259.png - (1.36MB , 1920x1080 , Loli_Ghost_Working.png )
I think I may need to get a part-time job soon. My only real options are food service, retail, janitorial, or warehouse work, with a few other things such as ramp agent for an airport, which I suppose is similar to warehouse work in a way. I think warehouse work, would be the best bet, but I've found oftentimes the idea of what a job is and what it really entails can be very misleading.
I am not capable of doing retail work and interacting with people in such a way, and janitorial work I already have a bad experience with, as I am not fond of cleaning up after disgusting stuff the likes of which you would find in bathrooms. I suppose my only real options left are food service, assuming I work in a kitchen away from others, or warehouse work, although I don't want to end up in one of those jobs which always forces more work on you.
Do any anons here have any insights into which line of work would be the easiest or least torturous?
>> No. 42519 [Edit]
File 171238482651.jpg - (957.76KB , 1000x1000 , d780e814e.jpg )
Go for warehouse, this is where you can avoid people the most. You won't be able to avoid them completely, but from the stuff you mentioned it's the best. I have worked in a kitchen, not only does it put a huge strain on you body because of how physically demanding it is, but you have to work close with others as well and you have a lot of stress. Everybody does something certain while cooking and together you get the result. This result has to come as fast as possible and has to be as delicous as possible. Customers are hell. As you already said retail contains even more interaction with others while cleaning is disgusting. Keep in mind that working is suffering and it's impossible to do it without dealing with others. Don't be afraid to change the job if it is too awful.
>> No. 42523 [Edit]
Not exactly what I'd call a fun day today... Had the shitshow with TC going down to deal with, while getting stuck at a car dealer for three hours waiting on a simple tire replacement and oil change. Did what I could on my phone (which wasn't much) because I didn't like the idea of sitting there doing nothing.
>> No. 42524 [Edit]
Wow, we're back! Although some images seem to be missing, e.g. >>42519. Not a huge loss, but do those happen to be salvageable?
>> No. 42525 [Edit]
I think many if not most should be yes, we're still working on this.
>> No. 42530 [Edit]
I'd be interested in hearing what exactly happened, any chance you'll do a more detailed post(-mortem)
>> No. 42535 [Edit]
I was just about to contact you about the missing images (I wasn't aware that there was something bigger going on too), but I see you already know about it.

Thanks for all these years of keeping this place alive with very few hiccups.
>> No. 42537 [Edit]
My day has been pretty good, just playing serious sam: the first encounter.
>> No. 42541 [Edit]
I don't have anything to really say, but I hope you can recover. It's usually wise to avoid pharma products, but if it's a genuine neurological issue then I suppose it's better than the alternative. I wish more places had that MAID program canada has, that's perhaps the only good thing they seem to have done.
>> No. 42542 [Edit]
(answering myself, there's a post in /fb/ about it).
>> No. 42544 [Edit]
I got through about halfway before I stopped watching that video, it's too difficult to listen to the amount of ignorance that comes of that guy's mouth. I've never been able to tolerate the kinds of people who are so hard pressed on being anti-suicide and are absolutely convinced it's never the answer. I think anyone that's truly been submerged in the system wouldn't be making this virtue signal trust the system and take your pills garbage. What, is he going to tell me to take my vaccine next?

The one disappointing factor in this entire video is the fact that he feels like because some viewer he never truly cared about commit suicide it gives him the authority to talk about this topic. It's depressing that these normalfag internet creators are now influencers where they make these pseudoscience video essays on topics they decided they're experts on, and people eat it up because there's no real sense of fact checking and corroboration, considering alternative perspectives, or any level of common sense. And at the end of the day their primary goal is to put YouTube ad revenue money into their pockets, the video is just a virtue signal money maker at the end of the day. It is simply no different than the rest of the healthcare system.

YouTube feels like it has completely degraded and all the content on there is just advertiser friendly low attention span garbage that gets the most views. Even YouTube creators I'm interested in I've noticed switched to more clickbaity thumbnails and titles to rack in attention.
>> No. 42546 [Edit]
You know, when I clicked on that link I sarcastically expected a typical YouTube dudebro going 'guys, suicide is bad (thud sfx), when you commit suicide you guys, you'll be dead (thud sfx) guys'. Nah. This is actually worse. This is so much worse. I swear not even five minutes in but my blood is boiling. Not only he is woefully out of touch but he has absolutely zero respect for him, straight up doxing him.

People like this are precisely why those who want to leave keep it to an in-group they know for sure feel the same and won't go batshit moral crusader divine savior on them upon hearing about it. Deplorable behaviour.

Post edited on 18th Apr 2024, 10:58am
>> No. 42561 [Edit]
My monitor developed a "stagelight" issue (alternating dark bands at bottom of screen like in [1]). Seems this issue is actually fairly rare, since most reports I could find of this happening are for macbooks where the display cable became physically damaged over time. I think in my case it's due to aging causing the diffuser film/tape at bottom to go wonky and letting the raw backlight artifacts show up. It's only at the very very bottom so for now I've just adjusted overscan so the bottom most 2 pixel row remains black.

>> No. 42563 [Edit]
If you don't mind sharing what were you diagnosed with and what was the drug prescribed? Seems like it was for OCD?
>> No. 42565 [Edit]
I'm not sure what I was diagnosed with. But it didn't have anything to do with OCD. It said something about memory impairment on file.
>> No. 42566 [Edit]
Sorry to repeat a question that has already been asked, and I'll leave it at this if you don't want to give an answer, but I would very much appreciate knowing what the medicine is.
I'm glad that you're doing better either way. Being a non-functional person is not fun. Good luck with your future studies and job-hunting if that is something that you're still doing.
>> No. 42568 [Edit]
Thank you. I've had the same issues that you described in your previous posts for a long time. I'm hoping that the damage from being stuck with an unusable brain for the past decade isn't irreparable. I don't know if I'm oversharing. I just wanted to thank you for giving me some hope.
>> No. 42577 [Edit]
I'm moving soon, and it dawned on me just how much of a pain it will be to move all my figures and other junk.
Thankfully I still have most of the boxes and all that, but for the boxes I don't have... I will need to figure out what I'm going to do.
>> No. 42578 [Edit]
Bubble wrap and placing items inside of containers inside of other containers is best.
What I do is keep boxes for almost everything I buy (largely for this reason), but I also store any sturdy looking boxes. Either by using them for storage, or folding them up and piling them next to a wall somewhere.
If you think you might be moving a few more times in the future, investing in hard plastic bins might help.
I used to buy and sell used figures, and for figures without boxes I would disassemble them as well as I could and wrap up individual parts in bubble wrap, place them in a bag, then wrap the bag up in more bubble wrap or filler material (like news paper) so it wouldn't move around in the box I place that into.
Scales that can't be disassembled suck to pack. Best you can do is try to wrap material around limbs so they don't move, and anything that might break easily you'd probably want to give some space so nothing comes in contact with it.
>> No. 42582 [Edit]
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Did a lot of fun things and had a good day. One of them was harvesting fanart of Yuno on her birthday.
>> No. 42586 [Edit]
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I went to the gym. I had to do lighter weights because I missed last week due to the weather. Medicine is finally sorted out, and I'm no longer feeling at the brink of death. I can focus and play videogames again, and life is wonderful. Brainfog is gone. I feel gently uplifted while not feeling scatterbrained or hyper. Now that I can do things without my brain doing a hard-reset frequently, I'm going to finish my anime backlog, read stuff on my e-reader, and possibly self-study.

Also, last night, I went to take a walk, and saw two frogs getting intimate. I've never seen anything like that before. At first, I thought it was one big frog. I thought to myself, "Damn, that's one fat ass frog," but it turned out to be two frogs on top of each other.
>> No. 42587 [Edit]
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Glad to hear that you are doing good!
>> No. 42588 [Edit]
Unbelievable. Frogs these days have no shame...
>> No. 42589 [Edit]
File 171515914760.png - (700.11KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Kunoichi Tsubaki no Mune no Uchi - 08.png )
Legitimately happy for you, anon! Keep it up!
>> No. 42616 [Edit]
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I just found a very nice-looking free font for Japanese
>> No. 42626 [Edit]
My right eye ached with such intensity to-day as to cause a minor earthquake, portending another momentous leap in my evolution under the tutelage of the One Who rests in my singular pubic hair, the Two-Tailed Monarch.
Woe to friend and enemy alike, I am undergoing rebirth!
>> No. 42641 [Edit]
Well, I learned that I can actually speak Japanese as opposed to just reading it. Recently, I went to a Japanese store, and I wanted to know if something in the deli was raw/undercooked because I couldn't tell. I asked an employee for help, and it turns out that they didn't speak English. They went to find someone else, but there wasn't anyone there who spoke English, so I caught her attention and let her know that I spoke a little Japanese. I was not only able to ask the question and have it understood, but I was also able to understand her answer. I also spoke Japanese to the checkout lady. I'm a bit thrilled, and I wish I had more opportunities to speak Japanese.
>> No. 42643 [Edit]
Did you get 上手'd?
>> No. 42647 [Edit]
Actually, no. It just went like a normal interaction I'd have in English, but it was in Japanese. They weren't overly impressed or showy about it, but they didn't give off any impression like it was a shit either.
>> No. 42686 [Edit]
Today I got back from a vacation largely spent hiking in the middle of nowhere and now that I'm back it's really set in how fake & stale the internet feels nowadays. T-C is the only place online I can tolerate currently.
I guess I'm just thankful this site exists.
>> No. 42712 [Edit]
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I decided to go out, beyond the usual groceries and work, today for the first time in months. I went to the hobby store for some modeling supplies and also to two video game stores.
I haven't explored much since a recent move, so I've been curious about the area. The first video game store was very... authentic. Frankly, it was an uncomfortable experience from a normal person's view. but for me, I found it pleasant. It smelled like a sweaty basement, it was a little dingy, and the guy running the store was clearly autistic. I think most people would avoid such a place, even if there was an actual point for them to go there, but for me, it's certainly going to be my preferred place if I do decide to leave the house again. In such a place I can just be myself or be on guard, no need to carefully speak or be deliberate with my actions and movements. It's a comfort I think most people won't feel. I ended up buying a new PS2 and probably overpaying, but I don't really mind all that much. The guy was very clear on all the relevant details of my purchase, which I also appreciated, even if I didn't need them at all. As for the store itself, it was a little dark, cramped, and smelled like sweat, but I suppose that's more or less what I'm used to. The store had plenty of cool stuff, a lot of which I had to decide not to buy because I don't want to go broke on stuff I could easily just emulate.
The second store was an unpleasant experience. On walking up the door had signs for preordering games and also recent releases "P3R" and "Dragon's Dogma 2", I immediately knew it was going to be like most video game stores have become in recent years. I went in, and sure enough, the store mostly had recent games (PS4/XBoxOne and forward) up toward the front and a very limited selection of anything older. Some shitty music was playing, the store had a clean/sleek styling that ended up feeling cheap and lifeless, and worst of all, the two employees were bitching about work and other shit I didn't care to listen about and didn't come across as the sort that knew anything about anything before the last generation of console. They had some cool stuff, but in the end I just wanted to get out of there. On the way out, some very normal well off teenagers walked in. It was a bit disappointing, but no matter, the other place is only a couple minutes away.
I think the former place has the right idea. A lot of the time when I go to one of these specialty stores, video games or not, they're very sterile, and the people working there just seem to want you out of there as soon as possible so they can continue doing jack shit (not that I can blame them).
Aside from my little adventure, my mom got a puppy recently, I've been playing with him, he's really cute.
>> No. 42714 [Edit]
Can't you have a store that's clean and nice, but also properly caters to a niche? I don't see why it has to be one or the other.
>> No. 42727 [Edit]
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Your second experience is very similar to the one I had in like 2019. Around December I went into gamestop with my dad and bought like 2 3DS games. The employees acted exactly how you described jfc. And also, I hadn't been to that place since like 2010 or something so I had to wonder why they weren't autists as well...Anyways it's not like game stores matter anymore since most of them became hot topic 2.0. Would've been cool to see at least one place with passionate autists (regardless of how weird they are maybe)
God I wish...I mean I've never been to a dingy place or a place that's in between. I'm convinced places with passionate people are just extremely rare to find or don't exist so easily irl.
>> No. 42728 [Edit]
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I imagine the game market is hard to profit from with a brick and mortar store. Unless you somehow acquire a large supply of old stuff from somebody going out of business, how would you get stock and sell it for a good margin? Why would people interested in that not buy it themselves online? Even if those problems were solved, it would still make more sense to sell things online. Rent is crazy high.

Post edited on 29th Jun 2024, 12:05pm
>> No. 42736 [Edit]
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I started off the day by jumping into VR to attend a "particle live". Which is basically people putting on a performance with effect heavy shows they've made. This was pretty neat, but I did run into some technical issues that made a couple of the acts not work for me.

After that I hit the street. I was approached by Azunyan, Bocchi, and a talking shiba inu. They asked if I knew English. I struggled to answer, they lost interested and left, but I managed to talk to them.
They told me they were on a mission to attack random Japanese people with English. I asked if they were asking them if they knew bocchi the rock and K-on. They were surprised I knew the shows. They asked me if I watched anime. All I said is that I've seen a few shows.
I tagged along with them for a bit as we met a drunk old Japanese man who struggled with English. Him and azunyan got into a beat boxing competition.
A baby with a speaker for a head showed up, told us he's a DJ and started blasting his tunes at us.
The old japanese man turned into a school girl and kept saying "cute girl!"
It was a nice way to start the morning.I just think it's amusing to recount this without explaining it was in VR, because it sounds like a fever dream

A few weeks back I bought new tires for my car. One started to bubble. It had not even 30 miles on it so I took it back to the dealer to get a replacement tire under warranty. They told me it'd take about a week to order a new one and get it installed. They also charged me like $40 for the install once they got it.
At the end of the week after they told me the car was ready I went to pick it up, and they said the car wouldn't start. I asked if the battery was dead, an old man that works there and should know cars told me he had no idea what was wrong with it. I was told to wait till some guy that was working on the car would show up, in a few days.
few days later the old man gives me a call and tells me the thing wouldn't start because the battery was dead, but they recharged it and it's good to go.
I went to pick up the car today. It was more than 104F out today, and they left it outside in the direct sunlight. So yeah it was like an oven and I was burning my fingers on hot metal every time I tried to start the car
The portable jumpstarter I had with me wasn't doing the trick which was when I noticed for some reason they took the cover off the battery and left it open. A month before I took it there for an oil change and found they left the cap off when I got home.
anyways I went in and told em, They gave me a jump, and I drove the oven home with the windows down because the AC doesn't work in the car, with a burning hot shift knob too.
Even my phone gave me warning messages saying it was over heating.
I get home, wait for my mom who was supposed to follow me home after giving me a ride to the dealer, she doesn't show after 15 minutes and doesn't answer the phone.
So I head back out to look for her, half way to the dealer she answers telling me she's at home.

Oh and I bought some plants & shrimp at a pet shop today where one of the items I bought wasn't there when I got home, went back to the shop to talk to them about it, they didn't see any record of me buying the plant I thought was left out, but saw the guy charged me twice for the shrimp for whatever reason and gave me a store credit.

Last week in a desperate attempt to get out of the house and "do" something, I went to the local mall, spent like 10 minutes walking around it and left wondering what the point of that was and what I was doing with my life. While I was there I noticed a sign saying next weekend (this weekend), they would have a summer matsuri. I was expecting just a couple Japanese themed booths at best, but I get there and find they practically converted the mall into a little con. It was pretty impressive, but like with cons most of what was being sold there wasn't too interesting to me. After all I don't need a demon slayer bumper sticker or a $20 dragonballz action figure for $60. I went across the street and bought a gundam kit from a hobbyshop.

Got home and watched one of those fast and the furious movies. They always seemed like dumb garbage, but it also felt weird to me to pass on such a massive franchise. I think part of me was curious why they're so popular. sure enough I was kinda amazed by how stupid it was.

This was my day in a nutshell.
>> No. 42763 [Edit]
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Has anyone ever bought one of those lifesized "sex dolls", one of the silicone or TPE ones from China?
I've no means to buy one at the moment, but it seems at the very least like it would be something nice to be able to hold or just to have in your bed to occupy it, should one be so inclined to do so. The having sex aspect with one seems to be so-so since it requires quite a bit of work to keep it in good shape, as you need to clean it out after each use and treat it the same way you would an onahole, except now you are dealing with 100 lbs, and I would imagine an onahole would feel much better anyways with all the different designs they have for onas. That being said it does seem to be good for dressing up and just having around for one to hold.
It seems that in recent years there has been quite a big advancement in the quality of these dolls. Many brands, like Irontech, seem to go for a "realism" effect which I frankkly think makes most of the dolls look rather ugly, or like some 3DPD "porn star" which is about the last thing I would want to touch, but some of them have rather nice looking faces and a few brands seem to cater more towards and "video game" style, which I guess would be a mix of a western and asian face, but they seem like they can suffer from slightly bad quality, which I suppose makes sense as most things that are gimmicky tend to not be the best quality.
There seems to be quite a lot of different brands, although it seems there are only a handful that are worth ordering, with many of the others either being overpriced or of questionable quality. That being said, even the "good ones" are made to order so there really isn't much of a gurantee of quality with anything, and considering the fact that you are dealing with china, it seems to be quite a gamble considering the cost of these things.
Most of the dolls seem to run about 2-3k including shipping costs and such. Adding on extra stuff like an additional head, seems to add on a few hundred bucks, so it seems to grow pretty quickly. I haven't looked too thoroughly into this stuff as it would be a long time until I could get one, but brands like Zelex and Tayu seem to be quite nice and have some nice innovation in terms of making the silicone "softer", although it does seem that it causes the silicone to be more prone to tearing and damage. These seem to be more "middle ground" brands, but it doesn't seem like you are getting all that much more quality when you pay 5k for some high level doll like gynoid vs something from Tayu or Zelex, with the exception that the heads and such seem to have more detail on them on the higher level dolls, but I wouldn't say that is worth an extra thousand or so dollars. That being said, the faces seem to be the weak point for many brands and the heads aren't really swappable between brands, and possibly between sizes, from what I have read, so I suppose if one were wanting to take lots of photographs of it, why a better looking head would be nice.
Here is a picture of what I'm referring to, but obviously there is a pretty wide range of what the dolls look like.
>> No. 42764 [Edit]
>> No. 42782 [Edit]
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I figure those places usually make income through other means like having an eBay storefront or hosting game tournaments, my local game store does both
>> No. 42789 [Edit]
Work is busting my ass lately and I'm horribly frustrated with my boss. I plan to quit soon, actually this time. I've been looking into going to college like I should have years ago.
Decided to take my lunch break out in my car, as it's a lot more peaceful there and there aren't bright ass lights everywhere. Summer nights have a smell I find to be rather nostalgic, even though the memories it brings are fairly recent. When I was unemployed, I would walk around for hours at night along the empty streets of the near by shopping center. Things were much more simple then, and I spent those hours fantasizing about all kinds of fun scenarios or thinking things through in my everyday life. I would also ponder all kinds of projects, a lot of which I at least made an attempt at.
These days I'm just unhappy and tired. I don't fantasize about anything, I'm too pissed off and frustrated to think of anything nice. This life I'm living now is such a waste compared to the simple and satisfied life I had. I have money now, but I've made few purchases with it that have given me any satisfaction.
Why does it have to be hard to live a simple life?
>> No. 42790 [Edit]
Work six to six 5 days a week, spend the other two days playing games. Rinse and repeat. Whoosh life's been fast forwarded. Life's a joke to hell with it
>> No. 42791 [Edit]
Do you get paid overtime for 6 to 6? Or are you basically counting travel/prep to/from the workplace (effectively turning 9-5 into 8-6 or worse).
>> No. 42792 [Edit]
~40 min travel in one direction + 10 hours of work and yes those 2 hours are paid more.
>> No. 42813 [Edit]
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Update, I ended up getting an "IPS Black", which is basically a straight upgrade to IPS, with deeper blacks and a contrast ratio of 2000:1 instead of 1000:1. This article goes into a bit more depth. Biggest downside is that 4k ones only go up to 60hz, but I'm not that much of a gamer, so it doesn't really matter to me. My last monitor only went up to 75hz.

To me, the blacks are noticeably deeper, but not "shockingly" so, which I would expect from an OLED. The improved color accuracy compared to what I was using before does impress me a lot. In pic related, the new monitor is using the "Rec 2020" color-space and "smart uniformity" setting
>> No. 42834 [Edit]
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The jaws of mental illness have sunk their teeth into me once again. For the first day or 2 everything was fine... When I built my pc, coming from laptops, I tried using a 27 inch monitor, but decided it was too large relative to my desk and got a 22 inch one. Since I've been using that for a year, I figured I might as well try again, thinking maybe I'll be able to adjust this time...

I started noticing an upward right slant on lines and text especially, so I tilted the monitor to compensate, but before I knew it, my monitor was obviously crooked. So I started going back and forth in an OCD-like manner trying to get it straight. Even took out a measuring tape and found out my desk isn't exactly level, but not enough to explain this. No matter what, either text or the screen wasn't straight. So this went on until yesterday, when I noticed that even on other screens, the slant was there...

In my day to day life, I also started noticing slants everywhere and at this point I started getting anxious. I'm not sure anymore whether things actually aren't straight or my eyes/brain are deceiving me, or maybe I'm just noticing this now. On top of that, I developed awful neck pain. So I've decided to go back to my old monitor. The colors look washed out and the problem persists, although maybe it's getting better...
>> No. 42835 [Edit]
How did you get over it the first time?

Well, I was thinking about posting about my OCD before I came to post, and I saw your post, so I may as well share some of my experiences, or rather, what I've learned recently. Recently, I was away from home for a while, and I have realized how much of my OCD is simply due to my fucking environment. Being in this new environment reduced my contamination concerns to the point of nearly being non-existent. Particularly, my family's animals set off my OCD. I seriously hate cats and fucking dogs. They piss and shit over everything, smell like ass, bring fleas into the house, walk all over my clean fucking shit. Despite telling my mother about this, she still wants to keep bringing home random fucking animals. Yet, she yells at me for washing my hands for so long but will never ever hear a god damned thing I say. She sees the amount of discomfort I am in. She sees me cry when an animal runs into my bedroom, jumping onto my sheets I've just cleaned. I hate seeing the catbox residue over my clean fucking laptop. I have been bothered by the animals for over a damned decade by now. Not only that, but there is a horrendous flea infestation that every time I walk into the carpet, my legs will be covered in fleas. My legs look horrible because I keep getting bitten, but I can't do anything about it because trying to mess with anything with the animals leads me to have to wash my hands to the point of bleeding more than they already are. Not only that, but we have this dog that was clearly abused and part of a puppy mill at somepoint, and he barks and screams like he is being murdered every single time a new person comes to our house. He especially hates my brother. He will screech, he is loud, and he is very, very skittish. He bounces around anxiously, and it gives me so much anxiety. He also perpetually has accidents, and I can never walk on my own floor without fear of stepping in something. I always have to leave my door shut and have to be very vigilant to prevent the cats from getting all over everything. It's all topped off by the fact that the pads the animals use are directly in front of our washer and dryer, and my parents have no sense of cross contamination, and touch the outside washer and dryer after touching the pads. They'll defend their actions by saying they only touched the clean edges of the pad, but the floor is soaked yellow from piss, and the whole house smells like a damn animal farm. Even if I attempt to sanitize all of the shit they touch, they do the same thing. For this reason, I have to be extremely vigilant when washing my clothes or doing my laundry to avoid having them touch anything contaminated in that god forbidden room. My mother only continues to shout at me, and whenever I try to tell her anything, she tells me to get over it or dismisses me in some other way. This is fucking hell.

Otherwise, I constantly have to visualize right triangles, and when I exit a car, house, or something else, I have to envision the color green. This coincides with certain actions, and it has to be done in the correct order. I have complex number systems with meanings. For instance, the number twelve means "completion" to me. Whenever I completed an action, I would have to do something related to the number 12 with it. So, when I was done writing in my notebook, I would have to write twelve lines at the top. Five is protection. Four is death. Colors also have meaning. Red is failure. Purple is protection. Green is good. Blue is bad. I can not park next to red cars, nor can I park in the fourth row of a parking lot. If I end up having to do an unlucky action of the former, then I have to do another lucky action to compensate for it, like visualizing purple. I also had 4chan OCD for the longest time and had to hide every post in the thread after I was done with it. I had to lurk boards in a certain order and certain threads in a certain order. Some boards were more unlucky than others, and I had to lurk the most unlucky board first before lurking a more lucky board. The luckiest board was lurked the last. The luckiness of a board was determined by the letters they started with or the culture they had. /jp/ and /g/ were lucky boards for me while /d/ and /k/ were not because they symbolized death and killing to me because the letters they started with. /jp/ means just protection in my obsessive compulsive mind, and /g/ means good. The order in which I lurked threads were also determined by luck, and I could choose only a set number of threads to lurk based on what number is lucky to me. Certain days and months were also luckier, but it was a holistic determination process. So May 5th, is a very lucky day, but April 4th is a very unlucky day. An inbetween example is October 17th, which is a neutral day. Other times, to determine the luck of a day, then the month and day number would be added together, and that single number would determine whether it was lucky or not. so, February 3rd is considered somewhat lucky because 2 and 3 add together to make 5. The world is also separated into left and right for me. Left brings bad things, and the right must be protected. Essentially, the right side must be protected from the left side. So, if I had a pillow in a case, then I would face the open end to the right because the pillow would otherwise be vulnerable. If I had bottles or books or something with letterings on my desk, then things with the letter P would go to the left side to ward off bad things.
>> No. 42836 [Edit]
>Four is death
Did you feel this even before any knowledge of japanese?
>> No. 42837 [Edit]
No, I did not.
>> No. 42838 [Edit]
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>How did you get over it the first time?
The first time I tried using a 27 inch monitor, I didn't have this problem. I quickly stopped using it cause it felt uncomfortable large. I'm hoping this problem eventually just goes away. Even before this started, I scheduled an appointment with an eye doctor next month because my vision has generally gotten pretty bad.

While I've always had a bit of trouble with intrusive thoughts, you've definitely got it a lot worse. Hope you're able to move out of there.
>> No. 42841 [Edit]
I'm glad to hear you got over yours. Do you have any particular tips or tricks for getting over anything like that?

I see. Most of my invasive thoughts are about defecation, vomiting, or urination in public.

I don't know if I'd call my mother a narcissist, but I've seriously questioned her perception at points. My father, sure. Seems like she's ok sleeping in fleas. Apparently, people at the place she worked started noticing fleas around... I talked to my mother about getting rid of the one dog, and she simply said that our first dog needed a friend. But really, our first dog is old, and probably has some kind of health problem (everytime you touch him in a certain area, he screams violently.) He's had this for a while. But, it turns out he's having accidents, and the other dog is copying him. She'd also say, "But he's just too cute." He's an ugly mutt who screams at every opportunity. Our other dog, ok, I can see the cuteness. My mother has far too much on her plate to deal with these animals. I don't know why she does this. I guess it's the desire to be a provider. Yet, she complains about not being able to keep up with anything.
>> No. 42886 [Edit]
File 172358493992.jpg - (1.33MB , 1011x1405 , 121092837_p0.jpg )
I got myself an electric air blower to clean my pc. The only type of cleaning I've done is the occasional light dusting. Haven't used it yet, since restarting my pc will be a pain.
>> No. 42909 [Edit]
File 172413667592.jpg - (612.87KB , 1920x1080 , 6de8b74228c858c1365046d455b3409ff970123b.jpg )
Hello. It's been years since I've used imageboards really, and this place is still chugging along. I hope things aren't too bad for all my brohnos.

Tohno, how are you doing? I hope things are better than two years ago. How is the spam situation? I have long thought the western imageboard was dead because of how easily they can be killed with illegal spam. I'm happy it's still around.
>> No. 42910 [Edit]
File 172414933073.gif - (386.70KB , 110x110 , 1723464922432732.gif )
This imageboard is awesome and I check it daily. Western imageboards are still alive and will be for a long time.
>> No. 42911 [Edit]
This site is misery and despair incarnate. It's not wrong in itself, but calling it "awesome" is weird. I'd call this site "just right" for the purposes of being unhappy with your life.
Also people here are for the most part moe-minded, so if you're too, you can have a fun moe discussion. What else could you wish for?
>> No. 42912 [Edit]
That is an incredibly annoying and obnoxious gif. I don't know what to think of you for posting it, except negative things.
>> No. 42919 [Edit]
File 172446622947.png - (1.94MB , 1400x937 , Spike_Suburbs.png )
I feel drained of anything resembling any hope or happiness for the future. Despite being past the age that one would have expected someone to have graduated, I'm still stuck in college, albeit not due to class failure or dropping out but just because I never even started it until a few years ago when I enrolled, but even in spite of the fact that I begin my final year of schooling, so about 3 more semesters as I go during the summertimes, I feel nothing but a bleak pessimism at the prospects that the future has to offer me. Even in a "prestigious" degree such as engineering, in the "Western world" at least to my knowledge, you still face the same issues one might face if you breezed your way through a business degree or some similar degree requiring a fraction of the amount of effort. This is a hyperbole on my part somewhat, but it's become apparent to anyone who looks at the state of things that putting in effort into a dying system is like dealing with a conman, convinced you can outwit them because you've struck a deal with someone before.

I feel as though every semester, despite receiving more "knowledge" I get progressively more retarded as age continues to march upon me and every semester the classes get a bit more difficult to put in the effort and dedication to complete these courses. The content never seems to stick well with me even by the end of a semester I find myself forgetting the things I have learned, just cramming things in to pass a test. Even when the knowledge is applied, nothing ever sticks as I just cram that knowledge of whatever I need to know, and it is gone again. I hear people around me talk of bright futures and furthering their education and all manner of other things, but all of it seems detached from reality. On one or two occassions where I might interject with the fact that the job market, as a whole, is quite hostile to anything domestic, as production gets offshored at the drop of a hat, if they don't bring the workers in using fraudulent visas, it's dismissed as just a "hurdle" that one needs to get through then they will have their promised life of high wages, a house, vacations, and interesting work. It's come time to do a final project, supposedly a cumulation of all that we have learned and an application that is supposed to be some noteworthy project to talk about in interviews and other such things, but as they go through all the aspects of it, and as I look at other schools around me, it is obvious to me that it's mostly just a show these types of schools put on to convince students that they didn't waste years studying, stressing, and wasting both time and money, to get a certificate doesn't even gurantee you a better job, as you now have to compete with said jobs alongside someone with forged credentials and experience from halfway across the world who may not even speak English coherently, if at all.

You can't make some large project from scratch in a 4-5 months that is actually going to be noteworthy in any way. They may try to enter some competition, but even the larger universities with more money to give and, in theory, more talented people, or just more people in general and not 3-4 who just have to be there for a grade, often end up having to work on these projects over multiple years with the assistance of large corporations providing financial and technical help, with the help of previous members who have experience in how everything is laid out, from the faculty who have some degree of expertise in the area, yet I suppose it demonstrates the hubris of the modern day academic to see some problem or contest and assume that with just enough hard work and dedication, one can push through and achieve good results. They completely ignore the reality of the situation that they are in and continue to hold true to ideals that they aren't capable of recognizing that they themselves are holding. It's a wonder the average person is able to get riled up about anything given how apathetic they are to everything in their life that doesn't immediately effect them. Even the idea of death isn't tangible to these people, just a concept that floats around which occasionally scares them when they think too hard on the fac that maybe they won't reap the benefits of the systems they have paid into, fearful that they won't get their promised return from the state for so dutifully paying into the grand scheme they have been promised.

I've been placed into a group with people to construct a project, although you are allowed to build your own, but I feel at this point, what purpose is there into putting forth the effort to build a fancy project, to impress someone that can't tell apart reality from the fantasy that is laid out before them, that would sell their souls to ensure that they get their bowl of rice, to live a few more years. At this point, I'll only finish out of a sense of principle, due to the fact that I've put forth money into this, so I may as well get any form of return outside the nebulous concept of "knowledge" that isn't applicable in any way outside the decaying halls of academia. I suppose with that line of thinking I am, to some degree, no different from those I cast my gaze upon, refusal to admit what I plainly see, refusal to alter my path lest there might be something better for me. The only real resistance I could possibly muster up is attempting to pursue some easier path, as nothing meaningful will result compared to the work put forward, but I'm not even sure if such a path is present for me outside of just accepting what I have been assigned, as with that I could just work on my section and hope that all goes well in the grand scheme of things. Even a few years ago I still held out some hope that things could turn around, misguided hope based on the principle that my efforts had some meaningful force behind them. But as I already knew to some degree the direction things were heading and was simply wishing that they would turn around, that hope is even more stupid in a way than those who sincerly believed their own lies. But part of it is just borne out of pure laziness, knowing that verring off the path would only result in a non-stop stream of manual, yet menial, labor until I decide to put an end to it.

While this post is does have complaining about the university system, and the country as a whole, and how it's currently designed to set people up for failure at the expense of the students for the gain of the school administration, as they repeat empty platitudes to themselves out loud, at it's core it is also just an increasingly lazy person mad at the fact that just by pure chance you could end up being the one having to put in more work and effort for the same, if not less, results that others get, many times with nothing to show for it. That being said, even if I did go back to minimum wage work, it wouldn't result in a much better solution. It just seems at the rate I am going this "last year" could easily extend into 2, as everything hinges on the determination to get things done and "learn" so that you can pass, as you are fed garbage and nonsense with the expectation that it is turned into something tangible and meaningful. It isn't much suprise that cheating is so rampanat these days, seeing what passes for an, increasingly expensive, education.
>> No. 42920 [Edit]
File 172447221441.png - (3.15MB , 1283x1800 , c71fb4fa2a5d4fd10dfbb8d4120f20c4.png )
I can't give any advice as another engineer. It's what I started with in college, but COVID happened and I completely lost the plot. So I switched to comp sci and graduated this May. Managed to get a contract job at least. One thing I will say is that with programming, actually making something is pretty straightforward and can be very satisfying.

Although you don't remember the details of what you learned, I'm certain you have an easier time grasping certain new concepts than average people, and can re-acquire stuff you forgot fairly quickly. That can be leveraged even in a personal project if not a job. Maybe even in combination with software development.
>> No. 42959 [Edit]
>> No. 42961 [Edit]
Moving back in with my mom ended up being a lot more annoying that I expected, I thought she got better and more independent during my absence, but she's just as clingy as ever.
Recently I saw a reasonably priced home for sale on my feed and thought it might make for a nice investment, maybe even a home of my own that I could go to on the weekends (since it'd be a 3 hour drive from work), but the realtor wouldn't even talk to me if I wasn't already pre-approved. I went down that process, half wanting to not even bother since they were making it such a pain in the ass, especially as they needed my mom to cosign. After more than a month of slow back and froths with document requests I got cleared.
What I wanted as a home for myself quickly went out the window. My mom decided she wants to retire again, and has been talking a lot about us selling our home to buy something cheaper in bumfug nowhere, located between Onehorse City and the town of Tumbleweed Magnet. It'd be paid off and with our passive incomes, neither of us would need to work.
It might be a good chance to go back to being a NEET, and lord knows I'm sick of driving two hours a day to a job that's mental torture. It drives me nuts not having free time anymore for anything. All hobbies and interests have basically taken a backseat at this point. What I really need is a place of my own already, but the housing market being such garbage that's likely to never happen.

Sometimes I can't tell if people are referring to me or the site. Terrible naming I know...
If it's the former

If it's the later, spam hasn't been an issue for a while and we're holding it together somehow, even if barely.
>> No. 42962 [Edit]
I think living with your mother in isolation, without even a reason to leave to leave the house, would drive you crazy. You seemed happier while you were living in Washington.
>> No. 42963 [Edit]
I've been feeling acutely sick today. This crap just beats me. I want to lie down and freeze to death.
>> No. 42976 [Edit]
I just discovered a bunch of books from the 17th century I wish I could read.
If you know Latin, have fun:"Kircher%2C+Athanasius"
>> No. 42977 [Edit]
File 172824125083.jpg - (35.50KB , 300x300 , 513367ed45947459ab78cae7691d4c6c2beef6bb6f685f2d1b.jpg )
Today I've been trying to educate myself a bit. Since I dropped out of high school (or rather my country's equivalent, but I'll call it high school for simplicity's shake), I didn't really have any education and lately I've felt inadequate, because of that. It's not that I want to make up for my high school diploma, for better or for worse I'm too stupid for that anyway, but it's more of self-esteem thing, so I don't have to feel bad about myself for being 'uneducated'. resolve this issue, I'm learning proper Anglospeak, some high-school level math and if I feel like it, some Katakana too. Regarding English, I haven't found anything, with which I could improve my writing/understanding skills really, but for math I found a neat website and some PDFs of school books with respective exercises and for Japanese (or rather just Katakana), I use an Anki deck, that seemed good enough.

So, yeah, that's basically what I was doing today. I look forward to exercise regularly and hopefully git gud (and consequentially maybe feel better about myself).
>> No. 42988 [Edit]
In between my usual nightmares, I had a rare good dream that made me happy instead of wanting to cry. I wish my brain would give me more of those.
>> No. 42995 [Edit]
Meant to respond sooner, but yeah I've thought a lot about what you said and I think you're right. She's already driving me crazy with just two days a week.
I've had to wonder though, while yeah I do kinda miss Washington and would like to move back there someday, part of me wonders if the thing that made it most appealing wasn't simply that my mother wasn't there. She's by no means a bad person and I keep telling myself to be nicer to her, but I hate being around here and it shows. A lot of what she does is frustrating and annoying, and it can be annoying having to act as her interpreter, driver, recruiter, handyman, accountant, and more. I think more than anything part of me resents her for not letting me half a life of my own, but to that I think she's not technically stopping me and I'm probably just using her as an excuse.
Then again she did blow $200 on slots today, after wasting my weekend making me driver her around town like every weekend.

I can't pretend I was jumping for joy and loving every minute of life there in Washington, in fact it often felt very pointless and depressing, but I would say looking back the main source of my misery there was work related, and with the high cost of living I couldn't stay without that job. Second to that was probably just falling into a repetitive rut. I guess another factor would be I'm not used to or really cut out for apartment life. I'm getting older now and I've spent nearly all of my life friendless and alone, I don't know how to live any other way. There were times living there when I just didn't want to even see another person, and let a pizza get ruined in the oven because of it. I think I even fucked up a friendship with a person that used to come here and the IRC but has since left, and it feels safe to say it was probably because of some of the stuff I said and did over the year plus we shared a living space. I think I give the impression online that I'm smart and fun and clever and reliable and whatever, but in reality I don't feel like I'm any of those things. I'm not sure if I'd go as far as to say I'm a bad person, but I'm definitely no fun to be around.

Post edited on 14th Oct 2024, 8:34pm
>> No. 42996 [Edit]
We love you Tohno.
>> No. 42997 [Edit]
I think most people on TC probably would not get along with each other in real-life, even though I think of all you anons fondly on this imageboard. That's part of the magic of the internet I guess, it allows you to selectively expose your best self without needing to also show the uglier parts.
>> No. 42998 [Edit]
>I think most people on TC probably would not get along with each other
Correct. I viciously hate seeing living faces in the first 30-60 minutes after waking up. This doesn't apply to close relatives, probably because like a dog I got used to them enough they don't make me want to growl. But living in dorms with other people has been all but agonizing misery because people just wouldn't leave me the fuck alone in the fucking morning.
>> No. 43014 [Edit]
File 172935980358.jpg - (2.98MB , 4032x3024 , 20241019_123129.jpg )
So I got the Kadenz. It's very nicely packaged and feels like it has great build quality. The drivers are matte steal, so no more paint-chipping.

Haven't listened to it enough to have "brain burn-in", but here are my initial impressions: compared to the Aria, it's more detailed. There's little things I notice which I wouldn't have on those. The vocals are more separated from the instruments. Bass is subdued and doesn't have much of a "thump". However, it also comes with a dsp adapter with a usb-c end. Not sure about the details, but it allows you to adjust the tuning(add more bass or whatever else). If you listen to music on your phone, that might pique your interest.

Switching from the "spring tips" to the regular ones, improved the bass and seal, so I'd recommend using those.

Post edited on 19th Oct 2024, 1:02pm
>> No. 43030 [Edit]
File 172977555652.jpg - (64.95KB , 616x387 , solitaire.jpg )
>How was your day? Did you do anything nice?
I've been rather invested in playing Solitaire lately. I've known the game before, but I never actually bothered getting really into it. It's nice, for once because it's like a lot of card games basically a glorified card sorting session, which just feels good to me, but also because you can play it alone. Usually I play Solitaire with PySolFC, a free and very feature-rich implementation (most features are just gimmicks, but the plenitude of Solitaire variants other than just Klondike and Freecell is nice, also you can change the look of your background and cards). However, I thought to reduce my screen time, I bought a set of Solitaire cards. In theory you can play most Solitaire games with just a French 52-card set, but those are particularly small, so they don't take up as much space. See the picture attached. There is a lighter and USB-Stick for comparison. While you cannot really improve your skill nor really see any progress otherwise, it's what I've been up to lately and it's quite fun in my opinion.
>> No. 43038 [Edit]
File 173004559378.jpg - (253.56KB , 1536x2048 , __reisen_udongein_inaba_touhou_drawn_by_plus2sf__9.jpg )
I felt a little nostalgic for my imageboard admin days, so started putting together another one. Not sure I'll ever share it openly or anything or even allow posts. It's just fun to put together an imageboard how I want it. Actually managing it? Not so fun.
It's nothing interesting. Just another touhou themed board since I learned that .reisen is a valid tld.
>> No. 43039 [Edit]
Uh-huh, I guess I couldn't expect @raisenf*g not to visit this board.
>> No. 43040 [Edit]
Yeah, I also like the idea of being an imageboard/BBS admin, but I can't stand the idea, that in case it actually becomes a community of people, that regularly post and care for the board, that I have to take care of it for a long time. You can't just create and leave it to somebody else, because if you do that, it will change in ways you don't like, no matter how good the people or intentions of those people are, so you are never really free of it. Maybe it would be beneficial to have some responsibility in my life, but currently I don't want this. Most projects are finished at some point or can be left at rest, but an internet community is constant work and responsibility.
>> No. 43097 [Edit]
File 173092989413.png - (81.76KB , 833x621 , aoc2023day12goldSmall.png )
December is approaching.
Anyone feel like doing Advent of Code this year again?
>> No. 43098 [Edit]
File 173093571897.jpg - (180.45KB , 751x1058 , GWb4_XbXUAIj6aF.jpg )
Never done it before. How hard is it? Like designing algorithms hard? Maybe I'll use it to learn Rust.
>> No. 43099 [Edit]
File 173093961921.png - (22.89KB , 550x432 , aoc2023day1goldEval.png )
the beginning of the month starts out very easy and then gets progressively harder (although 2023 had a tricky day 1). I usually quit at some point during the 3rd week because the puzzles just take too long to solve, and sometimes I lack the necessary math background.

In the first couple of days the hardest part is just parsing the input text, sometimes literally all you need to know is how to use regex, pic very much related.

you can do it in any language, there are people who do it in Excel. I've used ARM assembly, Z Shell, Clojure and Dart.

If you want a good time, the best-suited language would probably be one with weak dynamic typing and a good ecosystem. Python, JS, Ruby etc.
>> No. 43100 [Edit]
>weak dynamic typing
Don't Python and Ruby have strong dynamic typing?
>> No. 43101 [Edit]
Yup. They're both strongly typed.
>> No. 43102 [Edit]
I feel too insecure about my abilities for puzzles like that
>> No. 43103 [Edit]
File 173096086324.jpg - (101.30KB , 850x1181 , sample_8db487bc1ef4c87a4b6b1650dd4bd149.jpg )
soooo... how do ya'll study exactly? i just have a hard time motivating myself. having to take a bunch of classes that I don't care about. i'm in my second semester and i'm not doing so well.
>> No. 43104 [Edit]
>do ya'll study exactly
>i just have a hard time motivating myself
Motivation can only come from within. Nothing anybody tells you can make you motivated.
>> No. 43105 [Edit]
yes, sorry my writing was unclear.
Python and Ruby are high-level, dynamic, and have large ecosystems, so they're a good choice for solving most of those puzzles quickly.

Some other Languages that let you do stuff like 4 - "3" have the slight advantage that you have to spend less time writing type conversions.
>> No. 43106 [Edit]
they're meant to improve your abilities so have to feel less insecure in the long run, though
>> No. 43107 [Edit]
Not studying anything. Most likely going to be expelled this time. Gonna spend some years wageslaving then kill myself, but actually I won't even have to do that, life's got me covered everywhere.
>> No. 43108 [Edit]
File 173097411571.jpg - (37.65KB , 573x714 , 1716443227236481.jpg )
I have known about AoC for a while know, but I missed out on it every time, but I might do it this year™, in particular when Brohnos are doing it too.
>> No. 43111 [Edit]
Work got really stressful in the last month after I got merged with some other team and was made to basically juggle the work of two while being micro managed more, then the guy I was working with jumped ship leaving me to carry the work of what should have really been three. Sometimes I'd struggle just to figure out what they even want me to do each day. I started making a lot of mistakes and it caught up to me. I had been so stressed I though I'd have a brain hemorrhage or heart attack right then and there, and even made a resignation letter last week I kept debating on sending. Today I got a surprise visit from my bosses boss who took me to a meeting room to go over some concerns with my performance, and during the meeting I told I'm quitting.

Recently I'd told some people I was thinking of quitting and this is what I said about it:
I hate the hours, and can't get used to waking up so early. I get home so late I have little free time for anything, which is why I stay up latter than I should to try and get more out of the day, but then I pay for it the next day...
I drive more than an hour there and an hour back, which is putting a lot of wear and tear on my car, costs a bit in gas, and also has the issue with how terrible people drive in Texas. The route I take is pretty bad and there's accidents almost every single day that make it take longer.
Every morning I'm tired and use energy drinks to stay awake, and I can feel the impact it's having on my health. Ever since starting this job like six months ago I've started slowly gaining weight because of this unhealthy life style. part of that is being forced to take lunch at 12, when I used to always take it at 3 so I'd just have one meal a day, but by doing it at 12 I find myself wanting to eat again when I get off work.
The workload is crazy and hard to keep up with, so much so even with cutting tons of corners I can barely keep up. I constantly feel like I'm going be found out and fired or something, (which is kinda what's waiting for me on Monday in fact.)
I don't feel like I belong there, I'm not qualified for the work, I'm too stupid to understand even half of it. I spend a lot of time just trying to figure out what they even want me to do with some of the stuff they've been giving me lately.
I'm constantly stressed while I'm there, paranoid, and tired.

I'll probably never get a job that pays on this level again, but it just doesn't seem worth it. I know I probably sound like a crybaby who should suck it up and deal, which is what I've done for the last couple years, but I just can't anymore.
>> No. 43112 [Edit]
Did you have to move to Texas for work, or could you have stayed in Washington?

Post edited on 7th Nov 2024, 9:44pm
>> No. 43118 [Edit]
>I know I probably sound like a crybaby who should suck it up and deal
You would indeed sound like this to somebody who's never had their mental health completely fucked up. To me you sound hundred percents legit and I highly relate to what you describe. I experience more or less the same thing right now. I am so tired of alternating. It's an endless loop of giving up, sinking to the bottom, then trying to stand up again and the repeating the cycle. And each time it only gets worse and worse as I loose my ability to cope and find meaning to this all.

Hang on there Tohno. I believe in you.
>> No. 43130 [Edit]
Have you tried get an overseas job as an outsourced worker?
>> No. 43134 [Edit]
I think that was meant as a joke? I certainly laughed.
>> No. 43135 [Edit]
No? Anyways forget about it.
>> No. 43136 [Edit]
Well, the options were to take the transfer or find a new job. Pretty sure their was their way of indirectly letting go of employees they didn't want to fire/lay off. They just didn't count on me having my mother in Texas. I technically could have stayed in Washington, but I wouldn't have been able to afford rent and was having no luck with job hunting.

>And each time it only gets worse and worse as I loose my ability to cope and find meaning to this all.
Yeah it's a real motivation killer when it feels like no mater what you do, nothing really changes. I lost sight of the point, but I think it helped to give myself something to work towards. For a long time there I kept thinking about fixing up my old Junker of a car into something nice, maybe going full itsasha with it. It wasn't much but it gave me a little reason to keep going into work, which eventually turned more into stock investing and the hope of getting enough in passive income to not have to work. Life would still be pointless without having to work, but at least there would be time for all those little distractions.
>> No. 43139 [Edit]
I think if I were in the US I would try to save up about $100k, then use maybe $25k of that money to buy an apartment in East Germany or some other former communist area with low real estate prices, then live off of passive income and savings for 10 years. Maybe do a menial job for 20 hours a week so that the money doesn't dry up.
>> No. 43140 [Edit]
You realize it's a lot of money?
>> No. 43141 [Edit]
Cost of living would make that very difficult.
People from Mexico come here all the time with similar dreams and are lucky if they can even save $10,000 in ten plus years. Things aren't much better for locals. They say the average person here has less than $1,000 in savings.
The better the job you get the more expensive the cost of living will be near said job. If you're lucky you can get remote work and live somewhere cheap but there's been a lot of push back with that in recent years. Realistically you'll be spending most of your pay just for a place to sleep, bills, food, cost of transportation, and more. The only way you're getting to that price point is luck, starting a business and being one of the %1 that doesn't fail in the first year, decades of climbing some corporate ladder while using every trick and connection you can, doing some illegal shit, or basically becoming obsessed with money and working multiple jobs with various income streams outside of those jobs as you bruite force your way to the top.
>> No. 43142 [Edit]
Would that really be enough? The amount I have is a little above that, and I live on passive income in Latin America. Comfortably, but with very little space for growth.
>> No. 43168 [Edit]
Another failure reporting in. Continue descend. Accelerate on the downwards spiral. Hope is successfully lost. No way out. Death imminent. Celebrate
>> No. 43185 [Edit]
Yesterday was my last day at work. It was an odd mix of somber, exciting, worrisome, and kind of annoying.
Few knew/noticed I was leaving, and even less cared. Of course that's all on me, I was about as sociable as a brick, intentionally so in fact. I avoided interacting with people as much as I could, kept practically no personal items at my desk, never spoke to people if I didn't have to, never wore anything with logos or markings, basically nothing that could start a conversation.
I'd say there were maybe five or so people who knew I was leaving. A former partner of sorts was the only one who seemed to be interested, but only because he wanted to ransack my desk for supplies bugged me about this multiple times shamelessly, even when I was clearly busy.
There was also this other Indian guy who you could maybe call an acquaintance at best from the Washington branch who finally got transferred to the Texas branch a week before I was leaving. He seemed a bit disappointed, but mostly because I was something familiar in this strange new place, that said we talked like twice, briefly.
From what I noticed, seemed like the usual tradition was for people in the office to vote on a restaurant to meet up at during lunch when someone is leaving (which always ended up as the same Indian restaurant), no one said a word in my case though so I just had a burger in my car while watching the last ep of Mr Robot (I had been watching the show during my lunch breaks for a while, and it just lined up perfectly).
For that matter, I played free bird in my car as I made my way out of the parking garage and left at the end of the day, and to my surprise there was a part of me that was actually kind of sad to go, but it was very much so time to go.
>> No. 43186 [Edit]
what was your job
>> No. 43187 [Edit]
Basically testing smart phone software updates before they roll out to the public.
>> No. 43198 [Edit]
File 173308081552.png - (127.19KB , 1920x1043 , aoc2024day1goldDart.png )
well it started today, in case you're still up for it
>> No. 43199 [Edit]
File 173308159735.jpg - (137.80KB , 1381x1354 , 2b4d44bd4f6f6436e42af6b21e2bc0db.jpg )
A few days ago, I went to an omakase for the first time, a place about half an hour away. It was nice. Really liked the sea urchin with ikura and rice. Never had raw shrimp before. That and the scallop were my favorite. The atmosphere was fancy, and I was a little nervous about picking up and eating the nigiri with my hands.
>> No. 43200 [Edit]
File 173314425593.jpg - (693.11KB , 1145x1628 , ed21a1140ba2ab41d79769d19d9c59de.jpg )
Yup, I'm still interested. I was posting already here:
Once I finish more, I will post more.
>> No. 43250 [Edit]
Went to a con over the weekend. I got the badge before I left my job. Needed a change of scenery for a bit.
Skip ahead to now that I'm a NEET again and.. I dunno, I guess it was something to do? I don't think I really had high hopes or expectations. In the past I thought cons might be a way of making friends/contacts with like minded people, and that train of thought only ended in disappointment the first few times I went.
I learned that most go to these things with their preestablished groups and have no interest in making new friends. (though one time I did successfully arrange for a small meeting for friendless people at a con via it's discord server.)
There are the types trying to friend collect but I don't think they're the type you'd really want to associate with. There's a lot of people at these cons who don't really have much interest in the material for that matter, so we wouldn't have much in common, and trying to befriend someone like that just... feels pointless?
So with that in mind I didn't really expect anything to come of it. Didn't see anything I felt like buying as I already have so much and the stuff at these places is over priced anyway. I think more than anything I was just bored for most of my time there. I saw everything I needed to from the sales floor the first day I went, but did other laps that day and the next just as something to do, and to maybe see if I missed anything.
On my first day there all I really did worth noting was play pachinko at a display booth thing, which is something that comes up in anime&manga a lot so I've always been a bit curious about it, and sure enough it's like slots but twice as bad. Then I attend a panel for guessing the name of gatcha games via really blurry promo art on a projector. It took half an hour to start because the people running it didn't pre-download anything and were relying on terrible cellphone internet in a place where no one had signal. Admittedly I was impressed with how good people seemed to be at the game once it got going. I was only able to name a few myself, but didn't do any actual guessing because other people were running over each other to grab the mic and take a guess, which I didn't much feel like doing. There was an anime jeopardy panel after that, after debating with myself if I really even wanted to attend, I went in, and found myself sitting next to some guys screaming and arguing at each other about One Piece. I thought to myself "yeeeeeah no, fuck this." and left. I could still hear them as I left the room.
After that I went to the trading card game room, which was dead. I spoke with the guy running it, who apparently never heard of weiss schwarz, which I thought I might try playing there if given the chance. He asked about it after trying and failing a few times to get me to pick up the one piece game, so I tried to explain(poorly) while showing him my Bocchi The Rock themed deck. He asked what the characters were from so I tried to explain Bocchi to him, Apparently he wasn't familiar with K-on either or anything similar. I did learn at least, these guys pay $500 a day for internet access.
I tried going to the videogame room where every station was taken due to a tournament. As I left I got pressured to take a look at a demo for a really terrible looking sumo game. It was some low poly top down chess like thing, which looked like shovel wear, yet people for some reason seemed really interested. I got tired of waiting for a turn at a game that I wasn't interested in and left.
Drove to the con the next morning (Saturday) And ended up just spending most of the day in the gaming room playing mariokart with some random guy as we both killed time waiting on a super smash bros tournament, which I was knocked out of in my first round. While there someone I spoke to on the con discord came by the pick up an uma musume figure I agreed to trade to him for some lego (I accidentally ordered two, and you know how amiami is). He didn't know who the character was (Kitasan Black, MC of season 3) but he was the only person who was interested all the same.
Best part of the day or even con itself must have been going to the gundam workshop, where they give you a free gundam model and 30 minutes to put it together. I was racing the clock to assemble mine and barely knocked it out with less than a minute to spare. (I think they expect most people to finish it at home, and maybe buy some tools to do so, wink wink)
went to have a crappy lunch down the street at a subway next to the busstop, apparently homeless people like to hang out there. went back to tour the sales floor a little more just to have something to do. Ended up just sitting at a table alone in the lounge area playing mobile games till 8pm. There was an after party thing I considered going to, but I never been the party type and it just seemed like a pain in the ass really, so I went home. Decided to pass on going for Sunday. Felt like I had seen enough. I think I might not bother going to one of these things again any time soon.

Post edited on 28th Dec 2024, 3:17pm
>> No. 43251 [Edit]
File 173383258476.jpg - (180.74KB , 1920x1080 , Pseudo_Harem_S01E03_1080p_B-Global_WEB-DL_AAC2_0_H.jpg )
Umm... actually, it's not "gatcha", it's "gacha" (ガチャ). Also I have no idea what "shovel wear" is, is that some sort of clothing for blue collar workers? I think you mean "shovelware"?
>> No. 43253 [Edit]
Sounds depressing.
>> No. 43254 [Edit]
>waiting on a super smash bros tournament, which I was knocked out of in my first round
Be happy you weren't molested.
>> No. 43255 [Edit]
dude literally got outside to visit a con and spent some time among so called human being why do you make it sound depressing?

why not just say the truth that's: wow tohno good to see you don't give up on life, don't worry, modern society isn't designed to allows us to make connections, if the world is big and it is impossible that all like minded people are already on tohno, so keep going i am sure you won't stay alone your entire life, even if you never experience something as mind blowing as you can see in anime

but no you make everything depressed. wait, is this board *actually* oriented to Japanese culture!? show me moe that isn't propagating friendliness, reassurance and mutual support. why not try to be like anime!?

a fellow is actually struggling to keep up with life and all we do is say some few miserable words in vein of 'yea depressive'. this isn't moe at all!

don't you give up! MINNAAAAA. where is the power of kinship!? pheeew. i won't stand for it. at least not when i'm not fucking suicidal, i'm either hypomanic right now or something of the sort anyway i'm not even half joking right now, when somebody feels down the only moe response is to reassure them, not dig them deeper

you're good tohno just keep going
>> No. 43257 [Edit]
He went there and had a bad experience, why don't you go there and have a great one if you think that's the case? There is nothing inherently good with going to events or interacting with other people, going to a shitty con just to be disappointed is not a huge addition to life, you talk as if it was about trying to quit heroin.

Post edited on 10th Dec 2024, 9:18am
>> No. 43258 [Edit]
stop being so unmoe it doesn't matter what happened in the end he isn't idle and is trying to do something with his life. reconsider your values and reassure him instead. then tomorrow when you feel down he'll reassure you in return. that's how moe works
>> No. 43261 [Edit]
The one being unmoe here is you, I can't conceive of a situation where characters will encourage another to go to a place where she had a bad experience, felt bored or inadequate. Again, if you want to be reassured, why don't you go there and then present here what a great time you had?
>> No. 43262 [Edit]
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you completely missed the point of my post, created a strawman and are now attacking him. please let's just calm down, you and i
>> No. 43265 [Edit]
At least it seems to have some verisimilitude of a convention, the one in my city is 99% about cosplay (half of them American heroes), k-pop competitions and youtuber pseudo-celebrities.
>> No. 43268 [Edit]
You are correct sir.

Yeah I've played countless videogames over the years, but I don't really do multiplayer or competitive games so I never developed the skills necessary for these things. I only really bothered with smash and Mario kart as those are some I played the single player campaigns on.

I think the cosplaying thing has always been a huge part of them, even in japan. Always seemed a bit silly to me and not my cup of tea, but I figured I'd try to loosen up a bit and give it a chance for this con with something that wouldn't look too crazy, but wasn't able to find the outfit that morning so I had to take a pass on that.
Youtuber stuff certainly does seem like it's really taken over. At the gacha quiz panel I went to, one of the hosts asked the audience two characters before starting the game. She asked for a show of hands who was there because they're vtuber fans (almost everyone raised their hands), and then asked who was there because they had nothing else to do and wanted to kill time. I found it very odd they didn't consider a third option, that people went to the gacha panel because they like gacha games. Also, they had some vtuber guest experiences and meet and greet things. I couldn't have cared less, but while walking by I did stop long enough to watch some bunny girl cursing at and making fun of the people lining up to greet her (via screen and a mic).
>> No. 43272 [Edit]
I don't have an issue with cosplaying itself, in the early 00s cons I went to that were just a bunch of dudes watching a bootleg anime VHS already had someone dress up once in a while, but it goes deeper than that. If you've watched Hyouka, you could see the tension between Mayaka, a person who deeply appreciates manga and dressed up as a form of paying homage, and the Vocaloid girls, who were there just for the trend, Mayaka being insulted by even the suggestion that she was "cosplaying". And it depends on how the convention is announced, the ones in here were supposed to be specifically about Japanese culture, but American superhero movies really took them over. Still it bothers me much less than the k-pop.
>> No. 43276 [Edit]
I think you need to input the password manually when making a post, because otherwise it won't save the one generated for you.
>> No. 43277 [Edit]
File 173394210753.jpg - (208.34KB , 1920x1080 , Incredible Scene.jpg )
Okay noted that down thank you
>> No. 43279 [Edit]
File 173394221698.jpg - (262.88KB , 1920x1080 , Sneeze.jpg )
>you could see the tension between Mayaka, a person who deeply appreciates manga and dressed up as a form of paying homage, and the Vocaloid girls
Now I feel bad for not paying proper attention. Where was it? I somehow have my memories of Hyouka mixed with Haruhi and both had an episode or two dedicated to band performance. I guess I was too concentrated on enjoying Kininarimas to pay much attention to others
>> No. 43280 [Edit]
During the school festival episodes, there was a tale being told from the way Mayaka, the manga club president and the Vocaloid girls were dressed up.
>> No. 43281 [Edit]
You mean in the end where Oreki was figuring out who wrote that super incredible manga?
>> No. 43282 [Edit]
No, during the whole festival. Mayaka dress as a different classic manga character each day, Fukube almost says she is cosplaying but she stops him, the girls who just dress as Vocaloids everyday don't take manga seriously and there is some hostility between Mayaka and them, the President was like Mayaka, but was so disappointed by her lack of talent (and lack of interest from an actually talented person) that she gave up and moved her interest to fighting games.

Post edited on 11th Dec 2024, 10:51am
>> No. 43320 [Edit]
Was typing 'Tahoma' in the font field, ended up with 'Tohno' somehow.
>> No. 43322 [Edit]
File 173489602982.jpg - (1.83MB , 3840x2160 , d856481a839ffe1c6288331a28163851.jpg )
My monitor adventures continue. This time, I got a Pixio PX248 Wave. 24 inch, 1080p, 200Hz, 112% sRGB. The first thing I noticed was the lower ppi coming from 1080p at 21.5 inches. This is a pretty standard configuration though. The colors are fine, but they don't blow me away, even though my previous monitor is apparently 60-80% sRGB according to displaydetails(dot)com. The contrast ratio is the typical 1000:1 and the color temperature is on the cooler side. It's probable though I set the philips to an over-saturated setting when that impressed me.

Considering the only games I'm interested in are single player, I don't really need 200Hz. There are slightly cheaper 1440p 24 inch monitors that only do 100Hz, but I seriously doubt I'd notice the difference. I didn't know that when I got this Pixio one, which I did so because it's pretty highly recommended... If my GPU could handle higher frame rates(which it can't, but speaking hypothetically), it would be annoying for my monitor to be the bottleneck. Would be nice if I could see these things in person before buying them.

So yeah, I'll return it and get the 1440p one I saw.
>> No. 43324 [Edit]
File 173499698786.jpg - (1.08MB , 2480x3508 , 125445671_p0.jpg )
The KTC H24T27 I ordered arrived. 24", 1440p, 122% sRGB, 1300:1 contrast, 100Hz. I like it so far. The extra sharpness from the higher ppi is definitely nice, and the higher contrast gives images a bit more weight. There's a slightly grainy texture to the surface of the screen, but it's not a big deal when it's arms length-away.

Halving the max refresh rate wont be even remotely noticeable to me. Yeah, it does worse in the ufo test, but that metric has little to do with my normal usage.
>> No. 43325 [Edit]
Why are you buying random Chinese monitors? Wouldn't it make more sense to buy a used dell/lenovo/etc. display? I sort of doubt that mystery meat Chinese panels are going to last as long as LG/Samsung ones, or if they're using LG/samsung panels then it's probably rejects.

That being said it's not like "name brand" monitors are any better these days, since the part that fails is usually the bonding. Every IPS monitor (laptop or desktop) I've had has suffered from a "haloing" issue after 3-4 years of being used ~16hrs/day (some sort of heat-induced warping of the diffuser sheets I think, or glue, or something like that). They just don't seem to have sufficient heat dissipation.
>> No. 43326 [Edit]
Name brand monitors have worse specs at higher prices; lower resolution and or far lower refresh rate. There isn't a big enough market for high-spec monitors under 27 inches for large brands to make competitive products in that niche. It's not worth their while. Also, I'm buying off of Amazon because I have a giftcard balance there, so buying used wouldn't be a great deal.

Post edited on 23rd Dec 2024, 4:59pm
>> No. 43327 [Edit]
Just buy old used brand monitors. They are cheap and they just work.
>> No. 43328 [Edit]
Do you prefer curved monitors or flat? Why?

I think curved monitors are unproductive unless you are g*ming. I.e. when reading a e-book I like to make the font large, lay back and read while half laying comfortably. At such distance, curved monitors are uncomfortable
>> No. 43329 [Edit]
After getting a Vesa monitor stand, because the stand it came with kinda sucks, I am satisfied. This is good and I'm not getting anything else, unless it breaks, until micro-led or qdel comes along and demolishes its contrast ratio.
Never tried one and I'm not really interested.

Post edited on 24th Dec 2024, 11:50am
>> No. 43330 [Edit]
I've found out today that one of my grandmothers essentially has onset dementia. It seems like she isn't too concerned about death and such, which in a way I am glad that she isn't one of those people who desperately clings to the vestiges of life. I'm not exactly a kind and feeling person but I do feel bad for her, and I think I would like to change my behaviour somewhat to try and give her a nice few experiences before she ultimately ends up become like every other old person.

I still hate most of my family, although their behavior does little to counteract these feelings, but I would at least like to say that I was on good terms with some of them. Due to some retarded drama and long held grudges I'm more or less the only person who visits her aside from an Uncle, and I really don't do it enough. I suppose that plays a part in how I feel about this as well as compared to how I felt about previous family members who have experienced a similar thing. That being said, I don't feel some everpressing need or sorrow over seeing them like this, but I suppose it does bring about some thoughts that I ought to do something with her that I wouldn't normally do. I think sometime next year I'll try and get her and myself some plane tickets so she can visit some of her family in Europe, though I need to get the money to afford all this. I also gotta figure out the logistics of actually flying there because I absolutely despise airports and everything related to flying, so I would rather drive to the nearest airport allowing a non-stop flight and do that than have airport stops where there is a 50% chance of all your belongings being lost and your flight getting cancelled, even if a non-stop flight would cost more in the long run, I believe the avoidance of the average "airport layover" experience is enough to counteract the 2-300$ you would save by having a layover flight.

Regardless, it is nice to see someone similar to myself in my family who, when confronted with these types of dilemnas, just takes them as they are. I feel somewhat bad for not having spent more time with her as she seems somewhat closer to myself than any of my other family members are. Too many people are extremely scared of death and would do anything to cling ontot the last vestiges of life they had even if they were completely stripped of their humanity doing so. I think death, and that people having death as an ever present concept is a rather good thing, as it not only gives meaning to certrain actions but also serves to dissuade others as well. I think those who can not make their peace with death as a concept and can't find some way of reasoning it away, whether it be through there being some sort of afterlife or otherwise, is one of the primary reasons things are so bad now. The overall rejection of death as a concept is the overall rejection of there being consequences for actions, whether they be good, benign, or negative. Through living and through using up time, you bring yourself closer to death, thereby all your decisions result in a zero sum game in regards to time. I see all to often people in their 40's and beyond try to reason away the fact that they are still young and have "plenty of life" and it really demonstrates how much the "average person" wishes to remove themselves from the reality of the world and their life itself. It's quite sad to see people desperately cling to youth instead of just accepting that time has passed and they have lost their youth because of it. I suppose if people were more ready to accept the reality of the world things would be much different overall.
>> No. 43333 [Edit]
After hitting my head against another case of open source software poisoning I got a surge of existential crisis. I am simply very unsettled by this. Now I feel horrible.

Post edited on 28th Dec 2024, 11:06am
>> No. 43334 [Edit]
File 173544280492.jpg - (8.83MB , 5000x3333 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
I took a trip to California for a week to visit my dad. Don't really know why I bothered. I think last time I saw him he seemed slightly nicer and more friendly, but this time it felt like he reverted back to his old self. I think a lot of that is probably due to his medical issues that humbled him, but he had since recovered so that's out the window now.

Airport is about 35 minutes from home, mother wouldn't drive me because she doesn't like to drive outside of town. Dad wouldn't pick me up because he doesn't like driving after sundown, so it was an uber both ways (not exactly cheap with these distances). Got there around midnight.
- 23rd.
During a simple breakfast, my father got into a very heated argument with my uncle over the phone. He was claiming my father stood him up for a dinner meeting, which they never actually talked about. So my dad and his gold digger yelling at each other about how my uncle needs help and has dementia or whatever. I noticed most of the time when they talk it's very aggressive, filled with passive aggressive comments, and a lot of talking over or interrupting each other to break into loud mini rants. I wouldn't say they're arguing because they're not disagreeing exactly, but it does have that vibe. That's how my dad has always been and I guess she got infected with it. I worry about how much of that got passed onto me...
Otherwise fairly easy going day. My father showed me some of the repair work he had done on his house while complaining about the help.
That evening I spent exactly two hours, twenty minutes, and six seconds on the phone with my uncle as he rambled about the same nonsense he always does while I barely get a word in other than "oh wow" "you don't say?" "you're kidding!" "I know right?", but in the end I convinced him to call his brother and try to work things out.

My dad wanted to go hike "mount rubidoux" (pic related). Spent most of it talking about his hip operation, how he could see the small mountain from his hospital window, how fat and ugly his nurse was, how uncomfortable the situation was and how he never thought he'd be able to do this hike again. After a while of this it became clear he was fishing for pity points.
At the top, for the second time during this hike, he repeated this quirk of this where in he likes to recount a story of something bad I did as a child, unprovoked. I guess it's a way of passive aggressively putting me down, and because he knows so little about me, he keeps using things I did when I was under the age of 6. In recent years I've come to understand just how pathetic of a tactic this really is. Like he expects me to grovel at his feet for forgiveness for things I did when I was a literal baby. (He was complaining about how infant me ruined one of his many grand canyon hikes). So while he's giving me a hard time about what child me did on one of our trips, I says to him "Do you really want to start comparing shitty things we've done in our pasts?" Dad: ", not really." me: "Yeah didn't think so.".
we had plans of getting something to eat after that, so he took me to the airport because airport cafes are the only places he likes to eat out at. On the way he saw a pilot friend and got into an hour long conversation about what plane he should buy next. Cafe was closed by the time we got there, and he couldn't care less if I wanted to go somewhere else so we went home. When I pointed out various other places that were opened he yelled at me about there being plenty of food in the house.

Wasn't exactly feeling 100% but sucked it up. Dad wanted to take his ford super deluxe out for a spin, but we went back after I pointed out for the third time that the cabin was filling with smoke. So instead we went out in his convertible beetle. The winter morning air wasn't doing me any favors with how I was feeling.
Had a little Christmas dinner with a friend of the family who came over. It was admittedly refreshing to talk to someone who seemed somewhat normal.
Uncle came to visit for a bit and was obviously weirding out the person I just mentioned. Wasted no time diving into incoherent rambling about the government and the end of the world.
Gifts were exchanged, and my uncle seemed to be the only one who liked what he got (bought him a lock box hidden in a book, seemed like something he'd enjoy).
I came down with one of the worst fevers I've ever had as the day went into night. Couldn't sleep and felt delirious. Felt lucky just to snag some water. Was weak and sore and aching all over. Talking to myself somehow made it more bearable. helped a bit to remind myself this wasn't as bad as the time I got heat stroke and my mother was actively making it worse. Better to suffer alone than to have someone add to your suffering.
Off and on I'd play mobile games on my phones when I could keep my eyes open, not that I was able to sleep at all when I couldn't.

By 10am I got a little tired of my father and his gold digger repeatedly yelling my name from downstairs and again sucked it up while feeling around 70%. At least the woman gave me a zip lock bag full of Tylenol.
Later went to visit my uncle. After showing me some of his home projects, we went to have lunch. I was grateful not to have to eat the same left overs that I had been having every day with my dad. During this time my dad went to the gym and seemed ashamed of me for not going with him. When he got back we stayed at my uncle's place, who put on the evil dead 2, one of a handful of movies he likes to play obsessively, but it's one I'll never complain about. Not that you can hear movies with these guys around. For them it's just background noise as they ramble at each other about whatever unrelated random things are on their minds, and look at me like I'm a weirdo if I comment on something related to the movie.
You know, people complain about the theaters being pointless when you have large screens at home, but that's only any good if you don't have an obnoxious family trying to talk over each other with other people randomly coming in and out of the room, and pushing me to drink near boiling water with mystery pills after noticing I'm not that well. But it was nice to see my uncle's Chinese 3DPD cared at least, even if she was being really pushy about it.

Day of my return. Slept a bit better, but wasn't feeling perfect still. Told my dad a couple times I needed to be at the airport by 12PM and it was a nearly hour drive, which meant leaving at 11am. So around 10:40am after noticing my watch, he takes out some apple smart watch and asks(more like tells) me to help him set a specific photo from his phone as the background on that watch. I ran out of time because I requested the uber (yeah he didn't want to drive me there because of traffic) and it was a couple minutes away, so he tells me it's fine in a condescending way that I wasn't able to do it. I didn't want to wait on requesting it because I had a feeling he might make me late if I did.
Return flight wasn't too bad, it got delayed by an hour and a half, but I had a decent spot to chill at the airport. I remembered to download some movies to my phone this time so the flight went by quickly, but the landing was terrible. After some excruciating pain, I couldn't hear well and I think something was wrong with my inner ear, throwing me off balance as I walked out. Took another uber home with a driver who seemed to forget how toll booths worked and got us a line of honking cars. Wasn't until the next day that I could hear better and sound wasn't so muffled anymore.

While typing this my uncle messaged me saying I should stay with him next year, but I don't really think I want to bother. The trip felt very pointless. I think I kinda wanted to reconnect with my dad, maybe try to lean into the more normal relationship I wanted growing up, but was given the wake up call 'yet again' that's not going to happen. I even had this naive vision of us playing board games(he keeps none), going to a movie(didn't happen), working together on a model plane kit I got him(Didn't seem to like it), or going somewhere fun(refused due to crowds costs and traffic).

After a few days of one sided conversations, At one point I tried to explain the basics of how to have a normal conversation with another human. Things like actually letting them talk, listing to what they say while learning about them, looking for things to talk about like shared interests, engaging in a healthy back and forth as both parties do this, not just talking at them about a topic you alone find interesting and disregarding signs of a lack of interest, much less putting them down for not being interested if they make a point of it. This guy quickly goes from superiority complex mode, to trying to play the victim the moment you point anything out like this.
It felt weird, and maybe even a little wrong, me being the loser I am trying to explain this stuff to someone who has ten times the life I do. Needless to say I didn't tell him about my job status, he thinks I'm pathetic enough as is without knowing I'm currently unemployed.

The whole trip felt kinda pointless and expensive, $500 for the flight with another $200+ in uber costs just to be stuck in a house for a week with a guy who doesn't like me much. But I guess the gift cash I got balanced out the cost part at least.
>> No. 43336 [Edit]
> how fat and ugly his nurse was
I am sorry for such a shallow reply for such a long post but it struck me across the face how well it aligns with the image america created for itself. Somehow american media shaped my brain in such a way that hearing about fat and ugly nurse sounds like a situation "straight out of the book".
>> No. 43337 [Edit]
This post is actually so personal I don't think it's possible to make an acceptable reply to its contents. But at least you tried to keep initiative. I'm so afraid of facing my relatives I'd run to the other side of the earth to hide from them. Not because they're bad people, no. Because they're actually good people who also have achieved things in life. Things that were not meant for me and which I don't care about anymore. But the dread of having to answer the simple question "what have you achieved" is enough to reduce me to the size of an ant. What have I achieved? A superficial knowledge of what some philosophers said about contentment? That's probably all. I mean, what do you talk about with people at all? There gotta be some interests in common. If there are none, I just can't care less. Whatever. Cheers. Don't give up. In the pointless journey through void may you find a sparkle of light worth holding onto.
>> No. 43338 [Edit]
File 173552092126.png - (960.62KB , 2546x1336 , demonstation.png )
As I feared would happen, the OCD is back. Everything looks pretty much like pic related, even though I'm almost certain the top left of my monitor is higher than the top right. I tried to ignore it at first, but the thought "maybe if I just adjust it a little it will look right" kept bothering me, so I eventually gave into the temptation. Since then, it's been misery and I'm contemplating yet again going back to my smaller monitor and praying I can be comfortable again.

Is it my eyes, my brain, the monitor, the desk, or even the floor? It's so frustrating not knowing whether it's real or just me. And if it is real, whether I'm only bothered by it because of OCD. What's possibly even worse is that I've started contemplating the role of computers in my life. I've pretty much always relied on one as an escape from my boring, empty existence. If I can't even enjoy that distraction from reality, what's left for me?
>> No. 43339 [Edit]
I just want to die, frankly

Reality is getting shoved in my face and I dont like it
I did nothing with my life and I should have done somehing but i don't know what to do. I don't even watch anime. The day just happens. I'm sick of it.
>> No. 43340 [Edit]
I have a vaguely similar problem with software. Some little details catch me as "not being in line" with other things on my system and god knows I'm lucky if only waste a day or two. And when it happens it is exceptionally hard to interrupt. Frankly, after your post I have a strong urge to check if my monitor is aligned properly though since I haven't noticed anything so far I hope I don't notice it anything now either
>> No. 43341 [Edit]
My sympathy to the OCD guy. My table is very narrow, and the monitor is too close so it's not comfortable to use. I tried moving the table farther from the wall to move the monitor back but part of its leg now hangs in air and I am afraid it will fall back. I hope I manage to suppress it but it might be a sharp cornerstone for my flimsy mental stability
>> No. 43342 [Edit]
Took my mother with her truck to a mechanic on Saturday. She was complaining about it not breaking correctly. We get there and they do an inspection, after a long wait they said the breaks looked fine, and looking deeper found the issue was with the rack and pinion. yada yada yada
They didn't think they could finish it in time, and don't work Sundays, so we were told it'd be done Monday.

Monday arrived.
Got called around 1pm that they fixed the issue, but they found a problem with the power steering pump.
See, something like three months ago, my mother ignored my repeated recommendations about not getting repair work done from a friend of her sister who works out of his trailer. I kept telling her to get it done at a place with some sort of warranty, much less with this particular guy.
So anyways, the part the guy bought and installed wasn't working right. The part might have a warranty, but getting it replaced by the new mechanic was going to cost us in labor.
So after my mom got in contact with the guy, he told us where he bought the part.
I tried telling her they probably won't help us since we weren't the ones who bought the thing, but we went anyway. When we get there they say they don't have the part and send us to another branch location. We get the new part after some back and forth over the phone with the guy that bought the first part, and we take it to the mechanic. We go home as they do the work. after being home for like ten minutes they give us a call telling us the part is wrong. We go get it, and take it back to the shop we bought it from. After taking forever to figure out why it's wrong when it's the right part number and all, they decide it must be a factory mistake and send us to yet another branch that has the part. We go there, and before buying it I inspect it and find it's also wrong. The clock speeds forward as they try to understand the situation and figure things out, turns out the truck type is slightly wrong (crew cab vs extended cab), which for whatever reason actually makes a difference here. So they find the nearest branch with the part we 'actually' need, which is a 30 minute drive each way. While shipping the part to the store is an option, that would take a while and the mechanic had the truck up on the lift waiting for us this whole time. I think they can't really take it down and out without the part, and leaving it there would block them for conducting more business. So there was a need to get this done quickly. It was getting late though and I explained to the mechanic it would be impossible to get the part to him before he closes, so he said to get it now and give it to him when they open the next morning.
Went to the other shop, and after another lengthy session of explaining the situation with a pair of employees that didn't really want to help us out and couldn't find the guy's info, I got in contact with a previous shop I went to and connected the employees over the phone who managed to find the original mechanic's info and do the return and exchange for the proper part.
Didn't get home till nearly 9pm.
>> No. 43345 [Edit]
Fell asleep in a bus, started to see a weird dream (don't remember) then my voice in my head told me "... because you're becoming a drooling retard", I snapped back to wakefulness and there it was, my head leaning down, mouth a bit open and saliva dripping on my jacket. Wiped it quickly and hoped nobody noticed.

Post edited on 31st Dec 2024, 1:13pm
>> No. 43410 [Edit]
I got overdosed with anime, head spinning, feeling really weird but thankfully good.
>> No. 43461 [Edit]
Hey, I'm hungry!
>> No. 43489 [Edit]
I have a story going on trough my head about a guy being heavily violated in a custody. Then a CANONICAL LOLI comes to bargain with him, and he sells his soul for 100 years in exchange for revenge. And the story would be about their exploits while he serves her.

To say that it ails me is to say that social extroverts who invaded anime community are quite pleasant people. This thing might genuinely suck me in a delusion for a long time and I must be very attentive on reality right now.

I don't know what to do. Sometimes I wish it was possible to just get the hell out of here and live a fantasy for once.
>> No. 43490 [Edit]
And of course she would be tsundere! Oh lord my heart is about to leap away.
>> No. 43518 [Edit]
File 174007381310.jpg - (49.64KB , 800x600 , ORZ.jpg )
Another day of failing to buy a 5080. This time I think I got past the waiting line, but they insisted I verify my account through an email(which they never sent), so I still couldn't put the cocksucker in my cart. At this rate, I'll be buying an AMD card because it's literally the only real option.
>> No. 43519 [Edit]
Just wait a bit, there'll be a fire sale on H800s once the AI startups fold.
>> No. 43520 [Edit]
>once the AI startups fold
you don't need the video card when the world ends, though, you need it right now while there is still time
>> No. 43521 [Edit]
File 174014684137.jpg - (2.11MB , 3840x4368 , 1740092352536979.jpg )
32bit physx support is kill but they finally added 10bit h264 to nvdec
>> No. 43522 [Edit]
Well, AMD never had it...
>> No. 43523 [Edit]
yep and intel too i think a wrapper can mitigate this issue
>> No. 43524 [Edit]
I don't have nearly enough knowledge to get it working myself, but these seem like good starting points.
>> No. 43546 [Edit]
A bit of fucking irony but seems I got somewhat (or not somewhat at all) burnt out from doing fuck all (that is consuming media [books/anime] like a retards [because the books/anime are primarily targeted at infantile men, teenagers and retards]). This now makes me feel sick of everything and that is sickening in itself. Not an unusual ramble coming from a retard like me, seen it many times in other places coming from many other people, but damn it doesn't feel great at all.
>> No. 43554 [Edit]
Not too great I guess. Got abused to hell and back by my family since they still think I'm a NEET despite literally not actually being one. You think I'd get used to this for the umpteenth time being in my 20s and all but...nope. Still painful. That said, I should read a 4koma on my ereader or something. Just anything cute to get my mind off of how I'm perceived.

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