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30166 No. 30166 [Edit]
Once a week, fill out the OP questions and let us know what you're up to!
Think of it as a FRIDAY NIGHT thread like on other sites, only you can post any day of the week at any hour of your choosing since NEETs don't have a schedule or any reason to look forward to the weekend.
Or, just a wordier and more demanding alternative to the daily report thread as a more relevant example.

What games are you playing today?

What anime, movies, YouTube channels etcetera are you watching today?

Have you been listening to any podcasts or music today?

Are you reading any manga or literature?

What're you going to have to eat and drink today?

What's on your mind right now?

And, in general, how are you feeling?
Expand all images
>> No. 30167 [Edit]
That's kind of a lot of stuff to answer.
>> No. 30168 [Edit]
Is this thread permanent or are you going to make the same thread every week? If you're thinking the latter, I recommend you do the former, otherwise there will be lots of almost-empty threads with the same purpose.
>FRIDAY NIGHT thread like on other sites
But those are lame. But maybe this thread will be the exception because it's here.

>What games are you playing today?
Mostly hooked on a mmo, Skyforge, but I sometimes play League of Legends and Heroes of the Storm; I'm very casual and mostly just in for the characters. Also taking care of my succulents in Viridi (I wouldn't call it a game though).
>What anime, movies, YouTube channels etcetera are you watching today?
I don't watch any youtube channels per se. I watched F.A.Girl episode 8, and will watch later with lunch episodes 3 and 4 of Hanamonogatari.
>Have you been listening to any podcasts or music today?
Not fond of podcasts, I prefer to read. I don't think listing every song I've heard in the last day, much less week would be anything but spam.
>Are you reading any manga or literature?
I keep up with manga releases, but nothing today in particular. I no longer read books as a form of entertainment.
>What're you going to have to eat and drink today?
I already had breakfast (cereal with milk and honey, a boiled eeg and a piece of dark chocolate) and will make a lasagna + garlic bread later on.
>What's on your mind right now?
I hate having to work and I wished I could be a hikiNEET again. I'm fully aware it's selfish, but why can't the government let me leech off welfare forever? Specially when it's not an issue when "Refugees" do it and they are dirty, loud, violent, ungrateful, disorderly, and send money back home. Yes, I'm envious.
>And, in general, how are you feeling?
I could be worse.
>> No. 30169 [Edit]
Permanent, don't worry.
>> No. 30180 [Edit]
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Today, every day really, I'm playing Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead, and I think that'll continue for a good while.
I've been playing for a month now and I can't survive longer than a few days (in-game), I get impatient and raid buildings I'm not equipped for and die stupid deaths.
Anyway, I highly recommend it. It's not hyper balanced flawlessness like a lot of rogue-likes, they focus primarily on entertainment factor and sheer amount of content instead. Like, you can disassemble and reassemble every part of a vehicle and stick stupid shit to it like turrets, or uh, an actual viable method of defending yourself early game is to drop your underwear and light them on fire and lead the enemy into it. It's fun.
I'm playing it for the horror factor. It's not a particularly scary game in and of itself, but it sure can be if you use your imagination (as you should when playing any game with simplistic or non-graphics).

As for watching, I've been watching Friday the 13th: The Game gameplay on YouTube. I'll never afford a nice computer or a modern console, so I won't be able to play that... but it looks fantastic, it's one of the only kickstarter games I've seen that's successful.
It made me so enthusiastic about the franchise that I'm marathoning the movies, none of which I had ever seen prior.
Also, gotta throw anime in there somehow. I'll be watching horror series "Mononoke".

I follow four k-pop groups: INFINITE, BTOB, Red Velvet and UP10TION. They're all I listen to. I follow them because they did my waifu's soundtracks.
This is a good one.

I'm on story 4 of classic horror manga, "Left Hand of God-Right Hand of Devil".
It uh, genuinely made me afraid to go to sleep the past couple nights.
I don't want to spoil anything, check it out.

I cooked this Mexican meat stew last night for my waifu. I don't get memey and serve it up to him in front of his shrine or anything, it's all a symbolic thing really; I did jack shit before I met him and depended upon my mom, now I'm cooking my own huge meals.
Anyway, I'll have those leftovers as well as Earl Grey tea, my favorite. It's nothing fancy, just Walmart teabags.

Hmm, I'm thinking about this DMCA shit I got from my internet service provider. They blocked my access to the internet for a while and sent me a couple of letters and emails. I've always been a big careless retard when it came to internet privacy, now I may be paying for it.
I'm not afraid that they're actually going to take me to court of course, but I'm a little scared to pirate anything further. I might uh, stream that anime. I'm too set in my ways and incompetent to hide behind 8 proxies or whatever is necessary to not get fucked.

I'm feeling like every drop of depression has fully cleared out of my body and mind like a new man, and it's all thanks to my wife. I haven't thought about killing myself in months. These past few days have been real bliss. I never cared about horror before, I only do it for him.
>> No. 30181 [Edit]
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>What games are you playing today?

Playing Etrian odyssey untold 2, it's an old school RPG with cute anime girls for the 3ds. The story is almost non existent and the main focus is exploring. While the map gimmick sure it's fun my favourite part of the game is the deep character customization. Got really hooked up into these games last year, and played most of the franchise. Hell, I even got a bit spoiled by them, I can't stand other RPGs with simpler combat and boring as fuck story.

>What anime, movies, YouTube channels etcetera are you watching today?

Watched Koe no Katachi, good stuff.
Waiting for Kimi no Na wa BDs.

>Have you been listening to any podcasts or music today?

Mostly Edgar Froese and Keith Emerson. Some 2hu tunes too.

>Are you reading any manga or literature?

Just finished Franken Fran, I didn't know what I was going to get when I started it but got a pleasant surprise. The gorefest and the style of humour went very well. Also, Veronica a cute.

For books, I managed to get Discourse on the Method and some Mario Bunge stuff about science and its philosophy for a low price. Haven't read the first one yet, but in the second the author makes foundations on how science works, I haven't got very deep into it yet.

>What're you going to have to eat and drink today?

Nothing worth mentioning

>What's on your mind right now?

I remember reading some bullshit about how being a neet was the best option for a person. It made me think about it for a while. But then I remembered that my family is poor and I can't get welfare here, so fuck it.

>And, in general, how are you feeling?

Bad, knowing that I have to return to my obligations
>> No. 30182 [Edit]
I loved Etrian Odyssey II. I got four bears and the one gunner that looks like a Russian and role-played that he was some slavic survivalist loner that connected with animals better than humans.

Is the Beast class still in the Untold port? For some reason, it got shit on by everyone, and I wouldn't be surprised if they removed it, but I also wouldn't be buying it. I don't know why people shit on it anyway, my bears were really good. Maybe because they're boring compared to others.
>> No. 30184 [Edit]
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Beasts are pretty good in this game, thank god the devs fixed loyal mastery.They can protect your squishier party members and take hits for the whole party. They also have some attacks skills, but they are straight forward and kind of boring.

Having 4 beasts and 1 gunner is not a terrible idea. Beasts are self sufficient (they have a self HP recovery skill), and gunner have elemental attacks when needed. But you would be missing ailments.

Post edited on 28th May 2017, 10:12pm
>> No. 30185 [Edit]
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What games are you playing today?
Old School RuneScape

What anime, movies, YouTube channels etcetera are you watching today?
Watched one episode of Eden of the East.

Have you been listening to any podcasts or music today?
some Higurashi no Naku Koro ni soundtracks / remix albums + a crossover between haruhi and higurashi. some ragnarok online inspired albums.

Are you reading any manga or literature?
I didn't read any today, but in the last week I've read the first 8 or 9 chapters of Angelic Layer. It's good so far, but it seems much different than Chobits (which it's supposedly a prequel to). More aimed at kids whereas Chobits was definitely (young) adults.

What're you going to have to eat and drink today?
White rice and protein shakes.

What's on your mind right now?
I hope I die.

And, in general, how are you feeling?
kill me
>> No. 30187 [Edit]
I may have to read that just on the basis of Chobits was my first ever anime.
>> No. 30228 [Edit]
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Going to quote my first post every week for easy tracking. >>30180

I'm still playing Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead. I'm finally starting to survive longer than two to four days tops. Everyone complains that this game is insanely easy to the point of disqualifying it from being classified a rogue-like, but I'm not seeing it. Encountering some very common low level enemies like zombie dogs can mean an absolutely guaranteed death even for a heavily equipped player under the right conditions. You don't see that in many games.
I'm getting mildly annoyed about losing characters I spent hours on, so I may replay Ninja Gaiden on the side. Sigma, unfortunately, since I do not own an XBOX.
It's odd how subjective difficulty is. Personally, I find Ninja Gaiden and Dark Souls to be very easy and I effortlessly completed challenge runs, such as nunchaku only or completely naked. Yet, here I am struggling greatly with C:DDA, and I find Monster Hunter unplayable solo on certain hunts. Both of these games are widely regarded as casual.

This week, I am watching Texhnolyze, recommended to me by a user here.
I watched Nacho Libre earlier today, too. I was very happy with it. The dialogue and humor was pretty insufferable, but aesthetically, it's a masterpiece, and the overall message of the film was very heartwarming and pure. I really liked that they didn't get on a soapbox about the church and conformity. I thought for sure that the 3DPD love interest was going to be corrupted and abandon her commitment to God for the 3D dick, but nah! God came first in this film.
It had this great song in it that really speaks to me.
I approach waifuism as a religion of sorts, so... "'Cause when I speak, you're always there." ""Cause you're my gospel, my daily bread!"

I'm reading the Hokuto no Ken manga. I finished both of the TV series several times in the past, but only skimmed the manga. They are completely different from one another, I think I like the manga better so far.
I'm also reading horror novel "Buried Blossoms" by Stephen Lewis.
It's uninteresting. I'm forcing myself through it. I don't think I'm the target audience.

Mom's not doing so well financially this week. All I had to eat today was frozen potstickers that had been in the fridge for months.

I'm scared I'll grow disinterested with my waifu later in life. I'm scared shitless. I'd revert back to my suicidal tendencies and an non-existence of nihilism.
I must not let that happen.

I'm not feeling too great. My whole body hurts, even my fucking tongue has sores on it.

Tomorrow, I start swimming lessons.
>> No. 30233 [Edit]
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>>30185 here

What games are you playing today?
Shin Megami Tensei IV, Old School RuneScape

What anime, movies, YouTube channels etcetera are you watching today?
Ichigo Mashimaro. I finished Eden of the East, the ending seemed to just be a lead-in to the movies which I don't have yet.

Have you been listening to any podcasts or music today?
Some Ragnarok Online album: [Sonic Revolution] Zephyrus. Picture related.

Are you reading any manga or literature?
Not right now. I finished Angelic Layer, and it was kind of a let down. It wasn't that bad, but not that great either. A really simple story for kids.

What're you going to have to eat and drink today?
Expired pop-tarts, mapo tofu, protein shake.

What's on your mind right now?
I wonder if anybody even looks at the food thread on /cr/.

And, in general, how are you feeling?
So-so. Sometimes having unexplainable feeling like "everything will be fine", replaced frequently with feeling of "nothing is alright". Strange feelings.
>> No. 30234 [Edit]
-What games are you playing today?-
Either more Zelda: Breath of the Wild, or some FFXIV to prep for the expansion next week

-What anime, movies, YouTube channels etcetera are you watching today?-
Was rewatching Plinkett's Star Wars prequel reviews last night and this morning. Might watch more Game Grumps tonight. Also plan to watch Yugioh VRAINS, Eromanga-sensei, and 1-2 other shows at a friend's later today.

-Have you been listening to any podcasts or music today?-
Not really. I'll probably listen to stuff in the car. I was hoping to relax tonight with an ASMR file but my earbuds are broken.

-Are you reading any manga or literature?-
Not at the moment

-What're you going to have to eat and drink today?-
I had cinnamon rolls for breakfast and tea. Not sure what lunch and dinner will be, likely one will be fast food with my friend I mentioned.

-What's on your mind right now?-
Really don't want to go to work today. See below:

-And, in general, how are you feeling?-
Shit. Parents pissed me off last night by dragging me to dinner with a family member I never met. They say get there by 6 and as soon as I pulled in, they text me "lol table isn't ready until 7 sorry." I go in anyway and not even 5 minutes there they badger me about my job hunt and finding better employment, if I would consider moving, etc. I got pissed and left, and I've felt like shit for the last 12 hours since.

At least the weekend is coming...
>> No. 30235 [Edit]
>I wonder if anybody even looks at the food thread on /cr/.
>if I would consider moving, etc. I got pissed and left, and I've felt like shit for the last 12 hours since.
I'm a little confused. Do you live with your parents? If so, why did they bring this stuff up in front of another person not living with you? Also, did you just get up and leave? before or after the table was ready?
>> No. 30242 [Edit]
>I'm a little confused. Do you live with your parents? If so, why did they bring this stuff up in front of another person not living with you? Also, did you just get up and leave? before or after the table was ready?

Yeah I live with my parents. This was before the other family members arrived, and before the table was ready. I didn't leave right away after or during the conversation, I kinda had it shifted a different direction then left about 15 minutes earlier, under the guise of "I realy don't want to wait any longer since this is taking longer than anticipated"

Internally I was both seething and depressed though.
>> No. 30243 [Edit]
why do you people all seem to think that others find your essays and commentary about yourselves to be so fascinating?
>> No. 30246 [Edit]
>What games are you playing today?
>What anime, movies, YouTube channels etcetera are you watching today?
Just finished Armor Hunter Mellowlink.
>Have you been listening to any podcasts or music today?
GuP character songs.
>Are you reading any manga or literature?
Leviathan and Kumeta Koji's shorter manga.
>What're you going to have to eat and drink today?
Water and nutri-grain bars.
>What's on your mind right now?
I need to find a job that gives me a lot of free time and lets me retire early.
>And, in general, how are you feeling?
Alright but tired. I'm trying not to think about what could happen because that always makes me stressed over nothing.

I don't. I find these threads to be a nice way of reflecting on what I'm doing. I read other peoples posts to see if there's anything interesting I haven't heard or if someone brings up something I'm familiar with that I could respond to them about. These threads and threads like them are one of the things I like about smaller imageboards.
>> No. 30269 [Edit]
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>>30233 here

What games are you playing today?
Atelier Iris 3 Grand Phantasm, Legend of Dark Witch

What anime, movies, YouTube channels etcetera are you watching today?
I have some 3DPD cooking youtube video opened in a tab, but I haven't watched it yet.

Have you been listening to any podcasts or music today?
Noir OST after getting the urge to listen to Canta Per Me.

Are you reading any manga or literature?

What're you going to have to eat and drink today?
Leftover cake, protein shake.

What's on your mind right now?
Trying to figure out where I've seen this cross-like object before. I swear it was from a game or an anime, but I think it was a game.

And, in general, how are you feeling?
>> No. 30279 [Edit]
Fuck it, it's a tuesday morning and I missed this a few weeks in a row:

What games are you playing today?
Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood

What anime, movies, YouTube channels etcetera are you watching today?
Probably gonna watch some western cartoon shit

Have you been listening to any podcasts or music today?
Just the usual anime stuff on my mp3 player while driving today. Maybe some ASMR if I decide to take an extra long nap today.

Are you reading any manga or literature?
Still no

What're you going to have to eat and drink today?
Drinking water right now before work. Taking a pre-made, microwavable sandwich with me to work to eat at a friend's house when I get off at 2

What's on your mind right now?
Surprisingly, not work stress. See below

And, in general, how are you feeling?
Super sleepy. I was off work all last week so I played FFXIV and stayed up late. Sunday, my friend's roommate and his wife were loud as fuck and kept waking me up, so I only got like 5 hours of sleep, so I'm really feeling it today. Still though, last weekend one of my friends basically reemed into me about my freaking out over work stress, so I've made some better steps in handling it. I wasn't having anxiety issues yesterday, nor am I this morning; Just want to stay home and sleep.

I think when I get home from work, which should be around 3:30 I'm just gonna pass out for 2 or 3 hours.
>> No. 30283 [Edit]
I recently finished playing Uncharted4 and hit the (crappy?)end of neptunia PP, not sure if I wanna bother replaying it for the missed content since it kinda sucks.

At the time of posting this got in an ep of sakura quest earlier, and still got a few left overs from last season to finish up.

I don't care enough to follow up on music much. It just serves as something to pass the time while driving for me, not much past that.

>What're you going to have to eat and drink today?
Just had some Frosty Bitches (wendies).

>What's on your mind right now?
regret over making a fool out of myself at a convention recently, and buying a new house.

>And, in general, how are you feeling?
very sleep deprived.
>> No. 30295 [Edit]
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Watched every first episode available and found a few worth keeping, much better week than last week.

I have attempted to discuss other aspects of my life on this board before and have been banned for it almost every time (rightfully most of the time, thank you for maintaining high standards) so thats all I've got this week.
>> No. 30300 [Edit]
i should add that Kenka Banchou Otome - which i had saved to marathon at then end of the season - turned out to be disappointing regardless how cute the lead boy was
>> No. 30308 [Edit]
Had a dream about my waifu but forgot it.
>> No. 30309 [Edit]
Tuesday again cuz fuck it

>What games are you playing today?

>What anime, movies, YouTube channels etcetera are you watching today?
Same shit, I've got a backlog of western cartoons to watch. Might do that sometime today.

>Have you been listening to any podcasts or music today?
Same shit

>Are you reading any manga or literature?
Wow I am a boring person

>What're you going to have to eat and drink today?
Literally taking a sandwich to my friend's house for lunch today. Again

>What's on your mind right now?
I had a job interview Thursday for a stressful sounding, but much better paying, job than I currently have. Been weighing the pros and cons about accepting it all weekend if they offer me the job.

And, in general, how are you feeling?
Mixed. My anxiety in general about my current job has fallen to an all-time low, but the prospect of this new job is making me freak out because I don't know if I should go with it or not. Better pay/more hours, more benefits, but higher stress and more intense work, compared to the lower pay/hours, no benefits, but familiar workload and more laid back.
>> No. 30310 [Edit]
>What games are you playing today?
Bravely Default, I might play more Aion but that game is boring.
>What anime, movies, YouTube channels etcetera are you watching today?
I still need to watch fate/apocrypha
>Have you been listening to any podcasts or music today?
Shinichi Atobe
>Are you reading any manga or literature?
I picked up Narutaru, and have been reading Tale of the Heike, the Buddhist themes in that book are interesting
>What're you going to have to eat and drink today?
No idea
>What's on your mind right now?
Might be homeless in 19 days
>And, in general, how are you feeling?
Sense of dread, malaise, vaguely irritated, trying to keep my mood up

Post edited on 11th Jul 2017, 11:22am
>> No. 30355 [Edit]
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>What games are you playing today?
I'll probably play Left 4 Dead 2 again but I hope I don't play anything.

>What anime, movies, YouTube channels etcetera are you watching today?
Anything that has to do with Sonic Forces, I've grown to like the theories people have about the new character, Infinite.

>Have you been listening to any podcasts or music today?
Not yet, no.

>Are you reading any manga or literature?
Only required readings that are as depressing and doom&gloom as you would expect them to be because old writers had a fetish for suffering.

>What're you going to have to eat and drink today?
I would like poison but a sandwich is nice too so it'll probably be that because i dont have any spare poson lying around.

>What's on your mind right now?
How much I hate other people, how much I hate myself, the fact that my life is doomed to solitude because I'm an insufferable subhuman waste of space and I don't fit in anywhere. The fact that I used to be told to "step out of my shell" but when I do that things happen that tell me to go back into it only to be told to step out of said shell once more.

And the custom fumo I want to make but I'm nervous because there are no resources to guide me through it so I have to make a pattern on my own.

>And, in general, how are you feeling?
I want to die but I don't have the strength.
>> No. 42777 [Edit]
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i hope nobody minds if i attempt to revive this thread. i want to know more about my fellow friends on tohno and their lives!

>What games are you playing today?
i really need to finish Mugen Souls; i started it last year because i was in a bit of a slump and thought it wouldn't take too long to finish, but i can never seem to play it for more than an hour at a time, which makes it sound like i don't like the game, but i actually do really like it; the combat is like a less refined version of Hyperdimension Neptunia's (which makes sense, considering it was done by the same company) and you can dress up your party members (and even make custom ones, so you can make your favorite characters from other series if you're creative enough!). i also think the story and writing are enjoyable enough, though i do wish there was more going on.
>What anime, movies, YouTube channels etcetera are you watching today?
i'm currently listening to a vtuber's karaoke stream in the background while typing this. i might close it out soon, since i'm not super into karaoke streams.
when it comes to anime, this season's been a total wash so far, half the shows i was excited for either don't have very reliable subtitles, or don't have subtitles at all. though, i just looked, and the first episode of the new monogatari season was uploaded, so i guess i know what i'm doing when i finish typing this.
>Have you been listening to any podcasts or music today?
i was listening to some of Dethtech's music earlier. really good artist if you like pop-rock stuff.
>Are you reading any manga or literature?
i'm not actively reading anything at the moment, but if a manga i'm following gets a new chapter uploaded today, i'll read it!
>What're you going to have to eat and drink today?
assuming my mother with bpd either disappears for the entire day like she always does and/or doesn't go shopping again for the third week in a row, probably just water.
>What's on your mind right now?
there're a ton of games on my backlog that i need to finish...
there're also several games and anime i want to make videos about, but i don't have the time in between all the games i need to finish...
>And, in general, how are you feeling?
i keep alternating between feeling really happy and feeling absolutely hopeless, but i've been doing better the past few days than i was a few weeks ago!
>> No. 42781 [Edit]
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>What games are you playing today?
None! I'm not bored of games but there are other things I want to do for now.

>What anime, movies, YouTube channels etcetera are you watching today?
I'm in the middle of watching The planet of the apes, the original from 1968, it started slow, but it's getting interesting. I took a break and now I'm posting here.

>Have you been listening to any podcasts or music today?
Too many to list here. I've been exploring MIYAVI's music.

>Are you reading any manga or literature?
I'm trying to read Understanding Life: An Introduction to the psychology of Alfred Adler. I read his book ¨What life could mean to you¨ 2~3 years ago but now I'm revisiting his ideas.

>What're you going to have to eat and drink today?
not worth mentioning. I've been drinking lots of water.

>What's on your mind right now?
I recently started writing on 2 different google docs: One of them is for my thoughts and the other one is a line diary that documents the few activities I do as a hiki. I'm not the type of person who does that but I'm trying to ease my anxieties documenting my life because the years seem to be passing me by and I don't remember anything significant. It's helping.
I'm also thinking about Adler's Ideas on criminals and seeing how it applies to my situation and my relationship with society. Look:

>And, in general, how are you feeling?
A lot of sad and suicidal thoughts too but I'm not planning to end my life so there's no reason to write them here. I've been crying every day and admitting a lot of things to myself recently so I believe I'm going through a quarter life crisis at 26. Feeling really grateful for places like TC.
>> No. 42788 [Edit]
>What games are you playing today?
Rewrite+ visual novel
>What anime, movies, YouTube channels etcetera are you watching today?
Watching Toradora. I don't know what to say about it, it's kind of a rollercoaster ride, despite it being as short as it is. At the beginning I really liked it, then it became really dreadful to watch, but now towards the end it's cool again. In particular Ryuuji's mother and Minori were characters I couldn't like and hated every second they had screentime, just because how over the top and completely one-sided they at that, they felt. Later though I learned to appreciate them. I guess watching animu sometimes really is like a family therapy session.
>Have you been listening to any podcasts or music today?
Game and anime OSTs. Perfect Blue's mainly.
>Are you reading any manga or literature?
>What're you going to have to eat and drink today?
A bunch of fennel tea. My food is nothing out of the ordinary.
>What's on your mind right now?
Everything sucks and those things, that don't have a tendency to suck in the future or just randomly disappear. But again, TC exists, long live TC.
>And, in general, how are you feeling?
I can't tell nor describe it, but probably somewhere in a grey area, between "i feel nothing" and "i feel like shit", or somewhere completely different, who knows?.
>> No. 42810 [Edit]
Hi, I enjoy your Rewrite posts. Recently I finished my first route, and am on break right now. Hope to see more from you...
>> No. 42815 [Edit]
>Rewrite+ visual novel
How's the localization after the patches? Curious if it's another crap job by Sekai Project.
It'd be interesting if someone drafted a comparison between this official release and the original English one by Amaterasu. I recall Amaterasu didn't do a good job with Cross+Channel, and given that Romeo wrote most of both novels, I wonder whether Ixrec struggled with his writing again.
>> No. 42816 [Edit]
>What games are you playing today?
I've played Garry's Mod Multiplayer for the first time, because I felt like listening to Music/Youtube in the background while playing something and to my surprise I had Garry's Mod installed. The sandbox mode was okay, although it was . My experience with zombie mode was none before, now not so much anymore. I downloaded 5GB of textures, props and models, just to occasionally shoot at zombies that came only from one direction and only one at a time, until my munition was empty. I left afterwards.

>What anime, movies, YouTube channels etcetera are you watching today?
I was binge-watching Lucky Star starting this week. I guess it's fine for what it is, I don't have any opinions on that.

>Have you been listening to any podcasts or music today?
The Hidamari Sketch OST is very comfy and it's what I've been listening to lately. Also listening to the S.T.A.L.K.E.R - Shadow of Chernobyl OST. Both are very calming in their own way.

>Are you reading any manga or literature?
YES. I bought Nichijou 1-4 on eBay and I'm currently reading it always before going to bed. It's funny and I'd even go so far to say it's one of my favorite manga. Nichijou is very much recommended. Recently I found out, that my local manga store sells Nichijou, hence I probably buy the next few volumes from them, to support them (and it's just cheaper).

>What're you going to have to eat and drink today?
Nothing worth mentioning.

>What's on your mind right now?
Hopefully this day ends soon, so I can get back to sleeping again.

>And, in general, how are you feeling?
I'm fine, just a little exhausted. Maybe a bit lonely too.

Thank you.

This is the only version, that I've played the game of, therefor I might not notice things, that should be obvious if you played the original version. Regarding the censorship, there was nothing major that caught my eye, except maybe for some moments where you feel like fan-service was supposed to be there, but then wasn't. For example quite at the beginning of the game, you meet the orange girl, Otori, and then there is some kind of running gag that she has panties with cherries on them and then the mc makes fun of her for that, but you never see those cherries as a player. According to the script is adherent to the console version of the game, where some stuff regarding toilets, drugs and Korean food is censored, but I don't really care and I wouldn't have noticed. For me the game was enjoyable regardless
>> No. 42817 [Edit]
I suppose I was more interested in whether you detected anything odd about the localization, e.g. what a character says doesn't match up with the context or what you can pick up from his/her voiced lines.

>Regarding the censorship
As far as I know, Sekai Project only censored a few CGs, but there's a user-made patch that restores them amongst a few other minor changes. They should have done that themselves, but SP a shit.

>According to the script is adherent to the console version of the game, where some stuff regarding toilets, drugs and Korean food is censored, but I don't really care and I wouldn't have noticed. For me the game was enjoyable regardless
Yeah, Romeo revised some stuff, including contextualizing one of the endings.
>> No. 42818 [Edit]
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>What games are you playing today?
I'm playing Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance for the first time and I'm having a blast. Gameplay is really fun, I wish the story was better but I know SMT isn't known for its storytelling.
>What anime, movies, YouTube channels etcetera are you watching today?
I haven’t seen any anime in a while. I find seasonal anime tiring because unless I’m fully invested in them, I lose track of weekly releases and end up dropping the shows. Doesn’t help that CGDCT isn’t popular anymore so there’s nothing I’m interested in.
>What's on your mind right now?
Playing SMT makes me realize how horribly mundane real life is. There’s nothing worth doing IRL. In my mind I can be a powerful demon wielding a sword and killing other demons to gain even more power. IRL I’m just a boring and weak human who can’t even leave his house without a panic attack.
>And, in general, how are you feeling?
I’m feeling like a chūnibiyō, like I’m 12 years old again. I wonder if I grew up or if I’m mentally stuck in that age. I miss feeling like I was a vampire or a demon, I used to feel like that when I was 12 and I feel the same while playing SMT.
>> No. 42883 [Edit]
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I wanted to post yesterday already, but I was too tired to post and went to bed instead.

>What games are you playing today?
Nothing really. I modded my PS3 to run with Evilnat firmware in the hope, I could play my PS2 games on it then, because my PS3 model, doesn't support that out of box. Unfortunately, I misread a little detail about the games only being playable with their respective ISO images, not with an insertable disk. So that kinda sucks. I will look into it some time soon. There are some VNs I want to play on my backlog too, but I don't feel like playing them right now.

>What anime, movies, YouTube channels etcetera are you watching today?
I've been watching Hidamari Sketch Season 1 for the first time. It's a good show, in particular the photos of real items, the backgrounds and from time to time this "super-chibi-literal-moeblob" drawing style are kind of cute. However, I'm progressing really slowly, watching one episode every 3 days or something like that.

>Have you been listening to any podcasts or music today?
Ping Pong The Animation OST, some Chiptune too

>Are you reading any manga or literature?
Still reading Nichijou, also progressing very slowly, but when I actually sit down and read, it's always really enjoyable and funny. Yuuku and Sakamoto are my favorite characters so far, but the atheist guy and Hakase are also good. Also how the characters are drawn when experiencing embarrassment or anger, or how sometimes the characters are drawn looking like board game pieces with just a head and a body, or this bored look the girls in nichijou sometimes have, are really funny to me.

>What're you going to have to eat and drink today?
A frozen pizza with mushrooms and ham.

>What's on your mind right now?
I don't know, to be frank. Might continue watching Hidamari Sketch.

>And, in general, how are you feeling?
Despite some weariness, I don't feel to bad all in all. I was a bit stressed earlier this day, but now I'm good.
>> No. 42884 [Edit]
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>What games are you playing today?
Nothing today, but I've been playing Armored Core 6 again, after giving up on a difficult boss for a while. I figured it out and everything's been a breeze since. I'll continue playing tomorrow, grinding out 100% completion. I need to get back to playing HDN Re;birth 3 soon. I'm almost done with that.

>What anime, movies, YouTube channels etcetera are you watching today?
I'm going to continue watching Martian Successor Nadesico today. I had low expectations going in, but it's actually pretty good. It's silly, but it doesn't lack the more serious moments any mecha media would need. It's not perfect by any means, but it's fun.

>Have you been listening to any podcasts or music today?
Mostly just Shibayan. I haven't been listening to new stuff lately, I'm focused on other things.

>Are you reading any manga or literature?
I am not. I've been considering picking something up soon though.

>What're you going to have to eat and drink today?
Ate some macaroni and cheese today and am drinking water. Maybe I'll brave the outdoors this week and get some booze.

>What's on your mind right now?
I've been thinking about how people see me. It's something I think about from time to time, though it's become less common. It's not something I feel concern about these days, but rather curiosity. On the occasion I do interact with someone, I don't share much, mostly because I don't have anything to share about what most people talk about. Usually it's people at work, and there's not much overlap in interests. Even with more common things like games, at best they'll talk about some game I played and didn't like that much, then I suggest something similar that I did like, usually an earlier entry in the series, and they look at me like I'm crazy.

>And, in general, how are you feeling?
I don't feel too bad these past few days. I've been enjoying things well lately, which I think is enough to say I'm doing alright.
>> No. 42885 [Edit]
this is a fun thread but i will not participate because i'm schizo and i'm afraid of sharing my interests with other people. but fear not, every time i put all of my efforts to share something i like with the world, everyone around makes a "oh that's gross" face and pretends i don't exist. even here on tohno. i'm thinking about growing a delusion or two about me being some supernatural entity placed on earth to take available samples of physical and emotional suffering
>> No. 42927 [Edit]
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I decided it's time for this again and coincidentally it's Friday too.

>What games are you
I haven't played much this week, albeit I might continue playing some VN some time soon. I still have Higurashi Part 2 in my Steam library, but never bothered playing it, so that might be a worthwhile pastime, to pick it up.

>What anime, movies, YouTube channels etcetera are you watching today?
Currently I'm watching Azumanga Daioh. It's entertaining and all, but I just wish Sasaki had more luck in general. I feel bad for her having tough luck all the time.

>Have you been listening to any podcasts or music today?
I've been listening to Venetian Snares lately. In particular the Album "My So-Called Life" is very cool. In the Song "Aaron2", there is a funny dialogue at minute 2:30, where this boy Aaron, gets a drum as present and then this other guy says "Try it out, Aaron", which is followed up by intense DnB/Breakcore drumming. I just thought this is funny.

>Are you reading any manga or literature?
I'm almost done with Nichijou, however I started re-reading the Cardcaptor Sakura manga. It's a bit special, because it's formatted like a western comic in the edition, that I've got. I still wonder how much work they put into just rearranging the pages. Either way, the story is the same, except for less Clow Cards in total.

>What're you going to have to eat and drink today?
Some casserole made out of spinach, eggs and cheese. It was good. I drink a lot of blueberry tea currently, which is basically a glorified fruit tea.

>What's on your mind right now?
Not much really. The brainfog won't go away and until it's gone, I can't do much. It really sucks, because now I'm not tired and have the motivation to do something, but I can't, because I can't think straight.

>And, in general, how are you feeling?
I'm fine all things considered.

>I suppose I was more interested in whether you detected anything odd about the localization, e.g. what a character says doesn't match up with the context or what you can pick up from his/her voiced lines.
As far as I've played, the translation seemed fitting and felt like it was faithful to the original. From what I can judge (which is of course very limited), they did a fine job with Rewrite.
>> No. 42942 [Edit]
What games are you playing today?
Black Myth: Wukong. It's a linear plot but fun to play.

What anime, movies, YouTube channels etcetera are you watching today?
The Concierge at Hokkyoku Department Store. It's cute and heartwarming/

Have you been listening to any podcasts or music today?
Classical radion. Bach, Beethoven, Tschaikovsky, Shostakovich & Mozart.

Are you reading any manga or literature?
Chasing The Flame by Sam Power

What're you going to have to eat and drink today?
Meatloaf. It's fine.

What's on your mind right now?
Work. I'm a 9to5er and work's stacking up.

And, in general, how are you feeling?
Daijoubu but tired.
>> No. 42955 [Edit]
>What games are you playing today?
None, currently but I downloaded a cyberpunk-themed Source-engine-based FPS game called Dystopia. It's on my hard drive already, but I didn't play it yet. Maybe I can report back in a week, when it's actually done.

>What anime, movies, YouTube channels etcetera are you watching today?
After reading the Nichijou manga, I wanted to watch the Nichijou anime. I'm at episode 4 and will continue watching later. It has a very resembles the feeling of the manga closely and I think that's good. The animations are really lovely and generally high-quality, but also besides from a technical standpoint, Nichijou just has a (in my opinion) distinctive humour, which makes it very fun to watch to me. Of course I know already all the jokes, but that doesn't make it less funny.

>Have you been listening to any podcasts or music today?
I've started listening to Dark Ambient and Dungeon Synth again. Ziggurath, Old Sorcery, Cedamus, Elffor, Jim Kirkwood, Mortiis; this kind of stuff.

>Are you reading any manga or literature?
Nothing this week.

>What're you going to have to eat and drink today?
Nothing worth sharing.

>What's on your mind right now?
I've been thinking about a programming problem I have a lot, so that's what has occupied my mind for the last week. Nothing too interesting though.

>And, in general, how are you feeling?
I don't know if this is really a feeling, but somewhat apathetic and there is really no reason to feel otherwise. Nothing worth feeling sad or happy about, just the usual.
>> No. 42957 [Edit]
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>>42777 here! it's been ages! i think the laptop i was using at the time suddenly stopped working immediately after i posted that...

>What games are you playing today?
i've still been chipping away at mugen souls! i'm almost done with it, but the grinding required in order to get the secret ending is honestly kind of a drag, i've been grinding on and off for the past several days, and two of the main character's personalities are just stuck at a certain level. it kind of sucks. i was really enjoying this game, otherwise.
in other news, reynatis came out today, and my copy should be coming in the mail october 1st!

>What anime, movies, YouTube channels etcetera are you watching today?
at the moment, nothing. i was without a laptop for pretty much the entirety of the summer season, so in addition to catching up on all of that, i also need to see what's airing in the fall, and also rewatch a ton of older stuff so i can get all my screenshots back...

>Have you been listening to any podcasts or music today?
it's been cold, rainy, and cloudy all day today, so i've been listening to songs that fit the mood. here're a couple of them:

>Are you reading any manga or literature?
i've been meaning to catch up on the latest kyokou suiri volume, but i just haven't had the energy...

>What're you going to have to eat and drink today?
i ate fries with cheese and sour cream a few hours ago. is that a weird thing to eat?
i don't know if this is too 3dpd for here, but i made plans to spend time with an irl friend i really like later today, so i'm planning on getting pizza and donuts to share with them later

>What's on your mind right now, and, in general, how are you feeling?
honestly, the past several months, up to and including today, have been terrible. being without a laptop, and by extension, not being able to watch anime, browse my usual sites, or talk to people online was hard. the final insult to injury being the fact that i lost all the files on the old laptop, so all those anime screenshots, my favorite imageboard posts, miscellaneous art i found, the save data to some of the games i had, et cetera, are all just...gone. replacing all of it is going to be time consuming, and i'm honestly not sure how or if i'll be able to recover/replace everything. the passive-aggression and aloofness/apathy from people i thought were my friends didn't help.
but, despite everything, i managed to save up enough for a new laptop, all by myself, despite being a NEET (graduating from hikikomori status in the process). and, i think that fact alone is enough to give me hope. everything will be ok. i won't lose!
>> No. 42958 [Edit]
You should always keep backups, friend, that's the rule number 1 of using computers. And from what you're describing your important files are mostly just images and text-based/miscellaneous files, no big videos etc, so you could probably even fit them on a 10$ USB stick.
I didn't mean to put salt in the wound if I happened to come across that way...
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