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39318 No. 39318 [Edit]
Ponderings general 3. Post things you've thought about.
425 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 43259 [Edit]
>ero yuri material mutually exclusive
Not that anon, but to me it depends on what you're doing. If you're visually appreciating their expression of erotic love, then that's one thing. In that case you are not sexualizing them rather still appreciating their beauty. One might still get "turned on"/aroused, but it is primarily driven by love and appreciation rather than lust and I would not expect one to actually masturbate to it but hold the image fondly in their mind.

When you talk about masturbating to it, then you're crassly sexualizing it. With regard to

> you're only allowed to distantly watch their pure happiness
> never to touch it or to look deeper than is proper.
I sort of disagree there, it's not as if the characters are independent from your mind. By having knowledge of them, you have imbued their essence into your conscience, and they become a part of you as well. So when the characters are sharing their affection and love with each other, indirectly you feel their warmth as well. And it's not that you're voyeuristically intruding on them by doing so, but that they would want to share such indirect warmth with you, because to them it's just a form of love which there is no need to hide from anyone. And of course they'd probably be happy to share direct warmth in the form of friendship as well.

Now with sex it's a subtler question: there's obviously a tiny tinge of lust and heat of passion in there, but ideally it's still something dominantly driven by love. Unlike the previous case it's a bit harder to imagine what the characters would think of someone observing them since they are fictional characters and we don't have a real world analogue. But actually there is one parallel we can try to draw from: as the characters are part of our conscious and our mind is effectively the stage in which their act unfolds, we are effectively their god. And in the real-world some people believe in a god as well (as more than just an abstract mental concept). And those religions also coincidentally have an emphasis on purity of lovemaking.

So then the question really becomes: as their god, what relationship do you want to have with the characters? Or more concretely, what do you want to imbue your psyche with. Would you rather have carnal knowledge of the characters to satisfy a temporary lust, or fill your heart with their endless love? If the former, and the characters are portrayed in a pure fashion, then there's an inherent conflict that you're going to feel – no one sexualizes their gods. If the latter, then despite holding what is technically a "lewd" image in your mind, their act of lovemaking is just a reification of their love and so long as you primarily see it not with a sexual eye but with the eyes of your heart, then they likely would not mind you basking in their reified feelings.

Or if you're actively seeking out artwork with the characters portrayed in a sexualized fashion (it's easy to separate the art made by someone who actually enjoys yuri from those created as fetish material), then what does that say about you: that you'd rather have a quick fix of junk food rather than a proper full course meal?

(Note that in theory it is possible to masturbate with only love in your heart and mind, something similar to taoist form of sex, but given that the OP was talking about using an onahole I'm pretty sure it was going to be a lustful one, a metaphorical "pump and dump." Most likely it'd be easier to hold those feelings in your heart and reflect it towards some other character you can feel a personal bond with, e.g. your waifu.)
>> No. 43260 [Edit]
>it's not as if the characters are independent from your mind
it's a matter of self consciousness and self control. i won't even try to explain. when it comes to yuri i am a complete puritan i don't even know where to start arguing. the beautiful and the ugly only exist in your head, if you let the sin corrupt you, no matter how nicely you wrap it in words like
>fondly appreciating their affection without lust
you are still exercising corruption and lust, it is impossible to observe sexual intimacy without exercising it. and by doing this you taken away their innocence. i wouldn't feel bad about reading manga about some yuri where main characters are b*tches or otherwise incompatible with the word 'purity', but i wouldn't call it The Yuri as well. when it comes to The Yuri, like Mountain Climbing or Yuru Yuri i would fucking kill you if i could if you dared to even imagine them in a sexual context. don't get me wrong
>> No. 43263 [Edit]
>if you let the sin corrupt you
Yeah that's a load-bearing if though. I agree that in practice it's very hard (especially if someone has been exposed to pornographic material from a young age), which is why I likewise also try to avoid explicitly seeking out explicitly sexual content. But on the flipside I don't think you have to be a complete puritan, so long as you hold the right intention in your mind then that itself will do the rest. You can see this if you e.g. look at ecchi when you're horny versus when you are calm and zen. When you're horny everything is seen through a lens of lust and your only instinct is to do carnal things. When you're calm, the same picture instead is just viewed as an expression of natural beauty, and you can take in all of it. You might not even get aroused, you'd just be taking in the beauty of everything and how her emotions reflect in you.

But of course if you seek out ecchi for the purpose of starting at it then it's self-defeating. The religious people have the right idea in theory in warning against lust, but their proscription of all sex is counterproductive. The taoists seemingly have the better mindset of finding a way to harness that human sexual drive as a way to sublimate lust into love.

>when it comes to The Yuri,
Sure I agree, there are certain characters I cherish which I would not ever view in a sexual way just because I don't even want to have that 0.01% percent of lust involved. I still think making a distinction between "sfw yuri" and "ero yuri" is artificial though, they're both yuri and if it's good art both respectively will highlight their appropriate emotions.

It's logical that one wants to keep the purer, more wholesome emotions of "sfw yuri" separate from the more intimate, passionate emotions of "ero yuri", but both sides are part of being human and you can't really dismiss one. You don't need to (and maybe even shouldn't) have both parts reified through the same characters though.

Or put another way, if you like "sfw yuri" for the warm emotional aspects that you reflect in yourself, then what about the other aspect of being human, your sexuality? You can't tell me with a straight face that you will never masturbate at all (unless you are a monk in which case what are you doing on TC), so when you do masturbate to your imagination, what emotions are you going to call upon? In the same way that "sfw yuri" explores wholesome emotional connection and love, "ero yuri" can explore the more intimate passionate love. You don't need to exposure to the latter that often, but I think it's important to have conscious knowledge that it exists and that sex can be grounded in love; especially since in the western world you are subconsciously bombarded with propaganda to get you to associate sex with lust instead.

>Mountain Climbing or Yuru Yuri
I assume you mean encouragement of climb? Yeah that was a great show. With regard to YrYr I mentioned my thoughts before but it's interesting you consider it an example of "true yuri" since to me it's yuri used as a gag. There was no real bond developed there, just a bunch of cheap jokes. I think SakuHima was the only sweet thing from that show, I hope they will be good friends forever.
>> No. 43264 [Edit]
>then what about the other aspect of being human, your sexuality
i am not human sorry. too tired to reply to the rest
>> No. 43266 [Edit]
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>But on the flipside I don't think you have to be a complete puritan, so long as you hold the right intention in your mind then that itself will do the rest
you are fundamentally wrong. every action exercises the habit corresponding to the action. every time you leave a post you exercise the habit of posting. every time you think shit of yourself you exercise the habit of thinking shit about yourself. every action, without exception, incurs the habit of doing that action. so it is said if you want to improve yourself in whatever way you want, you must do such actions that exercise necessary habits and avoid those that exercise contrary habits. just holding the right intention in your mind is the same as doing nothing at all. just an intention is worthless. just knowledge is worthless. just awareness is worthless. just good faith is worthless. show action. not just intention, but the corresponding action. only an action that corresponds to the right intention is worth anything. otherwise you will be looking at purity while walking deeper in mud with each day. one day it'll reach your eyes and you will cry at heavens asking why it happened that you kept one destination in your mind but arrived at the opposite. trust me it isn't gonna be fun i know firsthand.
>as a way to sublimate lust into love
i know a monument that authorities spend huge amount of money buying. an important monument to an important person. do you know what the monument is? a piece of granite. just a fucking piece of granite, not even worked. they hauled it out of some ass, placed it and called it a day. your transition of lust into love looks byte to byte the same
>You can't tell me with a straight face that you will never masturbate at all
do you dare me? the only reason my hand ends up in my pants is depression. when i get lower than certain point i become like possessed or whatever, i loose lucidity and do things without realizing it, so naturally the internal animal does its dirty thing alright. it's been maybe two years since i fapped consciously. since them i'd only do it when i absolutely had to because cleaning up your bad isn't fun at all. this autumn i relapsed but i'm on my way of fixing it, hopefully. this autumn has been a real fall for me, never had such keen combination of depression and anxiety. depression - yes. anxiety - yes. but together? that's fucking ridiculous. i tell you, my reason rejects the human nature, for me sexuality is nothing more than an unfortunate circumstance enforced by nature, i hate it and would very much like to get rid of it. there is nothing at all about sexuality that isn't ugly and off putting. it is only through the weakness of will that people see it as something worthwhile.
>so when you do masturbate to your imagination, what emotions are you going to call upon
none at all. it's a chore and consistently for more than a year at least my only thoughts when masturbating are:
- why am i doing this at all?
- god i wish i will have enough will to not do it the next time at all
there are much uglier parts to it, but i don't think i should bring them up. that said i don't fap to anime at all. just no. i said no. anime girls are for sightseeing only. i said something about reading ero yuri manga as a matter of fact i don't read and actually most likely wouldn't, not unless it was pure
>sex can be grounded in love
sex is for human beings, i've never seen much value in it, i take pride in not seeing much value in it, and i don't plan to change this attitude. i want to be less like humans, not more. also for better or for worse i can't love. that's why i'm not human!
>what are you doing on TC
witnessing loneliness what else? whatever else could i do? wherever else to go? i don't come here to reinforce your values in me. i come here because such is life. sometimes you end up in places, right? i ended up here, so i'm here. i don't give it much thought. whoever i am why can't i be here anyway? i wouldn't even litter this place with my ramblings if you didn't engage. anyway you crave intimacy so much ehh not my thing okay? i don't care about it and when i do it's not anyone's business. even speaking about it feels gross. really you should talk to somebody else. i hate human nature too much to hold a decent discussion on love whatever it is.

tl;dr i have a longing for beauty so i will not let myself defile the only manifestation of pure relationships i still find in the world. all your talk about sex being compatible with the idea of pureness sounds like rant of a man who wants to get laid to me. sorry no offense really you just picked the wrong person to talk to
>> No. 43267 [Edit]
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I can't get off to yuri, as somebody who's generally not interested it. My alienation doesn't come with self-loathing I guess.
>> No. 43269 [Edit]
I'd have usually ended conversation there, but what you mention is a bit worrying so I wanted to provide some addition context, you could take it or leave it. Maybe you would revisit this comment in a year or two and it might make more sense then.

Basically what I mentioned about sublimation is not a metaphor, but should be read with context of occult knowledge; sexual alchemy is a vital part of internal alchemy. None of the occult traditions I am familiar with prescribe a monastic life style, all of them are for "householders" and either recommend just sex in moderation or (in the case of the taoists) have actual techniques for doing wacky shit with the resulting emotional energy. That none of us are interested in real-life relationships does not make a difference here. You are a human and your psyche is no different. If you do not sublimate that energy and just try to suppress it, you will go off the deep end. Why do you think so many priests ironically end up doing such deviant sexual things?

>holding the right intention in your mind is the same as doing nothing at all
Strictly not quite, holding proper intention & attention is sufficient to achieve any reasonable goal at its own pace. There is a reason that single-pointed attention is one of the primary goals of a skilled meditator. When you achieve that you will have overcome mind wandering, and in the process have dissolved past emotional trauma which generates such dialogue. Most people though cannot actually hold proper intention or attention without a lot of practice, and also do not have much inner awareness which is why they fail in their tasks. This is why most occult circles don't solely practice meditation, they have other preliminary techniques to speed up the process of emotional integration. Most of these techniques have not made it to the west.

But yes, in the absence of having cultivated such attention & awareness you are not going to be easily able to separate lust from love. But in my opinion (grounded in the smattering of occult psychological knowledge I'm familiar with), trying to just avoid impure thoughts entirely is a recipe for throwing your mind to more turbulence. Suppression of the psyche is never the answer. You don't have to have any non-wholesome feelings towards characters you would prefer to view with wholly pure eyes, but at the same time you should give yourself an outlet for the sex drive as well, and in the process explore ways to link that drive with love instead of lust. It's much easier for anyone on TC to do this compared to normalfags because the concept of having a waifu is sort of already 80% of the way there in terms of playing with emotions on an abstract mental realm. Then the sex drive is easily sublimated by eliciting and feeling emotions of intense affection and passion towards your waifu as you masturbate. Over time you might find that the physical act of masturbation becomes unnecessary as you can generate such feelings "on demand". It's a process and a path to work towards, especially since in doing so you'll basically have to dissolve past emotional imprinting and associated conditioning.

>when i get lower than certain point i become like possessed or whatever
Yes it is a common experience. Such experiences are the result of past emotional imprinting playing out in the psyche, surfacing or taking advantage of deeply suppressed emotions to cloud the mind. This is likely where the original notion of the "devil" and "sin" came from in Christianity, and it is in some sense analogous to "karma" in eastern religions; past imprinting gives rise either directly or indirectly to "foreign" thought forms.

>sex is for human beings, i've never seen much value in it
You have a sex drive. The physical act of copulation (with another human) need not play any role here whatsoever in dealing with that. You can ignore it at your own peril, but again I have never seen any occult text recommend complete abstinence without some other associated practices.

>to hold a decent discussion on love whatever it is.
But this is TC, where waifuism reigns. The whole idea of projecting or receiving love onto a character that is ultimately held in your mind and thus a part of your psyche is effectively analogous to Western religion (before people started taking everything too literally and stripping out the other practices). Basically the way I see it there are only four viable paths:

* Be a normalfag and go around unaware of your mind and looking to others to fill your emotional voids. Most people aren't even consciously aware of their discontent.
* Be a waifuist, cultivate awareness of your psyche, and use the love projected towards your waifu to dissolve past emotional trauma and live a (mostly) content life. This is effectively analogous to western religion.
* Be well versed in the occult path, become a master of your mind, free yourself from subconscious narratives, undergo some sort of ego death. This is effectively analogous to eastern spirituality. I'm not really sure what happens in terms of sex drive at this point (there's probably tons of occult literature but it's not something I've personally researched much). I'd assume that lustful desires dissolve as that's a conditioned mental projection, but some sort of minimal sexual appetite still remains which can be voluntarily engaged in, or if left unengaged will take care of itself by wet dreams. I remember reading something about the natural cycle of the body being once every 2-3 weeks or so.
* Choose to exit yourself from the game of life.
>> No. 43270 [Edit]
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you're not essentially different from any religious fanatic i've seen before. don't get me wrong. i'm not criticizing you. your whole post makes sense from your point of view. but you talk authoritatively as if you're the right one. in fact, you're as wrong as everyone else, at the very least because no part of your text made me believe otherwise. and whoever fails to persuade one, fails to persuade all. i have written and erased 4000+ symbols post before realizing that it can all be answered with this short paragraph instead.
>> No. 43271 [Edit]
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that said, even looking at a picture like this is not enough to make me sexualize it. my admiration of 2d beauty is so holy this picture doesn't even move me slightly in a sexual way. i'd rather use 3dpd as rags that they are, and never feel compunction. but never 2d. never touch what is pure
>> No. 43273 [Edit]
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Yet you talk in terms of purity and sin and "holiness". You've just invented a private religion, stylized on Christianity, which you are very dedicated to. I understand that it helps you cope with your emotional turmoil, but you've brought it out into the open. I have enough respect for the people here to be honest with them. The reality is that drawings of idealized lesbians, are not sacred. They don't fall from the sky; a human being just like you and I draw them, and they aren't divinely inspired by any deity. These drawings mean different things to different people, and those value attributions aren't objective.

Post edited on 11th Dec 2024, 10:15am
>> No. 43283 [Edit]
>stylized on Christianity
(NTA) particularly the more recent, very literal interpretation of christianity dealing in absolutes of an objective idealistic purity/sin, strict dualities, and repression/repentance/submission as the solution to everything. If you're going to construct some sort of metaphysical world view, I don't know why you'd base it on a very restricting view.

I also don't know how it would help you overcome emotional turmoil when the core message of modern Christianity is that salvation comes from a source external to you. What sort of message is that, when any of the mind's issues are solely the result of the mind itself; at least the gnostics managed to break out of the literal shell and sought salvation from introspection.

It's true that what I said in my post has similarities to religion, I even explicitly noted that. But in my view religion was originally some sort of proto-psychology offering solutions for how to deal with life. Somehow in the west that got corrupted into some very literal codified thing (and it wasn't a recent corruption, the Gnosticism debate goes back millenia), in the East it became either yet another form of idol worship; or in the case of buddhism the psychology parts were watered down or removed entirely. (There are definitely references to it in Pali canon but no one has time to read that and then re-translate it into modern psychology terms. I think it's sort of expected people just discover it naturally as they meditate).

People who adopt waifuism end up rediscovering a form of gnosticism; with broader exposure to occult texts it could help the process of forming a stronger bond with their waifu.
>> No. 43284 [Edit]
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>they aren't divinely inspired by any deity
of course they are silly, the touch of evil upon the world does not negate the existence of pure light!
>> No. 43289 [Edit]
Just a little thing, that I noticed is, that the Steam Deck is the most Cyberdeck-ish device you can buy these days and I'm not entirely sure if that's on purpose. You know like Cyberdecks like they have them in Neuromancer and other cyberpunk fiction? I feel like the Steam Deck is somehow the best approximation to that. Obviously it looks like a Cyberdeck, but also in terms of functionality it is a portable, somewhat hackable (in terms of software, hardware obviously not) device, which almost only main purpose is to connect to a huge mainframe (i.e. the Steam servers, because the whole SteamOS' purpose is to connect to Steam).
>> No. 43292 [Edit]
>Therefore abjure all pleasure, for goodness is a pure abstract, a perfect crystalline ideal which is obscured by base emotion. Pamper not the flesh. Flesh is weak but spirit is strong; flesh is useless where spirit is strong. Right thought is drowned in sensation, and right action hindered by passions. Take all joy from rightness, and rightness only.
>> No. 43295 [Edit]
Don't care to collect this trash in a diary, but I've made a mental note.

Self-respect can not be restarted. Once you've embarrassed yourself publicly you will never be able to clean yourself. Your choice is to struggle to remain as filthy as you are now, or to sink deeper.
>> No. 43306 [Edit]
Mutiplayer games are kinda like the team sports back in gym class. You're paired with a bunch of random people, who you'll probably dislike, to try and beat another group of random people at some competition. I'm amazed so many people want to re-create that experience at home and as an adult.
>> No. 43307 [Edit]
I sure as hell don't, single player for me only. That's a great way of putting it by the way anon.
>> No. 43308 [Edit]
>who you'll probably dislike
The only multiplayer games I've played are those that involve very little idle chatter. What genres are you referring to?
>> No. 43309 [Edit]
Normal people enjoy it. That's the difference.
>> No. 43310 [Edit]
Chit chat or not doesn't make a difference to me. You're still spending time with them.
>> No. 43311 [Edit]
The last two multiplayer games I've played in a gorillion years, SRB2 Kart and Minecraft (SMP), aren't like that. One is a free-for-all, and the other doesn't have competition per se.
>> No. 43312 [Edit]
>You're still spending time with them
You know, we live in a society. For that matter, I too only play single player.
>> No. 43313 [Edit]
It's not even close.
>> No. 43376 [Edit]
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In Witch Hunter Robin episode 5 the STNJ investigates a homeless encampment. This is a reference to how in Scandinavia the witch trials were directed against "trolldom", and that a term for homeless people is also troll. As the book Trolls: an Unnatural History explains, "homeless people, like trolls, live under bridges"
>> No. 43377 [Edit]
>kinda like the team sports back in gym class
Most of the normal kids loved those (I hated it of course)

I played various FPS back in the day, but 90% of the time I just played against bots. The interaction with other humans doesn't add anything to the experience for me. For that matter, I also go to theme parks and ride rollercoasters alone.
>> No. 43380 [Edit]
why do we disparage so called "normal people" while also, ironically(?) or not, considering ourselves failures? how can you be a failure because of not becoming what you don't want to be in the first place?

Post edited on 11th Jan 2025, 4:21am
>> No. 43381 [Edit]
Perhaps they failed to achieve other goals than conforming to their society's standards of success or normality and they strongly define themselves by those failures. Otherwise, it's a case of sour grapes and they do in fact want to be "normal", or they haven't yet sufficiently untangled their mind from their society's system of values.
On a tangential note, I feel that TC tends to be much better when it's about love of 2D rather than hatred of 3D.
>> No. 43382 [Edit]
Thankfully there is a rather (in)famous board for 18+ years old virgins, so they keep in there. I wholeheartedly agree. I don't want to be anywhere around them. It is extremely mind destroying. Rather amusingly, I left those spaces because I sort of found them contrary to some of the new values I started to adopt as a part of my grand coping scheme.
>> No. 43383 [Edit]
>>43380 understanding of otaku/imageboard culture or the concept of alterity
>> No. 43384 [Edit]
teach me
>> No. 43397 [Edit]
Failure is relative, people in these communities failed at integrating "normal society". The fact that they followed a different path doesn't erase them being failures at doing what a normal person is supposed to do. And it's not uncommon for outsider subcultures to identify themselves by expression that are or were previously used as insults, otaku included.
>> No. 43398 [Edit]
But one thing is acknowledging not being able to do what society wants of you, quite another is hating yourself for not confirming to external expectations. And then letting the hatred morph into rage and other harmful emotions.
>> No. 43399 [Edit]
Most people don't have a choice, they are forced into a dysfunctional integration to fulfill even basic needs.
>> No. 43400 [Edit]
But it's not your fault you have to do things you're not adapted to do.
>> No. 43401 [Edit]
Whose fault it is is of no consequence really, that's the position people find themselves in and they have to deal with it individually.
>> No. 43402 [Edit]
But they burden themselves with "failure" that in fact belongs to society that isn't liveable enough. My initial frustration was about hating normality while considering themselves as having failed in life. This implies certain desire to achieve the normality. This is also self contradictory
>> No. 43403 [Edit]
Isn't this simply explained by people who do not conform to societal norms (thus failing at doing that, to those that view that as a failure) not being able to fulfill their own personal goals, which they themselves view as failure?
>> No. 43404 [Edit]
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>> No. 43405 [Edit]
It's weird how the minimum required specs for pc games keep going up, from an economic standpoint. When it comes to WHY games are so poorly optimized now, the cited reasons are usually greedy exec's deadlines and the newest GPUs having features that compensate for poor performance. You'd think though having as large compatibility as possible would be financially incentivized. The most popular games aren't new ones. It's a very weird and unsustainable state of affairs.

Post edited on 14th Jan 2025, 5:11pm
>> No. 43406 [Edit]
Andy and Bill's law
>> No. 43407 [Edit]
Those are just excuses made by shitty engineers.
>> No. 43408 [Edit]
In this case, it's Jensen instead of Andy. And instead of being in every new computer, the hardware is a luxury good.
>> No. 43440 [Edit]
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Apparently "number of the beast" in Japanese is 獣の数字 (kemono no suuji). It really doesn't sound ominous to me, if anything it sounds cute in comparison.
>> No. 43452 [Edit]
I thought 'kedamono' would be a better translation for 'beast' but then again it would be just a non-native's suggestion.
>> No. 43453 [Edit]
Because nihono are probably the cutest nation.
>> No. 43462 [Edit]
Apparently I spent my life using anime themed imageboards so exposure to the other kind of anonymous posting makes me seethe.
>> No. 43463 [Edit]
Not sure what kind of anonymous posting you are talking about but I feel the same. I can only be myself when I'm anonymous. I'm sure I can change if I force myself to stop using them but meh, there's nothing out there for people like me...
>> No. 43464 [Edit]
I meant that there are imageboards that are not anime themed and the content usually posted there disgusts me to the core.

As for non-anonymous interactions, I am simply too far behind times and don't even care. Besides, most non-anonymous platforms are essentially doxx. I used to hang out in a chat time and again on a certain messenger, but it got closed a few years ago and I never bothered to find a substitute.

I wish messengers were not about doxxing. Sometimes you feel bad enough to swallow up pride and "shitpost" anywhere, just let there be somebody who'd reply. I don't exactly enjoy littering imageboards, tohno included, with my rambling.

But for some reason, I just don't care about it. All chats I've seen were trash, except those that were dead and those that were strictly limited to discussing specific games, and even those managed to smell of trashiness.
>> No. 43465 [Edit]
¨Littering¨ is the right word for it. It feels like I only go to them to complain about the world as it is rather than enjoying myself like I used to. Many of the complaints I read here (mine included) have more to do with growing old rather than the internet and how much it's changed. In reality, it's a mix of both but I think it's up to me to adapt instead of littering them with my whining. It's only natural that younger people have more time to spend on it. The internet has always been juvenile in general.
>> No. 43466 [Edit]
I don't know how much you can adapt. If it was something you could change on a whim why would you end up venting in the first place? Perhaps it's not so simple, perhaps even requires consistent effort on your side and that's not something many of us can afford.

Also I don't think that young people whine more because of their age, specifically. I think with time you just end up venting so much there is little left to whine about anymore, and also brain goes duller after prolonged repetition of the same. You could say you simply become harder with age so things that used to ail you don't seem such a significant bother anymore. "Take it till you like" might be in line with what I'm trying to say.
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