No. 43269
I'd have usually ended conversation there, but what you mention is a bit worrying so I wanted to provide some addition context, you could take it or leave it. Maybe you would revisit this comment in a year or two and it might make more sense then.
Basically what I mentioned about sublimation is not a metaphor, but should be read with context of occult knowledge; sexual alchemy is a vital part of internal alchemy. None of the occult traditions I am familiar with prescribe a monastic life style, all of them are for "householders" and either recommend just sex in moderation or (in the case of the taoists) have actual techniques for doing wacky shit with the resulting emotional energy. That none of us are interested in real-life relationships does not make a difference here. You are a human and your psyche is no different. If you do not sublimate that energy and just try to suppress it, you will go off the deep end. Why do you think so many priests ironically end up doing such deviant sexual things?
>holding the right intention in your mind is the same as doing nothing at all
Strictly not quite, holding proper intention & attention is sufficient to achieve any reasonable goal at its own pace. There is a reason that single-pointed attention is one of the primary goals of a skilled meditator. When you achieve that you will have overcome mind wandering, and in the process have dissolved past emotional trauma which generates such dialogue. Most people though cannot actually hold proper intention or attention without a lot of practice, and also do not have much inner awareness which is why they fail in their tasks. This is why most occult circles don't solely practice meditation, they have other preliminary techniques to speed up the process of emotional integration. Most of these techniques have not made it to the west.
But yes, in the absence of having cultivated such attention & awareness you are not going to be easily able to separate lust from love. But in my opinion (grounded in the smattering of occult psychological knowledge I'm familiar with), trying to just avoid impure thoughts entirely is a recipe for throwing your mind to more turbulence. Suppression of the psyche is never the answer. You don't have to have any non-wholesome feelings towards characters you would prefer to view with wholly pure eyes, but at the same time you should give yourself an outlet for the sex drive as well, and in the process explore ways to link that drive with love instead of lust. It's much easier for anyone on TC to do this compared to normalfags because the concept of having a waifu is sort of already 80% of the way there in terms of playing with emotions on an abstract mental realm. Then the sex drive is easily sublimated by eliciting and feeling emotions of intense affection and passion towards your waifu as you masturbate. Over time you might find that the physical act of masturbation becomes unnecessary as you can generate such feelings "on demand". It's a process and a path to work towards, especially since in doing so you'll basically have to dissolve past emotional imprinting and associated conditioning.
>when i get lower than certain point i become like possessed or whatever
Yes it is a common experience. Such experiences are the result of past emotional imprinting playing out in the psyche, surfacing or taking advantage of deeply suppressed emotions to cloud the mind. This is likely where the original notion of the "devil" and "sin" came from in Christianity, and it is in some sense analogous to "karma" in eastern religions; past imprinting gives rise either directly or indirectly to "foreign" thought forms.
>sex is for human beings, i've never seen much value in it
You have a sex drive. The physical act of copulation (with another human) need not play any role here whatsoever in dealing with that. You can ignore it at your own peril, but again I have never seen any occult text recommend complete abstinence without some other associated practices.
>to hold a decent discussion on love whatever it is.
But this is TC, where waifuism reigns. The whole idea of projecting or receiving love onto a character that is ultimately held in your mind and thus a part of your psyche is effectively analogous to Western religion (before people started taking everything too literally and stripping out the other practices). Basically the way I see it there are only four viable paths:
* Be a normalfag and go around unaware of your mind and looking to others to fill your emotional voids. Most people aren't even consciously aware of their discontent.
* Be a waifuist, cultivate awareness of your psyche, and use the love projected towards your waifu to dissolve past emotional trauma and live a (mostly) content life. This is effectively analogous to western religion.
* Be well versed in the occult path, become a master of your mind, free yourself from subconscious narratives, undergo some sort of ego death. This is effectively analogous to eastern spirituality. I'm not really sure what happens in terms of sex drive at this point (there's probably tons of occult literature but it's not something I've personally researched much). I'd assume that lustful desires dissolve as that's a conditioned mental projection, but some sort of minimal sexual appetite still remains which can be voluntarily engaged in, or if left unengaged will take care of itself by wet dreams. I remember reading something about the natural cycle of the body being once every 2-3 weeks or so.
* Choose to exit yourself from the game of life.